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Created February 10, 2018 16:45
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Tampermonkey Script for 知乎话题快捷绑定(知乎问答页改版后已不再可用)
// ==UserScript==
// @name zhihu - 快捷话题绑定
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description enter something useful
// @match*
// @copyright 2012+, You
// ==/UserScript==
var topics = [[220,'知乎社区'],[33917,'个人咨询'],[87436,'成人内容'],[1309,'调查类问题']];
var style_string = ' {float:none;cursor:pointer;color:#259;}';
var bind_url = '/topic/bind';
var $topic_edit_btn = $('.zm-tag-editor .zm-tag-editor-labels .zu-edit-button');
var q_id = $('#zh-question-detail').data('resourceid');
var xsrf = $('input[name="_xsrf"]').val();
$'click', function() {
if ($('.zm-tag-editor-shortcut')[0]) return;
var $topic_edit_box = $('<div />').addClass('zm-tag-editor-shortcut')
for (var i = 0; i < topics.length; i++) {
$('<div />').addClass('zm-tag-editor-shortcut-btn').addClass('zm-item-tag')
$('').live('click', function(event) {
var t_id = $(this).attr('_tid');
url: bind_url,
type: 'POST',
data: {
qid: q_id,
question_id: q_id,
topic_id: t_id,
_xsrf: xsrf
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if (!data[0]) { alert('綁定失敗'); }
var $topic_edit_btn = $('.zm-tag-editor .zm-tag-editor-labels .zu-edit-button');
var $topic_edit_list = $('.zm-tag-editor-editor .zg-section').first();
$('<a />').addClass('zm-item-tag').attr('href','#').text(data[0])
var $span = $('<span />').addClass('zm-tag-editor-edit-item');
$('<a />').addClass('nor').attr('href','#').text(data[0])
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