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Created October 1, 2014 00:07
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Mike is a big supporter of women in tech.
23:45 < `mike`> hi
23:45 -!- ssarah [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
23:45 < `mike`> i am currently implementing a redirect
23:45 -!- wraithgar [] has joined #Node.js
23:45 < `mike`> redirects to www.myurl/?config=path
23:45 < `mike`> can i populate the query variable without rewriting?
23:45 -!- RogerWS [] has joined #Node.js
23:45 -!- williamcotton [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
23:45 <@nexxy> that sounds backwards
23:45 -!- ssarah [] has joined #Node.js
23:45 -!- toothrot [~mux@unaffiliated/toothrot] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
23:46 < `mike`> xplain
23:46 < `mike`> i want pretty urls
23:46 -!- dashed [uid41535@gateway/web/] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for
23:46 < `mike`> i'm new to routing
23:46 -!- magic_ [] has joined #Node.js
23:46 <@nexxy> what are you using, express?
23:46 < `mike`> yessir
23:46 <@nexxy> I'm not a sir.
23:46 < `mike`> very well, pleasantry w the nexxy fella
23:47 -!- `mike` was kicked from #Node.js by nexxy [`mike`]
23:47 -!- `mike` [] has joined #Node.js
23:47 -!- ahbritto [~guest@unaffiliated/ahbritto] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
23:47 < `mike`> you kicked me for that?
23:47 -!- simius-work [] has joined #Node.js
23:47 <@nexxy> `mike`: I told you I'm not a sir, so you respond by calling me 'fella'
23:47 -!- wraithgar [] has quit [Client Quit]
23:47 -!- ahbritto [~guest@unaffiliated/ahbritto] has joined #Node.js
23:48 -!- travm [] has joined #Node.js
23:48 < Havvy> `mike`: If you have `app.get("/path", ...)` you shouldn't need to redirect.
23:48 < `mike`> that's my culture
23:48 <@nexxy> `mike`: you're expected respect the identities other people while you participate in the channel
23:48 -!- in_deep_thought [~alexmarsh@] has joined #Node.js
23:48 < `mike`> nexxy that's not a sign of disrespect
23:48 -!- skyer2000 [~Chad@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
23:48 < `mike`> you're just being harsh
23:48 < `mike`> nexxy can i just chat w Havvy in peace please?
23:49 < Havvy> `mike`: No.
23:49 -!- #Node.js *!*mike@* Channel ban list is full
23:49 -!- `mike` was kicked from #Node.js by nexxy [`mike`]
23:49 -!- `mike` [] has joined #Node.js
23:49 -!- mode/#Node.js [+b *!*] by ChanServ
23:49 -!- `mike` was kicked from #Node.js by ChanServ [User is banned from this channel] (freenode2)
23:47 -!- Irssi: Starting query in freenode2 with `mike`
23:47 <nexxy> you're welcome to come back for help when you're willing to honor people's identities
23:47 <`mike`> that's ridiculous because it's ambiguous
23:49 <`mike`> you banned me?
23:49 <`mike`> are you insane?
23:49 <nexxy> like I said, when you're willing to respect the identities of others, let us know
23:49 <`mike`> i'm just going to ping Aria
23:50 <`mike`> when have i not
23:50 <nexxy> feel free
23:50 <`mike`> are you addressing the last timeslice of 5 minutes?
23:50 <`mike`> i mean, go put on some hemroid cream
23:50 <nexxy> I'm addressing your interaction with me and the flippant response you gave me when I politely informed
you that 'sir' was not a suitable salutation for me
23:50 <`mike`> your butt is clearly bleeding
23:50 <nexxy> at this point by continuing to insult me you're just assuring your continued exclusion from the channel
23:50 <`mike`> no that's not at all how i felt about it
23:51 <`mike`> you're grossly misinterpreting text
23:51 <`mike`> sir is a colloquialism
23:51 <nexxy> so tell me how I should interpret "your butt is bleeding"
23:51 <`mike`> you banned me
23:51 <nexxy> I'm still waiting for an explanation of your 'intent'
23:51 <`mike`> nexxy just relax dude
23:51 <nexxy> we're done here
23:51 <`mike`> let it be
23:55 <`mike`> i'm reading through our chat log and you got pretty fired up last time that i commented on TJ's hair
23:56 <`mike`> understand that i don't know what the trigger is for you, and i'm kindly suggesting you might be
better off knowing whatever is setting you off. i simply went to #node.js like i usually do to chat
technical things.
