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Last active March 6, 2020 17:46
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  • Save UniBreakfast/643abb8a892742d12b3e12306cab5499 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save UniBreakfast/643abb8a892742d12b3e12306cab5499 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
c4console.js: any_value.c for console.log(value) && return value in-place! MUCH more convenient (example in showcase.html below!) than console.log(...) w/o vars or debugger when all you need is to see what's there at a point. Use light version for cleaner output and autocomplete.
// leave only one version and delete the rest, or it will throw a (nonbreaking) error
// full version: with all 11 getters and time
let lastTime
const logger = label => function() {
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en', {hour12: false})
console.log(time == lastTime? '':lastTime=time, label || '', this.valueOf(),
this instanceof Node? {dir: this}: ''))
return this.valueOf()
Object.defineProperties(Object.prototype, {
...[...Array(10).keys()].reduce((obj, n)=>({...obj, ['c'+n]:
{get: logger(`/ ${n}.`)}}), {}), c: {get: logger()}})
// light version: without number-labeled getters or time
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'c', { get() {
console.log('', this.valueOf(), this instanceof Node? {dir: this}: '')
return this.valueOf()
} })
// just with time version: without number-labeled getters
let lastTime
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'c', { get() {
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en', {hour12: false})
console.log(time == lastTime? '':lastTime=time, this.valueOf(),
this instanceof Node? {dir: this}: ''))
return this.valueOf()
} })
// numbered version: all 11 getters without the time
const logger = label => function() {
console.log(label || '', this.valueOf(),
this instanceof Node? {dir: this}: '')
return this.valueOf()
Object.defineProperties(Object.prototype, {
...[...Array(10).keys()].reduce((obj, n)=>({...obj, ['c'+n]:
{get: logger(n+'.')}}), {}), c: {get: logger()}})
// Node.js version I use with the console in vsCode (no getters, .c() method instead)
let lastTime
Object.prototype.c = function(label) {
const time = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en', {hour12: false})
console.log(time == lastTime? '': lastTime = time,
typeof label=='string'? label+':' : typeof label=='number'? label+'.' :'',
return this.valueOf()
// Node.js version without the time in it
Object.prototype.c = function(label) {
console.log(typeof label=='string'? label+':'
: typeof label=='number'? label+'.' :'', this.valueOf())
return this.valueOf()
// example of usage for Node.js version
[1, 2, 'Boo!', 3, 'Ha-ha-ha'].c(1).map((x, i)=> typeof x == 'string'?
`${x} `.repeat(++i).trim().c(2) : ++i*x).sort().c('after sorting').reduce((text, val)=>text+'\n'+val).c()
<script src='c4console.js'></script>
// building a table with long and complex data transmutations
// without debugger you would have to break it in parts and use variables
// to se the intermediate values
document.body.innerHTML = Object.entries({
names: 'john, james, jack, joshua, jasper',
surnames: 'smith, steel, stone, scott, stein'
}).map(([key, value])=> value.split(', ')
.map(name=> name[0].toUpperCase()+name.slice(1)).sort())
.map((names, i, arr)=> i? '':, j) => name+' '+arr[1][j]))[0]
.reduce((html, name, i)=> html+`<tr><td>${i+1}.</td><td>${name}</td>
'<table border=1>'+'<tr>'+'id|name|age'.split('|')
// with sneak peeks (note the .c added at arbitrary points)
// you can console.log the values right then and there
document.body.innerHTML = Object.entries({
names: 'john, james, jack, joshua, jasper',
surnames: 'smith, steel, stone, scott, stein'
}).map(([key, value])=> value.split(', ').c
.map(name=> name[0].toUpperCase()+name.slice(1)).sort()).c
.map((names, i, arr)=> i? '':, j) => name+' '+arr[1][j]))[0].c
.reduce((html, name, i)=> html+`<tr><td>${i+1}.</td><td>${name}</td>
'<table border=1>'+'<tr>'+'id|name|age'.split('|').c
// just access deeply nested DOM element
// not too sure what is the value at any given point?
// again, to see them you would have to break it and use console.log
// or you can just add sneak peeks (again, .c or .cX if you chose a numbered version)
// be sure to check the console!
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