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Created September 2, 2014 15:13
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import Data.String
import Text.PrettyPrint
-- Syntax
newtype Var = Var String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, SYB.Data, SYB.Typeable, IsString)
newtype Con = Con String
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, SYB.Data, SYB.Typeable, IsString)
type Alts = [(Con, [Var], Expr)]
data Expr
= EVar Var
| ELam Var Expr
| EApp Expr Var
| ELet [(Var, Expr)] Expr
| ECon Con [Var]
| ECase Expr Alts
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, SYB.Data, SYB.Typeable)
instance IsString Expr where
fromString = EVar . fromString
isValue :: Expr -> Bool
isValue = \case
ELam {} -> True
ECon {} -> True
_ -> False
-- Abstract machine
type Heap = Map.Map Var Expr
type Stack = [StackItem]
data StackItem
= StackUpdate Var
| StackVar Var
| StackAlts Alts
deriving (Show, SYB.Data, SYB.Typeable)
data Machine = Machine Heap Expr Stack
deriving (Show)
step :: Machine -> Machine
step (Machine heap e stack)
-- Lookup
| EVar x <- e =
let m = heap Map.! x
in Machine heap m (StackUpdate x : stack)
-- Update
| isValue e, StackUpdate v : stack' <- stack =
Machine (Map.insert v e heap) e stack'
-- Unwind
| EApp m x <- e = Machine heap m (StackVar x : stack)
-- Subst
| ELam x m <- e, StackVar y : stack' <- stack =
Machine heap (subst (Map.singleton x y) e) stack'
-- Case
| ECase m alts <- e = Machine heap m (StackAlts alts : stack)
-- Branch
| ECon con xs <- e, StackAlts alts : stack' <- stack =
let [(boundVars, body)] = [(boundVars, body) | (con', boundVars, body) <- alts, con == con']
e' = subst (Map.fromList $ zip boundVars xs) body
in Machine heap e' stack'
-- Letrec
| ELet binds body <- e = Machine (Map.union (Map.fromList binds) heap) body stack
subst :: Map.Map Var Var -> Expr -> Expr
subst sm = \case
EVar x | Just y <- Map.lookup x sm -> EVar y
e@(ELam z body) -> ELam z (subst (Map.delete z sm) body)
e -> SYB.gmapT (SYB.mkT $ subst sm) e
initMachine :: Expr -> Machine
initMachine e = Machine Map.empty e []
isFinished :: Machine -> Bool
isFinished (Machine _ e stack) = isValue e && null stack
run :: Machine -> Machine
run m
| isFinished m = m
| otherwise = run $ step m
-- Pretty-printing
ppVar (Var x) = text x
ppCon (Con x) = text x
ppExpr :: Expr -> Doc
ppExpr = ppExpr' False
ppExpr' :: Bool -> Expr -> Doc
ppExpr' p e =
let maybeParens = if p then parens else id in
case e of
EVar x -> ppVar x
ELam x body -> maybeParens $
text "λ" <> ppVar x <> text "." <> ppExpr' False body
EApp a b -> ppExpr' False a <+> ppVar b
ECon con xs -> sep $ ppCon con : map ppVar xs
ELet binds body ->
[ "let" $$ nest 2 (vcat (punctuate semi (map (\(v,e) -> ppVar v <+> hang "=" 2 (ppExpr e)) binds)))
, "in" $$ nest 2 (ppExpr body)
ECase e alts ->
let ppAlt (con, vars, body) =
ppCon con <+> sep (map ppVar vars) <+> "->" <+> ppExpr body
in text "case" <+> ppExpr e <+> "of" $$ nest 2 (vcat (map ppAlt alts))
-- Some object-language programs
nil, cons :: Expr
nil = ECon "nil" []
cons = ELam "x" $ ELam "y" $ ECon "cons" ["x", "y"]
append = ELet [("append", appendBind)] "append"
appendBind =
ELam "a" $ ELam "b" $ ECase "a"
[("nil", [], "b")
,("cons", ["x", "xs"],
ELet [("r", "append" `EApp` "xs" `EApp` "b")]
(cons `EApp` "x" `EApp` "r"))
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