23:56 <`mike`> i didn't mean to set you off but it's the second time now you've gotten pretty offended enough to use
your op privilege.
23:58 <`mike`> if you have some personal issue (which clearly i haven't said anything i wouldn't be willing to work
through since it has little meaning for me), you ought to address it as-is in a conversation, "hey,
i'm feeling something really deeply offensive here and has nothing to do with you but... help me out."
23:58 <nexxy> please stop
23:59 <`mike`> nexxy it would be easy to respect boundaries except you used your op privilege to ban me.
23:59 <`mike`> i can't work the same way now.
23:59 <nexxy> Look.
23:59 <`mike`> do you see the gap about how you're seeing this and how i look at it?
23:59 <`mike`> nexxy i would happily respect you but i don't know where a comment like that is coming from -- i don't
know you and you don't know me
23:59 <nexxy> I'm going to try very hard to be as clear as I can
Day changed to 01 Oct 2014
00:00 <nexxy> 1) You need to stop framing this as though this is MY problem
00:00 <`mike`> it's ridiculous to think i would mean you harm by addressing you as "fella" or "sir"
00:00 <nexxy> 2) This is YOUR problem. You are the one that is having trouble interacting in the channel within the
established parameters
00:00 <`mike`> the only problem i have is that you banned me.
00:00 <nexxy> then that's all we need to talk about
00:00 <`mike`> no that's abuse of power.
00:00 <nexxy> if that's the only problem you have, then we don't need to continue to discuss anything
00:00 <nexxy> haha
00:00 <`mike`> yes we do since you are the authority.
00:00 <`mike`> nexxy
00:00 <nexxy> go talk to another op
00:00 <`mike`> you honestly sound like you're probably a transgendered person.
00:01 <`mike`> or something like that
00:01 <`mike`> that's the personal issue i'd guess.
00:01 <`mike`> nothing to do with me.
00:01 <nexxy> just so we're clear
00:01 <nexxy> are you making the statement that the root if this issue is that you believe I am transgendered?
00:02 <`mike`> i'd happily talk to Aria but he's not on right now
00:02 <nexxy> SHE*
00:02 <nexxy> jesus christ you're dense
00:02 <`mike`> you aren't a very good node op keeping the conversation nothing to do with node.
00:02 <nexxy> go
00:02 <nexxy> fuck yourself
00:02 <nexxy> goodbye
00:02 <`mike`> just unban me so i can get these routes resolved
00:02 <nexxy> absolutely not
00:02 <nexxy> go to stack overflow
00:02 <`mike`> do you have a github
00:02 <nexxy> and stop talking to me
00:04 <`mike`> so you're a woman.
00:04 <nexxy> this is the last time I'm going to tell you to stop talking to me
00:04 <nexxy> please stop harassing me
00:04 <nexxy> please stop creeping my social media profiles
00:04 <`mike`> you banned me.
00:04 <`mike`> i just want to code node
00:04 <`mike`> i'm a big supporter of women in tech.
00:05 -!- `mike` []
00:05 -!- ircname : ...
00:05 -!- server : [Stockholm, SE]
00:05 -!- account : `mike`
00:05 -!- End of WHOIS
00:06 <`mike`> nexxy i'm going to switch IP's and hop on with a different user name
00:06 <`mike`> nickname shall be "overflow"
00:06 <`mike`> please just leave me alone and let me code in peace, alright?
00:07 <`mike`> no offense intended, you should do better as an op and doesn't hurt to explain who you are to others
before making such a judgment.
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