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Last active July 25, 2017 15:05
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Merge two or more JSON objects in JavaScript (CoffeeScript).
valueOrCopy = (obj) ->
if not obj
return undefined
else if obj instanceof Array
newObj = []
newObj.push(x) for x in obj
return newObj
else if (typeof obj).toLowerCase() is 'object'
newObj = {}
newObj[k] = v for own k,v of obj
return newObj
return obj
mergeObject = (current, next) ->
for own k,v of next
copy = -> current[k] = valueOrCopy(v)
# add or remove a property
if not current[k] or not v
# change a property
else if current[k] != v
# array modifications
if current[k] instanceof Array and v instanceof Array
# check for special array append syntax
if v.length == 1 and v[0] instanceof Array and v[0].length == 1 and v[0][0] instanceof Array
current[k].push(x) for x in v[0][0]
# plain old replace
# recursive object copy
else if not (v instanceof Array) and (typeof current[k]).toLowerCase() is 'object' and (typeof v).toLowerCase() is 'object'
clone = valueOrCopy(current[k])
mergeObject(clone, v)
current[k] = clone
# plain copy
# if empty, then remove the key entirely
if not current[k] then delete current[k]
module.exports = (objects...) ->
# start a root
root = {}
# perform the merge
for obj in objects
mergeObject(root, obj)
root.toJson = -> JSON.stringify(this, null, 2)
return root
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