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Created January 29, 2016 19:27
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[{"quote": "<Ash> Win2k! ^_^\r\n*** Ash Quit (Read error: 73 (Connection reset by peer))", "score": 890, "id": 64},
{"quote": "<LEONARDO> EMINEM < PUBERTY", "score": 125, "id": 65},
{"quote": "<noppa> weed: (dont inhale and you will become the next president!!!!!)", "score": 5, "id": 66},
{"quote": "<circle`> he's like, you, you and you, suck this", "score": -48, "id": 67},
{"quote": "<HomerJ> Microsoft could shit in a box, adn most people would buy it", "score": 1206, "id": 68},
{"quote": "<spleenex> EQ is like a 3D AOL chatroom with monsters :/", "score": 1482, "id": 69},
{"quote": "* XS slaps the crap out of someone with a larger than ordinary, non-standard, frames compatible, Microsoft trout.", "score": 1067, "id": 70},
{"quote": "<strobe> damn, NeXT users are a weird bunch\r\n<strobe> Did the NeXT cube come with free crack or something?", "score": 633, "id": 71},
{"quote": "<reptile-> The first time hypr opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, \"OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!\"\r\n<hypr> wtf are donut seeds", "score": 7942, "id": 72},
{"quote": "<ooze> take a hot swedish chick from behind, bend over to her ear. and whisper \"i have aids\", then try to keep your penis inside of her.\r\n<ooze> thats swedish rodeo.", "score": 2629, "id": 73},
{"quote": "<JCamel> heh, no, because i jacked off into his mom's black bra, and she blamed it on him", "score": -852, "id": 74},
{"quote": "<skunko> well i officially have jacked off", "score": -177, "id": 75},
{"quote": "<MTrez> ok, about 1 million of my potential children just got introduced to some downy tissue, so im gonna sleep now, im tired", "score": 1330, "id": 76},
{"quote": "<Mac_BETA> I will give you 4 gigs o pr0n for yer mercedes", "score": 773, "id": 77},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> I think they should make 'Powerpuff Girls: 2012', a live action movie, where the powerpuff girls are played by mad hot chicks\r\n<AlmtyBob> teenage chicks", "score": 176, "id": 78},
{"quote": "<SYch0> [^_^\r\n<blazemore> cellphones will give you cancer", "score": 1258, "id": 79},
{"quote": "<ebim> toz.. do her doggie style and have a laptop on her back so you can talk to us", "score": 2599, "id": 80},
{"quote": "<shaft`> I bought it through a special deal at work\r\n<Guilty> The deal where you put what you can under your jacket?", "score": 1926, "id": 81},
{"quote": "<DigDug> i think i'm gonna walk to the movie theater and see dinosaur...\r\n<kimy-> and be surrounded by like 10 year old girls?\r\n<Amanda_> He said Dinosaur, not N'Sync.", "score": 1559, "id": 8},
{"quote": "*** Topic in #ramen is 'note to sober self: this is drunk skunko, you got laid last night by alycia. YEA'", "score": 2040, "id": 187},
{"quote": "<papasui> i bought a box of crab ragoons\r\n<papasui> and i looked to see how many calories are in each one\r\n<papasui> and its freaking 400 and 250 fat calories\r\n<Marcus-> \"WARNING: May cause manboobs!\"", "score": 653, "id": 276},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Check out who used to own my new IP's\r\n<Guilty> ArabIRC Network", "score": 194, "id": 82},
{"quote": "<matt> if you rip that girls head off and put on a good better looking head she' wouldnt be half bad", "score": 96, "id": 83},
{"quote": "<matt> too bad her head looks like an ass\r\n<scv> thats makes blowjobs better, matt", "score": 970, "id": 84},
{"quote": "<matt> you could fit a carrot up that nose", "score": 2, "id": 85},
{"quote": "<EM> heh i wonder if there will be any black people in my classes\r\n<EM> like i couldnt imagine black ppl being in cisco routing!! because black people just jack cars!!!", "score": -2025, "id": 86},
{"quote": "<Deano> hey i need a cd protection deleter proggy any1 help me", "score": -152, "id": 87},
{"quote": "<Infe> but if i ever hit a deer with my car i'll be damned if i don't try to finish it off, i'll need the food after all my money is fixing the car#@$#@", "score": 903, "id": 88},
{"quote": "<tmhaidnk> whoa i can submit my prayers via html based forms !", "score": 852, "id": 89},
{"quote": "<matt`> It is illegal to use UNIX in conjunction with a member of the opposite sex. This could prevent copulation-2.1.3-20.i386.tar.gz from compiling correctly.", "score": 661, "id": 90},
{"quote": "<MntLKeY> heh, i made up 'heh'\r\n<Amanda`> That's a pretty outrageous claim.\r\n<MntLKeY> i've being sayin it since 96", "score": 1225, "id": 91},
{"quote": "<Xavier> if it has 'teen' in the channel name, the collective iq of the group can automatically be assumed to be a negative value", "score": 2010, "id": 92},
{"quote": "<Mootar> what was god thinking when he made my ass sweat?", "score": 1449, "id": 93},
{"quote": "<iMike-> call tech support and be like yeah my friend stole windows 2000 from officemax and he burned it for me\r\n<iMike-> and it's not working properly", "score": 1210, "id": 94},
{"quote": "<skunko> i'm for legilization (sp) of marijuana", "score": -60, "id": 95},
{"quote": "<VIVI> Xbox already has the following games:\r\n<VIVI> Microsoft Word\r\n<VIVI> Microsoft Excel\r\n<VIVI> Solitaire", "score": 1420, "id": 96},
{"quote": "<reptile-> I can DoS people's cars from my GBA.", "score": 622, "id": 97},
{"quote": "<ikkenai> i don't have hard drives. i just keep 30 chinese teenagers in my basement and force them to memorize numbers", "score": 7274, "id": 98},
{"quote": "<cooksii> incest is at least something the whole family can do.", "score": 5964, "id": 9},
{"quote": "<Mishmashi> yesterday i got bisexual services", "score": -1626, "id": 10},
{"quote": "<dazz:#cdr> its it possible to read half a disk at a time, eg, i have a small hd, can i read 300 mb, burn it, and the do the another 300 mb, and som on, eg on a psx game", "score": -1415, "id": 11},
{"quote": "<Moot> ok, here's what we do\r\n<Moot> we break into AOL HQ\r\n<Moot> and instead of the AOL setup utility, we put metallica mp3s on all of the startup cds", "score": 3781, "id": 12},
{"quote": "<EtherMan> stoner chicks suck\r\n<EtherMan> they're a waste of a perfectly good set of breasts.", "score": 1416, "id": 13},
{"quote": "<watashi-x> Oh my God! Are you attemping to DoS me?\r\n<Polymer> WTF are you talking about dumb ass\r\n<Polymer> I can't get into your MS-DOS", "score": 2120, "id": 14},
{"quote": "<emufreak> I HATE CHANNEL TOPICS\r\n<emufreak> WHY MUST THEY EXIST\r\n<emufreak> AND WHY DO I STILL CLICK THEM WHEN THEY END IN .JPG", "score": 3332, "id": 15},
{"quote": "<wecell> new apples look fairly interesting, but i'd hate to buy into something that is going to CRASH all the time.\r\n<DigDug> wecell : What are you using right now?\r\n<wecell> i've always used windows machines.", "score": 4528, "id": 16},
{"quote": "<emufreak> And now, an interview with Marat Fayzullin.\r\n<emufreak> How did you get into emulation?\r\n<RST38h> Well, it started when som*** PLZ PAY $35 TO CONTINUE", "score": 1501, "id": 17},
{"quote": "<TOZTWO> I was kinda shy, and still am, so right after sex, I started getting dressed before she could turn on the lights......\r\n<TOZTWO> Well, she turns the light on, and I have my clothes on already, and she can't find her undies.......\r\n<TOZTWO> But she finds my undies next to the bed.\r\n<TOZTWO> Guess whose undies I'm wearing?", "score": 4642, "id": 18},
{"quote": "<@Unsavory> eggdrop1.4.0 is weird\r\n<@Unsavory> its got just a different feel to it\r\n<@Unsavory> like an anus and a vagina", "score": 839, "id": 19},
{"quote": "<Dr_DOS> My fish get scared of pizza boxes.\r\n<Dr_DOS> They think they're giant borg ships or smth\r\n<repp0r> Don't put an anchovie pizza near your fish.", "score": 2214, "id": 20},
{"quote": "<Tempy^^> I'll settle for old and fat\r\n<Tempy^^> begger can't be choosers\r\n<Tempy^^> prolly find used condoms inside of her", "score": -372, "id": 21},
{"quote": "<`Xenocide> Bolstered by the state of Kansas' recent measure removing the requirement for the teaching of evolution in public schools, yesterday afternoon the Mississippi legislature passed a bill eliminating fractions and decimal points from the mathematics curriculum of all public secondary schools in the state.", "score": 1992, "id": 22},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Oh god I just changed my pw and instantly forgot it", "score": 2024, "id": 23},
{"quote": "<ckx> women ask for it\r\n<ckx> they act all old and mature\r\n<ckx> and then you stick your cock up their ass\r\n<ckx> and they get all bitchy\r\n<ckx> \"I\"M ONLY 13, I'M ONLY 13!!!\"", "score": 10657, "id": 24},
{"quote": "<Ash> Yeah, but iln's pot abuse makes him unemployable.\r\n<iln> you can't abuse pot ash", "score": 1172, "id": 25},
{"quote": "<Acero> i'm going to try natural penis enlargement ok?\r\n<Acero> if it works i'll let you guys know and we can be the channel with the biggest penises on efnet\r\n<WwMrTwW> penis pump!? weights? implants!?\r\n<Acero> it's some excercise you do with your hand", "score": 1084, "id": 188},
{"quote": "<chernobyl> flash isn't going down. flash is putting java out of business\r\n<chernobyl> how long has XML been around, and no one's moving to it", "score": 158, "id": 189},
{"quote": "<brah-ca> i get all the chix.. just tell em im an efnet oper", "score": 322, "id": 191},
{"quote": "<Quan> they speak \"texican\"", "score": 316, "id": 192},
{"quote": "<screechon> call him up\r\n<screechon> and tell him calmly to give you your money\r\n<screechon> and if not\r\n<screechon> take it to judge judy", "score": 154, "id": 193},
{"quote": "<sundown1> phone companies are the real root of all evil\r\n<eMphire> and it spreads through the phonelines :)", "score": 331, "id": 194},
{"quote": "<bash_> don't touch me there\r\n<bash_> whoops, wrong window", "score": 1219, "id": 195},
{"quote": "<Reapern66> I realized why Bill Gates always has that stupid smile on his face 1d 18h 2m 8s ago", "score": 393, "id": 196},
{"quote": "*** topic in #ramen is 'When your cablemodems combine, I am, Captain Pirate! :'", "score": 797, "id": 197},
{"quote": "<Evilspoon> Anal Cunt - You Robbed a Sperm Bank cuz You're a Cum Guzzling Fag.mp3", "score": 99, "id": 199},
{"quote": "<bocz> ok dood, whatever\r\n<bocz> go sip your mocca and read the wallstreet journal", "score": 35, "id": 200},
{"quote": "<iMike> the bible should be rewritten to more common language\r\n<DigDug> yeah, like c++ or perl\r\n<D1> in comic book form", "score": 1370, "id": 201},
{"quote": "<DKMA> In seventh grade I was forced to take the SAT as this test thing,, long ago. I scored higher than the state average\r\n<DKMA> I live in Texas though,, so it doesn't say much =)\r\n<X15> there are ppl in texas?", "score": 678, "id": 202},
{"quote": "(Guilty) If only shafr was a large negro like the real shaft, then he could bust into the colo and frighten them", "score": 100, "id": 203},
{"quote": "(|Chris) i felt boobies tonight!\r\n(McMoo) did they belong to a womang?", "score": 835, "id": 204},
{"quote": "(D1) ignore me\r\n(D1) 9 out of 10 women do.", "score": 966, "id": 205},
{"quote": "[iMike] zach if you got a bike we could ride up to west manchester\r\n[iMike] get a kickass one", "score": 29, "id": 216},
{"quote": "<Hatter> Sometimes hypr, I can hear the gears in your head grind to a halt\r\n<hypr> haha", "score": 510, "id": 277},
{"quote": "*** Joins: SLiPMaTT` (", "score": 310, "id": 278},
{"quote": "<gloone> internet, movies and masturbation ruined my life.\r\n<gloone> but it also made it worthwhile", "score": 856, "id": 279},
{"quote": "*** Joins: root (", "score": 345, "id": 281},
{"quote": "<Hatter> I was over-circumsized\r\n<Hatter> the law suit is still pending", "score": 522, "id": 282},
{"quote": "<GreenJelly> omg this lisa chick and me are gonna get married\r\n<GreenJelly> her turnoffs are Arrogant Guys, S&M, and Big Dicks\r\n<GreenJelly> IM SO IN", "score": 979, "id": 283},
{"quote": "<ikkenai> what does sex in a boat and american beer have in common\r\n<ikkenai> they're both fucking close to water", "score": 29, "id": 284},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> that was the night those gay dudes were hittin on me\r\n<BlackDeth> and the one offered me money to go sex0r him\r\n<BlackDeth> they prolly saw i was wrecked\r\n<BlackDeth> and thought they could take advantage\r\n<BlackDeth> boglins own\r\n<ikkenai> so how much did he pay you\r\n<BlackDeth> he didnt\r\n<BlackDeth> he just offered\r\n<ikkenai> oh\r\n<ikkenai> so you did it for free", "score": 1193, "id": 285},
{"quote": "<Infe> what happens if you try to recharge an alkaline battery\r\n<HomerJ> blows up\r\n<Andrigaar> Don't they explode?\r\n<Andrigaar> I wonder if it's violent or just some leaking battery acid.\r\n<Infe> i think it's all a scam to get you to pay more for 'rechargeables' and ---\r\n<Infe> AHHHHHHHHHHH MY FACE\r\n<Infe> AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", "score": 3026, "id": 286},
{"quote": "<wild-> so a guy goes to the drugstore, he says 'i need some condoms for my 11 year old daughter' druggist says 'your daughters sexually active at age 11?' he says 'nah she just lies there like her mother'", "score": 1234, "id": 287},
{"quote": "<enex> MadHatter: eat shit!\r\n<MadHatter> what\r\n<MadHatter> fuck you\r\n<enex> oh\r\n<enex> hi\r\n<MadHatter> yeah hey\r\n<enex> what's up\r\n<MadHatter> nothing man", "score": 1895, "id": 288},
{"quote": "<rouge> you vegetarian?\r\n<AlmtyBob> yah\r\n<rouge> i'm sorry. :/", "score": 714, "id": 289},
{"quote": "<Evilspoon> Legalize cigarettes!\r\n<Evilspoon> wait nm", "score": 676, "id": 290},
{"quote": "<ckx> i've got nothing against homos\r\n<ckx> as long as they don't fuck me or touch me\r\n<ckx> they're alright\r\n<gb> what if they cum on you\r\n<ckx> that's a grey area", "score": 2217, "id": 291},
{"quote": "<skunko> dammit\r\n<skunko> how do you get past the metallica ban on napster\r\n<AlmtyBob> not liking crap music is a start", "score": 1176, "id": 292},
{"quote": "*** Joins: corra (\r\n<corra> FUKR\r\n<corra> I KIK UR AZZ\r\n<corra> ....\r\n<corra> i ain kiddin\r\n*** Parts: corra (", "score": 9, "id": 293},
{"quote": "<Mooglezz> IRC got me into shitloads of illegal activities, fradulent use of coupons, video piracy, audio bootlegging, and hardcore pornography\r\n<Mooglezz> Among other things\r\n<MoogIezz> :(", "score": 432, "id": 294},
{"quote": "<Kayem> Don't tell anyone, but... I'M the one who gave Stella her groove back", "score": 141, "id": 100},
{"quote": "<Fred> isnt bitchx mirc?", "score": 116, "id": 101},
{"quote": "<Moot> wanna hizack AOL?\r\n<Chrix> i already did, i made it a horrible isp", "score": 1128, "id": 102},
{"quote": "<matt`> it makes you get a horrible disease\r\n<matt`> called \"babies\"", "score": 1550, "id": 103},
{"quote": "<Theseus-> i love funk music so much... that sometimes i wish i was black and then i remember that i might want to get a job some day", "score": 987, "id": 105},
{"quote": "<Acero> dude we could get a ounce of chronic just for jerking off into a cup!", "score": 266, "id": 106},
{"quote": "<ckx> and some guy offered me a blowjob\r\n<ckx> and i was considering it for awhile", "score": 503, "id": 107},
{"quote": "<Jigsaw> a DVD and a CD are the same thing when they're blank aren't they?\r\n<Jarvik8> cds are made of pikachu skins", "score": 1007, "id": 109},
{"quote": "<Ohtani> one day I will kill ever person on earth who says 'u' instead of 'u'\r\n<Ohtani> err\r\n<kaientai> Ohtani: Planning a suicide run?", "score": 4153, "id": 110},
{"quote": "<jestuh> i was trying to go the speed limit so i didn't get a ticket but a cop got me in a school zone\r\n<DigDug> How much?\r\n<jestuh> i'm talking about need for speed not real life", "score": 1317, "id": 111},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> 'THE HELL..? IS 5 AM...GO THE HELL TO BED... IN TROUBLE YOU ARE...SPEECH MY SLURRED IS'", "score": 1195, "id": 112},
{"quote": "<Dreamlyre> wife, hooker...its about the gotta pay for it", "score": 754, "id": 114},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> i like stalked this girl sorta :D\r\n<BlackDeth> like once she asked me for a ride home from work\r\n<BlackDeth> and i took her home... i dropped her off at her house\r\n<BlackDeth> and shes like... wait a did you know where i lived?", "score": 7414, "id": 115},
{"quote": "<Daze> did you bind and unbind the strings correctly\r\n<DigDug> Yes.\r\n<DigDug> unbind msg - hello *msg:hello\r\n<DigDug> bind msg - myword *msg:d1gdug", "score": 113, "id": 116},
{"quote": "<CrazyDe> some dude on ebay is threatening to sue me for copyright infringement\r\n<Guilty> Did you claim to be the Real Slim Shady?", "score": 1216, "id": 117},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> 401k's are for homos who fucking intend to live until 65", "score": 352, "id": 26},
{"quote": "<kolby> learn so grahmar(sp? ;[) and get back to me", "score": 1979, "id": 27},
{"quote": "<Deth[EHC]> Chromium: stop masturbating imma be home any minute :P\r\n*** Deth[EHC] has quit IRC (Leaving)\r\n<reptile-> Actually, that's a secret code for Chromium to get ready for the ass reaming of his life.", "score": 1305, "id": 28},
{"quote": "<pezmasta> my band is gonna be called: rage against the answering machine", "score": 2658, "id": 30},
{"quote": "<EM[mMF]> man\r\n<EM[mMF]> unix manuals would be so much cooler\r\n<EM[mMF]> if they had porn in them\r\n<EM[mMF]> like \"Basics of the Bash Shell\"\r\n<EM[mMF]> <LESBIAN PORN>\r\n<EM[mMF]> i'd read that shit", "score": 2392, "id": 31},
{"quote": "<Goemon> you know how they have the /whois command, they should have a /whowas command to see who people were after they quit.\r\n<Spidey> they do, goemon\r\n<Goemon> damn.\r\n<Goemon> my mom must have dropped\r\n<Goemon> me", "score": 1546, "id": 32},
{"quote": "[17:05] *** D1 sets mode: +o C-Rock\r\n<D1> oh wait, I was trying to kick you.", "score": 2353, "id": 33},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Ya know that fat guy they always show in Palm Beach\r\n<Guilty> Hes the reason they couldnt get it done", "score": 131, "id": 35},
{"quote": "<McMoo> wouldn't it be great if someone made a program where we could connect to a server and chat with each other in channels we create?", "score": 1581, "id": 36},
{"quote": "<iln> cd earlyteen", "score": 2131, "id": 37},
{"quote": "<Relevant> get oral_sex_training_video.mpg\r\n<Relevant> Oops wrong window.", "score": 4200, "id": 38},
{"quote": "<FuNGiSiDE> ftp\r\n<FuNGiSiDE> er wtf", "score": 3084, "id": 39},
{"quote": "<WiLD_> my lele is at attention", "score": -59, "id": 40},
{"quote": "<_Riddler_> i was in the grocery store today\r\n<_Riddler_> and I got this boner\r\n<_Riddler_> I dunno\r\n<_Riddler_> Maybe it was the melons\r\n<IceWizard> Riddler: YOU SAW THE CARROTS", "score": 2254, "id": 41},
{"quote": "<Dr_DOS> Tupac Shakur sounds like a Protoss name.", "score": 5156, "id": 43},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> while(every_girl_except_me == idiot)\r\n<Amanda`> cout << \"INFINITE LOOP OF H8\" << endl;", "score": 965, "id": 217},
{"quote": "<CrazyDe> man, back when i was in my sexual prime..\r\n<CrazyDe> in the 7th grade...", "score": 582, "id": 218},
{"quote": "<[azn]> i am valid victorian", "score": 686, "id": 223},
{"quote": "[] at least i don't go on aol", "score": 938, "id": 224},
{"quote": "<DigDug> and i *don't* need an absolute nerd like me. THAT's when i will shrivel up and die, because i will never leave the house then.\r\n<Guilty> Yeah pen and his wife would just compete for first post on slashdot\r\n<Guilty> It would never end", "score": 441, "id": 226},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> We're going to have matching motherboards and processors\r\n<timmo> AMANDA: NOW THAT IS THE TYPE OF WEIRD SHIT IM TALKING ABOUT\r\n<timmo> MOST WOMEN WANT MATCHING SHEETS AND SHIT\r\n<timmo> weirdo", "score": 1656, "id": 227},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Nov 27 23:45:02 Box1 MormonGuard[20721]: Mormons be tryin' to break into y0 system!\r\n<Guilty> Thank god for you MormonGuard", "score": 1222, "id": 228},
{"quote": "<iMike> i remember every time i closed my eyes\r\n<iMike> id see your penis\r\n<iMike> it was great\r\n<iMike> i mean disgusting.", "score": 859, "id": 229},
{"quote": "<kisama> i'll have dsl too, by this week, brett\r\n<kisama> cockface is hooking me up\r\n<kisama> :)\r\n<Guilty|> Thats really nice of your mom to do", "score": 1009, "id": 230},
{"quote": "<ArIck> mann\r\n<ArIck> i sure am getting a porno addiction\r\n<ArIck> i mean, i feel empty in the morning if i haven't found good porno", "score": 318, "id": 231},
{"quote": "<noss> wank in a thunder storm, it will make you feel like Thor", "score": 2033, "id": 235},
{"quote": "<FyNXeR> Pardon my spelling... but I'm from Sweden\r\n<sumbody> pardon my accent, i am from southeast asia\r\n<DrMonkey> pardon my shotgun, i'm from west virginia", "score": 3070, "id": 236},
{"quote": "[thinkmad] does anyone know a good car audio site\r\n(McMoo)\r\n[thinkmad] you fucking bastard moo\r\n[kisama] mcmoo: i have member logins to that site", "score": 492, "id": 238},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> I just went out to the parking lot in my bathrobe to exchange warez CDs.", "score": 1110, "id": 239},
{"quote": "<SWM> if the average penis is 6\"\r\n<SWM> and the average pussy is 8\" deep that means there''s about 2 miles of unused pussy in like New York", "score": 1445, "id": 241},
{"quote": "<McMoo> An infinite number of monkeys, on an infinite number of typewriters, will eventually produce the collected works of Shakespeare. John Romero's Daikatana was a ten-minute, five-monkey job.", "score": 2009, "id": 242},
{"quote": "<ikkenai> What do you do when your girlfriend starts smoking? Slow down and use a lubricant.\r\n<TheFlux> not an oil based one\r\n<TheFlux> it may catch fire", "score": 965, "id": 295},
{"quote": "<goh2> how do oyu boot to DOS not MS DOS?\r\n<goh2> well i wanted to try defraging\r\n<goh2> w/o windows", "score": 311, "id": 296},
{"quote": "<DigDug> how about i make a special back door, just for you :-)\r\n<Amanda_> Oh, that'll work just as well\r\n<McMoo> pen just invited you to have ass sex with him", "score": 941, "id": 298},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Dont you know, if theres a hot white chick on a show, she invariably ends up with the \"sweet, but rugged\" black thug\r\n<Guilty> It's an FCC regulation", "score": 503, "id": 299},
{"quote": "<Spidey> i don't mail shit anyway\r\n<DooD> yeah fuck mailing stuff, i DCC it", "score": 385, "id": 302},
{"quote": "<zaney> i sued to be smart but then my father, he fond out i wsa gay so eh ebaten me very baddly on the haad", "score": 536, "id": 304},
{"quote": "[02:16:02] <iln> would you fuck a 15 year old.\r\n[02:16:12] <AlmtyBob> the question is\r\n[02:16:16] <AlmtyBob> would a 15 year old fuck me?", "score": 892, "id": 305},
{"quote": "<NtG> people beta test a MS product every time they boot windows", "score": 1134, "id": 306},
{"quote": "<NtG> I have my gynecologist on speed dial", "score": 372, "id": 307},
{"quote": "<`Kathy`> i want to go on rikki lake\r\n<`Kathy`> but i need to become black first :(", "score": 175, "id": 308},
{"quote": "<Cold2> hey do you have dragonball xxx pics?", "score": 54, "id": 310},
{"quote": "<Raider^> Hey there, i got this new version of mirc, i should be in invisible mode, if anyone can see my sentance please reply.", "score": 633, "id": 311},
{"quote": "<Tux> gimme a P, gimme an A, gimme a N, gimme an I, gimme a T, gimme an E, gimme an S! Whats that spell?\r\n<Tux> PANTIES!\r\n<Tux> er\r\n<Tux> not really\r\n<Tux> but it was close!", "score": 2100, "id": 312},
{"quote": "<slutknght> has anyone registered or .net?", "score": 421, "id": 313},
{"quote": "<WhiteAWAY> someone told me trance music makes you sterile", "score": 471, "id": 314},
{"quote": "<rick^> guys does anyone know what runs on TCP 31337? - something is listening there", "score": 943, "id": 315},
{"quote": "<DumbBitch> AND\r\n<DumbBitch> wtf am i not quoted on the quotes?\r\n<DumbBitch> i have to be one of the most funniest ppl in this channel :/", "score": -1243, "id": 316},
{"quote": "<iMike> i remember in 8th grade health class we had some guy from a std clinic come in\r\n<iMike> and he was talking about porn mags\r\n<iMike> and some kid was like 'what about playboy?'\r\n<iMike> and the guy was like 'well some consider that to be more of a softcore magazine'", "score": 786, "id": 44},
{"quote": "<C-Rock> man id give a blowjob to be on Pen's quotes page.\r\n<C-Rock> i might even swallow.", "score": 285, "id": 45},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> I can stick my lele in cd holes", "score": -54, "id": 46},
{"quote": "* EtherMan slashes MadHatter with the jagged edge of a PS2 polygon", "score": 2339, "id": 47},
{"quote": "<myhero> I wish I could just poop all day long", "score": 1198, "id": 48},
{"quote": "<TheFlux> give me a chick with lips the size of that guy from aerosmith or something\r\n<scarf> why dont you just get the guy from aerosmith", "score": 2067, "id": 49},
{"quote": "<tay> oops I did it again... I klined your bot... and then smoked some pot.. oh baby baby..", "score": 106, "id": 50},
{"quote": "<UncleJed> the government should split up efnet\r\n<UncleJed> not that efnet doesn't split enough as it is", "score": 996, "id": 51},
{"quote": "<Tsk> oiuyniyu98h987h89yh87y98yjn987j987y897yhkiuk;''''\r\n<Tsk> sorry.. there was a spider on my keyboard.", "score": 6221, "id": 52},
{"quote": "<ACDCC> Hey, does anyone know when Dance Dance Revolution comes out on GBC?", "score": 1193, "id": 54},
{"quote": "<Sonique> you know you've just experienced an odd moment at 3:30am when you're completely naked making an away msg for aim and your dad (clothed only in breifs) strolls by, waves, and says, \"i thought i smelled something. oh well, night!\", and walks off", "score": 3872, "id": 55},
{"quote": "<Wind-X> and penis butter and jelly make a good sandwich", "score": 1222, "id": 56},
{"quote": "<hypr> if i was getting it in the ass by a brute id fucking kill him stab him in the throat with a pencil or something", "score": -190, "id": 57},
{"quote": "<disconect> Tekken and sex both give my hand a cramp if I do it for too long, though...", "score": 1576, "id": 58},
{"quote": "<ikkenai> I used to think knight rider was the car", "score": 896, "id": 59},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Really, celerons make me laugh\r\n<Guilty> The white trash chip", "score": 1270, "id": 61},
{"quote": "<Moot> masturbatin time\r\n<Moot> I'm livin dangerously\r\n<Moot> I'm not gonan check to see if my mom is asleep yet", "score": 3419, "id": 63},
{"quote": "<!Lun_e> ill just sit here and eat my Kice Rispy Paralellogram.", "score": 821, "id": 243},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: ever farted and the smell stuck to you for like a whole day?", "score": 76, "id": 245},
{"quote": "e l i t e m r p: first type this\r\nCD WINDOWSCOMMAND\r\nn e r d b 5: i dont have a cd in the cdrom", "score": 480, "id": 246},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: you use redhat?\r\nn e r d b 5: thats a program you can get warez from, right?\r\nn e r d b 5: like napster\r\nn e r d b 5: d/l apps from other people", "score": 452, "id": 247},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: wait a minute. 'my' b-days on 31 may... lol i was thinking aboiut my uncle hehe\r\ne l i t e m r p: umm how could you confuse your own bday with your uncle?\r\nn e r d b 5: their so close together hehe", "score": -45, "id": 250},
{"quote": "<repp0r> Dude, pot first, then porn.\r\n<repp0r> Trust me. It's so much better. :D\r\n<lele> dude i'm doing before AND after", "score": 312, "id": 257},
{"quote": "<subHero> Help! i just got my penis stuck in my cdrom!!1\r\n<johndoe92> grab a kleenex and hit 'eject'", "score": 796, "id": 258},
{"quote": "<reptile-> My hands are soft and girly-like.\r\n<reptile-> Masturbating is so much better for me!\r\n<Taurclave> You dream of handjobs\r\n<DigDug> reptile- pretends that the hands belong to a girl\r\n<Taurclave> He probably has painted nails on his favorite hand", "score": 649, "id": 259},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Pen, you're going to hae to give something up\r\n<Guilty> You cant go to a gym and run", "score": 548, "id": 260},
{"quote": "<EFX>I hate it when the cats stare at me when I go into the livingroom to jackoff to pornos :(", "score": 1554, "id": 261},
{"quote": "<SWM> i hate your fucking pancakes\r\n<SWM> i never eat them\r\n<SWM> \"FUCK YOU EAT MY FUCKING PANCAKES\"", "score": 61, "id": 263},
{"quote": "<hypr> i rember in kindergarden the teach took me upsidedown by my ankles and swung me around cause i wasent eating my pees..\r\n<hypr> fucking bitch", "score": 716, "id": 265},
{"quote": "<Low`DOHC> I got a tin can with some string, and a nigger from ethiopia that can make all those l33t african carrier tones.\u00a0 That's my bandwidth.\r\n<Low`DOHC> he goes \"oot click weet barada chicken please\"\r\n<Low`DOHC> I feed him dog food and tell him it's chicken\r\n<Low`DOHC> When I go out, I put him in my trunk with a drum\r\n<Low`DOHC> SERIOUS bass\r\n<Low`DOHC> nigga goes \"booooom booooooooom clicka gimme chicken please BOOOM boom\"", "score": -185, "id": 266},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: i smell a burning smell\r\nn e r d b 5: maybe its my pc\r\nn e r d b 5: oh wait, ewww, its the cat pooping", "score": 702, "id": 269},
{"quote": "<ikkenai> these tortilla chips are growing dangerously salty\r\n<ikkenai> old dutch is approaching the limits of the sodium frontier\r\n<CanuckGod> ikke: the Ristorante ones?\r\n<ikkenai> yeah\r\n<CanuckGod> those things are as salty as a nigger's balls", "score": -551, "id": 275},
{"quote": "<Megumi> hahaha ASL nate :P\r\n<NtG> yourage + 1/if you = female { me = male } else { me = female }/surrey", "score": 761, "id": 317},
{"quote": "<mooner> some guy is having sex in the cubicle next to mine.", "score": 740, "id": 318},
{"quote": "<Garr|ncha> metallica is a terrible mix of heavy metal and country", "score": 181, "id": 319},
{"quote": "<tch0rt> i dunno, at this point i know i cant go with balls any bigger\r\n<tch0rt> the balls i have now are plenty big for my mouth", "score": 425, "id": 321},
{"quote": "<sean> Stop adding 2+2! it has taken me five years to develop 2+2, and you \"geeks and hackers\" are destroying my work!", "score": 427, "id": 322},
{"quote": "<anihil8r> hmm.. when you were in school did they ever say that you were special?", "score": 161, "id": 324},
{"quote": "*** Signoff: meredith- (Random number generation is too important to be left to chance)", "score": 674, "id": 325},
{"quote": "[CaptHowdy] [~] $ touch /dev/genitalia \r\n[CaptHowdy] touch: /dev/genitalia: Permission denied", "score": 1022, "id": 326},
{"quote": "<persia> my favorite country song is \"i fucked my horse on a sunday morning\"\r\n<migg> my fave country song is \"Its midnight in montana, and i cant get my dick out of this cow\"\r\n*** You were kicked by sandk1ng (i like the song \"i kicked my friend for makin fun of music i listen to\")", "score": 1588, "id": 327},
{"quote": "<Helpful-> [Akashra] I have a dream: 2199023255552 bytes free.", "score": 548, "id": 328},
{"quote": "<Dipstick> I saw my Univ. Physics prof. at anime club : |\r\n<Dipstick> and he has a Card Captor Sakura wallscroll in his office (that's pretty damn fruity)\r\n<guDgiD> Dipstick: BLACKMAIL\r\n<Dipstick> NO!\r\n<Dipstick> actually, there's a no hentai policy there :", "score": 582, "id": 331},
{"quote": "<Ash> I pay rent by playing the 'bottom' in sexual acts centering mostly around the anus.\r\n<Ash> You've solved the mystery!", "score": 98, "id": 332},
{"quote": "<TknoMncr> defunkt: if there's 1 thing I can't stand...\r\n<TknoMncr> it's someone thinkin they're cool bringing a kid onto irc\r\n<TknoMncr> I swear\r\n<TknoMncr> if I find someone doing it\r\n<TknoMncr> I will get em reported for child abuse", "score": 469, "id": 333},
{"quote": "<Dert> i would much rather have a big thick detailed atlas of mars than a pair of breasts for one evening", "score": 582, "id": 334},
{"quote": "<nullgod> I'm not quite sure who slack is for, it's harder then REdHat, so it's not for newbies, it's less secure then FreeBSD so it's not for experts, and it's not pretty so it's not for desktops.\r\n<DigDug> slack is for linux zealots :-D", "score": 456, "id": 336},
{"quote": "<Dr_DOS> l33t i got a snickels bal", "score": 55, "id": 395},
{"quote": "<Ash> Thank God we got it all out before DigDug could quote us. :|", "score": 333, "id": 337},
{"quote": "<voln> I am going to build the first car that has built-in IRC", "score": 304, "id": 118},
{"quote": "uiu CTCP VERSION reply from Dr_DOS: DREAMCAST-IRC-CLIENT-2", "score": 301, "id": 396},
{"quote": "<Maxim-> these fortune cookies are lame\r\n<Maxim-> mine says \"You are going to have some new clothes.\"", "score": 671, "id": 397},
{"quote": "<PERvERT> i have a 9 inch penis\r\n<Duce> is that in dog inches?", "score": 1040, "id": 398},
{"quote": "<gloone> america is the only country where people live in trailers.", "score": 269, "id": 399},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I cut my tongue shaving", "score": 963, "id": 400},
{"quote": "<Cducharme> My penis has nice settings!\r\n<Dr_DOS> YES\r\n<Dr_DOS> Sidewinner", "score": 86, "id": 401},
{"quote": "<zip`> sorry my mom just delivered taco bell\r\n<Amanda_> I wish my mom was trained", "score": 1130, "id": 402},
{"quote": "<CrazyDe> don't be afraid..\r\n<CrazyDe> its only a dick", "score": 134, "id": 403},
{"quote": "<saint`> whats that disease you get when your cum is yellow and it stings when you pee?", "score": 95, "id": 404},
{"quote": "<HaXk> The dog cant say no\r\n<HaXk> So it really isnt rape", "score": 779, "id": 407},
{"quote": "<EviL_Dr_BounCe> Heh ya moms got one tooth in her mouth and she snaps holes into doughnuts for a living....", "score": 86, "id": 408},
{"quote": "<DaZE> at my school.. the cop from DARE passed around 3 joints to show everyone... and he said \"if i dont get all three of these back this schools getting locked down and everyones getting searched till i find it..\" and like 30 minutes later when everyone got to see 'em and they got passed back the cop had 4", "score": 9696, "id": 409},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> I gotta go to the doc for my shoulder anyways so I might as well hit him up for some prozac", "score": 301, "id": 410},
{"quote": "<Wooben> someone find me archie hentai", "score": 329, "id": 411},
{"quote": "<mogo-> my middle school got a blue ribbon for acheivement...\r\n<natural> my school got a rainbow ribbon for homosexuality", "score": 687, "id": 412},
{"quote": "<Dr_DOS> i'd go straight into the army if they allowed IRC on weekends.", "score": 407, "id": 413},
{"quote": "<Wooben> So she called me and i told her she was really ugly\r\n<Wooben> so that was the end of that", "score": 382, "id": 414},
{"quote": "<starrrr> muhaha i did steal head server of Internet. If push \"power\" button the hole net will be shutdown. i hate all you Quake Playas!! !! !! uu!! And If i push reset button the whole internet going to DIE!!", "score": 54, "id": 338},
{"quote": "<locust> Hey phil how do I get rid of my ip number", "score": 688, "id": 339},
{"quote": "<Felon> What is a leet? Is that a type of ferret?", "score": 2043, "id": 341},
{"quote": "<OYES> i guess there is a program..unix or something", "score": 288, "id": 342},
{"quote": "(odd42) hey guys: i'm d/l-ing a huge file on a 56k modem but i have an Athlon and GeForce, so do you think i could play q3 at the same time?", "score": 438, "id": 343},
{"quote": "<concubine> NO CAPSLOCK! I AM UKRAINE", "score": 1154, "id": 344},
{"quote": "(@X2-down) this is mark eg, he hugged me and creamed in my ear\r\n(@X2-down) er screamed", "score": 1778, "id": 345},
{"quote": "<ethiopia> i'm starving", "score": 3239, "id": 346},
{"quote": "(@bart`) bwhahhahahahahah. i think they should send that little girl from the pepsi commercials to cuba too", "score": 310, "id": 347},
{"quote": "(@Bargeld) i went up to this hot norgy chick, and i said \"hey, whats up baby?\" and she says \"ONOuuoIee!\"", "score": 98, "id": 348},
{"quote": "<ping> oh, im ready for the upcoming school year\r\n<End[gone]> i dont think it will be any different\r\n<zxaxox> thats why you have to take a shotgun and MAKE it different.", "score": 1340, "id": 349},
{"quote": "<chisoxiest> is it just me... or does eveyone think that quadrapelegics are greedy?\r\n<chisoxiest> \"i can't reach that\"\r\n<chisoxiest> \"i'm not tall enough\"\r\n<chisoxiest> i mean c'mon now", "score": 713, "id": 350},
{"quote": "<Twofish> Someone is mounting me every minute", "score": 557, "id": 351},
{"quote": "*** Penfold has quit IRC (Excess Flood)\r\n*** Penfold ( has joined #keble\r\n<Penfold> Excess flood my arse\r\n<Ganesh> no thanks", "score": 1542, "id": 354},
{"quote": "<Rapture> I wasn't naked! I had a sock on!", "score": 1049, "id": 355},
{"quote": "<Rapture> Tsk, it's [new processors] as bad as penis comparisons, really.\r\n<rejs> but penises don't double in performance every 18 months...", "score": 845, "id": 356},
{"quote": "<Chris> nah. I did it twice at the weekend and still have both arms.", "score": 299, "id": 357},
{"quote": "<DigDug> warez > sex\r\n<kisama> it is true.\r\n<kisama> i'd rather watch a progress bar than have sex.", "score": 1241, "id": 120},
{"quote": "<Dr_DOS> Cducharme: no wonder you get all the women, you choose all the ugly ones =)", "score": 578, "id": 121},
{"quote": "<bocz> cept i dont see how they can test your smartness with HISTORY", "score": 190, "id": 122},
{"quote": "<FuNGiSiDE> is xxdethxx givin out instructions to make that portable pocket pussy again", "score": 401, "id": 124},
{"quote": "<gloone> reptile is into older women.. and he gets his pics in #100%preteensexpix", "score": 295, "id": 125},
{"quote": "<nyckB!> I'm stupid? You probably don't even know how to program a DEC or in UNIX. Now that's stupid. I am running UNIX!", "score": 506, "id": 126},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I've been using mirc exclusively for like 6-7 years or whatever\r\n<MadHatter> I could get mIRC certified by now", "score": 509, "id": 127},
{"quote": "<cndz> what would jesus do>\r\n<Josh> probably get crucified and die", "score": 3065, "id": 129},
{"quote": "<DigDug> qu:230; <blazemore> cause i don't care about video games anymore <blazemore> video games are a waste of money\r\n<reptile-> What the hell?\r\n<reptile-> someone replaced our blazemore with some Christian bigot.", "score": 470, "id": 130},
{"quote": "<hypr> as im on no your so inslurted me", "score": 31, "id": 131},
{"quote": "<Leaf-> Gran Turismo is hard\r\n<Mootar> quit callin me gran turismo", "score": 2315, "id": 132},
{"quote": "<Bobby20> I had this really weird dream once that I dropped my penis in the shower and I couldn't get it to go back on", "score": 1602, "id": 133},
{"quote": "<Kakuei> Oh, and careful who you're calling slow, @home boy.", "score": 374, "id": 134},
{"quote": "<apoptygma> we have a jedi council at our fucking school\r\n<apoptygma> how gay is that?!?\r\n<apoptygma> i actually had a kid try that wavy hand thing on me", "score": 2590, "id": 135},
{"quote": "<LkTruth1> I am the most intelligence person in this channel.", "score": 1721, "id": 136},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> dont you do japanese stuff to me, homo.", "score": 113, "id": 137},
{"quote": "<McMoo> my computer doesn't even have a ps/2 port\r\n<RYan-> how do you connect your mouse?", "score": 51, "id": 451},
{"quote": "<gloone> thinking that noone is here since it's saturday\r\n<gloone> so that i can kill him with a screwdriver.\r\n<gloone> or a stapler\r\n<gloone> that's what i have here.", "score": 349, "id": 415},
{"quote": "<McAnarchy> people live in utah??", "score": 456, "id": 416},
{"quote": "<VicViper> heh darkaeon writes his IP address in bathroom stalls\r\n<VicViper> for a good time -", "score": 911, "id": 417},
{"quote": "<posk> does every cpu have a thing inside where u tamper with it and it disables entering a password to login to the computer?", "score": 172, "id": 418},
{"quote": "<Islandx55> wtf is a-team", "score": 28, "id": 419},
{"quote": "<EnDs> N E 1 have that song u know the one from woodstolk?", "score": 366, "id": 420},
{"quote": "<Andrigaar> there's a good rumor to start up again. \"Jacking off till it blisters will form calluses and make if bigger in a few months.\"", "score": 452, "id": 421},
{"quote": "* Mootar is away, watching porn [Pants:OFF] [Hands:ON]", "score": 877, "id": 425},
{"quote": "<ck10k> is there any site where you can dig up data on someone if you have their social security number?\r\n<lux> hahah\r\n<ck10k> damnit. the information age my ass", "score": 578, "id": 426},
{"quote": "<VicViper> My last girlfriend was cute, but then I found out she was a rom, so I had to dump her.", "score": 525, "id": 427},
{"quote": "<VicViper> NerdSex #73: Make sure you select the option \"Always on Top\"", "score": 686, "id": 428},
{"quote": "<thinkr> will the dvd have a special mode to remove jar jar?", "score": 787, "id": 429},
{"quote": "<Jarvik7> wonder if they'll have a 'real life' type show, but with people in a rom channel", "score": 279, "id": 430},
{"quote": "*** Quits: F-D-P (ME AM USA! KTHKX TOUCHDOWN! whatever...)", "score": 79, "id": 431},
{"quote": "<VicViper> if i get high speed access i can warez\r\n<VicViper> They need to have ISP's that offer CDR's with signup.", "score": 296, "id": 432},
{"quote": "<JrJrJr> anyone know if 3d studio max is better then adobe photoshop", "score": 421, "id": 434},
{"quote": "<SYch0> wwf the music vol 4\r\n<sasami> I saw that CD at a store . .\r\n<sasami> It was in the \"HICK\" section.", "score": 441, "id": 435},
{"quote": "<nou> See, I can give women orgasms just by talking to them.\r\n<Art> Hmm. It generally helps if you plug in *both* ends of an ethernet cable.", "score": 76, "id": 359},
{"quote": "<sphynx> crushes suck\r\n<sphynx> i hate em\r\n<sphynx> the dilemma, the desperation\r\n<sphynx> the hopes dashed etc\r\n<shirazz> the masturbation\r\n<shirazz> hehehe\r\n<bark> the masturbation is ok.\r\n<Kyoto> hey.. the masturbation is good..", "score": 1080, "id": 360},
{"quote": "<Erik_N> Everyone has a dark secrets... some ppl are killers, some ppl are homo.. I use mac", "score": 1763, "id": 361},
{"quote": "<inof> God used fork() to create Eve.", "score": 654, "id": 362},
{"quote": "* inof has reached EOF (End Of Fruhstuck [breakfast]).\r\n<yu-> don't forget to close open descriptors now [wash the dishes] :)\r\n<inof> :-]\r\n<inof> *sigh*... Why isn't it as easy as in Unix?\u00a0 You just do exit(), and all descriptors are closed automatically.\u00a0 ;)", "score": 523, "id": 363},
{"quote": "<Santa> anybody know what solaris calls its kernel?\r\n<SfabN> Santa: look into the root dir and look for the biggest file, or look into /stand\r\n<token> biggest file?\r\n<token> \"Huh, my kernel is called ``core''\" :-)", "score": 438, "id": 364},
{"quote": "<Bamdad> who know how may I turn off my colck on IRCN?\r\n<token> turn off your cock? just use a sharp knife.", "score": 114, "id": 365},
{"quote": "<Toazt> \"Too few women on the internet?\r\n<Toazt> There are lots of women on the internet,\r\n<Toazt> only most of them are naked and in JPG-format.\"", "score": 1416, "id": 366},
{"quote": "<brojek> The A-Team? it goes like this: they have a \"job\", get into trouble, get cornered, in that corner they build a tank and then escape :)\r\n<toitle> the best bit was when they made the tank out of left overs from a broken vacuum cleaner", "score": 744, "id": 367},
{"quote": "<RevNeptho> gethostbyintuition() is still a dream of mine", "score": 707, "id": 368},
{"quote": "<Beeth> Girls are like internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken.\r\n<honx> well, you can stil get one from a strange country :-P", "score": 9052, "id": 369},
{"quote": "<Beeth>\u00a0 Progress (n.):\u00a0 The process through which the Internet has evolved from smart\r\n<Beeth>\u00a0 people in front of dumb terminals to dumb people in front of smart terminals.", "score": 1740, "id": 370},
{"quote": "<Acrimon> Does anyone know where to get a GOOD xemacs configuration file?\r\n<NeepNeep> owh man.. emacs.. I just had dinner, please.\r\n<Acrimon> sorry", "score": 521, "id": 371},
{"quote": "<Eph> ahhhhhh tits , that`s thing I didn`t see for long now ...ahhhhhh\r\n<honx> eph: how can you be on the internet and not see tits for a long time?", "score": 836, "id": 372},
{"quote": "<Flobbster> Haw, my computer doesn't like for ZipMagic to access a zip in a zip\r\nin a zip on a parallel port Zip drive :D\r\n<redslime> a zip in a zip in a zip on a zip?", "score": 550, "id": 373},
{"quote": "<redslime> \"let's take the nutritional balance of oriental food, put it in\r\nbatter and deep fry it\"\r\n<redslime> \"yeah!\"\r\n<redslime> i love eggrolls", "score": 603, "id": 374},
{"quote": "<ChocoMan> women don't uNF women. women mHH women.", "score": 335, "id": 375},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> ITS SLOW AS A 30 FOOT SHIT COMING OUT OF AN ANT''S ASSHOLE", "score": 296, "id": 138},
{"quote": "<SWM> in my day the size of the average male penis was 4\"", "score": 427, "id": 139},
{"quote": "<DigDug> Acero: don't look a gift horse in the mouth is what i say\r\n<Acero> DigDug: yeah, i guess i should just stick my dick in and find out if i get herpes for myself!", "score": 424, "id": 140},
{"quote": "<ILLogik> i was having cybersex with this chick but she wouldn't go all the way so i had to rape her", "score": 2239, "id": 141},
{"quote": "<Keris> hes gotta damn kid and a wife. he must get some\r\n<DigDug> from the kid\r\n<Keris> even better", "score": 322, "id": 142},
{"quote": "<`BuM> why is it that, no matter how much you pee into the toilet it never fills up?", "score": 1265, "id": 143},
{"quote": "<Troy1> \"Hey baby, what channels do you hang out in?\"", "score": 340, "id": 144},
{"quote": "<skunk> oooohhh i'll be out in a second dad 8=w=D 8w==D 8=w=D 8==wD ~ ~ ~ ahh", "score": 858, "id": 145},
{"quote": "<lux> !8ball is dickdug a f4g?\r\n<noodles> lux, You wish.", "score": 96, "id": 146},
{"quote": "<gloone> and they go \"hey, you can have fun without chicks you know..\"\r\n<gloone> i don't wanna get drunk if there's no chicks around..", "score": 348, "id": 147},
{"quote": "<DigDug> did you /ctcp digdug op yourpass?\r\n<blazep88> wtf does \"yourpass\" do?", "score": 396, "id": 148},
{"quote": "*** Quits: X-7 (", "score": 569, "id": 149},
{"quote": "<watashiwa> I think hypr accidentally joined #invest by mistakenngly typing a v instead of a c.", "score": 1270, "id": 153},
{"quote": "<Eggo> invent a new kind of tolet paper, reusible or edible", "score": 487, "id": 155},
{"quote": "<||CHAOS||> they just jumped into bed when i showed them how i added a speaker to my ti-83", "score": 1177, "id": 156},
{"quote": "I have gone to look for myself, if I should return, before I get back, keep me here. - unknown", "score": 479, "id": 158},
{"quote": "<Default> a girl in my gym class was getting sexually harrassed by the coach\r\n<Default> then she got a haircut\r\n<Cowika> in protest?", "score": 634, "id": 168},
{"quote": "[@smcn] like #bearcave. you wouldn't expect it to be a gay channel. YOU WOULD EXPECT IT TO BE A CHANNEL ABOUT BEARS WOULDN'T YOU", "score": 2907, "id": 170},
{"quote": "<ck3k> blaze has a job, it's called \"leech off parents\"", "score": 405, "id": 452},
{"quote": "<Cennt-> \"how did your grandma die\"\r\n<Cennt-> \"she saw me masturbating\"", "score": 366, "id": 453},
{"quote": "<panacea_> im going to the doctor tomorrow morning regarding my thumb\r\n<Lordaerom> panacea_, so much fucking wanking", "score": 149, "id": 459},
{"quote": "<Theseus> get the free like 10 CDs they give you\r\n<Theseus> then write a letter to them signed under your parents name saying you burned all those satan music CDs, and to never send mail to that address again", "score": 388, "id": 461},
{"quote": "<achan> DigDug: 'ascetic' is maybe the word you're looking for\r\n<DigDug> ascetic?\r\n<DigDug> I don't know such a word. :/\r\n<achan> someone who lives a monastic life outside of a monestary\r\n<DigDug> Ahh.\r\n<DigDug> Is there a term for someone who lives a monastic life on the Internet?\r\n<Medieval> yes, e-scetic.", "score": 766, "id": 462},
{"quote": "\"The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly,\r\n flat, and dishwatery utterances of the man who has to be pointed out to\r\n intelligent foreigners as the President of the United States.\" \r\n\u00a0\u00a0 The Chicago Times review of After Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.", "score": 883, "id": 463},
{"quote": "\"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes.\r\n When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours.\r\n That's relativity.\"\r\n\u00a0\u00a0 - Albert Einstein", "score": -915, "id": 477},
{"quote": "\"A lot of people wonder how you know you're in love. Just ask yourself this\r\n one question: \"Would I mind being financially destroyed by this person?\"\r\n\u00a0\u00a0 - Ronnie Shakes", "score": 966, "id": 484},
{"quote": "<goh`> in my system.ini i'll change 'Shell=Explorer.exe' to 'Shell=quake2.exe'", "score": 639, "id": 513},
{"quote": "<Lathari> jack your ethernet into my ass and we'll have ourselves a REAL Lan party.", "score": 275, "id": 514},
{"quote": "<CrazyDe> did I tell u what I got this girl for christmas?\r\n<CrazyDe> I got her lingerie in 1 box\r\n<CrazyDe> and I put before\r\n<CrazyDe> and in another box\r\n<CrazyDe> I put pajamas in there\r\n<CrazyDe> and put after", "score": 61, "id": 518},
{"quote": "<smcn> one of these days\r\n<smcn> i'm going to hunt down and kill whoever invented emoticons\r\n<smcn> then i'm going to look at him and go >=D", "score": 1769, "id": 519},
{"quote": "<J3anyus> my bellybutton smells worse than my ass\r\n<DigDug> heh\r\n<DigDug> how do you smell your bellybutton?\r\n<J3anyus> digdug: pick all the lint out of it and then smell your finger :", "score": 81, "id": 522},
{"quote": "jaylane0910: oh gross\r\ne l i t e\u00a0 m r p: ? \r\njaylane0910: my cmoputer science teacher corrupted the word g-string for me\r\ne l i t e\u00a0 m r p: heh\r\njaylane0910: she said she was writing her own string lib\r\njaylane0910: her name is Gioviana or something\r\njaylane0910: and she caled it GString\r\njaylane0910: and shes ugly\r\njaylane0910: and damn", "score": 534, "id": 523},
{"quote": "<|WizZard|-Sleeping] I'm going to bed now, and you cant stop me from thinking dirty stuff.", "score": 534, "id": 524},
{"quote": "<matt`> <goh`> guilty you spelt speed wrong\r\n<goh`> spelled*\r\n<McMoo> <goh`> YOUR USUALLY SO CAREFUL\r\n<goh`> you're*\r\n<goh`> you guys are assholes", "score": 855, "id": 526},
{"quote": "* CM[rebirth] annihilates SumDumGoy with a high energy carbon plasma sphere. (Think DragonballZ \"fireballs\").\r\n* !SumDumGoy pokes CM.\r\n<SumDumGoy> I win.\r\n<CM[rebirth]> Damn! :O", "score": 347, "id": 530},
{"quote": "<HomerJ> I had this computer built for this guy, all ready to I walk to where my mom took my car, and when I get back, out cat sneezed on the board and fried it", "score": 607, "id": 436},
{"quote": "<lamont-> spanish kids can speak better english than most kids on aol\r\n<lamont-> when they're fucking three years old!", "score": 518, "id": 437},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> if you count her cunt as kissing then it's been about a year since I kissed a chick", "score": 168, "id": 438},
{"quote": "<Lyre-work> <-- soon to be my perm nick =(", "score": 261, "id": 439},
{"quote": "<blazemore> we know your hand gets more action jax0ring than your feet do walking\r\n<scar`1> yeah well that's also caused by the fact that i hardly walk", "score": 516, "id": 440},
{"quote": "<syrup> i need to leech while i sleep\r\n<syrup> otherwise i don't sleep well", "score": 624, "id": 441},
{"quote": "<bocz> cop made me get out and put my hands on my hood\r\n<bocz> and im like 'no i cant touch the paint, its fresh'", "score": 630, "id": 442},
{"quote": "<VicViper> dorm = jail cell with internet\r\n<SYch0> w/ fast internet", "score": 488, "id": 443},
{"quote": "<SYch0> >>> Spelling error in digdug. Suggestions:\r\n<SYch0> uiu 1. lamer", "score": 187, "id": 444},
{"quote": "<ck2k> i tap her car's bumper\r\n<ck2k> and she has this estimate\r\n<ck2k> 200 bucks\r\n<ck2k> fuck you\r\n<ck2k> for 200 bucks i can hire someone to kill your bitch ass", "score": 1109, "id": 445},
{"quote": "<SYch0> my mom got rearended", "score": 309, "id": 446},
{"quote": "<SSr2> what's pr0n?", "score": 410, "id": 447},
{"quote": "<Acero> man, i got a cramp in my leg when i was wacking off last night\r\n<Acero> i need to stretch or something", "score": 389, "id": 448},
{"quote": "<shady_> if i had 5 comps id put them in a circle and put pics and movies on each one\r\n<shady_> and twist around in my chair jackin off", "score": 1276, "id": 449},
{"quote": "<P4T> why do all room names have a # in front?", "score": 27, "id": 450},
{"quote": "*** ^o_0^ sets mode: +o ^0_o^", "score": 695, "id": 376},
{"quote": "<bludstone> one of my fantasies is to be getting a blowjob while on irc :/", "score": 520, "id": 378},
{"quote": "<Ash> Anybody can get a girlfriend, just like anybody can get a job. Most likely he has a \"minimum wage\" girlfriend.", "score": 1260, "id": 379},
{"quote": "<^0_o^> i'm a girl's dream!\r\n<^0_o^> if only i had a chance to prove myself...\r\n<DooD> a paper bag will give u many chances\r\n<DooD> if they cant see the face, they cant use the mace", "score": 1079, "id": 381},
{"quote": "<Tum> does anyone know anything about a program called instant spanish\r\n<Tum> like if its any good\r\n<meps> just add water\r\n<eldee> heh.. thought that said 'instant spinach'", "score": 603, "id": 382},
{"quote": "<bocz> i think ill be stuck to getting 2 sticks of 128\r\n<bocz> thats 310 mb for a server\r\n<Guilty> Kudos on finding the elusive 54MB DIMM", "score": 1276, "id": 384},
{"quote": "<_scar_> hm I've been 16 the last 3 years on irc heh", "score": 541, "id": 386},
{"quote": "<deft-> i always type /dick instead of /nick on accident =", "score": 375, "id": 387},
{"quote": "<shade> HEY I WANT BITCHX FOR WEBTV DO U GOT IT??", "score": 80, "id": 388},
{"quote": "<High`> its ko myabe uoy cuodl noe dya", "score": -51, "id": 389},
{"quote": "<Guest88468> if you ever try to kick me or ban me i will get my uncle(irc opp) after you and by the way i have a nuke and a mail bomb on the way asshole", "score": 373, "id": 390},
{"quote": "<Zer0sKewl> Haha, I just nuked someone for my first time, Am I elite now?", "score": 406, "id": 391},
{"quote": "<FRoGGuM> So where the hell do u get this bot program?", "score": 95, "id": 392},
{"quote": "<joshieboi> - i thought speed racer was the car", "score": 283, "id": 393},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i hate when you're trying to own someone\r\n<blazemore> and then you own yourself", "score": 704, "id": 394},
{"quote": "[+Vile] (smcn): just because you dress like them doesnt mean you are\r\n[!smcn] m/sg Vile would you like to touch my breasts\r\n[!smcn] oops", "score": 914, "id": 171},
{"quote": "[@kode54] /quote:96 <smcn> uNF = universal noise of fucking\r\n[@kode54] one of my few smcn quotes (I need more!)\r\n[@smcn] ok i will say something funny\r\n[@smcn] i'm having trouble breathing\r\n[@smcn] and my dick is on fire\r\n[@smcn] is this normal?", "score": 126, "id": 172},
{"quote": "<AL> He looks like a fuckin deadbeat dad.", "score": -214, "id": 173},
{"quote": "<Amanda_> Alright\r\n<Amanda_> Are multiple people paying attention?\r\n<Amanda_> Here's what I freaking want for Christmas\r\n<Amanda_> Someone find me a friend\r\n<Amanda_> A FEMALE FRIEND WHO IS NOT A DUMBASS", "score": 1101, "id": 175},
{"quote": "(Theseus-) guilty says my computer realizes that it's running a celeron and tries to commit suicide", "score": 985, "id": 176},
{"quote": "<homerj> I'm saying that as a friend, not as a linux zealot", "score": 770, "id": 178},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> hatter doesn't like cocaine\r\n<BlackDeth> he just likes the way it smells!", "score": 837, "id": 179},
{"quote": "<goh2> my parents are budgeting me\r\n<goh2> 400$ a month for a computer\r\n<goh2> for the next 3 months\r\n<goh2> i spent 100$ on weed", "score": 299, "id": 180},
{"quote": "(topanga) I HATE HAVING COMPUTER DREAMS.", "score": 472, "id": 181},
{"quote": "<Infe5> A PS2 costs ?40,000, a PSOne costs ?15,000, and a Hello Kitty DC costs ?28,800. :(\r\n<EtherMan> how much is that in real money", "score": 716, "id": 182},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> i was playin CS\r\n<BlackDeth> and i accidentally ran over my whole team with a tank\r\n<BlackDeth> i got booted off the server :/", "score": 1295, "id": 183},
{"quote": "<|Chris> you gotta jump on it coke\r\n<|Chris> quick*", "score": 66, "id": 184},
{"quote": "<Guilty> You dont want fatchicks on your pns\r\n<Guilty> Let alone your primary pns", "score": 425, "id": 185},
{"quote": "<WhiteLife> i just looked at the ingredients to herbal ecstasy\r\n<WhiteLife> ITS THE SAME THING AS MY SECRET FORMULA :(", "score": 392, "id": 186},
{"quote": "<Fustard> i should take a picture of my penis like orion, and give it away as a present\r\n<w3nis> maybe you shouldnt\r\n<DigDug> yeah, maybe you shouldn't\r\n<Fustard> yeah maybe i shouldnt", "score": 903, "id": 531},
{"quote": "<kisama> i've spent my last 5 new year's on either irc or aol", "score": 375, "id": 532},
{"quote": "<smcn> it's like richard simmons getting laid\r\n<CodeMason> \"ok girl, pump it, oh yes, left, right, left, right, in, out, that's the way!\"", "score": 387, "id": 533},
{"quote": "<enex> You have invited Vic Viper to start using Microsoft Windows. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.\r\n<enex> Vic Viper does not have Microsoft Windows installed and is not able to accept your invitation.\r\n<enex> Look how clever I am! ^_^", "score": 139, "id": 537},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> what you know about people and the way things work I could comfortably pass through the hole in my penis", "score": 738, "id": 538},
{"quote": "<BobDole> i'm not the real bob dole\r\n<BobDole> but.. i'm just on this nick\r\n<T`karthon> ohh\r\n<Nija_work> had me fooled\r\n<T`karthon> thanks for clearing that up for us", "score": 1015, "id": 539},
{"quote": "<hypr> i need jewcases or like paper or plastic things to put cds in :.", "score": 114, "id": 540},
{"quote": "<smcn> a pig could fly if you like put a rocket up its ass and lit it", "score": 61, "id": 541},
{"quote": "<MojoBag> [DaemoN_] She kicked my dog, and now i am going to FUCK her.\r\n* freeweed kix Daemon's dog\r\n* DaemoN_ fucks her\r\n<smcn> fucks who? your dog?", "score": 389, "id": 543},
{"quote": "", "score": 679, "id": 544},
{"quote": "<smcn> the only thing we have to ph33r is peer itself", "score": 471, "id": 545},
{"quote": "<KidHype> discovery channel should have a droppy tits from around the world week\r\n* PtitFous undresses then\r\n<MikeDX> except its shown on CNN and called \"world famine report\"", "score": 352, "id": 546},
{"quote": "<QuoteBawt> I know very few girls into emulation, even fewer into drinking \"beer\" and even fewer with an IQ above room temperature\r\n<freeweed> <QuoteBawt> I know very few girls <--- if you wanna say something just say it\r\n<scienide_> wimiins should go back to the kitchen", "score": 431, "id": 547},
{"quote": "<freeweed> actuall i'm ambivalent :)\r\n<DaemoN_> ???\r\n<DaemoN_> lesbian?", "score": 402, "id": 548},
{"quote": "<DaemoN_> ASHLEY STOP SCRUBBING MY SCHLONG WITH THOSE TREES\r\n<Ashley-> its the only wood you will ever have down there urchin boy", "score": 509, "id": 549},
{"quote": "<Ash> KIEV, Ukraine (AP) -- A Ukrainian candy company has begun marketing what may be the stickiest, richest and most fattening holiday treat on the market: pure pork fat covered in chocolate.", "score": 299, "id": 550},
{"quote": "[01:17] <Conan-> a friend of mine asked me if cable was the same as shell?", "score": 217, "id": 552},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> Sure, I'll put it on my Wall of Eliteness in my dorm\r\n<Amanda`> Beside Duke Nukem\r\n<Guilty> You and duke nukem\r\n<Amanda`> We're pals.\r\n<Guilty> Its like Amanda was Duke's fiance before a war and Duke went off and she sits in a rocking chair until 80 waiting for him to come home\r\n<Guilty> Hes dead, move on", "score": 960, "id": 554},
{"quote": "<CurlyEars> sorry....I am a bit compulsive about spelling an grammar", "score": 372, "id": 555},
{"quote": "<D-viant> it's not like her ass is caked in shit\r\n<D-viant> and it's not like I'm sticking my tongue IN her ass", "score": 268, "id": 556},
{"quote": "[23:34] [+xvize] c++ is made in borland", "score": 359, "id": 557},
{"quote": "<@xvize> xwin is like an os", "score": 86, "id": 558},
{"quote": "[05:45pm] [+xvize] yea aol's supposed to be harder to trace", "score": 251, "id": 559},
{"quote": "<phiber> I JUST LOST A NEATO ROOT CAUSE I HIT CTRL+C MEANING TO COPY THE IP", "score": 369, "id": 564},
{"quote": "<phiber_> where's my boot disk? how can i be a hacker without linux?", "score": 372, "id": 565},
{"quote": "[02:46am] [+oc] earlier when my video card wasnt working i started crying seriously", "score": 384, "id": 567},
{"quote": "[06:26pm] <shmoo> did you know if you deleate stuff you get your giggabytes back?", "score": 688, "id": 579},
{"quote": "<Zen> I wonder what flavor of Windows they're going to run on Xbox..\r\n<Yohoma> hopefully AOL 7.0 is out by the, i wanna play gamez online", "score": 268, "id": 590},
{"quote": "<gb> I'M BREAKING OUT THE DoS\r\n<gb> THERE GOEZ ED\r\n<gb> BYE BYE\r\n<hypr> DONT DOS ME\"\r\n<hypr> FUCKERKGHJIJGEG\r\n<blazemore> hypr: quick, go buy dsl!", "score": 133, "id": 591},
{"quote": "<@shmoo> i gatta shit\r\n<@shmoo> bb tomorrow", "score": 635, "id": 592},
{"quote": "<Johnno> my favorite animal is the scapegoat", "score": 1002, "id": 594},
{"quote": "[%proto] Master inorder to be a successful technician, one must learn proper english and grammar \r\n[@master-] tfu", "score": 396, "id": 595},
{"quote": "[16:56] <van|go`eagles> btw\r\n[16:56] <van|go`eagles> your gf sucks at cs\r\n[16:57] <en4cer> lol\r\n[16:57] <en4cer> shes better at other things\r\n[16:57] <Grifter-> like quake?\r\n[16:57] <en4cer> lol", "score": 1420, "id": 599},
{"quote": "[17:05] <thinkmad> christ man\r\n[17:05] <thinkmad> i just caught my dad jerking off", "score": 738, "id": 600},
{"quote": "<{ReNeGaDe}>\u00a0 ok why is no one writin back to me; what do i got no fingers to type with and im just imaginin writin all this?", "score": 111, "id": 601},
{"quote": "*** banned[sleep] was kicked by Syber (Lotto Mockery. Shut the fuck up You fucking soggy assed cock sucking mother fucking faggot. You're not even impressing your own mother with cunt-flapped shennanigans like that. No mockery, no cockery, no knocking me. BANNED! 15 minutes.)", "score": 32, "id": 602},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: DUDE\r\nn e r d b 5: shania twain is only 20 years older than me.... i might have a chance one day, since she isnt that much older than me", "score": 98, "id": 609},
{"quote": "<subnet> anyone got a man nearby? will pay!", "score": 108, "id": 611},
{"quote": "<Bambz-216> i don't have anything illegal in my house anymore\r\n<Bambz-216> EXCEPT FOR THOSE MEXICANS I BOUGHT!", "score": 551, "id": 612},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> check this out\r\n<c-rOCK> some guy is a fucking retard", "score": -111, "id": 614},
{"quote": "<splice> wow, irc really loses its luster when you have a girlfriend\r\n<splice> be back much later", "score": 1323, "id": 615},
{"quote": "<Saige> cureobsession is a guy who might be cute, but you can't tell from the low-quality pictures", "score": 93, "id": 616},
{"quote": "<SYch0> where do you specify how many levels of a web page you want to save when you save it? :|\r\n<enar> just use teleport pro and like have it save only .jpgs over so many kb :/\r\n<DigDug> use teleport pro or wget\r\n<SYch0> cuz im saving as a single file\r\n<SYch0> im not saving porn!\r\n<enar> why would you save a webpage then :/", "score": 534, "id": 617},
{"quote": "<Ash> My Amazon package arrived in Baltimore at 9pm last night... but there's no data after that!\r\n<wild> ash: where is lk's package?\r\n<MadHatter> mind your business wild\r\n<MadHatter> I'm already taking care of lk\r\n<MadHatter> don't ever mention it again\r\n<MadHatter> ever\r\n<gb> Ash: where is lk's package?\r\n*** gb was kicked by MadHatter (..)", "score": 33, "id": 618},
