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Created June 21, 2017 16:50
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Operation Based Commutative Replicated Data Type example
import cats.kernel.CommutativeMonoid
import org.specs2._
case class Operation(inc: Int, dec: Int, mul: Int) {
def apply(value: Int): Int = (value + inc - dec) * mul
def inc(value: Int): Operation = Operation(inc = value, dec = 0, mul = 1)
def dec(value: Int): Operation = Operation(inc = 0, dec = value, mul = 1)
def mul(value: Int): Operation = Operation(inc = 0, dec = 0, mul = value)
implicit val operationBSemilattice: CommutativeMonoid[Operation] =
new CommutativeMonoid[Operation] {
def empty: Operation =
Operation(inc = 0, dec = 0, mul = 1)
def combine(x: Operation, y: Operation): Operation =
Operation(inc = +, dec = x.dec + y.dec, mul = x.mul * y.mul)
class Node(val id: Int) {
private val operations = ListBuffer[Operation]()
def counter: Int = {
val operation = CommutativeMonoid[Operation].combineAll(operations)
private val _nodes: ListBuffer[Node] = ListBuffer.empty
def broadcastTo(nodes: Node*): Unit = _nodes ++= nodes
def apply(operation: Operation): Unit = {
def local(operation: Operation): Unit = {
operations += operation
println(s"Node $id has ${operations.mkString(", ")}, result = $counter")
def downstream(operation: Operation): Unit = _nodes.foreach(_.local(operation))
val node1 = new Node(id = 1)
val node2 = new Node(id = 2)
val node3 = new Node(id = 3)
node1 broadcastTo (node2, node3)
node2 broadcastTo (node1, node3)
node3 broadcastTo (node1, node2)
node2 apply inc(1)
node3 apply inc(3)
node3 apply mul(2)
node3 apply dec(4)
node1.counter must_=== 4
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