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Created November 15, 2015 23:41
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namespace QuizApp\Routes;
use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
$app->get('/login', function(ServerRequestInterface $req, ResponseInterface $resp) use ($config) {
if(array_key_exists('HTTP_REFERER', $req->getHeaders()))
$referer = $req->getHeader('HTTP_REFERER');
$host = parse_url($referer[0], PHP_URL_HOST);
$next = ($host == $config['site']['domain']) ? $referer[0] : $this->router->urlFor('index');
$next = $this->router->urlFor('index');
$callback = 'http://' . $config['site']['domain'] . $this->router->pathFor('fb_callback');
$redirect = $this->FBServices->login_url($config['facebook']['permissions'], $callback);
$this->flash->addMessage('next_page', $next);
return $resp->withStatus(301)->withHeader('location', $redirect);
* This route is used by Facebook after the user accepts or declines the application request.
$app->get('/fb_callback', function(ServerRequestInterface $req, ResponseInterface $resp) {
try {
# Sets up the access token to make calls to graph API
# Get user information
$me = $this->FBServices->me(array('email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'location', 'gender'));
} catch(\Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
return $resp->withStatus(500)
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->urlFor('error'));
} catch(\Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
return $resp->withStatus(500)
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->urlFor('error'));
} catch(\Exception $e) {
return $resp->withStatus(500)
->withHeader('Location', $this->router->urlFor('error'));
# Insert the user into the database.
$user = $this->UserServices->create($me->getId(),
# Create the user session, effectively, logging the user in.
$this->SessionServices->create_user_session($user->id, $me->getId());
# If flash does not include next_page paramater, redirect to homepage
return $resp->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', '/');
# Redirect to last page the user was viewing
return $resp->withStatus(302)->withHeader('Location', $this->flash->getMessages()['next_page']);
$app->get('/logout', function(ServerRequestInterface $req, ResponseInterface $resp) {
return $resp->withRedirect($this->router->urlFor('index'));
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