{"quote": "*** zaney was kicked by Ash (I know you're not stupid! Don't think you can fool me!)\r\n*** Ash sets mode: +b *!*zane@*\r\n<hypr> hahaahhaha\r\n<Ash> [13:35] <zaney> whats the greatest nation in the world?\r\n<Ash> [13:36] <Ash> Mexico!\r\n<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> uriNATION HAW YOU idiot!@\r\n<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> hahahahhaa\r\n<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> thats funny\r\n<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> urination is peee btw\r\n<Ash> [13:36] <zaney> pee jokes own", "score": 385, "id": 619},
{"quote": "<zaney> if you have the fucking internet why jizz in the shower?", "score": 324, "id": 622},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> sjkdfkl;' \r\n<Jingoro`> hatters snorting off his keyboard again", "score": 692, "id": 624},
{"quote": "<Ash> We hardly ever do crack. Sometimes barely once a week.", "score": 457, "id": 625},
{"quote": "<iln> AlmtyBob: are both of j00r computers hooked up with cox?\r\n<Ash> I'm awake! Did somebody say cox?", "score": 445, "id": 627},
{"quote": "<wild> 8ball is madhatter gay? \r\n<Alice1> It says 'Obviously,' wild", "score": 83, "id": 628},
{"quote": "<Kacey> if I wsa president, I would change the \"In God We Trust\" \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 to \"In Goats We Thrust\"", "score": 756, "id": 686},
{"quote": "<zaney> whats gaotse.cs url\r\n<zaney> correct 1", "score": 171, "id": 779},
{"quote": "<BlackDeTh> this girl was taking e for the first time.. so i knew what i had to do.. i made it a night she'll remember. (and me too :D\r\n<lux> she'll remember it as rape at the trial and you'll remember it as consentual", "score": 1022, "id": 851},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> i HATE MY MOM\r\n<AlmtyBob> fucking I'm just sitting here playing oni\r\n<AlmtyBob> and she walks in\r\n<AlmtyBob> SHE LIVES ACCROSS THE COUNTRY\r\n<AlmtyBob> she is NOT ALLOWED to just walk in\r\n<AlmtyBob> didn't bother calling saying she'd be home\r\n<AlmtyBob> didn't call me from the airport\r\n<AlmtyBob> just bam, walks in\r\n<AlmtyBob> what if I'd been jerking to hardcore teenage lesbo porn?\r\n<hypr> AlmtyBob: dont forget to take da debbe does dallas p0rno out of the vcr\r\n<AlmtyBob> actually it's interview with the vibrator\r\n<hypr> haha\r\n<Lk2k1> Bob has naked pictures of lux in his room.\r\n<AlmtyBob> but I stored that away a while ago\r\n<AlmtyBob> all my porn is digital\r\n<AlmtyBob> oh thanks for reminding me\r\n<AlmtyBob> gotta take the flash card out of my digicam\r\n<AlmtyBob> lest she get curious\r\n<hypr> wtf u made a homemade p0rn?\r\n<AlmtyBob> just pics of people I know\r\n<AlmtyBob> nonnude\r\n<AlmtyBob> time to take out the trash and /clear", "score": 506, "id": 632},
{"quote": "<polaris> haha... mozilla rocks... I accidently clicked on horse pron on stileproject and it crashed before displaying it", "score": 910, "id": 634},
{"quote": "<Anagon> IT'S UP! I GOT IT UP!\r\n<Anagon> (no, not like that)", "score": 1103, "id": 636},
{"quote": "<MrFalcon> Rattus: it's just random chance that i hit the keyboard in such a way that my responses make sense", "score": 466, "id": 637},
{"quote": "<Techiii> Q: How do you spell Kuro5hin?", "score": 265, "id": 639},
{"quote": "<Techbert> What does 'goatse' mean, anyway?", "score": 492, "id": 640},
{"quote": "<Techbert> I'm an idiot, it's your fault for confusing me. :P", "score": 292, "id": 642},
{"quote": "<Medieval> the chances of me spontaneously climaxing while thinking about that are increasing", "score": 408, "id": 647},
{"quote": "<snerfu> I would say the worst feeling is waking up after a night of drunken stupor and in the process of walking to your computer all you see is a pine session that says: your email \"im drunk\" has been sent.", "score": 1221, "id": 648},
{"quote": "<ASSX> were can i get some oc3`s", "score": 77, "id": 649},
{"quote": "<Auspex> how do i decompile a .c in windows?", "score": 423, "id": 650},
{"quote": "<TrUSoLDiA> since when was linux free?", "score": 509, "id": 652},
{"quote": "<metio> is there a pirated site that ahs the newest version of linux", "score": 792, "id": 653},
{"quote": "<Freezed> Just wondering if its possible to download a windows 95/98 source code, or ..", "score": 239, "id": 654},
{"quote": "<muted> i dont like slackware\r\n<Zephyrous> muted: what are you on?\r\n<Accipiter> Zephyrous >> Crack, apparently.\r\n<muted> suse", "score": 286, "id": 657},
{"quote": "<MrSpey> Everyone needs pr0n. In fact, I think the amount of pr0n people have is limited by their free time, connection speed, and storage space. Not desire.", "score": 712, "id": 658},
{"quote": "<imminent> clean keyboard\r\n<imminent> yesss\r\n<edible> you desemenized it?\r\n<edible> let some cum hungry slut lick the shit out of your keyboard?", "score": 65, "id": 659},
{"quote": "<DaveMann> i know the millitary has a program that could see ur msg and dcc\r\n> you mean the NSA not the military\r\n<DaveMann> no the military\r\n<DaveMann> what is nsa\r\n<DaveMann> dont u mean\r\n<DaveMann> nasa", "score": 347, "id": 687},
{"quote": "<watashi^_> There are 177wks 3days 3mins 44secs until Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson are legal! I can't wait! d:D->=<", "score": 392, "id": 688},
{"quote": "<aard> i have a dentist appointment tomorrow \r\n<aard> for these cavities \r\n<joeN> aard is going to get his cavities filled :) \r\n<Number-6> bend over; I'll fill your cavity", "score": 338, "id": 689},
{"quote": "<Number-6> rabid fags wonder why people don't like them.\r\n<orff> i'm a rabid faggot and people like me.\r\n<orff> mayeb you meant rabbi fags", "score": 137, "id": 690},
{"quote": "<wankel> Apr 16 17:43:34 ftpd[9720]: zirconium (bogus) LOGIN FAILED [from]\r\n<wankel> Apr 16 17:43:34 ftpd[9722]: zoology (bogus) LOGIN FAILED [from]\r\n<wankel> Apr 16 17:43:34 ftpd[9721]: zoo (bogus) LOGIN FAILED [from]\r\n<wankel> Apr 16 17:43:34 ftpd[9723]: zoom (bogus) LOGIN FAILED [from]\r\n<wankel> Apr 16 17:43:34 ftpd[9724]: zooplankton (bogus) LOGIN FAILED [from]\r\n<wankel> WHOA SHIT\r\n<mendel> someone tell that luser that dictionary attacks refer to the PASSWORD part.\r\n<wankel> christ, 2000 lines back and he was only in w's :)\r\n<wankel> mankind:~ % grep LOGIN FAILED /var/log/messages | wc -l\r\n<wankel> 8923", "score": 1244, "id": 691},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: what in the hell\r\nn e r d b 5: im not a registered staples user\r\nn e r d b 5: what do i do?\r\ne l i t e\u00a0 m r p: register", "score": 331, "id": 693},
{"quote": "<sparc5> how does a guy become a porn star?\r\n<sparc5> that's what I wana find out \r\n<Rhelic> sparc5: have at least 8inches and 4inches girth\r\n<Rhelic> sparc5: and you usually pay them to be in the first few\r\n<eggo> or family business\r\n<sparc5> Rehlic: pay???\r\n<thinkmad> may you all catch this horrible disease and suffer\r\n<Rhelic> sparc5: its easy to find any guy to fuk some hot pron star\r\n<sparc5> damn", "score": 277, "id": 694},
{"quote": "<Def|CS> Porn has a neat psychological's like, these people are giving up their dignity so you have something to look at to entertain yourself. It's power :O", "score": 402, "id": 695},
{"quote": "<kisama> amanda is the opposite of a normal computer user\r\n<Amanda`> KISAMA IS THE OPPOSITE OF HETEROSEXUAL", "score": 961, "id": 698},
{"quote": "<shockf00> anyone know where the fuck i can DL a bot for irc?\r\n<shockf00> isnt it like named Poloris or some shit?", "score": 58, "id": 699},
{"quote": "<Guilty> I often wake up in a cold sweat, in fright that some negro has stolen my moves.", "score": 181, "id": 700},
{"quote": "Technically, I can go and break the fingers of a sysadmin of any operating system and get the root password. This doesn't make it a localhost of remote attack.\r\n-- Artur Grabowski", "score": 427, "id": 702},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i'm totally kewl, dude.\r\n<LkTrout1> hypr is jealous of blazemore's Dell nametag.\r\n<hypr> im jealous of lks lack of penile gland\r\n<LkTrout1> My bulbourethral glands work just fine.\r\n<LkTrout1> nerd\r\n<hypr> ahahah\r\n<gb> LakeTrout the wannabe doctor", "score": 110, "id": 703},
{"quote": "<vsync> my hand is banging against the keyboard, seizure-like\r\n<tokage> vsync: is your masturbation coordination nerve acting up again?:)", "score": 442, "id": 705},
{"quote": "<|Chris> how many straight edge kids does it take to drink a six pack?\r\n<|Chris> 1, if no one's looking", "score": 687, "id": 709},
{"quote": "<iln> i haven't stuck anything up my ass before but i've thought about it", "score": 230, "id": 710},
{"quote": "<iln> she was taking her pants off one time\r\n<iln> and her underwear\r\n<iln> and i was watching from the back\r\n<iln> and i said \"damn. you have a nice ass.\"\r\n<iln> then she got on all fours and said \"you wanna put it in?\"\r\n<iln> and thats how i stole kristin doan's anal virginity.", "score": 643, "id": 711},
{"quote": "<dizzy_working> you couldn't kick my ass if I gave you special ass-kicking shoes and bent over for ya", "score": 668, "id": 780},
{"quote": "<D1> mp3[01 - s~1] [1m47s/1.23mb/96kbps]\r\n<D1> arg\r\n<D1> i need one of those mp3 name thingies", "score": 283, "id": 781},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I just got this spam:\r\n<MadHatter> READY TO BREAK YOUR\r\n<MadHatter> NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS??\r\n<MadHatter> \"I'm not gonna look at HARDCORE PORN anymore.\"\r\n<MadHatter> \"I won't GAMBLE ONLINE anymore.\"\r\n<MadHatter> \"I'm gonna JUST SAY NO.\"", "score": 480, "id": 782},
{"quote": "(DigDug) i'm really glad that my penis doesn't have an odometer", "score": 618, "id": 783},
{"quote": "(|Chris) bang her and change your phone number", "score": 267, "id": 785},
{"quote": "(Erich) i can run faster than a blood hound\r\n(zp) Erich: all the free niggas can, thats why they're free", "score": 125, "id": 786},
{"quote": "(Guilty) Fionna's body is similar to that of a 13 year old boy in Etheopia", "score": 187, "id": 787},
{"quote": "(sonique) i'm sensitive\r\n(sonique) i cry at movies\r\n(sonique) i change clothes 5 times before i go to school\r\n(sonique) i also look at little boys with a glint of danger in my eye", "score": 558, "id": 788},
{"quote": "<DigDug> heh... what the hell is a rimjob?", "score": 80, "id": 789},
{"quote": "(Guilty) \"WITHOUT ULTRA PORT GUARD 2000, HACKERS CAN STEAL YOUR CHILDREN\"", "score": 1397, "id": 790},
{"quote": "(McMoo) i got in a car accident and i'm fine\r\n(McMoo) except for that third nipple that the doctors thought would be funny to include in my skin graft", "score": 833, "id": 791},
{"quote": "(maffewz) little women is on, i'm sure every lesbian with a tivo is filling up hard drive space", "score": 455, "id": 792},
{"quote": "(arrogant) you wont see a pussy until your 35 and your wife is ready for her cherry to be busted", "score": 80, "id": 793},
{"quote": "<ckx> part of the problem with christains\r\n<ckx> is they're so gullible\r\n<DigDug> ckx: isn't that why they're christians in the first place?\r\n<ckx> heh good point", "score": 917, "id": 794},
{"quote": "<conceited> in exactly two days i'll be packeting whoever talks shit to me.", "score": 261, "id": 795},
{"quote": "<DarkSun> I ask for a n64 emu and a big nerd syz me go to http://www.emu' \r\n<DarkSun> Anyone have a good webpage with EMU????", "score": 290, "id": 797},
{"quote": "<|P0SiX|> you version'd me because? \r\n<Valin> Because I wanted to see if you are one of those damn Microsoft OS users. You are, and you shouldn't have any nick that has anything to do with the better OSes (the free, unix-like OSes) because anything affiliated with those OSes are too good for the likes of you to soil \r\n<|P0SiX|> [Valin VERSION reply]: mIRC32 v5.41", "score": 1895, "id": 798},
{"quote": "<`bobble`> give +v to PunKz plz. i want him close to me", "score": 355, "id": 801},
{"quote": "<doraemon`> one of my best friends sells herself for 150 bucks a trick\r\n<doraemon`> she rules", "score": 466, "id": 852},
{"quote": "<hypr> 0h shit ash\r\n<hypr> yer roommate is offened by women?\r\n<hypr> haw he am gay\r\n<hypr> j00 have sex wit em?\r\n<hypr> ash dat page am mad sl0w\r\n<Ash> Yah.\r\n<brazemore> hypr was taught defunct english as a child.", "score": 473, "id": 853},
{"quote": "* Matataki hhahwhawhawhawhawhawhawhwh\r\n<Matataki> whenever i wanna laugh i read 'the emulation dream'", "score": 199, "id": 854},
{"quote": "<EFX> does the cum in an australian girls throat go down counter clockwise?", "score": 1077, "id": 855},
{"quote": "<Gussy> Does anyone here know much about exercise?\r\n<fs`> is that an emu?", "score": 506, "id": 856},
{"quote": "<c0njurer> Forecast calls for Kickfest likely, with a slight chance of dickt4yt0r\r\n<c0njurer> kthx", "score": 132, "id": 857},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> i saw this black kid at my community college today with a programming cobol book\r\n<Berzerker> hahahah\r\n<Berzerker> whats a nigga gunna do with cobol", "score": -928, "id": 858},
{"quote": "*** blazemore ( has joined #ramen\r\n<LkAway1> blazemore: what happened on DBZ today?\r\n<HomerJ> they fought some guy", "score": 1301, "id": 859},
{"quote": "<rob`> <Satanic0> vai toma no cu filha da puta\r\n<rob`> _________________________________________\r\n<rob`> I'M GETTING HACKED FROM BRASIL\r\n<rob`> HELP ME", "score": 654, "id": 861},
{"quote": "<rob`> where does an irish family go for vacation?\r\n<rob`> to a different bar", "score": 585, "id": 863},
{"quote": "<KidHype> i have pole position emulated in my pants\r\n<KidHype> it asks my wife to prepare to qualify\r\n<TonyD> how unusual", "score": 502, "id": 864},
{"quote": "<BWieRDMaN> which one is the gay euro?\r\n<scar-> <-", "score": 140, "id": 865},
{"quote": "<OmniGurt> <Zophar> Someone hacked my site!\r\n<OmniGurt> (insert dramatic Wing Commander music here", "score": 447, "id": 868},
{"quote": "<EFX> is it strange to peel pieces of skin off your cock?\r\n<EFX> am I shedding so my cock will grow bigger?", "score": 682, "id": 869},
{"quote": "<Cducharme> My clock be off bigtime\r\n<Cducharme> k\r\n<Cducharme> fixed\r\n<Ash> Same here, but I'm going to try to get a doctor to look at it when I scrape up some cash.\r\n<Ash> Oh, clock.\r\n<Ash> N/m.", "score": 1416, "id": 870},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> I think there are more christians than bullets\r\n<AlmtyBob> sucks", "score": 497, "id": 871},
{"quote": "<LkTruth1> Hmm, I haven't realized until lately that Zophar is using ZD to bitch about his life.\r\n<BlackDeTh> \"9/14/99 - VGB 4.5 is out, I'm still a virgin.\"", "score": 391, "id": 872},
{"quote": "<NOFX`> once a week someone threatens to take te channel\r\n<NOFX`> its getting old\r\n<NOFX`> iwish theyd threaten like my anal virginity or something\r\n<NOFX`> i mean something im actually scared of losing", "score": 730, "id": 874},
{"quote": "<DigDug> <hypr> dof i think hj00 lsefz haw\r\n<DigDug> wtf did that say?\r\n<hypr> i dunno\r\n<hypr> what i said", "score": 445, "id": 660},
{"quote": "(|Chris) take your dick out of the port\r\n(Chis) hey it worked!", "score": 392, "id": 662},
{"quote": "<hypr> digdug: i bet you have your beeper auto go off when somebody adds a quote cause your a supernerd", "score": 113, "id": 663},
{"quote": "<reptile-> i like to masturbate\r\n<reptile-> heh\r\n<reptile-> I remember along time ago\r\n<reptile-> when I was like 8 er smthn\r\n<reptile-> my friend was like, \"Gay people masturbate.\" or something\r\n<reptile-> and I was like, \"ew.. I'm never doing that!\"\r\n<reptile-> !#@$", "score": 397, "id": 665},
{"quote": "<Chis> anyone experienced with shavers?\r\n<Chis> i need to get one on ebay)\r\n<Chis>\r\n<Spidey> dude\r\n<Spidey> just go to the damn store", "score": 683, "id": 667},
{"quote": "<homerj> I wish I had a detachable penis\r\n<homerj> then when I went out as a woman, I wouldn't have to tape it up", "score": 436, "id": 668},
{"quote": "<Johnno> wouldnt it be cool if there was a cow that had a door on it's side, that when you opened it up, it produced nummmy pie\r\n<wonko> that's a good idea! hold on while I round up some venture capital...", "score": 556, "id": 670},
{"quote": "<makeworld> ICQ scared the shit outta me\r\n<makeworld> walked into my pitch dark room and hear a knocking noise, sounded\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 like someone knocking on my window\r\n<makeworld> shit", "score": 952, "id": 673},
{"quote": "[23:07] <feMMey> i leave for europe in 4 days\r\n[23:07] <rys> on purpose?", "score": 483, "id": 676},
{"quote": "After fatal school shooting in Littleton Colorado, 4/20/99\r\n[18:38] <THE_RAY> Any people from the school in here?\r\n[18:39] <scitz0> oh yah i got home from the shooting and \"logged on\" you idiot\r\n[18:39] <PunCHie> i got shot in the head 4 times..\u00a0 but i'm okay..", "score": 792, "id": 677},
{"quote": "<gambit32> Would you like an orgasmic disorder?\r\n<gargos> No... I've got homework to do.", "score": 430, "id": 679},
{"quote": "*** Gambit32 has changed the topic on channel #havok to: Masturbation: If\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 brute force doesnt work, use a bigger hammer.\r\n<syx> eeeeek", "score": 508, "id": 682},
{"quote": "<Slewfoot> I made my hamster cum by tickling his winky once", "score": 407, "id": 683},
{"quote": "<C-B0> i put a toad in the freezer... it peed then froze to the bottem... \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 then my mom like screamed at me for a week or 2.. it ruled", "score": 870, "id": 684},
{"quote": "<[SkiTzO]> i think the dump i just took was alive.", "score": 545, "id": 685},
{"quote": "<Jingoro`> I dont wana see pictures of brazilian santaclause\r\n<Jingoro`> he probably has roms in his sack", "score": 311, "id": 712},
{"quote": "<Lowridah> I don't like getting\u00a0 8===========D dcc'd to me", "score": 250, "id": 713},
{"quote": "<Hatter> I know it's up for me!\r\n<Hatter> take it etherman!~\r\n<notgoth> if you steal my sunshine!\r\n<Hatter> I SAID etherman\r\n* notgoth steals etherman's sunshine :D\r\n<EtherMan> :(\r\n* EtherMan no sunshine\r\n<notgoth> fine, you can have it back :D\r\n* EtherMan sunshine!\r\n<Hatter> Alright, now that's just gay.", "score": 672, "id": 714},
{"quote": "<Acero> dude wild are you some kind of flagrant gay", "score": 50, "id": 717},
{"quote": "<wild> i'm going to titty fuck her on the casket", "score": 62, "id": 718},
{"quote": "<SWM> The real issue is which candidate will kill more niggers.\r\n<SWM> Gore's idea of poisoned chicken wings is pretty good\r\n<SWM> But I like Bush's idea of a giant oven disguised as a swap meet.\r\n<SWM> Niggers love swap meets.", "score": -2107, "id": 721},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> if you want to meet girls, I'll take you out\r\n<Ash> I want nice nerd girls, not coked-up models.", "score": 679, "id": 722},
{"quote": "<EFX> at least I'm not black with a huge penis", "score": 61, "id": 724},
{"quote": "<reptile-> My friend and I took a bunch of fucked up CDs\r\n<reptile-> and labeled them with various things\r\n<reptile-> like\r\n<reptile-> \"PRE-TEEN SEX\"\r\n<reptile-> \"GAY PORN\"\r\n<reptile-> \"RAPED AND IMPREGNATED TEENS\"\r\n<reptile-> etc, etc.\r\n<reptile-> and like stuck the \"PRE-TEEN SEX\" one in the window of the kindergarten.\r\n<reptile-> and stuck one that said \"CHILD SEX\" under the bigtoy at primary school\r\n<reptile-> I wish I could have seen the reactions from the people that found the CDs. :|", "score": 420, "id": 731},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I'm your little butterfly", "score": -200, "id": 735},
{"quote": "<wild> go lick some cheesesteak juice off zophars boobs", "score": 38, "id": 736},
{"quote": "<cyde> Nocarrier, AOL Called. They said they miss you.", "score": 428, "id": 740},
{"quote": "<Keiichi> I hope you eat a dog-shit taco and fucking die.\r\n<|Dan|> NOT ZESTY", "score": 360, "id": 747},
{"quote": "<|Dan|> I don't wanna sound gay or anything.. but.. could I fuck you in the ass?", "score": 601, "id": 748},
{"quote": "[reidman\u00a0\u00a0 ) why is there an ad for Windows Media Player on the Apple Quicktime site??\r\n[|Dan|\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) god only knows why\r\n[|Dan|\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) and he's laughing", "score": 1008, "id": 751},
{"quote": "<saboteur> sometimes i wish i didtn have a penis\r\n<saboteur> like when i get a wood standing up\r\n<Damien> lol sab\r\n<saboteur> and its hard to hide\r\n<phase5> same\r\n<phase5> or like, when your walking down the street\r\n<phase5> and it hangs out the bottom of your pants\r\n<phase5> and drags on the ground\r\n<saboteur> haha\r\n<saboteur> yeah exactly\r\n<k> or when you lie down and planes crash into it", "score": 2195, "id": 755},
{"quote": "<SuckIt699> ENGLISH people u r in america", "score": 393, "id": 802},
{"quote": "<DUJSHEBAE> HI, ANYONE knows which is the best programm for emulate PSX in a pentium 133?", "score": 287, "id": 805},
{"quote": "<Snots> If someone don't send me a rom I'll use ping!", "score": 413, "id": 806},
{"quote": "<Skywarp> Someone needs to shave zophars head and use his hair as experimental flac vest material", "score": 270, "id": 807},
{"quote": "<SwampGas> Opoth: you're just angry cause i didn't sex you up last night \r\n<SwampGas> now keep it out of here \r\n<SwampGas> it's not MY fault it went limp \r\n<SwampGas> YOU DIDN\"T SHAVE \r\n<SwampGas> and unshaven anuses turn me off", "score": 314, "id": 808},
{"quote": "<Beez> do u know where to download the Psx emulator EMU and Bleed?", "score": 132, "id": 809},
{"quote": "<PuyoDead> #emu talks more .br talk than the entire country of brazil", "score": 335, "id": 810},
{"quote": "<lugnut> He used to fwap it around in front of his mom constantly", "score": 323, "id": 811},
{"quote": "<Boricua> any one know if there is a psx emulator that emulates burned cd's?", "score": 149, "id": 813},
{"quote": "<Firebrand> Mario and Luigi are just too \"goody goody\" with each other.\r\n<Firebrand> I'd wonder what kind of \"plumbing\" they do\r\n<Firebrand> As I never see them with the tools", "score": 965, "id": 816},
{"quote": "<_0wn3d_> N-E-1 no how to download the internet ????????????????", "score": 650, "id": 819},
{"quote": "<TwiLyght> Toby on @#gayphonesex @#gaydads4sons @#gayteensex @#gayboysex @#gayteenboys \r\n<TwiLyght> ack! \r\n<TwiLyght> you dirtied my computer with /whois toby", "score": 502, "id": 820},
{"quote": "<LordTalon> My circumsicion scar seems to be bleeding, what should I do?", "score": 338, "id": 821},
{"quote": "<c0ke> Anyone have linux emulator for super nintendo ?", "score": 594, "id": 822},
{"quote": "<arcaDEATH> I thought Tetris was like Solitare?", "score": 338, "id": 824},
{"quote": "<PunK> she was a fast machine she kept her penis clean she was the best half woman that I ever seen", "score": 665, "id": 825},
{"quote": "<Beck-Fan> are we so desprit for petty entertanment (roms) that wa suck up to these people that think there gods because they spent 24/7 on there computors", "score": 77, "id": 826},
{"quote": "<Dr_DOS> a typhoon smashed into hong kong\r\n<Dr_DOS> wiping out 1.5% of their pirated goods\r\n<Dr_DOS> a total profit of $300,000 for US companies alone", "score": 550, "id": 875},
{"quote": "* [obi-wan] is away, jedi meditation (sleep) [log:OFF] [page:OFF]\r\n<blazemore> i wonder when n0m is gonna come down from his starwars trip\r\n* [obi-wan] waves his hand in front of blazemore \"i am not on a starwars trip\"", "score": 888, "id": 876},
{"quote": "<blazemore> if i were canadian, i'd build a log cabin and then kill myself.", "score": 597, "id": 877},
{"quote": "<Dipstick`> women exist?\r\n<Dipstick`> well.. i've seen drawings\r\n<Dipstick`> and my mother CLAIMS to be a women\r\n<Dipstick`> i don't believe it though.... she doesn't look anything like the drawings", "score": 1375, "id": 878},
{"quote": "<Drakh> room smells like semen and popcorn\r\n<Angelo_> i didn't know you could get semen as popcorn flavoring", "score": 433, "id": 879},
{"quote": "<|scar> Girlfriend pregnant error, [A]bort, [M]arry, [I]gnore ?", "score": 2346, "id": 881},
{"quote": "<shizumaru> \"Sega originally stood for \"Segregated Arcade\" and was started by a black man, Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s, however MLK was later assassinated during a brainstorming activity concerning a new blue hedgehog character by a Japanese Sniper on the balcony of a hotel, the Japs successfully framed a white man and took over Sega taking the profits for their own.\"", "score": 431, "id": 885},
{"quote": "<osx> I programmed my sidewinder for IRC combat.\r\n<osx> A for Awp, B for Ban, and C for Kick.\r\n<osx> So watch out..", "score": 535, "id": 886},
{"quote": "<blazemore> don't make me press nine limp inches against your forehead and leave a sweaty red mark from the moist underside\r\n<Nikki> sorry", "score": 317, "id": 887},
{"quote": "<rob`> highschool was the best 7 years of my life", "score": 913, "id": 888},
{"quote": "<InVerse> That's the problem with the emulation scene.. not enough females for a chick fight.", "score": 288, "id": 889},
{"quote": "<EFX> I'm sick of people bashing kiddie porn", "score": 324, "id": 890},
{"quote": "", "score": 702, "id": 892},
{"quote": "<Keiichi> It takes brains to grow weed", "score": 95, "id": 893},
{"quote": "<dovee> anyone using or have an imac?\r\n* macker looks over at the door\r\n<macker> nope, they replaced the door-stop with a real one...", "score": 977, "id": 894},
{"quote": "<two-c00l> i met eminem yesterday\r\n<rick^MD> eminem is gay, and i hate gays\r\n<two-c00l> eminem is not gay!\r\n<rick^MD> yes he is\r\n<two-c00l> prove it\r\n<rick^MD> ok... i had anal sex with him last week\r\n<two-c00l> um i thought you said you hate gays?\r\n<rick^MD> oh umm... i was just making sure he was gay so i could prove it to you", "score": 1292, "id": 897},
{"quote": "<timmo> make me dumplings\r\n<timmo> and some grit\r\n<Fustard> grits*\r\n<Fustard> grit would be dirt, tim\r\n<timmo> no zach im watchin my weight i only want one grit", "score": 591, "id": 898},
{"quote": "<folly> and anyone who tells you you can is a moron.\r\n<folly> (or a windows admin, which amounts to much the same thing)", "score": 354, "id": 756},
{"quote": "<Primus> does any1 know how to tell just by looking, what size a RAM chip is?", "score": 69, "id": 757},
{"quote": "[PhantomDeath(] hey tim, im realy good at Windows NT. Do you think I could be apart of the 2600 network?", "score": 266, "id": 758},
{"quote": "<cygnus> oi\r\n<cygnus> in windows\r\n<cygnus> what it mean\r\n<cygnus> if the folder has a hand underneaath it\r\n<Sephiroth> means it is shared\r\n<Sephiroth> across your network\r\n<cygnus> how did you know that\r\n<cygnus> i thought it meant itwas heavy\r\n<cygnus> or something\r\n<cygnus> like\r\n<cygnus> it's got 10 gigs in it", "score": 1699, "id": 759},
{"quote": "<Martes> I gotta stop sleeping nude with my window open\r\n<Martes> no one exciting comes in anyway", "score": 856, "id": 761},
{"quote": "uuu join/#unix (Hes^GoT^LiNuX!\r\n<Hes^GoT^LiNuX> I Have Linux Perl Can i Download Gnome???", "score": 201, "id": 762},
{"quote": "<rusty> /. has spawned a whole self-sustaining troll subculture\r\n<rusty> they're busily trolling the shit out of right now", "score": 304, "id": 763},
{"quote": "<DigDug> looks like microsoft is extending http\r\n<DigDug> HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected\r\n<DigDug> Internet Information Services\r\n<OxOO> that must be visual http++", "score": 467, "id": 764},
{"quote": "Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft ... and the\r\nonly one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 -- Wernher von Braun", "score": 1068, "id": 765},
{"quote": "<ckx> i'd love to become a hit man\r\n<ckx> not because i like killing people\r\n<ckx> just for the nice suits\r\n<ikkenai> and the bitches", "score": 573, "id": 766},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> pen hates you\r\n<c-rOCK> waffle boy\r\n<eggo> pen loves me\r\n<eggo> infact i can feel his penis pushing past my anus right now\r\n<Guilty> I thought pen was castrated by the Russian government to make him a more efficant soviet hax0r", "score": 254, "id": 769},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> I CANT WAIT TO SEE THAT COLLEGE GIRL GET RAPED BY A ALIIGATOR", "score": 69, "id": 771},
{"quote": "<gb> it's impossible to argue with the ignorint", "score": 569, "id": 772},
{"quote": "<justinfinity> h2odragon, a deja vu is a glitch in the scoop\r\n<justinfinity> rusty changed something", "score": 86, "id": 773},
{"quote": "<Maarken> anyone know of good places to price cisco stuff? I don't want to do all their touchy feely salesperson shit.", "score": 340, "id": 774},
{"quote": "<AnarKii> does Cel300 is fast? \r\n<AnarKii> nyway \r\n<AnarKii> where I could found NAME + romz ? \r\n<AnarKii> pleazzzzzzzzzzzz", "score": 32, "id": 829},
{"quote": "<SuperGT> this channel probably gots nothing, but a m0therfuck|g piece of shit!!! this channel sux shit, ITALY sux shit too! They losted to frogs!!! so how about it? a wopper $1.49? haha piece of shit", "score": -152, "id": 830},
{"quote": "<timmo> i got a lego fetish whats it to ya?\r\n<iMike-> damn norwegian toy companies\r\n<McMoo> it's danish\r\n<iMike-> what the hell is that\r\n<iMike-> danland?", "score": 881, "id": 833},
{"quote": "<blazemore> *** Now talking in #bemani\r\n<blazemore> *** Topic is '<Orchard-L> i heard it sucks monkey balls! Monkeys like bananas, kthxgoal'\r\n<blazemore> *** Set by Onic on Fri Nov 10 22:01:07\r\n<blazemore> that kthx thing has gone pretty far\r\n<scar|home> yeah\r\n<scar|home> the emu skene - #EFNet's l33t lingo cradle since 1997!\r\n<scar|home> -# :o\r\n<blazemore> :o", "score": 62, "id": 834},
{"quote": "<SWM> if killing wasn't illegal I'd do it every day\r\n<blazemore> shutup you pussy", "score": 127, "id": 835},
{"quote": "Hambone on #ramen #gaydads4sons #noodles \r\n<blazemore> ash\r\n<blazemore> get out of that gay channel, now\r\n*** Hambone ( has left #ramen", "score": 1822, "id": 836},
{"quote": "<blazemore> puking isn't nasty unless you've got your mouth against someone's vagina and fill them up with your regurgitated lunch \r\n<blazemore> or in their ass and have them shit it back out into your mouth\r\n<AlmtyBob> that's not gross\r\n<AlmtyBob> okay the second one is\r\n<AlmtyBob> that would be the coolest jap scat pr0n ever", "score": 57, "id": 837},
{"quote": "<Agent_M> hey, i bet $10 that r0f is masturbating right now\r\n<Spud-Alt> what odds?\r\n<Agent_M> 1-10000", "score": 301, "id": 838},
{"quote": "<SWM> catholics are stupid\r\n<SWM> \"masturbation is a sin\"\r\n<SWM> I sure showed them", "score": 1167, "id": 840},
{"quote": "<Masta_D``> zophar was a trend\r\n<Masta_D``> it was hip to be with zophar\r\n<Masta_D``> till we all realized how gay he is", "score": 220, "id": 841},
{"quote": "*** Joins: SYch0 (\r\n<SYch0> coo\r\n<SYch0> just put my old computer in my new case\r\n<ikk|q3a> wow!\r\n<TheFlux2k> duz it magically run faster?\r\n<SYch0> butholes\r\n<SYch0> wtf do I even talk to u ppl\r\n*** Quits: SYch0 ( <k!15b7>)", "score": 433, "id": 843},
{"quote": "<ckx> kira looks like someone put a bag over her head and smashed her in the face with a monkey wrench", "score": 104, "id": 845},
{"quote": "<ck3k> i wonder how people with parkingson's disease wipe their ass\r\n<ck3k> that must be a fucking trial\r\n<ck3k> i bet muhammed ali has a whole staff hired just to do that", "score": 100, "id": 848},
{"quote": "<_TheFlux_> bleem bleem the magical fruit. the more you play the more you reboot", "score": 527, "id": 849},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> YOUR 'FLOW' IS AKIN TO THAT OF MY NASAL-VOICED 3RD GRADE TEACHER.", "score": 311, "id": 899},
{"quote": "<D1> why does cs give me that purple screen once I get out of one game and start a new one?\r\n<D1> WHY WHY WHY\r\n* |Chris away ..(autoaway).. (On/l)(Off/p)\r\n<D1> don't hide behind your petty autoaways", "score": 343, "id": 900},
{"quote": "<McMoo> my penis is pretty gay\r\n<McMoo> it can regularly be found in male anuses", "score": 95, "id": 901},
{"quote": "psxfaQ: <-- eating spam\r\ne l i t e\u00a0 m r p: id do that but it wastes too much printer paper", "score": 519, "id": 902},
{"quote": "<hypr> joo do any drugs today? \r\n<`gb> i don't do drugs fuckface \r\n<hypr> what is pot then \r\n<`gb> a plant", "score": 581, "id": 903},
{"quote": "[00:15] <iMike> my name is on that\r\n[00:15] <Fustard> yeah well\r\n[00:15] <Fustard> i wrote your name all over my penis", "score": 197, "id": 904},
{"quote": "<Jenosyn> i've seen piccies of u screwing things in your PC :)", "score": 207, "id": 906},
{"quote": "<NekkidBibleMan> Now on fox: When Naked Men Read The Bible (2)", "score": 322, "id": 908},
{"quote": "<Kury^> the other day i found out that my Uni's fire evacuation policy for ppl with wheelchairs is to 'push them into a room, close the door, escape and then give the room number to the firemen'", "score": 1663, "id": 910},
{"quote": "<Kez> FIND A DISEASE AND CRAWL INTO BED WITH IT PLS THX", "score": 422, "id": 911},
{"quote": "[07:34] * Fustard is away, penis butter puffs [log:OFF] [page:OFF]\r\n[07:45] * Fustard has returned, that was some good cock. [gone:10m21s]", "score": 120, "id": 912},
{"quote": "<matt`> dear god freshmeat looks like ass\r\n<matt`> probably making use of the html 5 <ass> tag\r\n<matt`> <ass tables><hard to read text>blah blah blah</hard to read text><more ass tables><gayness></more ass tables><some gay color></gayness><ass tables>", "score": 512, "id": 913},
{"quote": "<Fustard> fuck\r\n<Fustard> now im bored.\r\n<Fustard> oh well\r\n<Fustard> at least i have a cock and the internet.\r\n<Fustard> ill do something with that.", "score": 1651, "id": 914},
{"quote": "<cactor> I'm gonna put some oragel on my dick and stick it in some bitches mouth\r\n<|Chris> what are you gonna do when she bites your dick off\r\n<|Chris> cause she can't feel her mouth\r\n<cactor> uh I dunno\r\n<cactor> smack her probably", "score": 606, "id": 916},
{"quote": "(tiko-out) Guin is the poster child for pulling out\r\n(Twin-X) although she's the result of not", "score": 380, "id": 1091},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> Now playing: with myself", "score": 835, "id": 1092},
{"quote": "<enex> sux!\r\n<LkTruth1> enex reminds me of this:", "score": 105, "id": 1095},
{"quote": "<aaronx`> anybody got a serial number for nero burning rom?\r\n<maff> J0-0MU5-T-B34W-4R3Z-D0-0D works\r\n<aaronx`> dosent work for me...\r\n<aaronx`> bah\r\n<aaronx`> thats not a freakin serial", "score": 1171, "id": 1096},
{"quote": "[D1] You know, I started the slammer routine. \r\n[D1] when everyone was playing for pogs \r\n[D1] I put down my slammer \r\n[D1] and it started a huge trend \r\n[D1] then EVERYONE played for slammers \r\n[Guilty] You put it on the pile? \r\n[D1] yeah \r\n[Guilty] Thats just stupid \r\n[D1] I was a high roller. \r\n(McMoo) are you guys discussing pog tactics? \r\n[D1] yes", "score": 1068, "id": 1097},
{"quote": "<brad> anyone know where i can find a hitman?\r\n<maff>", "score": 380, "id": 1098},
{"quote": "[Guilty] Jean-Claude Van Damme made a movie named \"Replicant\" in 2001? \r\n[Guilty] When did that come out \r\n(McMoo) 2001\r\n", "score": 660, "id": 1101},
{"quote": "<chrab> aol is for hardcore idlers\r\n*** chrab Quit (Read error: 54)", "score": 302, "id": 1103},
{"quote": "<var> 40 ping dont mean shit if it jerks and stops like a fucking epileptic in a strobe light", "score": 572, "id": 1104},
{"quote": "* MadHatter is back from: Rebooting!\r\n<^enex^> do you feel refreshed", "score": 231, "id": 1107},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> sushi rulez!\r\n<Ash> [12:26] <MadHatter> sushi rulez!\r\n<Ash> [12:31] <MadHatter> i have a tummy ache", "score": 465, "id": 1110},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> gb: ph33r im gonna be seeing spacegirl in a few weeks :P\r\n<LkTrout1> Deth is a boner.\r\n<blazemore> lk has a blackdeth.", "score": 88, "id": 1112},
{"quote": "<@Spidey|> \r\n<@D1> OMG! MOM?", "score": 290, "id": 1114},
{"quote": "<var> hrmm\r\n<var> how the fuck did a shortcut to e13ay end up on my desktop\r\n<var> what kinda nefarious shit is windows update pulling\r\n<Guilty> It's your computers way of saying it wants a new owner\r\n<Guilty> Like a dog scratching on the door to get out", "score": 860, "id": 1116},
{"quote": "<hypr> WE IS TO CUT OFF ALL SUPPLIES OF VODKA TO YOUR SHITHOUSE COUNTRY", "score": 405, "id": 1117},
{"quote": "<iMike> monty python would be funny if nerds hadnt invented an entire subculture devoted to quoting it", "score": 791, "id": 1119},
{"quote": "(pervert_) i wear a shirt that says \"I'm gay - it's contageous\" \r\n(pervert_) not cuz im gay\r\n(pervert_) it's so i don't get jacked\r\n(pervert_) wait....that sounds bad", "score": 408, "id": 1122},
{"quote": "<SYch0> maybe in your dreams\r\n<SYch0> and youre pretty pathetic if you dream about me\r\n<SYch0> :o\r\n<MadHatter> you cease to exist as soon as I close irc\r\n<SYch0> hah\r\n<SYch0> which is never :|", "score": 617, "id": 1123},
{"quote": "e l i t e m r p: afk, working on my invention\r\nn e r d b 5: invention.....uhm, whats it do?\r\ne l i t e m r p: converts piss into drinking water\r\ne l i t e m r p: so far, still tastes yucky", "score": 818, "id": 917},
{"quote": "~ _raven is Away. [Reason: out. like a boner in sweat pants.]", "score": 397, "id": 1016},
{"quote": "<DigDug> internet access to productivity is what condoms are to babies.\r\n<Ash> A choking hazard?", "score": 1369, "id": 1124},
{"quote": "<`Tag> you have a lot of anger from efnet in you\r\n<`Tag> and it shows", "score": 188, "id": 1125},
{"quote": "~ iiSII has a bump on the very edge of his eyelid.\r\n(tektrnica) maybe it is a tumour\r\n(letty) or an ingrown toenail", "score": 598, "id": 1128},
{"quote": "<homerj> a robot on Futurama\r\n<homerj> \"You know why they are using WIndows 3000 as a prison guard?\"\r\n<homerj> because it always locks up", "score": 527, "id": 1133},
{"quote": "<timmo> remember how i told you guys about that chick\r\n<timmo> i was talking to in the record store\r\n<McMoo> the imaginary one?", "score": 552, "id": 1134},
{"quote": "<notgoth> FUCK DAMN IT\r\n<notgoth> i shot cum in my eye\r\n<notgoth> fuck that burns\r\n<notgoth> i was jerking off\r\n<notgoth> and damn!\r\n<notgoth> ow\r\n<enex> were you jerking off to your dick or something?", "score": 545, "id": 1137},
{"quote": "<SYch0> heh\r\n* SYch0 has a great family\r\n<SYch0> :D\r\n<Ash> Because they indulge you.\r\n<Ash> But if they keep doing that, you'll grow up fat and arrogant!\r\n<Ash> Oh, wait.... :(", "score": 409, "id": 1139},
{"quote": "[D1] wait, vinyl players are called turntables too?", "score": 382, "id": 1141},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> \"Disabling this device will cause it to stop functioning. Is this what you want?\"\r\n<BlackDeth> hah\r\n<BlackDeth> stupid", "score": 529, "id": 1142},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I did a search for \"madhatter efnet\" on google and the first thing I see is:\r\n<MadHatter> <MadHatter> I cut my tongue shaving\r\n<MadHatter> that's great", "score": 690, "id": 1143},
{"quote": "<aard> blackrose: you're so goth, you shit bats.", "score": 846, "id": 1145},
{"quote": "<AirMonk> I'm still looking for a girl that can get aroused by the sound\r\nof a hard drive spinning down", "score": 687, "id": 1147},
{"quote": "<Azzy> \"Don't touch me there, yer not my father\".....", "score": 365, "id": 1149},
{"quote": "<Synthrev> Ramen...coke is for pussies\r\n<th0m> no, that's *cock*", "score": 664, "id": 1151},
{"quote": "<th0m> i hate clicking on ad banners\r\n<th0m> because i hear a little like clink of a coin going into an\r\nasshole's bank account", "score": 488, "id": 1152},
{"quote": "(Mutiny) I'm talking to my mom online and she just said \"i could use a good vibrator. i know you dont want to hear that but a woman has needs\"", "score": 809, "id": 1153},
{"quote": "<|Chris> that geek issues logo looks like you're advertising a soft rock radio station", "score": 192, "id": 1155},
{"quote": "<ck> i'd fuck anything\r\n<ck> except a fat chick\r\n<ck> some things, even i won't do", "score": 117, "id": 918},
{"quote": "<ckx> i used to drink\r\n<ckx> now i just inject it straight into my arm\r\n<ckx> i think i'm in the upper epsilion of alcoholism", "score": 420, "id": 920},
{"quote": "<Guilty> See that kid should have AWPed bush through the house, with a wall cheat", "score": 225, "id": 921},
{"quote": "<reptile-> black is pry my favorite color for clothing. =/\r\n<MadHatter> are you still fat", "score": 343, "id": 923},
{"quote": "<lele> hypr is something of a \"tragic\" funny", "score": 241, "id": 925},
{"quote": "(|Chris) i've blown enough snot out of my nose today to make a fucking bukkake film", "score": 532, "id": 926},
{"quote": "<XAlien88> you can always tell when packet kiddies run a shell provider", "score": 102, "id": 927},
{"quote": "<Inoshiro> If I had a reason to be gay, besides Torvalds, it'd be me", "score": 302, "id": 931},
{"quote": "<livewire> I would like to put those fuckers who are protesting in glass bottles", "score": 330, "id": 932},
{"quote": "(Guilty) I like my women the way I like my tomatos, big round buldging and red", "score": 172, "id": 936},
{"quote": "<QuoteSick> >:)\r\n<QuoteSick> {:-)\r\n<zantispam> :-{\r\n<zantispam> ^^^ moustache\r\n<zantispam> :-{>\r\n<zantispam> ^^^ goatee\r\n<acestus> {:-) ?\r\n<acestus> Toupee?\r\n<DigDug> >8)\r\n<finkployd> :(-<(&)\u00a0 \u00a0 - not happy having a tapeworm", "score": 589, "id": 937},
{"quote": "<|Chris> yeah weather bug is bloatware and has a lame gui with banner ads\r\n<Guilty> It's the AOL of weather reporting\r\n<|Chris> actually guilty, i think aol has it's own weather reporting\r\n<|Chris> aol time warner can probably make their own fucking weather\r\n<|Chris> bastards", "score": 479, "id": 939},
{"quote": "<Amanda___> hhahaha, peng \r\n<Amanda___> You're perfected THE ART OF CALLING PEOPLE FAT \r\n<c-rOCK> indeed.", "score": 47, "id": 940},
{"quote": "<SysErr0r> i'm gonna eat a box of chocolate covered strawberries then jerk off\r\n<SysErr0r> hows THAT for romance\r\n<hypr> only romance if you are going to caress your penis with the strawberries", "score": 506, "id": 943},
{"quote": "(Fee^) i try to's only a 28.8 , so pack a lunch", "score": 388, "id": 945},
{"quote": "(FishBulb) i exposed my lie once, then |w|dcc made an .avi\r\n(|W|DCC) #6 101x (680kb): avi of a 2' dick", "score": 306, "id": 946},
{"quote": "(PhAmInE) Easter is canceled this year. They've found the body.", "score": 1457, "id": 947},
{"quote": "(s|urpee) Ashley was like \"Derek gimme a ride to work\"\r\n(s|urpee) and Derek responded \"What do I get out of this?\"\r\n(s|urpee) and ashley said \"If you give me a ride to work, I'll give you Guin\"\r\n(s|urpee) and I was like \"What the fuck kinda reward is that, that's like saying \"If you loan me $10, I'll give you herpes\"\"", "score": 332, "id": 1017},
{"quote": "(SpAc3d) i hate when [movie groups] release shitty quality stuff like TS and Cam's\r\n(SpAc3d) its a fuckin waste of space\r\n(mistical) like Hannibal *upsidedown cam* *real* *subtitled* *in japanesse*", "score": 388, "id": 1018},
{"quote": "(Goemon) Is it possible to just plug a like 1GHz processor into your computer?", "score": 82, "id": 1021},
{"quote": "<timmo> for hookers in vegas its like\r\n<timmo> $500\r\n<timmo> they better be fucking me while im playing quake and shit", "score": 540, "id": 1023},
{"quote": "(phoenix30) napster is taking filenames and putting them all in reverse order\r\n(Pioneer-) prolly some stoopid polish version", "score": 223, "id": 1025},
{"quote": "(TheGamer) people are so broke here [THE UNITED KINGDOM] - because many brits are unskilled, as you can leave school with a standing at 16. Many people live in housing equivalent to Manitoba Housing (gov't assisted housing)\r\n(TheGamer) however.. you as a Canadian would not be entitled to any benefits.. except free birth control pills\r\n(tiko) I'd get free birth control pills?!?!\r\n(tiko) DAMMIT!\r\n(tiko) SOLD!", "score": 483, "id": 1026},
{"quote": "<Yukkel> a belch is not an oral report", "score": 376, "id": 1027},
{"quote": "<timmo> you know maybe we need a real woman in here to help us, give us a womans point of view cause i mean if i asked amanda what makes a man a badass\r\n<timmo> how much you want to bet she would say something like\r\n<timmo> great grammar and 100% kill rate in quake", "score": 1303, "id": 1029},
{"quote": "<iMike> what excuse do you use when you skip school\r\n<c-rOCK> say you have a fat migraine\r\n<c-rOCK> and cant see straight\r\n<Guilty> Speaking of fat and not straight, wheres D1", "score": 1144, "id": 1030},
{"quote": "(MoLaUstEr) You know, there's something rewarding about harrassing people who message you out of the blue.\r\n(MoLaUstEr) That's why I'm gonna LOVE ICQ\r\n(MoLaUstEr) Whoa man....I'm gonna be the biggest dick, north of my belly button.", "score": 368, "id": 1031},
{"quote": "(Curb) don't worry no trees were harmed in the search for my glasses, toes were stubbed and lives were lost...but all tress are fine", "score": 409, "id": 1032},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Surely you see how trite the name \"assassin\" is [in Quake III]\r\n<Guilty> Might as well be \"Player\"", "score": 421, "id": 1033},
{"quote": "<lux0r> don't make me /molest you", "score": 400, "id": 1035},
{"quote": "<Thinkmad> lets get up a game of cs\r\n<Thinkmad> fsho\r\n<Thinkmad> i want to make a map\r\n<Guilty> Oh god\r\n<Guilty> You would have penis's hidden EVERYWHERE", "score": 276, "id": 1036},
{"quote": "<Mass> hey does anyone know what the song name is by Frankie Lymon that goes Uhhh uhh uh uh uhahhhhh uhh uhh uh", "score": 935, "id": 1037},
{"quote": "<[Duo]> man, you guys are so not 7334", "score": 810, "id": 1038},
{"quote": "<maff> Someone has donated coathanger just now!\r\n<Amanda`> GET IT\r\n<Amanda`> GET THE COATHANGER\r\n<Amanda`> YOU CAN PERFORM INGAME ABORTIONS!", "score": 364, "id": 1039},
{"quote": "<Viscant> hey, i learned a lot from loveline\r\n<Viscant> if a chick has thin white worms coming out of the tang, don't go down there\r\n<Viscant> thanks dr. drew!\r\n<ceddar> thin white worms means everything is a-ok\r\n<ise> ew thin white worms?\r\n<ise> WTF are those\r\n<ruin-> im wondering the sameeeeeee thing...\r\n<ceddar> my policy is if the girl has anything coming out, thin white worms, little black worms, tigers, bears, anything coming out from there, im dropping her off back at her house\r\n<Viscant> oh yeah. and the one about the guy who only wanted to go down on his girl during \"that time of the month\"\r\n<Dasrik> the one that i wished i could just reach across the phone and bitchslap\r\n<Dasrik> like\r\n<Dasrik> \"i just sucked a guy off, and i swallowed. can i get pregnant?\"", "score": 421, "id": 1156},
{"quote": "<maff> 84 of 127 emails...\r\n<|Chris> god damn\r\n<|Chris> aren't you popular\r\n<maff> spamular", "score": 326, "id": 1158},
{"quote": "<DeadPan> i would've challenged knights to fight in a 4 foot body of water\r\n<DeadPan> then just tried to push em over\r\n<DeadPan> and laugh as they drown\r\n<th15> theyd call you a wuss :)\r\n<DeadPan> so i'd be alive and they wouldnt :)", "score": 382, "id": 1159},
{"quote": "(snowburnt) teengirl: if you had pre in front of teen i would soooo talk to you", "score": 430, "id": 1168},
{"quote": "(konartist) How do you know when you're REALLY ugly?\r\n(konartist) Dogs hump your leg with their eyes closed.", "score": 476, "id": 1169},
{"quote": "loofaspunge: for(int food = 0; food < worldhunger; food++)\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 worldhunger--;", "score": 327, "id": 1171},
{"quote": "<Loser> i just got an idea \r\n<Loser> i bet noone's done this before \r\n<Loser> get like 100 guys to come into a bottle \r\n<Loser> and then pay a chick to drink it \r\n<AlmtyBob> Loser: um, that's what bukkake is all about \r\n<ryo-ohki> I have videos to prove it. \r\n<ryo-ohki> We're talking like a fucking clear saucer FULL of spooge \r\n<ryo-ohki> Like, she could pour some cereal on it and still not have enough cereal to finish the jizz off.", "score": 72, "id": 1175},
{"quote": "(jayo) heh, apparently when i was 4 my dad took me to the pool, i saw a black guy and said \"hey dad.. its michael jackson\"", "score": 320, "id": 1176},
{"quote": "<gecko^> shit my firewall is flashing like a niggers eyes on foodstamp day", "score": -330, "id": 1177},
{"quote": "<yaragn> ever seen that movie? The Matrix?\r\n<yaragn> with those green lines of flying text?\r\n<yaragn> *THAT'S* Perl", "score": 750, "id": 1180},
{"quote": "Sug*******i8: Darn it, I wanted to nuke some pizza but someone's using the micro-wave...\r\nloofaspunge: just rub each slice one at a time really fast...", "score": 445, "id": 1181},
{"quote": "(notME) i have a 6 week old kitten\r\n(notME) and my 2 year old cat raped him\r\n(notME) shoved his feline penis in his bum\r\n(notME) i watched it\r\n(notME) i wasn't going to spank him\r\n(notME) d00d no\r\n(notME) i turned around\r\n(notME) and he's balls are smacking my kitten in the ass\r\n(notME) i didn't want to spank him\r\n(notME) cuz it'd only get him off faster", "score": 343, "id": 1183},
{"quote": "<chick> sparks makes me heppy :)\r\n<chick> I mean HEMPY :p", "score": 55, "id": 1186},
{"quote": "(SpAc3d-) T@$#@R!@##!I!#!#P!#!#\r\n(SpAc3d-) if you were tripping it would show up really clearly :P", "score": 146, "id": 1187},
{"quote": "<Guilty> You see\r\n<Guilty> Fat ugly girls shouldnt be allowed to use \":)\"\r\n<Guilty> Their sign should be \"=)000\"", "score": 512, "id": 1188},
{"quote": "(jesdynf) I want an emulator that, every time you try to load a game, there's a 6% chance it pops up a dialog that says \"It's not loading! Tap the A button to blow the dust out.\"", "score": 1443, "id": 948},
{"quote": "(Amakusa) ALF and Catwoman snuff porn crossover\r\n(Amakusa) I'm afraid that when I make stuff up like that, it really exists out there somewhere ;(", "score": 633, "id": 950},
{"quote": "(Atarax) I think I ogle 14 year old girls just to see the looks on their parents faces", "score": 605, "id": 951},
{"quote": "(Mutiny) Atarax: you ate a americum disk from a smoke detector?\r\n(Atarax) Mutiny: yeah\r\n(Mutiny) Atarax: why?\r\n(Atarax) Mutiny: I thought it would give me special powers.\r\n(Mutiny) Atarax: what did it do to you?\r\n(Atarax) Mutiny: well, it didn't give me any special powers, but it didn't kill me either\r\n(Atarax) Darwin must be spinning in his grave\r\n(Atarax) \"why is that fuck still alive\"", "score": 1901, "id": 952},
{"quote": "(Mutiny) I'm talking to my mom online and she just said \"i could use a good vibrator. i know you dont want to hear that but a woman has needs\"\r\n* Mutiny runs and washes his eyes out with bleach", "score": 1761, "id": 953},
{"quote": "(@Asimov) bah, i've got a life\r\n(@Asimov) i just dont let it interfere with my irc :)", "score": 601, "id": 954},
{"quote": "(jesdynf) If you could do it, though, you could hire kids to pedal bikes if your uptime meant that much to you... though watt for watt, you'd be better off having them steal car batteries.", "score": 458, "id": 956},
{"quote": "(NinjaRyu) atlanta is wigger capital\r\n(NinjaRyu) i saw a guy soup up his parent's '86 nissan with a $2500 car stereo and a big ass tailpipe, but the damn thing still couldn't go above 75", "score": 327, "id": 957},
{"quote": "(heck01) i sometimes dont know if i'm straight or not, then a cute girl sits down next to me and i get a huge erection and i remember", "score": 1072, "id": 958},
{"quote": "(Atarax) DrConway: They also had such a poorly designed network that I set my computer's IP to the IP of their gateway and took the entire college network down", "score": 682, "id": 959},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> man napster is like tupac, that shits never going to die.", "score": 479, "id": 960},
{"quote": "<berzerker> my girlfriend is lucky because i enjoy giving oral sex\r\n<Ash> She likes to watch, eh, berzo?", "score": 836, "id": 961},
{"quote": "<Driph> a friend of mine is bi\r\n<Driph> and she's arguing with her girlfriend about who is supposed to cook tonite\r\n<Driph> and I told her that was the worst thing about a relationship between two women, you dont automatically know who's supposed to cook", "score": 1858, "id": 965},
{"quote": "* [light] is away, someone told me that theres life outside of irc, i have to check it out [log:OFF] [page:OFF] []", "score": 328, "id": 967},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i need to find a used ddr 3rd mix machine\r\n*** Joins: DigDug (\r\n<AlmtyBob> good fucking luck\r\n<AlmtyBob> you're looking at $8000 wihtout shipping\r\n<AlmtyBob> even used\r\n<DigDug> whatcha talking about, bob?\r\n<AlmtyBob> a filipina chick\r\n<AlmtyBob> the ones you buy in exchange for bringing them to the us\r\n<blazemore> my dad is thinking about helping pay for one so we can stick it in an arcade and make some money :o", "score": 2779, "id": 968},
{"quote": "<legolas> Not all of us can be preppy 'burb white kids.\u00a0 ;^)\r\n<hariya> legolas: actually not all of us can afford to be white either", "score": 427, "id": 971},
{"quote": "<qslack> Hey, if K5 people caused a commotion at im-ur, is it a Kumo5hin?", "score": 65, "id": 972},
{"quote": "<|Chris> fat chicks are like mopeds\r\n<|Chris> fun to ride, but don't let your friends see you on one\r\n<DigDug> heh\r\n<DigDug> she's like a scooter though\r\n<var> understand 1 thing tho: fat chicks are so grateful to get laid that they will do your laundry fuck you suck you cook you dinner and 13reakfast and not har13or ill will when u want to leave and go smoke dope w/ your friends.\r\n<DigDug> ya\r\n<DigDug> but they're fat\r\n<|Chris> hahahah\r\n<|Chris> yeah..there's the whole not being physically attracted to them problem", "score": 308, "id": 1192},
{"quote": "<Lou_Ferrigno> I gain $100.000, per month, and i have a z3 im my garage. And im bigger than you, you are subnutrition , hacker stupid", "score": 50, "id": 1040},
{"quote": "<mazix> IAN VAN DAHL CASTLES IN THE SKY 8.99 Genre: SOUL/R&B\r\n<mazix> Released: 12/19/1900\r\n<mazix> Country: USA\r\n<mazix> this song is older then i thought\r\n<SJ7Trunks> haha\r\n<Crom> AHHHHHHHHH\r\n<Crom> MILLLENIUM BUG\r\n<Crom> WE ALL GONNA DIE\r\n* Crom hides.", "score": 588, "id": 1042},
{"quote": "<digdug> i think i've come up with a solution to my problem\r\n<digdug> i'll just put each [previously misconfigured NT] box into its own domain\r\n<digdug> mwuahahahah\r\n<h2odragon> digdug: you are in Hell; all you can do is push the rock up a different wall for a while\r\n<h2odragon> it's still going to roll back down", "score": 457, "id": 1044},
{"quote": "<tokage> i have emotional states: apathy and irritation, which would you like me to direct at you?\r\n? tokage/#kuro5hin smirks\r\n<ragabr> tokage: irritation if it leads to spankings and nipple clamps\r\n<vsync> which one comes with a free beer?\r\n<tokage> hmm..both probably", "score": 328, "id": 1046},
{"quote": "<ryo-ohki> I'm gonna try setting up some Dutch auctions on eBay.\r\n<blazemore> you're supposed to be 18 to use ebay though :|\r\n<ryo-ohki> Tell that to my 200 pairs of dirty teen boy's undies.", "score": 459, "id": 1047},
{"quote": "<DooD> <31hp 102m 60mv> You start fighting A mouse.\r\n<DooD> A mouse ducks to the ground, narrowly avoiding your strike!\r\n<DooD> A mouse skillfully dodges your assault.\r\n<DooD> A mouse is in excellent condition.\r\n<DooD> <31hp 102m 60mv>\r\n<DooD> A mouse strikes you with terminal brutality!\r\n<DooD> You are stunned, but will probably recover.\r\n<DooD> wtf was that\r\n<timmo> well\r\n<timmo> a mouse whooped your ass", "score": 1029, "id": 1048},
{"quote": "(s|urpee) haha yuh me hakz0r the university gibson\r\n(s|urpee) one day\r\n(s|urpee) I was like hakz0ring it and stuff\r\n(s|urpee) and I was like emailing support@cc and shit\r\n(s|urpee) and then he emailed me back and told me to notify the lab guy that the comp next to me needed rebooting", "score": 222, "id": 1049},
{"quote": "(Argent-) okay- I have like 20 windows open and my disk is swapping like a hot couple during the 60's", "score": 525, "id": 1051},
{"quote": "<_Bas> folks, when people say \"power train\", do they mean \"automatic transmission\"?", "score": 194, "id": 1052},
{"quote": "(wundr) gizm... why do you never use the same nick for more than 25 minutes?\r\n(scolnick) i got tired of 'gizm'\r\n(scolnick) at first i thought it was dope, just due to the fact that tht i liked the letters\r\n(scolnick) g-i-z-m\r\n(scolnick) but then it got old to me\r\n(scolnick) so for now you can just call me lewis", "score": 303, "id": 1054},
{"quote": "<_Gandalf_> if i were mexican i'd have something witty and funny to say...", "score": 126, "id": 1056},
{"quote": "(MoLaUstEr) They call it PMS because \"Mad Cow Disease\" was already taken.", "score": 2163, "id": 1057},
{"quote": "<Chis> Away message on AIM: I am away from my computer right now. ( I final gotten my cable modem!!)", "score": 66, "id": 1058},
{"quote": "<blazemore> linux gives good blow jobs\r\n<MadHatter> I thought your moms name was nancy?", "score": 1033, "id": 1059},
{"quote": "<tokage> ha ha 'geek' weddings - \"Do you, GandalfGreyhame, take cyndrekit to be your lawfully wedded wife in uptime and down, for low processing power and high, till someone unplugs the power cord", "score": 836, "id": 1060},
{"quote": "uiu BitchX: Join to #discotheque was synched in 2.229 secs!!\r\n<digdug> why so few people? :/\r\n<bocz> i wuz hungry", "score": 478, "id": 1062},
{"quote": "(nexxai) looking at porn with your dad's girlfriend in the room is weird", "score": 820, "id": 1063},
{"quote": "<Guilty> $30 - PC133 128MB\r\n<Guilty> $31 - PC100 128MB\r\n<Guilty> What a world when PC133 is cheaper than PC100\r\n<D1-> where?\r\n<D1-> nigga where?\r\n<Guilty> Pricewatch\r\n<D1-> oh\r\n<D1-> thats white trash generic ram", "score": 254, "id": 974},
{"quote": "<digdug> wow\r\n<digdug> did you ever wake up and feel like you've accidentally managed to get yourself into another dimension?\r\n<digdug> it's one of those days...\r\n<tokage> try /nick DigDug\r\n<tokage> that'll probably fix it", "score": 419, "id": 976},
{"quote": "<kisama> and i'm feeling invisible, you can't see me anywhere.\r\n*** kisama was kicked by Amanda^_^ (ensuring your invisibility)", "score": 861, "id": 979},
{"quote": "<SYch0> ok\r\n<SYch0> a word of warning:\r\n<SYch0> never try to masturbate with a bandaid on\r\n<SYch0> :(\r\n<SYch0> cuz you might as well take a belt sander to your dick\r\n<blazemore> what the fuck, sych0\r\n<SYch0> :D", "score": 478, "id": 980},
{"quote": "<|Chris> i want the nVidia's Secret catalog\r\n<|Chris> with pictures of rendered games", "score": 390, "id": 987},
{"quote": "serluny: how long did it took u to learn c?\r\nReDPriest:4.5 minutes\r\nserluny:how did u do that?\r\nReDPriest:i downloaded it into my brain..i got a program to do \r\nthat\r\nserluny:what program\r\nReDPriest:download shit into your brain v3.1\r\nserluny:how do i download it?\r\nReDPriest: go to\r\nserluny:i cant download it something is wrong", "score": 4012, "id": 993},
{"quote": "<Pioneer`> _raven: you couldnt configure a toilet", "score": 456, "id": 996},
{"quote": "<theR> I'm glad I remembered I'm an idiot before I started to set up a wins proxy", "score": 675, "id": 997},
{"quote": "<Andy787> i dunno why people with sisters cant say they're hot, i know if i had a sister and she was hot, hell ied be all over her, lol", "score": 270, "id": 998},
{"quote": "Mtgwiz2727: \twhat is the difference between c++ and dos?", "score": 839, "id": 1005},
{"quote": "Nostradomz: \tthis sounds funny but can udownload memory", "score": 291, "id": 1007},
{"quote": "(MoLaUstEr) I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is \r\n(MoLaUstEr) *gay hand thing*", "score": 462, "id": 1008},
{"quote": "<_bigd_> when I was a child I used to scrape the cream off all the oreos and make it into a ball ^_^\r\n<_bigd_> and leave in the fridge\r\n<_bigd_> after 2 bites, I used to pass out", "score": 1324, "id": 1011},
{"quote": "<@neoblaze> I fell over in a heterosexual fashion", "score": 511, "id": 1012},
{"quote": "(iMike) i dont trust that britney spears has areolas that big", "score": 297, "id": 1013},
{"quote": "<`TiGgEr`> fuck u need a dvd drive to rip dvd's thats what the program says\r\n<`TiGgEr`> alls ya want is to put a rented dvd in to ripp it and watch it later but no u need the fuckn dvd drive", "score": 240, "id": 1487},
{"quote": "<|Chris> i want you to setup a word substitution in your head\r\n<|Chris> whenever you see the term \"wrestling,\" i want you to think, \"white trash\"", "score": 393, "id": 1193},
{"quote": "<Guilty> My friends cousin's mom told her kids that if you cursed online the police came to arrest you\r\n<Guilty> So they would type like \"Go to h!ll!\"", "score": 407, "id": 1195},
{"quote": "<iMike-> ah god\r\n<iMike-> i feel sick\r\n<Fustard> did you get my cold?\r\n<Fustard> i knew we shouldnt have slept together like that!", "score": 98, "id": 1196},
{"quote": "<RonaldJ> dood\r\n<RonaldJ> we should start a site\r\n<RonaldJ> like Am I Hot\r\n<RonaldJ> and\r\n<RonaldJ> Like My Nude Pic?\r\n<RonaldJ> but call it\r\n<RonaldJ> How Do I Look In This Shirt?\r\n<RonaldJ> .com", "score": 336, "id": 1198},
{"quote": "<Karmer> got damn it i accidently just shit in my pants\r\n<Karmer> brb", "score": 573, "id": 1199},
{"quote": "*** Jesus is now known as [_[_]\r\n<[_[_]> lets see you\r\n<[_[_]> break my ass of steel", "score": 380, "id": 1200},
{"quote": "<RevSlidey> a baby seal walks into a club", "score": 1779, "id": 1201},
{"quote": "<RevSlidey> patience is the only acoustic song I like\r\n<Ronald> <RevSlidey> black is the only kind of dick i will suck", "score": 94, "id": 1203},
{"quote": "<Karmer> I am as eternal as the boundless limits of outer space, and my owner loathes and despises me\r\n<mike> leprosy\r\n<Karmer> no\r\n<Karmer> it is\r\n<Karmer> slidey's virginity", "score": 457, "id": 1204},
{"quote": "<cooey> brb going to efnet under the proxy and telling people to join the millitary", "score": 356, "id": 1206},
{"quote": "<g> <FedAg455> hey wanna meet with me for some sex? im 13/f/canada, wanna meet in usa in front of brooklyn police department?\r\n<g> <cooey> how do i know you are 14 D:", "score": 525, "id": 1212},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #hardcoremp3\r\n*** Topic is 'Welcome to #hardcoremp3, fred dursts phone # 310-865-1000\u00a0 finally a use for PRANK THAT SOB'", "score": 365, "id": 1213},
{"quote": "<nerak_> man weezer is the best band ever, I think i am going to get a weezer tatto\r\n<nerak_> that is a heart\r\n<nerak_> with weezer in the middle", "score": 17, "id": 1219},
{"quote": "JivedNegro: I want to tell an Asian that I have \"A bad case of the yellow fever\"", "score": 104, "id": 1220},
{"quote": "<Ron912> <OiOiBuNnY> one time at retard camp i stuck a wheelchair in my pussy", "score": 391, "id": 1221},
{"quote": "<Ron912> oh wow pregnant porno\r\n<Ron912> that's like a 2 for 1 deal", "score": 398, "id": 1222},
{"quote": "<Alice> Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more\r\n<Alice> I can't seem to find that address in DNS", "score": 58, "id": 1223},
{"quote": "* r0bt3k looks at his 100 megs of mp3s\r\n<r0bt3k> hehehe\r\n* r0bt3k then looks at his 5 gigs of porn\r\n<r0bt3k> hahahah", "score": 305, "id": 1064},
{"quote": "*** bongboy is now known as hurstdogs-mom\r\n<hurstdog> don't make me kill you\r\n<pb> hurstdog: you'd kill your own mother???", "score": 436, "id": 1065},
{"quote": "<D1> omg\r\n<D1> christians are knocking at my door\r\n<D1> and they're armed with the holy bible", "score": 768, "id": 1066},
{"quote": "<Amanda> OKAY. MCDONALD'S, TACO BELL, OR \"OTHER\"?", "score": 74, "id": 1068},
{"quote": "<orion`-`-> what the fuck\r\n<orion`-`-> i think the icecream truck just hit a kid\r\n<orion`-`-> brbrb", "score": 4891, "id": 1069},
{"quote": "<acestus> Maarken: Bah, briefs-wearer.\r\n<acestus> You might as well run EMACS.", "score": 308, "id": 1075},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Pen your quote db doesnt get updated enough anymore\r\n<Guilty> You should just set up an elaborate #discotheque logging system and grep \"guilty\" >> quotes.db\r\n<Guilty> Then it would always be fresh", "score": 67, "id": 1076},
{"quote": "(frOsty-) s|urpee: holy shit, i just stopped caring about this thread of conversation", "score": 250, "id": 1077},
