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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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module Env
import Data.List
||| Proof that the list doesn't contain the element
data NotElem : k -> List k -> Type where
NotElemNil : NotElem k []
NotElemCons : (k = k' -> Void) -> NotElem k ks -> NotElem k (k' :: ks)
-- just to check ourselves...
proveNotElem : NotElem k ks -> Elem k ks -> Void
proveNotElem (NotElemCons f x) Here = f Refl
proveNotElem (NotElemCons f x) (There z) = proveNotElem x z
data Env : {kt:Type} -> List kt -> (a : Type) -> Type where
Empty : Env [] a
Insert : (k:kt) -> a ->
{auto notElemProof : NotElem k ks} ->
Env ks a -> Env (k::ks) a
myenv : Env ["b"] Int
myenv = Insert "b" 1 Empty
myenv2 : Env ["a", "b"] Int
myenv2 = Insert "a" 2 $ Insert "b" 1 Empty
Can't solve goal NotElem "a" ["b"]
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