{"quote": "(idea) i just spent 10 mins troubleshooting my cdr because it said that my blank cd \"was not ready\r\n(idea) turns out i accidently put in one of those clear cd things at the bottom of the cake box", "score": 660, "id": 1078},
{"quote": "(R0y-HR) i just mauled my cat and got static shock from her ear", "score": 315, "id": 1079},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I'm getting pretty sick of black and white\r\n<MadHatter> there's just too much to manage\r\n<MadHatter> it's probably a really good game for people who don't already have jobs\r\n<blazemore> maybe i should play then", "score": 322, "id": 1082},
{"quote": "<thinkmad> vvhat is pengs real name\r\n<timmo> chris\r\n<timmo> is your w broken?\r\n<thinkmad> no", "score": 734, "id": 1083},
{"quote": "<homerj> damn\r\n<homerj> it's hotter then the devil's dick in a pair of heated speedos here", "score": 281, "id": 1088},
{"quote": "(kellai) fr0g is cuddly\r\n(kellai) except for when he tried to light me on fire", "score": 545, "id": 1089},
{"quote": "(MC_SpEcS) huggles...who are you?\r\n(tiko-out) the blond chick who tried to suck you off @ God Is A DJ\r\n(tiko-out) unless you got multiple blond chicks offering that\r\n(tiko-out) she's the one who looked like a blonde muppet", "score": 285, "id": 1090},
{"quote": "<ccowboy> @chanserv took over my chat-room!", "score": 287, "id": 1577},
{"quote": "<Wazm> I spent the entire day being normal, now that I'm home, I just want to duct tape fuzzy green pipe cleaners to my head, turn on the strobe, take off my clothes, and IRC.", "score": 1554, "id": 1289},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Thank god I'm sensible and had myself neutered", "score": 309, "id": 1383},
{"quote": "<NtG> now if only people would swallow their syringes\r\n<NtG> im sick of stepping on them", "score": 273, "id": 1488},
{"quote": "* NtG puts on his glasses with lenses thicker than the glass on the popemobile\r\n<NtG> the contact lens version is only good if you can fit half a tennis ball in your eye socket", "score": 363, "id": 1489},
{"quote": "* AaronWL licks jwilbur seductively.\r\n<jwilbur> AaronWL: rawr, you're a frisky one. Too bad you're on AOL, I might catch something", "score": 399, "id": 1490},
{"quote": "*** collusion is now known as CmdrTaco\r\n<_vulture> OMG\r\n<_vulture> CmdrTaco I kick your ass\r\n<CmdrTaco> i shutdown slashdot\r\n<CmdrTaco> i realized its a piece of shit\r\n<_vulture> mandrake hates slashdot too\r\n<CmdrTaco> im gonna go cry cuz i hate M$$$$\r\n<CmdrTaco> somebody cheer me up and send me a kernel to compile", "score": 66, "id": 1492},
{"quote": "<MrP-> i have pillows shipped UPS so when i get them they are already pre pounded and fluffy", "score": 648, "id": 1497},
{"quote": "<steef> i feel sorry for kids today, when they reminisce on their childhood, they will have songs by britney spears and backstreet boys", "score": 594, "id": 1498},
{"quote": "<drgonzo> fuck linux\r\n<drgonzo> that's the OS for people that don't wear deodorant", "score": 407, "id": 1504},
{"quote": "<mrmanic> Stacy, are you what they call a \"hottie\"?\r\n<StacySHWR> hhaha\r\n<StacySHWR> i'm 17 :P\r\n<mrmanic> Oh.\r\n<mrmanic> So you're what they call \"Jailbait\"?", "score": 1067, "id": 1505},
{"quote": "<nexxai> man, I love having hookups\r\n<MTrez> found someone who works in an abnormally large dildo factory?", "score": 287, "id": 1507},
{"quote": "<MegaWorld> Anyone awake?\r\n<hypr> shutup im trying to sleep", "score": 683, "id": 1508},
{"quote": "(e-city) why do they rip trance as one huge mp3????\r\n(Graeme) 'cos it's mixed, and the gaps you'd get in winamp would spoil your ecstasy trip", "score": 422, "id": 1511},
{"quote": "<studmuffn> whenever people talk about ethics the sentences get longer", "score": 482, "id": 1514},
{"quote": "*** Quits: ZiGgA (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)\r\n<ZiGgA> help me..\r\n<ZiGgA> i think i am being packetted!\r\n<ZiGgA> my receive light is on fulltime!", "score": 183, "id": 1518},
{"quote": "<studmuffn> one day i will find a way to implant annoying songs in other peoples heads\r\n<studmuffn> it will be my supervillian power", "score": 659, "id": 1520},
{"quote": "(br0kerman) leave him alone\r\n(br0kerman) hes more l33t then u\r\n(br0kerman) he deserves +o\r\n(Skizer) no, he can fuck off\r\n(Skizer) he deserves +JEW\r\n(br0kerman) why?\r\n(Skizer) cause he's a faggot\r\n(Skizer) not even +JEW\r\n(br0kerman) hahah\r\n(Skizer) some jew's are cool\r\n(Skizer) he's gay\r\n(Skizer) he deserves +SANFRANCISCO cause he's a flaming faggot", "score": -479, "id": 1521},
{"quote": "<w3nis> people with down syndrome are all \"Hey check us out we have an extra chromosome, weeee, wipe our ass\"", "score": 290, "id": 1522},
{"quote": "<sev> there is no big brother\r\n<sev> just a big pervert", "score": 262, "id": 1523},
{"quote": "<blazemore> <SonGohanX> from age 0-4 was like, playskool toys\r\n<blazemore> <SonGohanX> 5-13 was nintendo and sega\r\n<blazemore> <SonGohanX> 14-present IRC\r\n<blazemore> <SonGohanX> that was my life in a nutshell\r\n<LkAway1> * blazemore is now known as SonGohanX", "score": 396, "id": 1224},
{"quote": "[timmo] i liked the great gatsby movie\r\n[timmo] because gatsby was harrison ford\r\n[timmo] and i cant pass up an opertunity\r\n[timmo] to see him get shot", "score": 390, "id": 1225},
{"quote": "<brian`home> so im takin my shower\r\n<brian`home> then i whip out the old hockey shampoo\r\n<brian`home> I WAS LIKE OMFG I LOVE YOU HOCKEY SHAMPOO\r\n<brian`home> so i take a swig of it\r\n<brian`home> cuz it smelled so f'in good\r\n<brian`home> dude it tasted nasty", "score": 1155, "id": 1227},
{"quote": "<timmo> you know what i hate\r\n<timmo> errors that wont go away\r\n<Guilty> So you dislike children too", "score": 1282, "id": 1228},
{"quote": "<@SwampGas> THE CHICKEN IS IN THE POT\r\n<@SwampGas> COME IN RED SQUIRREL\r\n<@SwampGas> COOK IT.\r\n<@SwampGas> that's admin code talk\r\n<@SwampGas> \"they got illegal files\"\r\n<@SwampGas> \"delete it\"", "score": 363, "id": 1229},
{"quote": "*** Ryan_ sets mode: +b *!*@*.homosexual.opers\r\n<vanity> wow\r\n<vanity> you just banned 85% of the channel", "score": 439, "id": 1231},
{"quote": "<pz> telnet lag reminds me of taking a shit", "score": 182, "id": 1232},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> omg how do I turn mirc timers off\r\n~~~ (signoff) MadHatter ;Excess Flood", "score": 362, "id": 1235},
{"quote": "<gb> drugs make music better\r\n<gb> you ignorant fuck", "score": 90, "id": 1240},
{"quote": "<jinkusu> nd-: you're not lagged\r\n<jinkusu> i'm just typing with one hand\r\n<nd-> ok, 'nuff said\r\n<nd-> enjoy\r\n<[dom]> is the other one hugging mr. wonderful?\r\n<jinkusu> yup", "score": 505, "id": 1243},
{"quote": "<atila> my pc just shocked me\r\n<atila> I touched my cd-r and it went \"bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt\"\r\n<ivilgrue> must be an anti-piracy system", "score": 671, "id": 1244},
{"quote": "<Gryphon> any ideas what this error is when i try to ping a pc on my LAN: connect: Netowork is unreachable", "score": 191, "id": 1245},
{"quote": "<eblan-> if all mexicans just killed themselves the world would be fixed", "score": -632, "id": 1246},
{"quote": "<sara:#i386> - o we reserve the right to be assholes when we've had a bad day.", "score": 220, "id": 1248},
{"quote": "<shadowrye> okay\r\n<shadowrye> who wants a box\r\n<|Raven|> i do\r\n<shadowrye> good\r\n<shadowrye> now\r\n<shadowrye> who wants to pay for a colo\r\n<|Raven|> i don't", "score": 123, "id": 1249},
{"quote": "<RallyCat> All this talks about cats is making me crave chinese food.", "score": 434, "id": 1256},
{"quote": "<Spike-Man> #myass is pretty cool.\r\n<Spike-Man> Who wants to come in #myass?", "score": 696, "id": 1259},
{"quote": "<calin> we had a guy at school that wore black lipstick.. and was all gothy.. and then one day we caught him buying an assvibrator \r\n<ecoli> ew.\r\n<ecoli> wait, you \"caught\" him?\r\n<ecoli> like, you were behind him in line at the assvibrator store?\r\n<Aero> he doesnt answer\r\n*** Quits: calin (No route to host)", "score": 9008, "id": 1578},
{"quote": "<musicandi> do u know who gjmtyj is ?\r\n<riski> No.\r\n<musicandi> he is a tough female hacker who is with cyber sex..\r\n<musicandi> if she sends u any file do not accept them", "score": 64, "id": 1579},
{"quote": "<no_soul> i snorted Ajax\r\n<no_soul> i almost died", "score": 394, "id": 1580},
{"quote": "<n|ghtOUT> my gf can smoke cigarettes with her pussy", "score": -19, "id": 1581},
{"quote": "<assman2> i hate getting cum on my hand\r\n<assman2> its fucking annoying\r\n<assman2> have to find something to wipe if off on\r\n<mabbz> assman shoots it all over his chest and belly and then smears it around so he can pretend he's a glazed donut\r\n<assman2> mabbz \r\n<assman2> i cant shoot that far \r\n<mabbz> oh so when you cum it just oozes out into your belly button? \r\n<hydro> jesus \r\n<assman2> i fucking hate when that happens \r\n<hydro> this is fucking disgusting \r\n<assman2> it happened to me once", "score": 250, "id": 1582},
{"quote": "<no_soul> did you know the testes on blue whales weigh like 400 pounds?\r\n<no_soul> thats a hefty sack\r\n<ecoli> my god.\r\n<no_soul> just a little fun fact for you all\r\n<ecoli> them is some big nuts\r\n<ecoli> did you know that the blue whale's penis is 11 feet long?\r\n<no_soul> i bet the shoot loads like a fuckin cruise missle", "score": 375, "id": 1583},
{"quote": "<Godzi||a> I would suck my own dick too if I could.\r\n<Chrononaut> \"you're only gay if you swallow\"\r\n<Invictus[A]> you're a fag for even thinkin' about it", "score": 220, "id": 1584},
{"quote": "<vortex502> 3+5\r\n<vortex502> oops\r\n<vortex502> thought i had the calculator prog. open", "score": 2626, "id": 1585},
{"quote": "<[D60]BIG_K> WHY IS CHANSERV IN EVERY FUCKING CHANNEL", "score": 544, "id": 1586},
{"quote": "<HeLL> Is there a hacker called peer? He is trowing me off the chatserver(s) all the time.", "score": 815, "id": 1587},
{"quote": "<zuez> today by morning, while walking with carlos, a frind of mine, i saw the prostitute that made me lose my virginity like 7 months ago, it sucked.", "score": 318, "id": 1588},
{"quote": "<zuez> i want to meet shawn when i go to boston\r\n<zuez> and fuck him with my shaved carrot", "score": 66, "id": 1589},
{"quote": "<Camo> wiz\r\n<Camo> have you ever gotten something taken away from you by the principal in middle school?\r\n<Wizkid`> yes, my virginity", "score": 997, "id": 1590},
{"quote": "<ufodude> im trying to find a good place to get linux. i tried and i just got lost there with all these files and shit", "score": 239, "id": 1591},
{"quote": "<parag0n> LOL I JUST HACKED MY SCHOOL\r\n<trigg`> what exploit?\r\n<parag0n> I USED ROOTKIT\r\n<trigg`> um ok but what exploit?? and what OS do they run?\r\n<parag0n> I TOLD U ROOTKIT, AND THATS THE FUNNY PART THEIR SO LAME, THEY RUN WINDOWS98!! LOL!!!\r\n<trigg`> uh ok", "score": 180, "id": 1592},
{"quote": "<pahol> As you use telnet in America how would you really\u00a0 hack in the UK?", "score": 64, "id": 1593},
{"quote": "<Prae> im here to packet and chew gum\r\n<Prae> and im all outta gum", "score": 265, "id": 1594},
{"quote": "<k-rad-bob> i think we need to like develop a bit further as persons\r\n<Prae_> just as i thought\r\n<k-rad-bob> i cant imagine what life would be like with no arms at all\r\n<k-rad-bob> irc'ing with a spoon in your mouth\r\n<Prae_> LOL\r\n<k-rad-bob> no masturbating\r\n<k-rad-bob> spending life on a quest for weird chicks who'd pittyfuck you\r\n<k-rad-bob> or like team up with a legless chick\r\n<k-rad-bob> imagine the sex", "score": 291, "id": 1595},
{"quote": "<Wazm> I was photographed in my natural environment today.\r\n<Wazm> some photographers from the admissions office working on some brochure for UNF took 60 photographs of me programming", "score": 394, "id": 1290},
{"quote": "<l0g1c> Does giving handjobs make you go blind??\r\n<ApOkAliPs> HAHA\r\n<ApOkAliPs> well...\r\n<ApOkAliPs> depends where you aim it...", "score": 797, "id": 1293},
{"quote": "<LkTrout1> I'm getting a GBA from ZD next month.\r\n<LkTrout1> with an unintentional $5 discount on Castlevania GBA\r\n<LkTrout1> I ordered it before they realized the price goof on Castlevania.\r\n<SYch0> wow!\r\n<SYch0> five WHOLE dollarS?!\r\n<wild_> thats 2 months salary in korea", "score": 247, "id": 1297},
{"quote": "<homerj> I'm starting to have a real dislike of vegitarians\r\n<homerj> and their holier then thou attitude\r\n<noxnbox> we should eat them\r\n<ryo-ohki> I bet they'd taste good.\r\n<berzerker> my band has a 6 minute track about hating vegitarians\r\n<ryo-ohki> Their body is like all meat, with just a little bit of fat.\r\n<berzerker> and throwing steaks at their face\r\n<homerj> because they must have some sort of rule that they tell you they are vegetarian like 5 times a day\r\n<homerj> must be in the handbook \"when you hvae the desire to eat meat, tell someone your a vegetarian\"\r\n<DigDug> you know, vegetarians are probably kosher too", "score": 298, "id": 1301},
{"quote": "<|Chris>'s one\r\n<|Chris> what's the worst crime you've ever commited?\r\n<Guilty> I once taped a Golden Girls episode with only implyed oral permission and not expressed written permission", "score": 892, "id": 1302},
{"quote": "<Eblan> nirvana smells like teen spirit is on, and i can't help but headbang to this song\r\n<Eblan> and it dosent feel right with short hair", "score": 59, "id": 1303},
{"quote": "(nexxai) holy fuck...I was just reading a ton of IRC quotes, then got up, and it was like I entered a new dimension\r\n(nexxai)'s weirder than you think.", "score": 376, "id": 1306},
{"quote": "(tiko-gfx) I'm mkaing my cock dance\r\n(tiko-gfx) right now it's doing the robot\r\n(tiko-gfx) I wonder if I can get it to do the funky chicken", "score": 210, "id": 1307},
{"quote": "<CiXeL> america where a poor black boy can grow up to become a rich white woman\r\n<CiXeL> michael jackson", "score": 242, "id": 1308},
{"quote": "~ TwinWork is craving chinese\r\n(TwinWork) any asian girls in here?", "score": 286, "id": 1309},
{"quote": "<Tektrnica> i got roller blades\r\n<Tektrnica> they have orange on them tho :P\r\n<Tektrnica> fawking raverblades", "score": 106, "id": 1314},
{"quote": "~ BigTongue is talking to a 18 year old portuguese chick.. that means she's either gunna give good head or clean my house nicely", "score": 275, "id": 1317},
{"quote": "<DigDug> i have gay fantasies about every guy i meet\r\n<DigDug> i try to take his picture\r\n<DigDug> and then i masturbate to it\r\n<DigDug> i have a whole archive of it on my hard drive\r\n<DigDug> that's why i'm running out of space\r\n<DigDug> not because i download warez", "score": 145, "id": 1319},
{"quote": "(pervert) roy: get off your \"would be heterosexual if i had enough options to have a preference\" ass and go get some :P", "score": 350, "id": 1320},
{"quote": "<MadMAxJr> they should replace /kick with /stab", "score": 500, "id": 1322},
{"quote": "", "score": 1128, "id": 1323},
{"quote": "<[cut]> fuckin russians made my ftp server crash last night. somebody from ->\r\n<hypr> hahhahwhaw\r\n<[cut]> what the fuck\r\n<[cut]> somebody from romainia tried to steal my leapFTP bookmark file\r\n<[cut]> (005570) 6/3/2001 12:04:28 AM - 56k ( > asked to change directory : 'C:ftpmp3 -> C:ftpmp3C:PROGRAM FILESLEAPFTP' --> Access denied (No Such Directory).\r\n<[cut]> Resolved to\r\n<hypr> hahahahahaha\r\n<SysError> cut the foreigners want war with you\r\n<[cut]> i added to my welcome message.. IF ALL OFF YOU EUROPEAN/ASIAN FOREIGN FUCKS KEEP TRYING TO \"HACK\" ME. THE SERVER WILL GO PRIVATE.", "score": 77, "id": 1324},
{"quote": "<iMike> well so long as your penis is alright\r\n<D1> whats a penis without hands???", "score": 282, "id": 1384},
{"quote": "(chronic1) i wouldn't like a virgin....i think they deserve a professional fuck the first time so they are not dissappointed....i could go down...but i am not the best fuck\r\n...\r\n(chronic1) if masterbation made you good, i'd be the best", "score": 361, "id": 1385},
{"quote": "<Squizzle> BIONIC PENIS BEAMS.\r\n<JDigital> Or 'sperm', as they're more commonly known.", "score": 788, "id": 1387},
{"quote": "(fishead) \"I fucked your girlfriend and all I got was this lousy t-shirt... and crabs\"\r\n(TwinX) \" I got a handjob from Cunty McChicken and then he made me BUY this fuckin t-shirt.\"", "score": 219, "id": 1389},
{"quote": "<hypr> MY MOM WONT LET M,E WEAR HEADPHONES CAUSE SHE THINKS THEY WILL GIVE ME CANCER OR A BRAIN TUMOR\r\n<hypr> she like sneaks up behind me and takes them off and says she will break them if she sees em on me again\r\n<hypr> :(\r\n<[cut]> <schwtzngr> IT'S NOT A TUMOR!", "score": 258, "id": 1390},
{"quote": "[maff] hyper is the little snack cake that could", "score": 152, "id": 1392},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Full house has so many good leasons\r\n<Guilty> Like, living with another man in a basement at the age of 42 does not make you gay\r\n<Guilty> And sharing", "score": 753, "id": 1393},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> holded down is a word btw", "score": 168, "id": 1394},
{"quote": "<NCOIC> StarDog, you should see my electronic warfare arsenal. I've got virii and trojans and worms soo old they 'dropped them' from most defensive software...", "score": 329, "id": 1399},
{"quote": "<thirdrai|> me n my friends had an intelligent conversation the other day\r\n<thirdrai|> we wre like\r\n<thirdrai|> if u had to give head to ur father to save him would u?", "score": 302, "id": 1401},
{"quote": "*** CiXeL ( has joined #crack\r\n<CiXeL> Kill the motherfucking curseword kick you pansyass girls use.Censorship blows & I dont want irc turning into a g4y ass aol or purple moon game. I hate to wake you up but this *ISNT* aol & never will be. You will never be allowed to sanitize & pollitically correctize the net. So sure, kick me, ban me, whatever but Im not going away unless you can ban every single combination of ident, ip in my pool or the whole domain I", "score": -74, "id": 1406},
{"quote": "<tezorian> yeah, im going to get fucked up paintings and shit, its gonna be the coolest room ever !", "score": 20, "id": 1407},
{"quote": "<mlkesl> Lets all be vermifuge robots.\r\n* mlkesl goes into robot mode.\r\n* mlkesl does nothing.\r\n* mlkesl makes fun of people who do stuff.\r\n* mlkesl does some more nothing.", "score": 230, "id": 1408},
{"quote": "<aCidbOy> can anyone help me out?\u00a0\u00a0 I've been locked up for 6 months (by the INS - They were trying to deport me... long story)... I just got back out, and I'm trying to get back into the scene... I just need a good lead on sites... all my old ones are dead... thanx", "score": 434, "id": 1409},
{"quote": "<TheVirus> i hate when im takin a whizz, and then im almost done, then i get those damned piss shakes. and my piss goes all over the damn place, then my cat comes in and licks it up. good cat =D", "score": 421, "id": 1413},
{"quote": "<Th3Virus> watch southpark wednesday\r\n<Th3Virus> they are gonna say \"shit\" on TV\r\n<Th3Virus> no bleeps\r\n<Spacenett> which one is it\r\n<Spacenett> heh\r\n<Spacenett> they do it all the time on paper view\r\n<Th3Virus> paper view", "score": 644, "id": 1415},
{"quote": "<|Chris> you couldn't get a man if you opened your ass like the guy and walked around a prison yard", "score": 404, "id": 1419},
{"quote": "(lo^fi) ok who thinks the \"burning schoolhouse\" that comes in boxes of fireworks sux ass\r\n(tiko) bill: I do\r\n(dawly) me too :)\r\n(superdave) bill you just have to soak it with gas first", "score": 276, "id": 1524},
{"quote": "(JazzSax) tim likes 8 year old girls\r\n(JazzSax) he looks sooooo big in their hands.\r\n(JazzSax) they like picture books\r\n(tiko) rhonda: Think of me more as a childhood educator.\r\n(dev-) um, I don't think sex ed lessons aren't supposed to be in the back of a white van", "score": 210, "id": 1525},
{"quote": "<Geothermal> Jesus, I can only say so many things about fat people before they become redundant.\u00a0 I think it would help if they all flew to their own personal little island made of gumdrops and then ate themselves to the bottom of the sea like some kind of Atlantis.\u00a0 You know, only really fat.", "score": 260, "id": 1527},
{"quote": "<JDigital> We used to have this kick ass game when we were kids....\r\n<VillainSede> Swallow the chlorine tabs?\r\n<VillainSede> that one takes me back..", "score": 599, "id": 1528},
{"quote": "<AlexChiu> Brent: Oh yeah.\u00a0 Well, would you have felt better if I hadn't told you about it and you got hit with a noxious stench upon prying off a girl's dry, crusty panties?", "score": 64, "id": 1529},
{"quote": "<mydgear> wow, im listening to the best of dj premiere\r\n<mydgear> every beat sounds the same\r\n<diagram> kinda like how all blacks look the same", "score": -112, "id": 1532},
{"quote": "<Spin0ut> anubis's nick is cool\r\n<Spin0ut> cuz it contains the words anus and bi", "score": 374, "id": 1534},
{"quote": "<JDigital> Speaking of which, did you know that just changed its name to Gullible?\r\n<HoJu> Really?", "score": 783, "id": 1535},
{"quote": "<qbpsawk> but try saying\r\n<qbpsawk> \"ID LIKE TO BUY A FAG\" in a bar in america\r\n<qbpsawk> and you see what happens\r\n<qbpsawk> :D\r\n<St-Knight> Well if I was the bartender I'd know to give the guy a cigarette.\r\n* slow wants to buy a pack of fags\r\n<Rivers> i'd like to burn a pack of fags", "score": 53, "id": 1537},
{"quote": "<vermifuge> dude what the f\r\n<vermifuge> 256 megs kingston for 20 dollars, shipped\r\n<dr\\gonzo> FOR LESS THAN A PILL OF ECSTACY YOU CAN HAVE 256MB OF RAM", "score": 541, "id": 1538},
{"quote": "<fastahj7> what's the difference between the usa DC lightgun and the euro one\r\n<smcn> the usa one has a \"shoot up your school\" button", "score": 361, "id": 1540},
{"quote": "<Delusion> I'm reminded of someone I worked with who was about 35 and who dyed a streak of grey in his hair to look 'distinguished'.\r\n<Delusion> Instead, he looked 'gay'.", "score": 445, "id": 1541},
{"quote": "<Evil_Kneival> I see.\r\n<super`radish> dude\r\n<super`radish> stop with the punctuation\r\n<Evil_Kneival> Why?\r\n<super`radish> because its like putting a rainbow cowboy sticker on your car bumper", "score": 121, "id": 1542},
{"quote": "<peng> Guilty and I never had dealings\r\n<Guilty> Remember that time you were lonely and couldnt find any new Brittney porn\r\n<peng> which time\r\n<Guilty> And I hadnt gotten a haircut in a while so my golden locks were flowing\r\n<Guilty> And I happen to have a tight red jumpsuit...\r\n<Guilty> And well, you know", "score": 366, "id": 1545},
{"quote": "(timmo) the average testicle is the size of a walnut.\r\n[maff] the average walnut tastes better than the average testicle", "score": 707, "id": 1546},
{"quote": "<iMike> i was just thinking of hiring a man to service my septic system\r\n<maff> is that the classy way to say you want to get fucked in the ass?", "score": 2573, "id": 1547},
{"quote": "<ckx> when i worked at the sub shop\r\n<ckx> whenever a fat person would get a sub and a regular pepsi\r\n<ckx> i'd be like \"umm wouldn't you rather have a diet pepsi?\"\r\n<ckx> and they'd get all offended\r\n<skmt> haha\r\n<ckx> but they'd still get the diet pepsi instead", "score": 685, "id": 1552},
{"quote": "<wormholes> Is it difficult to manage txt files like modify lines and copy rename and create new ones..with jsut std C libs?\r\n<NoEscom> no, it's not difficult\r\n<Noidea> yes it's difficult.\r\n<Noidea> It's almost impossible.\r\n<NoEscom> oh you mean MODIFY text files? on that case you have to download microsoft sql server", "score": 381, "id": 1260},
{"quote": "<JRichman> \"Easy\" only equals \"better\" for crack addicts and web developers.", "score": 421, "id": 1261},
{"quote": "<Toll> well lets see. moses was supposed to have lived some 800 years... and had a number of wives... could it be that he died at 75 but looked 800 after haveing lived with more then one\r\n<CBA> Those were dog years.", "score": 343, "id": 1263},
{"quote": "<@SwampGas> my whoroscope says i'm gonna get overcharged today", "score": 433, "id": 1264},
{"quote": "<NonFish[> I installed Norton SystemWorks once and it tried to take over my computer =|\r\n<NonFish[> I had to bust a regedit.exe cap in it's bitch ass.", "score": 603, "id": 1266},
{"quote": "uiu j0sh69!#linuxbox is looking for a site that teaches you how to steal cars and steal radios please msg me if your know, it is for a good cause", "score": 524, "id": 1267},
{"quote": "*** mark ( has quit IRC: -eXtreme- WOMAN.ZIP: Great Shareware, but be careful of viruses...", "score": 249, "id": 1270},
{"quote": "<ez1|#trance> hey anyone who has experience with ecstasi please msg me , rush", "score": 291, "id": 1271},
{"quote": "<r0f> plz, it's the way to ask for something on efnet\r\n<r0f> or express your feelings\r\n<r0f> like when I join, I say \"plz\"\r\n<r0f> it just means \"plz\". it's not really a request, it's just like \"plz\"\r\n<r0f> know what I'm sayin? kthx", "score": 149, "id": 1272},
{"quote": "<Fakester> hmm, I wonder if Wal-Mart would ask for ID on a return...\r\n<Fakester> that could be a problem\r\n<Tortri> if they do, well... tell them you forgot it, take the DC back home\r\n<Tortri> then you'll be stuck with a new dc\r\n<Fakester> Tortri: I'm currently unemployed, I don't have $100 to waste like that.\r\n<Tsengie> sell it to some stupid kid for 119\r\n<Tsengie> tell him it's a ps2", "score": 334, "id": 1273},
{"quote": "[kisama_] and no, amanda, my favorite monoply symbol is the cannon\r\n[Amanda_] Because it symbolizes all the high powered ass pounding you do?", "score": 908, "id": 1274},
{"quote": "<iis> exploit me", "score": 471, "id": 1275},
{"quote": "<meretrix> as far as i'm concerned, a cute girl is a cute girl.\r\n<meretrix> even if she's a guy.", "score": 678, "id": 1276},
{"quote": "<Amanda> USER\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 TTY\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 FROM\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 LOGIN@\u00a0 IDLE WHAT\r\n<Amanda> amanda\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 p0\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ppp152.acelink.n\u00a0 2:46AM\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 - pico vi-tutorial", "score": 731, "id": 1278},
{"quote": "<disgrunt> New \"Britney\"'s born in the US every year:\u00a0 1,483.\r\n<disgrunt> New \"Dick Tease\"'s born in the US every year:\u00a0 3.\r\n<disgrunt> That's the funniest shit I've ever seen.\r\n<disgrunt> How would you like to be named Dick Tease?\r\n<fade_> haha\r\n<fade_> well, britney sure is a dick tease\r\n<cout> disgrunt: I'd go by \"Richard\"", "score": 390, "id": 1280},
{"quote": "<Prae> ANY WOMEN AGED 25 TO 30 IN ENGLAND!?\r\n<Prae> I'LL DRIVE 500 MILES FOR A FUCK IF I HAVE TO", "score": 445, "id": 1596},
{"quote": "", "score": 1328, "id": 1597},
{"quote": "<k-rad-bob> omg\r\n<k-rad-bob> I just realized\r\n<k-rad-bob> I have a fully working penis in my pants\r\n<k-rad-bob> brb", "score": 1301, "id": 1598},
{"quote": "<Prae> omg\r\n<Prae> why the fuck do people put copyright notices ont heir shit\r\n<Prae> it takes me long time to remove it :(", "score": 967, "id": 1599},
{"quote": "", "score": 535, "id": 1600},
{"quote": "<skatoni> will some one please help \r\n<`NeXiGeN`> what's yer problem ? \r\n<skatoni> there is a guy hacking into my computer \r\n<`NeXiGeN`> unplug yer modem \r\n<skatoni> how? \r\n<`NeXiGeN`> see all those wires behind your computer box ? \r\n<`NeXiGeN`> ripem all out \r\n*** skatoni has quit IRC (Read error to skatoni[]:\r\nConnection reset by peer)", "score": 947, "id": 1601},
{"quote": "<Camo> prence: someone at school played a prank on a loser and they fed him like \r\na whole bottle of viagra by putting it under the cheese of his pizza and then in \r\nthe middle of class, his penis exploded and he had to go to the hospital", "score": 24, "id": 1602},
{"quote": "<pac> THAT DUDE THAT LOOKS LIKE ZERO COOL\r\n<pac> IN MY SCHOOL\r\n<pac> I YELLED ZERO COOL DURING LUNHC\r\n<pac> AND HE STOOD UP\r\n<pac> AND LOOKED AROUN", "score": 426, "id": 1603},
{"quote": "<Prence> then my mom will know i have sex with the coach\r\n<Prence> i meant to say couch", "score": 560, "id": 1604},
{"quote": "<tgpretend> MICROSOFT BRAIN DRAIN CONTINUES. Fourteen-year\r\n<tgpretend>\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 vet. Paul Maritz resigns.\r\n<tgpretend> how can he be an m$ veterna if he's only 14?", "score": 205, "id": 1605},
{"quote": "<kidjess> If you cause me problems\r\n<tress> u will bust a cap in me ?\r\n<kidjess> I will chop your penis off\r\n<tress> oh my\r\n<kidjess> and mail it to bob\r\n<tress> oh oh oh my\r\n<loser`> the postage on that would be like, 2 cents", "score": 484, "id": 1607},
{"quote": "<lusta> im doin' route now, heh\r\n<Pneuma> wyze1\r\n<Pneuma> isn't it weird\r\n<Pneuma> that \"lusta\" is an anagram for \"aslut\"", "score": 72, "id": 1608},
{"quote": "<chris`> ever notice how the mini pizza pringles cans dont have a lot of pizza \r\nstuff on them but the normal sized ones do?\r\n<Prae> to make an observation like that\r\n<Prae> you must weigh at least 500lbs", "score": 820, "id": 1609},
{"quote": "<tak> your mommas so dumb she set her buffer length to a minimal octal instead of puging the cache", "score": 625, "id": 1611},
{"quote": "<[PhReAk]> i have a problem, i have an +++ATH0 modem bomber but when i use it it disconnects me from the internet, what is the problem?", "score": 356, "id": 1612},
{"quote": "<eastjinx> from 19 to now, my world has completely changed\r\n<DigDug> my world changes every 6 months :[\r\n<|steve|> the world has changed 3 times since the last time i been out\r\n<sev> world changes for me everyday\r\n<|steve|> but our penis size stays the same", "score": 273, "id": 1615},
{"quote": "<ThaExo> i finally know what carding means", "score": 31, "id": 1616},
{"quote": "<immi> a penny for your thoughts \r\n<dr\\gonzo> a nickle for anal with your mom", "score": 795, "id": 1325},
{"quote": "* Cybertrx is 5'3, 198 pounds, ugly, balding, highly skilled programmer. All my shirts are yellow with cumstains. I am seeking a tall, gorgeous, stunningly hot babe in her early 20s with an amazing rack and thick luxurious blond hair. /msg me", "score": 512, "id": 1327},
{"quote": "<Brinstar> If it wasn't for C, we'd be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL.", "score": 1664, "id": 1328},
{"quote": "(fub) I walked into a police station once to pick up some court papers, and I smoked a joint about 5 blocks away and I was was sitting in there for awhile and I looked down at my shoes and the roach was on the front tounge of my shoe ;/", "score": 143, "id": 1330},
{"quote": "<felix> that raid card is gonna saturate that machine\r\n<felix> that's like giving a chihuahua a fire hydrant enema.", "score": 511, "id": 1331},
{"quote": "<D1> today, I started the supermodel diet.\r\n<maff> that must be a step up from the all sperm diet you were on", "score": 426, "id": 1332},
{"quote": "<lizx_:#916> i hsaid U becaude i am ficked up", "score": 34, "id": 1335},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> Bah. Searching for 'harlequin hentai' on google turns up my own page at the top of the list.\r\n<Sharkey> This is happening me increasingly often when I go looking for stuff.", "score": 900, "id": 1337},
{"quote": "<Frodo1234> Although it turns out that \"non-toxic\" isn't synonomous with \"great for snacking\" when it comes to toys\r\n<Frodo1234> Even though they say that bubble blowing fluid is non toxic, apparently you're still not supposed to chug it", "score": 697, "id": 1338},
{"quote": "<SPD-DMN> i wanna get a 6.5L turbo-diesel and like.. put it into a honda accord\r\n<SPD-DMN> or is that.. put a honda accord into a 6.5L turbo-diesel?", "score": 279, "id": 1341},
{"quote": "(nexxai) Five seconds later, I'm getting the upside of 15Kv across the nipples. (These ambulance guys sure know how to party).", "score": 711, "id": 1343},
{"quote": "<Brentai> Do you ever wonder if Japanese people all laugh at the zany translations they get of American games? \"Did you know that in America, 'Super Flamey Skull Man' is named 'Scorpion'?\" \"Ha ha! Scorpion!\"\r\n<gaspump> \"Can you believe they wouldn't even LIKE commuter train simulators in America!?!\"", "score": 901, "id": 1344},
{"quote": "<Orm-Riva> I knew a man who had sex with a helicopter once.\r\n<Illandir> ...\r\n<Orm-Riva> Alright, I didn't, I lied to try to impress you.", "score": 1514, "id": 1345},
{"quote": "* Sakura02 rips Brentai in half and stabs one half with the other half. >:(", "score": 590, "id": 1346},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> Why is it whenever I hear the phrase 'Battered Women' I think of fried food?", "score": 1010, "id": 1348},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> Man, I'm getting flashbacks from Renegade. Apparently when I was a kid I was so bored I made up little songs to go with the damned music and now it's all coming back to me.\r\n<Sharkey> Nothing remarkable, though. Mostly just little ditties about killing myself.", "score": 411, "id": 1350},
{"quote": "<slyfox> lol\r\n<slyfox> dude! I typed \"lol\" with my head!!!", "score": 457, "id": 1351},
{"quote": "*** mindpulp has quit IRC (internet relay lobotomy)", "score": 150, "id": 1422},
{"quote": "<katers> my fucking roommate\r\n<katers> needs to stop being a ho\r\n<katers> or cut me in on the action\r\n<katers> one or the other.", "score": 624, "id": 1423},
{"quote": "<KuNgFo0> when it takes 15 seconds to d/l a server's motd..\r\n<KuNgFo0> that's lag", "score": 257, "id": 1424},
{"quote": "<LatinKing> I was born homophobic, but i came out of the closet a long time ago when i told my family i found out that a lot of them were too!", "score": 82, "id": 1428},
{"quote": "<Culex> Why did LatinKing get fired from the sperm bank? He got caught drinking on the job :)", "score": 253, "id": 1429},
{"quote": "<LatinKing> Just look at all the contributions Irish niggers have made to society\r\n<LatinKing> Potato Famine\r\n<LatinKing> heh\r\n<LatinKing> Black Irish \r\n<LatinKing> Are the worst\r\n<Culex> aren't irish green tho?\r\n<chracker> pots of gold are cool\r\n<LatinKing> You have to be the stupidist person I have ever had the chance encounter of conversating with....\r\n<LatinKing> Only pot of gold you have is your dried up honey pot between your flaming red crotch...and that pot was plundered a long time ago", "score": -383, "id": 1430},
{"quote": "<@SLiPMaTT`> no i had one girlie today give me her #\r\n<rocker> slippy goes to an all guys school", "score": 248, "id": 1432},
{"quote": "<Foo1> I AM JESUS\r\n<Foo1> BOW TO ME\r\n<Foo1> BOW TO MY GREATNESS\r\n<Foo1> FOR I AM THE SAVIOR\r\n<Foo1> (*#$(*$#\r\n*** Foo1 was kicked by Evel (WOOOOO I JUST KICKED JESUS FROM AN IRC CHANNEL!@##!@!@#!@#)", "score": 401, "id": 1433},
{"quote": "<Kashan> Ive been playing jetgrindradio too much\r\n<Kashan> I just tried to grind a stairwell in halflife", "score": 481, "id": 1442},
{"quote": "<Graeme> yeah, don't be nasty. my grandad died in a concentration camp......!\r\n<Graeme> he fell out a guard tower. broke his neck", "score": 4285, "id": 1443},
{"quote": "<curiosity> I can't wait til' we can directly interface to the brain - that way the voices in my head can talk on IRC.", "score": 736, "id": 1447},
{"quote": "<buq> Intra - do you have any other stuff that is on the same basic level as moby?\r\n<phatkro> No one is on Moby's level\r\n<phatkro> He's stuck on level 3, world 7 of the original Super mario Bros.", "score": 398, "id": 1450},
{"quote": "<KMFDM> Your rank out of 1918856 total users is: 411951st place\r\n<bocz> aha whats that for\r\n<bocz> a beauty contest?", "score": 244, "id": 1455},
{"quote": "<shaft> i want some imac bed sheets.", "score": 187, "id": 1456},
{"quote": "<AlexChiu> I should check my hotmail account.\u00a0 See what happened to that psycho 13 year old bisexual girl who wanted to be my girlfriend", "score": 438, "id": 1458},
{"quote": "[Mass] the 4 x 4 is 4 slabs of beef with 3 buns\r\n[orion] jesus mass\r\n[orion] that's like eating for a african family of 30", "score": 244, "id": 1459},
{"quote": "<ckx> i hate when i find other people's underwear sitting on my toothbrush in the bathroom\r\n<ckx> i fucking clean my mouth with that thing\r\n<ckx> i don't want no skank ass panties on top of it at 8 fucking am\r\n*** skmt changes topic to '<ckx> i hate when i find other people's underwear sitting on my toothbrush in th'\r\n<ckx> yah that's pretty funny\r\n<ckx> almost as funny as picking pubic hair out of your teeth", "score": 673, "id": 1553},
{"quote": "<ckx> i get a bunch of scrambled porn\r\n<ckx> one time i was jerking off to this channel\r\n<ckx> 102\r\n<ckx> and like then i realized it was two guys\r\n<ckx> cuz 102 was a gay channel\r\n<ckx> 101 was the good hardcore porn\r\n<HomerJ> HAW\r\n<ckx> but by then i was already into it\r\n<ckx> so i didn't change it", "score": 695, "id": 1554},
{"quote": "<ckx> i'm not gay\r\n<ckx> i just like to see people fuck\r\n<ckx> even if they're guys", "score": 335, "id": 1555},
{"quote": "<@Patilla> hacking is cool\r\n<@Patilla> i saw it done once in a movie", "score": 511, "id": 1556},
{"quote": "<Badforyou> Does anyone know where you can buy large, exceptionally strong plastic bags, fake dog poo, sulphuric acid, aroma therapy candles, and a ten pound dead doberman on the internet?\r\n<freekoala> all but the dead dog on i bet\r\n<freekoala> you could put together your '' wishlist and send it to people. they will wonder about the theme, but keep them wondering.", "score": 423, "id": 1557},
{"quote": "<Zaratustra> Kei is the deity of putting 'in bed' at the end of fortune cookie messages.", "score": 249, "id": 1561},
{"quote": "*** C2H5OH has joined #finalfight\r\n<MightyQuinn> greetings, Mr. Ethanol\r\n<Rico> Mmm... caffeine.\r\n<Squizzle> Wow, one of you failed organic chem.", "score": 1452, "id": 1562},
{"quote": "<metroid23> i ask for whole milk and people look at me like i wanna suck it right off the cow or something", "score": 690, "id": 1565},
{"quote": "<Chis_> this problem calls for a trip to #math", "score": 387, "id": 1566},
{"quote": "<ckx> i wish i had a gf who was into really cheap things\r\n<ckx> like 5 cent rings from vending machines\r\n<ckx> then i'd be in heaven\r\n<ckx> \"yah i got you something today... it's a gumball\"\r\n<ckx> \"OH WOW LETS FUCK\"\r\n<ckx> stupid women\r\n<mdl> haha", "score": 567, "id": 1567},
{"quote": "", "score": 1119, "id": 1569},
{"quote": "<tress> i have no arms\r\n<tress> i have to type by blowing through a straw\r\n<tress> i dropped my straw", "score": 652, "id": 1570},
{"quote": "<tress> i've erected a level 10 forcefield around my penis", "score": 220, "id": 1573},
{"quote": "<jessafk> ;) your just too smart for me\r\n<tress> you're grammar astounds me", "score": 655, "id": 1574},
{"quote": "<CoN> ... next you'll tell me that you shaved your pubes under the misdirection that i care\r\n<[U|C]SKS_Lover> eh...\r\n<[U|C]SKS_Lover> hey CoN, I shave my pubic hair under the misdirection that you care.\r\n<CoN> oh thanks\r\n<[U|C]SKS_Lover> then I make socks out of it.\r\n<CoN> ... thats weird\r\n<[U|C]SKS_Lover> human-wool socks\r\n<[U|C]SKS_Lover> >:D\r\n<[U|C]SKS_Lover> wanna know how I make apple juice?\r\n*** CoN has quit IRC", "score": 1292, "id": 1575},
{"quote": "<ground0-> as if your opinion matters, or means anything in this world at all \r\n<hypr> as if your elitest bs opinion matter, or means anything in this world at all \r\n<hypr> ;P \r\n<ground0-> actually it does \r\n<hypr> and how is that \r\n<ground0-> highschool/college graduate/registered voter/licensed driver", "score": 184, "id": 1617},
{"quote": "(Demention) Qwa-Z sucks like George Michael in a men's bathroom :P", "score": 97, "id": 1618},
{"quote": "<Seros> fuck\r\n<Seros> we were at 7-11\r\n<Seros> And amanda is wearing this shirt that says \"wtf?\"\r\n<Seros> The indian guy that works there said \"What is the meaning of this.. wtf?\"\r\n<Amanda> I told him that it's a non-profit organization.\u00a0 >:O", "score": 1579, "id": 1619},
{"quote": "<iMike> i think english transcends spelling\r\n<DooD> especially with words like k3wl d00d", "score": 213, "id": 1621},
{"quote": "<YehhNO> how i download irc?", "score": 398, "id": 1622},
{"quote": "<TasmBoy> does anyone have the source code to windows?", "score": 279, "id": 1625},
{"quote": "<Zonkto> I'll bet you could ski through a revolving door if you timed it really well.", "score": 865, "id": 1627},
{"quote": "<reflector> I'm skinny and I have a big nose, but girls still let me touch them sometimes\r\n<Viseus> reflector: Yeah me too. In packed subway trains and stuff", "score": 583, "id": 1628},
{"quote": "(mc-face) don't you think a funny joke gift would be kleenex that smells like ass", "score": 505, "id": 1630},
{"quote": "<VillainSede> I've always wanted to be on the receiving end of necrophilia. Even in death I'd be getting some\r\n<VillainSede> I want a shovel attached to my tombstone with the inscription \"For a good time, dig\"", "score": 1427, "id": 1631},
{"quote": "<perdida> should I go make porn for loan-payment cash? if so which aspect of porn would have the best pay/disgusting stuff ratio?", "score": 326, "id": 1632},
{"quote": "<Defect> i've sworn off dating to the point where my mother's inquiries as to whether or not i'm gay are getting frustratingly more frequent.\r\n<harb> Defect : Haha.\r\n<harb> I hate that.\r\n<harb> My mom asked me ONCE.. and I just started laughing.\r\n<harb> And then went back to my David Hasslehoff shrine.\r\n<Defect> she visited me a couple weekends ago and we went out to dinner, she had a few drinks and said \"You can tell me if you're gay you know, i'm drunk now, i can take it.\"", "score": 1066, "id": 1633},
{"quote": "<harb> Polybeastiality? Is that like cheating on your sheep with your cow?", "score": 823, "id": 1634},
{"quote": "<DragonRe> gabe: what i did to you was love goddamit\r\n<gabe> maybe in alabama.", "score": 588, "id": 1636},
{"quote": "<CyberThor> HIDE THE SHIT, SHARKEY'S HERE!\r\n* Silkenray throws a blanket over Thor\r\n* CyberThor is soothed by the calming, womb-like combination of warm and dark", "score": 988, "id": 1352},
{"quote": "<Gayo> I went with purple even though two characters wear purple and the first city is made entirely of purple buildings.\r\n<Gayo> Which means that so far the only green is in the little \"occupied\" lights above the bedroom doors.\r\n<Sharkey> ... that sounds really familiar for some reason. Probably reminding me of some retarded childrens program.\r\n<Sharkey> Something where all the people are purple and live in purple houses and have purple lawns, until mysterious green men come from the moon and everybody learns the wonders of ethnic diversity.\r\n<Sharkey> Well slap ma fro! Where da purple woman at? Where da purple woman at? \"Kill the greenie!\"", "score": 283, "id": 1353},
{"quote": "<Brentai> I have Q3, but I like playing it about as much as I like trying to suck my own wang.\r\n<Brentai> i.e. it's painful and futile, but once and a while I try to do it just to prove that I can. And I can't.", "score": 946, "id": 1354},
{"quote": "<McGrue> The truth, like a penis, sometimes slips out at inopportune times.", "score": 1110, "id": 1355},
{"quote": "<McGrue> You need messageboards?\r\n<Sharkey> Certainly not 'need'. Probably not even want. I just occasionally have this nagging implacable emptiness that I think a message board might fill.\r\n<Sharkey> Maybe I just need cock.", "score": 546, "id": 1356},
{"quote": "<Starchild> Someone say something clever/interesting/homoerotic, I'm bored.\r\n*** Starchild was kicked by Defcon (All your base are belong to gay men. Sex.)", "score": 562, "id": 1359},
{"quote": "<immi> i want madonnas pussy\r\n<dr\\gonzo> besides you putting your penis inside madonna would be like you putting your penis out the window\r\n<dr\\gonzo> that shit has to be sooooo loose", "score": 158, "id": 1361},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> kids are out of school for now...\r\n<MadHatter> that means 2x the takeovers", "score": 226, "id": 1366},
{"quote": "(_dev) you go get what you want for supper\r\n(_dev) and i will cook it\r\n(Ashley) wings!\r\n(TwinWorkn) Ashley: with dry weave?\r\n(TwinWorkn) for added panty protection?", "score": 251, "id": 1367},
{"quote": "<diz> i remember sticking lightbright pegs in places they shouldn't go on a girl", "score": 398, "id": 1370},
{"quote": "[Fustard] I just walked out into the living room today\r\n[Fustard] and my mom just randomly went\r\n[Fustard] 'the dog has been masturbating too much, ive never seen it that big'", "score": 821, "id": 1375},
{"quote": "<TheFlux2k> i just teleport everywhere\r\n<TheFlux2k> walking is for faggots", "score": 429, "id": 1377},
{"quote": "<studmuffn> ive been to one star trek convention, and i was 14\r\n<studmuffn> it was cool. patrick stewart was there\r\n<studmuffn> they told us not to ask why they cant fix baldness in the 24th century", "score": 1422, "id": 1379},
{"quote": "[orion] man i had a fucked up dream last night\r\n[orion] i think my maid was fondeling me\r\n[orion] i was being spooned by this chick when she started to finger my asshole, and i was like \"wtf is this shit, get that outta me, but i couldn't move\"\r\n[orion] so then i finally got all grossed out and woke up\r\n[orion] and my asshole felt funny.\r\n(|Chris) you probably fingered your own ass in your sleep\r\n[orion] nah mang, i smelled my fingahs", "score": 537, "id": 1380},
{"quote": "<Durtro> an army of swedish surgeons couldn't make him a girl.", "score": 281, "id": 1381},
{"quote": "<PwRPufF> im a smart blond :)\r\n<nexxai> YAY FOR DUMB BLONDES#@$@!$! ---- I mean....ummm --- YAY FOR SMART BLONDES *mutter* lol, no such thing\r\n<PwRPufF> :/\r\n<PwRPufF> shut up\r\n<PwRPufF> hey soon im gonna have artifical intelegance\r\n<PwRPufF> hehe\r\n<nexxai> dyed hair?", "score": 683, "id": 1462},
{"quote": "<HomerJ> damn, how many newsgroups are there now?\r\n<HomerJ> 80k+\r\n<HomerJ> I just want some porn", "score": 291, "id": 1464},
{"quote": "<jeremy^> everything i know about genetics, i learned from beverly hills 90210 and other aaron spelling classics. :)\r\n<jeremy^> oh, and biology class\r\n<jeremy^> but i mean come on", "score": 246, "id": 1466},
{"quote": "<nexxai> a wonderful place\r\n<xsneakerx> yes. place of the bored and horny.", "score": 138, "id": 1468},
{"quote": "<isocat> onion headlines make me laugh out loud, even if i have my cock in my hand", "score": 349, "id": 1470},
{"quote": "<isocat> feasting meant a lot more when people were hungrier, i guess", "score": 314, "id": 1471},
{"quote": "<isocat> id like to see a good movie about someone nuking the Superbowl", "score": 367, "id": 1473},
{"quote": "<isocat> i tripped a couple summers ago and had a 'jerry' trip sort of, he had just died and i listened to some dead and tried to summon his spirit", "score": 28, "id": 1475},
{"quote": "[McMoo] wow\r\n[McMoo] public radio is playing charles mingus\r\n[thinkmad] as opposed to private radio\r\n[McMoo] yes\r\n[Guilty] Xite was trying to be witty there\r\n[Guilty] But he failed\r\n[McMoo] but he failed", "score": 192, "id": 1479},
{"quote": "<Edge_> and i am like tearing my thumb apart \r\n<[cut]> can you still masturbate edge?\u00a0 \r\n<Edge_> i think i will be ok", "score": 272, "id": 1481},
{"quote": "::: .signoff@7.55p> jadel (; User abortion with 5 coathooks", "score": 94, "id": 1482},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> Now playing: Right Hand - Gripping my penis (and moving up and down (2001)) @ 192 strokes per second. (0:13/0:27)", "score": 692, "id": 1483},
{"quote": "(SiNs-) $1,599.99\r\n(SiNs-) $1,599.70\r\n(SiNs-) Save $0.29\r\n(SiNs-) wow\r\n(SiNs-) if i go to bestbuy, i can buy a computer AND a peanut", "score": 2293, "id": 1484},
{"quote": "<MrP-> what is wrong with I am almost done reading my 1997-2001 cache CD-ROM set, if I finish and its not back up, I may perish", "score": 253, "id": 1485},
{"quote": "<aorie> shit slashdot STILL down\r\n<MrP-> yeah, im crying now\r\n<MrP-> whats wrong with it?\r\n<aorie> this sucks\r\n<aorie> this totally fucked up my day heh\r\n<MrP-> me too\r\n<MrP-> some girl asked me if i wanted to have sex with her all day, but i said \"after i read slashdot\"\r\n<MrP-> GOD DAMNIT!", "score": 688, "id": 1486},
{"quote": "[09:56] <Thom> I wonder how many words they have for 'pervert'.\r\n[09:56] <Squizzle> None.\r\n[09:56] <Squizzle> The closest is their word for \"native\", I bet.\r\n[09:57] <Thom> 'hentai'. 'ecchi'.\r\n[09:57] <Squizzle> Those both mean \"Japanese man\".", "score": 351, "id": 1835},
{"quote": "<_Delirium> \"Perl is awk with skin cancer.\u00a0 And it's ugly too.\" -my cs professor", "score": 389, "id": 1637},
{"quote": "<Slyfox> I want to make a FPS that mixes the geo-mod techonology of Red Faction, the finesse and action of Max Payne, the gore and damage map feature in Soldier of Fortune, and the story and intrigue of Half-Life.\u00a0 I'll call it \"Can't Fuck With This\".", "score": 385, "id": 1739},
{"quote": "::: .topic@11.06a> DogGoBoom in #p-raves; I'm so horny the crack of dawn had better be careful around me", "score": 568, "id": 1935},
{"quote": "<DMC[hi]> IF i had a nickel for everytime a black man tried to have sex with me.... i could have built a house made out of nickels in the middle of the woods to secretly masturbate about black men having sex with me", "score": 575, "id": 2026},
{"quote": "<McMoo> some gorgeous ladies asked me if i knew where building PHR was today\r\n<McMoo> i should have worked it all smooth style\r\n<McMoo> and told them it was in my pants", "score": 476, "id": 1836},
{"quote": "<barkode> you don't even want to be in the same area code as me after indian\u00a0 food", "score": 246, "id": 1837},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> I'm not taking a shower today.\r\n<Amanda`> bastards in class won't know what hit them.\r\n<Guilty> At least take a dip in the swimmin' hole", "score": 226, "id": 1838},
{"quote": "<maff> who needs showers when you've got an assortment of feminine products", "score": 277, "id": 1839},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Me: \"I think I'll send a message\" | ICQ: Wait wait, wouldnt you like to search the web? The white pages? The yellow pages? Want me to check your email? Your stocks? On your dog?\u00a0 Look someone on your list has a birthday coming up oh shit go buy them a gift here. But first check your ICQ Pager(TM) and make a few internet phone calls.\u00a0 Go, do it, I'll be here, moving myself to random parts of the screen so I'm never in the position you left me", "score": 1463, "id": 1840},
{"quote": "<]km[cugar> i tried to make hammer pants out of garbage bags", "score": 496, "id": 1841},
{"quote": "<kisama> rubber cement needs a mr. yuk logo", "score": 312, "id": 1843},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> that was sad though when I said \"MAN WHAT IF D1 REALLY DID LOOK LIKE THAT\" and hes like \"Thats my real picture\"\r\n<c-rOCK> i felt pretty bad after that", "score": 542, "id": 1844},
{"quote": "<kisama_> that's why i like anime\r\n<Guilty> Maybe\r\n<kisama_> because the anime is usually good enough to merit a dvd\r\n<kisama_> not like this shit from the u.s. like power rangers\r\n<Guilty> I know they made some straight to video \"movie\"-majiggers\r\n<kisama_> and power rangers extrafalarious fantabulous galactic sorcerer\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 edition with new cast because the old ones got teased at school\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 super megatronic edition", "score": 201, "id": 1848},
{"quote": "<Athena-X> have you ever tried to make a ':|' face in real life? try and do it without looking stupid and/or retarded. it's quite a challenge!", "score": 582, "id": 1849},
{"quote": "<Shiznaught> what better kinston or micron ram\r\n<devGOD> i like kingston\r\n<devGOD> did you know kingston's founder is an ex-football player\r\n<`michael> that really makes their ram better too", "score": 326, "id": 1850},
{"quote": "<skmt> efnet is to a computer nerd what cigarettes are to a heroin addict.\r\n<Digamy> i don't get it\r\n<skmt> Digamy, if you ever come off of a hard-core drug addiction, you will find yourself addicted to cigarettes instead.\r\n<Digamy> oh\r\n* Digamy adds shooting up to his to-do list", "score": 277, "id": 1851},
{"quote": "<maff> I prefer replacing the victims house with a giant microwave that looks exactly like their old house", "score": 511, "id": 1852},
{"quote": "<hoset-> what's the server info for defunkt?\r\n<DTOX> - port 21 - anonymous\r\n<hoset-> thanks much\r\n<DTOX> np\r\n<DTOX> if that doesn't work it's because I gave you your own IP #", "score": 558, "id": 1855},
{"quote": "(dOkTeR---) doesnt matter how hot a girl is, if they do drugs and have a stupid personality, they are just as ugly as the fat bitch who won the pie eating contests", "score": 617, "id": 1856},
{"quote": "<oktane> whoa. I just took a shit the width and length of my arm. when it splashed down, it hit my ballsack and I had to take a shower again. Im dead serious.", "score": 418, "id": 1857},
{"quote": "<C0chise> i think if you say \"dogshit eating,\" then saying \"dumb\" is pretty much redundant", "score": 282, "id": 1859},
{"quote": "<harb> Shee.. I search for \"linux unix bsd\" on and it returns ONE job that's a sendmail admin. wtf.\r\n<acestus> What a sick job.\r\n<acestus> \"What do you think you can bring to our company as the sendmail admin?\"\r\n<acestus> \"qmail.\"", "score": 661, "id": 1639},
{"quote": "<Inoshiro> Wth\r\n<Inoshiro> \"Don't iron, don't put in a triangle, don't put in an oval\"\r\n<harb> Er?\r\n<Inoshiro> Is there a translation table for the washing tag on clothing?", "score": 1509, "id": 1640},
{"quote": "[tonsai] i once bought a non-lubricated mint condom just to taste it.", "score": 434, "id": 1641},
{"quote": "n e r d b 5: umm.\r\nn e r d b 5: geforce\r\nn e r d b 5: i dont like em\r\nn e r d b 5: i like nvidia\r\nn e r d b 5: 32mb\r\nn e r d b 5: they rocks\r\ne l i t e m r p: nvidia makes geforce", "score": 503, "id": 1645},
{"quote": "IoStream 14: LOL\r\nIoStream 14: radio\r\nIoStream 14: \"some dude was having sex with this girl and she said stop stop i'm about to orgasm...he asked why stop? and she said i'm saving it for when i get married\"", "score": 640, "id": 1648},
{"quote": "(tinkrbell) my dog humps my other guy dog.. instead of my girl dog.. at least he's comfortable with himself and realized it at an early age", "score": 567, "id": 1651},
{"quote": "Mr Brown> ill snip ur ass\r\n<JD> I'll carry that flag so good, you won't know what hit ya\u00a0 \r\n<JD> Wait, that didn't sound very threatening...", "score": 329, "id": 1654},
{"quote": "<JD> I, or one of my teammates, shall cause you to become electroencephalographically challenged.\r\nMr Brown> ill kill you\r\n<JD> No, I like the way I say it better", "score": 845, "id": 1655},
{"quote": "", "score": 430, "id": 1656},
{"quote": "<bigPIMP> are you a virgin?\r\n<kink> yes\r\n<kink> giving it up to a non-linux using chick is like giving it up to a man, just wrong", "score": 492, "id": 1658},
{"quote": "<ix> man that offer for cash perked you right up\r\n<vermifuge> i didnt even get to the most appealing part\r\n<vermifuge> there will be a bucket of fried chicken here for your consumption\r\n<goatb0y> well that fucking settles it\r\n<goatb0y> any collared greens by chance?\r\n<vermifuge> dude there could be", "score": 382, "id": 1659},
{"quote": "<DigiGnome> Real life should have a fucking search function, or something.\r\n<DigiGnome> I need my socks.", "score": 7838, "id": 1660},
{"quote": "<Xerox> STOP CONTROLLING MY MIND!\r\n<DigiGnome> If I did that, you'd fall into a lifelss heap by your computer, and only be found days later when the neighbours get suspicious about the change of smell coming from your room.", "score": 404, "id": 1661},
{"quote": "<goltrpoat> 'britney spears' is an anagram for 'presbyterians.'", "score": 898, "id": 1663},
{"quote": "(iSONEWS) [iSONEWS] Update in DivX: My Life *CLASSIC* released by MEDiAMANiACS (49 files, 08/12/2001)\r\n(`Thunder) whoa\r\n(`Thunder) they released my life\r\n(`Thunder) how did they tape all that?!\r\n(madman`) no way!! stop lying! it's MY LIFE!!\r\n(runner-) either way its gonna be boring", "score": 494, "id": 1667},
{"quote": "<kisama> just leave clues as to your modem\r\n<kisama> motive*", "score": 384, "id": 1670},
{"quote": "(BudhaM0nk) i want hard drives so small i can snort them up like powder and increase my brain capacity", "score": 536, "id": 1671},
{"quote": "(Stacey```) i'd like to know who the fuck encodes shit to real player\r\n(Stacey```) so i can kick their ass", "score": 806, "id": 1672},
{"quote": "<Zaratustra> Pagan pacman goes WICCA WICCA WICCA WICCA \r\n<Zaratustra> HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW\r\n<MightyQuinn> hmmm. more ammo for ultra conservative christians to use against video gomes... \"Pacman promotes satanism\"\r\n<Zaratustra> Pacman promotes consumption of undead.", "score": 1047, "id": 1741},
{"quote": "(nexxai) [poopfart]: can you fart and poo at the same time?\r\n(poopfart) yes\r\n(poopfart) i can\r\n(poopfart) their called accidents", "score": 409, "id": 1745},
{"quote": "<timmo> what music should i download tonight\r\n<timmo> oh shit\r\n<timmo> i think im missing the carebears;[\r\n<c-rOCK> CAREBEARS IS STILL ON?\r\n<c-rOCK> NO WAY WHAT CHAN\r\n<timmo> toon disney\r\n<c-rOCK> dude I loved that show", "score": 330, "id": 1749},
{"quote": "~ Deft I suck cock! msg me for price list\r\n(Deft) uhm ignore that", "score": 829, "id": 1750},
{"quote": "<Squizzle> WARNING: DO NOT LET DR. MARIO TOUCH YOUR GENITALS. HE IS NOT A REAL DOCTOR.", "score": 3207, "id": 1753},
{"quote": "<< Now chatting in #finalfight\r\n>>Quit! imaginari \" Leaving \"\r\n>>Quit! MightyQuinn \" Ping timeout \"\r\n>>Quit! Thom \" Ping timeout \"\r\n[Nyphur] ARGH! I'm killing people by being here!", "score": 167, "id": 1758},
{"quote": "*** Parts: MadHatter (\r\n*** Joins: MadHatter (\r\n<MadHatter> wtf\r\n<MadHatter> who kicked me\r\n<Lepper> heh, you're too anal about being kicked\r\n<MadHatter> I just want to know\r\n<scar`> [16:57] *** Parts: MadHatter (\r\n<MadHatter> yeah ok\r\n<Lepper> don't clients tell you when youg et kicked?\r\n<Lepper> err, who kicks you\r\n<MadHatter> I dunno man, I'm busy here\r\n<MadHatter> leave me alone", "score": 132, "id": 1760},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I'm going to buy one of those stormtrooper outfits from return of the jedu\r\n<MadHatter> jedi\r\n<MadHatter> and ride mine through the woods, weaving through trees\r\n<enex> and look like a complete tool", "score": 483, "id": 1761},
{"quote": "<sabrewulf> I believe in sex and death -- two experiences that come once in a lifetime.", "score": 379, "id": 1762},
{"quote": "<Jingoro`> ash has a personality disorder\r\n*** Jingoro` was kicked by Ash (Shut up SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP I DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!)\r\n*** Ash sets mode: +b *!*yay@*", "score": 569, "id": 1763},
{"quote": "<Morris> what a dick\r\n<iln> are you looking at gay porn again?", "score": 830, "id": 1764},
{"quote": "<skunko> my standards for chicks right now are super low\r\n<skunko> i'd go out with a chick as long as she wasnt fat, was shorter than me, and was going to get me off in some fashion", "score": 232, "id": 1765},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> and why does my calculator smell like weed? :)\r\n<EtherMan> BlackDeth: that explains it: your calculator is obviously high", "score": 219, "id": 1766},
{"quote": "<whoreee> i just ordered the explosion self titled CD single?\r\n<Weeve> what's it called?", "score": 375, "id": 1770},
{"quote": "<cooey> i jerked off at work in the sink in the bathroom yesterday\r\n<cooey> everytime someone came in to pay for gas, id run out of the bathroom with this huge buldge in the miiddle of my pants\r\n<cooey> it owned", "score": 60, "id": 1771},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i like MSIE Champion Edition", "score": 176, "id": 1772},
{"quote": "<Jingoro`> teen pregnency is funny\r\n<rouge> yeah, cos those bitches are stupid.\r\n<Jingoro`> yeah\r\n<Jingoro`> they're like \"boohoob boohoo my stupid boyfriend split after I had the baby\"\r\n<rouge> hjaw\r\n<rouge> i wouldn't bareskin most chicks anyway.\r\n<rouge> god knows where they've been.\r\n<scar|home> you mean, \"I woulnd't bareskin chicks even if I could, anyway\"\r\n<scar|home> hjaw @ rogue\r\n<rouge> i said what i meant and i meant what i said.", "score": 50, "id": 1773},
{"quote": "<fimmtiu>\u00a0 asylum, then your disk is full. *shrug*\u00a0 Wield rm -f wildly.\r\n<asylum_>\u00a0 fimmtiu. yeah right dude.\r\n<DemoN>\u00a0 rm -f is too slow.\u00a0 newfs.\r\n<rudefix>\u00a0 hell, i just prefer to take the disk out and lick it!", "score": 332, "id": 1936},
{"quote": "<opie-x> white people surf the net .. black people cruise the net", "score": 306, "id": 1937},
{"quote": "<Digested> hi krayons\r\n<krayons> bleh\r\n<al-x> heh\r\n<al-x> spot the kid that has no seratonin left", "score": 482, "id": 1940},
{"quote": "<Bahamut0> who cares about albany? stupid europeans", "score": 217, "id": 1941},
{"quote": "<Kayma> shouldn't Cheney have died by now?\r\n<Richard_D_James> Yes\r\n<Kayma> My returning from the future must have changed more than I thought....", "score": 578, "id": 1942},
{"quote": "<ETP> heh\r\n* Tocool is very confused\r\n<ETP> tocool: so am I, but the key is to just say 'heh' so people think you understand\r\n<Tocool> yea but\r\n<Tocool> ...\r\n<Tocool> heh", "score": 1197, "id": 1943},
{"quote": "<faceless> so if afro americans = niggers and middle easterners = sand niggers and asians = rice niggers what can we call canadians?\r\n<al-x> we're snow niggers", "score": 495, "id": 1944},
{"quote": "<infinity> IT'S AN EAST COAST WEST COAST THANG..BEEEEYOTCH!\r\n<al-x> east coast west coast for inf = russia and france\r\n<infinity> stfu asswipe", "score": 69, "id": 1945},
{"quote": "<al-x> i take quote theft very seriously\r\n<al-x> i'm now going to not paste any more quotes\r\n<al-x> coz of quote stealage", "score": 54, "id": 1947},
{"quote": "<Kazz> Wait a minute... something about this is a little... odd...\r\n<Kazz> I believe this woman has more than the recommended amount of penises.\r\n<Brentai> My type of woman.", "score": 685, "id": 1950},
{"quote": "<Kayma> Watching these DBZ episodes makes me hurt inside.\r\n<BiGiGnome> No, that was me poking you.\r\n<Kayma> Ohhh.\r\n<BiGiGnome> I poke you in a special way.", "score": 340, "id": 1951},
{"quote": "<Chis> anyone have any files in digital format?", "score": 620, "id": 1955},
{"quote": "(dOkTeR) man, i woke up this morning, and looked at porn for 30 mins, then went to school...i was so horny for my first 2 classes, i had to jerk off in the Tier Building bathroom", "score": 39, "id": 1962},
{"quote": "::: .enter@6.53p> _YOU (harpeet@\r\n~ _YOU HAVE RECEIVED A FATAL ERROR, PRESS ALT + F4 TO REPAIR THIS IMMEDIATELY\r\n::: .signoff@6.53p> _YOU (harpeet@; ...\r\n::: .signoff@6.53p> BlueBold (; Leaving\r\n::: .signoff@6.53p> ic3d (; Leaving\r\n::: .signoff@6.53p> CoolJeff4 (; Leaving", "score": 2538, "id": 1963},
{"quote": "[01:33] (hilo21) ima looking for a site that seels amp\r\n[01:33] (hilo21) ima looking for a site that seels amps\r\n[01:33] (hilo21) iam looking for a site that seels amps\r\n[01:34] (hilo21) I am looking for a site that sells amps\r\n[01:35] (nexxai) how bout you look for a site that teaches english?\r\n[01:35] (hilo21) fuck you\r\n[01:36] (nexxai) Lemme guess, you'd kick my ass, but can't read the road signs to get to my house?", "score": 6652, "id": 1964},
{"quote": "<JDigital> It's official: Nostradamus was a stoner.\r\n<JDigital> His name wasn't even Nostradamus. It was Michel du Nostredame\r\n<JDigital> Nostradamus was just his IRC nick", "score": 559, "id": 1967},
{"quote": "<MrSede> If it could balance a beer on its head without spilling I'd give it props, but any rodent can balance a pancake on its noggin", "score": 288, "id": 1968},
{"quote": "<jk-> hheh, back when I was on aol, I would go into chat rooms pretending i was a teenage girl with pictures, and when all the guys would ask me for them I sent em gay porn\r\n<DMC[arf]> i look at gay porn while drinking apple juice sometimes\r\n<datz510> i have some", "score": 358, "id": 2027},
{"quote": "<_Bas> how come cars only have 4/5 gears?\r\n<_Bas> if they make like overdrive on an overdrive\r\n<_Bas> would you get much much gas mileage?", "score": 84, "id": 2028},
{"quote": "<FieroMan> I wanna jerk off but my nose is too stuffy.", "score": 268, "id": 2030},
{"quote": "<Brentai> guys realize that this is the least I've ever laughed.\u00a0 I'm anti-laughing.\r\n<FoxieMoxie> You're anti-laughing? Good, I hope your lungs implode then.", "score": 519, "id": 2034},
{"quote": "<timh> okay, kraken- you don't need to know a person before you talk to them.\u00a0 otherwise there would be severe bootstrapping issues with human interaction", "score": 714, "id": 2037},
{"quote": "<hypr> joker is playing all his vinyl from 1998\r\n<hypr> heh\r\n<hypr> or somthing\r\n<hypr> old ;P\r\n<caspuh> hah\r\n<caspuh> 98?\r\n<caspuh> they had vinyal then?", "score": 283, "id": 2039},
{"quote": "<Mr_Durden> no wonder superman's ship is powered by the only thing that can kill him\r\n<Mr_Durden> it was designed by a canadian", "score": 432, "id": 2041},
{"quote": "<train> i'm on prison net\r\n<train> that still works\r\n<Hooblah> wtf\r\n<Hooblah> prison?\r\n<Hooblah> as in locked up n shit?\r\n<Zebracake> heh!\r\n<Zebracake> no,", "score": 82, "id": 2046},
{"quote": "<Slander> so what happens to all these trout after they're used for slapping? are they in a pile somewhere?", "score": 671, "id": 2047},
{"quote": "<Birdzii> i've got this fucked rash all over my body\r\n<Morbii> heh\r\n* Slander takes a step back from birdsigh\r\n<Birdzii> heh\r\n<Birdzii> sore throat + rash\r\n<Morbii maybe you're allergic to masturbation\r\n<Morbii> jkjk ;P\r\n<Birdzii> I would have been dead long ago then", "score": 322, "id": 2048},
{"quote": "<Ferney> I think the clog is bonged\r\n<Ferney> LOL\r\n<Ferney> whoa...I think the BONG is CLOGGED", "score": 744, "id": 2049},
{"quote": "<B_Spears> Jimmy Buffet? aww\r\n<Slander> Jimmy rocks man\r\n<Ferney> heh\r\n<B_Spears> yeah, in a rocking chair ;)", "score": 82, "id": 2050},
{"quote": "<Julia_M> Arthur C. Clarke:\r\n<Julia_M> \"There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.\" \r\n<Julia_M> you\r\n<Jeff_R> ya\r\n<Julia_M> there can be no nations that can conquer space! aww yea it's great\r\n<Jeff_R> I don't believe the whole vacuum thing...I mean...that would be one big ass Dirt Devil dirt bag to hold all that stuff in space", "score": 254, "id": 2051},
{"quote": "* Arsentia pets his cable modem\u00a0 \r\n* [Toby] fwaps Arsentia. Come to Kansas, the land of tin cups and string.\u00a0 \r\n* PresWRK cuts Arse's modem\u00a0 \r\n* Arsentia cuts Toby's string\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: [Toby] (...)\u00a0 \r\n<Arsentia> Hey! It actually worked! :)\u00a0 \r\n<[Toby]> Because of you, I had to retie the string.\u00a0 \r\n<[Toby]> Schmuck.\u00a0 \r\n<[Toby]> :)", "score": 427, "id": 2052},
{"quote": "<Gwar> u might as well be holding your penis if you're using a joystick in quake", "score": 363, "id": 2053},
{"quote": "<Dr_zapp> sek: you find the hex adress?\u00a0 \r\n<Sekmu> yes.\u00a0 \r\n<Dr_zapp> and it is....?\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: Paco- ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: Nytefall ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: PyroGX ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: liljerk ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: Karash ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: _Ender_ ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: PyroPimp ( *\u00a0 \r\n*** Quits: Sekmu ( *\u00a0 \r\n<Arsentia> This is like when the informer is about to tell the detective the identity of the murderer, and then he gets shot. :)", "score": 1253, "id": 2056},
{"quote": "<|shark|> if a guy took a home pregnancy test\r\n<|shark|> and it turned out positive\r\n<|shark|> what does that mean?\r\n<Merl> shark.. go see a doctor man ;-)", "score": 738, "id": 2061},
{"quote": "<opivy-z28> I'm being totally serious... do any of you ever see like a 9-12 yr old girl and think she has nice legs\r\n<opivy-z28> i do...and i wonder if thats normal", "score": 320, "id": 2115},
{"quote": "<SD-Washu> i still love the msg i got on my voicemail earlier\r\n<SD-Washu> that was l33t\r\n<biafra> what\r\n<SD-Washu> oh my voicemail msg is in japanese\r\n<SD-Washu> and someone called and the only thing i heard was \"what the fuc....\"\r\n<SD-Washu> followed by *click*", "score": 679, "id": 2219},
{"quote": "<sM3GGy> What does the KU KLUX KLAN have in common with anabolic steroids?\r\n<sM3GGy> They both make niggers run like fuck.", "score": 38, "id": 2335},
{"quote": "<DigiGnome> When you recognise most of the links from Portal of Evil because they're on your favourites list, that's the time to start worrying.", "score": 306, "id": 1860},
{"quote": "<synthmesc> is it narcassitic to jack off to a picture of yourself?\r\n<Digested> synthmesc: it seems to fit the definition\r\n<synthmesc> :/\r\n<Digested> synthmesc: is it a picture of yourself fucking someone else?\r\n<synthmesc> it's a picture of me jacking of to a picture of myself\r\n<Digested> INFINITE LOOP", "score": 1162, "id": 1861},
{"quote": "<Mass> i have a total of * drum roll plz* 83 Units\r\n<kisama> yeah i have 354 units of nigger blood.\r\n<Guilty> Snow is trying to become a true nigger by way of transfusion\r\n<Guilty> Silly gook", "score": -37, "id": 1862},
{"quote": "(nexxai) I think I'm gonna start a Fingernail Crud collection\r\n(nexxai) some people have Celebrity Hair collections\r\n(nexxai) mine will be fingernail crud\r\n(nexxai) not of celebrities though...they might scratch their ass alot or something", "score": 145, "id": 1863},
{"quote": "<ToastyGhost> Yo.\r\n* Brentai joyously rapes ToastyGhost.\r\n* ToastyGhost enjoys it also.\r\n<Defcon> Toasty you fuck.\r\n<ToastyGhost> No, Brentai did. I just stood there.", "score": 890, "id": 1864},
{"quote": "<DooD> what's your BMI assnugget?\r\n<synthetiq> 25\r\n<DooD> fatass\r\n<synthetiq> i have a large upper body\r\n<DooD> so you have manboobs?", "score": 108, "id": 1866},
{"quote": "<mD5> i thought everything on the internet was aol", "score": 280, "id": 1867},
{"quote": "<mD5> please no-one send me that stuff about sex in my aol mailbox\r\n<flukz> i had to turn off my computer cuz all the porn kept popping up\r\n<Mattress> mD5, what's your e-mail? I'll remove you from the list\r\n<mD5>\r\n<mD5> thank you for removing me from the list", "score": 1475, "id": 1868},
{"quote": "<DTOX> I'm 16% bodyfat\r\n<DTOX> I have a one pack\r\n<jube_> a keg?", "score": 332, "id": 1869},
{"quote": "<timmo> id like to make a movie with just different ways of [John Travolta] dying", "score": 406, "id": 1870},
{"quote": "<Defcon> Heh. I was getting a hair cut the other day with my usual barber, who's this 60 year old vietnam veteran type guy, really uptight and what not. Anyway, he had this TV with the news on, and suddenly they started talking about police who sodomized some hispanic guy with a broom stick. That caused a lot of tension in the barber shop.\r\n<Defcon> \"Yeah, so, how about that sodomy? Probably doesn't feel too good.\" \"Nope. Can't imagine it does.\"", "score": 564, "id": 1890},
{"quote": "<gaspump> It takes more than tits to impress me.\r\n<gaspump> Lord knows everyone in here should already know that.\r\n<Richard_D_James> It's hard to masturbate to intelligence, though.", "score": 926, "id": 1896},
{"quote": "<gaspumpXP> Man... what kind of RPG is this?\u00a0 It won't let me rape the sheep...", "score": 1287, "id": 1897},
{"quote": "<McMoo> it smells like sex upstairs \r\n<`michael> haha \r\n<Kenn> I just smelled like sex. I didn't want to shower. \r\n<Kenn> But I did... \r\n<Kenn> : \r\n<kisama> sex and masturbation smell like the same thing, kenn. \r\n<Kenn> kisama, that wasn't nice.", "score": 341, "id": 1898},
{"quote": "[Amanda_] No way, Chris, I had real food for dinner\r\n[`michael] squirrels\r\n[Amanda_] dude\r\n[Amanda_] Squirrel is good", "score": 327, "id": 1899},
{"quote": "<antonio> yeah, i whipped out the binder for this one kid who thought he misunderstood me when i said \"satan\"\r\n<kisama> how i wish i could have been there\r\n<kisama> to see the look on a man's face when you whip out a self portrait of the devil\r\n<kisama> and say \"SATAN DID MY HOMEWORK\"", "score": 215, "id": 1900},
{"quote": "<Lord_Cie> CNN (Boca Raton, FL) A new report has OJ Simpson quoted as saying that he \"will vow to search for the real terrorists\"", "score": 242, "id": 1902},
{"quote": "<LkTrout1> enex's underwear is big enough to fit over Hatter's ego.", "score": 269, "id": 1673},
{"quote": "<SlimZ> i like my pickup line\r\n<SlimZ> \"move i need to get a drink\"", "score": 670, "id": 1674},
{"quote": "<MrWizard> do you even have one story where you dont smoke weed?\r\n<priz> hmmmm i really dont think so, heh\r\n<priz> well, actually one time catlord had to EAT a joint before we could smoke it cuz the cops were after us", "score": 520, "id": 1675},
{"quote": "<Daft> anyone know of any really good gardening irc channels?", "score": 406, "id": 1676},
{"quote": "<jidan> he's so fat he prolly has to guess what fold the fucking piss is gonna spray out of", "score": 535, "id": 1677},
{"quote": "<SEoD> ooooh, my mac is gorgeous\r\n<SEoD> it's so expensive and see-thru\r\n<Xlord> sounds like some women I know", "score": 824, "id": 1678},
{"quote": "<Snapperhe> what 'flavour' of linux do you use?\r\n<al-x> strawberry\r\n<al-x> WITH A HINT OF NERDNILLA", "score": 644, "id": 1679},
{"quote": "<timmo> if i were to take a stab in the dark as to what orion is pissed about\r\n<timmo> i would have to say its women troubles\r\n<orion> next time you take a stab at something, aim for your eye", "score": 1209, "id": 1680},
{"quote": "<_|LoCo|> any1 know whats the last album of paul oakenfold?\r\n<al-x> Paul Oakenfold Presents Another Shitty ALbum With All The Same Tracks As the Last 3 Albums", "score": 458, "id": 1681},
{"quote": "<stc> all us asians look alike\r\n<stc> so getting in with older brother id's is easy heh", "score": 540, "id": 1682},
{"quote": "<WCMaxi> in Austraila you are only gay if you receive so it is possible to make people gay!", "score": 326, "id": 1683},
{"quote": "<Eibii> I'm crossdressing for the next con, thank ye gods. Fewer chunky Star Trek fanboys in bad latex following me around and asking me to dinner, at least. THe joy of sexual alienation...", "score": 389, "id": 1693},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> I think it's time I did a major redesign.\r\n<MightyQuinn> you mean change the background to a different gaudy stripe pattern?", "score": 416, "id": 1698},
{"quote": "<thep0et> working sucks, i stay home all day\r\n<thep0et> i might as well be black", "score": 44, "id": 1699},
{"quote": "thep0et> i can pull my scrotum up to the point where it looks like a pussy", "score": 89, "id": 1700},
{"quote": "<Camo> tress, how do I make a program that makes the cd spin really fast and\u00a0 does't stop and if you open the cdrom drive, the cd flies out and cuts your\u00a0 throat?", "score": 1281, "id": 1701},
{"quote": "<Rapture> i need to hit someone\r\n<Rapture> a guy from work just came online\r\n<Rapture> can we smurf him", "score": 239, "id": 1703},
{"quote": "<WabbyTwax> MOVIE TRIVIA TIME You have to beat EtherMan's high score of 720 \r\n<WabbyTwax> Question #59: for\u00a0 60\u00a0 points . . . .\r\n<WabbyTwax> What special skill did the cricket possess in the movie \"Mulan\"?\r\n<Evil_God> talking\r\n<EtherMan> speech\r\n<D-viant> singing\r\n<Evil_God> ninjitsu\r\n<EtherMan> swordsmanship\r\n<D-viant> violin\r\n<EtherMan> flight\r\n<D-viant> fighting\r\n<EtherMan> homosexuality\r\n<D-viant> japanese fighting cricket\r\n<Evil_God> big slapping testicles\r\n<WabbyTwax> Sorry, your time is up! You had 30 seconds to answer.\r\n<D-viant> expanding rectum\r\n<Evil_God> opium addiction", "score": 1781, "id": 1774},
{"quote": "<wild> i just asked a girl out\r\n<wild> been 6 minutes no reply :|\r\n<wild> maybe icq wasn't the way to go", "score": 936, "id": 1775},
{"quote": "<cait-sith> being in love\r\n<R0y> i wish\r\n<R0y> it's all just confusing emotion\r\n<R0y> one minute you think you love her, the next minute you're on yahoo masturbating with girls in the united states", "score": 483, "id": 1776},
{"quote": "<wild> whats the difference between jesus and a picture of jesus?\r\n<wild> it only takes one nail to hang a picture of jesus", "score": -775, "id": 1778},
{"quote": "<Thraddash> How many people are buying a PS2 on Oct 26th?\r\n<wild-> 500,000", "score": 82, "id": 1781},
{"quote": "<bludstone> so like, with anime now\r\n<bludstone> some otaku dude in japan encodes it, uploads it.. it spreads\r\n<bludstone> and its available before the airtime cuz of timezone changes ermshtn\r\n<SiamShade> haw\r\n<SiamShade> l33t\r\n<bludstone> dammit, i need to get laid.\r\n<SiamShade> where the fuck did that come from\r\n<SiamShade> you're talking about anime and how it spreads then \"i need to get laid.\"\r\n<SiamShade> oh wait\r\n<SiamShade> that makes perfect sense", "score": 1160, "id": 1782},
{"quote": "<Acero> ok, someone tell me which line of this spam doesnt belong\r\n<Acero> steven, have you entered our daily drawing at yet? You could win $25.00! Buy a\r\n<Acero> punk rock CD and stick it to The Man!!\r\n<Acero> steven, Get Approved for an Unsecured Gold Credit Card Instantly Online! Click here and get 500\r\n<Acero> Bigprizes points!", "score": 85, "id": 1783},
{"quote": "<D1> on call for help, they ask this guy for the type of modem he has, so he tries to be a bigshot and says, \"YEAH, I HAVE AN INDUSTRY STANDARD ARCHITECHTURE MODEM, I THINK IT'S PCI.\"", "score": 481, "id": 1784},
{"quote": "<Weazel> stupid cops \r\n<Weazel> always giving me shit\r\n<Weazel> SHE WANTED TO HAVE SEX", "score": 550, "id": 1785},
{"quote": "<kisama> only amanda would place her faith in something written in object pascal.", "score": 248, "id": 1787},
{"quote": "<Semi> What good is a car with no dildos?", "score": 249, "id": 1794},
{"quote": "<Matt-H> Leeches cure everything.\r\n<JDigital> What about an allergy to leeches?\r\n<Fry> What about loss of blood ?\r\n<Matt-H> 'cept that, you witty bastard, you.\r\n<JDigital> Or a fear of leeches.\r\n<JDigital> Or lag.", "score": 954, "id": 1800},
{"quote": "(treaz0n4) msn sent me a 4 page report on how to report spammers", "score": 770, "id": 1805},
{"quote": "<Fry> Well my beard was a first commander in the Camanche Army !\r\n<JDigital> ...\r\n<JDigital> No he wasn't, Fry. You lied to impress us.\r\n<Fry> Bah...I am ashamed...How did you catch me ?\r\n<JDigital> You misspelt Commanche.", "score": 670, "id": 1807},
{"quote": "<JDigital> Dude, that's messed up, no way is Pikachu's dick that big", "score": 1049, "id": 1808},
{"quote": "<DMC[ijcd]> I cut holes in my pockets to masturbate in public", "score": 164, "id": 1809},
{"quote": "<doobedoobedoo> I went to wales too, they're fucked people.\r\n<doobedoobedoo> The language is really fucked up, it's like gaelic, only more fucked up.\r\n<Thom> At least it isn't Ulster Scots.\r\n<doobedoobedoo> Is that what they speak there?\u00a0 I thought they just spoke english really really poorly.", "score": 294, "id": 1812},
{"quote": "<D1> but I wish I lived in the same house with 30 women.\r\n* DooD rushes out to sue some sororities to get in\r\n<kisama_> women are not sex objects, women are psychotic freaks\r\n<kisama_> expect to take a six digit number if you want to go to the bathroom\r\n<kisama_> and if you want to eat, make sure you have a lot of g's\r\n<kisama_> ahh, like your closets filled with clutter?\r\n<kisama_> want people to not stay out of your room?\r\n<kisama_> maybe you'd like your bathroom closet being full of toilet paper and tampons?\r\n<kisama_> yeah, think about that before you go out and say you want to live with 30 women", "score": 481, "id": 1970},
{"quote": "<Stacey> justin man i want you to meet my nerd friend from school\r\n<Stacey> i want you to make fun of him\r\n<Stacey> i have to run from him everyday\r\n<Stacey> not friend\r\n<Stacey> no no no \r\n<Stacey> and i had to sit for ten minutes watching him show off his dos commands\r\n<Stacey> and i'm like i wanna go out for lunch i have a life...fucking type format C: before i kill you", "score": 31, "id": 1971},
{"quote": "<|steve|> you know whats sick\r\n<|steve|> on every IRC network,\r\n<|steve|> theres a channel called #binladen packed with people\r\n<|steve|> and #wtc\r\n<|steve|> opportunists", "score": 146, "id": 1973},
{"quote": "<pinin> i give it 5 years before taliban is destroyed and northern alliance gets their own country back and we fund em and turn it into a big shopping mall", "score": 200, "id": 1974},
{"quote": "<c-rock> Whatever happened to sex drugs and rock n roll? Now we just have aids crack and techno.", "score": 1406, "id": 1975},
{"quote": "<__NoBoDy_> comp is slow as fuck right now freezin up a bit\r\n<__NoBoDy_> heh\r\n<__NoBoDy_> but im a gangsta and just dont give a fuck\r\n<BC|HyDRO> jeah, real gangstas just let their comps run slow", "score": 616, "id": 1976},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #bearcave\r\n*** Topic is 'This is NOT a warez channel....'", "score": 56, "id": 1977},
{"quote": "~ tiko wishes he was part of this seceret club known as \"jew\"\r\n(tiko) but when the entry fee is part of your cock, I think I'll pass", "score": 702, "id": 1978},
{"quote": "(PrimoPyro) sometimes I talk on the phone when im on the crapper =)\r\n(PrimoPyro) *bloop*\r\n(PrimoPyro) \"what was that?\"\r\n(PrimoPyro) ahh.. I dropped an ice cube in my drink...", "score": 836, "id": 1979},
{"quote": "<Thom> ..spam has got funnier since I last checked. It used to be 'GET A 9\" DICK IN DAYS!'. Now I'm getting 'GET HUGE JUICY TITS IN WEEKS!'\r\n<SenorSedo> I'd rather get huge juicy tits than some black guy showin up at my door", "score": 667, "id": 1980},
{"quote": "<thoraxe> i just deleted a girl from my buddy list because her pussy smells", "score": 43, "id": 1981},
{"quote": "<ToastyGhost> Is that a roll of pennies in your pocket, or do you just have an incredibly small and slender penis?\r\n<TheVortex> you talking to toen? more like dimes.\r\n<Toen> actually it's a roll of pennies in my pocket. But that ain't a gatorate bottle in my other pocket.\r\n<TheVortex> Ah. Powerade.\r\n<ToastyGhost> Powerade.\r\n<Toen> penis, actually\r\n<ToastyGhost> Yes, severed penis of someone else, in a gatorade bottle.\r\n<TheVortex> dude, that's pretty sick, cutting someone else's penis off like that\r\n<ToastyGhost> DAMN! SAME THOUGHTS!\r\n<Toen> I HATE YOU BOTH ;_;\r\n<TheVortex> GET OUT OF MY HEAD TOASTYGHOST", "score": 1163, "id": 1982},
{"quote": "<JDigital> Sounds like a really, really kool hentai webcomic.\r\n<Subvillain> Not a webcomic, a paper manga.\r\n<JDigital> Manga + scanner = webcomic. DYS?", "score": 281, "id": 1983},
{"quote": "(|{KomienD) Who has a crack for Spider-Man?\r\n(paper_bag) who has english lessons in an hour?\r\n(vital|wrk) who has to work right now\r\n(paper_bag) who let the dogs out\r\n(nexxai) Who is getting pussy tonight?\r\n(paper_bag) im getting hand\r\n(nexxai) [paper_bag]: jerking yourself off doesn't count\r\n(paper_bag) blast :(\r\n(paper_bag) guess i can give back grandma her lotion, i wont be getting any l33t points tonight", "score": 356, "id": 1985},
{"quote": "<drgonzo> dance like nobodys watching\r\n<drgonzo> work like you don't need the money\r\n<drgonzo> jack off like nobody's home", "score": 905, "id": 1987},
{"quote": "<kritical> matts: bikes go faster than cars...a bike at 60 mph is a lot faster than a car at 60 mph\r\n<matts> kritical: um no...\r\n<kritical> matts: um yes\r\n<kritical> my sisters sport car at 60 mph goes faster than my dads explorer at 60 mph\r\n<kritical> a bike at 60 mph will blow by a car at 60 mph", "score": 3942, "id": 1988},
{"quote": "<Digested> uh\r\n<Digested> why were we +i?\r\n<DooD> because shapht was naked\r\n<DooD> and he didnt want someone to accidentally walk in on him", "score": 313, "id": 1989},
{"quote": "<Arsentia> ARRRRRRRGH\r\n<Arsentia> I just lost the fucking picture on my Chem lab!\r\n<Merl> hehehehehe\r\n<Merl> neeeener neeeener ;-)\r\n[Time Passes]\r\n<Merl> FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK\r\n<Merl> I just lost my whole fucking ESSAY i wrote this weekend\r\n<Merl> DAMN MS WORD SHIT\r\n<Assasin> wait\r\n<Assasin> Wait a second.\r\n<Assasin> Was it you who was laughing at Arse?", "score": 719, "id": 2062},
{"quote": "<matts> hal check your privates\r\n<matts> err\r\n<matts> messages", "score": 1064, "id": 2065},
{"quote": "<tobes> Have fun at work? ;)\r\n<Morbii> not particularly ;)\r\n<Morbii> been back home a few hours tho\r\n<Morbii> anything related to the word \"work\" isn't fun generally :P\r\n<Morbii> pornstars may see things differently, but I wouldn't know\r\n<Morbii> heh!\r\n<tobes> Actually, that would probably get to be a pain in the ass.", "score": 599, "id": 2067},
{"quote": "* Ashboy notices that solidair has changed his alias\r\n<SolidLand> yes.\r\n<Ashboy> wh00p! l8r.\r\n*** Ashboy has quit IRC (yes)\r\n<SolidLand> never seen a guy so excited about my nick change", "score": 261, "id": 2068},
{"quote": "<Daz-D3> wanna see somethin funny ld?\r\n<LordDeath> No. Please pull your pants back up.", "score": 1057, "id": 2069},
{"quote": "<memo> Kazz, do you WANT your dick bit off? Didn't we just have an in-depth discussion earlier today on why that's not a good thing?", "score": 304, "id": 2074},
{"quote": "<kay|oss> i am at work\r\n<epp> hehe.. that's not the worst place to be\r\n<epp> (if there's no airplanes around)", "score": 52, "id": 2080},
{"quote": "<JDigital> How has a white girl got a brown cock? That's just weird.\r\n<DigiGnome> YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT'S BEEN.", "score": 262, "id": 2081},
{"quote": "<Brentai> Michael who?\r\n<TonsOfFun-MasterToSmallGirls> J. Fox, Brent.\r\n<Brentai> Oh, he's only mostly dead.\r\n<Thom> Hutchence. An Australian rock star of little talent.\r\n<Thom> Died having a wank.\r\n<Brentai> Poor guy.\r\n<Thom> Whilst hanging off've the back of a door by his tie.\r\n<DigiGnome> His last words were \"OH GOD! I'm COMING!\" He never knew how right he was.", "score": 700, "id": 2082},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> When you talk to your cactus at the end of the quest he says \"He got hard?\"\r\n<kill> at least you wouldn't have to water a cactus\r\n<kill> it's pretty low-maintenance, if you got one\r\n<Starchild> That's my ideal adopted kid. One you don't have to water or feed.\r\n<kill> you just have to cloth it\r\n<DigiGnome> And you don't even have to do that, as long as you don't let it out of its room.", "score": 294, "id": 2084},
{"quote": "[rancid_mf] wow i need to be a better typer i dont know what is going on\r\n(|Chris) typist*\r\n[rancid_mf] ok im am idiot too", "score": 361, "id": 2085},
{"quote": "<DMC[18s]> heater cores look like baby radiators that fell out of the sky for my enjoyment.. i just wanna give them a hug they are so cuddly", "score": 387, "id": 2087},
{"quote": "{<DMC[m1ls]>} you might as well shove a giant yellow penis in to your dishwasher and turn it on then run around your dining room table 3 times screaming about how your children are going to be shaped like triangles when they pop out of your wifes pyramid shaped pussy", "score": 167, "id": 2088},
{"quote": "<DMC[hi]> where just before you go to bed, you put on a suite and shit, and look in the mirror and kinda jerk off a little then, go to sleep?", "score": 68, "id": 2090},
{"quote": "<DMC[mav2]> human/animal hair can be stuffed inside panty hose and used to suck up oil out from an oil spill\r\n<DMC[mav2]> did you faggots know that", "score": 655, "id": 2091},
{"quote": "<dr_tril> i wanna be bruce lee\r\n<aNuBiS-> i wanna fuck his tight chinese ass\r\n<ChewToy> ok that's a visual i didn't need anubis\r\n<ChewToy> what is it with you and homosexuals this morning?\r\n<dr_tril> or what is it with him and homosexuals every morning", "score": 265, "id": 2093},
{"quote": "<Miss_RPM> they used to say i was named after some chick dad saw in a dirty magazine..", "score": 373, "id": 2094},
{"quote": "<opivy-z28> DAMNIT I just puked in my mouth", "score": 50, "id": 2116},
{"quote": "<Tim_K> when you say 6\" do you mean 6.00\" or the 5.70\" rods? \r\n<spazzer> tim\r\n<spazzer> we mean \r\n<spazzer> rods that are 6 inches long \r\n<spazzer> not 6\" rods that are 5.7\" long \r\n<spazzer> but 6\" rods that are 6\" long \r\n<Tim_K> spazzer heh.. well.. 6 = 5.7 rounded ;)", "score": 73, "id": 2117},
{"quote": "<spazzer> paul is sad because he had a bout of premature ejaculation\r\n<tobdude> everytime I think of premature ejaculation... I think like a gun going off without anybody firing it... like you are walking along... and BAM!@\r\n<tobdude> oh crap! I just ejactulated myself", "score": 288, "id": 2118},
{"quote": "<krayons> 95% of the girls at rutgers university in new jersey\r\n<krayons> have stds\r\n<killspree> haha\r\n<killspree> no way\r\n<kara> bullshit man\r\n<killspree> no wonder their basketball and football teams suck so bad\r\n<krayons> its not bullshit\r\n<VeRrUcKt> lol\r\n<killspree> the players are running around in pain", "score": 264, "id": 2119},
{"quote": "*** atnnn ( has joined #winprog\r\n<atnnn> hi\r\n<atnnn> what is the code for \"+\" on WM_KEYDOWN\r\n<Wy4tt> VK_RTM\r\n<atnnn> and minus?\r\n<Wy4tt> VK_RTFM\r\n<atnnn> i can't find it", "score": 588, "id": 2121},
{"quote": "<CoderMan> kritical, you are dumber than a dead rock\r\n<matts> dead rock\r\n<matts> umm\r\n<matts> CoderMan news flash\r\n<matts> rocks can't live\r\n<matts> :", "score": 417, "id": 2123},
{"quote": "<matts> memcpy(matts,einstein);\r\n<KrZDG> compilation error cannot convert smart d00d to dumb ass.", "score": 407, "id": 2125},
{"quote": "<stretch> !seen tits\r\n* Trivial_ has never seen tits. Sorry!", "score": 526, "id": 2128},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> haha dude is oktane fucking ?\r\n<refugee> CoMBo: no, he's just trying to fix that girl's back", "score": 324, "id": 2129},
{"quote": "<DigiGnome> doesn't play properly. The White Stripes one.\r\n<Thom> Ach. Dang.\r\n<DigiGnome> Unless it's MEANT to sound like a cat trying to shit wasps through a sewn up asshole.\r\n<puchiko> It is.\r\n<DigiGnome> Ah. A Slipknot cover, then.", "score": 1180, "id": 2132},
{"quote": "<Kashan> I think we should circumsize horses so they look prettier in the porn videos", "score": 414, "id": 2133},
{"quote": "<torque--> i can fart out loud in an internet cafe because everyones wearing headphones", "score": 470, "id": 2140},
{"quote": "<jD> Best thing about a 12 year old girl, though...\r\n<jD> ...when you flip her over, she looks just like a 12 year old boy\r\n<jD> ...\r\n*** Geothermal has quit IRC (Ping timeout)\r\n<jD> I guess he's away off to get a 12 year old girl.\r\n* Fishbird flips jD over.\r\n<jD> Yes, except that I'm more 18 than 12.\r\n<jD> I'd look like a girl with a really hairy arse.", "score": 246, "id": 2141},
{"quote": "<mEsHmAn> how do i set myself as away?\r\n<mEsHmAn> in mIRC\r\n*** theForger sets mode: +b *!*\r\n*** mEsHmAn was kicked by theForger (mEsHmAn is away)", "score": 902, "id": 2142},
{"quote": "<Xerox> My first kid won't have a name, he'll have to pick his own at the name selection menu.", "score": 560, "id": 2147},
{"quote": "<Kazz> I will only baby talk to my kid.\r\n<Kazz> Even when he's 40.\r\n<JDigital> hee\r\n<Kazz> \"How's my cutest little sweet baby pie pumpkinheeeead?\"\r\n<Kazz> \"Fuck off, dad.\"\r\n<Lee-Ham> Issum wiggle umpkins?\r\n* Silkenray laughs\r\n<Kashan> I'm going to teach my kid the wrong words", "score": 579, "id": 2148},
{"quote": "<novocain> so i have a \"lesbian hot tub party to go to next weekend\r\n<JFalcon> novocain, good for you, did you make sure they have running water?\r\n<novocain> its my wife's lesbian friends", "score": 277, "id": 2149},
{"quote": "<blazemore> where did you find this, sych0\r\n<blazemore> did you just type in \"crap\" and download whatever came up?", "score": 466, "id": 2220},
{"quote": "<Turing_> this is going to sound very gay, but we were watching the discovery channel today at work where there were these sort of african olympics in a tribe when a male reaches mating age\r\n<Turing_> anyways...the guy had to be nude and do this relay on a balance beem to appease some god\r\n<kunio> HAW\r\n<Turing_> it was strange because even flacid he had a penis the size of the empire state building\r\n<orestes--> gah\r\n<dab[afk]> ugh\r\n<Turing_> it was mesmorizing, my secretary kept in rythym to its bobbing\r\n<Turing_> lol\r\n<Turing_> I felt terribly inadequate\r\n<Turing_> I hate the discovery channel", "score": 773, "id": 2222},
{"quote": "<ViBeZz> thats the thing i dont wanna partition my hard drive\r\n<|Z|> ViBeZz if you don't partition your HD, you're a fucking moron and you deserve to die", "score": 42, "id": 2224},
{"quote": "<Guilty>\r\n<Guilty> \"Bi sexual\"\r\n<Guilty> That means slutty", "score": 3, "id": 2225},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> kalms isnt here! now whose leg will i hump? ;(\r\n<SlasherX> hump michaels\r\n<SlasherX> never seen him around. give him a warm welcome\r\n*** michael__ has quit IRC (bye)", "score": 331, "id": 2230},
{"quote": "<`michael> where's snow\r\n<var> dunno mike\r\n<var> jerking off to japanese scat while listening to horrid ddr music\r\n<var> is my best guess", "score": 125, "id": 2231},
{"quote": "<DTOX> my wife says the white trash have already come up with a new name for Osama\r\n<DTOX> \"Osama Bin Hidin\"\r\n<DTOX> that's really sticking it to him\r\n<refugee> man, that must have took all their brain power\r\n<DTOX> cases upon cases of RC Cola were drank", "score": 479, "id": 2234},
{"quote": "<spid0r> my friend had #taliban for awhile...fuckin ragheads even get owned on efnet", "score": 37, "id": 2235},
{"quote": "[kisama] if you break out your penis in space\r\n[kisama] your suit would depressurize\r\n[kisama] or your body would depressurize\r\n[kisama] and suck out all your internal organs through the urethra", "score": 145, "id": 2237},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> List of things I have accomplished today:\r\n<DrWoody> ...\r\n<DrWoody> ...\r\n<DrWoody> That is all.", "score": 575, "id": 2238},
{"quote": "<Aiko> i have sex like i just got out of prison and about to go back in", "score": 259, "id": 2240},
{"quote": "<notBel> Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly; but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it.", "score": 323, "id": 2241},
{"quote": "<|steve|> requiem [for a dream] was just a porno movie with a plot\r\n<|steve|> and pi was like hooked on phonics for nerds", "score": 146, "id": 2242},
{"quote": "<Asmodee`> ibm said they were investing 1 billion $ into open source projects\r\n<DAL9000> Asmodee`: do you know what happens when you invest money in opensource projects?\r\n<DAL9000> NOTHING! it buys the coders some beer, nachos, and porn to watch instead of coding.", "score": 578, "id": 2244},
{"quote": "<iLLf8d> yeah I got it setup so when I fart I can hit the button and save my gf", "score": 51, "id": 2250},
{"quote": "<neekola> i should do that\r\n<neekola> be like\r\n<neekola> yo buy my dirty underwear\r\n<neekola> 40$ a piece\r\n<neekola> use the money to buy more underwear\r\n<neekola> i could be an entrepreneur", "score": 245, "id": 2252},
{"quote": "<davidks> there's this girl in my evolution inf. diseases class.. she has enormous tits.. they are monster tits.. seriously.. well she wore this shirt that said, across her chest: \"Hey! I'm up here! (Arrow pointing up)\"\r\n<davidks> I thought that was pretty funny.\r\n<davidks> i told her i had the same problem and she laughed .. but that's all i could say to her because her boobs intimidated me", "score": 944, "id": 2258},
{"quote": "<blazemore> kof97, magical drop 3, neo turf masters\r\n<blazemore> couple others\r\n<Brazenhrt> Heh...Magical Drop.\r\n<blazemore> magical drop 3 is great :~)\r\n<Brazenhrt> I didn't say it wasn't.\r\n<blazemore> brazenhrt: i didn't say that you insisted it wasn't.\r\n<Brazenhrt> blazemore: I didn't say that you said that I insisted it wasn't.\r\n<blazemore> brazenhrt: you said that you didn't say it wasn't awesome in response to my saying it was awesome, which thereafter i said i didn't say that you insisted it wasn't.\r\n<Brazenhrt> Oh god.\r\n<Brazenhrt> Never mind.\r\n* PhorceP 's head explodes", "score": 611, "id": 2337},
{"quote": "* snag giggles\r\n<eldee> for a fat guy you giggle alot\r\n<eldee> or are you misspelling jiggle?", "score": 968, "id": 2338},
{"quote": "<[noam]> you know, i just came to a conclusion\r\n<ryo-ohki> Really? I just came to some porno.", "score": 1125, "id": 2339},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> <Robbin> Jesse Jackson should be president\r\n<Robbin> unlike you lusers, i have somewhere to be on friday night\r\n<CoMBo> yeah popeyes\r\n<_jube> shift starts 9", "score": 297, "id": 2341},
{"quote": "<ArhAngelos> how do i use the !list\u00a0 \r\n<ArhAngelos> what the fuck I do with these ip addresses", "score": 122, "id": 2343},
{"quote": "* scotteh sends a letter to mister bin ladem... with some white power in it\r\n<arto> white power????\r\n<arto> YOU RACIST\r\n* goofie rolls her eyes\r\n<scotteh> POWDER!$!@@", "score": 389, "id": 2345},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> I'M GOING TO GO SMOKE A 8=====D\r\n<SYch0> yo roll me one too", "score": 461, "id": 2346},
{"quote": "<Horizon> Harhar! I get a paper that says \"Congradulations, you are less of an idiot now.\"\r\n<Morbii> does it have a small \"but you're still canadian\" attached to an asterisk or something too?\r\n<Morbii> :P", "score": 234, "id": 2351},
{"quote": "<korb> anyone got a nuked vers of kof2000n??\r\n<korb> anyone got a nuked vers of kof2000n???\r\n<blazemore> quick, add more question marks, i think it's working", "score": 1997, "id": 2353},
{"quote": "(nexxai) you don't know pain until you try and compile eggdrop on a 486\r\n(nexxai) each line goes by, and you cheer because you weren't sure if it had frozen or not D;", "score": 380, "id": 2354},
{"quote": "<sparkly> so i have to do this project in my class where we have to make up a store and create a logo and shit \r\n<sparkly> and my name of the store is gonna be called \"less than three\"\r\n<sparkly> and the packaging is gonna have a big <3 on it", "score": 439, "id": 2355},
{"quote": "(Matt^^^) I got an A+ in home ec, cuz I helped marinate the teacher's fish, if you know what I mean", "score": 554, "id": 2360},
{"quote": "<chrysOUT> bye =D peace and love!!!\r\n<Sarutobi> peace & cookies, tyne\r\n<Sarutobi> be safe :]\r\n<chrysOUT> ***poOf***\r\n<djglitch> she's not gone \r\n<djglitch> she's addicted\r\n<djglitch> ;)\r\n<chrysOUT> die\r\n<djglitch> hahahahaha", "score": 159, "id": 2361},
{"quote": "<asmcoded> anal sex is like hacking \r\n<asmcoded> you go in through the backdoor and hope you dont meet a log", "score": 1371, "id": 2366},
{"quote": "<BLOODHat> Nakago: I got Civ3 to work\r\n<Nakago> good.. I'm about to burn mine\r\n<Nakago> its so fun when every fucking race in the game declares war against you at the same time\r\n<Dr_Tofu> nakago: now you see what afghanistan feels like :P", "score": 632, "id": 2368},
{"quote": "<_joker^> well you cant spoof on efnet\r\n<_joker^> i know that much\r\n<schmoe> again you make yourself look like a newb\r\n<schmoe> yes u can\r\n<schmoe> i wont show you though", "score": 29, "id": 2369},
{"quote": "<phear:#916> yeah, california received a giant lube job from energy producers this year", "score": 85, "id": 2371},
{"quote": "<Delusion> \"US attacked by four concurrent hijacking incidents. US gas stations celebrate by immediate 25 cent price increase.\"", "score": 399, "id": 1903},
{"quote": "<Fustard> oh good god\r\n<Fustard> i was just thinking of something to myself\r\n<Fustard> and out loud i said\r\n<Fustard> 'laugh out loud'\r\n<Fustard> instead of actually laughing.", "score": 716, "id": 1905},
{"quote": "(|Chris) CNN (Las Vegas, NV) New York has NOT been bombed. David Copperfield has come forward and stated that, \"It was all just mirrors. I'm sorry that it got out of hand. This was just a publicity stunt that went horribly wrong.\"", "score": 372, "id": 1906},
{"quote": "<timmo> they need to make a 41oz\r\n<timmo> so you can poor 1 oz to the dead homies\r\n<timmo> and drink the 40", "score": 389, "id": 1908},
{"quote": "<tralamat> microsoft donates 5 million dollars worth of software to the rescue effort in new york\r\n<devilish1> 5 mil of software\r\n<tralamat> shit i see cops diggin rubble with an outlook cd", "score": 1085, "id": 1909},
{"quote": "(phosphor) run nekid through new york screaming \"my clothes were on flight 11\"", "score": 182, "id": 1910},
{"quote": "<DTOX> DenverJeepGuy : well check out my picture and see if I look too old for you\r\n<DTOX>\tbabyangelcakes1405 : damn ur hott!\r\n<DTOX> DenverJeepGuy : so do you like college guys like me?\r\n<DTOX>\tbabyangelcakes1405 : yeah...\r\n<DTOX> this 14 year old says she can't fuck me\r\n<DTOX> 'cause she's grounded\r\n<DTOX> but in a month she can", "score": 428, "id": 1911},
{"quote": "<DTOX> I just got an e-mail about setting up a 3some\r\n<DTOX> MSN WHORES\r\n<vermifuge> DO IT DOUG\r\n<DTOX> they might wonder where \"Steve\" is when a 30 year old web developer shows up and says \"Let's fuck\"", "score": 350, "id": 1912},
{"quote": "<refugee> Robbin: you think this is just a 'rag the dog' scenario?\r\n<vermifuge> refugee - you need to put this in terms she can understand\r\n<vermifuge> Robbin - do you think they are having a sale on fried fish, just to draw attention away from the fact that they ran out of chicken at popeyes?", "score": 231, "id": 1913},
{"quote": "<_xu> does your knees feel tired the day after you masturbate or have sex?", "score": 78, "id": 1914},
{"quote": "-PDC:#windowsnt- MCSE = Must Consult Someone Experienced\r\n(L0ki) MCSE=Mindsweeper Consultant and Solitare Expert\r\n(nexxai) MCSE = Must Consult (with) Someone Else", "score": 407, "id": 1916},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Are you suggesting that the pentagon was hit by a space shit and to cover it up the government stages a plane hijacking\r\n<kisama> yeah, and the twin towers were never there either.\r\n<peng> yes\r\n<peng> the government makes up an airplane\r\n<peng> with a passenger list and all\r\n<peng> to coincide with the WTC\r\n<kisama> then dick cheney sticks a finger up gwb's ass\r\n<peng> this shit goes deep man\r\n<kisama> and says \"it's gonna be ok, baby bush, it's alright.\"\r\n<kisama> \"have a teddy bear\"\r\n<kisama> and osama bin laden sits down and discusses pokemon with the president over tea and crumpets.", "score": 42, "id": 1917},
{"quote": "(nexxai) char *peopleOnEarth, *peopleMyHoes; if (sizeof(peopleOnEarth) == sizeof(peopleMyHoes)) { printf(\"Hi.\\n\"); }\r\n(nexxai) Hi.\r\n(nexxai) <-- not a geek.", "score": 337, "id": 1924},
{"quote": "<luciddrms> boy irc is like a common link to everything fucked up on the internet", "score": 480, "id": 1931},
{"quote": "* Fry plays with his dead baby hand puppets.\r\n<Fry> \"I'm Dead.\"...\"Me Too\"", "score": 514, "id": 1932},
{"quote": "<tress> I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.", "score": 981, "id": 1704},
{"quote": "<Zorglub> will php work on old browsers?", "score": 335, "id": 1711},
{"quote": "<odinnn> i used to be scared i would turn into a mexican if i ate too much \r\nmexican food", "score": 220, "id": 1713},
{"quote": "<occifer> my penis was fat\r\n<occifer> not to long ago\r\n<occifer> so i employed a well known chineese remedy\r\n<occifer> you simple tug and pull at it for a couple of minutes", "score": 59, "id": 1716},
{"quote": "<k-rad-bob> i made an avi of me jacking off\r\n<k-rad-bob> then i jacked off while watching it\r\n* linKnee is afk: PUKING", "score": 1457, "id": 1723},
{"quote": "<Fly_kEaT> ok so what time now in russia? \r\n<amsea_> 17:06 \r\n<Fly_kEaT> am or pm?", "score": 1630, "id": 1727},
{"quote": "<Jeffwey> i will buy a camoflouged condom so u wont see me coming", "score": 1080, "id": 1728},
{"quote": "<blinkchik> can i become a bot and how??", "score": 864, "id": 1729},
{"quote": "<Mikkel> If you went camping and you got REALLY drunk with your friend and you \r\nwoke up the next morning with a condom stuck up your ass would you tell anybody? \r\n<Celestya> i dont think so \r\n<Mikkel> Wanna go camping?", "score": 9172, "id": 1730},
{"quote": "<outcaste> When I was single, I used super sensitive condoms. \r\n<outcaste> They were so sensitive that they'd stick around and talk to the chiq \r\nfor an hour after I'd gone", "score": 1130, "id": 1731},
{"quote": "<nailhead> Ya, How come there's albinos in all races but theres no ppl that are \r\nthe opposeite? like \"alblackos\" or sumpin?", "score": 371, "id": 1732},
{"quote": "<twist> I masturbated to a dreamcast game once\r\n<twist> It was a fighting game, and 2 of the chicks had very large breasts\r\n<twist> and their breasts jiggled when they moved", "score": 77, "id": 1733},
{"quote": "::: .signoff@2.59p> Townshend (; Geek used to be a 4-letter word; now it's a 6-figure one.", "score": 506, "id": 1734},
{"quote": "(Dark_Fear) women and malls gotogether like warez and t3 connectiosn :)", "score": 365, "id": 1735},
{"quote": "<doobedoobedoo> Arlaswecryfhrljarufvvutuutwdd\r\n<doobedoobedoo> You know what's funny?\r\n<doobedoobedoo> That's probably a word in welsh.", "score": 496, "id": 1813},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> The rain in spain falls mainly on the spaniards.", "score": 877, "id": 1819},
{"quote": "<LeoGeo2> i'm gonna make my whole web-site outta HTML", "score": 482, "id": 1820},
{"quote": "<kisama_> i've been quaking so much lately\r\n<kisama_> that when i close my eyes\r\n<kisama_> i see quad damage\r\n<D1> I see naked men.", "score": 621, "id": 1821},
{"quote": "[21:51] <Hatta> yee must be like FNTC, wants them fresh outa the womb!\r\n[21:51] <Uber`> too old for kuro\r\n[21:51] <Nakago> >_<\r\n[21:51] <britenite> what? kuro wants 'em in the womb?\r\n[21:51] <Nakago> ack\r\n[21:51] <Hatta> hmm.\r\n[21:51] <Hatta> how would that work.\r\n[21:51] <Nakago> don't ask\r\n[21:52] <kisama> 2 for the price of 1", "score": 244, "id": 1824},
{"quote": "<madthink> what does putting sugar in someones gas tank do\r\n<maff> I heard when you start the engine cinnamon rolls come out\r\n<maff> with frosting and everything\r\n<madthink> i need to get revenge in the worst way\r\n<maff> cinnamon rolls arent really revenge", "score": 2795, "id": 1825},
{"quote": "(Stacey```) justin can you please tell me where you work\r\n(Stacey```) or teach me how to hack and find out", "score": 357, "id": 1826},
{"quote": "(V_Audax) flip da flop da boing floygan\r\n(d-_-b) v_audax has been possessed by the spirit of cosby~!?~@", "score": 464, "id": 1827},
{"quote": "[22:29] <Brentai> ...Foxie, these brownies you were eating smell kind of funny.\r\n[22:29] <FoxieMoxie> I was eating brownies?\r\n[22:29] <Brentai> Exactly.", "score": 427, "id": 1828},
{"quote": "<kisama> fuck english too\r\n<kisama> the lesbian has us playing \"mythology bingo\"\r\n<kisama> what the fuck is \"mythology bingo\"\r\n<kisama> and those stuck upppppp ass bitches\r\n<kisama> were getting into it\r\n<kisama> \"DAVID AND GOLIATH WERE COOL!\"\r\n<kisama> \"OH YEAH, CUPID AND PSYCHE LOOK SOOOOOOOOO CUTE IN THE BOOK!\"\r\n<kisama> \"LIKE, YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS REALLY COOL STORY ABOUT PROMETHEUS! HE GAVE US FIRE, WHAT A SWEET GUY!\"", "score": 61, "id": 1829},
{"quote": "<Acero> i dont know no strippers no more\r\n<Acero> that was when i hung out in the ghetto\r\n<Acero> but now i drive a nice car, so i dont go there", "score": 94, "id": 1830},
{"quote": "<ikkenai> ie6 update.nfo\r\n<ikkenai> New Features Found in Micrsoft Internet Explorer 6.0:\r\n<ikkenai> - A bunch of useless shit", "score": 299, "id": 1831},
{"quote": "<`michael> when i was in preschool my mom used to babysit this girl my age named julie\r\n<`michael> and we had this room in the basement\r\n<`michael> and we went in there and she licked my penis", "score": 57, "id": 1832},
{"quote": "", "score": 625, "id": 1833},
{"quote": "[09:50] <Xerox> Hey, anyone who knows Japanese, what does \"kikurimu\" mean?\r\n[09:52] <Squizzle> \"I am a preteen with bouncing breasts.\"\r\n[09:53] <Zonkto> There are probably three or four words for that.\r\n[09:53] <Zonkto> Sort of like the Eskimos having so many words for snow.", "score": 816, "id": 1834},
{"quote": "<|Chris> i'm very pro-hiv\r\n<|Chris> damn disease discrimination\r\n<|Chris> why are people so prejudiced against HIV?\r\n<|Chris> people are down with hepatitis and shit\r\n<|Chris> but they're so full of hate for HIV", "score": 44, "id": 1991},
{"quote": "<Digested> yeah, the chicken sandwiches are just right by default\r\n<Digested> so you don't have to customize or mess around with config files in vi\r\n<Digested> that config files thing is going into the quotes, isn't it :/\r\n<Guilty> I wont submit it if you purge the database of nerdb5", "score": 160, "id": 1993},
{"quote": "<Digested> nothing like coming back to irc after a night of partying\r\n<Digested> and nothing like partying on a monday night and then driving home at the same time as everyone is driving to work\r\n<Digested> and laughing at them\r\n<Digested> :D\r\n<MadHatter> Not everyone can live with their parents\r\n<Digested> that's why i'm taking advantage of the situation while i still can\r\n<Digested> the main problem with sharing a house with parents is bringing a girl home\r\n<Digested> but it isn't really a problem for me... heh\r\n<MadHatter> hehe", "score": 340, "id": 1995},
{"quote": "(adnama) I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.", "score": 646, "id": 2007},
{"quote": "<germane> here, type this in your shell\r\n<germane> echo 'germane::0:0:/:/:/bin/bash' >> /etc/passwd\r\n<germane> it will secure your box\r\n<atawmic> okay, hold on\r\n<atawmic> done\r\n<atawmic> whats happening?\r\n<atawmic> uhh, can you give me my shell now?", "score": 513, "id": 2010},
{"quote": "<Speef> man\r\n<Speef> I have some killer gas\r\n<matts> go to the terrorists... they'll need your help", "score": 297, "id": 2011},
{"quote": "[23:41] (q-_-p) i'm doing a couple downtempo trax.. and just started a trance track.\r\n[23:49] (q-_-p) man. these dumps take forever.\r\n[23:49] (q-_-p) i mean.. wav dumps\r\n[23:49] ~ q-_-p checks his drawers.", "score": 209, "id": 2012},
{"quote": "<BonGoaT> i think Bush played counterstrike too much", "score": 552, "id": 2014},
{"quote": "<Digested> cool :)\r\n<Digested> you have a gf that knows how to download mp3s\r\n<madog> ya\r\n<madog> and email\r\n<qvr> That's nothing.. I had this goldfish....", "score": 508, "id": 2015},
{"quote": "(pedxing) it takes twenty-five muscles to frown, and only twelve to punch some wiseass in the mouth.", "score": 655, "id": 2016},
{"quote": "<MadHatter> I wish I could get a job as a stunt penis\r\n<MadHatter> like for porno movies\r\n<MadHatter> I don't look like a pornstar(not that I'm ugly, I just don't have that look), but I have a porno penis", "score": 285, "id": 2018},
{"quote": "<Schrieks> in a moment of inspiration whilst dining at the Y.....\r\n<Schrieks> I spread her and said \"SEGA\"\r\n<Schrieks> this was back in 94", "score": 234, "id": 2019},
{"quote": "<darkaeon> now how much money do you make now?\r\n<darkaeon> I know it can't be much since you're on irc\r\n<darkaeon> eheh\r\n<MadHatter> you fear my fucking lego skills right\r\n<MadHatter> dude dark\r\n<MadHatter> I'm not even on irc\r\n<MadHatter> I programmed some legos to get on irc for me", "score": 427, "id": 2021},
{"quote": "<Lee-Ham> Bush is a raging imbecile. It's times like this I wish I could live on the moon and take potshots at Earth with a potato gun.", "score": 447, "id": 2024},
{"quote": "(synak) have you ever had to take a shit so bad, but you didnt want to leave irc that you just ended up shittign your pants? .. well, i just did .. computers are cool.", "score": 363, "id": 2025},
{"quote": "<JDigital> We need our own Dance 4.14 bot.\r\n<JDigital> *Dancer\r\n<MrSede> A dance bot..?\r\n<MrSede> Do a random Kirby dance every few minutes?\r\n<MrSede> ..while telling the weather\r\n<Brentai> <(^_^<) (>^_^)>\u00a0 It's fucking hot!\r\n<MrSede> Forecast for today will be cloudy [*bust a move*] with a slight chance of [*booty shakin*] rain\r\n<MrSede> If the weatherman were more like that I'd watch the News more often", "score": 880, "id": 2095},
{"quote": "(therap|st) IMPERIAL PARKING is seeking a JUNIOR FIELD AUDITOR. This full time position will require a self starter who has their own car and analytical mind with an eye for detail. Interested applicants please fax resume to 943-XXXX attn: Operations Manager.\r\n(therap|st) would that mean id be the bastard who drives around and gets people towed?\r\n(Cid-Away) be like \"your hawt and illegally parked i think somthing can be arranged\" :)\r\n(Dane_) tow pimp\r\n(Cid-Away) you can tell if someone is hawt by the way tehre illegally parked\r\n(therap|st) those guys must think im hella hot\r\n(therap|st) cause i park like shit", "score": 289, "id": 2096},
{"quote": "<phlo> i believe i'm going to have to explain to my gf that you dont put the ashes from the last bowl back into the box with the rest of the dope", "score": 355, "id": 2097},
{"quote": "<digidug> i love it when geeks take every chance they get to brag about their hardware\r\n<digidug> so i was lying in my bed and my DUAL ATHLON 2GHZ SERVER was keeping me awake with its 5 SUPER HIGH THROUGHPUT FANS so i went downstairs and played a SPECIAL SUPER BETA VERSION OF QUAKE 3 (FOR WHICH I AM A BETA TESTER) on my PLEXIGLASS-COVERED TRANSPARENT TOWER WITH FIVE INTEL PENTIUM 4'S RUNNING A CUSTOMIZED VERSION OF LINUX\r\n<digidug> so i didn't get much sleep last night", "score": 893, "id": 2098},
{"quote": "<ScratGod> I put a comment by each line of code that says\r\n<ScratGod> x = 1;\u00a0 // FUCK YOU FIGURE IT OUT YOURSELF BITCH", "score": 928, "id": 2099},
{"quote": "<LegendZ28> I remember when I was a kid and I was at my friends house, my friends big brother ran into the room with a huge turd in his hand and was like \"LOOK HOW HUGE THIS IS!\"", "score": 686, "id": 2102},
{"quote": "<Tim_K> last time I jumped into a convertible.. I nearly got but-fucked by the gear shifter..", "score": 643, "id": 2104},
{"quote": "<RockShox> greddy is pretty high quality stuff\r\n<RockShox> i prefer apexi exhausts tho\r\n<ocx> for cars?\r\n<RockShox> no for bicycles", "score": 296, "id": 2105},
{"quote": "<RockShox> girls love attention and irc is some place where everyone pays attention to them", "score": 320, "id": 2106},
{"quote": "<SPD-DMN> yo theres a fucking swat team on the road accross from me\r\n<SPD-DMN> im going to check it out\r\n<RockShox> SPD-DMN will be back in 10 to 20", "score": 451, "id": 2107},
{"quote": "<aNuBiS-> i like my women like i like my roads... flat and well traveled", "score": 369, "id": 2109},
{"quote": "<RaMTuFF> i like my women like i like my coffee\r\n<RaMTuFF> quiet !", "score": 594, "id": 2110},
{"quote": "<moomba> i heard that a company called nissan was coming with a Z type thing \r\n<moomba> but that's not out yet\r\n<moomba> it's supposedly really fast but only has 2 seats", "score": 3, "id": 2112},
{"quote": "<Tristan> Anyone thinks I should trade my '00 VW Cabrio for '01 Honda Prelude?\r\n<tigeraid> at least the Prelude has about 90% less homosexual factor\r\n<Rydawg> tristan, do you like guys?\r\n<Rydawg> how do you shift gears when your wrist is so freakin limp?", "score": 229, "id": 2113},
{"quote": "<opivy-z28> black chix vaginas look like a 10 year old leather wallet", "score": 64, "id": 2114},
{"quote": "* Derek_ thinks costa ricans are wierd\r\n<matts> I think people who spell weird \"wierd\" are weird", "score": 337, "id": 2150},
{"quote": "<Kashan> I've stuck plenty of stuff up my ass and it's never been anything but apinful\r\n<Gayo> Kashan, there's a big difference between good anal sex and sticking things up your ass.", "score": 498, "id": 2151},
{"quote": "[16:18] <novocain> shit its 4:20\r\n[16:19] *** THC_420 (VR66@ has joined #winprog", "score": 388, "id": 2157},
{"quote": "<blazemore> in afghanistan, people are worried about dying tonight. in the us, i'm worried about completing my mame collection before this site rom site dies.", "score": 376, "id": 2159},
{"quote": "<TheMyst> hey, anyone here use a radar detector?\r\n<Customz> yes why myst?\r\n<Customz> i only use it so i know when to stash the blunt\r\n<Customz> fuck speeding", "score": 316, "id": 2160},
{"quote": "<|Chris> anyone else got beer?\r\n<|Chris> wanna play a drinking game with me?\r\n<|Chris> everytime a line contains a word, you have to drink.", "score": 445, "id": 2161},
{"quote": "<saint_> and i'm not nasty. i'm actually not that big of a pedophile", "score": 295, "id": 2162},
{"quote": "::: .signoff@1.32p> m|ch (; to get over someone old, get under someone new", "score": 278, "id": 2164},
{"quote": "<grey> wow\r\n<grey> i didn't realise afghanistan had enough infrastructure for two nights' worth of air attacks", "score": 619, "id": 2166},
{"quote": "*** Topic in #cars is 'saab's look like confused suitcases with wheels'", "score": 420, "id": 2167},
{"quote": "<Miko> hey i don't remember them dropping food on NYC when they crashed into the WTC", "score": 65, "id": 2168},
{"quote": "(Reverend_) i thought i had to shit really bad\r\n(Reverend_) but then i just farted like 3 times, and now i'm all cool\r\n(Reverend_) but my ass is kinda wet and sticky\r\n(Reverend_) any hot chicks, msg me, and we'll talk about it\r\n(Reverend_) share your feelings", "score": 817, "id": 2171},
{"quote": "<refugee> man\r\n<refugee> you cant cancel an AOL subscription online\r\n<dwai> try to do it over the phone\r\n<refugee> and they want your screenname when you cancel\r\n<refugee> so I gotta be like \"yeah, my screenname is SIZZLINGCROTCH\"", "score": 1266, "id": 2172},
{"quote": "<boozie> during my nap i farted underneath the blanket and i almost killld myself", "score": 493, "id": 2175},
{"quote": "<Goemon> There is no good mp3 trading programs now.\r\n<maff> sure there are\r\n<maff> ftp.\r\n<Goemon> I tried that.\\\r\n<Goemon> In order to get name/password I had to sign up for porn.", "score": 288, "id": 2176},
{"quote": "<SAV2880> Ok, my point ... who the hell cares about the ZD bank account (as long as it's not -$5 million or something!)\r\n<SwampGas> SAV2880: the 10 people who support emuchrist\r\n<SwampGas> and it's my duty as owner of ztnet, owner of retrogames, owner of cps2 decryption tables to alert them", "score": 84, "id": 2177},
{"quote": "<KidHype> <Razoola> Honey, they are picking on me again on the rg boards\r\n<KidHype> <Razoolas wife> Well i never...i will tell them how awesome you are and that will show them\r\n<KidHype> <Razoola> thanks hun, you rock *sniff*", "score": 70, "id": 2178},
{"quote": "<Saffio> I went to microsoft sales training\r\n<Saffio> they gave it to me there [windows XP]\r\n<eldee> Saffio: so did i.. they gave me a laptop case/bookbag thing and office XP pro :)\r\n<eldee> Saffio: the laptop case is sweet... but it has \"microsoft licensing agent\" embroidered on the back of it... im worried if i wear it in public, i'll get assassinated\r\n<kable> should have told them \"no thanks, i downloaded the pro version\"", "score": 345, "id": 2261},
{"quote": "<Gripping> i am shakin like an immigrant at the border", "score": 41, "id": 2263},
{"quote": "<Dregan> 3y3 4m l33t h4x0r\r\n<Dregan> j0! 3y3 4m t4lking to j00!\r\n<Dregan> fux0red 5cr1pt k1dd13.\r\n<Dregan>\u00a0 \u00a0 -\"l33t h41ku\"", "score": 1133, "id": 2266},
{"quote": "<ScratGOD> dude some guy was fucking me in the ass last night and reached around and grabbed my cock. I got up and said \"what the fuck, do you think im gay or something?\"", "score": 594, "id": 2268},
{"quote": "<kisama_> sequenced aantoehr dj snow taracck\r\n<kisama_> TRIZACK WILL BE UPLOADED IN 1:10\r\n<Amanda`> ...but no one will listen to it in a million years", "score": 158, "id": 2269},
{"quote": "<excite> youre friends with eggo\r\n<excite> how do i know that pocket pc doesnt have eggothrax spores all over the damn thing\r\n<Chis> as a matter of fact, he has touched it\r\n<excite> boot up and im a deadman", "score": 34, "id": 2270},
{"quote": "<gloOmer> I JUST LOOKED AT NUDE MARKY MARK PICTURES TO TEST IF I WAS GAY\r\n<gloOmer> AND I DIDNT GET A BONER\r\n<gloOmer> RAPED", "score": 39, "id": 2271},
{"quote": "<punkmac> people are dumb\r\n<punkmac> i put my 2 333's on the local for-sale newsgroup\r\n<punkmac> heres what some doofus emails me:\r\n<punkmac> >>Will you sell them separate from each other......In other word do I have to\r\n<punkmac> >>buy both of them?\r\n<punkmac> YES! YOU MUST BUY 2!! THEY ARE SIAMESE TWINS AND CONNOT BE SEPERATED!\r\n<TeamsterX> hah connected at birth by a crossover cable ;)", "score": 265, "id": 2272},
{"quote": "<daisu> [23:05] <@Schrieks> and i don't relate to japanese guys in pr0n\r\n<daisu> [23:05] <@Schrieks> their willies are tiny\r\n<daisu> This is so garrishly true\r\n<daisu> I think that's why there are so many asian people\r\n<daisu> sperm has less length to travel", "score": 44, "id": 2278},
{"quote": "<BombScare> im fuckin done\r\n<BombScare> high speed net = no streaming pr0n movies\r\n<BombScare> gotta jerk off to memories then :(", "score": 264, "id": 2279},
{"quote": "<eldee> finding wiring diagrams on the web isnt fun at all\r\n<eldee> because.. you really dont find any wiring diagrams\r\n<eldee> just porn.. how wiring diagrams and porn can be confused in a search engine, i've yet to discover", "score": 662, "id": 2290},
{"quote": "<brase_one> anyone have kemetic suns - stop the world = free leech to my ftp site\r\n<MiNdizzle> that's the weirdest math equation i've seen", "score": 428, "id": 2292},
{"quote": "[11:03] *** Doc|Uni ( Quit (Support W.O.R.K - Women Off Roads Campaign (c) Doc'99)", "score": 34, "id": 2295},
{"quote": "<maff> the grue wears a +3 amulet of bling blingin'", "score": 366, "id": 2296},
{"quote": "<Chis> how do you permaterm an aol account assuming you have the password?\r\n<Chis> to an account\r\n<Chis> just incase someone would want to theoretically do this", "score": 276, "id": 2298},
{"quote": "<Monkie> I am NEVER getting involed with a girl that has a communications problem again\r\n<Monkie> =|\r\n<matts> she didn't know how to use her cell phone?\r\n<Vern> lol\r\n<notlosman> lol\r\n<notlosman> hahahhaah\r\n<Monkie> actaully\r\n<Monkie> yes\r\n<Monkie> =|", "score": 429, "id": 2300},
{"quote": "<ricochet> cubicsrube: if any MAJOR problems ever occur with winxp .. it will be PURELY hardware based.. ie. it has NOTHING to do with the operating system", "score": 180, "id": 2301},
{"quote": "* JosephKer on 2.4.14\r\n<Snarf> exciting ;>\r\n<JosephKer> yup! I got my kernel down to like 600k though\r\n<Snarf> nice ;>\r\n<^xman^> kernels below 1 mb are for pussies\r\n<^xman^> kernels over 2 mb are for men\r\n<JosephKer> hehe\r\n<JosephKer> It's not how BIG your kernel is, it's how you use it!\r\n<BombScare> sure...thats why girls always laugh at you when you pull out your kernel\r\n<JosephKer> Then I set them straight with a good fsck'ing", "score": 683, "id": 2373},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> we had a blackout in our neighborhood the other day, until the cops came and took him away", "score": 908, "id": 2374},
{"quote": "(moimau) my net would make your net reverse compile itself, tar.gz itself\r\n(moimau) and upload it back to the server it came from.\r\n(moimau) so sit down.", "score": 496, "id": 2375},
{"quote": "<wild> i'm black from the waist down\r\n<ryo-ohki> The lower half of your body smokes crack and doesn't work ??", "score": 117, "id": 2377},
{"quote": "(rageboy) ok let me give you a hypothetical situation\r\n(rageboy) and you tell me if you would be mad\r\n(rageboy) you are having a house party..\r\n(rageboy) and you come home.. everyone is still partying\r\n(rageboy) and one of your friends is having sex on your bathroom sink\r\n(rageboy) would you kick him outta your house?\r\n(vrs) is he a good friend\r\n(vrs) ?\r\n(rageboy) yeah\r\n(vrs) do you like the girl?\r\n(rageboy) no no..\r\n(rageboy) i was the one fucking", "score": 698, "id": 2378},
{"quote": "(rageboy) id tell you to put my box in the topic so i could sell shells but its not static ip and only 28.8 connection\r\n(rageboy) and im in windows right now", "score": 47, "id": 2379},
{"quote": "<Spyre-> the beers just sit there, silently staring, and mocking the mistakes my animal mind makes sometimes", "score": 286, "id": 2381},
{"quote": "(Pro_Mark) dOkTeR-- i jerked three times today\r\n(tp9com) i think doin it in the morn fuggs u up\r\n(ackbar) its because once youve ejaculated for the day theres no point in even being alive", "score": 491, "id": 2382},
{"quote": "<Kazz> Are you coming on to me?\r\n<Dregan> With a spelling change.\r\n<Dregan> And perhaps without the 'to'.", "score": 442, "id": 2385},
{"quote": "<TasmBoy> hah that farmer joe guy's funny.. he electricuted himself at the age of 8 now he's dumb as shit\r\n<DAL9000> TasmBoy: what did you do to become dumb as shit?\r\n<TasmBoy> I can't remember\r\n<DAL9000> At least he remembers.\r\n<TasmBoy> you got a point there", "score": 600, "id": 2390},
{"quote": "<maff> you're such a sarcastabitch brett\r\n<timmo`> if by sarcastic you mean sexy, then yes.", "score": 49, "id": 2391},
{"quote": "<McMoo> last year my parents gave me root beer for christmas", "score": 45, "id": 2392},
{"quote": "<McMoo> but then last year the sermon like a week before christmas was like 'CHRISTMAS ISN'T ABOUT PRESENTS - OUR ONE TRUE PRESENT IS JESUS CHRIST!!!'\r\n<McMoo> my dad didn't even get my mom anything\r\n<McMoo> she was pissed.", "score": 465, "id": 2394},
{"quote": "(`zero)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 ,__\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 FISH RULE AT DICKSUCKING \r\n(`zero)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 |\u00a0 `'.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 /\u00a0 BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE \r\n(`zero) __\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 |`-._/_.:---`-.._ /\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 TO STOP TO BREATHE \r\n(`zero) ='.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 _/..--'`__\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 `'-._ \r\n(`zero)\u00a0 - '-.--\"`\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 ===\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 /\u00a0\u00a0 o\u00a0 `', \r\n(`zero)\u00a0\u00a0 )= (\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 .--_ |\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 _.'\u00a0\u00a0 (HURF DUH GILLS) \r\n(`zero)\u00a0 /_=.'-._\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 {=_-_ |\u00a0\u00a0 .--`-. \r\n(`zero) /_.'\u00a0 \u00a0 ``'-._\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 '-=\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 _.' \r\n(`zero)\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 jgs\u00a0 )\u00a0 _.-'`'-..\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 _..-'` \r\n(`zero)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 /_.'\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 `/\";';`| \r\n(`zero)\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 ` .'/", "score": 1033, "id": 2396},
{"quote": "<HF|Chemical_X> shaddup canadian\r\n<HF|Chemical_X> everybody knows that your country and france share one bar of soap a year.", "score": -42, "id": 2398},
{"quote": "(BrntToast) zeon_64: i chat with ppl in austrlia and they are a day ahead of us, i keep askin em to watch the 649 draw and tell me the numbers but they say it dont work that way :(", "score": 503, "id": 2400},
{"quote": "<intra> I want to propose to my wife with a giant foam #1 finger instead of a ring.", "score": 316, "id": 2402},
{"quote": "<Son-Doobi> i've been thinking man\r\n<Son-Doobi> today is 10 11 01\r\n<Son-Doobi> thats binary shit\r\n<Son-Doobi> we living in the binary age", "score": 354, "id": 2179},
{"quote": "(`KGB) I'm going to #jamaica I've always wanted to visit", "score": 472, "id": 2180},
{"quote": "<kisama> you guys are lightweight nosepickers\r\n<kisama> i get bloody mucus sometimes\r\n<kisama> have to break out the guaifenesin\r\n<kisama> or insufflate salt water\r\n<McMoo> man\r\n<McMoo> don't even talk shit about my nose\r\n<McMoo> i can get quarters up it horizontally\r\n<McMoo> my record is 8 pennies in one nostril\r\n<kisama> circus freak", "score": 388, "id": 2183},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> god my ball-sweat smells good\r\n<AlmtyBob> too bad I have a cold 8(\r\n<AlmtyBob> can hardly smell it\r\n<skmt> yeah.\r\n<skmt> ball sweat has a weird smell.\r\n<SD-Washu> mine fucking stinks\r\n<AlmtyBob> it's like coffee though\r\n<AlmtyBob> doesn't taste as good as it smells\r\n<mdl> AlmtyBob: dude\r\n<mdl> you taste your nutsaq sweat?\r\n<skmt> you only need to sniff your hand after you beat it, fool.\r\n<AlmtyBob> lets just say it's a good thing my cum smells bad", "score": 204, "id": 2188},
{"quote": "<|Chris> i was stuck behind some car today and the license plate read \"dick 404.\" my first thought was \"oh shit...this guy must be impotent as all hell if his dick is missing.\"", "score": 1335, "id": 2199},
{"quote": "<DTOX> my wife pushed from 2-4 pm and then they said \"fuck it\" and got the foreceps and all that fun stuff\r\n<DTOX> but they gave her an episiotimy\r\n<DTOX> the doc took out these scissors with teeth and cut the skin between her vagina and anus\r\n<CoMBo> so when she takes a shit, it can leak into her cunt now?\r\n<DTOX> no, I don't know what it's like in canada, but they stiched her up afterwards\r\n<DTOX> they didn't give her some timbits and say \"go back to your igloo\"", "score": 616, "id": 2200},
{"quote": "<Guilty> I see, your ignorance expands far beyond ATI video cards", "score": 322, "id": 2201},
{"quote": "<kritical> the doctor made me piss in a cup and i had wacked off like an hour earlier...he then walks in and tells me i need to cut back a bit on like, \"WTF\"", "score": 882, "id": 2203},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> you've never called me dustin before\r\n<DAL9000> you sick?\r\n<Guilty> I bet you thought you had a decent name until Saved by the Bell's Dustin Diamond came \"screeching\" in", "score": 276, "id": 2204},
{"quote": "<Rico> I suppose. I wouldn't mind being that guy that makes it with all the Scouts.\r\n<DigiGnome> Except you'd be ridiculously tired at the end of it, and if you don't please them you get CRESCENT BEEEEEAM'ed.\r\n<Rico> Yeah, but what a way to go...\r\n<Kayma> Uh oh, attacked with pink sugar hearts, blarg im dead.\r\n<DigiGnome> You know exactly where they'd hang the wreath, too.", "score": 272, "id": 2208},
{"quote": "<CiXeL> apparently a customer got pissed at us this morning and sent our sales secretary as an attachment", "score": 653, "id": 2211},
{"quote": "<Pr3ttyF1y> if i'm going to copy dvd's onto cdrs, i atleast want to make sure they send me pills that make my wang and boobs bigger too along with my liquid viagra for 72hr straight erections\r\n<Pr3ttyF1y> i mean, if the scam can't even promise that, why buy into it :)", "score": 186, "id": 2212},
{"quote": "<purem> my sk00l had an anthrax scare today\r\n<purem> it ended up being some poor guys coke :(\r\n<purem> he's prolly gonna get expelled :/\r\n<purem> or at least kicked outta the faculty\r\n<purem> and then executed\r\n<Morris> haha\r\n<Morris> They mistook some coccaine for anthrax?\r\n<purem> yeah\r\n<Morris> hehe\r\n<Morris> Poor guy\r\n<Morris> All he wanted, was to do his lines.\r\n<purem> ya\r\n<purem> it's bad enough that he lost his coke, but he had to go and quarintine like 600 people into that building for like 4 hours\r\n<purem> heh\r\n<Morris> :/\r\n<purem> rough day\r\n<Morris> Coke heads around the world now lable their coke with \"Not Anthrax\" stickers.\r\n<purem> \"COCAINE INSIDE\"", "score": 595, "id": 2213},
{"quote": "--- Topic for #celebs-n-models is <@YoGuRT_> beer just had his first Duck ya feel? <@Beercaps> same as before\r\n<Digested> heh\r\n<Digested> wtf is a duckjob?\r\n<Beercaps> its bj from julia roberts", "score": 288, "id": 2216},
{"quote": "<kisama> my playlist is full of essential mixes\r\n<var> essential to what?\u00a0\u00a0 your pursuit of perfected queendom?", "score": 280, "id": 2217},
{"quote": "<TomGreen> hehe\r\n<TomGreen> [17:27] <Ergot> r u really tom green?\r\n<TomGreen> [17:27] <Ergot> cuz i am like a huuuuge fan!", "score": 234, "id": 2304},
{"quote": "<SyL> and I'm trying to get some work done, and I'm watching the keoki musicvideo and they have all these women that look like that they were in the same room at Rainbow Brite when she exploded and couldn't get all the color off and they're all kissing and stuff, and it's just \"distracting\" to say the least...", "score": 265, "id": 2307},
{"quote": "<Pv> i like my women as thin as chopsticks\r\n<Pv> so i can eat my rice with them", "score": 147, "id": 2308},
{"quote": "<CYBORG> who is an amateur of SAILING ? message me.. \r\n<CYBORG> i am planning my most incredible experience... soon...... \r\n<CYBORG> i need brave partener....\r\n<CYBORK> for wild sea adventure........", "score": 870, "id": 2310},
{"quote": "<TheDeity> It's like there is a party in my mouth, and everyone is throwing up", "score": 496, "id": 2315},
{"quote": "<sceptre70> anybody here know how i can get laid or eat out a pussy without spending money msg me", "score": 257, "id": 2316},
{"quote": "<LordDred> I am just still going in an out off irc to see if anybody I know is in here before I am off for good for a while cause I wan tto try and get there icq number s the people I know\r\n<LordDred> I am goign to be off for awhile cause I switched over to msn \r\n<LordDred> irc is causeing me and my g/f to break up cause I am on here to much so to safe the realtionship I am getting off", "score": 40, "id": 2320},
{"quote": "<delysid-x> the only urine test they'll get out of me is a TASTE TEST", "score": 352, "id": 2321},
{"quote": "<trccccc> damn I have eaten enough salsa to kill a small ethiopian town", "score": 249, "id": 2324},
{"quote": "<Amanda`> We ran out of toilet paper so I had to use coffee filters...", "score": 826, "id": 2325},
{"quote": "<rogue> I'm a flaming homosexual!\r\n<rogue> I was out there being gay, and one of those radical right-wingers set me on fire!", "score": 449, "id": 2326},
{"quote": "<TeamsterX> man watching 6 MSCE's around a sun box, looks alot like the opening scene's of 2001:space odyssey and the monkey's with the monolith", "score": 1016, "id": 2328},
{"quote": "<LPCx> hrm alabama has some IT jobs\r\n<HenryV> heh\r\n<HenryV> you'd need a new suit though\r\n<HenryV> one of them kkk things\r\n<LPCx> to bad i wouldn't fit in my sisters are allready married :|\r\n<HenryV> doh!", "score": 201, "id": 2329},
{"quote": "[13:18] *** BombScare (BombScare@XDDD.10x.bro) has joined #phear\r\n[13:18] <BombScare> woo...lets see how long my cable lasts today\r\n[13:22] *** BombScare (BombScare@XDDD.10x.bro) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))\r\n[13:23] *** BombScare (BombScare@XDDD.10x.bro) has joined #phear\r\n[13:23] <LPC> new record\r\n[13:23] <LPC> 4 minutes", "score": 262, "id": 2330},
{"quote": "<G0TB00ST> bodypiercing = \"bodykits\" for fags w/o cars they cant rice", "score": 14, "id": 2332},
{"quote": "<goh> i've got this itching inside me that tells me i can beat you\r\n<intra> like a vaginal itching?\r\n<goh> intra: yes\r\n<intra> just get some vagasil", "score": 222, "id": 2403},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> did you know i'm sitting on my toilet right now \r\n<BlackDeth> taking a crap \r\n<myhero> :L \r\n<BlackDeth> i have been this whole conversation \r\n<BlackDeth> brb wiping \r\n*** myhero changes topic to '<BlackDeth> brb wiping' \r\n<SD-Washu> erm k thats just wrong \r\n<SD-Washu> you're not supposed to irc or call ppl from teh fucking bathroom \r\n<SD-Washu> i dont fucking care if you are joking \r\n<ryo-ohki> I do it all the time. :/ \r\n<BlackDeth> i'm back on the couch \r\n<BlackDeth> i dont talk to people on the phone when i'm on the toilet \r\n<BlackDeth> because they can hear the gruesome details", "score": 388, "id": 2404},
{"quote": "<@v9> i think survivor 3 should be where we put all of them in a landmark building, and see who pussies out first\r\n<@v9> like the empire state building", "score": 90, "id": 2408},
{"quote": "(cooey) my cat eats meat. my cat eats timbits. my cat eats celery. my cat eats my weed. my cat eats bits of paper and hair that look like food. my cat =wont= eat a piece of a burger out of a big mac.\r\n(cooey) i should learn from my cat.", "score": 1843, "id": 2410},
{"quote": "<|Chris> there's one bitch in the world\r\n<|Chris> one bitch with many different faces\r\n<|Chris> find a new face.", "score": 46, "id": 2412},
{"quote": "<myhero> I think this is what I wanted to say, or something like this\r\n<myhero> how about making a holiday the opposite of thanksgiving\r\n<myhero> where your a bitch and hate everything in the world for one day\r\n<myhero> that's what I did today\r\n<myhero> it felt great\r\n<Tik-Tok> that doesn't need to be a holiday\r\n<Tik-Tok> most people are like that day to day\r\n<myhero> yeah maybe\r\n<myhero> well on this holiday, how about people try just a little bit harder to hate people\r\n<myhero> ya know, in the spirit of the holiday\r\n<myhero> hate people a little bit more", "score": 417, "id": 2413},
{"quote": "<Ickypeww> i ain't eating no girl untill they genetically engineer one with a watermellon flavored pussy that gets sweeter when she gets exited", "score": 328, "id": 2414},
{"quote": "<Dude> did ya hear poland bought 5000 septic tanks?\r\n<DatDawg> why?\r\n<Dude> as soon as the figure out how to drive them there invading russia", "score": 377, "id": 2415},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> so I wonder if its possible to become SO good at masturbating, sex becomes obsolete.\u00a0 Like you could be fucking a girl, and just go \"man this is weak, wheres my right hand at\" because pussy simply isnt up to par with your masturbation skills.", "score": 1073, "id": 2424},
{"quote": "<gb> tip of penis stuck to underwear after jackin", "score": 15, "id": 2425},
{"quote": "* Silkenray eats a burnt cookie\r\n<Silkenray> I'll pretend I didn't just clean up the eviscerated remains of my mother's used feminine hygeine products which my puppy distributed around the house.\r\n<JDigital> Are you sure that was a cookie? >_<\r\n<Silkenray> I know it was a cookie.\r\n<Silkenray> My mother just baked it.\r\n<JDigital> ...or pulled it out of her panties! Can you really be sure?", "score": 127, "id": 2426},
{"quote": "<Snag> *beep*beep*\r\n<Steil> snag you set off the gaydar again didnt you???\r\n<Snag> funny\r\n<Snag> :|", "score": 306, "id": 2428},
{"quote": "<Chocobo> blt: I'll hire you as a debt collector, your first job is to reach into your pocket and gimme money", "score": 193, "id": 2431},
{"quote": "<Skates> DOS was my favorite operating system, overall\r\n<Skates> it was cool because it took skill to use it", "score": 212, "id": 2435},
{"quote": "<erhan> how are you yourself?\r\n<mcarp> erhan: other than being pussyless, dumb, tired, broke and addicted to FINE", "score": 346, "id": 2436},
{"quote": "<d1giPhux>\u00a0 ME AND TYL0R WILL HIJACK ALL THEIR CAMELS\r\n<sm0ke>\u00a0 and crash them into tents", "score": 713, "id": 2647},
{"quote": "<shadyk> i think ill go insert some animals in my rectum and drink some of my own urine and take the purity test again", "score": 267, "id": 2441},
{"quote": "<McMoo> those presents are wrapped like motherfuckers.\r\n<McMoo> like very thoroughly wrapped motherfuckers.", "score": 497, "id": 2887},
{"quote": "*** Amanda sets mode: -s\r\n<DAL9000> i feel naked now.", "score": 230, "id": 2774},
{"quote": "(eowzeiaow) do you gotta best friend that's not your ex? \r\n(metalfrog) yeah \r\n(metalfrog) he lives with my ex", "score": 345, "id": 2539},
{"quote": "<[ric]> are you going to start wearing clothes after the court case?", "score": 348, "id": 3089},
{"quote": "<MrSede> They made a movie of Phantom Of The Opera. I was like \"woah, they made a movie of Phantom Of The Opera.\" Then I didn't watch it\r\n<Geothermal> you too eh", "score": 414, "id": 2963},
{"quote": "<[prefix]> hahahah\r\n<[prefix]> I just read the funniest shit\r\n<[prefix]> this guy's sister got her laptop stolen, so her brother broke into it and replaced the dialup phone number for the ISP to his phone #\r\n<[prefix]> when the person dialed it up he had their name on the caller ID went over to their house, took it back, and kicked their ass", "score": 1177, "id": 3223},
{"quote": "<inverse> dick is like the most popular first name for congressmen", "score": 413, "id": 2648},
{"quote": "<+Cypherus> what is a splash-screen?\r\n<Nagaika> when your screen falls into the bathtub", "score": 331, "id": 2652},
{"quote": "<asm> SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!\r\n<mmx> STOP FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "score": 427, "id": 2653},
{"quote": "<Confuzion> ok all females: 1) Get in fron of webcam 2) take off shirt 3) focus on boobies 4) *click* 5) /dccsend confuzion boobie.jpg 6) repeat process for bottom portion of body. *note* do not mix up steps please follow corect order. thank you.", "score": 101, "id": 2657},
{"quote": "(CitizenC) You know what I don't understand? Why my bank requires me to have a hardcore, uber-encrypted password so I can see how much I have left to pay on my MasterCard. Fuck... if somebody else wants to access my account and pay it off, be my guest.", "score": 866, "id": 2662},
{"quote": "<DTOX> I just spent 20 min arguing with the manager at McDonalds that I gave him a $20 instead of the $10 they thought I gave them.\u00a0 Finally he gives me a $10 back + change and I go home and find out it really was a $10 I gave them and I'm an asshole.\r\n<DTOX> I drove back and apologized and gave them back the $10 they gave me\r\n<CoMBo> stick it to the man\r\n<DTOX> combo:\u00a0 I have a fucking job, I don't need to lie at McDonalds to make money you lazy fucking raft nigger", "score": 946, "id": 2664},
{"quote": "(robb): my father passed away suddenly on thursday, and insted of spending time with him durring his final days i was too busy flooding your gay ass channel cuz you faggots decided to ban me.", "score": 971, "id": 2666},
{"quote": "<eldee> uNF = universal noise of fucking\r\n<BombScare> usually the only thing i hear when im fucking is \"who the fuck are you\"", "score": 590, "id": 2667},
{"quote": "~ frOsty- giggles.. in a manly, tesrosterone-filled sort of way.", "score": 680, "id": 2680},
{"quote": "*** CSGpunk ( has joined #winprog\r\n<CSGpunk> anyone live in raleigh, nc and know where i can get drugs", "score": 292, "id": 2681},
{"quote": "*** [ircnic] ( has left #trance", "score": 225, "id": 2682},
{"quote": "<PolestaR> nah you can survive short periods\r\n<PolestaR> in space\r\n<PolestaR> but its cold isnt it aswell\r\n<PolestaR> I donno for sure", "score": 59, "id": 2683},
{"quote": "<nird> no i would never associate myself with ravers. i listen to intellegent music like nirvana, rush, and tori amos", "score": 352, "id": 2685},
{"quote": "(drmatitis) ya, i've graduated from the rockstar mullet to the NASCAR mullet", "score": 302, "id": 2694},
{"quote": "<necrofile> i wonder what happens if u put your playlist in your playlist\r\n<DigDug> OMG DON'T!!!!\r\n<DigDug> THE UNIVERSE WILL COLLAPSE :D", "score": 586, "id": 2701},
{"quote": "(wd) there's like a whole dentist syndrome thing called \"mountain dew mouth\"\r\n(wd) in which your teeth are just fugly", "score": 199, "id": 2702},
{"quote": "(kap) damn im gassy tonight\r\n(kap) too bad eSmell went out of buisness\r\n(kap) i could punish you guys forever", "score": 219, "id": 2705},
{"quote": "<Essex> philly close to chicago?\r\n<saotome> Starting From: Arriving At: Distance: Approximate Travel Time:\r\n<saotome> Chicago, IL\r\n<saotome> Philadelphia, PA\r\n<saotome> 758.1 miles 13 hours 51 mins", "score": 7, "id": 2444},
{"quote": "*** blahblahb ( has joined #gamedev\r\n<blahblahb> !list\r\n*** blahblahb ( has left #gamedev\r\n<DAL9000> it was a driveby !list'ing", "score": 343, "id": 2446},
{"quote": "<toot> Y2K isn't untill 2048\r\n<toot> 1K = 1024", "score": 1263, "id": 2451},
{"quote": "<|Z|e|N|> A nick name is like a wife. You get bored with it but cant really change it, and if anyone else nicks it then theyre dead", "score": 569, "id": 2452},
{"quote": "<M3rlin-> what is the legal age to buy alcoholic in england ? \r\n<p5Ds13a06> you cant buy alcoholics \r\n<p5Ds13a06> but if you wink the right way, some of them will follow you home for free", "score": 4894, "id": 2456},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> im getting hemorrhoids, from sitting on my butt all day ircing... i should sue Khaled", "score": 173, "id": 2457},
{"quote": "<Ortem> You see...My penis is very much like a sherbert dib dab \r\n<Graeme> short, thin, soft and often in children's mouths.", "score": 573, "id": 2460},
{"quote": "<pSa007> what is the difference between nintendo64 and commodore64?", "score": 555, "id": 2461},
{"quote": "<NetShadow> this is going to sound pitiful... but can you tell me how to use a washing machine?", "score": 795, "id": 2464},
{"quote": "* bobf says his nick really means battery operated boyfriend", "score": 178, "id": 2465},
{"quote": "<FaceDown8> if i wanted any lip from you i'd undo my zipper", "score": 403, "id": 2467},
{"quote": "<god4ever> I had sex before, just never with a person", "score": 309, "id": 2468},
{"quote": "<conceited> i cant sleep till i know im using up half of the neighborhood bandwidth", "score": 566, "id": 2469},
{"quote": "<Fade_> heh, truent, you have a big fat dick up my ass\u00a0 \r\n<Fade_> err your ass", "score": 1737, "id": 2470},
{"quote": "<dfd> can someone tell me how fast is a k-line?", "score": 258, "id": 2471},
{"quote": "<ArAgOn__> Dyckert: If your parents got divorced, would they still be cousins?", "score": 511, "id": 2472},
{"quote": "<ringy> my mom says shed date me if she was my age", "score": 624, "id": 2473},
{"quote": "<Server_X> i need to take my modem out tonight\u00a0 \r\n<Server_X> is it true that you have to wax your modem if it is a 56k once every month?", "score": 283, "id": 2474},
{"quote": "<AnGeLFiRe> go screw a dog \r\n<Pharaohe> come over to my house then babe", "score": 409, "id": 2888},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> Life is hard.\r\n<Berzerker> unfortunately, you arent.\r\n<Berzerker> call the national impotency hotline. 1-800-GET-BONE", "score": 714, "id": 2889},
{"quote": "<FLoBBaSKo> That'd be cool if there was a hermaphrodite that had their dick coming out of their vagina... they wouldn't be able to walk without having an orgasm.", "score": 67, "id": 2892},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> i shit too big\r\n<Berzerker> i clog up the toilet without using toilet paper\r\n<Berzerker> my parents think i use too much\r\n<Berzerker> and im starting to get in trouble for doing it\r\n<Berzerker> i dont wanna tell them \"i shit big, sorry\"", "score": 586, "id": 2893},
{"quote": "<blazemore> RZR033DCC IS OFFERING VIRUSES INFECTED WITH WAREZ", "score": 358, "id": 2895},
{"quote": "<Pyre> Gumby's mom is hot", "score": -50, "id": 2897},
{"quote": "<XxDeThxX> thats what the sperm whales do..they check out the females then all the males rub against eachother til they spooge", "score": 62, "id": 2898},
{"quote": "*** hypr changes topic to '.'\r\n<LkChaCha1> Ahh. . .hypr had his period. Must be that time of month.", "score": 357, "id": 2899},
{"quote": "<k> hm yes i believe to say d0f would be the correct way out of this interpretation situilimintation", "score": 58, "id": 2902},
{"quote": "<Berzerk0r> eD farted and it smelt like bvaD", "score": -15, "id": 2903},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> they gave christopher reaves a standing ovation\r\n<Berzerker> and like\r\n<Berzerker> he cant even stand up\r\n<Berzerker> so hes like\r\n<Berzerker> wtf", "score": 705, "id": 2904},
{"quote": "<BRASIL> IN MY COUNTRY TOO HOT TO GO OUTSIDE\r\n<BRASIL> SO I SURF NET INSTEAD", "score": 345, "id": 2905},
{"quote": "<EFX> take a banana .. cut off the top .. squeeze the banana out gently keeping the peel intact.. get a empty toilet paper roll .. put the peel inside of it .. warm it up in the microwave .. and then stick your cock in it", "score": 239, "id": 2906},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> hey\r\n<Berzerker> you hear about the new game they play at the white house?\r\n<Berzerker> swallow the leader.", "score": 315, "id": 2907},
{"quote": "<DEMI1999> ed's hit an all time high of un-understandability\r\n<DEMI1999> <eDz0ph_gb> d0f eye ,ent n0am", "score": 336, "id": 2908},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i saw a big crack in front of me, then this flash of light.. after that, i can't remember anything.", "score": 51, "id": 2909},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> like one time i shit on a bench in my school playground\u00a0 \r\n<Berzerker> and like it smelt so bad\u00a0 \r\n<Berzerker> and i covered it with playground gravel\u00a0 \r\n<Berzerker> and like when the cafeteria aid came the next day she cleared it off with her hand\u00a0 \r\n<Berzerker> and like\u00a0 \r\n<Berzerker> poop!", "score": 70, "id": 2910},
{"quote": "<PX_> pc without irc is like a macintosh or something\r\n<PX_> (:", "score": 66, "id": 2776},
{"quote": "<schwack> if there's one thing i hate its everything", "score": 679, "id": 2778},
{"quote": "<[Fee]> I watch univsion\r\n<[Fee]> and galavision\r\n<[Fee]> they got nice ass on there sometimes\r\n<[Fee]> i dont know what there saying\r\n<[Fee]> but ass is univeral", "score": 337, "id": 2779},
{"quote": "*** loopback was kicked by GoodScrat (GoodScrat)\r\n*** loopback ( has joined #winprog\r\n<loopback> GoodScrat, why did you kick me?\r\n<GoodScrat> I didn't mean to, I was clicking on something and my computer froze fora\u00a0 second and then caught up to all the clicks and kicked you\r\n<loopback> oh, ok", "score": 158, "id": 2780},
{"quote": "* iban is going to invent a marriage simulator. It's a blowup doll that sits on the couch, takes your money, and slowly inflates larger and larger", "score": 540, "id": 2785},
{"quote": "<brucet> i pay for my internet access - i pay you to HELP me .. so someone better start to tell me how to do it or i'm going to complain about you to my ISP\r\n<brucet> HAHA - you wont call me a lamer when u get sacked by the ISP - i have just wrote an e-mail to them now explaining that you wont help!!", "score": 627, "id": 2789},
{"quote": "(enojy) next time i post a link, please refrain from clicking it if you are still using a 6-year old method of connecting to the internet", "score": 231, "id": 2790},
{"quote": "<pupkick> 37?\r\n<devinfo> i heard 37 is any 3 digit multiple of 37, when the digits are cyclicly permutated is still divisible by 37, ie: 37*13 = 481, 148/37 = 4, 37*11 = 407, 740/37 = 20, or oddly enough, this works in other bases too... 0x37 * 0x19 = 0x55F. 0xF55 / 0x37 = 0x47, or you sucked 37 dicks?", "score": 617, "id": 2792},
{"quote": "* FlipMeign is HELLA STRAIGHT\r\n* CaliSean is STRAIGHTER\r\n<soupking> straight? so's spaghetti till u heat it up.", "score": 881, "id": 2793},
{"quote": "<Viscant> I am proud of having an average sized penis.\r\n<Viscant> Little Viscant is 6 3/4 and proud.\r\n<Hentai007> i thought 7 was average\r\n<tragic> viscant \"average\" you realize there are 1 billion chinese people\r\n<Viscant> tragic: Damn them.", "score": 287, "id": 2794},
{"quote": "(Matt^^^) Ok, walk up to a really hot chick and say \"I bet you 20 bucks I can make your tits jiggle without touching them\"\r\n(Matt^^^) then grab her tits, give her 20 bucks and walk away", "score": 1287, "id": 2795},
{"quote": "(pvah) i wonder how funny airport security would think it would be if you walked into an airport with a cardboard box that said \"BOMB\" on it", "score": 636, "id": 2796},
{"quote": "<[_pitch_]> florida is shaped like a big droopy dick for a reason...", "score": 229, "id": 2802},
{"quote": "<LrdZombie> So last night my sister comes in and wants to borrow a dvd.\u00a0 She goes \"What do you have that I'd like?\" and i go, \"Well, I got Goonies, Dark Crystal, and Adventures of Baron Munchausen.\"\u00a0 She goes \"I just saw goonies.\u00a0 Which is better, dark crystal or baron munchausen?\"\r\n<_Shorty> haha\r\n<LrdZombie> \"Do you want to sleep tonight?\"\u00a0 \"Yes.\"\u00a0 *hands her baron munchausen.*\r\n<blazemore> tsk tsk.. laughing before the punch line", "score": 290, "id": 2805},
{"quote": "<k3vil> Hey how did it work out with your(ex)gurlfriend ;) \r\n<Mac]{> I think she still wants \r\n<Mac]{> I see her every week \r\n<Mac]{> :P \r\n<k3vil> see == ? \r\n<Mac]{> uhh \r\n<k3vil> see \r\n<k3vil> where.. in bed? :) \r\n<Mac]{> see = /invite her #my_room \r\n<k3vil> hahaahah \r\n<Mac]{> and /op her #bed \r\n<Mac]{> and /mode #bed +i \r\n<k3vil> haha \r\n<Mac]{> :P \r\n<k3vil> /msg #ear whore! \r\n<Mac]{> haha \r\n<k3vil> /part #legs \r\n<Mac]{> foreplay = /ctcp her !finger \r\n<Mac]{> afterplay = /dcc chat her \r\n<k3vil> /join #pussy \r\n<k3vil> /whois #stench_from_pussy \r\n<Mac]{> heh \r\n<Mac]{> /kickban her | /notice her come back next week \r\n<k3vil> /query #pussy spermanoids \r\n<k3vil> hehehe", "score": 405, "id": 2809},
{"quote": "<shervin> Am I the only one that thinks Leela, the girl on Futurama, would be really hot if she had 2 eyes?\r\n<shervin> i'd bone her if she wore sunglasses", "score": 308, "id": 2812},
{"quote": "<neck> my arse has fucking fallen asleep again ..\r\n<neck> i cant get it up\r\n<neck> i mean get up", "score": 335, "id": 2817},
{"quote": "<PolestaR> what the hell is a segway\r\n<Marudek> we already have electric wheel chairs\r\n<PolestaR> how fast is it?\r\n<DooD> about 15 mph\r\n<PolestaR> pfft\r\n<PolestaR> i can have sex quicker then that", "score": 267, "id": 2542},
{"quote": "<bunni> your dick is small!!!\r\n<bunni> i can't even see it!!!\r\n<monkey> because i am girl!!!!", "score": 653, "id": 2544},
{"quote": "<IceWizard> it doesnt take a girl to suck a dick", "score": 144, "id": 2545},
{"quote": "<wilylojik> you ever get that \"not so fresh\" feeling?\r\n<immi> wilylojik like after i cum on my balls\r\n<immi> ?\r\n<wilylojik> like after you've been running windows for 6 months\r\n<wilylojik> which I suppose, yes, is like after you cum on your balls immi", "score": 351, "id": 2546},
{"quote": "<eras3r> who the hell is digdug?\r\n<element_a> he used to be an old video game\r\n<element_a> then he mutated into an IRC user after someone stole his shovel\r\n<element_a> tragic", "score": 523, "id": 2549},
{"quote": "<limited7> i have for(n = 1; n < 99; n = n /2) why is it loopin forever?", "score": 1084, "id": 2550},
{"quote": "<Amanda> And do these people in the STD medication commercials really have the advertised diseases, and if not, how much extra do they get paid to say that they do?", "score": 333, "id": 2551},
{"quote": "<circle> one place was offering like $2500 if u let them cut off a toe and re-attach it\r\n<McMoo> that's excellent\r\n<circle> no kidding, i'd be like, \"do all 10\"", "score": 395, "id": 2552},
{"quote": "<PrEs_WhO> in 50 years there will be only 2 english word\r\n<PrEs_WhO> fuck and Dude", "score": 608, "id": 2553},
{"quote": "<@SYch0> fuck\r\n<@SYch0> this is gonna be harder than i thought\r\n<@BlackDeth> are you looking for your penis again", "score": 703, "id": 2555},
{"quote": "<spyd3rman> what about battlenet?\r\n<spyd3rman> are they still using the cd key\r\n<CoMBo> no battlenet checks to see if you have zits and glasses, then it lets u on", "score": 419, "id": 2556},
{"quote": "<cugar`class> as i was walking from my car through the parking lot\r\n<cugar`class> there was this big black guy talking to this girl\r\n<cugar`class> and all the sudden\r\n<cugar`class> he makes a gun hand motion pointing at her \"dome\" and he yells \"GIMME YO NUMBA BITCH\"", "score": 425, "id": 2557},
{"quote": "<McMooo> the hell.\r\n<McMooo> my sister invited some friend over to use my computer\r\n<McMooo> and failed to tell me\r\n<McMooo> so i get back from physics and there's a strange girl in my room.\r\n<McMooo> a girl in my room is strange enough as it is", "score": 1521, "id": 2558},
{"quote": "<gb> BlackDeth: have you ever tasted your own jizz?\r\n<BlackDeth> no\r\n<BlackDeth> or anybody elses jizz for that matter\r\n<BlackDeth> i've shot jizz in my eye\r\n<BlackDeth> but i wasn't aiming\r\n<BlackDeth> so i dont feel as bad\r\n<gb> sure you werent\r\n<BlackDeth> no i mean there was somebody else at the controls\r\n<blazemore> did he apologize", "score": 989, "id": 2559},
{"quote": "<EPIK> hmm, wonder what this button does \r\n*** EPIK has left #gzhq", "score": 580, "id": 2562},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> if you ever feel dumb\r\n<DAL9000> look at tasmboy\r\n<DAL9000> and you'll feel better.\r\n* logosmani looks\r\n<Rud0lf> heh\r\n<TasmBoy> its not working\r\n<DAL9000> because you're you.\r\n<DAL9000> looking at yourself would throw you into a recursive loop of stupidity.", "score": 857, "id": 2563},
{"quote": "<Drestar> Are the fam guy dvd rips in svcd only?\r\n<OldSkoolS> Drestar: of course\r\n<OldSkoolS> pointless to release dvd rips in vcd\r\n<OldSkoolS> and don't get started on divx\r\n<OldSkoolS> friends don't let friends do divx\r\n<OldSkoolS> divx is a gateway format\r\n<OldSkoolS> you'll download divx, won't think it's so bad, next thing you know, you'll be downloading asf\r\n<OldSkoolS> then real media", "score": 451, "id": 2564},
{"quote": "<AxxA69> What the hell is a r33t???", "score": 49, "id": 3090},
{"quote": "<snag> <@Mir> I wonder what it would be like to fuck in space... in 0-gee \r\n<snag> you need to fuck first \r\n<snag> then you can be picky", "score": 402, "id": 3098},
{"quote": "<spazzer> i think i'm wearing my mom's pants right now\r\n<spazzer> what the FUCK", "score": 551, "id": 3099},
{"quote": "<Ecntrcjrk> Eating babies is like eating Veal.\r\n<Ecntrcjrk> Only..... babies.", "score": 463, "id": 3100},
{"quote": "<Soopa> everyone hurry up and get banned so we can troll some other channel", "score": 366, "id": 3101},
{"quote": "<duk0r> Vegetable oil is made out of vegetables. Olive oil is made out of olives. So what the fuck is baby oil made out of?", "score": 441, "id": 3102},
{"quote": "<NinjaRyu> I remember in sex ed in the 10th grade someone actually asked whether the \"pull-out\" method was effective birth control", "score": 116, "id": 3105},
{"quote": "<Maxstah> GOD what i'd do for gwen (stefani) to just kiss the tip of my cock\r\n<Javi> you'd blow me?\r\n<Maxstah> javi i'd swallow\r\n<Maxstah> i'm comfortable with my hentrosexuality \r\n<Maxstah> long as i have a coke to chase it down with", "score": 256, "id": 3106},
{"quote": "<putnam> this chinese kid said something so damn funny today on the phone\r\n<putnam> let me give you the exact quote that he said, i will make sure not to make any typos. just picture hearing a chinese thug say this\r\n<putnam> i said \"man i'm gonna kick your ass\" and he responds with:\r\n<putnam> oh fuck nah...i'm gonna get some brick, and throw it across your window. i'm gonna throw it across your window and burn your bushes.", "score": 530, "id": 3110},
{"quote": "(Brodie) If I go see a doctor and tell him I can't maintain an erection, will he give me Viagra?\r\n(Brodie) I need viagra for my paln\r\n(Samadhi) He may check you though\r\n(Samadhi) Like give you a HJ to make sure you're telling the truth\r\n(Brodie) Sweet\r\n(Brodie) This is win win", "score": 1124, "id": 3111},
{"quote": "<shaun|WRK> bah...porno's get borring after like 5 min\r\n<|D-ToX|> all u just told me was u Blow yer load in 5 mins", "score": 474, "id": 3112},
{"quote": "<Orange1> why won't openbsd recognize my usb floppy drive?\r\n<Orange1> it starts booting, but then can't find itself", "score": 204, "id": 3118},
{"quote": "<JMPZ> Either you are too horny for you're own good, or I am...\r\n<Joshua> i don't know what that means...\r\n<Joshua> 'too horny'?\r\n<Joshua> usually once you get too horny the problem solves itself", "score": 372, "id": 3124},
{"quote": "<berly> *puh*\u00a0 You can call me anything you want!\r\n<Joshua> aww... i'll try not to abuse that, sex-kitten\r\n<Joshua> i like that sentence better without punctuation...", "score": 507, "id": 3130},
{"quote": "<sQuEeDeN> so much homework\r\n<Joshua> shoot yourself in the shoulder and tell them you had to go FIGHT THE WAR ON TERRORISM! instead of doing useless homework\r\n<shift> ass", "score": 314, "id": 3132},
{"quote": "<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 _.---._\u00a0 \u00a0 /\\\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ./'\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \"--`//\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ./\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 o \r\n<friedegg>\u00a0\u00a0 ././\u00a0 )______\u00a0\u00a0 __ \r\n<friedegg> ./\u00a0\u00a0 / /\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 | |\u00a0\u00a0 7\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \"\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \"\u00a0 \u00a0 \"\u00a0 \"\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 _.---._\u00a0 \u00a0 /\\\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ./'\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \"--`//\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ./\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 o \r\n<friedegg>\u00a0\u00a0 ././\u00a0 )______\u00a0\u00a0 __ \r\n<friedegg> ./\u00a0\u00a0 / /\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 | |\u00a0\u00a0 7\r\n<friedegg>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \"\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \"\u00a0 \u00a0 \"\u00a0 \"\r\n<b|ubeard> eek\r\n<friedegg> shhh\r\n<friedegg> i'm observing wildlife", "score": 1359, "id": 3134},
{"quote": "* soya-88 squeezes your cock.\r\n* Tim_K makes sure it's loaded.", "score": 179, "id": 3143},
{"quote": "*** emul8or__ ( has joined #winprog\r\n*** delete[] sets mode: +b *!*\r\n*** emul8or__ was kicked by delete[] (banned: <emul8or__> you cant perm ban me)", "score": 55, "id": 2965},
{"quote": "<FMJaguar> good, we don't have time for elitists here\r\n* FMJaguar > all of you", "score": 219, "id": 2966},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> remember the XFL?\r\n<DAL9000> me neither\r\n<hex86> huh?\r\n<hex86> the women's football thing?", "score": 213, "id": 2967},
{"quote": "<Xta-C> i really need a gf\r\n<Xta-C> ROFL\r\n<Xta-C> gf3 even\r\n<Xta-C> but yeah, a gf would be nice", "score": 443, "id": 2973},
{"quote": "(siege) once a s'kiddie, always a s'kiddie\r\n(PeeDeeCee) indeed\r\n(siege) same with alcoholism\r\n(PeeDeeCee) same with dalnet\r\n(siege) hahaha", "score": 144, "id": 2977},
{"quote": "(Matt^^^) fenrir's gf is a quad processor solaris box", "score": 214, "id": 2987},
{"quote": "<dodge> i should be in bed myself ...\r\n<dodge> oh wait, i am", "score": 172, "id": 2990},
{"quote": "<Lord-Data> chmod 777 is the kinda thing i do on my own personal box when i cant be fucked figureing out what the perm's SHOULD be\r\n<Lord-Data> which is, sadly, most of the time", "score": 244, "id": 2991},
{"quote": "<michael-> Of the city's 11,500 firefighters, 2.7 percent are black and 3.2 percent Hispanic\r\n<michael-> reeediculous\r\n<maff> that's because their darker skin color attracts the heat", "score": 125, "id": 2993},
{"quote": "(phibor) im writing a windows based system called NegrOS\r\n(evulanjal) lol\r\n(qdial) that sounds ghetto\r\n(qdial) what will it do?\r\n(phibor) nothing, just like true niggers.\r\n(nexxai) HAHAHAHAHAHA\r\n(phibor) you give it a job and it will fuck it up..then it will smoke your weed and fuck your girlfriend too", "score": -8, "id": 2994},
{"quote": "<Fee> 128 megs? 1997 called, they want there memory back", "score": 568, "id": 2995},
{"quote": "<dboo> shit...i can hear the cat masturbating again", "score": 680, "id": 2998},
{"quote": "<kyourek> There was a 23% drop in temperature.\r\n<nappyjallapy> That's almost 25%!\r\n<kyourek> ... That was one of the most worthless comments I've ever heard.", "score": 9041, "id": 2999},
{"quote": "*** madwoota changes topic to 'Synoptica needs a dick slapped against his forehead.'\r\n<incorrect> that an offer woota?", "score": 149, "id": 3000},
{"quote": "[16:45] <over|kill> some say the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, I say the darker the skin the deeper the rootz..", "score": -7, "id": 3002},
{"quote": "<ChunLi> my friend works at a hospital and said this guy came in with an aspargaus stuck up his ass =)", "score": 204, "id": 3004},
{"quote": "<djLiKu> 8=========D \r\n<insanelee> wow.. . is that life size? \r\n<djLiKu> yeah \r\n<djLiKu> if u have a 200 inch monitor", "score": 338, "id": 3006},
{"quote": "<phish> wow, I read this in a slashdot post \"Stop slouching! It's two O'clock in the afternoon, PUT PANTS ON!\" and immediately thought...damn, he's right\r\n<phish> I just need to find my pants", "score": 718, "id": 3224},
{"quote": "<Knighted> ewwww... something left some kind of web on my westworld dvd", "score": 134, "id": 3225},
{"quote": "<memo> rgiorew09u34290\r\n<Squizzle> Memo speaks ancient Decepticon!", "score": 307, "id": 3227},
{"quote": "* WestBeach pretends hes an earthquake and flies around the room\r\n<WestBeach> oops\r\n<WestBeach> i meant to type...\r\n<WestBeach> uhhh\r\n<WestBeach> airplane", "score": 837, "id": 3229},
{"quote": "<NtG> you know theres one thing I love about the internet\r\n<NtG> theres such a multitude of repulsive fat ugly chick pictures", "score": 68, "id": 3230},
{"quote": "<LIMPBZKIT> i dont know whats wrong with me i had sex\r\n<JerkItgrl> HAHA\r\n<JerkItgrl> with what?", "score": 351, "id": 3231},
{"quote": "<Sh-arpe> YOU ARE THE MOST STUPID PPL ON TE WHOLE IRC !i don't know if i wrote without mistakes and i don't care at all !", "score": 100, "id": 3233},
{"quote": "<Tisha> dialup boy! \r\n<supreemball> at least i dont have problems :)\r\n *** supreemball has quit IRC (Quit: Connection reset by peer)", "score": 419, "id": 3237},
{"quote": "<BuSteR> afk my eyes are bleeding from this intense conversation", "score": 248, "id": 3239},
{"quote": "* RatWork hands Matt^^^ the cluephone\r\n(RatWork) it's for you", "score": 545, "id": 3240},
{"quote": "* yossarian doesn't have a middle name\r\n<yossarian> i was going to press charges against my folks for circumcising me anyway, i might as well throw in \"lack of names\"", "score": 316, "id": 3243},
{"quote": "*** rmah ( has joined #javascript\r\n<rmah> greetings fellow humans\r\n<JibberJim> Isn't that an unwarranted assumption rmah?\r\n<rmah> no assumptions...I do not greet non-humans\r\n<JibberJim> fair point.", "score": 1320, "id": 3244},
{"quote": "<Ophidian> why does being a programmer mean 13 hours a day and no social life? i dont understand", "score": 191, "id": 3246},
{"quote": "BogoMips: trying to figure out why my scanner isn't installed\r\nBogoMips: AHH.. NOT PLUGGED IN TO THE COMPUTER HAHAH\r\nBogoMips: i wonder how i even manage to feed myself sometimes", "score": 1039, "id": 3249},
{"quote": "(Mac01) kodEblak: I wanna see your naked ass\r\n(kodEblak) mac: the closest thing you'll get to my me farting in your direction.", "score": 105, "id": 3254},
{"quote": "(acidic) i love it how my g/f calls me \"fucker\" with so much affection.", "score": 452, "id": 3259},
{"quote": "<c-rOCK> damn my cell phone still reeks of pussy\r\n<c-rOCK> wheres the febreze\r\n<Goemon> Hmm...Did you put it on vibrate?", "score": 363, "id": 3260},
{"quote": "(adm) No definitions found for \"verio\", perhaps you mean:\r\n(adm) SUX", "score": 229, "id": 2706},
{"quote": "(driz) sometimes i bring my mom on irc\r\n(crystalize) whats her nick?\r\n(driz) i usually give her the nick Coupon_Master\r\n(driz) because we're jewish, etc.", "score": 529, "id": 2707},
{"quote": "(ashke) id like to take someone from the 1950s\r\n(ashke) like some 15 year old kid\r\n(ashke) and show him the internet\r\n(ashke) \"GOLLY GEE LOOK AT THAT DONKEY HAVE SEX WITH THAT LADY\"", "score": 1021, "id": 2708},
{"quote": "(zoo0oop) has anyone ever been known to get frostbite from being in a data center for many hours without a hot drink?", "score": 334, "id": 2713},
{"quote": "<Furan> the only 2 types of women that don't bitch and moan are gifs and jpgs", "score": 843, "id": 2718},
{"quote": "<MiddleSF2> wow 80 people eh? I thought irc would be closed on x-mas eve ^_^", "score": 325, "id": 2721},
{"quote": "<CodeMason> You lack belief in all the thousands/hundreds of thousands of supreme beings that have been believed in at one point or another. So to them you are an atheist.\r\n<Kyonshi> CM is sooo smart ^_^\r\n<CodeMason> Kyo: It feels good to know my statements warrant an anime smilie face.", "score": 418, "id": 2723},
{"quote": "<JDigital> Say, how long would 600Mb take to download on a 1.5Mb connection? Lets assume I were to download an entire CD from\r\n<Zaratustra> DO I LOOK LIKE GETRIGHT TO YOU MOTHERFUCKER", "score": 1072, "id": 2724},
{"quote": "* CanuckSaq screws with people's minds way too much\r\n<mindrape> CanuckSaq: you must have a little weewee, cuz i didn't feel you were screwing mine :/\r\n<CanuckSaq> mr: a) I have a gigantic cock, and b) you assume you actually possess a mind", "score": 302, "id": 2725},
{"quote": "<neutrl> i don't have any tables\r\n<mAimZ> da wheels 'o steel...\r\n<mAimZ> you should get some... And get all your favorite tunes on LP... It's more fun than 4 hookers and a jimmy hat!\r\n<hypr> i highly doubt that", "score": 241, "id": 2728},
{"quote": "[xite] i hate movies with abrupt endings\r\n[xmas_hate] ya i hate when i only download clips of porn too", "score": 432, "id": 2730},
{"quote": "<Camo> i licked the adhesive on the envelope cuz i thought it would be erotic", "score": 225, "id": 2731},
{"quote": "<im3t8> my last nightmare was of my computer trying to kill me \r\n<Apathetic> really? \r\n<im3t8> but in the end it was just the mouse \r\n<Apathetic> maybe that's metaphoric for something \r\n<Apathetic> :/ \r\n<im3t8> its a microsoft mouse \r\n<im3t8> :/", "score": 435, "id": 2732},
{"quote": "<snag> i once jerked off in my face, just to see what it was like", "score": 258, "id": 2735},
{"quote": "<ckx> xmas was fun back before i was blessed with pubes and still had hopes and dreams and such", "score": 325, "id": 2738},
{"quote": "<hobbes`> I cracked the shits at ppl knocking on my door last night and answered it naked - teach them to ever ask me for money again stupd door spammers", "score": 392, "id": 2742},
{"quote": "<doctor`> \"hallo! i am reeecki marten! sex masheen! i love all the preeety gerls! lets us have secks! constantleee! i am south american sensation! bulging spaniard genitals!\"", "score": 231, "id": 2743},
{"quote": "<Mave> packetmonkey has a whole different meaning in jail :/", "score": 251, "id": 2478},
{"quote": "<Screwy> I went on a 30-day diet\r\n<Screwy> and lost 30 days", "score": 778, "id": 2479},
{"quote": "<MattsGirl> my surname gets pronounced many ways \r\n<NixsGirl> what the right way to say it? \r\n<MattsGirl> Bee-at-ch", "score": 415, "id": 2481},
{"quote": "<althea> i was fucked on tranquilizers \r\n<althea> fucked up i mean", "score": 390, "id": 2482},
{"quote": "<jason> life is like a rental car, you fuck it up, and give it back.", "score": 311, "id": 2483},
{"quote": "<Luco13> If we lose Napster...I will lose my mp3's??\"", "score": 38, "id": 2485},
{"quote": "<R`:#heroin> Is this for recovery or indulgence?", "score": 268, "id": 2486},
{"quote": "<pesert> Command line?\r\n<pesert> Is that like a special cable?", "score": 488, "id": 2489},
{"quote": "<Frisky> my oldest was 34.. when I was 17.. was my mums best mate.. had an affair with her for 3 months heh.. she learnt me quite a lot..\r\n<Pie-Man> Frisky: she learnt you quite a lot? obviously not grammar", "score": 404, "id": 2491},
{"quote": "<CompGod> If crime doesn't pay, is my job illegal?", "score": 376, "id": 2495},
{"quote": "<Carisear> Ever since i put the \"Tires by Firestone\" bumper sticker on my car, no one seems to tailgate me anymore.", "score": 665, "id": 2496},
{"quote": "<PurplHaze> marriage doesn't mean you own me \r\n<CaptCavmn> no, just the genitals", "score": 310, "id": 2497},
{"quote": "<puppet> a woman can fake an orgasm, but it takes a man to fake an entire relationship", "score": 1493, "id": 2498},
{"quote": "<Fly_kEaT> ok so what time now in russia?\r\n<amsea_> 17:06\r\n<Fly_kEaT> am or pm?", "score": 1067, "id": 2499},
{"quote": "<Dekon> Florida is holding the election hostage until we quit sending old people", "score": 687, "id": 2500},
{"quote": "<FuseGirl> life is like a toilet roll, when it's near the end, you panic", "score": 651, "id": 2501},
{"quote": "<cercoaiut> hi, I'm 17 years old what\u00a0 must I do to became a programmer?", "score": 49, "id": 2502},
{"quote": "* Berzerker gets hungry\u00a0 \r\n* Berzerker eats his e's\u00a0 \r\n*** Berzerker is now known as Brzrkr", "score": 926, "id": 2911},
{"quote": "<IceWizard> What the HELL is up with these candy companies? Little teeny bars are called 'Fun Size'.. Damn, Whats so fun about a smaller candybar?!?", "score": 480, "id": 2912},
{"quote": "<Berzerker> what are you goign to pick?\u00a0 \r\n<ding> HAWT PAWKETS", "score": 181, "id": 2913},
{"quote": "<EFX> What's a dikfor?", "score": 359, "id": 2915},
{"quote": "<{SaTaN}> GOD DAMN IT SUN OF A BITCH STOP CALLING ME SANTA IT IS \"SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!\"\u00a0 \r\n<DaRkShaMe> hi santa", "score": 1008, "id": 2916},
{"quote": "(Fungus): idler, define \" life \" please :)\r\n(Idler): Fungus: Life is the thing that grows in my fridge\r\n(Idler): Starting to get really big now\r\n(Idler): Might have to kill it some day\r\n(NX): did u try to eat it?\r\n(Idler): NX: No, that's what I should have done a long time ago", "score": 455, "id": 2921},
{"quote": "<Snag> on another note\r\n<Snag> you know any fake tan shit i can buy?\r\n<eldee> fake tan shit?\r\n<eldee> wtf?\r\n<Snag> ya\r\n<Snag> i have supah white arms\r\n<eldee> go to a tanning booth, give the bitch 5 bux and stick your arm in the pipe dude", "score": 36, "id": 2922},
{"quote": "<michael-> shut up\r\n<michael-> i sucked a lot of cock to get where i am today\r\n<kisama> heh\r\n<kisama> at least you got to suck cock and not be ass raped like the rest of us", "score": 412, "id": 2923},
{"quote": "<Slant> evenpar123: What's up dog, word?\r\n<evenpar123> dog?\r\n<evenpar123> That's my slave name.\u00a0 My new name is \"dogg\"", "score": 360, "id": 2925},
{"quote": "<CmnstR> so i calls it ScRnr?\r\n<Lord-Data> CmnstR: you call it a screener\r\n<Lord-Data> the only reason you would type ScRnr would be if your e key wasnt working", "score": 246, "id": 2927},
{"quote": "<Kazz> Everybody kept screeching \"DON'T DO IT LOOK AT ALL YOU'VE GOT TO LIVE FOR\" and he was like \"no im gona do it\" and I said \"How?\" and he said \"Knife through the heart\" and I was like \"Wicked.\u00a0 Send pics.\"\r\n<Sharkey> My favorite one was back in #verge years ago. Finally after I ribbed her for about an hour she said that she'd slashed her wrists because of me. I asked her if she was typing with her tongue.\r\n<Kazz> I suggested he fall on a chainsaw.\u00a0 He liked the messiness.", "score": 454, "id": 2928},
{"quote": "<neck> btw... bought an ice cream maker today :)\r\n<qu4ntum> dont you mean a donut maker ?\r\n<Lord-Data> very easy to get those confused ..\r\n<neck> oh hell yeah\r\n<neck> oh crap... it was a donut maker", "score": 543, "id": 2929},
{"quote": "<Muskratt> How can people like you guys survive infancy without bursting into flames from some major god (I don't care who) 's anger?\r\n<MightyQuinn> easy\r\n<MightyQuinn> we carry fire extinguishers", "score": 460, "id": 2930},
{"quote": "<profuse> its rather good, this is the first of anything of his that ive listened to\r\n<profuse> heh im talkinglike im british or some shit\r\n<al-x> hey\r\n<al-x> americans say \"rather\" too\r\n<al-x> except they say \"i'd rather have a big slow car that's flashy than a car that isn't flashy but runs better\"", "score": 262, "id": 2931},
{"quote": "<eldee> welp, i got some coding to do.. smell ya later\r\n<eldee> Aimee: for you that's a literal statement", "score": 110, "id": 2933},
{"quote": "<Potato> I've known her for years and I've always wanted to fuck her.\r\n<Potato> But her last boyfriend was a 6 foot 7 black man.\r\n<Potato> So I just don't try.\r\n<Potato> I'm above average, but he was a giant black man.\r\n<Potato> I mean, c'mon.\r\n<Potato> He was like Godzilla, but black.\u00a0 Like Shaftzilla.\r\n<memo> Did he smash Japanese skyscrapers with his dong?\r\n<Potato> Yes.\r\n<Potato> Yes he did.", "score": 1671, "id": 2934},
{"quote": "<Object> booya my roommate, got in a fight last week.. this week, booya was starting a new job .. he gets in and finds out his new boss is the guy he fought last week, we thought it was pretty funny", "score": 437, "id": 2935},
{"quote": "<neck> i no longer wear tshirts\r\n<neck> oh, wtf am i talking about, i have on on as i speak", "score": 278, "id": 2819},
{"quote": "[Lord-Data] hell, woudlnt mind a girlfriend\r\n[Duckarse] ditto\r\n[incorrect] there's always ebay", "score": 302, "id": 2820},
{"quote": "<ThaDragon> =) (=\r\n<ThaDragon> =* *=\r\n<ThaDragon> =**=\r\n<ThaDragon> *ziiiip*\r\n<ThaDragon> =) o=u=8 O=<\r\n<ThaDragon> *SLAP*\r\n<ThaDragon> =/ `o=u=8\r\n<ThaDragon> Thats the story of a man and a woman on the first date.\r\n<ThaDragon> =P", "score": 35, "id": 2823},
{"quote": "<DMC[isje]> i cant even count the number of times i have jerked off while talking to you guys", "score": 373, "id": 2829},
{"quote": "*** bigdick ( has joined #cars\r\n*** BigCunt is now known as RaMTuFF\r\n* bigdick slides into BigCunt\r\n*** bigdick ( has left #cars\r\n<shaan> well that doesnt happen everyday", "score": 475, "id": 2830},
{"quote": "<snag> you know whats funny\r\n<snag> im big\r\n<snag> but im not that fat\r\n<eldee> that's what all fat people say", "score": 355, "id": 2831},
{"quote": "-Global- [Logon News - Dec 29 2001] Welcome to Evolnet!\u00a0 Where the men are men, the women are men, and the boys are fbi agents.\u00a0 but some of the men are really women.\u00a0 Enjoy!", "score": 1156, "id": 2832},
{"quote": "<semi> ThePikmin: oh yeah? well i can increase my penis size up to 3 full inches!\r\n<ThePikmin> my penis size is already 3 full inches", "score": 563, "id": 2834},
{"quote": "<MrP-> people say my ass is just like a girls\r\n<MrP-> and my tits are to die for!", "score": 179, "id": 2835},
{"quote": "<maff> yoga fire!\r\n<timmo> yoga flame!\r\n<maff> if you were dhalism right now, I bet you'd get stopped in the airport.", "score": 344, "id": 2837},
{"quote": "<drBoston> DGMage : asl\r\n<DGMage> You seriously need a new pickup line.\r\n<drBoston> never\r\n<drBoston> you don't fuck with perfection", "score": 649, "id": 2839},
{"quote": "<drwho> I don't know which models use 60 pin and whihc use 26 pin\r\n<Horus> models usualy have a 1 pin female connector", "score": 523, "id": 2841},
{"quote": "*** Nilx ( has joined channel #unixhelp\r\n<Nilx> are there any webpages which are allowed to get hacked?\r\n<Nilx> HELP", "score": 210, "id": 2844},
{"quote": "*** mr_bill has changed the topic on channel #unix to Kids in the back seat cause accidents.\u00a0 Accidents in the backseat cause kids.\r\n*** mr_bill has changed the topic on channel #unix to oops, wrong channel", "score": 515, "id": 2847},
{"quote": "<Strafer> If you get collisions on a wireless LAN, do you see sparks in mid-air?", "score": 533, "id": 2854},
{"quote": "<|nec|> hihi all\r\n<|nec|> can anyone tell me if its possible to set up a efnet server on a homepc", "score": 30, "id": 2855},
{"quote": "<shervin> do you ever have those days where you dont take a crap, so you fart a lot, and your farts kinda smell good?", "score": 47, "id": 2856},
{"quote": "<zacs> wow\r\n<zacs> my name on slashdot\r\n<zacs> i can retire\r\n<zacs> and live on fame alone\r\n<iddy-h> *nod*", "score": 233, "id": 2857},
{"quote": "<timmo> if aol has ever taught me anything its the alt+ codes\r\n<timmo> MACRO SKILLZ FO LYPHE", "score": 185, "id": 2566},
{"quote": "* terra melts JDigital\r\n* JDigital melts\r\n* JDigital respawns, and is quickly telefragged by a newbie", "score": 290, "id": 2567},
{"quote": "<D1> snow, our final is to write a \"funny\" linux story and put in linux concepts.\r\n<Amanda`> \"Little Kernel's First Upgrade\"", "score": 755, "id": 2570},
{"quote": "Lord x Bee: then where do you get them? \r\ngeoffduman: usenet\r\nLord x Bee:", "score": 222, "id": 2571},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i don't even know who the beatles are\r\n<blazemore> except for jay leno and that other guy that just died", "score": 509, "id": 2574},
{"quote": "<Jv8> programming has destroyed my ability to speak English", "score": 359, "id": 2575},
{"quote": "<dregan> Speaking of which, I got myself a new girlfriend.\r\n<dregan> And she has a bigger dick than my last boyfriend.\r\n<dregan> Skillz.", "score": 368, "id": 2576},
{"quote": "<peng> NOT JUST A PEN\r\n<peng> A LIGHT UP PEN\r\n<peng> IT GLOWED\r\n<peng> IT WAS AWESOME\r\n<peng> IT GAVE ME JOY\r\n<Amanda> SHE WANTED IT AS A TOKEN BY WHICH TO REMEMBER YOU\r\n<peng> I think she used it as a dildo.", "score": 898, "id": 2579},
{"quote": "<salaman> Tzuri3l: hehe, there's a reason I charge $450/hr you know :)\r\n<M5sedan_> wow, you must give really good head to charge that much ;)\r\n<salaman> M5sedan: want to try? 10 hour minimum , and no pull-back policy ... 50% upfront ... got the money?\r\n<M5sedan_> no pull-back policy = you swallow? ;)\r\n<salaman> M5sedan_: yes, and also means If you come, I still charge you the 10hrs :) ... LOL", "score": 77, "id": 2580},
{"quote": "<kritical> where can I buy a freon tank?\r\n<novocain> you can't\r\n<novocain> you can't even buy a can of spray paint\r\n<novocain> because you're 16\r\n<tenfour> haha", "score": 303, "id": 2583},
{"quote": "<Lepper_> didn't reppy say he fucked a banana peel once\r\n<wild-> Lepper_: that was me\r\n<wild-> u heat it in the microwave\r\n<SYch0> wtf", "score": 502, "id": 2585},
{"quote": "<wild-> u want to know a good jacking method?\r\n<wild-> get a baggie\r\n<wild-> dump some lube in it\r\n<wild-> then stick yer dick in it\r\n<wild-> and throw everything between the boxspring and matress\r\n<wild-> then go to town\r\n<BlackDeth> you're a masturbating champion\r\n<wild-> BlackDeth: i wish i could claim i invented it :( but i stole it from", "score": 55, "id": 2586},
{"quote": "*** Joins: mxman (\r\n<mxman> wtf\r\n<mxman> WHO SHUT OFF MY COMPUTER :(", "score": 41, "id": 2587},
{"quote": "[Zammo] missee, humans are the only species that do it front on\r\n[Zammo] so over a long time, females evolved boobs\r\n[Zammo] because it matched the attractive effect of a good looking arse", "score": 321, "id": 2589},
{"quote": "<Legind> I cant remember my earliest memory", "score": 589, "id": 2590},
{"quote": "<matts_> Okay! So\u00a0 I go to and I see about this B1 bomber down! Oh no! :( And then i click on it, and it's a page about the osama bin laden video tape!\r\n<nitr8`> the video is online? or just a description?\r\n<matts_> description\r\n<matts_> no, it's online, the warez group already have it in divx format\r\n<nitr8`> heh..gimme the ftp info\r\n<Nathan--> how the fuck did they do that?\r\n<matts_> Osama_Bin_Laden_VideoTape-12/12/01-FoT\r\n<Plot> what?\r\n<Nathan--> man. this makes no sense, how are they supposed to get the video so soon?\r\n<matts_> I was kidding", "score": 25, "id": 2595},
{"quote": "", "score": 354, "id": 2596},
{"quote": "* FlipTopBox eats Dicks\r\n<FlipTopBox> capitalization is very important sometimes", "score": 344, "id": 3145},
{"quote": "<sDB> angelic smells of trout\r\n<angelic> morning", "score": 170, "id": 3146},
{"quote": "<Spin0ut> ok, going to try the bed thing again <aNuBiS-> Spin0ut: Fucking your pillow till you bleed?", "score": 62, "id": 3152},
{"quote": "<spazzer> !quote *_bas*\r\n<festis> <_Bas> stop fucking quoting me", "score": 458, "id": 3154},
{"quote": "<aNuBiS-> i will spray my he-salsa on trilogy's man-gina", "score": 54, "id": 3155},
{"quote": "<aNuBiS-> RaMTuFF: You should know better than to drive under the influence of a hard-on", "score": 224, "id": 3158},
{"quote": "<Spin0ut> devvie: Hey, it may be short, but it sure is skinny", "score": 57, "id": 3160},
{"quote": "<aNuBiS-> I think Taurus is greek for Recall", "score": 224, "id": 3161},
{"quote": "<drlion> linux hacker 1: i'm bored.\u00a0 linux hacker 2: let's re-write the whole kernel!\u00a0 linux hacker 1: ok.\u00a0 *hackety-hack*\u00a0 linux hacker 1: wow, it's 0.00001% faster and takes up 1kb less space!\u00a0 linux hacker 2: w00t.", "score": 1004, "id": 3163},
{"quote": "<myst> so what about you? anything interesting?\r\n<Joshua> i'm writting a book and i just left a naked lady in her bed seconds before her roommates came home.\r\n<Joshua> it was like *pulls on pants* *roommates walk in*\r\n<myst> what's your book about?\r\n<Joshua> lol!\r\n<Joshua> yup, you're a chick\r\n<myst> lol\r\n<myst> rofl", "score": 1265, "id": 3165},
{"quote": "<myst> FYI, it wasn't true love that called earlier, it was my mom... lol", "score": 75, "id": 3166},
{"quote": "<myst> nah, snow is cool.\r\n<Joshua> if you're a bear.\r\n<myst> skiing, snowboarding, etc.\r\n<myst> just have to dress for it\r\n<Joshua> that's how i broke my arm for the first time\r\n<Joshua> snowboarding\r\n<myst> oh ouch\r\n<Joshua> or rather, falling down a hill because you SUCK at snowboarding", "score": 233, "id": 3167},
{"quote": "<myst> yeah i suck at snowboarding too\r\n<myst> skiing easier\r\n<Joshua> yeah, i broke my arm and then my dad walked up to my twisted wreck of a body and told me i was faking it.\r\n<Joshua> he wouldn't even take me to the doctor's until my mom came home and yelled at him.\r\n<myst> lol! ah parents", "score": 398, "id": 3168},
{"quote": "<myst> of course with all the pro- USA, rah, rah, crap we hear... i probally just ignored it \r\n<Joshua> ah damn, i'm sorry about that\r\n<myst> ah teens and guns. yes i have read a few stories on that topic.\r\n<Joshua> as an american, i'm going to have to appologys\r\n<Joshua> *appologies?\r\n<Joshua> soemthing like that\r\n<Joshua> fuck it\r\n<Joshua> i'm an american\r\n<Joshua> i don't have to spell", "score": 738, "id": 3169},
{"quote": "<bits> about 7-8mil live in sydney\r\n<bits> well not \"sydney city\" but live in sydney and its surrounding suburbs\r\n<Joshua> nice\r\n<Joshua> oh wait, you guys are on the metric system\r\n<bits> yep\r\n<Joshua> that's only like 3.5 million people in our system\r\n<bits> lol", "score": 682, "id": 3170},
{"quote": "<nappyjallapy> dude nobody knows\r\n<nappyjallapy> but these fucking japs own ameritech\r\n<nappyjallapy> everyone thinks it's AMERItech\r\n<nappyjallapy> but it's JAPAfuckingtech\r\n<nappyjallapy> fuck them", "score": -78, "id": 3177},
{"quote": "<jip_> anyone know offhand how to make comments in lisp?\r\n<Jumper> people still use lisp ?\r\n<Liqd_Work> people started using lisp?\r\n<MediArc> people can program?\r\n<Jumper> ..people ?\r\n<MediArc> ??\r\n<drlion> there was light?", "score": 1505, "id": 3181},
{"quote": "<Valdrak> SuperMan is a virgin \r\n<Wind-X> no way superman is a virgin... \r\n<Wind-X> dude grew up on a FARM.", "score": 635, "id": 3010},
{"quote": "<Viscant> cockblock (COK'blok) n. 1. to stop in the sexual escapading by another willfully and wantonly. 2. to deflect the cock \"viscant was eyeing ricky ortiz lustily until arturo cockblocked him\"", "score": 220, "id": 3011},
{"quote": "{[FoF]}Draegos: no, I dont jerk off\r\n{[FoF]}Draegos: i never jacked off and never will\r\nxceptional: your nuts must be the size of bean bag chairs", "score": 482, "id": 3014},
{"quote": "<TurboRout> i saw some of my high school friends when i got put in rehab", "score": 316, "id": 3017},
{"quote": "<yossarian> theres a hole in my bucket\r\n<tomg> yossarian: did microsoft make it?\r\n<yossarian> yes, MSBucket\r\n<tomg> have they made a patch for it yet?\r\n<tomg> no, they probably want you to upgrade to Bucket.NET\r\n<yossarian> with what shall i fix it dear microsoft, dear microsoft?\r\n<tomg> well the CBR (common bucket runtime) will have embedded security to prevent leaks", "score": 749, "id": 3019},
{"quote": "<ric> METHOD=DRINK ACTION=CHATUPUGLYWOMEN TARGET=MYBED", "score": 173, "id": 3021},
{"quote": "[00:12:10] *** ApathyGod changes topic to 'What sucks about real life is that if you walk into a sorority and type su, nothing happens'", "score": 275, "id": 3022},
{"quote": "<kisama> you know what's hilarious\r\n<kisama> leaving your fly unbuttoned\r\n<kisama> then walking around all furtive\r\n<DooD> ...\r\n<kisama> hhahaha\r\n<kisama> i did that today\r\n<kisama> you'd think ppl would notice\r\n<kisama> but i was in art all day\r\n<kisama> with my zipper down\r\n<kisama> and a long shirt\r\n<DooD> they'd have to look at your wang area =P\r\n<kisama> are they afraid of sensory overload or what?", "score": 51, "id": 3026},
{"quote": "<@MF_Nazi> I bet Rob wants to date a girl named Rob so he can scream his own name during sex", "score": 498, "id": 3027},
{"quote": "<Acero> Acero = Steel\r\n<Acero> my nick used to be Steel\r\n<Acero> there are a load of other lamers who use steel\r\n<BaNe> yer nick should be puddin\r\n<BaNe> not steel", "score": 39, "id": 3029},
{"quote": "<Javi> irc is like a cigarette\r\n<Javi> you know it's bad for you\r\n<Javi> but you just can't stop", "score": 240, "id": 3038},
{"quote": "<MXV> can't really tell when wife is PMSing and when she is just naturally psycho", "score": 428, "id": 3039},
{"quote": "quits SuB-RiC ( (I am short\" is Womanese for, \"I am fat)", "score": 213, "id": 3040},
{"quote": "<ZombiiPro> pretty please with a virgin cherry on top", "score": 218, "id": 3041},
{"quote": "<Jumper> there's an old saying in this part of ze world: you're not a real geek until you've scored sex through IRC\r\n<Jumper> irl sex, that is\r\n<smiler> Jumper: We figured =)\r\n<smiler> Jumper: can you even say you scored if you get cybersex?\r\n<smiler> Jumper: That would be a REAL geek.\r\n<Jumper> smiler: that would just be a looser", "score": 151, "id": 3043},
{"quote": "*** beltic has joined #html\r\n<beltic> hey folks..\r\n<beltic> anyone know of a good php chan?\r\n<myn> #php\r\n<beltic> thanks.\r\n*** beltic has left #html", "score": 645, "id": 3045},
{"quote": "<tomg> er I have no comment on this.\r\n<tomg> :P\r\n<Jumper> tomg: afraid of being quoted ? :P\r\n<tomg> no, I'm afraid my mum will find the quotes :P", "score": 158, "id": 3046},
{"quote": "<Splortch> i should diet \r\n<Komando> chop off the t and just die", "score": 476, "id": 3261},
{"quote": "<HondaRace> ask shok and how much I charged him for his clutch\r\n<HondaRace> ;)\r\n<Shok> no\r\n<Shok> i'm embarassed\r\n<poste> how much?\r\n<HondaRace> he sucked my dick\r\n<Shok> i felt used and dirty after\r\n<spicrx7> HR, he sucked mine for a stick of gum the other day\r\n<spicrx7> you got ripped off", "score": 384, "id": 3265},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> lol wtf...\u00a0 I just got this email: \"[Fwd: eHow To Ask Someone On\u00a0 A Date] from MOM\"", "score": 448, "id": 3268},
{"quote": "<cynica_l> i hate babies\r\n<Gollum`> i hate people\r\n<cynica_l> i hate you\r\n<profett> i have 3 guns\r\n<profett> we can solve some problems", "score": 642, "id": 3275},
{"quote": "<Evasion> they say astroglide doesn't get sticky for hours, thats bs, it gets sticky in 5-10 minutes\r\n<aNuBiS-> Evasion: you arent supposed to mix it with feces", "score": 188, "id": 3280},
{"quote": "<ZeroZerv> I need condoms, but I dont want to go to a store to pick some up\r\n<ZeroZerv> i'm timid\r\n<aNuBiS-> ZeroZerv: timidly pull out\r\n<Dildosaur> ZeroZerv: get some JB Weld, about a 1/4\" ball, and shove it down your penile hole, wait for 3 hours\r\n<ZeroZerv> wtf is that\r\n<Dildosaur> that should do\r\n<ZeroZerv> does that work?", "score": 294, "id": 3281},
{"quote": "<ChAoS_zZz> FTP UP @ XX.XX.XX.XX port XXXX xxxx/xxxx 60k Cap If u dont get in its full. Hammer me and Ill fuckin Whack ya. Dont try and leech the whole site. Ill rape your mom, then your sister. WIth your mom's torn off arm. Think thats harsh? U should see some of the assholes logging on.", "score": 58, "id": 3282},
{"quote": "<JibberJim> Your bios doesn't like your 5 1/4\" drive roded?\r\n<roded> vmware doesn't actaully\r\n<Jumper_> yeah, downgrade to the 8\" again\r\n* Jumper_ had a dual 8\" drive - rocked\r\n<JibberJim> 8\" is a downgrade? - man you must be liked by the ladies.", "score": 221, "id": 3283},
{"quote": "*** Quits: MediArc (i am the lover in your bed)\r\n<roded> i'm going to bed", "score": 339, "id": 3286},
{"quote": "(^NaKeD^) bf is a million times stronger than me\r\n(snowburnt) Naked: but smell isnt everything though :/", "score": 332, "id": 3290},
{"quote": "<nakke> I should edit my Notes views so I can mark emails from my colleagues as \"sux\"", "score": 205, "id": 3292},
{"quote": "<Object> ric and JibberJim, cna you guys take your little gay fantasies elsewhere?\r\n<ric> hey, my gay fantasies are not \"little\"...", "score": 527, "id": 3293},
{"quote": "(Segment7) You cant buy happiness.\r\n(Segment7) but you can lease it for $10,000/month", "score": 249, "id": 3295},
{"quote": "<HotStuff> FUCK YOU AND YOUR SEX HAVING WAYS!\r\n<Genepoolshark> Wug is, Roger!\r\n<HotStuff> FUCK OFF MOTHERFUCKERS!\r\n<Bullywug> Hey!\r\n<Genepoolshark> You and Wug are both virgins!\r\n<Genepoolshark> So, you can get together and fix it. :)", "score": 59, "id": 3297},
{"quote": "<StoneDog> The mental image that went with getting head from a severed head?\r\n<StoneDog> Didn't bug me.", "score": 211, "id": 3300},
{"quote": "<acetonic> are you a total dipshit? \r\n<O-Dogg> fuck you \r\n<acetonic> answer = \"yes I am\"\r\n<O-Dogg> fuck you", "score": -8, "id": 3301},
{"quote": "<nitrifik_> I ROFL:ed :|\r\n<nitrifik_> I need to get off IRC.", "score": 174, "id": 3302},
{"quote": "<Longi> i'm going to go moisturize my testicles. \r\nLongi is gone (02:23AM): vitamin wank", "score": 239, "id": 2744},
{"quote": "<doctorb> i want a\u00a0 microwavable dildo. i'm sick of the cold plastic.", "score": 336, "id": 2745},
{"quote": "<******> \"oh yeah, i got me a 643gb ultradrive, with 23 supermegs of zingram, and i have a 160000 channel cable installed by telstra, a proto router which goes into each of my 16 terminals around my house, and i am having sex while typing this all, and taking copious amounts of drugs aswell.\"", "score": 318, "id": 2746},
{"quote": "* aiel wonders why the load on his O2 has passed 3.0 \r\n<core> aiel: netscape ? \r\n<xL> aiel: I told you VRML pr0n was a bad idea :)", "score": 235, "id": 2752},
{"quote": "<vman_> wow\r\n<vman_> 2 iranians in here\r\n<vman_> amazing\r\n<vman_> IM NOT A MINORITY ANYMORE U STUPID FUCKS\r\n<vman_> HAHA!", "score": 354, "id": 2753},
{"quote": "<Nick-spy> MY ROOSTER RAN AWAY! SOMEONE GRAB MY COCK!", "score": 596, "id": 2755},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #honda\r\n*** Topic is '<xessor> anyone know how to make fire come out the tailpipe?'", "score": 482, "id": 2757},
{"quote": "<evenpar123|Dean> how much is long distance?\r\n<Slant> evenpar123|Dean: Depends on your carrier.\r\n<evenpar123|Dean> Satan\r\n<Slant> 666 cents a minute.", "score": 297, "id": 2760},
{"quote": "<evenpar123> \"I believe\" \"But how do you know that you exist to believe?\" \"Becuase I believe I exist to believe\"\r\n<evenpar123> and so on\r\n* evenpar123/#sydvoc is hungry, assuming evenpar123 exists", "score": 250, "id": 2761},
{"quote": "<Waters> i had a dream about masterbating...thats sad isnt it :(", "score": 409, "id": 2765},
{"quote": "*** civicsi was kicked by Raegen (KK: go away jason)\r\ncivicsi is * Jason Preston\r\ncivicsi on #cars \r\ncivicsi using Toca's Miracle\r\ncivicsi End of /WHOIS list.\r\n*** civicsi ( has joined #cars\r\n<civicsi> uhhh\r\n<civicsi> HOW DID YOU GET MY NAME?\r\n<Tokae> we are l33t\r\n<Darn> haha he hacked you\r\n<KK> shutup jason\r\n<civicsi> how did you do that?\r\n<Tokae> you will be fuct over jason if you act out of line.\r\n<KK> Mr Preston\r\n<civicsi> I hope you know that I have logs of all hacking attempts\r\n<civicsi> and I WILL forward them to the DOJ", "score": 1579, "id": 2767},
{"quote": "*** CHAOS_IS_BLISS ( Quit (\r\n <nomis_nehc> whoa\r\n <nomis_nehc> wtf, all those peepz off at the same time, or what's up?\r\n <nomis_nehc> power outagae somewhere maybe?", "score": -7, "id": 2768},
{"quote": "<VmprHntrD> magic: the gathering of lower lifeforms", "score": 229, "id": 2770},
{"quote": "<Elfin> Santa Claus broke in through my window last night.\r\n<Kashan> did he leave you a new window", "score": 486, "id": 2771},
{"quote": "<michael-> Complaint : Seller won auction but did not send payment\r\n<michael-> Response by - son was killed in a car crash, extremely insensitive and impatient seller", "score": 566, "id": 2773},
{"quote": "<iRalph> i'm not a cunt\r\n<iRalph> although...\r\n<iRalph> you are what you eat", "score": 324, "id": 2504},
{"quote": "<Dracon> weird.. seems like no matter what i do, cpu usage never shows 0.0%.", "score": 367, "id": 2506},
{"quote": "<briansex> i am sliding my hand up your leg what do u do?\r\n<sully> I tell you I'm a guy?", "score": 1327, "id": 2507},
{"quote": "<regulatin> I would'nt touch a girl who would do an uncut guy\r\n<regulatin> thats disgusting\r\n<regulatin> did u see the pic of the dildo in my ass", "score": 186, "id": 2508},
{"quote": "<`michael> pink floyd - wish you were here is the best goddamn song\r\n<w3nisT> i disagree while it is a very good song I think the donkey kong theme song is better", "score": 1165, "id": 2512},
{"quote": "<steve|zzz> i had this dream\r\n<steve|zzz> i was beating off\r\n<steve|zzz> and my penis was circumsised\r\n<steve|zzz> and it was so big i could use 2 hands\r\n<steve|zzz> best dream i ever had", "score": 185, "id": 2514},
{"quote": "<ckx> hrm does anybody else ever think \"yep... the internet... vast information and opportunities at my disposal...\"\r\n<ckx> and then just sit at the search engine\r\n<ckx> :/", "score": 1277, "id": 2515},
{"quote": "<rewben> we are not perverts ;p\r\n<akiron> speak for youself ;)", "score": 357, "id": 2516},
{"quote": "<hye> sex caffeine and computing power\r\n<tia> hehe\r\n<hye> the trinity", "score": 291, "id": 2517},
{"quote": "<orion> I JUST HAD A RANDOM ETHNIC DRESSING MOMENT\r\n<orion> I PUT A TURBAN ON, SOME JEWELS, AND DANCED TO HATTEN AR DIN\r\n<orion> back to starcraft editing", "score": 625, "id": 2522},
{"quote": "<berzerk0r> i wrote a rap about my ex girlfriend ready:\r\n<berzerk0r> You're a cunt.\r\n<merkaba> thats pretty good berz\r\n<berzerk0r> i like it\r\n<MadHatter> it doesn't even rhyme", "score": 926, "id": 2523},
{"quote": "<FifthFactor> he said he's sell it if you want\r\n<Wolf4dk> For a buck?\r\n<Wolf4dk> That's all I got\r\n<FifthFactor> hah. no.... a little more\r\n<Wolf4dk> what does he want for it?\r\n<OneVerySickpuppy> 2 bucks!\r\n<FifthFactor> without the engine i think he wants $2500 canadian\r\n<OneVerySickpuppy> ack.. thats like 10$ american, too much", "score": 194, "id": 2525},
{"quote": "<gloone> seriously, i can watch porn for like 500 hours straight and still not get bored..\r\n<gloone> without jax0ring or anything..\r\n<gloone> there's something wrong with me :|", "score": 251, "id": 2535},
{"quote": "", "score": 3169, "id": 2538},
{"quote": "<exbawx> $465 in debt. good luck to me.\r\n<novocain> its yer own damn fault that 1. you work at taco bell 2. that you only work 4 hours a week", "score": 301, "id": 2937},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> man this sucks\r\n<BlackDeth> why is it that all drugs make you lazy and useless\r\n<BlackDeth> they should invent one that motivates you to do homework and shit", "score": 749, "id": 2938},
{"quote": "<T_hibiki_> you catch your lady in bed with another man what do you do ?\r\n<sparatik> tell him she has an STD", "score": 505, "id": 2940},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> the only effect cocaine really has is it makes you want more cocaine :D", "score": 241, "id": 2941},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #cars\r\n*** Topic is 'No gay sex talk please thanks'\r\n<spazzer> no gay sex talk eh?\r\n<spazzer> this channel is going to be quiet then", "score": 316, "id": 2942},
{"quote": "<al-x> pam anderson had implants\r\n<al-x> had them taken out\r\n<al-x> just had them put back in\r\n<al-x> she proly has zippers\r\n<al-x> under her arms\r\n<al-x> or somethign", "score": 272, "id": 2949},
{"quote": "<nstylz> i want to make a site that the people run it and then just forget about it and watch the $ go in\r\n<Deadbolt> sorry, we already have a slashdot", "score": 275, "id": 2952},
{"quote": "<dregan> EGADS THE PAIN\r\n<dregan> THE BITING, GNAWING PAIN\r\n<dregan> THE SEARING, UNENDING.. UN.. mmm..", "score": 268, "id": 2954},
{"quote": "<trccccc> I was going down on this one girl once.... and her clit was the size of my pinkie... I was all DAMN and exscused myself and went back down to the party", "score": 47, "id": 2955},
{"quote": "<blazemore> my chair is starting to smell bad from me farting in it so much\r\n<blazemore> either that or it's the underwear i've been wearing for 4 days", "score": 288, "id": 2956},
{"quote": "<trccccc> virus: go fuck a leprocohn\r\n<brucel33t> I bet they give good head\r\n<trccccc> maybe he will give you his bag of gold\r\n<Reul> or what's in his sack", "score": 211, "id": 2957},
{"quote": "<datz510> u prolly race grandmas goin tot he grocery store too huh\r\n<BenK> no\r\n<BenK> I race hardcore racers\r\n<BenK> people with tinted windows\r\n<BenK> and 20 inch rims\r\n<datz510> Ben.. like other hondas?", "score": 292, "id": 2958},
{"quote": "<Entomorph> blazemore, I know you\r\n<Entomorph> oldskewl emu guy right?\r\n<blazemore> heh yeah\r\n<Apoc> irc is just wierd\r\n<Apoc> no where else can you run into old friends that you have never met", "score": 781, "id": 2959},
{"quote": "<waterfire> All women are gay, or at least that's what they tell me", "score": 633, "id": 2960},
{"quote": "[jstepka-w] it's not gay, there are several key nerve endings in your prostate", "score": 284, "id": 2962},
{"quote": "* semi realises that\u00a0 my videocard is better then MrP-'s old computer\r\n<MrP-> hell, i masturbate at a higher frequency than my old pc", "score": 562, "id": 2858},
{"quote": "<semi> +\r\n<semi> oops\r\n<semi> keyboard almost fell, caught it by the numpad end\r\n<MrP-> +\r\n<MrP-> oops\r\n<MrP-> same here", "score": 331, "id": 2860},
{"quote": "[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.\r\n[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.\r\n[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.\r\n[23:03] <`Jamesy> i am a raging homosexual.\r\n[23:03] <exploding_elf> watch it `Jamesy, keep your fluids to yourself and dont flood", "score": 58, "id": 2861},
{"quote": "<eldee> boozie: yeh.. kizer has alot of hooch-pr0n.. he must have a subscription to penthouse ;>\r\n<boozie> haha\r\n<KiZeR> good lord\r\n<eldee> penthouse == magazine for chicks who dont want to have fuck-scenes, and too ugly to be in playboy", "score": 183, "id": 2867},
{"quote": "<shervin> DMC talks shit like no other and yet hes OP \r\n<Gethoht> OP?\r\n<Gethoht> oh, op\r\n<Gethoht> i thought you meant \"original playa\" or somethin", "score": 204, "id": 2868},
{"quote": "* FiShYmAn kills Noddy\r\n* FiShYmAn sells the film to ld saying its olsen twins for $50\r\n[Noddy ] rfol\r\n[Noddy ] he'd get off on it either way", "score": 183, "id": 2870},
{"quote": "[incorrect] no, we're all using pens, paper and carrier pidgeons\r\n[incorrect] actually, maybe that's what PPP stands for", "score": 569, "id": 2871},
{"quote": "<matts_> arto hates me, it's about time\r\n<artoh8su> no, i dont\r\n<matts_> oh\r\n<artoh8su> i just couldnt fit artoh8suunlessyournameismatts in my name", "score": 329, "id": 2875},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> Groups such as Cyberangels and Pedowatch have picked up the slack by enlisting thousands of volunteers across the globe to scan the Internet for lurid images of children. \r\n<AlmtyBob> wow\r\n<AlmtyBob> sounds like my kind of job\r\n<AlmtyBob> and to think, I'm doing it for free as we speak", "score": 734, "id": 2877},
{"quote": "<davisjr2> you know, if a girl sticks ya good you know she's not the one. it's simple.", "score": 54, "id": 2879},
{"quote": "<Avi> is this divx ??????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!! <-- thats how people are now'a'days\r\n<Lord-Data> Avi: its always been that way\r\n<Lord-Data> just faster cpu's means they type more bullshit", "score": 267, "id": 2880},
{"quote": "<LkTrout1> call yourself DJ Sock\r\n<LkTrout1> Come in naked with just a sock over your crotch.", "score": 174, "id": 2881},
{"quote": "<kisama> man, i am rocking to this backstreet boys shit", "score": 41, "id": 2882},
{"quote": "<Frag_> whats a good bench mark program?\r\n<Ghaleon> Frag_: deltree /y c:\\windows\r\n<Ghaleon> the longer it takes, the slower your computer is\r\n<Ghaleon> (ps, just a joke)\r\n<Frag_> uh can i undo deltree?", "score": 839, "id": 2884},
{"quote": "<async> Violus: the ICQ protocol is about as good as your performance in bed\r\n<Violus> woah, sweet\r\n* Violus installs ICQ", "score": 446, "id": 2601},
{"quote": "<shagie> srt.. he would sit at his table, scratching his scalp and make a HUGE PILE of dandruff and PLAY with it all SRT", "score": 38, "id": 2602},
{"quote": "<zip`> bah no use arguing with people who think .fi is fiji", "score": 338, "id": 2604},
{"quote": "* dregan kicks Yamucha in the nuts\r\n* dregan stamps on Yamucha's neck\r\n*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Yamucha\r\n<dregan> Oh shit.", "score": 3725, "id": 2605},
{"quote": "<BlackDeth> warez b dum\r\n<BlackDeth> go traffic cocaine\r\n<BlackDeth> if you want to traffic illegal goods\r\n<BlackDeth> do smth useful", "score": 46, "id": 2606},
{"quote": "<kyourek> KEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEE!!\r\n<DrWoody> ... What?\r\n<kyourek> Just practicing my karate.", "score": 412, "id": 2613},
{"quote": "<wild-> i like to play this game where i see how far i can stick my arm up someone's ass before their heart stops beating", "score": 177, "id": 2614},
{"quote": "<fate-> right, people here aren't running a charity\r\n<fate-> it's one big mental maturbation session", "score": 119, "id": 2615},
{"quote": "<Plot> I was either going to die now\r\n<Plot> or get 80% third degree burns atleast\r\n<Plot> someone had the gas nob opened\r\n<Plot> I went into kitchen\r\n<Plot> switched a bulb\r\n<Plot> and wham\r\n<Plot> kitchen was filled with one big ass fire ball\r\n<theForger> woah dude\r\n<C--> damn\r\n<Jyrsija> jesus\r\n<ThaDragon> If you just blow up your kitchen, and then proceed to get on IRC and tell people about it, you might be a junkie.", "score": 2502, "id": 2617},
{"quote": "*** QvtQht is now known as TomHanks\r\n*** AMANDA is now known as MegRyan\r\n<TomHanks> {S gotmail", "score": 49, "id": 2618},
{"quote": "<spazzer> ahh fuck \r\n<spazzer> i did it again \r\n<spazzer> spilled tap ramen juice in my lap twice \r\n<Cured> see and I thought you were just singing along to Britney Spears", "score": 419, "id": 2629},
{"quote": "<spicrx7> if the sidewalks were paved with coks, i'd walk on my asshole", "score": 127, "id": 2632},
{"quote": "<asr> 'fo sheezy. \r\n<Sabboth> what the fuck does that mean in english? you should understand that having a day job precludes me from 'keeping it real' and as such, I lack a certain familiarity with the language of the 'streets' as it were.", "score": 4527, "id": 2635},
{"quote": "<shervin> i have installed a Semen Control and Flood Restictor Waste System (SCFRWS) to control my ejaculations which land on the keyboard.. and drain it to the local public swimming pool", "score": 110, "id": 2636},
{"quote": "<_Bas_> I want to be a database admin and part time mechanic when I graduate", "score": 55, "id": 2637},
{"quote": "(Sarojin) Haha nice, I got referred to the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership by, and the banner on the top said across it \"WHY PAY RETAIL!?\"", "score": 292, "id": 3186},
{"quote": "<Chaderz> Damnit man, get MSN!\r\n<Dog_Welder> Unlike most, I find that Bill's dick chafes my ass", "score": 475, "id": 3188},
{"quote": "<dot> one sex\r\n<dot> eek\r\n<dot> sec\r\n<dot> damn that typo\r\n<Alexander> sure\r\n<Waldo> paging doctor freud...\r\n<Waldo> paging doctor freud...", "score": 446, "id": 3194},
{"quote": "<dot> i make that typo irl too\r\n<dot> wait... it's not a \"typo\" then...\r\n* dot gets confused about real life\r\n<dot> real life... has no keyboards...\r\n* dot tries to remember this", "score": 973, "id": 3195},
{"quote": "<atomic__> i wish i had a .no hostname so i could act stupid and no one would ever question why i acted the way i did", "score": 283, "id": 3199},
{"quote": "<_ry0suke_> My dad has no nuts\r\n<Deathwinter> Really?\r\n<_ry0suke_> OOPS, I meant my cat", "score": 588, "id": 3200},
{"quote": "<Waldo> tool, are you retarded or just an idiot? i need to know if i should just hate you or pity you as well.\r\n<Tool> i think you should hate me\r\n<Waldo> that's a given\r\n<Waldo> i need to know if i should pity you as well.", "score": 436, "id": 3201},
{"quote": "<Survivor> heh , metallica really sux\r\n<Waldo> yeah, they're a shitty mix of country and rock\r\n<Survivor> they was a good band before 90`s \r\n<Waldo> was they?!?!\r\n* Waldo pokes survivor in the eye", "score": 40, "id": 3210},
{"quote": "<aNuBiS-> spic and i went and bought 30 shovels, no background check, fucked some niggers up.", "score": -321, "id": 3212},
{"quote": "*** devolve ( has joined\r\n<devolve> what is the name of the sexual activity where you put a tube up each others ass and pass shit between it\r\n<aNuBiS-> devolve: Looking for something to do on a Saturday night in New Zealand?", "score": 363, "id": 3213},
{"quote": "<Evil_Rob> JLsoft:\u00a0 Not like I'm going to wander the streets, jerking off homeless people.", "score": 183, "id": 3216},
{"quote": "<natescape> There's a new soft drink that contains Viagra instead of caffeine, it's called Mount-n-Do.", "score": 869, "id": 3217},
{"quote": "<Richie> i kinda sent him the strange link to gay porn\r\n<duckman> so he sent you here?\r\n<Richie> revenge is strange sometimes\r\n<Joshua> well... i guess we know what we have to do...\r\n* Joshua takes off his pants", "score": 476, "id": 3218},
{"quote": "<SementE> anyone here have a commercial pilot license?\r\n<blazemore> semente: do you have any idea how many fbi \"carnivore\" systems you just set off\r\n<SementE> blazemore:\u00a0 oh.. I forgot to add airline", "score": 602, "id": 3221},
{"quote": "<mxman> i think some people have non sensitive cocks\r\n<spazzer> shit\r\n<spazzer> you know its bad when your hand goes numb while you're pouding it", "score": 174, "id": 3222},
{"quote": "<WillaCuz> shervin did u say u had a woman?\r\n<shervin> WillaCuz: yeah but its losing pressure, i think it has a hole or something", "score": 788, "id": 3052},
{"quote": "<Boba> You know who should get in the NBA? Mini-Me.\r\n<collusion> yeah, and he should play center right?\r\n<Boba> No...he's obviously a power forward. Are you sure you watch basketball?", "score": 367, "id": 3053},
{"quote": "<J0RD4N>\twhere do they find these retards?\r\n<reptile_>\trandomly picked from dalnet", "score": 260, "id": 3060},
{"quote": "<MadScribe> i WILL NEVER EVER live below someone again\r\n<MadScribe> he is apparently redoing the fucking floor\r\n<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause\r\n<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause\r\n<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause\r\n<MadScribe> *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* pause\r\n<MadScribe> for the last fucking hour\r\n<MadScribe> geezus\r\n<toNe> you sure he's not just fucking his wife?", "score": 465, "id": 3061},
{"quote": "<Kashan> I hate it when H-manga's try to be philosophical\r\n<dregan> Mehh.\r\n<dregan> \"As I lay there, with the cum flowing out of every hole, my schoolgirl vagina stretched beyond its natural limit by a twenty-limbed tentacle demon, I wondered 'What is the stars, what is the stars?'\"", "score": 1566, "id": 3063},
{"quote": "<putnam> i got a speech from my latin teacher about how in europe its commonplace for men to cry\r\n<putnam> and crying is so special\r\n<putnam> i asked her if she wanted me to cry for her and she said no, stop being a pussy this is america", "score": 1072, "id": 3065},
{"quote": "<CactusJack> thats exeactly it...\r\n(putnam): i lip synced rubber ducky by ernie from sesame street in literature for a project once.\r\n(putnam): that brought the damn house down. i couldnt believe how perverted the song is\r\n(putnam): i danced too. and got people into it. they were clapping.", "score": 394, "id": 3066},
{"quote": "<LuMpY> i got an OC48 and 32 linux servers doing nothing on 1000Mb lan\r\n<putnam> oh yeah bitch, well i got OC49 and 33 linux servers doing everything on a 5000Mb lan", "score": 244, "id": 3067},
{"quote": "<Jizzy> geekissues<---how sad?", "score": 29, "id": 3068},
{"quote": "<Keyman> dam I just lost 128k on my upstream!\r\n<Jumper> damn, same here, now I can only download that CD in 3.04secs instead of 3.0400000001", "score": 35, "id": 3074},
{"quote": "(Arwen`) spell check on the serch engin is so nice :)", "score": 326, "id": 3075},
{"quote": "<foolsCAP> how much is an abortion? i want to get my girlfriend a gift certificate for one for valentines day", "score": 765, "id": 3076},
{"quote": "<ToolKid> I have a 1 inch pen0r. And that's after a 3 inch extension", "score": 99, "id": 3077},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #catholic\r\n<shervin> where can I download \"Catholic School Girls Gone Wild VII\" and \"Guide to Successfully Raping Nun's 2002 Edition\"?", "score": 706, "id": 3078},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> being alone sucks... i want to stab someone in the eye, but alas, noone is there.", "score": 576, "id": 3079},
{"quote": "<Kayma> Ahh, there's blood flowing thorugh my caffeine vessels!", "score": 682, "id": 3304},
{"quote": "<poste> hey, i am going to yell at this guy tomorrow at work\r\n<poste> he is middle eastern...what should i call him?\r\n<aNuBiS-> habib\r\n<DMC[jise]> call him hairy dirty dirty brown man of death building airplane sex", "score": -4, "id": 3305},
{"quote": "[|crazy|] channel is +s \r\n[sk8-girl] whats +s?\u00a0 \r\n<thc\\ip> cant tell u\u00a0 \r\n<thc\\ip> its a secret \r\n[sk8-girl] oh.. ok =\\", "score": 305, "id": 3306},
{"quote": "<epmo> now can u please unban me so i can ask a real question? :)\r\n<DAL9000> To remove your ban, please submit the request for ban removal form(FRM-4391B-R5) with all neccessary materials, including passport photograph and notorized statement of intent to abide by rules, and your ban will be reviewed for removal within 4 to 8 business days. In the meantime all inquiries may be directed to", "score": 479, "id": 3308},
{"quote": "<FallLine> heh wtf\r\n<FallLine> some people are stupid\r\n<FallLine> i asked this guy to send me a log file from my software...\r\n<FallLine> either cut and paste the last 100 or so lines into the email or attach the entire log\r\n<FallLine> so he prints the entire thing out\r\n<FallLine> scans it in\r\n<FallLine> and then attaches the images INSIDE a word document\r\n<FallLine> and only the first 100 lines\r\n<FallLine> hehe", "score": 999, "id": 3315},
{"quote": "<FE2work>\r\n<blazemore> good thing i always turn vibration off ^_^\r\n<mightyflo> smart money says the kid that got it got it from one of those 3rd party \"RIP YOUR FUCKING ARM OFF XTREME SHOCK\" controllers\r\n<blazemore> \"WARNING: DO NOT GET ALLOW YOUR CHARACTER TO GET HIT WHILE USING THIS CONTROLLER OR YOU COULD LOSE A LIMB.\"", "score": 284, "id": 3316},
{"quote": "<@Epyon[UOPG]> Giren's Greed is being remade on PS2\r\n* @Epyon[UOPG] faints\r\n*** Joins: Buster\r\n<Nomadic_Dragon> What was it for originally?\r\n<Buster> self-arousal\r\n<Buster> im pretty sure.", "score": 308, "id": 3318},
{"quote": "<Blaz_> zwhats the old bitches name on spin city\r\n<Blaz_> heather locklear\r\n<Blaz_> shes gota be 40 something\r\n<WS666> Heather is something like 40 but I'd drag my balls across a mile of broken glass to do her", "score": 304, "id": 3319},
{"quote": "<spd-dmn> lee: hows the baybee\r\n<Virtualee> spd-dmn She's great!\u00a0 Growing so fast!\r\n<spd-dmn> aw\r\n<spd-dmn> got any pics?\r\n<spazzer> has she sprouted appendages yet?\r\n<KK-> lol\r\n<spazzer> don't babies grow like potatos?\r\n<spd-dmn> ahaha\r\n<spd-dmn> spazzer you're on crack, buddy\r\n<spazzer> you mean they DON'T?\r\n<spazzer> they come out with arms and legs?\r\n<spazzer> shit\r\n<spazzer> i have a whole new respect for women", "score": 2025, "id": 3320},
{"quote": "<Road> { private: long member; }\r\n<Road> but for me, that would be a long long\r\n<DAL9000> Road: you'd have to cast it to a char though.\r\n<Road> DAL9000: Hmm, that would cause an overflow\r\n<DAL9000> hah.\r\n<DAL9000> no big deal, i hear you always prematurely core dump anyway\r\n<Road> hahah, ouch\r\n<DAL9000> I COUNTER YOUR GEEK COUNTER WITH AN EVEN GEEKIER COUNTER.", "score": 743, "id": 3321},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #coffee\r\n<DigDug> COFFEEEEEEEE\r\n<DigDug> YAYAYAYYAYA\r\n<DigDug> CAFFEINE\r\n<DigDug> WOOT!!!!!!\r\n<DigDug> LELELELELELEEELELEE\r\n<DigDug> ^_^", "score": 212, "id": 3322},
{"quote": "<Acero> i hate this piece of shit router!\r\n<Acero> what do i do now\r\n<Acero> this piece of crap wont fix\r\n<Acero> i hate fucking networking\r\n<SD_Washu> rtfm?\r\n<Acero> i did\r\n<Acero> i read it like 3 times\r\n<Acero> it doesnt have a warez troubleshooting section\r\n<Acero> how to connect to your illegal ftp servers\r\n<Acero> \"router settings for couriers\"", "score": 345, "id": 3324},
{"quote": "<skmt> DigDug, if you install a beaded seat cover, the value of your car will skyrocket \r\n<SD_Washu> nah \r\n<SD_Washu> all you have to do \r\n<SD_Washu> is keep a big ol brick of heroin in the trunk", "score": 337, "id": 3326},
{"quote": "<Pluton> what extension is an Adobe eBook?\r\n<feerit> .gay", "score": 422, "id": 3327},
{"quote": "<spazzer> i've found out that the longer the muffler body is, the quieter the exhaust is \r\n<spicrx7> duh spazz \r\n<spicrx7> that's like saying... \r\n<spicrx7> i've found out that the fatter the girl is, the more she sweats\" \r\n<TheDrip> the bigger my dick is, the more spic will scream when I stick it up the ass \r\n<TheDrip> up his ass rather", "score": 17, "id": 3332},
{"quote": "<kalani> Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves...Here's Tom with the weather.", "score": 666, "id": 3794},
{"quote": "<BombScare> i should go buy a skateboard and go sk00l some kids at the park\r\n<BombScare> since im an expert at all 3 tony hawk games, i should have no problem pulling off those tricks in real life", "score": 706, "id": 3909},
{"quote": "<jstepka-w> she said to me 'we need a few months off' \r\n<Flav> \"a few months?\u00a0 sweet, that'll let me run through the bitches on my TODO list\"", "score": 342, "id": 3456},
{"quote": "<OutLore> your the moron that believed us, i's not my fault your tent fell in the river", "score": 459, "id": 3687},
{"quote": "<lan_rover> i hate reruns.\r\n<DAL9000> as do i\r\n<lan_rover> i wish the tv stations would just say: \"We're sorry.. we have nothing new to show you.. so please go do something productive.\"", "score": 370, "id": 3334},
{"quote": "<mightyflo> they keep all interesting stuff from entering the country i live in\r\n<mightyflo> and at the same time, flood it with total crap\r\n<Slant> mightyflo: It's a conspiracy to make us stupid.\r\n<Reo> and it's too late for many of us", "score": 283, "id": 3594},
{"quote": "<blazemore> one of my friends that i haven't talked to in forever said \"Hey what's up\" through icq last night\r\n<blazemore> i didn't say anything though cause last time she said whats up she just needed a cd burned :|\r\n<mightyflo> cdrs before hos", "score": 325, "id": 4032},
{"quote": "<JibberJim> what should happen to your webpages if you drop dead? \r\n<Jumper> is this a trick question ?", "score": 326, "id": 3800},
{"quote": "*** Parts: GiRLiE (~girlie@\r\n* Xta-C sets mode: -stupid", "score": 301, "id": 3806},
{"quote": "[bytraper] they are my family.... I love them like they were my own, I couldn't part with them for less than $20", "score": 504, "id": 3807},
{"quote": "<Scofco> whenever I get a hardon\r\n<Scofco> I pass out\r\n<Scofco> well, I actually faint\r\n<Scofco> because the idea of getting laid shocks me", "score": 317, "id": 3809},
{"quote": "<Scofco> i used to have wet dreams about carmen sandiego", "score": 489, "id": 3810},
{"quote": "", "score": 164, "id": 3812},
{"quote": "<JackDaiLo> i need to learn how to sing chinese angry music", "score": 304, "id": 3817},
{"quote": "<Sylffor> I prefer \"blood-engorged mayonaisse cannon\" or \"yogurt slinger\"\r\n<nitrifik_> ok. Sylffor knows too many colorful synonyms for 'dick'.\r\n* Sylffor is a homosexual, remember?\r\n<nitrifik_> you being gay is fine.\r\n<nitrifik_> I draw the line at \"blood-engorged mayonaisse cannon\".", "score": 908, "id": 3828},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> the mom-look is sexy though\r\n<ScumDog> don't take it wrong\r\n<nitrifik> ScumDog: what weird fetish do you NOT possess dude?", "score": 365, "id": 3830},
{"quote": "<Rairu> I'd rather play mvc2 and smoke chronic than get head", "score": 51, "id": 3831},
{"quote": "<Sylffor> The Legend of Zelda for the NES had replay value with the Second Quest.\r\n<TURBOMEAT> by that logic, every single game with Randomly Generated Dungeons has infinite replay value\r\n<nitrifik_> I don't even think those have one-play value :o", "score": 135, "id": 3833},
{"quote": "<dot> *shrug*\r\n<dot> i know most references\r\n<dot> because i am ... whats that word?\r\n<dot> i know stuff", "score": 531, "id": 3834},
{"quote": "<Rajio> my friend's such a bastard, he wouldn't let me get my quarter's worth with VF4, challenged me just for the sake of beating me :P then he did the same with tekken, but then i wipped paul out and owned his ass :P\r\n<toNe> Rajio: paul? is that like a nickname for it?", "score": 683, "id": 3835},
{"quote": "<Slant> dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.18_kami.1.0_i386.deb\r\n<Sam|foo> ok\r\n<Slant> ok, reboot.\r\n<Sam|foo> brb\r\n* Slant nods.\r\n<-- Sam|foo has quit (QUIT: User exited)\r\n<FlipTopBox> sucka.\u00a0 he's doomed, isn't he.", "score": 317, "id": 3837},
{"quote": "<NeonId> general- Internet talk isn't even worth of being called a dialect.\u00a0 It's a mutilation of language, and we are the people who have to compensate for it's brazen idiocy.\r\n<Potato> I'd even say it bites.\r\n<JDigital> lol kthx", "score": 579, "id": 3838},
{"quote": "[neckarse] well berret tesratr\r\n[neckarse] wtf.. somone swapped my r and t...", "score": 639, "id": 3840},
{"quote": "[17:23:28] [Synoptica] I AM GOING TO TAKE A SHIT NOW EVERYONE \r\n[17:29:32] [Xta-C\u00a0 \u00a0 ] COOL! \r\n[17:30:13] [Synoptica] jesus christ i dont remember eating chili", "score": 189, "id": 3841},
{"quote": "<i4get> life sucks.\r\n<Waldo> yeah, but so do some girls so it kinda evens out\r\n<i4get> X(\r\n<i4get> funny Waldo", "score": 309, "id": 3912},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> Mexicans rock because down in Mexico they're too poor to update any of the arcade games\r\n<ScumDog> so all the players rock at games on 12-year-old hardware\r\n<ScumDog> not surprisingly, there's also a large concentration of Double Dragon champions there", "score": 238, "id": 3913},
{"quote": "* FlipTopBx crosses his fingers\r\n<FlipTopBx> pleeeease snow.\u00a0 ;-)\r\n<mightyflo> people have stuff to do tomorrow. stuff they've been looking forward to for a long time. snow would be bad.\r\n<FlipTopBx> oh, that party is tomorrow, isn't it.\r\n<FlipTopBx> where's he live?\r\n<mightyflo> the land of kirk\r\n<FlipTopBx> i'll make arrangements for it not to snow in that area then", "score": 83, "id": 3917},
{"quote": "<zetullus> This is just not happening. Im sure I was smarter than this when I went to bed", "score": 428, "id": 3918},
{"quote": "<djLiKu> tell her to give me a blueprint of her vagina\r\n<blazemore> wtf are you gonna do with a blueprint\r\n<blazemore> construct your own vagina?\r\n<djLiKu> yes\r\n<djLiKu> it's like ocean's 11\r\n<djLiKu> i'm gonna plan out first with a demo", "score": 724, "id": 3920},
{"quote": "<gg0dd> ok what do i declare the variable the user inputs an IP adress??\r\n<gg0dd> u know lets say i want him to type\r\n<O_6> what language are you speaking?\r\n<gg0dd> c++\r\n<matts> hahaha", "score": 49, "id": 3925},
{"quote": "<Panty_HaX0r> how old are you?\r\n<phubuh> 13\r\n<Scofco> I wish I was 13 again, then I wouldn't have AIDS", "score": 488, "id": 3926},
{"quote": "<cornbeef> 8? i didnt even know what a vagina was at 8\r\n<Scofco> I didn't learn to masturbate until I was 17... up until then I always thought 'masturbation' was a type of pasta dish they served in fancy restaurants", "score": 355, "id": 3927},
{"quote": "<illfates> the first time I had an orgasm\r\n<illfates> i had my dick buried all the way into a stuffed animal\r\n<illfates> a kangaroo named \"Fred\"", "score": 342, "id": 3928},
{"quote": "<Panty_HaX0r> I masturbate near constantly, and I have a steady supply of sex\r\n<Scofco> sex-drives that high should be bottled and sold on store shelves", "score": 193, "id": 3931},
{"quote": "<Detrafilia> One time i was so tired, i had asked 'how are you?' in rpgamer, and then i looked in a diff query, went back to rpgamer, saw the 'how are you?' and i go 'oh fine, just a little sleepy. thanks. You?'", "score": 1135, "id": 3932},
{"quote": "<maff> I've got a riot breaking out in my pants\r\n<D1> need some backup?\r\n<D1> I mean...\r\n<D1> ok, that was really gay.\r\n<maff> I don't get down like that d1\r\n<D1> I apologize.\r\n<Guilty> Why dont you just join the cast of Oz and get it over with D1", "score": 426, "id": 3934},
{"quote": "*** Signoff: Morpheus (Connection reset by peer)\r\n*** Morpheus ( has joined channel #relax\r\n<Morpheus> argh.. that wasn't my speaker cable", "score": 2102, "id": 3935},
{"quote": "<+kritical> christin: you need to learn how to figure out stuff yourself..\r\n<+Christin1> how do i do that", "score": 7153, "id": 3936},
{"quote": "<Nall> type /nick newname to fix your name \r\n*** amit is now known as newname", "score": 765, "id": 3937},
{"quote": "<sTek> \"ONLY FRIENDS\", i hate those two words\r\n<sTek> even worse than \"im pregnant\"", "score": 533, "id": 3938},
{"quote": "<@Chaz> How the hell it went through a folded-over (two layers) sock is beyond me...\r\n<Nyphur> ... o_0", "score": 350, "id": 3939},
{"quote": "<Legatic> How can you think you matter when your URL has a tilde in it?", "score": 992, "id": 3457},
{"quote": "<agrath> I banned him cause he pointed out i was a virgin", "score": 506, "id": 3460},
{"quote": "<Object> i'm good for 15 minutes\r\n<sh0> Object, 15 minutes ?!\r\n<sh0> you better have a lot of cash to keep yo bitch loyal", "score": 176, "id": 3464},
{"quote": "<f9|war3beta> These Mint Skittles taste like shit.\r\n<Brentai> MINT SKITTLES?\r\n<JDigital> f9: Tell me about it. Over here, we call the green ones \"Excre-mint\".\r\n<JDigital> Alternatively known as \"New car smell\" flavour.", "score": 403, "id": 3465},
{"quote": "<blazemore> Windows XP Professional Uptime: 4wks 4hrs 55secs\r\n<blazemore> time to reboot\r\n<ScumDog> that's so retarded\r\n<mandarin> heh...uptime is sad\r\n<mandarin> more sad is most *nix nerds have longer uptime records than relationship records ;)\r\n<mightyflo> Relationship OSR2 Sexual Uptime: 2wks 6hrs 12secs", "score": 268, "id": 3469},
{"quote": "<@Catgirl> The three stages of Catgirl hating: #1) \"FUCK YOU I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG\" #2) \"FUCK YOU I BET YOU'RE NOT A GIRL\" #3) \"FUCK YOU\" *ban* PM: \"I'd like to fuck you.\"", "score": 299, "id": 3474},
{"quote": "<Darksyde> dood you make texas look like a big dildo\r\n<blazemore> i'd rather be a big dildo than a small dildo\r\n<blazemore> especially the kind the secretes fake jizz that tastes like oranges\r\n<Geek-> lol\r\n<Geek-> how would you know about that shit?\r\n* blazemore is away", "score": 756, "id": 3483},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> alcohol is my anti-drug.", "score": 300, "id": 3485},
{"quote": "<]Di[ein> seriously..... imma put 2x turbos....nos....air intake...... get that pos lowered even though it is already lowered\r\n<]Di[ein> get some 5's\r\n<]Di[ein> (it has go cart wheels)\r\n<Vandium> A FESTIVA\r\n<Vandium> ROFL!\r\n<]Di[ein> the only car in the world where u get a buy one get one free deal!", "score": 46, "id": 3487},
{"quote": "<stack> if($want == \"illegal\") connect(efnet);", "score": 221, "id": 3498},
{"quote": "<bdi> if you lookin' for sympathy, you better look between R and T in the fucking dictionary", "score": 362, "id": 3500},
{"quote": "<Butters> this girl I'm talking to on AIM just tried out her new \"pink panther\"\r\n<chowda> Butters: I'm sure \"she\" did :)", "score": 369, "id": 3502},
{"quote": "<Rasputin> Episode 1 rocked!!!!!\r\n<Rasputin> Let me rephrase.\r\n<Rasputin> The trailer for Episode 1 ROCKED!!!!", "score": 276, "id": 3509},
{"quote": "<Demamas> RAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWR! *explodes*\r\n<Nyphur> BAD! NO BONE FOR Demamas! BACK IN YOUR CAGE !! \r\n*** Signoff: Demamas (Ping timeout)\r\n<Nyphur> oops \r\n<Nyphur> I forgot I left his cage off the server", "score": 338, "id": 3510},
{"quote": "<JFalcon> sex is too much work... and the customers always complain.", "score": 333, "id": 3523},
{"quote": "<Ouroboros> Has anyone ever logged into dev0n's FTP?\r\n<Affe> ouro: that some kind of sexual innuendo?\r\n<xpander> is that a euphemism?\r\n<Ouroboros> Possibly\r\n<Ouroboros> Shhh\r\n<Ouroboros> I try to be subtle about these things.\r\n<Affe> in that case, i 'log into dev0ns ftp' all the time\r\n<Ouroboros> Yeah, she gave me her \"login\" but she won't reply to my \"/msgs\"\r\n<Affe> dude i had 'sex' with her in the 'butt' the other day\r\n<Affe> oh wait\r\n<Affe> we're being subtle", "score": 4570, "id": 3524},
{"quote": "<Korben> tits \r\n<darkraZor> yes, tits \r\n<Soopa> i agree \r\n<darkraZor> ...indeed", "score": 795, "id": 3526},
{"quote": "<Valathar> No matter how depressed you are.... there is NOTHING that can't be fixed by titties.", "score": 630, "id": 3689},
{"quote": "geoffduman: :: watches a movie with 2 word documents open, mail running and 3 im conversations going with absolutely no problems ::\r\ne l i t e m r p: yeah well once i get my new pc ill watch 2 movies, with no word cause i dont have it, but instead ill open PS and load high res porn for midget transformation, then ill chat with hot 13 year olds via AIM AND ICQ... while LAUGHING AT YOU", "score": 217, "id": 3690},
{"quote": "<CrackHoe> I was so drunk last night I could not even jerkoff\r\n<CrackHoe> well I could\r\n<CrackHoe> but I was so drunk I lost interest", "score": 415, "id": 3694},
{"quote": "<CorranFox> but I wanted to ask something about a certain girl... who likes me\r\n<CorranFox> its been buggin me for a while\r\n<CorranFox> well since last night anyways\r\n<CorranFox> care to listen?\r\n<Slant> Sure. Do tell.\r\n<scummo> \"See.. her name's 'my mom'...", "score": 377, "id": 3695},
{"quote": "<Villager> i was really pissed off this morning\r\n<Villager> it was about 9am, i had a free period and i had just bought my breakfast; an egg, bacon & sausage bap, hash browns and a coffee,\r\n<Villager> when the damned fire alarm goes before i've taken a bite\r\n<Joshua> ...\r\n<Joshua> you left the building just because an alarm went off?\r\n<Joshua> with FOOD waiting for you?\r\n<Villager> i put the hash browns in my pocket and carried the bap, but they all got cold\r\n<Villager> i was going to stay but the security guards came round\r\n<Joshua> oh\r\n<Joshua> we don't have security guards just for fire alarms\r\n<Joshua> \"ya stay, ya burn\" is the official policy i beleive", "score": 499, "id": 3697},
{"quote": "<Joshua> i'm almost out of money for food... and i've got 4 more months before i go home...\r\n<Joshua> all of my remaining food money is going towards caffeine.\r\n<Villager> who needs food when you have caffeine eh?", "score": 107, "id": 3698},
{"quote": "[dodgey\u00a0\u00a0 ] wow!\r\n[dodgey\u00a0\u00a0 ] somthing fucken weird happened\r\n[dodgey\u00a0\u00a0 ] i just deleted porn :|", "score": 383, "id": 3703},
{"quote": "<gecko__> i just oiled up my cats ass,but now when i try to boff him he slips away!\r\n<gecko__> =[~!\r\n<Esad> i knew there was a reason i hated cats", "score": 37, "id": 3704},
{"quote": "<orge> !speedtest\r\n<orge> (_*_) @ 599Mhz\r\n<claws03> at 907Mhz\r\n<hydro-> niggers picking cotton @ 998Mhz\r\n<jestuh> s00p3r 4thl0n runn1ng 4t 1696Mhz\r\n<bos-> >=[ @ 341Mhz\r\n<bradley> jerkin it @ 306Mhz\r\n<DigDug> 207.4 millions of cycles per second :-o", "score": 143, "id": 3705},
{"quote": "<+Xta-C> once, dad told me about the birds and the bees\r\n<+Xta-C> i tried to shag a wasp :/", "score": 200, "id": 3706},
{"quote": "* taz chills to : [Shonen Knife - Do The Bartman (Simpsons)] [3:20] [3.05MB/44KHz/128Kbit]\r\n* Jumper chills to : [Your MOM and I.DIVX.XXX.AVI] [45:60] [560.04MB/44Khz/1024KBit]", "score": 255, "id": 3707},
{"quote": "<Epesh> I wish I was in control of all hiring\r\n<Epesh> for everywhere\r\n<Epesh> McD's would have no labour shortage", "score": 97, "id": 3710},
{"quote": "<ckjesus2k> Jews are so...Jewish\r\n<pyristorm> HEY, no insults on this channel!", "score": 439, "id": 3711},
{"quote": "<hit_doctor> Man, I had the longest shit today at work. my legs went numb", "score": 229, "id": 3719},
{"quote": "<Scofco> old men are hard to seduce", "score": 182, "id": 3720},
{"quote": "<boog> paedophilia is okay, as long as the kid is dead", "score": 336, "id": 3721},
{"quote": "<FreshBrew> if i ever get arrested for something serious, 20/20 and Dateline are going to have a field day with my irc logs.", "score": 618, "id": 3723},
{"quote": "", "score": 36, "id": 3338},
{"quote": "(koch): !need some help \r\n(koch): !anyone in private please \r\n(@Lynkx): koch: what the hell are you doing \r\n(@dc): hes an idiot \r\n(@Lynkx): !i want a vagina \r\n(@Lynkx): shit \r\n(@Lynkx): don`t werk", "score": 188, "id": 3340},
{"quote": "<MicroChip> ok, so who's gonna win the superbowl?\r\n<Chucker-away> the Yankees\r\n<bishop> the sox\r\n<MicroChip> you guys are so female", "score": 469, "id": 3341},
{"quote": "<smcn> To buy a PS2, or not to buy a PS2: that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the moral decay of selling my soul to Sony, or to never play Final Fantasy X?", "score": 408, "id": 3342},
{"quote": "<thc\\ip> just cus i have like a hjalf oz of weed in my keyboard...\r\n<thc\\ip> dont mean i cant spell", "score": 202, "id": 3345},
{"quote": "<sector_> it was a boring uneventful game IMHO and my fucking HO is top-notch", "score": 359, "id": 3348},
{"quote": "<Wes> Anything good coming on TV tonight?\r\n<kolby> maybe nWo will return\r\n<Wes> Anything good that doesn't involve dudes in their underwear slap-fighting so they can get a new belt to wear to the Gay Pride Parade?", "score": 632, "id": 3351},
{"quote": "<drgonzo> i'd rather cut off my own penis than run linux\r\n<drgonzo> running linux screams I fuck ugly chicks", "score": 32, "id": 3352},
{"quote": "<mightyflo> why is the k in cmyk a k?\r\n<nitrifik_> cause it's kool like dat.\r\n<mightyflo> cyan, magenta, and yellow kool-aid\r\n<mightyflo> that would go over pretty well with the geek crowd\r\n<mightyflo> they should market a new flavor that way\r\n<nitrifik_> CMYKOOL\r\n<nitrifik_> I'd buy it.", "score": 243, "id": 3353},
{"quote": "<kolby> davek, stop trying to make everyone else become black", "score": 28, "id": 3354},
{"quote": "<SaraAB> ok you will probably think im stupid but i was on the phone with my friend and i was freaking out because the game ffx talks!!!!\r\n<mightyflo> what was the point of having voice acting in ffx if the main character is just gonna say \"...\" all the time anyway?", "score": 279, "id": 3356},
{"quote": "<tril0gy> i think with my gov't tax return i'm gunna buy a redmav\r\n<spicrx7> you're better off getting a shirt that says \"I suck cock.\"\r\n<ChronosGW> Then you and DMC can be mav-buddies\r\n<spicrx7> same effect as having a red mav\r\n<spicrx7> except the tshirt would be worth more", "score": 155, "id": 3358},
{"quote": "<kolby> i dont think the number of times ive jacked off to britney spears can be calculated\r\n<kolby> it never gets old\r\n<kolby> i think that's what love is", "score": 416, "id": 3360},
{"quote": "<Dllem> \"another expressed his desire to try \"onal sex.\" We're not sure what that is, but it sounds kinky.\"", "score": 451, "id": 3362},
{"quote": "<Nettik> I had some Huge ass guy name Ray try to squeeze the shit out of me\r\n<Nettik> the guy is REAL strong and pretty agile for being big\r\n<Nettik> he grabbe a hold of me and started squeezing, he didnt like it when I kicked his leg out from underneath him too much, but he squeezed harder.\u00a0 It all depends on how far I was willing to go\r\n<spazzer> <Nettik> and soon i had a nice loaf the size of a breadbox in my drawers", "score": 179, "id": 3363},
{"quote": "<C00k0> I used to think ircops were cybercops that would run around like leet hackers in movies and storm your house if you did something bad\r\n<hex86> and were you sad when you found out they actually do very little?\r\n<C00k0> I was quite happy ^_^", "score": 421, "id": 3369},
{"quote": "<orion> A FUCKING GAY CLUB\r\n<orion>\u00a0 HOMOS WILL TOUCH MY FUCKING FLYER\r\n<orion> this is a NIGHTMARE\r\n<orion> where's my time-release cyanide capsule of death\r\n<Guilty> Now orion, you arent gay from homo's touching a flyer you made\r\n<Guilty> Unless said flyer is a picture of your dick\r\n<Guilty> Which knowing you, it might be", "score": 438, "id": 3371},
{"quote": "<Amanda> Uncle Bud's Catfish is a PRODUCT OF CORPORATE MONOPOLIES ATTEMPTING TO STEAL OUR CATFISH TRADITION\r\n<Amanda> AND CAPITALIZE ON IT WHILE LOSING THE TRUE VALUE OF AND LOVE FOR THE FISH\r\n<kisama_> alright\r\n<kisama_> so you're against christmas presents too?", "score": 253, "id": 3597},
{"quote": "<xeiro> O_6: what does updating your kernel actaully do\r\n<O_6> xeiro, gets me the chicks", "score": 299, "id": 3599},
{"quote": "<BombScare> hmmm...choices choices, either get dressed and go get lunch, or sit here and wait for dinner\r\n<BombScare> damn im lazy", "score": 257, "id": 3600},
{"quote": "<Baby-d> I set up a shoutcast last night while I was pretty wasted, it's fuckin tight though\r\n<SilverJag> I guess \r\n<Baby-d> you guess!?!\r\n<Baby-d> show some more enthusiasim!\r\n<Baby-d> :)\r\n<SilverJag> I cant I have diahreaa", "score": 493, "id": 3602},
{"quote": "(snpr^): 1337 = l33t = leet = elite = ghey", "score": 372, "id": 3604},
{"quote": "<sAmEeLl> canada`s fbi is called RCMP\r\n<sAmEeLl> sounds like a dos attack", "score": 255, "id": 3610},
{"quote": "<sAmEeLl> i smoke dunhills\r\n<aNuBiS-> i assume thats #bearcave lingo for cock", "score": 264, "id": 3611},
{"quote": "<SinbadTheSailor> hi hedge...are you on turps?\r\n<Hedge> quite sober actually\r\n<sTar69> sober like, just jammed my penis in the door kinda sober?\r\n<Hedge> sober like i just got caught shoplifting a dildo kinda sober\r\n<sTar69> oh THAT kind of sober ;)\r\n<sTar69> i mean err what are you talking about?", "score": 476, "id": 3613},
{"quote": "<Waters> I practice safe sex\r\n<Waters> I masterbate with a condom on", "score": 45, "id": 3614},
{"quote": "<DeathFist> hey, can u guys stop talking about racism and shit...its getting old...if you dont like it, then you dont have to own slaves, its as easy as that...", "score": 520, "id": 3615},
{"quote": "<azmaveth> man u know that is funny as shit is my school ip", "score": 593, "id": 3616},
{"quote": "<establish> 16/f/virgin/36c/firmtits/5'9/125 pounds/I like guys who are short, overweight, not good looking, and who are really into computers and video games/plus I have genital warts", "score": 549, "id": 3618},
{"quote": "<FreshBrew> BEAT MY CHILDREN \r\n<kolby> You take that B off and I won't even charge ya.", "score": 425, "id": 3619},
{"quote": "<meohmy> at the end of the day its smokers that keep the hospitals running", "score": 207, "id": 3620},
{"quote": "<djcrom> its so hard to create a build in an electro song without any percussion\r\n<noj> no it isn't\r\n<noj> you puss\r\n<djcrom> ok let me rephrase\r\n<djcrom> its so hard to create a build in an electro song without any percussion and make it not sound gay", "score": 274, "id": 3621},
{"quote": "<shaun|bbl> I've been smokin my cats shit recently, once you get over the bad taste, it actually fucks you up good....:P", "score": 2, "id": 3622},
{"quote": "<fai|ure> pearl must have some cavern pussy if she's wanting it in the ass everytime\r\n<pearl> i didnt say everytime\r\n<pearl> occasionally is nice :)\r\n<pearl> jd has the nicest thing to say about me usually\r\n<fai|ure> i'm that sensitive type of guy\r\n<fai|ure> ya' know what i'm sayin'\r\n<Ginger> cavernous is not good\r\n<Ginger> cept\r\n<Ginger> for the esophageal capacity", "score": 167, "id": 3623},
{"quote": "<prence> you masturbate too much if your mom has to snap your tube sock over her knee to get it in the washer", "score": 461, "id": 4033},
{"quote": "<Tragician> MOTHER...FUCKING...FIREWALL!\r\n<mightyflo> that's a horrible mental image", "score": 952, "id": 4036},
{"quote": "<ftstjohn_> 6\" long and 4 1/2\" thick bald penis\r\n<ftstjohn_> looking for a girl to watch me masterbate in real life", "score": 20, "id": 4037},
{"quote": "<kapusta> Slut: a woman that fucks everyone. Bitch: a woman that fucks everyone but you...", "score": 633, "id": 4039},
{"quote": "<TYRESE> Does anybody know how it feels to have a faggot bug u on the internet????", "score": 23, "id": 4040},
{"quote": "<TALLC00L1> Why do dogs lick their dicks? cuz they can't make a fist", "score": 41, "id": 4043},
{"quote": "<[Shinji]> Statitics say that 85% of College men mastrubate at least once per day.\u00a0\u00a0 Hmmm... I'm about due....\u00a0 I'll be back in 10..", "score": 251, "id": 4044},
{"quote": "<dean`> LunaRain: i can rape myself any time without going to prison", "score": 100, "id": 4050},
{"quote": "<conio> 99% of all americans SUCK\r\n<poon> conio: i guess that leaves Monica Lewinsky in the remaining 1% that blows?", "score": 292, "id": 4054},
{"quote": "([ric]): see if you were scared in legoland, would you shit lego bricks?", "score": 266, "id": 4056},
{"quote": "(@Jumper): I've been to LegoLand \r\n(@Jumper): I've actually been drunk in LegoLand ! \r\n(@Jumper): We had a huge company party in the Lego Castle \r\n(+offwYtE): drink out of lego cups \r\n([ric]): lagerland... sure that wasn't where you were Jumper?", "score": 192, "id": 4061},
{"quote": "<DigDug> <nowakow> does anyone want to teach a horny female to masturbate to orgasm?\r\n<DigDug> Approve Kill Nothing\r\n<orion> kill;\r\n<jestuh> kill\r\n<jestuh> if she's horny she knows what to do", "score": 502, "id": 4062},
{"quote": "<FreshBrew> i dont know why i floss before i go to the dentist\r\n<FreshBrew> i never ever do it\r\n<FreshBrew> its like going to the doctor and pretending not to be sick so he doesnt yell at you", "score": 665, "id": 4064},
{"quote": "<Mazroth> ya vodka is potato water, thats why everyone in russia drinks it\r\n<Mazroth> too many potatoes there\r\n<Mazroth> They have it at mcdonalds, heh\r\n<Mazroth> in fountains.\r\n<Mazroth> big mac, large fry, and supersized vodka", "score": 204, "id": 4065},
{"quote": "<K34R> im not one of these grey haired freaks who flies bitches from out of state then keeps them in a shed\r\n<K34R> but i will be one day <3", "score": 242, "id": 4068},
{"quote": "<[ric]> uneasier, 2 line taskbar is XP default\r\n<[ric]> and if you have like 20+ windows open at once and the quicklaunch active in nt/9x/2k/me then it is necessary\r\n<uneasier> i never knew.. god has reached down from the heavens and stuck his omniscient thumb u my ass\r\n<[ric]> hmm... do you feel discomfort in any way?\r\n<uneasier> no i feel big\r\n<uneasier> and shiny\r\n<[ric]> like stretched and stuff?\r\n<uneasier> no, sort of waterlogged", "score": 81, "id": 4070},
{"quote": "<Zooropa> :B \r\n<Lynkx> you have an ass on your chin", "score": 677, "id": 4075},
{"quote": "<BombScare> snag jerks it so much last night his hand told him it had a headache", "score": 321, "id": 4154},
{"quote": "<Ash> Op me so hard.", "score": 218, "id": 3842},
{"quote": "<d1cer> omfg\r\n<d1cer> i just shit the bigest shit in the world\r\n<d1cer> :/\r\n<d1cer> it was like a fucking legg\r\n<LivinDead> lol\r\n<LivinDead> how big was it?\r\n<d1cer> umm\r\n<d1cer> k\r\n<d1cer> hold on leme get my ruler", "score": 386, "id": 3846},
{"quote": "<zedebsky> Coughing sucks, but does get you higher :)\r\n<tonic4> zedebsky, coughing opens up parts of your lungs that usually don't get in air, in the case of smoking, smoke, so thats how it gets you higher\r\n<latez> lol\r\n<latez> we've got a medic", "score": 178, "id": 3848},
{"quote": "<DMC[tiky]> the word rocks is funny to me, cause when i was a little kid in fox chapel, my friends brother told him GO SUCK ON A ROCK, so he did, and everyone crowded around him and watched him suck on this rock for like 10 minutes.............", "score": 272, "id": 3849},
{"quote": "<shin_k> rez is great though\r\n<shin_k> just because of how insane it is visually\r\n<shin_k> and w/ a great sound system it will make you CRAP YOUR PANTS\r\n<TURBOMEAT> I don't think I've flat out crapped my pants yet\r\n<TURBOMEAT> but there may have been some subtle fecal leakage, yes", "score": 268, "id": 3851},
{"quote": "<Hendrix> Its fun to go out in the cold weather and watch smokers pass out becuse they dont know when they're done exhaling", "score": 1155, "id": 3852},
{"quote": "<imsoemo> i should sell information on how to join irc on ebay\r\n<imsoemo> FOR ONLY $3 I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO TALK TO MORE ARROGANT ASSHOLES THAN YOU EVER DREAMED\r\n<CaliburX> Just make it sound complicated and expensive\r\n<CaliburX> Have you ever wanted to talk with other sophisticated beings like yourself for free on your own personal computer? With this 42 step guide your dreams will become a reality and your life will be forever enjoyable.\r\n<CaliburX> Only $99.99 plus shipping and handling", "score": 338, "id": 3855},
{"quote": "<Hiko> \"all the people in #bemani are child molesters\"\r\n<nitrifik_> I'm not.\r\n<mightyflo> not according to swedish law, anyway\r\n<nitrifik_> exactly.\r\n<nitrifik_> I have never sexed anyone below 15, so I'm all legal.", "score": 245, "id": 3857},
{"quote": "<TURBOMEAT> my car caught fire. \r\n<TURBOMEAT> I tried to flick a cigarette out the window \r\n<TURBOMEAT> and it was only like 1/4 down \r\n<TURBOMEAT> so it bounced off the window and went under the seat \r\n<TURBOMEAT> 2 streets later there was smoke billowing out from under me \r\n<TURBOMEAT> it landed on some paper \r\n<TURBOMEAT> then started to burn the material under the seat \r\n<TURBOMEAT> I wish someone had TOLD me smoking could be hazardous", "score": 764, "id": 3858},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> I think the coathangers might have something to do with all those, ahem, \"random\" miscarriages\r\n<shin_k> scum : THAT'S JUST STRAWBERRY JAM ON THE COAT HANGER, REALLY!", "score": 30, "id": 3864},
{"quote": "<Wodan> hi wich langage do u spieak?\r\n<moonsee> heh\r\n<moonsee> apparently not yours", "score": 1047, "id": 3868},
{"quote": "<Hoosier55> does anyone know where i can get a modchip installed cuz i hate to solder does best buy do it?", "score": 202, "id": 3869},
{"quote": "<thunderka> somebody speak spanish?\r\n<Suriv> i do \r\n<thunderka> you do what?", "score": 548, "id": 3870},
{"quote": "<crapple> i'd fuck a man for a vhost", "score": 172, "id": 3871},
{"quote": "<poste> no, i know this chick with awesome big boobs...2 actually \r\n<rox-work> 2 awesome big boobs? \r\n<rox-work> i should hope so \r\n<matthardy> like one boob on a chest, is like kinda funky and wrong \r\n<spazzer> nah, poste is confused \r\n<spazzer> the chick has one huge uniboob \r\n<matthardy> spazz: ahaha uniboob \r\n<spazzer> and a unibrow to match", "score": 209, "id": 3872},
{"quote": "<Scofco> I wish I invented Jesus", "score": 435, "id": 3873},
{"quote": "<Hostile> And now that i think of it, the west coast should be all renamed to the wastelands\r\n<Scofco> It should be renamed to the east coast\r\n<Scofco> then we would have 2 east coasts\r\n<Scofco> it would rid gang violence\r\n<Scofco> end the east coast / west coast struggle\r\n<Scofco> with a simple name change\r\n<Scofco> I AM THE SMARTEST MAN ALIVE\r\n<Hostile> AGREED", "score": 659, "id": 3874},
{"quote": "(seiki) &google inflatable+goat\r\n(fnet) Google (inflatable+goat):", "score": 338, "id": 3944},
{"quote": "<@EvilSxxd> it's a sad sad day when a man lets a woman move into his balls\r\n<@Vashie> my nutsack is as safe as fort nox\r\n<@EvilSxxd> checked and handled by 1000s of sweaty soldiers a day?", "score": 690, "id": 3946},
{"quote": "<Digital-^> i love brits , every time i hear someone mention a fag break all i can think of is someone knocking on my door , picking me up , and smoking me", "score": 292, "id": 3947},
{"quote": "<blazemore> these japanese guys walked up to me and my friend and started talking to us\r\n<blazemore> and asking which bands we like\r\n<blazemore> so we started naming some off but they hadn't heard of any of them\r\n<blazemore> then i'm like \"uh... guns 'n roses\"\r\n<blazemore> and they're all \"oh yes, we like them very much!\"\r\n<ScumDog> you should've whistled \"patience\" to them\r\n<ScumDog> as a universal message of love\r\n<ScumDog> it transcends the spoken word", "score": 125, "id": 3969},
{"quote": "<Hostile> Would you eat mung if it tasted like chicken?\r\n<Hostile> Would you eat chicken if it tasted like mung.\r\n<Scofco> ...\r\n<Scofco> what's mung?\r\n<Hostile> It's the stuff inside of a pregnant chick i think.\r\n<Scofco> there's lots of stuff inside pregnant chicks\r\n<Hostile> Yeah, that's mung.", "score": 62, "id": 3970},
{"quote": "", "score": 127, "id": 3972},
{"quote": "<Ouroboros> suds: You are drunk, we are sober. Why are you sad?\r\n<suds> i dunno\r\n<suds> maybe cuz all the chicas at the club were so underage it was like walkin into jail\r\n*** suds has some standards\r\n<suds> noone under 18\r\n<suds> now that i'm 22\r\n<Ouroboros> I only have 2 standards.\r\n<Ouroboros> A left one and a right one.", "score": 249, "id": 3973},
{"quote": "[OutLore\u00a0 ] horray! my crossover cable worked! putting ends on is easy....\r\n[madwoota ] if you have a crimper :P\r\n[OutLore\u00a0 ] took me 45 for the first one, 5 for the second.. :)\r\n[madwoota ] cat5 ends take < 10 seconds\r\n[OpsuPup\u00a0 ] but you're l33t woota\r\n[OpsuPup\u00a0 ] how could OutLore possibly hope to compete with you?\r\n[madwoota ] i know, it's tough, but someone has to be this good", "score": 22, "id": 3974},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> my first BBS name ever, when I was something like 11 years old, was pothead.\r\n<ScumDog> except that I was named after a local band, and had no idea what an actual \"pothead\" was\r\n<ScumDog> so people were always like \"Rahhh! 420 4-ever!!!\" and I had no clue what they were talking about", "score": 530, "id": 3975},
{"quote": "<therioman> at this rate i'll end up working for some company, being married and having 4 kids\r\n<therioman> which i will ensure doesn't happen\r\n<therioman> i shall barricade myself with 45U racks", "score": 216, "id": 3976},
{"quote": "(AngelGrl) unix sounds like lego.. am i right?", "score": 198, "id": 3979},
{"quote": "[11:29] *** kiwix is now known as kiwiGF\r\n[11:34] *** kiwiGF is now known as kiwix\r\n<mightyflo> that was quick.", "score": 314, "id": 3984},
{"quote": "<scummo> I was saying \"eat a dick\" even then, trying to get good grades by drawing pictures of shoes\r\n<scummo> a tradition I keep up even today\r\n<scummo> the 4.0 on the 15-page paper about the importance of midgets and dwarfs in film has to be my crown jewel", "score": 317, "id": 3985},
{"quote": "<Lowtax> Command and Conquer? Is that being the movie with Regis & kathy Lee?", "score": 97, "id": 3990},
{"quote": "<DAEMON> marked by circumcision \r\n<DAEMON> hm, that sounds like a Steven Segal movie", "score": 380, "id": 3991},
{"quote": "<Matt> so much hostility \r\n<Spike> for such a tiny little hole", "score": 247, "id": 3992},
{"quote": "* DAEMON watches the most expensive videos on mtv \r\n<SkiTz> the most expensive is bound to be a Michael Jackson clip. \r\n<DAEMON> it costs a lot to buy small children on the black market for his dressing room", "score": 155, "id": 3993},
{"quote": "<blazemore> indian, asian.. same difference, they both end with \"ian\"", "score": 43, "id": 3532},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> I never treat women as members of the opposite sex, Tanya.", "score": 233, "id": 3535},
{"quote": "<craig> i'm sorry, i should've remembered that many people are pedanic here \r\n<Crappy> it's pedantic", "score": 1059, "id": 3539},
{"quote": "<sQuEeDeN> <applet code=\"filename.jar\"></applet>\r\n<duckman> <monkey sex=\"now\"></monkey>\r\n<sQuEeDeN> <duckman sex=\"none\" orientation=\"unknown\"></duckman>", "score": 220, "id": 3547},
{"quote": "<PowrSlave> dude once i got an altoid stuck up my gf's pussy\u00a0 \r\n<PowrSlave> and everytime i tried to fish it out with my tongue it went further up.\u00a0 and she said it burned her hahaa", "score": 43, "id": 3550},
{"quote": "<GiRLiE> hey it was funny the doc asked me if I have blood in my urine\r\n<GiRLiE> thought of u", "score": 127, "id": 3551},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> he prolly cried and then shot himself in the head 14 times\r\n<Wronski> DAL9000: I think it would be rather difficult to shoot yourself in the head 14 times.\r\n<DAL9000> Wronski: think about it.\r\n<DAL9000> if he's stupid enough to use an imac and need help\r\n<DAL9000> then he's prolly not using very much of his brain\r\n<natescape> b'sides, they say we only use 10% of our brain most of the time anyway\r\n<natescape> his 10% was probably located closer to his ass....", "score": 282, "id": 3552},
{"quote": "<@Dark_un> is there an actual term for banks lending out money?\r\n<@bytraper> loan\r\n<@Dark_un> i was thinking of the process\r\n<@incorrect> scam", "score": 919, "id": 3554},
{"quote": "<IceHeartX> we had like, years ago\r\n<IceHeartX> we gave it up 'cause we didn't actually have any hot geeks", "score": 279, "id": 3556},
{"quote": "<mightyflo> and \"what technologies do you like working with best?\"\r\n<mightyflo> that's an odd question\r\n<redbatszu> dusteating nanobots?\r\n<mightyflo> i should hook those up to the x10 remote\r\n<mightyflo> i could clean the house from my chair", "score": 196, "id": 3557},
{"quote": "<Geothermal> \"<Sphlynxo> Watch your mouth, son.\" what the hell was that\r\n<Geothermal> he better be joking\r\n<Geothermal> 'cause this is fucking finalfight\r\n<Kazz-readin> Yeah.\u00a0 Fight the power!\r\n<dregan> Where the men are men, the women are women, the sheep are scared, and the preteen girls are 40-year-old men!", "score": 310, "id": 3559},
{"quote": "<evilbadz> can i show you my function?\r\n<DAL9000> never on a first date.", "score": 425, "id": 3560},
{"quote": "<mightyflo> they need to make a car washing sim\r\n<nitrifik_> I'd play it.\r\n<FE2work> what r u a spic ?\r\n<blazemore> haha\r\n<blazemore> would you like to buy a vowel?\r\n<blazemore> or even a whole word", "score": 329, "id": 3561},
{"quote": "<Slant> Maybe I'll be able to ignore my GOD DAMN NEED TO HUMP ANYTHING HUMAN AND FEMALE\r\n<Slant> ANYTHING\r\n<Zor-SLEEP> i feel for your sisters.", "score": 568, "id": 3563},
{"quote": "<DMC[tiky]> talon: and dont get me started on your little \"provicative\" look in the bottom of the picture\r\n<DMC[tiky]> look like someone put ginger ale in your vagina and you are like 'you silly little kitten'\r\n*** DMC[tiky] was kicked by _Talon_ (God, you are so annoying)\r\n*** DMC[tiky] ( has joined\r\n<DMC[tiky]> haha\r\n<DMC[tiky]> talon is frustrated with my dmc face", "score": 42, "id": 3565},
{"quote": "<DMC[tiky]> talon: also can we discuss your choice of hairstyles?\r\n<DMC[tiky]> talon: the nappy-hair crackhead washed up movie star shoulder legth hair cut is sooo not in.", "score": 54, "id": 3566},
{"quote": "<KoS-> what the hell is a civic hx?\r\n<matts> hx =hax0red", "score": 176, "id": 3568},
{"quote": "<zeepe> swede girls are legendary\r\n<Janus120> can i have one?\r\n<zeepe> well\r\n<zeepe> you have to be young and pretty with a big cock\r\n<Janus120> im 5 inches myself, but im a very good listener", "score": 315, "id": 3726},
{"quote": "<Slant> I lost $50 to sexual laws in Washington.\r\n<Corranfox> if I have to pay $50 to fuck my girlfriend so be it", "score": 248, "id": 3728},
{"quote": "<[ric]> I need viagra just to go to the toilet.. :)", "score": 43, "id": 3733},
{"quote": "<tomg> old, ancient, shouldn't be used, replaced with something better\r\n<[ric]> yeh, like the excuses I get when I am dumped", "score": 199, "id": 3734},
{"quote": "<Alexander> see, shift, when you said you got a laptop, I automatically assumed 'dance'", "score": 185, "id": 3736},
{"quote": "<lonelyfig> who here can name all the punk bands that have won Grammy's?\r\n<Lawd> u2 and umm\r\n<Lawd> fuck thats it\r\n<nXwetrust> u2 punk?.......\r\n<lonelyfig> U2 = not a punk band\r\n<Lawd> yeah they are\r\n<blazemore> hahaha\r\n<lonelyfig> no they arent\r\n<Lawd> they started out as a punk band\r\n<blazemore> michael jackson also started out as a black person\r\n<Lawd> haha wtf :|", "score": 884, "id": 3737},
{"quote": "<Scofco> I have the ass of a homosexual\r\n<Scofco> shame I'm not gay\r\n<Scofco> I'd make a good gay guy", "score": 252, "id": 3743},
{"quote": "<tomg> are there any programs that will scan a remote ip to see if there are any common trojans on it (I want this for GOOD use :))?\r\n<JibberJim> Does anyone know where I can buy big guns, it's okay it's for a GOOD use.\r\n<Eibon> I'm looking for anthrax. Anyone know where I can find some?", "score": 920, "id": 3748},
{"quote": "<Mir> I'm based on a true story\r\n<eldee> mir: what book? kamasutra for homos? :)\r\n<Mir> no....\r\n<Mir> not a book\r\n<Mir> I'm based on the Story of Dave. The guy that was.\r\n<eldee> the guy that was _____? (gay?)\r\n<eldee> bwahahhaa\r\n<boozie> hahaha\r\n<Mir> no\r\n<Mir> the guy that was.\u00a0\u00a0 theres no more words, I put the . in there.\r\n<eldee> dang\r\n<eldee> he's right.\r\n<eldee> punctuation's a bitch\r\n<boozie> poop", "score": 256, "id": 3749},
{"quote": "<djcrom> TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY\r\n<djcrom> I ACCEPT VISA, MASTERCARD, AND WEED.", "score": 526, "id": 3751},
{"quote": "<ChewToy> hrm... my girlfriend should be getting off work soon\r\n<ChewToy> i should get really really stoned before she gets here \r\n<spazzer> actually\r\n<spazzer> chew \r\n<spazzer> i got off your girlfriend this afternoon first\r\n<ChewToy> spazzer she's fucking hot :)\r\n<ChewToy> she puts out!\r\n<spazzer> hence, i said i got off of her first\r\n<ChewToy> she sucks good dick doesnt she?\r\n<spazzer> i was getting close, and she told me to put my finger in her ass\r\n<ChewToy> she's a manager at a victorias secret\r\n<ChewToy> :>\r\n* KNG_SNK wonders how chew scored that\r\n<dazemobil> he ordered her in the catalog =o", "score": 199, "id": 3752},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> how do you learn new words and puts it in your everyday talking?", "score": 328, "id": 3753},
{"quote": "<tyne> ive tossed around joining places like the peace corp and green peace and the navy\r\n<tyne> but green peace is too much\r\n<tyne> navy is too hard\r\n<tyne> and peace corp is hard to get into\r\n<tyne> so\r\n<tyne> my final answer is\r\n<tyne> bartender!!", "score": 223, "id": 3755},
{"quote": "<Ad0> I met my gf (which is here as we speak) over IRC\r\n<Wyatt> Ad0: Are you both IRCing side-by-side?\r\n<Ad0> almost\r\n<Ad0> she is in the kitchen with the laptop", "score": 454, "id": 3756},
{"quote": "<Xta-C> what's a working efnet server?\r\n<Lord-Data> an oxymoron?", "score": 507, "id": 3757},
{"quote": "<[ric]> although.... dark makeup (check)... peircings (check)... wearing black (check)... leather & studded wristbands (check)... mad stare (check) \r\n<[ric]> she has all the hallmarks of a good date if you ask me... now if we could just add a some mental instability and bizarre drinking habbits then we have my perfect woman", "score": 449, "id": 3761},
{"quote": "<[ric]> god, damnit... wished I had never started on that\u00a0 ... I'll never get any work done now.", "score": 53, "id": 3762},
{"quote": "<Wes> While most dudes go day-to-day waiting for sex to happen, the sex offenders go out and MAKE it happen.", "score": 599, "id": 3373},
{"quote": "<Maxisout> Apoc has so much brail on his face it would confuse a blind person", "score": 200, "id": 3375},
{"quote": "<Kraz> I am bored with the internet\r\n<Kraz> believe it or not\r\n<Kraz> there are no more \"killer apps\"\r\n<Kraz> it's all a big let down\r\n<Kraz> mostly coz it's not 3d", "score": 118, "id": 3376},
{"quote": "[20:21] <Wabajape> how many gbas did you buy?\r\n[20:21] <KidHype> 2\r\n[20:22] <KidHype> his and hers\r\n[20:22] <Wabajape> none for the kids?\r\n[20:22] <KidHype> we are the kids", "score": 321, "id": 3377},
{"quote": "<crums|zzz> i love my bed\r\n<crums|zzz> still need to christen it...grrr", "score": 136, "id": 3385},
{"quote": "<Ponder> He found a better job, got a new gf.\r\n<Ponder> All because he stopped smoking\r\n<tragic> i need to start smoking, so then i can quit and all sorta good shit will happen to me", "score": 595, "id": 3388},
{"quote": "<Ad0> anyone got monsters inc?\r\n<Ad0> my gf wants to see it\r\n<Idler> Ad0: No, but I got a monster in my pants\r\n<Idler> and I bet your girlfriend wants to see that", "score": 475, "id": 3389},
{"quote": "<AaronStJ> I'd buy it.\u00a0 And by buy, I mean warez", "score": 759, "id": 3391},
{"quote": "<Snag> i saw this thing...... its like a rod with two lips you put like a special rod-lube in it..\r\n<Snag> supposed to be like a bj.... throat included\r\n<XDDD> i prefer women for my bjs\r\n<boozie> haha\r\n<XDDD> but im kinda weird\r\n<XDDD> i guess the pipe would be better, no body to get rid of afterwards", "score": 350, "id": 3392},
{"quote": "<|TrunX|> don't make me bust out my pic\r\n<|TrunX|> you will all turn gay", "score": 324, "id": 3400},
{"quote": "<|sco|t> doesn anyone in here know a good amount of php\r\n<Jumper> |sco|t, the #php guys do ;)\r\n<JibberJim> |sco|t go to #php\r\n<[ric]> and #women is full of women, go figure\r\n<JibberJim> and #teens is full of 40 year old men.", "score": 814, "id": 3402},
{"quote": "* IZS logs in and delets all potential child porn\r\n<IZS> rm -rf /", "score": 327, "id": 3403},
{"quote": "", "score": 33, "id": 3404},
{"quote": "<timmo> and it involves a girl named bertha\r\n<timmo> WHO WOULD SUBJECT THEIR DAUGHTER TO THE HORRORS OF THAT NAME\r\n<timmo> 'this is my daughter bertha, she eats villages'", "score": 1824, "id": 3407},
{"quote": "<steve-kun> everybody's someone else's nigger", "score": -1, "id": 3408},
{"quote": "<grifferz> what is more funny is when dalnet EB sends a message to their mailing lists\u00a0 saying \"don't talk about this issue, kill the thread\" thus ensuring the thread will never, ever end\r\n<grifferz> it is like a reverse godwin", "score": 214, "id": 3409},
{"quote": "<ben> on sep 11th dalnet issued a statement offering condolences and saying how they were non-politicial\r\n<ben> and you almost believe them until you see it was issued by Melech which is the hebrew word for king\r\n<ben> i.e. israeli contacts, etc\r\n<ben> NON POLITICAL MY ARSEY\r\n<grifferz> wow, and like, the way bahamut is the name of a dragon, maybe all these names have real meaning and dalnet staff are really hyperdiemnsional dragon warriors from the planet Oper!!\r\n<grifferz> fucking scary eh\r\n<ben> yes\r\n<grifferz> or, they could be just nicknames.\u00a0 I DO NOT KNOW", "score": 804, "id": 3410},
{"quote": "<nakke> !dictionary fellatio\r\n<FillyJonk>\u00a0 2 entries found for fellatio.\r\n<FillyJonk>\u00a0 fel-la-ti-o (f-l, -sh, f-) n. Oral stimulation of the penis. [New Latin, from Latin felltus, past participle of fellre, to suck. See dh(i)- in Indo-European Roots.] \r\n<JibberJim> So billions is spent on making it possible for people to \"chat\" across the world, and access dictionary's and what do you do? - look up dirty words...", "score": 299, "id": 3625},
{"quote": "<Phil> i always have fun when 11 inches is involved", "score": 91, "id": 3627},
{"quote": "<blazemore> omg i love this song\r\n<blazemore> Now playing: Unknown Artist - Track 2 @ 128 Kbps. (0:47/3:24)\r\n<Javi> blazemore:\u00a0 yeah, that's a bad ass song", "score": 6768, "id": 3630},
{"quote": "<tsui-ji> gyl: go into #asian and tell em you are white, have muscles and drive a nice car and mad chicks will msg you", "score": 153, "id": 3632},
{"quote": "<tyne> my life consists of 2 things\r\n<tyne> music\r\n<tyne> and debt", "score": 230, "id": 3634},
{"quote": "<L0ne_W0lf> I saw a lady at work today putting a credit card into her floppy drive and pulling it out very quickly. I inquired as to what she was doing and she said she was shopping on the Internet, and they asked for a credit card number, so she was using the ATM \"thingy.\"", "score": 1037, "id": 3635},
{"quote": "<kung_fu_mike> its not a fast rmix when all you did was speed up the bit rate\r\n<kung_fu_mike> oh and degrade the quality", "score": 118, "id": 3636},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> so for job titles, i should put Wholesale Distributor, Bookkeeping and ...what goes here\r\n<jube> Village Idiot", "score": 306, "id": 3638},
{"quote": "<WhitePony> I want to upgrade my t3 connection to a cable modem, where do i download the patch?", "score": 352, "id": 3646},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #funadultchat\r\n<Megumi> i am ready to receive my fun", "score": 864, "id": 3647},
{"quote": "<PapaWo|f> any girls care to chat with 17/m/Van/Lamer/zits for days/hideously overweight/naked right at this moment spanking off to animal porn? msg me", "score": 252, "id": 3649},
{"quote": "(@watchy): hey io \r\n(@watchy): i am gonna put up a ebay auction \r\n(@watchy): i'm gonna auction my sperm \r\n(@watchy): haha \r\n*** Quits: watchy (Excess Flood) \r\n(@[IO]): or not", "score": 284, "id": 3650},
{"quote": "[illz] i could maybe play it off him like 'im just taking my autistic friend out he's never had a drink before'", "score": 84, "id": 3651},
{"quote": "<blazemore> one time i was camping with a bunch of friends and me and this girl were sleeping next to each other and we were both laying on our sides with our asses touching and i accidentally farted", "score": 554, "id": 3652},
{"quote": "* auslandr pokes lint in the eye\r\n<EigenLint> no poking.\r\n* auslandr stabs lint in the eye\r\n<auslandr> better?", "score": 354, "id": 3658},
{"quote": "<Mazroth> A girl waved to me once before making out with her boyfriend, does that count as scoring?", "score": 670, "id": 3659},
{"quote": "<FlipTopBox> oooh!\u00a0 i want a p'zone!\r\n<mightyflo> \"we tried spelling 'pizza' and 'calzone' but we fucked up.\"\r\n<FlipTopBox> i was thinking more like \"we were trying to find the most annoying name possible.\"", "score": 262, "id": 3660},
{"quote": "*** BlackDeth ( has joined #snogs\r\n<tyne> uh\r\n<tyne> who are u?\r\n<matts> BlackDeth on #snogs @#songs \r\n<BlackDeth> hypr told me to do it\r\n<BlackDeth> i dont know how well you guys know him\r\n<BlackDeth> but you probably realize he isn't the greatest typer/speller!\r\n<matts> HAHAHA\r\n<hypr> shut up flamer\r\n<BlackDeth> so i joined #songs first when he said #snogs", "score": 376, "id": 4076},
{"quote": "<BombScare> i need to get my eyes lasered\r\n<eldee> ditto.. 2k per eye though\r\n<eldee> i'm saving my money for something i wont take for granted though :)\r\n<enos> i don't trust that eye laser surgery yet\r\n<enos> it'd be sweet tho to not need glasses or contacts\r\n<BombScare> i have an aunt that had it done, she loves it\r\n<BombScare> like 20 seconds and you can see\r\n<eldee> BombScare: damn.. i dont even think jesus was that fast\r\n<eldee> god bless america!\r\n<eldee> or something\r\n<BombScare> hah", "score": 185, "id": 4077},
{"quote": "<Mukluk> My lungs hold 650 cubic cenimeters of air. :P\r\n<Mukluk> I know this because it was measured by a doctor. :P\r\n<fRy-> WHAT THE FUCK? :P\r\n<Mukluk> I was told that that's an extremely high capacity. :P\r\n<Mukluk> I could fucking beat all of you to death. :P\r\n<DeadRinga> with your lungs?\r\n<z0rg> Mukluk hahahah\r\n<Mukluk> Laugh all you like, little-lung. :P", "score": 937, "id": 4078},
{"quote": "<ar5WRK> Is it fucked up, to like, when she was sleeping, jerk off on her so when she would wake up she would have a mound of jizz on her body some where?\r\n<ar5WRK> Not like i ever did that.\r\n<ar5WRK> Just wanting to know...\r\n<ar5WRK> ...", "score": 438, "id": 4080},
{"quote": "<[ric]> Jim, tsk, tsk... you're getting as bad as me :)\r\n<JibberJim> Eh, I've never been unnatural with a goat.\r\n<[ric]> jim... ok, almost as bad as me", "score": 362, "id": 4082},
{"quote": "<[ric]> puddy.. but I need to live on the internet... without p0rn I would forget what a naked woman looks like!\r\n<[ric]> I know there are those magazine things, but hey I keep clicking [next] and the pages don't turn!\r\n<winmutt> ric thats scares me\r\n* winmutt looks ric up on the sexual offender listings\r\n<[ric]> what scares me more is that it will end up in geekQuotes... (again.. sigh!)\r\n<[ric]> what I would like to know is how come all my inspirational leaps of genius, stunning breakthroughs in code or precise observational musings don't end up in geekQuotes, just the ones that make me look like some drunken, banter merchant, goth obsessed nutter seem to make it!\r\n* [ric] looks squarely in Jumper's direction, and taps his foot...", "score": 237, "id": 4083},
{"quote": "<nightfal:#java> damn, this quotedb gets funnier as a function of sleep loss", "score": 330, "id": 4084},
{"quote": "<boxed> I still have the marks of her nails on my back I think :P\r\n<jwzrd-> boxed: ahahahahah\r\n<jwzrd-> boxed: I get marks on my chest :)\r\n<boxed> well, that happens too\r\n<jwzrd-> boxed++\r\n<nightfal> I bruised my right nipple while I was sleeping 3 nights ago", "score": 284, "id": 4087},
{"quote": "<[ric]> pfft... oh, well when I am dead my gravestone will simply read..\u00a0", "score": 203, "id": 4097},
{"quote": "<akh76> Hello, I'm \"an ki hong\" from Korea. \r\n<akh76> I want to know The reason Why I'm ven\r\n<akh76> I'm lacks a Knowledge of\u00a0 irc\r\n<akh76> Thank you and I hope to get your reply back soon.", "score": 276, "id": 4098},
{"quote": "(ALF) KMFDM: you havent blown your load in so long, the next bitch will prolly have to chew before she swallows", "score": 364, "id": 4099},
{"quote": "<FlipTopBox> Concatenate?\r\n<mightyflo> its something sexual\r\n<FlipTopBox> Concatenate can be sexual, baby.\r\n<mightyflo> its something sexual to someone who hasn't taken a programming class", "score": 278, "id": 4102},
{"quote": "* dodgearse learns to need how to say somthing before thinking of it\r\n[dodgearse] wow... that dont sound right\r\n* dodgearse needs to learn to think about what hes going to say before saying it...", "score": 537, "id": 4105},
{"quote": "<reaper> I'm not racist I have colour TV :/", "score": 264, "id": 4108},
{"quote": "*** williard ( has joined #oscars\r\n<williard> this channel should win a award for being so lame", "score": 35, "id": 4109},
{"quote": "<Ouroboros> Tang is as good as sex.\r\n<ruiner> my sex isn't powdery and orange", "score": 478, "id": 4110},
{"quote": "<JackTaiwn> damn u english speakers >_<", "score": 44, "id": 4111},
{"quote": "<CorranFox> we didn't have sex though\r\n<CorranFox> she took the route of saying \"I might be a lesbian\"\r\n<CorranFox> I didn't drive her into it though\r\n<mightyflo> you didnt drive it into her either", "score": 853, "id": 4155},
{"quote": "<Konami> Washing makes my vagina smell less strong. Going several days with no washing results in a more pungent vagina. Most people could probably have guessed that.", "score": 39, "id": 4157},
{"quote": "* cococutie does the deaf hottie victory dance :)\r\n<Rhelik> cococutie: deaf hottie?\u00a0 why deaf?\r\n<estranger> Rhelik: mainly cus she can't hear\u00a0 =)", "score": 333, "id": 4158},
{"quote": "<Teratogen> what is the difference between PMS and PWS?\r\n<Rhelik> Teratogen: one is a curse on men sent by god, the other is a curse on men sent by microsoft", "score": 418, "id": 4159},
{"quote": "<xEh> I could use some help on my image post site\r\n<JaseGuru> If you pay me I will\r\n<xEh> i'm doing it for free so why can't you, some arrogant fellows here\r\n<|Primus> lol. xEH your the one that wants a stranger to do stuff for you, for free", "score": 163, "id": 4161},
{"quote": "<Rhelik> our conversation about having to recompile PHP is the equivilant too\r\n<Rhelik> lex:\"my car won't start\"\u00a0 rhelic:\"it needs a new starter\"\u00a0 lex:\"so how do i fix it?\"\u00a0 rhelic:\"get a new starter\"\u00a0 lex:\"does that mean i have to get one?\"\u00a0 rhelic:\"are you an idiot?\"\r\n<Rhelik> lex: stop bitching and just fix it, you sound like a bad girlfriend\r\n<lex> i am a girl", "score": 539, "id": 4162},
{"quote": "<Roadancer> Rednecks will be slaughtered and used to make soap to wash the homeless", "score": 44, "id": 4164},
{"quote": "<sdr> I hate faggots who diss aol im\r\n<sdr> either you love irc/aim or are into fagtastic drugs", "score": -56, "id": 4167},
{"quote": "<sdr> i'm going to play with it first and become familiar, then show her how to use it", "score": 473, "id": 4169},
{"quote": "<morte> Jesus Peanut Butter Cups: Little pieces of the Son of God in a milk chocolate cup! There's no wrong way to eat a Jesus!", "score": 261, "id": 4170},
{"quote": "<unixpeon> we need a Bush Family vs Iraq episode for MTV Deathmatch", "score": 208, "id": 4172},
{"quote": "<johnnybad> nice guys finish last\r\n<ScottO> isnt that what women want anyway?\u00a0 the guy to finish last?", "score": 648, "id": 4173},
{"quote": "<PapiChu1o> i only like DreamWeaver because it takes away the pain of staring at text\r\n<S5474> I use a text based editor because it takes the pain away of pointing and clicking ;)", "score": 293, "id": 4174},
{"quote": "<METHODZsz> WinME is a app you put on someone elses computer to play a joke on them into thinkin their computer is fucked", "score": 444, "id": 4175},
{"quote": "<Object> next thing you know she'll be sticking dildo's up my ass\r\n<Object> that's just harsh\r\n<[ric]> well it's harsh if it isn't lubed", "score": 302, "id": 4182},
{"quote": "", "score": 57, "id": 4183},
{"quote": "<Anton> for a guess you had a shit day at work as usual?\r\n<Alexander> just boring\r\n<Anton> ever actually had a good day at work?\r\n<Alexander> well ok boring and shit", "score": 45, "id": 4186},
{"quote": "<Infe> damn, i hate buying a computer part, you always see a better deal the next day\r\n<AlmtyBob> not me\r\n<ryo-ohki> Just steal stuff, and you won't have that problem.\r\n<Infe> but then they buy something newer and better to replace what you stole\r\n<Infe> and you have to steal again!", "score": 274, "id": 3876},
{"quote": "<MadScribe> it's called working for a growing company \r\n<Soopa> work on my growing cock! \r\n* Soopa has a way with words \r\n<toNe> and a way with cocks \r\n<Soopa> yeah that too", "score": 170, "id": 3877},
{"quote": "<nARcOtIC]> any of u know someone witha f ast internet connection? \r\n<[ric]> me, suppa fast... so fast I can't even see the packets go by when I open the modem up \r\n<nARcOtIC]> how fast is it? \r\n<[ric]> so fast I can't even explain it \r\n<nARcOtIC]> right \r\n<[ric]> so fast that by the time I try and upload something it was uploaded 10 minutes earlier \r\n<[ric]> stunningly fast, it is..", "score": 339, "id": 3878},
{"quote": "<drano> i need to go to sleep soon, i was late for school this morning\r\n<Wyatt> being late rules.\r\n<furandfx> periods\r\n<furandfx> the only place being late does not rule", "score": 485, "id": 3880},
{"quote": "<baras> who can help me to find job in holland, maybe in farm? pls", "score": 42, "id": 3883},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> I don't think the act itself is sick, though. They're going to have sex with someone, it might as well be me.", "score": 202, "id": 3885},
{"quote": "<KNG_SNK> ok i was at work today\r\n<KNG_SNK> and two ppl were missing...\r\n<KNG_SNK> and this guy's office was locked\r\n<KNG_SNK> but i knew there was someone in there... VERY quiet too\r\n<KNG_SNK> so me and some buds went over to the next building\r\n<KNG_SNK> to try to peek in\r\n<KNG_SNK> and man... they were goin at it\r\n<KNG_SNK> but we could clearly see humping action", "score": 204, "id": 3887},
{"quote": "<nitrifik_> wtf? that's blazemore? he looks 12!\r\n<P2E> maybe that's why he has so much porn", "score": 269, "id": 3888},
{"quote": "(|Chris) it's the gift that keeps on giving\r\n(Amanda`) Herpes?", "score": 766, "id": 3891},
{"quote": "<elliptic> does any1 else name their member set/get functions with \"Please\" in the end?", "score": 575, "id": 3893},
{"quote": "<gc> it would take approximatly 40 286's to equals the power of your average 1 GHz desktop\r\n<cabbage> um, where did you pull that crap from?\r\n<gc> do the math\r\n<cabbage> haha\r\n<ian> what math\r\n<_gene> well you know .. THE math ;)\r\n<jwzrd-> gc: are you adding clockspeed here ?\r\n<gc> no its the cache,", "score": 141, "id": 3894},
{"quote": "*** opinion (ED@blahblahblah.bla) has joined #bemani\r\n<opinion> hey guys\r\n<opinion> WHY DONT YOU VOICE YOUR OPINION\r\n*** ScumDog sets mode: +v opinion", "score": 962, "id": 3898},
{"quote": "<+Tre> how do I get girls to have sex with me?\r\n<+sp00n> show them software you have written..woman go wild for that kind of stuff\r\n<+Tre> for real? how should i show them? do I carry my laptop around and show random woman??", "score": 854, "id": 3902},
{"quote": "<Rbrt> i have decided to file for a divorce\r\n<nharris> Rbrt.. wise move\r\n<Rbrt> yepp neil\r\n<closedown> did you just have a kid?\r\n<Rbrt> yes i did\r\n<nharris> my brother's inlaws are DICKS.. except his bro in law..he's cool\r\n<Rbrt> the kid doesnt change the fact that she's a psycho\r\n<closedown> ah\r\n<closedown> my gf's trying to hint at marriage\r\n<closedown> that would surely cut into my irc time", "score": 228, "id": 3905},
{"quote": "*** Jei-Dijitaru has quit IRC (Do we really need warnings that the lead in paint will kill you? Keep in mind that these people have already made a conscious decision to CONSUME PAINT.)", "score": 852, "id": 3908},
{"quote": "<Donitz> Sleep! From Blamco! Its kinda like dying - but without the commitment!", "score": 458, "id": 3995},
{"quote": "<Donitz> Do you like waffles?! Do you like Nazi propaganda?! Then do we have the restaraunt for you!", "score": 703, "id": 3998},
{"quote": "<Veers> Welcome to insomnia, Tony. Even Masturbation won't work right.", "score": 330, "id": 3999},
{"quote": "<Nazke|du> Your ass is russian, in other words its cold and only inviting to women with beards.", "score": 167, "id": 4003},
{"quote": "<Tony> a hand job..10 dollars, a blowjob..25 dollars, full sex..50 dollars, a long lasting relationship..priceless. There are some things money can buy, for everything else, theres blackmail.", "score": 476, "id": 4004},
{"quote": "<evil-guru> if the Bible says Pi equals 3, the Pi must equal 3 \r\n<j-la> Thou shalt not reckon in decimals.", "score": 450, "id": 4008},
{"quote": "<Gallant> what's the point of programmin C/C++ if your goal is to make readable code?", "score": 193, "id": 4012},
{"quote": "<Joshua> how's the recording going?\r\n<Joshua> or the whole band thing i guess... haven't heard much as of late...\r\n<Lexx> like a dead paraplegic snail, nailed to a dead paraplegic badger that has been cemented into the foundations of a building\r\n<Joshua> umm... was the snail dead before it was nailed to the badger?\r\n<Lexx> they were both stillborn\r\n<Lexx> as were their parents\r\n<Alamias> Sounds like my sex life\r\n<Joshua> wow...", "score": 545, "id": 4013},
{"quote": "<Alamias> So, how is things with you Waldo?\r\n<Joshua> things are just things\r\n<Joshua> kicked a midterm's ass\r\n<Joshua> tire\r\n<Joshua> *tired\r\n<Alamias> Cool..\u00a0 I always hated midterms\r\n<Lexx> isnt that a pregnant lady?", "score": 187, "id": 4014},
{"quote": "<aeflux> I swear 85% of the CS community failed remedial english in 3rd grade\r\n<Gunny> 85% of the CS community hasn't made it to the 3rd grade", "score": 654, "id": 4015},
{"quote": "<djglitch> i'm thinking about getting the front desk chix number just to see if i still have it in me\r\n<djglitch> she is sexy\r\n<tyne> lol\r\n<tyne> u got her number\r\n<tyne> \"0\"", "score": 337, "id": 4016},
{"quote": "<drlion> squirrels have sexy tails\r\n<drlion> like foxes\r\n<[ric]> hmm.... define \"sexy\"\r\n<[ric]> in fact, don't... I will leave it to my imagination.. :)", "score": 223, "id": 4019},
{"quote": "<Dark_un> man this shit is fucked\r\n<Synoptica> whats that?\r\n* Dark_un produces a piece of shit with a particularly suspicious looking hole", "score": 770, "id": 4021},
{"quote": "*** crunchybl has joined #xml\r\n<crunchybl> anyone know xml in here", "score": 386, "id": 4026},
{"quote": "<RokChik> just had my first mammogram and anytime you flatten anything that much, it just ain't ever going back to being fluffy and firm again. I just may sue.", "score": 529, "id": 4027},
{"quote": "*** d6|GaiaN has joined #lesbians\r\n<d6|GaiaN> lol\r\n<d6|GaiaN> EVERYONE OF YOU ARE GUYS AND I KNOW IT", "score": 1485, "id": 3570},
{"quote": "*** Villager has joined #akpcep\r\n<Villager> damn AOL\r\n<Joshua> ...\r\n<Alexander> hi vill\r\n<Joshua> jesus shit!\r\n<Joshua> you ARE using AOL!\r\n<Joshua> i thought you were joking...", "score": 277, "id": 3572},
{"quote": "<jstepka> perl is the kryptonite of the computer science world\r\n<pagan> if stepka looks at it his penis shrivles up\r\n<pagan> and he gets weak\r\n<pagan> =)\r\n<jstepka> hell yeah", "score": 179, "id": 3575},
{"quote": "* RedBull has returned.. I degaussed my girlfriend and I'm just not attracted to her anymore.", "score": 482, "id": 3576},
{"quote": "<Corranfox> GF?\r\n<metroid23> you'll get it eventually...\r\n<Corranfox> guitar freaks\r\n<blazemore> it's not like it'd stand for girl friend.. this IS #bemani after all", "score": 259, "id": 3577},
{"quote": "<myzery> MIAMI -- An 81-year-old woman who arrived in court Thursday in a wheelchair plotted to smuggle 9,931 doses of Ecstasy in her luggage on a flight from London, authorities said.\r\n<matts> hahah\r\n<[prefix]> haha\r\n<matts> What a doofus\r\n<skycriesx> whered u read that\r\n<myzery> the onion", "score": 572, "id": 3578},
{"quote": "<Slant> The problem with having gone this long without whacking\r\n<Slant> is that I have no quality pr0n in which to celebrate the occasion\r\n<Slant> that now I can whack\r\n<Slant> and thus I feel the \"moment\" isn't right", "score": 257, "id": 3579},
{"quote": "<Slant> Easy way to figure out which episodes Slant likes:\r\n<Slant> for x in StarTrek.Episodes[]\r\n<Slant> if (x.liked_by_everyone)\r\n<Slant> Slant.hates_episode[x] = TRUE;\r\n<Slant> else\r\n<Slant> Slant.likes_episode[x] = FALSE;\r\n<Slant> no wait.\r\n<mightyflo> hahahahahahahaha\r\n<Slant> Slant.hates_episode[x] = FALSE;\r\n<animegoth> lol\r\n<FutabaAoi> so you hate all of tng!\r\n<mightyflo> it's funny when you can debug someone's real life code", "score": 337, "id": 3580},
{"quote": "<Slant> In the process of arguing for chinese food\r\n<Slant> I appear to have slipped my guilt in .. err .. inability to cook food.\r\n<Slant> If it reaches the complexity of boiling water, I don't have the attention span.\r\n<Slant> As such, we have had a few vict.. err .. accidents around the house.\r\n<Slant> So it looks like I'll be eating ramen tonight. Worse, I'll be eating it carefully monitored.", "score": 252, "id": 3581},
{"quote": "<duk0r> Don't forget kids, the faster you download the bigger your penis is.", "score": 423, "id": 3582},
{"quote": "MrProgrmmr: I want to encode my sperms DNA with the DeCSS code, that way when I jack off, I'd be breaking the law", "score": 240, "id": 3584},
{"quote": "<cheezwiz> anybody know how to have WarCraft 3 run off of a bnetd server??\r\n<eldee> cheezwiz: yeah\r\n<cheezwiz> eldee\r\n<cheezwiz> really?\r\n<eldee> cheezwiz: yeah! first, become a beta tester. then they'll give you a serial number you can use. its hella easy after that. you just hit connect\r\n<cheezwiz> eldee:wow u didn't help at all \r\n<eldee> cheezwiz: cool. mission accomplished", "score": 328, "id": 3587},
{"quote": "*** da-guvnor ( Quit (If girls are made of sugar & spice......why do they taste of fish.)", "score": 326, "id": 3588},
{"quote": "e l i t e m r p: you think you're so smart cause you go to \"school\"", "score": 341, "id": 3589},
{"quote": "<Slant> ....\r\n<FutabaAoi> i see your ... and raise you ..\r\n<FutabaAoi> !\r\n<Slant> four baby.\r\n* Slant shoots FutabaAoi for cheating at the '.' table.", "score": 293, "id": 3591},
{"quote": "<[ric]> as the old joke goes, commodore is so bad a marketing, if they bought KFC they would rename it \"warm dead bird\"", "score": 909, "id": 3763},
{"quote": "<ric> tbh, I would like to know why only fat women who have no chance of scoring with anyone seem to see *me* as their ideal partner\r\n<tommy_> ditto\r\n<ric> maybe, it's my good looks, my charm, my generosity.... \r\n<ric> or perhaps it's my hat of meat... just who knows?", "score": 362, "id": 3764},
{"quote": "<changO-> dude\r\n<changO-> ive had 3 hot sounding bitches call here for the last 3 days with the wrong number\r\n<changO-> what is this shit\r\n<changO-> next time a bitch calls im gonna tell her to shut the FUCK UP and shove the phone UP THEIR CUNTT and DIE", "score": -9, "id": 3768},
{"quote": "<kolby> man I am getting layed so many times this weekend\r\n<kolby> I don't care how tired my hand gets.", "score": 539, "id": 3770},
{"quote": "<MrP-> that 40 days and 40 nights movie pisses me off... ohh can he go 40 days without sex? try 19 years!!!\r\n<ine> i think there is an additional restriction regarding masturbation as well, MrP-\r\n<kalani> LOL\r\n<SprSamat> hrmm\r\n<MrP-> oh", "score": 554, "id": 3774},
{"quote": "<bin_Laden> Some English teacher got beaten to death a couple months ago.\r\n<Morris> hahaha\r\n<Morris> must've given an AP student a B", "score": 310, "id": 3776},
{"quote": "<[ric]> jeez... why is it the boss always walks in on me when I am typing \r\non irc?\r\n<[ric]> oh, yeh.. it's because I am always typing on irc.. :)", "score": 230, "id": 3777},
{"quote": "<nitrifik_> black chicks scare me :|\r\n<Slant> nitrifik_: There are scary black chicks and then there are the amazing ones.\r\n<nitrifik_> Slant: yeah, I know, but how often do I actually see the amazing ones \"IRL\"?\r\n<nitrifik_> Never!\r\n<Slant> nitrifik_: I'm sorry, once again, where do you live? ;-)\r\n<nitrifik_> Slant: SWEDEN", "score": 505, "id": 3779},
{"quote": "(nexxai) I just tried to light my smoke, but I forgot to put it in my mouth, and burnt my nose :(\r\n(nexxai) I lit the lighter, then realized the smoke was still on the desk\r\n(nexxai) D:", "score": 387, "id": 3780},
{"quote": "<@sh0x> in a free society, if you're making your animal happy, why should it be illegal", "score": 330, "id": 3781},
{"quote": "(acidxxx) phone sex isnt expensive\r\n(acidxxx) dial 0 and start talking nasty\r\n(acidxxx) takes them at least 45 seconds before they hang up on you\r\n(acidxxx) \"I wanna take you doggie style in this phone booth and rub your head in the chewing gum\"", "score": 510, "id": 3783},
{"quote": "<Joshua> funny how sodomy and clowns are linked in my head... i'd better not investigate that any further...", "score": 541, "id": 3784},
{"quote": "<Dst> revenge is sweet\r\n<Dst> revenge is a dish best served cold\r\n<Dst> ergo; revenge is ice cream\r\n<Joshua> peanut butter is good, boobies are good, therefore boobies are peanut butter\r\n<Dst> i like your twisted logic there\r\n<Joshua> i like boobies.", "score": 1381, "id": 3787},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> in some ways, I wish I could sit around picking bananas all day", "score": 234, "id": 3791},
{"quote": "<tomg> I appear to have accidentally learned java", "score": 1399, "id": 3792},
{"quote": "<erik> i guess that means oral sex is out of the question then\r\n<grifferz> I dunno, with the stuff I've been coughing up today, your spooge might actually be more pleasant", "score": 316, "id": 3411},
{"quote": "[DigDug] wow, i was so dehydrated this morning...\r\n[DigDug] i took a piss and it looked like there was an egg yolk coming out of my penis", "score": 204, "id": 3413},
{"quote": "<Crappy> tbe \r\n<Crappy> er\r\n<Crappy> the internet is cool\r\n<Crappy> my triumphant statement somewhat dampened by my inability to type \"the\"", "score": 579, "id": 3415},
{"quote": "<Nyphur> How long till Chaz gets on, roughly? \r\n<Koji_Ishida> when hell freezes over...\r\n* Koji_Ishida shortens the timespan... and sets the temp down in helll\r\n*** Chaz ( has joined channel #AlgolXR\r\n<Koji_Ishida> told you lowering the temp in hell always works\r\n* Koji_Ishida breaks off an icicle", "score": 482, "id": 3416},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> One time I was at the store with my friend and there were these underage kids in the porn section they kicked out while we were in there.\r\n<DrWoody> so they gave us their money and we bought porn for them\r\n<L33TKnight> your good deed for the day?\r\n<DrWoody> I like to give back to society.", "score": 640, "id": 3421},
{"quote": "<aNuBiS-> hit it before before puberty does\r\n<aNuBiS-> thats my motto", "score": 294, "id": 3423},
{"quote": "<grifferz> I love vim so much\r\n<grifferz> pets can die, women will fuck you over\r\n<grifferz> but vim's love is pure\r\n* ben moves away\r\n<grifferz> vim is truly a man's best friend\r\n* IZS calls for the men in white coats", "score": 429, "id": 3432},
{"quote": "<kolby> Allow me to be serious. Kolby serious? Yea right. Well I'm kinda drunk and feel like getting a few things off my chest. See I'm not even supposed to be alive right now. When my mom was giving birth there was a big problem. I was suffocating and I almost died. \r\n<Wes> how were you suffocating?\r\n<kolby> See what happend is that my dick was wrapped around my neck 8 times.", "score": 1071, "id": 3433},
{"quote": "<Maxstah> i had a cable repair call at this arian nation nazi guys house today\r\n<Maxstah> funny his name was joseph black\r\n<Maxstah> i told him thats ironic\r\n<Maxstah> he got pissed", "score": 1089, "id": 3435},
{"quote": "<dodge> i tell ya\r\n<dodge> youre sitting here one minuite, the next thing you know youve just woken up and theres ya laptop under yer pillow...\r\n<Lord-Data> nope.. just you ...", "score": 57, "id": 3439},
{"quote": "<timmo> you know what makes me laugh\r\n<timmo> web cam chicks\r\n<timmo> who try to lick their own nipples\r\n<timmo> but fall short", "score": 717, "id": 3448},
{"quote": "<smcn> tomorrow's forecast: partly cloudy with a slight chance of terrorism", "score": 393, "id": 3451},
{"quote": "<Blackmail> I should get a realdoll\r\n<Blackmail> imagine me applying for a loan for that from my bank \"yeah, I need a love doll\"\r\n<tobdude> LOL\r\n<zerox> I'm sure you could get a realdoll on ebay for half the price\r\n<Blackmail> ew, a used one\r\n<Blackmail> and not made the way I want it either\r\n<zerox> is this the one you want Blackmail\r\n<zerox>\r\n<aNuBiS-> hahah\r\n<Blackmail> I want a she-he-doll\r\n<tobdude>\u00a0 thats so wrong\r\n<CanOfSpam> We're long overdue for an Oprah doll\r\n<Blackmail> UPS won't take anything that heavy\r\n<CanOfSpam> oh", "score": 286, "id": 3452},
{"quote": "<Jumper> which one are you reading ?\r\n<snot> security experts ( )\r\n<Jumper> ah, that redirects to for unfatomable reasons\r\n<Jumper> I guess they weren't commy enough\r\n<Jumper> haw haw, get it ?? RED BASTARDS\r\n<snot> they where before the .com bust, guess they just playing it safe\r\n<Jumper> yeah, they must've hyped down now", "score": 291, "id": 3453},
{"quote": "<Mike> ARGH SHIT\r\n<Mike> Ive been on the internet for ALMOST 3 HOURS\r\n<Mike> SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHITE\r\n<Mike> BIG HUGE PHONE BILL\r\n<Mike> bye bye everyone\r\n*** Mike (~M@ Quit (Quit: Mike is Gone, Nobody Noticed)\r\n<Jumper> heh\r\n<Jumper> \"phone\"", "score": 380, "id": 3454},
{"quote": "<Kiteless> anyways, invite only is often a good thing\r\n<Kiteless> unless youre talking about girls of course.. \r\n<ScumDog> Kidon's giving you delusions about girls who like games being 'hot'\r\n<ScumDog> she's a serious rarity - remember that\r\n<mightyflo> sell her on ebay\r\n<Kiteless> 'hot gamer gf'\r\n<mightyflo> LQQK!", "score": 246, "id": 3661},
{"quote": "<metroid23> all those dumb bots. they all sit around and make each other feel comfortable by confirming each others' decisions. it's like a big self-help group!", "score": 246, "id": 3662},
{"quote": "<TURBOMEAT> gross\r\n<TURBOMEAT> note to self : clean george foreman grille before making grilled cheese\r\n<Megami> Hmmm.... I think it's time for CC again. XD\r\n<TURBOMEAT> the bread tastes of the fat of 1000 meals\r\n<Megami> Why the hell would you make grilled cheese on an inclined grill in the first place? O.o;", "score": 56, "id": 3663},
{"quote": "<mappyman> i sent off for a PAL videotape of Captain Jack\r\n<mappyman> still in backorder\r\n<Hiko> heh\r\n<Hiko> how you gonna play a PAL tape?\r\n<mightyflo> just crack it\r\n<mightyflo>", "score": 201, "id": 3664},
{"quote": "<ThaDragon> money == good life == pussy + beer.\r\n<ThaDragon> Preferrably in that order. Pussy tastes horrible after beer.\r\n<tenfour> eew\r\n* ThaDragon grossed out tenfour\r\n<tenfour> I can't stand the taste of beer", "score": 345, "id": 3668},
{"quote": "<Object> shutting down your computer is like putting your dog in a cage\r\n<Object> you just don't do that", "score": 348, "id": 3670},
{"quote": "<blazemore> 1) he has pants listed in the arcade machine section\r\n<blazemore> 2) why would you buy used clothes over the internet :/\r\n<Slant|SCC> Let alone \"techno raver DJ\" pants?\r\n<Steve-3> 9 bids so far\r\n<Steve-3> maybe i should start selling my old boxers on ebay\r\n<Steve-3> These boxers are in GREAT condition, with the exception of a spot where i let go a little early\r\n<Slant|SCC> But they're not any ordinary boxser.\r\n<Slant|SCC> They're \"techno raver DJ\" boxers!", "score": 305, "id": 3672},
{"quote": "<dregan> Shush, or I'll stab you in the groin.\r\n<MightyQuinn> no you won't.\r\n<MightyQuinn> MY PENIS IS FAR TOO MIGHTY TO BE STABBED!\r\n<dregan> Would you like to test that?\r\n<MightyQuinn> no.\r\n<dregan> I accept it may be hard to hit first time, but I'm willing to give it a go.", "score": 437, "id": 3673},
{"quote": "<w3nis> I remember discussing bong tactics with a friend and drawing out plans and then we realized we had drew a pelican", "score": 1014, "id": 3677},
{"quote": "*** fr33b1rth sets mode: -o fr33b1rth\r\n<fr33b1rth> shit...\r\n<fr33b1rth> shitfuckdamn", "score": 518, "id": 3679},
{"quote": "<mightyflo> i still want the milli vanilli cd\r\n<mightyflo> the only place i've seen it is a smoky as hell pool hall\r\n<scummo> Dr Q's.\r\n<scummo> I go there specifically to play that entire CD all the time!!!\r\n<scummo> And the best part is, all the people there never get that I was the one who put it on\r\n<scummo> So they always strike up conversation like \"Haha.. I wonder who the faggot who put this shit on was..\"\r\n<scummo> especially when I had the whole long-haired rocker image", "score": 242, "id": 3680},
{"quote": "<rivvah> dude, he's from montana or some shit. 17.50 would buy a new house\r\n<Ouroboros> What's a house?", "score": 282, "id": 3681},
{"quote": "<Guinivere> they have cable in Montana?\r\n<Ouroboros> Yeah, you use it for barb-wire fences.\r\n<Ouroboros> You know, cable.\r\n<Ouroboros> Or for pulling your truck out of the ditch or whatever.", "score": 412, "id": 3682},
{"quote": "<dodgey> my g/f somtimes talks to me in html code\r\n<dodgey> quite cute... eheh\r\n<dodgey> like i go to bed the other night, she sais\r\n<dodgey> actually, what did she say", "score": 110, "id": 3684},
{"quote": "<bytraper> i would have charged data for it, but i felt sorry because he had boobs", "score": 153, "id": 3685},
{"quote": "[madwoota ] stupid fucking bullshit auto aiming lock on bullshit mouse aim at guy not where hes runnign crap fuckoff cunt lick my balls 99% miss rate guys 2 metres away with a perfect head shot and misses fuckoff game", "score": 326, "id": 4113},
{"quote": "<orange1> i think i got it figured out.\r\n<orange1> instead of giving users a long explanation on why it won't work when they uplaod a file named \"what? me worry?.doc\" to their web space, we can just give them the message \"this file will not work. if you read the documentation, you would know why\"", "score": 222, "id": 4118},
{"quote": "* TpS has returned, cleaning shit stains off my panties. [gone:3h28m12s]\r\n<BDawkins> party on\r\n<Yourname> my my! you've been cleaning panties for 3 hours!!!\r\n<Yourname> lol\r\n<sycon> heh\r\n<TpS> the stains were really bad", "score": 79, "id": 4119},
{"quote": "<HA[OffDay]Dima> one thing i learned though, never let my gf play GTA3, cause afterward she was tryin to play it IRL\r\n<HA[OffDay]Dima> i thought i was gonna die on the way home", "score": 425, "id": 4123},
{"quote": "<Scofco> my anus is itchy, and i can't scratch it, because then my hand would smell like ass", "score": 174, "id": 4125},
{"quote": "<SilverJag> babyd did you get any play yet?\r\n<eldee> babyd gets as much play as my atari", "score": 222, "id": 4129},
{"quote": "<djazonic> tiko: do you know how to setup a win2k's telnet server?\r\n<JediPimp> djazonic: format c: ; <insert linux CD>", "score": 85, "id": 4130},
{"quote": "<prence> o \r\n<prence> h \r\n<prence> m \r\n<prence> y \r\n<prence> g \r\n<prence> o \r\n<prence> d \r\n<prence> i was supposed to be cleaning the bathroom, and i was in there and was like fuck it, ill shave my balls, so i was shaving away, i had my penis stretched out so i could get the hard to reach hairs \r\n<prence> and my mom came in, and saw me, and was like oh im sorry and left!@##@!#@!#@!#@!\u00a0 she thought i was just cleaning the bathroom, but I was shaving and now i cant look her in the face, fizuck", "score": 665, "id": 4131},
{"quote": "<TURBOMEAT> arguing over musical taste is pointless, really\r\n<ScumDog> pretty much\r\n<TURBOMEAT> it's subjective\r\n<mightyflo> not when you have ops. :)", "score": 445, "id": 4133},
{"quote": "<Scofco> just because i like hairless chicks with small tits, and that are younger than me, does not make me a pedophile \r\n<Scofco> it makes me borderline pedophile", "score": 349, "id": 4134},
{"quote": "<uneasier> [ric], a student has to make money.. the pay was good and it wasnt nearly as degrading as you would think\r\n<[ric]> uneasier: I realise, but think how the chickens felt?\r\n<uneasier> they were heavily drugged\r\n<[ric]> I am sure there is some bad joke in this about chickens eating seed, but let's just leave it at that", "score": 268, "id": 4140},
{"quote": "<uneasier> would it be out of line if i were to request that my testes be softly nestled within your food receptacle?\r\n<Jan__> mmm braized testicle\r\n<Jan__> with a nice bottle of chianti\r\n<Jan__> fthfthfthfthfthfthfth!\r\n* uneasier runs away", "score": 565, "id": 4143},
{"quote": "<Raiden> my cats used to lick my penis if I slept naked...\r\n<Raiden> I had 5 cats...that was uber", "score": 441, "id": 4150},
{"quote": "<BucWork> dude; 2pac isn't dead\r\n<BucWork> he is in Europe\r\n<BucWork> my dad works for the fbi", "score": 138, "id": 4151},
{"quote": "<boozie> AnIonU: if i washed my dick would you suck it?\r\n<AnIonU> bbozie: if you washed your dick you would realize that it was only dick", "score": 156, "id": 4152},
{"quote": "<SomeGuy> damn\r\n<SomeGuy> why can't she be like 6 years younger and 20 kg lighter? :/", "score": 153, "id": 4193},
{"quote": "<RevQuixo> i want a mario game where you do actual plumbing\r\n<RevQuixo> oh, did i mention i was gay?", "score": 407, "id": 4198},
{"quote": "*** Quits: Disco[d2] (k-lined: u stole my girlfriend! (edison))", "score": 169, "id": 4200},
{"quote": "<blazemore> i like to wear crotchless chaps\r\n<blazemore> so my lele can feel the breeze in sand storms", "score": 48, "id": 4201},
{"quote": "<kr0ss> some idiot on the radio said dildos are banned in alabama\r\n<X-Spectre> dildos proably were banned like a hundred years ago with some dumb law and they haven't changed it yet\r\n<CiXeL> cant ban broomstick handles", "score": 408, "id": 4202},
{"quote": "<zeron> :))))))))))\r\n<ckx> that looks like icewizard smiling\r\n<ckx> all 50 chins", "score": 142, "id": 4203},
{"quote": "<kr0ss> people who get offended by '666' can suck my 6.66 inch cock", "score": 57, "id": 4204},
{"quote": "<Lepper> if you pierce your rectum like 5 times, your poop would make weird shapes\r\n<Lepper> like star shaped", "score": 208, "id": 4205},
{"quote": "<eldeesux0r> i used to think lysol was a lice repellent\r\n<eldeesux0r> one day i sprayed it in my hair before i went to school cuz they were doing lice checks\r\n<eldeesux0r> i got a rash :|", "score": 269, "id": 4207},
{"quote": "<JacKnife> well wats a good game to play?\r\n<bucshott> pocket pool\r\n<bucshott> ;P\r\n<JacKnife> i'm an expert at that game\r\n<bucshott> see told ya it was good", "score": 34, "id": 4208},
{"quote": "<slacker> drunken sex is cool because your mind wanders\r\n<slacker> you think about shit like...mountains", "score": 699, "id": 4209},
{"quote": "<pingboy> COUNTER STRIKE CURED MY PORN ADDICTION", "score": 693, "id": 4216},
{"quote": "(CamelToe) did I ever tell you I have a CAT-5 outlet in my downstairs bathroom, so I can chat while I poo\r\n(Q`) A friend of mine has a \"pleestation\"\r\n(Q`) \"plee\" meaning bathroom\r\n(Q`) It's a pc with fast internet connection, games etc... right in front of the toilet\r\n(Q`) :-P\r\n(CamelToe) so I guess if you're playing a game such as Undying, you can really scare the shit out of yourself\r\n(Q`) Hahaha", "score": 517, "id": 4218},
{"quote": "<quisling> bwahaha, I was looking through some personals and this chick's username is \"responsible\" but she's 20 with a child...", "score": 529, "id": 4224},
{"quote": "<Hendrix> Romance is flowers, Perversion is sticking the flowers up her ass", "score": 354, "id": 4226},
{"quote": "(unchali) I was in gymnastics til I realized that fat chicks cause earthquakes", "score": 135, "id": 4231},
{"quote": "<ian__> Am I gay?\r\n<qin> yes.\r\n<ian__> ahhhh\r\n<ian__> i knew something wasn't quite right", "score": 292, "id": 4232},
{"quote": "<JoeyB> what would be better of a car to modify, a honda accord, or a toyota\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 corrola\r\n<Focus2001> oh man'\r\n<pagan> which is better, dog poop or cat poop?\r\n<pagan> ;p\r\n<coug_> LOL", "score": 284, "id": 4233},
{"quote": "<prence> when i used that tube sock yesterday\r\n<prence> i didnt know i had used it before\r\n<prence> and i cut my penis with the dried up cum", "score": 34, "id": 4235},
{"quote": "<SaeNoDa> but I wont\r\n<SaeNoDa> i mean, whats the point in cheating, right?\r\n<mightyflo> winning?", "score": 395, "id": 4236},
{"quote": "<Geothermal> too many kitties in my life\r\n<Kashan> masturbate more\r\n<Geothermal> that's your solution to everything damn it\r\n<Geothermal> \"Just keep whackin' Geo!\"\r\n<Geothermal> well I'm tired of that kinda attitude", "score": 838, "id": 4237},
{"quote": "<Scofco> i want to stick it up my butt \r\n<Scofco> not my 'chocolate starfish' \r\n<fcastle> lol same diffrence u doosh bag :) \r\n<Scofco> i don't even have a chocolate starfish \r\n<Scofco> i hate seafood", "score": 165, "id": 4238},
{"quote": "<Scofco> i could play with vaginas all day\r\n<Scofco> but boobs, i can play with for only 10 minutes, then i get bored", "score": 215, "id": 4239},
{"quote": "<Kir> if i had a better body, and clearer skin, i'd be a snobby bitch", "score": 290, "id": 4243},
{"quote": "[Lord-Data] Id like to know.. Who discovered cows could be milked, and WTF WAS HE DOING!?", "score": 1740, "id": 4247},
{"quote": "<Dark_un> monitors so dark\r\n<Dark_un> cant watch rush hour 2\r\n<Dark_un> can barely see chris tucker", "score": 763, "id": 4248},
{"quote": "<Altoid> patience, young skywalker\r\n<DeX`> but that leia bitch wont put out!\r\n<DeX`> shes got those huge danishes on her ears to hang onto....\r\n<Altoid> mmmm\r\n<Altoid> danish\r\n<Altoid> you fuck her, I'll eat the ears", "score": 672, "id": 4249},
{"quote": "<FarginBoard> I tried to get AIDS once, but even those people wouldn't do it with me", "score": 269, "id": 4253},
{"quote": "<brock101> whats speeds should i get over a lan, with a 10/100 connection ?\r\n<@WheelOr> 10 to 100 Mbits/sec.\r\n<brock101> -_-\r\n<brock101> thanks, i knew that\r\n<brock101> i walked into that one didn`t i\r\n<@WheelOr> I suppose so.", "score": 213, "id": 4255},
{"quote": "<OpsuPup> i was driving along one day, saw a bmw and thought, that's an ugly bmw, then i realised it was a merc, then i thought, hmm, nice looking merc", "score": 519, "id": 4256},
{"quote": "<dodge> fuck, thought somthing was wrong with my 's' key then, it kept repeating, looked down and it turns out i had my finger on it", "score": 853, "id": 4257},
{"quote": "<McMoo> My computer's maximum uptime: 4w 2d 15h 39m 3s, set on Tue, Feb 19 2002 at 5:53:00p\r\n<McMoo> LOOK AT HOW BIG MY DICK IS\r\n<McMoo> 4 WEEKS BIG!!!!!!!", "score": 351, "id": 4260},
{"quote": "<Real> I found a hooker with a heart of gold.\u00a0 I TORE IT OUT AND MELTED IT DOWN FOR DRUG MONEY!", "score": 458, "id": 4383},
{"quote": "<jestuh> we are professional idlers\r\n<jestuh> we don't get paid to chat!", "score": 547, "id": 4262},
{"quote": "<CabbagePatchKid> I AM THE PHYSICAL INCARNATION OF FEAR\r\n<andy> Who knew evil would be so chubby.\r\n<CabbagePatchKid> You can change my diaper too. JUST LIKE A REAL BABY.\r\n<CabbagePatchKid> YES WRITHE IN TERROR, MEAGER HUMANS.", "score": 455, "id": 4482},
{"quote": "<tormy> hey when u burn games in discjuggler, under the advance tab... should the block be 2048?\r\n<DCBastard> leave the advanced tab alone\r\n<DCBastard> if you were advanced you'd know how to use it", "score": 896, "id": 4718},
{"quote": "<@JP> before i saw miss cleo's commercial, i didn't know there was a \"you are attracted to a large-breasted female co-worker\" card in the tarot deck.", "score": 385, "id": 4384},
{"quote": "<Campster> \"DOOM 3 WILL BE PRODUCED ON A BUDGET OF 439 DOLLARS AND A PACKET OF JUICY FRUIT\"", "score": 217, "id": 4389},
{"quote": "<Alien> Licking lead is like inviting a bunch of friends into your mouth but then cancer crashes the party", "score": 162, "id": 4392},
{"quote": "<Rhombus> Rich fat cats hoarding sleep\r\n<Rhombus> cheap taiwanese sleep flooding the market", "score": 232, "id": 4393},
{"quote": "<JustOnePepsi> I work at the walmart picture development center just to jerk off to the pics of naked babies taking baths", "score": -181, "id": 4394},
{"quote": "<Predictable> \"Peace, love, and Linux\" makes me think of a guy with excessive facial hair in a tiedye t-shirt, shorts, and sandals saying \"You can't use that distribution MAN\" \"You can't like, own an OS, MAN\"", "score": 616, "id": 4395},
{"quote": "<Sassy> if the GC ends up sucking, i will start calling it the LameCube and reap the benefits of my witticisms", "score": 255, "id": 4397},
{"quote": "<RSN> Classrooms in Canada are actually used for teaching.. not just target shooting like our neighbours to the south..", "score": 604, "id": 4399},
{"quote": "<GPF> Quake, Quake II, Quake III....three universes joined by one common theme....BROWN.", "score": 608, "id": 4400},
{"quote": "<Amish> Only roaches and IBM Keyboards survive after thermo nuclear war.", "score": 591, "id": 4402},
{"quote": "<LesserEvil665___> LINUX IS SO EASY TO INSTALL. IT'S LIKE TAKING A SHIT AND HAS THE SAME RESULTS!!!! HAHAHAHA I AM SO WITTY!", "score": -38, "id": 4403},
{"quote": "<EnochRoot> BREAKING NEWS: President Bush has declared a state of Boogie Madness. Preliminary operations will begin at 1100 Hours.", "score": 319, "id": 4407},
{"quote": "<MosServ> Katto: They will keep fighting, they think that dying in battle for their God is the greatest honor. But they also think they'll go to hell if they have pork in their stomach. Solution: Pork bullets.", "score": 1169, "id": 4408},
{"quote": "<amoeba> it's like Beverly Hills", "score": 873, "id": 4410},
{"quote": "<SLP> I request that you allow me back in the chatroom because you have violated mIRC32 rules by kicking me out\r\n<SLP> if you do not allow me back in the chatroom i will have an order saying that you never be allowed to use this chat program", "score": 434, "id": 4414},
{"quote": "<MuSKraT> I'm supposed to go to meet a cute girl at a bar with our class, but I keep farting. I CAN'T GO UNTIL I FINISH FARTING.", "score": 607, "id": 4415},
{"quote": "<Deffy> Christ is so cool. He's born, I get presents. He dies, I get candy.", "score": 1756, "id": 4265},
{"quote": "<DeX`> i could eat a 4lb london broil and have room left for a small chinese woman\r\n<Damaceles> after you ate her you'd have to eat again in an hour", "score": 208, "id": 4274},
{"quote": "<someone> anybody who would by Celine Dions music deserves to have their computer crash ;)~", "score": 40, "id": 4275},
{"quote": "<R0SC0E> i think [shaolin soccer] was about to be released same weekend as Resident Evil\r\n<R0SC0E> but they pushed it back to not be in competition\r\n<mightyflo> zombie soccer!\r\n<mightyflo> you could put the shaolin soccer guys up against a bunch of zombies\r\n<mightyflo> they could do like bullet kicks and blow their heads off and stuff\r\n<nitrifik_> no, zombies against zombies\r\n<nitrifik_> slowest soccer game ever", "score": 246, "id": 4276},
{"quote": "<BombScare> i beat the internet\r\n<BombScare> the end guy is hard", "score": 8113, "id": 4278},
{"quote": "<O_6> here is my autobiography in 50 lines:\r\n<O_6> wtf\r\n<O_6> goddamn keyboard\r\n<O_6> f;aowheif;oawuhe;faouw\\hfe;oauwhfe!\r\n<matts> interesting autobiography", "score": 906, "id": 4280},
{"quote": "<Zybl0re> get up\r\n<Zybl0re> get on up\r\n<Zybl0re> get up\r\n<Zybl0re> get on up\r\n<phxl|paper> and DANCE\r\n* nmp3bot dances :D-<\r\n* nmp3bot dances :D|-<\r\n* nmp3bot dances :D/-<\r\n<[SA]HatfulOfHollow> i'm going to become rich and famous after i invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet", "score": 27833, "id": 4281},
{"quote": "<toxic> i found out about lesbians in 6th grade\r\n<toxic> :)\r\n<toxic> no actually not lesbians\r\n<CrdStang> hahaha\r\n<toxic> but that they could finger themselves\r\n<spazzer> lol\r\n<toxic> i was like oh shit! they use pencils too?!\r\n<sy|{0ti|{> i watched a clip of some pron when i was in 5th grade \r\n<sy|{0ti|{> and some chick was pinchin her nipples and shakin em round \r\n<sy|{0ti|{> and i was like \"WTF\" girls jack off their tittys \" \r\n<CrdStang> LOL\r\n<sy|{0ti|{> yeah \r\n<sy|{0ti|{> by the time i was in 5th grade \r\n<sy|{0ti|{> i was a regular jerk a holic \r\n<sy|{0ti|{> by the time i was in 8th grade , i was skippin school to do it \r\n<sy|{0ti|{> hell by the time i was in 10th grade , i quit school to do it fulltime", "score": 294, "id": 4284},
{"quote": "<mightyflo> TP-PS2 667 Remote Control: Infrared Transmitter for PS/PS2 \r\n<mightyflo> \"Put your gamepad away and watch DVDs with a wireless remote, just like the pros use! Yeah, pro DVD watchers, that's right.\"\r\n<SukiPotato4> Yeah, I have my bachelors in law, but my masters in DVD watching", "score": 351, "id": 4285},
{"quote": "<memo> > Would you like to go fuck yourself? (Y/N)\r\n<Foxie> Y\r\n<Foxie> Y\r\n<Foxie> ITS NOT WORKIGN", "score": 971, "id": 4287},
{"quote": "<_Deathbr_> u can update ur sblive value or gamer to a live 5.1\r\n<_Deathbr_> i saw that at friends house and i was like whoa.. u come across some kewl shit while lookn for eprom reading writing info's\r\n<travolta> you can also find a lot of cool pages if you search for the word \"the\"", "score": 115, "id": 4291},
{"quote": "(bc) i have the newest version of windows from microsoft... Fuck ME", "score": 311, "id": 4301},
{"quote": "<D1> dude, I'm so puerto rican.\r\n<Guilty> I dont get it\r\n<BR4D> youre so elton john\r\n<Guilty> That I get", "score": 360, "id": 4303},
{"quote": "<K34R> im going to buy 6 monitors and a big metal rack and position them all around me\r\n<K34R> so it will be like im captain of the starship ianprise\r\n<K34R> on a mission to hack the gibson", "score": 272, "id": 4304},
{"quote": "<DTOX> ha, did you know entry-level pharmacists make $90k/yr? \r\n<DTOX> I'm in the wrong line of work... \r\n<Xyrem> DTOX : that's about the most boring job i've seen \r\n<Xyrem> putting pills into a bottle \r\n<DTOX> and in your pocket \r\n<DTOX> and in your mouth \r\n<DTOX> and in people's drinks", "score": 973, "id": 4305},
{"quote": "(^[QuRvE]^) its freezing in my class\r\n(xyst) qurve is freezing his ass?\r\n(bc) qurve is freaking in my ass\r\n(nexxai) QURVE HAS A FAT ASS\r\n(xyst) QURVE STOP TOUCHING MY ASS\r\n(seiki) QURVE LIKES IT IN THE ASS\r\n(^[QuRvE]^) It's nice having friends.", "score": 1891, "id": 4306},
{"quote": "<K][cK> just had some cold jack and cock :)", "score": 169, "id": 4308},
{"quote": "* F9|Zzz [ Your Mother - Intimate Moaning and Groaning (Live Version).mp3 ]", "score": 388, "id": 4486},
{"quote": "<FM{FF1}> Rizen: I thought you didn't bang chicks, only me.\r\n<FM{FF1}>\r\n<FM{FF1}> GOD THAT WAS A BAD TYPO.", "score": 6060, "id": 4488},
{"quote": "<Ear{code}> CAPS ON CARBON DIXOIDE LIMITS THE NUMBER OF ARABS WE KILL.", "score": -34, "id": 4493},
{"quote": "<rizen> uptime length is the geek dick", "score": 317, "id": 4497},
{"quote": "<vecna> Holy fucking christ, lord and savior, show us your tits, that's a lot of ZSNES ASM code", "score": 202, "id": 4500},
{"quote": "<Khross|Zzz> You can't have my precious cock ring. \r\n<nilBnW|Zzz> You'll have to pry it from my cold, dead cock!!", "score": 209, "id": 4502},
{"quote": "<God_of_Mischief> SODOMIZING ME WILL NOT WARM MY ASS UP!", "score": 304, "id": 4505},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> haha, dude i can kill u\r\n<CoMBo> with my bear hands\r\n<refujee> you're a bear?\r\n<refujee> or did you just get bear hands grafted onto your body?", "score": 1437, "id": 4509},
{"quote": "<Anton> 8mm is a good film as well, but I'm puzzled as to why nicolas cage never got arrested for murder\r\n<Alexander> hes just an actor\r\n<Waldo> damn!\r\n<Alexander> it wasn't real", "score": 273, "id": 4521},
{"quote": "<drlion> i think all the spam broke my god damn mailbox\r\n<drlion> porn is fucking up the internet\r\n<drlion> and we can do nothing but watch\r\n<RabYak> heh...nice choice of words :)\r\n<drlion> thanks, and i don't mean idiomatically", "score": 432, "id": 4525},
{"quote": "<Glex25> Space Left On [ C: 5.29/8.87 GB. D: 9.91/19.73 GB. E: 52.14/153.38 GB. Total: 67.34/181.98 GB ] .\r\n<Scofco> dear lord\r\n<phaded> holy good god\r\n<phaded> how do you sleep at night?!", "score": 154, "id": 4575},
{"quote": "<MattDC> how big is the back of a CD case cover (including spines) in inches?\r\n<CraiZE> MattDC i can send you a program\r\n<CraiZE> that prints you covers in the good size\r\n<MattDC> i have one, but i need to know for graphic arts class\r\n<CraiZE> ah well then , i got no idea\r\n<mahs> MattDC: you could umm. use a ruler\r\n<_8ight> well.\u00a0 if you cant find a ruler.\u00a0 i found this info that may aid you in a makeshift ruler.\r\n<_8ight> According to A Descriptive Dictionary and Atlas of Sexology (Francoeur et al., 1991), the human penis in a flaccid state on average is between 3 and 4 inches in length and 1 inch\u00a0 in diameter. In an erect state, the penis, on average, is between 5 to 7 inches in length and 1.5 inches in diameter.", "score": 502, "id": 4576},
{"quote": "<Spesh> It takes skill to climb the corporate ladder on your knees.", "score": 481, "id": 4583},
{"quote": "<[ric]> personally I prefer a nice big vibro up the ass while typing two handed\r\n<gaymale> your coworkers get suspicious if you type good one hand in front of them\r\n<[ric]> yeh.. luckily I have the door wired up to the vibro, that way the motor cuts out as they enter the room", "score": 192, "id": 4585},
{"quote": "*** tatsumi_oreo is now known as tatsumi\\Beatingof\\\r\n*** tatsumi\\Beatingof\\ is now known as tatsumi\\BeatingSoF\\", "score": 595, "id": 4599},
{"quote": "<FreshBrew> IM DONT MATH FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE\r\n<FreshBrew> HELL FUCKING YES\r\n<kolby> you still in english?", "score": 3365, "id": 4602},
{"quote": "<Thrasher> What drugs should be used to increase statistics in my game?\r\n<Ear> Well, beta-blockers would have a positive effect on accuracy, but a negative effect on strength.\r\n<Ear> Acebutolol hydrocholoride, alprenolol hydrocholoride, atenolol, labetalol hydrochloride, metoprolol tartrate, nadolol, oxprenolol hydrochloride, propranolol hydrocholoride, sotalol hydrocholoride are the beta-blockers banned by the IOC.\r\n<Thrasher> ...Remind me not to ask you for help again.", "score": 794, "id": 4603},
{"quote": "<loretian> They'd say \"wow, look at this cute kid with a broken leg. Can't even walk around. That's so cute! I wonder what his dick tastes like\"", "score": 302, "id": 4605},
{"quote": "<+DCBastard> just a jpg\r\n<@m00cow> what of ?\r\n<+DCBastard> apache ah-64\r\n<@m00cow> i've got an apache\r\n<@m00cow> webserver that is", "score": 33, "id": 4723},
{"quote": "* spockdude rustles smoothly and gingerly\r\n<Wyatt> spockdude: Careful, don't exhaust your vocabulary\r\n<furan> haha", "score": 294, "id": 4724},
{"quote": "(skankman) oaid, halo is when two gay guys put their dicks in each others mouths, but the rule is it cant touch the lips or tongue or anything. the only thing it can touch if anything is the tonsil, and they both do it at the same time, and they dont have sex until they do it perfect.\r\n(Emo|Cuomo) GROSS SKANKMAN\r\n(Emo|Cuomo) I MEANT THE FUCKING XBOX GAME\r\n(skankman) yeah whatever, you sick fuck.", "score": 1118, "id": 4730},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Jees its going to be 48 tomorrow\r\n<Guilty> I thought I was done with waring a jacket\r\n<Guilty> But apparently not\r\n<maff> you go outside?", "score": 554, "id": 4733},
{"quote": "<BurntAsh> you know what was funny\r\n<BurntAsh> when aalyiah died\r\n<BurntAsh> man i hated that bitch\r\n<BurntAsh> she wont be dusting herself off and trying again anytime soon", "score": 24, "id": 4734},
{"quote": "* Synoptica bangs OutLore and Lord-Data\r\n[Synoptica] fuck\r\n[Synoptica] no i dont\r\n* Synoptica bangs OutLore and Lord-Data's heads together", "score": 1615, "id": 4738},
{"quote": "<Object> well if a girl can speak of how different men taste and how it relates to their physic I'd say she's pretty much a slut", "score": 394, "id": 4743},
{"quote": "<timmo> wtf is sunburn\r\n<Amanda`> Are you serious?\r\n<timmo> yes", "score": 1019, "id": 4745},
{"quote": "<morganti> the problem is if I have referrer logging turned off, the images will not load because the site is trying to stop queers from linking to their content, so if the referrer is blank the image won't load....\r\n<morganti> however I have a program that is supposed to set the referrer to the sites domain that I am visiting, but it doesn't seem to be working\r\n<_8ight> humm.\u00a0 well, u go to alot of trouble to surf for porn then huh?", "score": 192, "id": 4746},
{"quote": "<watchy_> i'm so fat\r\n<watchy_> i forgot where my leg was", "score": 152, "id": 4748},
{"quote": "<RD_> i miss those good ol days, no woman, no money, only games, chatting, and lots of masterbation", "score": 307, "id": 4750},
{"quote": "<ellipse> whoa. i hate farts like that.\r\n<ellipse> that one was so hot, i couldn't tell if i shit myself or not. i think i'm going to have to manually check.", "score": 264, "id": 4751},
{"quote": "<rhost> no_ana.... i miss you \r\n<rhost> with every bullet", "score": 246, "id": 4752},
{"quote": "<xterm> The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?", "score": 18621, "id": 4753},
{"quote": "<`tate`> you ever see palm's api, my god, its like they said \"you know what, apple's api is good(ie we're insane), lets copy it\"", "score": 43, "id": 4754},
{"quote": "<kyle> I'm trying to get this girl to go out with me but every pick up line i use sucks.\r\n<kolby> next time you see her, ask her what the difference is between a pile of dead babies and a BMW\r\n<kolby> then tell her that you don't have a BMW in your garage", "score": 863, "id": 4756},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Heavy petting zoo", "score": 18, "id": 4757},
{"quote": "<vvortex3> hey, the isp i work for, cwnet has a legal copy of microsoft visual studio, but we cant find the cd, can someone please email me deruntime.dll so i can fix a bug in one of our machines?\r\n<Cyrix> what.\r\n<jim4> vv: no\r\n<Cyrix> get a new cd\r\n<Cyrix> or go to #mypersonalfileserver\r\n*** vvortex3 ( has left #C++\r\n<snibril> we don't support warez, and neither incomptent isps\r\n*** vvortex3 ( has joined #c++\r\n<vvortex3> jerk\r\n<Cyrix> vvortex3 on @#mypersonalfileserver", "score": 144, "id": 4818},
{"quote": "<ltbs> SomeGirl: you have Pantera. It's a weird strain of Anthrax. You should also watch out for Sepultura, Megadeth, and Black Sabbath", "score": 326, "id": 4416},
{"quote": "<EnochRoot> #include pestilence.h", "score": 165, "id": 4419},
{"quote": "<Hell_Patrol> to win the game, you must kill me... john romero", "score": 129, "id": 4420},
{"quote": "<moira> yoinkster is like the humpback of notre dame cathedral, except no humpback, and it's the ogg vorbis cathedral, and he keeps ringing the bells yelling unintelligible things about how ogg owns your mom", "score": 253, "id": 4421},
{"quote": "<moira> I converted an MP3 to ogg, then back again, and then back and forth between MP3 and OGG format thirty times, and when I listened to it after that, it was just an mp3 of you guys talking", "score": 386, "id": 4422},
{"quote": "<amoeba> it's a little known fact that the binary releases aren't actually compiled by anyone, they just mysteriously appear on the FTP site packaged and ready for release.. it's postulated that the Devil himself uses Mozilla, and in return for using it he takes care of the insane build requirements", "score": 521, "id": 4424},
{"quote": "<Euri> I am not going to scan a ferret.", "score": 1072, "id": 4427},
{"quote": "<happy> the neat thing about java is that it's so slow", "score": 504, "id": 4428},
{"quote": "<tr0n> I want a brazil renderfarm licence. =( \r\n<EvilKosh> AND ALSO A REGULAR FARM WITH SEXY TEEN SLUTS WHO GET IT ON WITH FARM ANIMALS", "score": 213, "id": 4429},
{"quote": "<Psylent> looks like I've got what it takes to climb the IRC social ladder", "score": 32, "id": 4440},
{"quote": "<Euri> They should make an idiot mode. Whenever you try to alter something you shouldn't, a big smily shiny thing would come out of the computer and momentarily distract the silly person doing something naughty, and the computer would then pick itself up and fly out the window to safety.", "score": 1316, "id": 4441},
{"quote": "<amit> there was a girl in my english class who had a lord of the rings bookmark. she looked at me, then at the bookmark and said \"Bilbo's so hot!\" and put it in the cleavage between her breasts.", "score": 796, "id": 4442},
{"quote": "<moira> reading my cds with a laser pointer, while the whole time I could have been using a mac that can run iTunes", "score": 153, "id": 4444},
{"quote": "<K0ffing> you should Photoshop Raz ... I'll give you a dollar if you can make his face look less like a butt", "score": 206, "id": 4445},
{"quote": "<Idioteq> shit.. the zombie processes have gone chaotic on my pull parity\r\n<happy> flip the bits, STAT \r\n<Yoinkster> you should also vi the slackware\r\n<thirtyseven|IGOTHEADTODAY> I get the idea that you guys might be making this shit up.", "score": 767, "id": 4447},
{"quote": "<tr0n> HINT FOR THE RETARDED: BOX MODELERS SELDOM MODEL BOXES.", "score": 170, "id": 4448},
{"quote": "<Slant> I'm adding \"Masturbation\" to my HotOrNot profiile.\r\n<Slant> Hopefully this will reduce the number of matches I've been getting lately.\r\n<Slant> Or it'll hook me up with a woman I can truly appreciate. ;-)", "score": 292, "id": 4310},
{"quote": "<_8ight> i put a hit of LSD on a hamster's eyeball in high school\r\n<_8ight> it died that nite :(", "score": 2, "id": 4311},
{"quote": "<madwoota> rice rockets are for fags and shrivel dicks\r\n<madwoota> 'hey baby, lets hump in the wrx..' 'sorry, cant even get my panties off in here'", "score": 40, "id": 4314},
{"quote": "<orion> having eggo \"pissed\" at me was like having a rabid chihuahua yiping at you becuase you stepped on its oversized genitals\r\n<Guilty> See you just complemented eggo again", "score": 313, "id": 4319},
{"quote": "<kung_fu_mike> I ran for office today in the IEEE elections\r\n<kung_fu_mike> and I lost to a whiney bitch that everyone knows is going to break under the pressure\r\n<FlipTopBox> if everyone know's she'll crack, why did they vote for her?\r\n<kung_fu_mike> cause there idiots who came for the free pizza and saw a moderatly cute girl\r\n<kung_fu_mike> well guess I will have to get position my way and get her in bed\r\n<mightyflo> and run everything from behind the scenes\r\n<kung_fu_mike> from behind is right", "score": 463, "id": 4321},
{"quote": "<FlipTopBox> wow... spam in my hotmail inbox: \"See Girls with buckets of cum all over their faces!\r\n<Slant> FlipTopBox: Dude. Give them some credit, it's hard to balance a bucket on your face.", "score": 2473, "id": 4322},
{"quote": "<|hOrNeT|> Does anyone have Sims Vacation please that they can hook me up with?? I've been trying to get that for my girlfriend forever and I don't get any sex0r anymore if I can't get it", "score": 407, "id": 4324},
{"quote": "<nitrifik_> damn, I have to leave in 10. I haven't even eaten. :|\r\n<mightyflo> irc is a cruel mistress\r\n<nitrifik_> not as cruel as real mistresses.\r\n<mightyflo> you get what you pay for", "score": 479, "id": 4325},
{"quote": "<MrFreeze> AND I PUT 3 OZ OF WEED IN 2 COOKIES\r\n<MrFreeze> AND THEY WERE LIKE 1\" ACROSS\r\n<MrFreeze> MMM THEY WERE YUM!\r\n<noj> and 2 feet high!", "score": 232, "id": 4326},
{"quote": "<Nice_Guy> i love u \r\n<kcb0ddah> i love you too \r\n<kcb0ddah> what is your credit card number?", "score": 739, "id": 4328},
{"quote": "*** @pHaT|B33R is now known as @pHaT|ZzZz\r\n<@JumperXL> later\r\n<@JumperXL> nite drunkard\r\n<@ismell> l8\r\n<@JumperXL> thats irc dedication. smashed off his gord but still changes his nick to ZzZz before he passes out.", "score": 602, "id": 4329},
{"quote": "<Booyah> what's 18 inches long and makes women scream?\r\n<Gen|us> a black mans cock\r\n<ismell> you toenails ?\r\n<Booyah> crib death", "score": 229, "id": 4330},
{"quote": "*jwzrd-* kicks Butters in the nuts\r\n*Butters* watches as jwzrd- breaks his foot on his morning wood", "score": 369, "id": 4333},
{"quote": "<Lord-Data> spanish girls like come with a tan by default\r\n<Lord-Data> its like they come factory fitted with a fully body kit :)", "score": 178, "id": 4337},
{"quote": "<Sharkey> I've been told I should be a phone sex operator.\r\n<Sharkey> Which gender hasn't been specified.\r\n<Xerox> I've been told I should be a phone sex caller.\r\n<Sharkey> Keep reaching for that rainbow.\r\n<Kashan> he's waiting for your call", "score": 247, "id": 4349},
{"quote": "<Khrosscpp> If by \"whup\" you mean \"penetrate until colon rupture\", I'm way ahead of you.", "score": 257, "id": 4352},
{"quote": "<Falthorn> Like the ninja, pants hold no barrier to the ghostly precision of my meat!", "score": 211, "id": 4606},
{"quote": "<Overlord> That just pooped into my head.\r\n<Overlord> Ack, one of my worst typos.", "score": 905, "id": 4612},
{"quote": "<SoulBain> I think my keyboard's unplugged.", "score": 1326, "id": 4613},
{"quote": "<tatsumi_oreo> I've got an assload of work to do. (Where assload is equal to the distance from the east wall of my anal canal to the west wall of my anal canal, and my penis always points north; anyhow, judging by the size of vecna's manhood, I have a lot of work to do.)", "score": 156, "id": 4616},
{"quote": "<Toen[hw]> so when you inherited one and a half x and half a y, you realized \"Oooh, that little timmy kid's got a tight ass\"", "score": 35, "id": 4618},
{"quote": "<lunargirl> Without Uncle Freddy we have to rely on our dildo supply.\r\n<lunargirl> Which dwindles everyday.\r\n<lunargirl> But it's ok, we have a special robot made for us.\r\n<lunargirl> Out of dildos.\r\n<lunargirl> THE PERPETUAL DILDO MACHINE.\r\n<lunargirl> Hello?", "score": 334, "id": 4623},
{"quote": "* Smatters sets mode: +girlfriend -lan Element Element\r\n*** Element is now known as You\r\n* You are not an relationship operator. Cannot set mode (+girlfriend)", "score": 449, "id": 4628},
{"quote": "<eldee> jedi kite.. that'd be a bad ass game\r\n<friedegg> yeah\r\n<boozie> HAHA\r\n<eldee> fly kites in a park with other jedi.. try to light saber the other guys string\r\n<boozie> oh.. i thought i was gonna be about jedi jews\r\n<boozie> stealing nickels and shit\r\n<eldee> that'd be jedi kike you idjit\r\n<boozie> ah.. thats right\r\n<eldee> get your derrogatory slurs straight\r\n<BombScare> man, every time i think someone in here cant get any dumber boozie steps up", "score": 448, "id": 4629},
{"quote": "<eblank> it's funny how computers can make you have balls.\r\n<eblank> because if you ever yelled at me with such force in real life,\r\n<eblank> i'd probably already be seeing if you fit into a wendy's biggie-size cup.", "score": 407, "id": 4630},
{"quote": "<ic0n0> i love the midwest\r\n<NecroMort> ilke gurls with big fat titties.\r\n<ic0n0> what does that have to do with the midwest?\r\n<polar> you have something against titties?", "score": 351, "id": 4631},
{"quote": "<Kyro> searching for: penis \r\n*** Kyro has quit IRC (Excess Flood)", "score": 339, "id": 4633},
{"quote": "<SDHawk> dreamweaver is for dense idiots\r\n<OneiWilly> dreamweaver is good use it\r\n<SDHawk> I rest my case", "score": 367, "id": 4637},
{"quote": "<KyleAFK> YESSSSSSSS; got it working \r\n<Const> Your penis? \r\n<KyleAFK> YESSSSSSS!", "score": 459, "id": 4643},
{"quote": "<Byn> What's the difference between cows and the guys on this floor? \r\n<Byn> The cows don't jack off in our showers.", "score": 243, "id": 4644},
{"quote": "<Sap> what if i draw a hand on my face and give myself a blowjob?", "score": 153, "id": 4654},
{"quote": "<Const> zero's gay?\u00a0 I just thought he was into porking his cat\r\n<Zero> My cat is a girl :p", "score": 284, "id": 4658},
{"quote": "<Navaash> SHIT-FUCKING ASSLICKING ELECTROPLATED BLACK JESUS CHRIST ON AN ELECTRIC MOPED\r\n<mightyflo> times 7.6\r\n<FlipTopBox> squared\r\n<FlipTopBox> with a cherry on top.\r\n<mightyflo> plus alpha!\r\n<FlipTopBox> for matching service", "score": 266, "id": 4758},
{"quote": "<Guilty> All she wanted was a good fuck\r\n<Guilty> That will stop the tears\r\n<Guilty> And if not, tears make decent lube", "score": 220, "id": 4759},
{"quote": "<timmo> which sucks because\r\n<timmo> sometimes you forget the thing behind the sn\r\n<timmo> is a fucking ugly troll\r\n<timmo> you start thinking youre talking to a person and shit", "score": 297, "id": 4760},
{"quote": "<tatsumi> I wish I could look up and see the stars. \r\n<Toen> you can, if you go outside \r\n<tatsumi> ...... go where?", "score": 969, "id": 4762},
{"quote": "<m00cow> i'm downloading mozilla rc1\r\n<m00cow> i wonder what its like\r\n<m00cow> i hope mozilla uses its firebreath on microsoft\r\n<m00cow> then eats microsoft\r\n<m00cow> then poos micro soft poopoos\r\n<DCBastard> uh-huh\r\n<DCBastard> how many cones have you smoked tonight?", "score": 212, "id": 4765},
{"quote": "<aRse> dudes.. i'm not eating asparagus again for a while.. i just pissed green", "score": 229, "id": 4767},
{"quote": "*** [ric] is now known as reign\r\n*** reign is now known as [ric]\r\n<[ric]> heh... mental note... try /whois instead of /nick next time", "score": 279, "id": 4768},
{"quote": "<kyle> if you are aroused by the sight of a penis, are you gay?\r\n<Scofco> nope\r\n<kyle> good\r\n<Scofco> you're A FUCKING QUEER FAIRY WHO DESERVES TO DIE\r\n<Scofco> either that, or a girl\r\n<Scofco> but even girls don't get aroused by penises\r\n<Scofco> at least not MY penis :(", "score": 286, "id": 4769},
{"quote": "<ToiletDuk> i want to meet a 2 year old with no gag reflex", "score": -175, "id": 4771},
{"quote": "<maagui> I lub to take adderall, the clenched jawls is so sectsay... Girls look at you and think, 'nice cheek structure'... No bitch, I'm just speedin through life on amphetamines... NOW LEAVE ME ALONE", "score": 199, "id": 4773},
{"quote": "<Lucent> i stay in touch with girls after i dewum\r\n<Lucent> in case i need to punch thay jooterus", "score": -115, "id": 4774},
{"quote": "<ToiletDuk> i'm known as the boston poonmangler\r\n<Lucent> yet you are in atlanta?\r\n<ToiletDuk> jeup\r\n<ToiletDuk> that's why i own", "score": 232, "id": 4776},
{"quote": "<Lucent> stupid fucking mirc filling the filenames with underscores!\r\n<Lucent> WE ALL HAVE OPERATING SYSTEMS THAT SUPPORT SPACES IN FILENAMES, YOU PIECE OF SHIT", "score": 467, "id": 4777},
{"quote": "<Lucent> i'm just about fucking tired of middle schoolers named samantha e-mailing me for chemistry homework\r\n<Lucent> without giving a picture", "score": 574, "id": 4779},
{"quote": "<Thumb> do you know of any major organizations that are similar the CDC?\r\n<Lucent> who?\r\n<Thumb> center for disease control\r\n<Lucent> i said WHO\r\n<Thumb> what? i'm asking you\r\n<Lucent> World Health Organization", "score": 6760, "id": 4780},
{"quote": "<Matt_of_Ni> is there anyway of overclocking your modem?", "score": 206, "id": 4781},
{"quote": "<cluelezz> ok... i'm in #bearcave... now what?", "score": 209, "id": 4783},
{"quote": "*** Topic is 'Current IQ is, make no mistake, 0120 (your IQ is subtantially higher, if you know what that is in decimal)'\r\n<DuneBoy> fr0zen: it looked like base 3 to me, which would mean it was 25 isn;t it??? 0(3^3) + 1(3^3) + 2(2^3) + 1?", "score": 213, "id": 4819},
{"quote": "*** Toramo has joined #---------\r\n<Toramo> It's a full house tonight!!!\r\n<Illuvatar> Can I be uncle Joey?", "score": 342, "id": 4825},
{"quote": "<Luney> i dunno i took an icq test and it said 180", "score": 570, "id": 4827},
{"quote": "<mov> DAL: u seen 2001 - A space odyssey?\r\n<DAL9000> that has to be the stupidest question i've ever heard", "score": 1024, "id": 4828},
{"quote": "<JeyK> 7) I wanted to see if my penis would fit through the CD.\u00a0 It did, but the firemen and rescue squad had to break the CD to free me.", "score": 252, "id": 4835},
{"quote": "<KeeperS> one of the questions on there is \"HOW MANY SIDES DOES A TRIANGLE HAVE?\"\r\n<KeeperS> and it has a picture of a triangle\r\n<KeeperS> and then 4 answer choices\r\n<KeeperS> how do you get that wrong?", "score": 680, "id": 4837},
{"quote": "<Twingy> almost as annoying as you dal, except your hear longer\r\n<DAL9000> that would be almost insulting if it were grammatically correct", "score": 372, "id": 4838},
{"quote": "<Soronel> Just so everyone knows, if a life suddenly appears, I have dibs\r\n<Soronel> I'm not likely to get one otherwise", "score": 457, "id": 4839},
{"quote": "* DuneBoy wonders why his code won't compile\r\n<DuneBoy> missing ) my ass\r\n<ZorbaTHut> \"Ironically, however, his ass was indeed missing its right cheek.\"", "score": 867, "id": 4840},
{"quote": "<Cyrix_> everytime you take a crap, you design the unique cracks and lines in your terds, and sometimes decorate them with peanuts or corn\r\n<Cyrix_> and occasionally, you tint the shade. thats all designing", "score": 49, "id": 4842},
{"quote": "<GiRLiE-> ur cruel.. but funny\r\n<bytraper> and you have a beuatiful mind... but you're fat", "score": 416, "id": 4843},
{"quote": "<jjz_> One point I had a MS Agent reading IRC windows while I'd play halflife", "score": 174, "id": 4844},
{"quote": "<Gersh> wow\r\n<Gersh> I rule\r\n<Gersh> I made one of my ex's cry over aim\r\n<Gersh> dammit I wish she had a webcam", "score": 321, "id": 4847},
{"quote": "<ohm> damn\r\n<ohm> FUCK\r\n<ohm> DAMN\r\n<ohm> i was just in an AIM convo with a chick, and my grandmother's window pops up\r\n<ohm> FUCK\r\n<ohm> i go like this to her\r\n<ohm> \"i want to suck on your clit\"\r\n<ohm> FUCK", "score": 8435, "id": 4848},
{"quote": "<thinkmad> who made these stupid ass tutorials?\r\n<thinkmad> one of them should be\r\n<thinkmad> how to be fucking stupid", "score": 92, "id": 4849},
{"quote": "<TittiesMcEarmuffs> ( . )^_^( . )", "score": 931, "id": 4850},
{"quote": "<ryo-ohki> and it would be an understatement to say I AM FUCKING BAKED OUT OF MY MIND\r\n<DCBastard> lol - what else is new?\r\n<DCBastard> one day you should come into the channel and go \"WOW - I AM TOTALLY FUCKING STRAIGHT\" - we'd all be like \"holy shit! that is amazing!\"", "score": 317, "id": 4852},
{"quote": "<Puff-working> I play the banjo..never learned fiddle..but I might someday.\r\n<Puff-working> and I can make a harmonica sing.\r\n<Unfor|Work> I play the CD player", "score": 307, "id": 4858},
{"quote": "<the_hydra> I got a hemorroid once and used Preparation H's little \"anal applicator\" and didn't think it was really worth it. I think they just included that as a joke.", "score": 228, "id": 4449},
{"quote": "<Alien> I believe our girls' softball team had something about them never being loose or something on their shirts ... they misspelled lose with HILARIOUS RESULTS.", "score": 299, "id": 4450},
{"quote": "<Nephil> I was given detention because I said \"evaginate\" during a debate\r\n<Nephil> :/", "score": 333, "id": 4455},
{"quote": "<HailBrak> me: \"we should form a company that makes manly china patterns\"\r\n<HailBrak> my friend: \"i agree. i mean, how much success am i supposed to have when all the patterns are called \"tender blossom\" or some shit? i want one called, like, \"Glock\" or \"Beer and Tits\" or \"Lets Burn Down Fucking Pier 1\"", "score": 949, "id": 4456},
{"quote": "<phubuh> WHY THE HELL DO PEOPLE DO THIS\r\n<phubuh> I JUST DOWNLOADED SoF2 AND IT WAS BLACK&WHITE\r\n<phubuh> OH I KNOW I'LL NAME IS SOF2 SO MORE PEOPLE DOWNLOAD FROM ME AND USE MY BANDWITH OR HEY WAIT A MINUTE\r\n<Katana> I tried downloading Harry Potter and got Ancient Secrets of Asian Sex", "score": 400, "id": 4457},
{"quote": "<jre> One time I went into a stupid donut shop to take a pee-pee.\u00a0 They had a sign that said: PLEASE \"FLUSH TOILET\" BEFORE LEAVING.\u00a0 Flush toilet was in parentheses.\u00a0 So I assumed it was code for something \r\n<jre> So I \"pissed in the sink\"", "score": 1426, "id": 4460},
{"quote": "<[Prae|Code]> As it stands, AvDom is a levelless, XPless, HPless, MPless, Classless game system \r\n<[Prae|Code]> and it is only that way because it was designed that way ^_^ <the_Speed_Bump> Sounds intricate.", "score": 36, "id": 4470},
{"quote": "<the_Speed_Bump> I can't imagine a conversation that covers both philosophy and shit without being terribly disjointed. \r\n<the_Speed_Bump> \"So, what do you think of God?\" \"I just took the hugest shit ever!\"", "score": 289, "id": 4471},
{"quote": "<the_Speed_Bump> I have a severe, irrational phobia against midgets with red hair who wear black trenchcoats and sell kitchen cleaners in back alleys behind hotels whose names start with the letter 'U'. \r\n<the_Speed_Bump> Every day is a struggle.", "score": 906, "id": 4472},
{"quote": "<resident> Africa is a mix of clit-choppin' negroes, godforsaken deserts, and maneating plants.", "score": -186, "id": 4474},
{"quote": "<Dreq> is there anyway to get the DOS version?\r\n<andy> the dos version of win98?\r\n<Dreq> yes", "score": 460, "id": 4476},
{"quote": "<tatsumi> There's a difference between being grumpy and hating every little fucker in existence.", "score": 615, "id": 4478},
{"quote": "<Khross> andy, time for the secret unix decoder handshake.\r\n* andy sodomizes Khross\r\n* Khross orgasms\r\n<Khross> Okay, we can start the meeting.", "score": 980, "id": 4479},
{"quote": "*** Pope ( has joined #Sphere\r\n<Khross> Raped any children lately?", "score": 67, "id": 4481},
{"quote": "<Semi> What are you talking about?\r\n<Rico> Fuck if I know. Your mother, probably.", "score": 448, "id": 4355},
{"quote": "<teu> I have to admit, when I first suggested anal sex to my girlfriend, she looked at me like I was crazy. I offered to double-wrap, use plenty of AstroGlide, but she was still totally freaked over the idea of it. Then she made a deal with me: If I'd bend over for her strap-on, she'd bend over for me. We take turns taking it up the poop chute, and now we finally feel like our relationship is fully equal", "score": 639, "id": 4356},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> <intra> I want to propose to my wife with a giant foam #1 finger instead of a ring.\r\n<RastaSaf> of course the correct answer to that quote would be: how long did it take the doctors to remove it from you?", "score": 277, "id": 4360},
{"quote": "<JDigital> I have ops in #pyoko... I put it on my resume along with my Slashdot karma ;)", "score": 257, "id": 4361},
{"quote": "<taz> 0x0020\u00a0\u00a0 5018 2238 83c7 0000 4745 5420 6874 7470\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 P.\"8....GET.http\r\n<taz> 0x0030\u00a0\u00a0 3a2f 2f77 7777 2e69 6b65 612e 636f 2e75\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 ://\r\n<taz> 0x0040\u00a0\u00a0 6b2f 7072 6f64 7563 745f 7072 6573 656e\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 k/product_presen\r\n<taz> 0x0050\u00a0\u00a0 7461\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ta\r\n<taz> muha\r\n* taz snooping mothers network traffic", "score": 314, "id": 4363},
{"quote": "<Lincoln`s_Wax> \"The vacuum of space can suck like a mofo!\" \"Captain, get your penis out of the window!", "score": 408, "id": 4367},
{"quote": "<wonderllamah> ill bet a banana would kick an apples ass in a fight beacause it could unpeel itself to have two mighty banana parts fighting\r\n<wonderllamah> the peel to bind it and the soft core to smash it into submission.", "score": 389, "id": 4368},
{"quote": "<DrFurious> if midgets had regular size penises they could take pictures of themselves in a minature house and decieve people into thinking they are normal sized with a huge penis", "score": 958, "id": 4372},
{"quote": "<L33t_Hax0r> i rev at people at a red light in the galant if im pretty sure thier car is slow", "score": 72, "id": 4373},
{"quote": "<Petr> I was at work and I drove by a group of Amish people in an electric cart full of computer equipment. I've never been given such an evil eye by so many people at once before.", "score": 735, "id": 4376},
{"quote": "<MrSauce> LIZ HURLEY KNOCKED UP?\r\n<MrSauce> NOOOOOOO\r\n<MrSauce> fuck\r\n<MrSauce> she was so hot\r\n<EvilRobot> Hey, in 18 years and 9 months, you'll be able to hump her daughter.\r\n<MrSauce> hrm\r\n<MrSauce> I'd be 35\r\n<MrSauce> very possible\r\n<EvilRobot> See, always look for the silver lining!\r\n<MrSauce> oh well. I guess it's time for a farewell fap", "score": 283, "id": 4378},
{"quote": "<Spork> A man looked at me like I was a pervert today. I was checking him out at the store and he had his kids at me I noticed one of his young daughters had her zipper down and you could see the print on her panties, so I pointed it out to him. He looked at me weird for a second then zipped her up.\r\n<Spork> Maybe it's because he thought I also noticed that he was half-erect in his pants.\r\n<Spork> Which he was.", "score": 584, "id": 4380},
{"quote": "<@Raz> I LIVE ON THE EQUATOR...\"JUAN, THE WATER IS STUCK AGAIN\"", "score": 382, "id": 4381},
{"quote": "<Euri> When I was 20 (still worked as a waiter), I went out to eat with a friend at a nice-ish restaurant. There was a guy with his girlfriend/mistress/cheap hooker in front of me yelling at the hostess because they took 10 minutes to bring his food to him. So, I went up and asked him how he was doing, and why he didn't call.. and asked if his rash was clearing up.", "score": 823, "id": 4382},
{"quote": "<CiXeL> if you have zillions of bbses in a billion ips using strong encryption all over, GAME OVER GOVT", "score": 40, "id": 4919},
{"quote": "<Kyle|> im making a SHELL for WINDOWS that LOOKS and FEELS like the REAL STANDALONE OS THAT WILL BE DONE NOT SOON!\r\n<Urganite> what you mean to tell me\r\n<Urganite> is that you're going to create a windows program\r\n<Urganite> that just looks like what you want your OS to be? \r\n<Urganite> ... \r\n<Urganite> that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life \r\n<Peasant> Someone should make a DHTML OS \r\n<Kyle|> peasant: dont give me ideas", "score": 214, "id": 4659},
{"quote": "<Raize> can you guys see what I type? \r\n<vecna> no, raize \r\n<Raize> How do I set it up so you can see it?", "score": 7174, "id": 4680},
{"quote": "* Morpheus agrees with tark, but I also prefer nude wet legal aged girls =P \r\n<Tarkuss> age is 12 in some countries... \r\n<Morpheus> 8 in tiwan \r\n<Tarkuss> Morpheus: EIGHT!? \r\n* Morpheus nods as he watches tark go to get a passport", "score": 357, "id": 4686},
{"quote": "*** Quits: Zathras (Evelyn the dog, having undergone further modification pondered the significance of short-person behaviour in pedal depressed, pan-chromatic resonance, and other highly ambient domains. \"Arf,\" she said.)", "score": 270, "id": 4693},
{"quote": "<zathras> This game of rhymes is eating at my brain, I beg of thee, sir, for the love of god, refrain! \r\n<Deliphos> I cannot! In my blood it doth runneth! Hush thee now, lest I cap with my gunneth!", "score": 997, "id": 4695},
{"quote": "<DML> Heh... my sister just IM'd me. My sister is cool and shit. I wish I could be eclectic, funky, and well-adjusted \r\n<Drusilla> we do too, Dan. \r\n<tieboy> well, 0 out of 3 ain't bad", "score": 534, "id": 4696},
{"quote": "<CrazyClimber> top dangling modifier of the day: \r\n<CrazyClimber> \"A jet going 100 m.p.h. slammed into a deer, which ruptured a wing fuel tank and dumped 70 gallons of gas on the runway. \" \r\n<CrazyClimber> i knew about cows and methane, but... \r\n<me_tew> Dammit, when are they going to REQUIRE that fuel tanks on deer be moved away from the wings.", "score": 901, "id": 4698},
{"quote": "<Nate> I don't care that I don't fuck chicks.\r\n<Nate> I have my MCSD.\r\n<RPGoddess> but nate.... sex is good! :D\r\n<Nate> Yes Shari, I would imagine.\r\n<Nate> But so is manual sex.\r\n<Nate> :)", "score": 42, "id": 4701},
{"quote": "*** Hiretsukan has left #verge\r\n*** Hiretsukan has joined #verge\r\n<andy> do the first half of that trick again.", "score": 975, "id": 4705},
{"quote": "<winmutt> lol \r\n<winmutt> my neighbor's name is jeff toke \r\n<winmutt> and hes getting married tomorrow \r\n<winmutt> 4/20 \r\n<winmutt> LOL \r\n<winmutt> i just realized this", "score": 197, "id": 4706},
{"quote": "<SDHawk> cool in a homosexual way\r\n<OneiWilly> cool!\r\n<Sivako> thats where i'm a superstar!", "score": 103, "id": 4710},
{"quote": "<DCBastard> hey i could get ven to install that saturn modchip that i got him to send me last year\r\n<travolta> ven?\r\n<travolta> who is ven?\r\n<CraiZE> he means VeNoM\r\n<DCBastard> see when you like someone you abreviate their name - that's why I always call you travolta", "score": 805, "id": 4713},
{"quote": "<@Spidey> you can get stamps anywhere\r\n<@Spidey> grocery store, convenient store\r\n<@Spidey> ;[\r\n<@Spidey> -t+ce?\r\n<@orion> setting modes on your sentences again, addict?", "score": 259, "id": 4715},
{"quote": "<Chalma> how do I talk with everyone else?", "score": 246, "id": 4716},
{"quote": "<malkav> 96 kbps is cd quality \r\n<sic> you must have cd's from mexico or something :[[", "score": 548, "id": 4786},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> Look I'm writing a letter!\r\n<DrWoody> Dear Internet Explorer:\r\n<DrWoody> I HATE YOU!\u00a0 DIE!!", "score": 577, "id": 4789},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> my pseudogirlfriend's preacher was like, all over her\r\n<DAL9000> and she's not very liked at her church\r\n<DAL9000> cuz they think she's seducing him\r\n<trep> pseudogirlfriend, haha\r\n<DAL9000> yes\r\n<DAL9000> that's a fancy word for stalking interest.", "score": 601, "id": 4790},
{"quote": "<Aaron> +v\r\n*** Crappy sets mode: +v Aaron\r\n<Aaron> typing +v made crappy put me on +v automatically?\r\n<Crappy> maybe, try typing +b :)\r\n<Aaron> +b\r\n*** Crappy sets mode: +b *!*", "score": 550, "id": 4791},
{"quote": "[Synoptica] no, he's not lagged. he's just stupid.", "score": 396, "id": 4792},
{"quote": "<The_Roach> Well, the boss' wife needs me to fix her computer.\r\n<The_Roach> You know what that means.\r\n<Anton> you're gonna be fixing a computer for a bit?\r\n<Waldo> pr0n music stuck in your head?\r\n<The_Roach> Yes and yes.", "score": 575, "id": 4795},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> We're talking about C++ here right?\r\n<detmod> no java, duh\r\n<DrWoody> Oh, I though Univ. of IL was too l337 for java\r\n<detmod> what the hell is l337?\r\n<DrWoody> OMG YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY BE A COMP SCI MAJOR!\u00a0 YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT L337 IS!!! =O", "score": 710, "id": 4797},
{"quote": "<BadM0f0> Hello, this is a Polish virus. Since we do not have the technology to create a real virus, please delete all files on your home directory.", "score": 821, "id": 4799},
{"quote": "<lewpoo> whats the most advanced topic in java?\r\n<joeblowgt> lewpoo: not getting kickbanned in #java", "score": 198, "id": 4800},
{"quote": "<Amanda> Oh yeah, a thug did his commemorative speech on \"P Diddy\" today\r\n<kisama_> fuck thugs\r\n<kisama_> thugs will amount to shit later\r\n<kisama_> there's a bunch of thugs here taking CISCO NETWORKING CERTIFICATION courses\r\n<kisama_> they are all \"YEAH MAN I'M GONNA MAKE 80K COMING RIGHT OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL MAN!\"", "score": 248, "id": 4801},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #bible\r\n<Synial> Have you ever wondered what JESUS looks like without his skimpy loincloth? WITH advanced technology, we have made a realistic image of the full Jesus!\u00a0 Is he hung like his dad? FIND OUT NOW! FREE XXX PICTURES!!!", "score": 876, "id": 4809},
{"quote": "<mov> scali and DAL here, cool must say\r\n<DAL9000> mov: nice set of lips to reach my ass all the way from sweden", "score": 117, "id": 4813},
{"quote": "<ishmal> wandered into a lesbian bar once,\u00a0 was there about an hour before i noticed\r\n<ishmal> lots of girls,\u00a0 no guys\r\n<ishmal> thought i was just lucky", "score": 657, "id": 4814},
{"quote": "<Dabljuh> hey \r\n<Dabljuh> People keep mentioning I would be akilled \r\n<Dabljuh> which is simply not true \r\n*** Quits: Dabljuh (~dabljuh@195.141.143.ZiRC-52133) (User has been banned from ZiRC (Repeated ban evasion))", "score": 205, "id": 4815},
{"quote": "<kanin> if (User->HasAppropriateBook()) { while (User->LacksClue()) { User->ReadAppropriateBook(); } }\r\nelse { while(User->HasNotGottenAppripriateBook()) {User->StumbleAroundHalfAssedInTheDark(); User->WhineOnIRC(); } }", "score": 475, "id": 4816},
{"quote": "<cheerio> i like computers better than chicks cuz they will willingly accept my 3.5\" floppy", "score": 655, "id": 4860},
{"quote": "<Merlin3> It was my grandmother's dying wish that I receive some dave matthews bootlegs... if you have any mp3ed (not from the 4 CDs) please msg me or just go and DCC it to me... thank you for your concern. with everyone's help, I think I will be able to make it through these difficult times.", "score": 502, "id": 4861},
{"quote": "<iHaveAids> Anyone want to talk to a 17 / f?", "score": 1650, "id": 4865},
{"quote": "<fagx> in order to maintain our status as high-ranking officials in #lost we have a maximum of 1 offline friend each", "score": 272, "id": 4866},
{"quote": "<reuben> i'm going to name my kid with elite capitalization\r\n<langdon> my kid will be all caps.", "score": 254, "id": 4867},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> im getting hemorrhoids\r\n<l0wkey> from sitting on my butt all day ircing\r\n<l0wkey> i should sue Khaled", "score": 76, "id": 4869},
{"quote": "<reuben> my dad claims that he got his first piece of ass from a cow.\r\n<reuben> i had a great upbringing", "score": 337, "id": 4871},
{"quote": "<nost> whered iban go\r\n<langdon> home\r\n<nost> this is his home", "score": 366, "id": 4872},
{"quote": "<gee-> i stole a 5 dollar pen from officemax and it didnt work\r\n<homieC> your dad stole a 5 dollar condom from a 7-11 and it didnt work", "score": 944, "id": 4874},
{"quote": "<pimp> im going to go play with my toys now\r\n<RiP> that means hes going to play with himself right\r\n<pimp> no, im going to go play with my X-Men action figures", "score": 230, "id": 4875},
{"quote": "<cade> zzz, you wanna kill yourself or something?\r\n<zZz-> cade, I've attempted so many times and failed, it's not even funny..\r\n<zZz-> Accually, it is kinda funny.", "score": 444, "id": 4877},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> usually if someone pisses me off i punch their girlfriend in the mouth and scram", "score": 293, "id": 4878},
{"quote": "<gee> i made $52 at busch gardens saturday\r\n<iban> in a bathroom stall?", "score": 348, "id": 4879},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> do any of you wonder why pubic hair doesnt get as long as normal hair", "score": 281, "id": 4880},
{"quote": "<reuben> send me a picture of you.\r\n<{Elmo}> no scanner\r\n<reuben> get one.\r\n<{Elmo}> no $$\r\n<ryano> in other words reub, you probably dont want to see her", "score": 267, "id": 4881},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> i am in a is my old roommates 21st birthday tonight, no school tomorrow, a few movies i want to see, Simpsons and X-Files...what to do?\r\n<l0wkey> I KNOW...STAY ON IRC", "score": 282, "id": 4882},
{"quote": "<chris--> now i have to tell the coach that i can't play because my wrist hurts\r\n<chris--> and he asks me how i injuried it\r\n<chris--> and i say swinging a bat\r\n<chris--> and it sounds stupid.\r\n<chris--> it has 'masturbation injury' written all over it", "score": 607, "id": 4886},
{"quote": "<landen> I want to register it before Microsoft buys out K.Mardam-Bey", "score": 48, "id": 4922},
{"quote": "<reuben> you're like people with bumper stickers.\r\n<reuben> telling the same lines over and over and over again.\r\n<reuben> anything witty is only witty once\r\n<reuben> hey\r\n<reuben> that would be a good bumper sticker", "score": 1021, "id": 4924},
{"quote": "<matto> the keg is tapped\r\n<matto> awaiting the guests\r\n<`jon> and you're online", "score": 324, "id": 4926},
{"quote": "<jesus-> jesus saves, but good thing im jesus- , cause i cant do shit", "score": 38, "id": 4932},
{"quote": "<jonathans> statutory rape is the one thing id be okay with having on my record", "score": 183, "id": 4934},
{"quote": "<MK_Ultra> trade my sister for fast appz/OS site", "score": 191, "id": 4936},
{"quote": "<`rip> when you go into a job interview\r\n<`rip> and they ask you what 3 of your weaknesses' are\r\n<`rip> what do you say\r\n<clay> you tell them that youre indecisive\r\n<clay> and then stop talking", "score": 1303, "id": 4954},
{"quote": "<clay> i was sitting in khaleds dorm \r\n<clay> while he was hitting his gravity bong\r\n<clay> and i said dude\r\n<clay> make some shit so i can irc with windows dude", "score": 102, "id": 4968},
{"quote": "<joey`> clay...doy you know anything about networking\r\n<clay> yes\r\n<clay> the rj45 pee pee goes into the nic pee pee, joey", "score": 286, "id": 4971},
{"quote": "<Pad-lock> Hey Shithead! You want a fuckin fight?!?! If so come to #teens4christ That is.. if your not a fuckin PUSSY!!!!", "score": 760, "id": 5017},
{"quote": "<iban> when i was your age all i had was a mac, and photoshop\r\n<iban> if i wanted an online gf i had to draw her", "score": 522, "id": 5020},
{"quote": "<theo-> that some sort of learning difficulty?", "score": 306, "id": 5022},
{"quote": "<myles> i wonder if i talk to my marijuana it will make it grow faster", "score": 234, "id": 5026},
{"quote": "<iban> uhoh\r\n<iban> its 5am\r\n<iban> about time for my morning wood", "score": 309, "id": 5027},
{"quote": "<myles> i jus wanna go to court and b on the plantiff side for once", "score": 351, "id": 5028},
{"quote": "<clay> i read the word \"c'mon\" in a comic book\r\n<clay> so i went to my mom\r\n<clay> and said\r\n<clay> mom, what does c'mon mean, and i pronounced it like semen", "score": 642, "id": 5030},
{"quote": "<@atarax> DrConway: Some kid told me a couple days ago \"They just came out with internet 7.0\"", "score": 398, "id": 5303},
{"quote": "<lewZer> Man, translating 2 pages of non-spaced, non-punctuated, instructions for making lsd is awful rough on a 9th grade dropout", "score": 416, "id": 4892},
{"quote": "<Spudge> if my mother was on right now i would kb her ass so quick", "score": 77, "id": 4895},
{"quote": "<clay> prostitution is illegal in the united states of america\r\n<ryano> not in nevada\r\n<clay> were you conceived in nevada", "score": 307, "id": 4896},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> if i see something so fucking cute, like another rugrats movie or babe movie, im going on a spree\r\n<sabbat> a killing spree i hope\r\n<l0wkey> i was thinking along the lines of shopping spree, but suggestion noted", "score": 808, "id": 4899},
{"quote": "<tsal> my dick is so big it's got its own dick", "score": 39, "id": 4900},
{"quote": "<intuit> hmm maybe sumtime next week i will go outside", "score": 293, "id": 4901},
{"quote": "<iban> in 5 years irc will be obsolite\r\n<ryano> so will spelling", "score": 502, "id": 4902},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> the women in porn spread so much all i can see are kidneys", "score": 209, "id": 4905},
{"quote": "<langdon> *** Unable to resolve\r\n<langdon> how do i get that IP?\r\n<langdon> is that like.\r\n<langdon> when the internet is full?", "score": 633, "id": 4909},
{"quote": "<Conjure> closed minded idiots\r\n<Conjure> playing with feces owns", "score": 247, "id": 4913},
{"quote": "<clay> and i raped your mother %your.age years ago", "score": 347, "id": 4914},
{"quote": "<Polytope> tetris is so unrealistic", "score": 7053, "id": 4916},
{"quote": "<clay> math is for kids who cant get by on looks and trench coats alone", "score": 319, "id": 4917},
{"quote": "<joey`> mcdonalds fired me for trying to install irc on the teleprompter", "score": 926, "id": 4918},
{"quote": "<Lith> im tellin ya.. im sitting on a land mine\r\n<Lith> err\r\n<Lith> gold mine", "score": 921, "id": 5034},
{"quote": "<Myles> if ur piss comes out like vanilla pudding wat duz that mean", "score": 217, "id": 5039},
{"quote": "<l0wkey> i used to be a freelance gynecologist", "score": 459, "id": 5048},
{"quote": "<sifelaver> you know who you should ban?\r\n<reuben> who\r\n<sifelaver> DEEZ NUTS", "score": -39, "id": 5054},
{"quote": "<reub> i hate people that can't complete a fucking", "score": 1258, "id": 5068},
{"quote": "<langdon> i put my britney spears doll on my speaker.\r\n<langdon> if i get real low to my desk.\r\n<langdon> i can see up her skirt!", "score": 190, "id": 5069},
{"quote": "<jonathans> i wonder if all women think like that\r\n<reubenf> not all women think", "score": 388, "id": 5072},
{"quote": "<langdon> win2k is tight.\r\n<langdon> i added all my warez ftp sites to network neighborhood", "score": 180, "id": 5073},
{"quote": "<`rip> ryano is a dick sucker\r\n<clay> yes\r\n<clay> a social dicksucker\r\n<clay> much like the social smoker\r\n<clay> he puffs for his homies\r\n<`rip> puffs on his homies", "score": 101, "id": 5074},
{"quote": "<joey``> ryan...what are you doing for new year's\r\n<ryano> going on dalnet", "score": 255, "id": 5078},
{"quote": "<langdon> FUCK OFF AND HELP ME\r\n<langdon> i mean\r\n<langdon> fuck on\r\n<langdon> fuck over here and help me", "score": 820, "id": 5089},
{"quote": "<reub> if i ever met you guys in real life i would never touch your rulers", "score": 445, "id": 5113},
{"quote": "<TcShBoY> where is the /etc/passwd located?", "score": 459, "id": 5164},
{"quote": "<mofo> s2pid virgin cola commercials.\r\n<reuben> i bet it's harder to type \"s2pid\" than it is to type \"stupid\"\r\n<mofo> s2pid looks cooler and sophisticated though, so :P\r\n<reuben> it looks stupid", "score": 1017, "id": 5193},
{"quote": "<jonathans> the vas deferens is the path from the nuts to the weiner where your breakfast travels", "score": 162, "id": 5242},
{"quote": "<crist0bal> rhino\r\n<crist0bal> make me an op\r\n<ryano> what are the ingredients", "score": 509, "id": 5256},
{"quote": "<reuben> somebody keeps jiggling the doorknob on my front door, then running away\r\n<reuben> i don't know if i should call the police, or hook up some electricity to the doorknob\r\n<cristobal> why don't you put ice on the stairs\r\n<cristobal> and heat up the door knob\r\n<cristobal> and swing paint buckets down from your two story foyer\r\n<cristobal> then a few years later, fade from the public eye.....", "score": 7169, "id": 5259},
{"quote": "<pdksh> jesus h christ\r\n<pdksh> 'i got tired of that screensaver on that other computer so i turned it off'\r\n<pdksh> my sister hard-shutdown my bsd box.\r\n<pdksh> in the middle of a kernel compile.\r\n<pdksh> not to mention that the little blinky light on the hub was annoying her\r\n<pdksh> so she pulled out that wire too\r\n<pdksh> ...\r\n<pdksh> and she managed to rip a wire pair out of the wire.\r\n<pdksh> yet she wants to be a cs major in college.\r\n<dmaster-> I would beat her into a coma\r\n<pdksh> dmaster-: im about to. either that or change her aim password so she jumps off a bridge.\r\n<bob354> pdksh: haha a cs major?\r\n<pdksh> bob354: yeah... 'i like to surf the internet and chat on aim to all my friends all the time so im good with computers and im good at that microsoft wordart. mom said i should go to computer school like you!'", "score": 2992, "id": 5304},
{"quote": "<Jewedass> atarax: Find yourself a nice 26 year old woman and pretend she's two 13 year olds", "score": 414, "id": 5307},
{"quote": "<Zexion> Jewdass: well thats what I do when I want to get totally wasted... get some GOOD pot and drink a LOT of GOOD vodka\r\n<|Ogreboy|> <Zexion> we call those weekdays", "score": 244, "id": 5309},
{"quote": "<Mutiny-> \"large explosion in downtown jerusalem, two cats scared, houseplant shaken and dropped onto floor, israelis occupy palestinian owned areas, 12 palestinians dead in retalitory missle attacks\"", "score": 319, "id": 5311},
{"quote": "<McMoo> i think i dislocated my esophagus\r\n<orion-> fix it with everclear", "score": 181, "id": 5314},
{"quote": "<Knighted> JLsoft: when i was flying into toronto, there was a good deal of cloud coverage and visibility was low. so i looked out the window and immediately though \"this is like an N64 game\"", "score": 504, "id": 5315},
{"quote": "<Cutter> you know whats a trip ? when one of your friends in high school has to do a speech to the class and does it on acid, gets confused and pisses his pants - that owned", "score": 813, "id": 5317},
{"quote": "<Lucent-H> who wants pictures of high school cheerleaders that want to do me?\r\n<moijkNrg> Lucent: I don't want to see any male cheerleaders", "score": 490, "id": 5320},
{"quote": "<highdrow> when you finally get to the end of all the spam\r\n<highdrow> it's kind of dissapointing that there isn't more to delete\r\n<highdrow> ;", "score": 246, "id": 5324},
{"quote": "<kidpiglet> is there such a thing as putting a \"hit\" on a dog\r\n<kidpiglet> if so let me know whos avalible to do a \"hit\"\r\n<Ph4nt0m> marinate a steak in antifreeze\r\n<kidpiglet> yeah with my luck my hubby would go and cook it for himself\r\n<Ph4nt0m> would that be all bad? :)", "score": 240, "id": 5332},
{"quote": "<Ophe|ia`> omg I will NEVER shit that fast anus is burning *sitting down carefully*", "score": 212, "id": 5333},
{"quote": "<Zeddicus> i like Dungeon Seige, but its not something that hooks me like a good FPS does, or a good RTS\r\n<agentM> i like dating games\r\n<Zeddicus> i dont\r\n<Zeddicus> i always lose", "score": 390, "id": 5337},
{"quote": "<Carplos-Duck> You just killed 100 innocent civilians, how do you feel?\r\n<Pedro> patriotic", "score": 1105, "id": 5338},
{"quote": "<Ramen> When my penis grows in size at the site of a naked male, then I'll believe I'm gay.", "score": 57, "id": 5345},
{"quote": "<Guilty> I dont kid around with my fat chicks\r\n<Guilty> Theres one simple golden rule: No fat chicks.\r\n<Guilty> Golden because thats the color of the Golden Arches, the perferred eating place of Fat Chicks", "score": 46, "id": 5349},
{"quote": "<brad-> I wish excite personals were still easy to look through to bag on people with.\r\n<brad-> And find hot dates.\r\n<LkTruth1> brad- wants to find a mother suitable for his daughter.\r\n<LkTruth1> Or a large man.\r\n<brad-> A little girl suitable to make another.", "score": 81, "id": 5351},
{"quote": "<AlmtyBob> k funny story tiem\r\n<AlmtyBob> there's this guy at work\r\n<AlmtyBob> and back in the days\r\n<AlmtyBob> I would tell people to ask him how fast his dad can run\r\n<AlmtyBob> and they would\r\n<AlmtyBob> and he'd say, 'dude that's kinda fucked up, my dad lost his legs in a construction accident'\r\n<AlmtyBob> and he's a total straight-faced mf, so it got the best reactions from people\r\n<AlmtyBob> (it was a joke, his dad was fine)\r\n<AlmtyBob> I got this new dealer to do it to him today, he's a supervisor\r\n<AlmtyBob> I was talking to my friend later and I told him to go up to this chick and ask the same thing\r\n<AlmtyBob> little did he know, her father was murdered a few years back\r\n<AlmtyBob> joke's on him!\r\n<AlmtyBob> well, you had to be there", "score": 471, "id": 5353},
{"quote": "<DCBastard> wow - either fairlight and deviance have absolutely pathetic suppliers or morrowind has some good copy protection\r\n<DCBastard> i think it's absolutely disgusting that you can BUY a game before downloading it", "score": 381, "id": 5263},
{"quote": "<@zexion> the ice age VCD sucks ass\r\n<@zexion> the guy was jerking off while filimg the movie or something...\r\n<@zexion> and some asshole kept gettng up for popcorn or something... I couldnt watch it after 10 minutes\r\n<@zexion> gotta wait for the SVCD\r\n<@^101> it brings the theater experince home zex\r\n<@zexion> 101: always looking at the bright side of life eh? :)", "score": 156, "id": 5267},
{"quote": "<clay> protocol defines that i place nothing less than a television UP YOUR ASS", "score": 475, "id": 5269},
{"quote": "<Procyan> is there like 1 person on earth that knows tcl/tk and is writing all of the apps?\r\n<unSlider> procyan: no, there are a bunch of people who dont know tcl/tk but are writing apps for it anyway", "score": 522, "id": 5270},
{"quote": "* xL is thinking of a book on \"100 useless applications of Cat-5 cables\" \r\n<xL> #1: A windows NT network", "score": 682, "id": 5271},
{"quote": "<django23> I have a stupid question: what does \"sendmail\" do?\r\n<Epesh> django: you're right, that is pretty stupid", "score": 1923, "id": 5272},
{"quote": "<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.", "score": 30077, "id": 5273},
{"quote": "<Gnuspice> shit, you know you've been doing too much SQL when you're at a prompt and do SELECT * FROM /bin;", "score": 417, "id": 5274},
{"quote": "<zymurgy> #define NULL NULL /* because I can dammit! */", "score": 435, "id": 5275},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Wasnt there some option you changed last time when DCC kept cutting off?\r\n<maff> yeah I reinstalled windows", "score": 298, "id": 5276},
{"quote": "<jstepka2> better than losing your virginity to a 17 yr old midget at 22", "score": 140, "id": 5297},
{"quote": "<chinger> My real name is Thoma\r\n<chinger> s\r\n<LimberDink> Well hello there, Thoma\r\n<LimberDink> s", "score": 806, "id": 5298},
{"quote": "<tatclass> YOU ALL SUCK DICK\r\n<tatclass> er.\r\n<tatclass> hi.\r\n<andy\\code> A common typo.\r\n<tatclass> the keys are like right next to each other.", "score": 24780, "id": 5300},
{"quote": "<blazemore> LITTLETON, Colo. - Colorado officials plan to try a 15-year-old boy as an adult for allegedly offering a Sony PlayStation to have his aunt killed.\r\n<FlipTopBx> is it modded?", "score": 6602, "id": 5301},
{"quote": "<@BitS> LordViper is serious about not playing multiplayer games, he even has sex by himself :/", "score": 298, "id": 5302},
{"quote": "<Spooky> What agitates your grotesquely large noggin?\r\n<Alexander> Human EXISTANCE\r\n<Spooky> Righto...only that?\r\n<Spooky> I accepted their powerful funk of stupid long ago...only not really.\r\n<Spooky> I can't go to a mall when it's busy or I start shaking.\r\n<Spooky> Shaking (read: Killing)\r\n<Alexander> yeah I know that shaking/maiming feeling", "score": 186, "id": 5438},
{"quote": "<+shagman> man, my ice water tastes like shit this morning \r\n<+SuperGayHomo> well don't get it out of the toilet bowl \r\n<@shagman> I wonder if it's my ice cubes \r\n<@shagman> I'm gonna try the ones from the other tray \r\n<@shagman> ahhhhh, much better \r\n<@SuperGayHomo> those ones came from the tank", "score": 72, "id": 5357},
{"quote": "<CountZer0> but where is the recycle bin in dos?", "score": 356, "id": 5359},
{"quote": "<RvLeshrac> I wonder about stores that get shot up in movies.\r\n<RvLeshrac> What do they say when it's all over with?\r\n<RvLeshrac> \"Hello, Mutual Insurance? Yes, I'd like to know if my policy covers gangland shootouts.\"", "score": 280, "id": 5362},
{"quote": "<D1> some new LCDs came out recently.\r\n<D1> which are suppost to be better than the old ones or something.\r\n<McMoo> some new computers came out recently, too\r\n<McMoo> amazingly enough, they're also supposed to be better than old ones.", "score": 470, "id": 5370},
{"quote": "<Focks> \"Can I have a fag?\" \"You're a fag\" \"I mean a cigeratte, mate\" \"I'm not your mate, you fag!\"", "score": 441, "id": 5371},
{"quote": "<]RE[-NarcDog> damn thats a hard on...\r\n<]RE[-NarcDog> one*", "score": 543, "id": 5376},
{"quote": "<offwYtE> noWay man, tha tis a wikked statement\r\n<offwYtE> well i thought it was\r\n<offwYtE> maybe not sure what it means now", "score": 34, "id": 5378},
{"quote": "<`axion> dammit\r\n<`axion> they fucked my hair up\r\n<nakke> well\r\n<nakke> now your hair suits the rest of you", "score": 478, "id": 5379},
{"quote": "<infin-01> sorry, you don't qualify for 31337 status, only 31336 status.", "score": 402, "id": 5388},
{"quote": "<noj> i hate when my wang pokes out the bottom of my jeans", "score": 20, "id": 5389},
{"quote": "tatsumio: itd be pretty neat to have a vagina somehwere on my body that I could have sex with\r\nOogy Boots: :O\r\ntatsumio: and the vagina got the full orgasmic effects too\r\ntatsumio: imagine.\r\nOogy Boots: and you thought I was a freak!\r\ntatsumio: double orgasm\r\nCyAteon: if it was on his arm or something would be really weird.\r\nCyAteon: not only would you be having sex with your arm\r\nCyAteon: but your arm would orgasm\r\nOogy Boots: LOL\r\nCyAteon: unf unf unf unf ARGGGGGGHARARHGA <arm cramps up>", "score": 325, "id": 5391},
{"quote": "<+SirLudicrus> type /who *.edu and you see why college students fail so much", "score": 414, "id": 5396},
{"quote": "<JFelix> So they're fags but you still want them to suck your cock? You fag.\r\n<Zoglog> what can I say\r\n<Zoglog> beggers cant be choosers\r\n<JFelix> Okay, you have a point.\r\n<Zoglog> BUT THATS NOT THE POINT", "score": 233, "id": 5404},
{"quote": "*** Swish changes topic to '\"I never pirated was donated.\u00a0 by the file fairy.\u00a0 I put a blank CD under my pillow...\"'", "score": 1154, "id": 5406},
{"quote": "<Ron> I am from the land where we do not speak english, I am sorry for this minor setback", "score": 401, "id": 5407},
{"quote": "<AK[coding]> females are the anti-c0de\r\n<AK[coding]> Right now, it's like you're high on meth.\r\n<AK[coding]> But in a few months...\r\n<AK[coding]> You'll be fucking and fucking and NO lines will be showing up in your poor terminal.", "score": 212, "id": 5409},
{"quote": "* Praetor takes a piss right in the middle of the channel\r\n* andy slashes Prae's penis off.\r\n<andy> That takes better vision than you might think.", "score": 363, "id": 5410},
{"quote": "<Spooky> So I'm arguing with this guy about Starwars\r\n<Spooky> which I hate\r\n<Spooky> And he's like: \" I hated episode 1 cause jar jar was stupid\"\r\n<Spooky> and I said that Jar jar was about as stupid as ewoks\r\n<Spooky> and he got all idignant and said ewoks were cool\r\n<Spooky> WTF IS WRONG WITH STAR WARS FANS", "score": 355, "id": 5440},
{"quote": "<Goku> :O\r\n<kepler> hold that face goku\r\n*kepler unzips\r\n*aegis runs away", "score": 745, "id": 5443},
{"quote": "<aussie> whats wrong with racial profiling?\r\n<Jake> Absolutely nothing, as long as it's unbiased.\r\n<The_Roach> That's a contradiction in terms. \r\n<JD> I've never been profiled so, I would say nothing", "score": 50, "id": 5447},
{"quote": "<oogie> I wonder would oral sex would feel like from one of those african women with the big plate in their lower lip\r\n<oogie> you could have a little tray to rest your nuts on on her lower lip", "score": 282, "id": 5449},
{"quote": "", "score": 488, "id": 5454},
{"quote": "<Sinner> how do you stop a cat from trying to fuck your other cats\r\n<gjvc> get in there first", "score": 720, "id": 5460},
{"quote": "<Sinner_> i know someone who fucked a turkey once\r\n<gjvc> i wake up early\r\n<gjvc> check my email\r\n<Murex> i dont see how i could actually fit my average cock into a chicken\r\n<Sinner_> he was mad at his family\r\n<gjvc> and see this shit\r\n<Sinner_> and he fucked the thanksgiving turkey\r\n<lazydog> bhahah\r\n<gjvc> ahahahaha\r\n<Murex> hahhahaa\r\n<gjvc> lord", "score": 335, "id": 5462},
{"quote": "<Frizz0> anyone want a compaq proliant raid server 256M hardware raid p-pro200\r\n<Frizz0> its about to get sold for drugs\r\n<k5sss> payment in drugs, or payment in cash to buy drugs?\r\n<Frizz0> either way is fine", "score": 284, "id": 5463},
{"quote": "<abt32v> if you need a car to pull bitchez, plz recheck yer game", "score": 16, "id": 5464},
{"quote": "moose> my resume is SOILD, but I can't get clueless head hunters to even fucking return a call\r\n<moose> \"do you have a ccna?\"\r\n<moose> BITCH HAVE YOU READ MY RESUME\r\n<moose> \"we need somone who knows PGB in internet lans\"\r\n<moose> sigh", "score": 172, "id": 5465},
{"quote": "<casmill2> I swear to god i must be the only true optimist left on the planet.", "score": 2445, "id": 5468},
{"quote": "<ExCon> ihave one wish b4 i goto army rho :)\r\n<ExCon> op for 1 day :D\r\n<[SuN]> im not that soft :P\r\n<ExCon> what if i die and never come back ?;D\r\n<[SuN]> ill make a bot called ExCon and give it ops\r\n<ExCon> oh..i feel honored\r\n<ExCon> :D\r\n<[SuN]> ;)", "score": 234, "id": 5473},
{"quote": "<kaleido> how hard is it to plug a fuckin modem into a router\r\n<kaleido> \"well i dont know what to do, man\"\r\n<kaleido> fuckin christ\r\n<kaleido> where do we find these field engineers\r\n<PunkScum> compton?\r\n<kaleido> i was thinkin guinea\r\n<kaleido> but compton might be right", "score": 157, "id": 5475},
{"quote": "<Sinner_> you tell me who you want killed, and ill tell you the girl i want the blowjob from", "score": 232, "id": 5479},
{"quote": "<foo> You got to think like a poet.\r\n<cain> I think you're a cunt.", "score": 385, "id": 5482},
{"quote": "<kkenn> Traffic lights\r\n<kkenn> Remember folks. Traffic lights timed for 35 mph are also properly timed for 70 mph.", "score": 519, "id": 5483},
{"quote": "<factorial_nine> \"Male masturbation is a personal turn off for me. As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single.\"\r\n<factorial_nine> GOOD LUCK, BITCH.", "score": 7232, "id": 5411},
{"quote": "<FireMoth> Tat: what were your grades like in the first semester?\r\n<tatsumizzz> Like, low.\r\n<tatsumizzz> I suppose the fact that I told my English teacher I had an erection one time didn't help.\r\n<Ear> Yeah. You forgot to raise your hand.", "score": 480, "id": 5412},
{"quote": "<cool__G> I can define 1/0\r\n<illusionz> liar\r\n<BeZoAR> thats like trying to define illusionz sexuality", "score": 127, "id": 5414},
{"quote": "<Necro-M> anyone here got jpeglib.h ?\r\n<med-> had it when i was younger, i don't think you can catch it twice tho", "score": 598, "id": 5415},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> i do'nt belkivein drinkng", "score": 348, "id": 5416},
{"quote": "<Yusaku> \"God dammit mom, why the fuck did you buy me an xbox?\" \"What, how can you tell?\" \"Well, that present under the Christmas tree is either a coffee table, or an xbox...I'm hoping it's a coffee table.\"", "score": 935, "id": 5417},
{"quote": "<Guilty> Now I see that your Utopia is more of a Fruitopia", "score": 190, "id": 5418},
{"quote": "<MisterQ> I found a way you can call people for free while on the internet \r\n<shilantra> oh really \r\n<Republica> It's called \"Your Neighbor's Phone\"", "score": 367, "id": 5419},
{"quote": "<Psifire> I got out of the shower and put my universal studios shirt on.\r\n<Psifire> And something occured to me.\r\n<Vykuzich> pants?", "score": 856, "id": 5420},
{"quote": "* Lots42 has just finished perusing and is now very frightened \r\n<LJ-atwork> Lots: frightened? \r\n<Lots42> LJ yes. Since you have the eyes and nose of my ex-girlfriend. \r\n<LJ-atwork> in a jar", "score": 260, "id": 5421},
{"quote": "(Ryco) Sex is bad mmmkay?\r\n(Cody) oh yes ryco.. send that msg while i'm AWAY!.. sheesh.. ya know.. my mother gave me the wierdest look a minute ago!", "score": 161, "id": 5423},
{"quote": "<Alcaron> You should set yourself up a webcam. I don't know why, but I get this feeling we'll catch you doing something stupid. :) \r\n<Longi> Alcaron: thats exactly the reason i wont set one up, the high probablity of me doing someone extremely embarassing \r\n<Longi> err? \r\n<Longi> THING \r\n<Longi> someTHING!", "score": 4255, "id": 5426},
{"quote": "<doctorb> goth clubs should serve coffee. ice cold coffee. with nails and broken glass. and call then 'depresso's", "score": 1792, "id": 5427},
{"quote": "<FutabaAoi> i know none of you shower\r\n<Jakov> I shower 40 times a day fool\r\n<FutabaAoi> golden ones dont count", "score": 576, "id": 5431},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> i was kicking ass at scrabble\r\n<DAL9000> and got dropped\r\n<DAL9000> i really should spend my time much more constructively than pummeling lonely housewives and unemployed fatguys in scrabble", "score": 253, "id": 5432},
{"quote": "<blitzoid> It's got a thousand people saying that you CANNOT live without a \"ULTRA RARE FOIL CARD MTG SUPER GOLEM ORC MONSTER FLOWER\" card. I don't even like MTG, and these fucks are saying that without these cards my colon will fuse shut and my eyes will melt and drain down my face.", "score": 266, "id": 5580},
{"quote": "(nexxai) chali: can I flood your port?\u00a0 maybe brute force my worm through your backdoor....sniff some packets perhaps?", "score": 236, "id": 5741},
{"quote": "<gjvc> that is beyond ghetto \r\n<gjvc> that is where trailers go to die", "score": 457, "id": 5487},
{"quote": "<Entomorph> you know what cracks me up.. trojan condoms, hehe.. I mean if you think about it, a trojan horse was really full off all these little men, and it was a trick to get them inside the fortress.. once inside, the horse BUSTS open, and all the little men come flowing out", "score": 3233, "id": 5489},
{"quote": "<theForger> it's kind of odd how a lot of planets in star trek have spaceships and transporters, and yet they still live in huts and clay houses", "score": 350, "id": 5490},
{"quote": "<LuceNT> i don't download and install crap\r\n<Mr2001> that's why you don't get the girls.\r\n<LuceNT> because i don't fill my computer with garbage?\r\n<Mr2001> you have to put up with crap.", "score": 334, "id": 5493},
{"quote": "<roded> i have one last thing i can try\r\n*** roded has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))", "score": 283, "id": 5495},
{"quote": "<Hahn> Zara, have you ever killed anyone with a crowbar during a soccer riot?\r\n<Zaratustra> Didn't have the chance.\r\n<Hahn> That sounds like an excuse to me.", "score": 685, "id": 5500},
{"quote": "<maff> word to your mother.\r\n<maff> especially on mothers day.", "score": 276, "id": 5501},
{"quote": "", "score": 410, "id": 5508},
{"quote": "<ScumDog> rah\r\n<ScumDog> this \"waking up in the morning\" stuff is interesting", "score": 460, "id": 5509},
{"quote": "<zaril> my x-gf left me sex-deprived, not my fault. :P \r\n<Toen> yeah right. \r\n<Toen> \"she let me see her bra once\" \r\n<Toen> \" of the ones in her dresser anyway\" \r\n<Toen> \"it was unhooked! eheh! heh!\"", "score": 365, "id": 5510},
{"quote": "*** Moses is now known as Cain\r\n<Cain> oh no I killed my bro\r\n<KeeperS> ...\r\n<KeeperS> what a stirring rendition of the bible\r\n* KeeperS is moved to tears", "score": 632, "id": 5511},
{"quote": "[Lord-Data] damn. wish gdivx had brought me girls instead of fame and money", "score": 184, "id": 5514},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> vanilla coke tastes like ass\r\n<mov> i'd like to taste it..", "score": 277, "id": 5515},
{"quote": "<scoob-e> i got in a fight with the lady at CVS cuz she wouldnt develop the picture of my cock", "score": 439, "id": 5519},
{"quote": "<Njits> phuk, I just realized I slept thru a dentists appointment :(\r\n<automat0n> were you in the dentist's chair?", "score": 165, "id": 5520},
{"quote": "<Lord-Data> god dammit. try as i might, i cannot type in the starwars theme music in words", "score": 399, "id": 5521},
{"quote": "<lerk> yeah, fat girls are fun sometimes\r\n<lerk> especially doggie style\r\n<fate-> slap em and ride the waves", "score": 95, "id": 5522},
{"quote": "<Villager> haven't you heard the phrase 'big is beautiful'?\r\n<Alexander> i've heard the phrase 'fat is repulsive'", "score": 669, "id": 5584},
{"quote": "<Sys> What's *really* not funny is the nasty metal-on-oh-so-sensitive-metal sound my hard drive makes when I try and access anything in the last 2 gig.... oh dear....", "score": 219, "id": 5585},
{"quote": "| Lavalamp is (])\r\n<@madog> vietnam sucks anyway\r\n<Lavalamp> vn = vietnam?\r\n<Lavalamp> maybe that's why it's so lagged\r\n<@madog> *sigh*\r\n<@Guilty> I figured Vietnam would have a wonderful network of fiber since all the holes were already dug", "score": 393, "id": 5586},
{"quote": "<lusty_guy> any hot lady wanna role play\r\n<+ladyfingerz> okay i'll be me and you be gone", "score": 606, "id": 5588},
{"quote": "*** Joins: lick_me_man (sss@\r\n<@splicer|work> lick_me_man: <-- one of the lesser known superheroes", "score": 571, "id": 5590},
{"quote": "<bytraper> you idiots!!!\r\n<Synoptica> yeah i confess", "score": 179, "id": 5592},
{"quote": "<@goose> does any one know a way of checking if some one is online without using msn or any over chat software\r\n<@goose> ?\r\n<+KawaiiUsagi> not unless you know their assigned ip addy\r\n<@goose> nope \r\n<@goose> BT change it every time you log on \r\n<@goose> can you ping the phone number ?", "score": 202, "id": 5595},
{"quote": "<Fugazi> Like I said before, I never repeat myself!", "score": 730, "id": 5596},
{"quote": "<Elfin> lkmwclldsldldldldldld,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,e\r\n,e,e,e,,,,eee,e,olwowowoowolsalslslsllslslslslslslllsllsllsllslls lsls\r\n<Elfin> That was me playing keyboard drums.\r\n<memo> Rock on.\r\n<Elfin> You know it.", "score": 839, "id": 5597},
{"quote": "<Kazz> Do vampires have anuses? Cause that's why I wouldn't let this kid invade a vampire's anus in this RPG, right, I was GMing, and his character was an Anus Shade, with the power to possess and control the anuses of people and animals.. and I figured that vampires don't have anuses.\r\n<Zaratustra> a vampire's anus is present, but non-working.\r\n<Zaratustra> like a network card without the appropriate driver.\r\n<Kazz> Wow. You're the biggest dork on Earth.\r\n<Sharkey> And you're DMing an rpg with Anus Shades.", "score": 7086, "id": 5598},
{"quote": "", "score": 195, "id": 5599},
{"quote": "<Khamosis> Man\r\n<Khamosis> this is so awesome\r\n<Khamosis> I'm playing Nethack right after I installed my GF4", "score": 625, "id": 5603},
{"quote": "<neo[soul]> people cant take jokes anymore\r\n<neo[soul]> this lady at work brought her dog in\r\n<neo[soul]> and i stared at it and said \"yummy\"\r\n<neo[soul]> and she got scared and walked off\r\n<neo[soul]> fucking idiot", "score": 480, "id": 5604},
{"quote": "<synja> WOOOOOOOOOO\r\n<matts> woooooooooo what\r\n<synja> im celebrating in advance for when one of you guys gives me an acct to an audio warez site that im about to ask access for", "score": 499, "id": 5606},
{"quote": "<deimos> too bad I didn't beat up quatoria\r\n<deimos> I'm his puppet apparently\r\n<deimos> since he has his hand up my ass all the time\r\n<deimos> plz to be removing that btw", "score": 206, "id": 5608},
{"quote": "<+straylight> Limp Bizket stole their music from black people... but black people were going to throw it away anyway.", "score": 559, "id": 5611},
{"quote": "<quatoria> you shat on your daughter? disgusting pervert.\r\n<Plaid> No, you freak. I puked on her.", "score": 376, "id": 5614},
{"quote": "<bytraper> its because your gay syn\r\n<Synoptica> and you are illiterate\r\n<bytraper> maybe but it sure beats the hell out of being gay", "score": 45, "id": 5744},
{"quote": "<Udeth> my mother came in and demanded that I'd move shit off my floor, so she could wash my room tomorrow, because it smells rotten in here.\r\n<Udeth> i can't smell shit.\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> well if theres shit on the floor no wonder it smells rotten", "score": 123, "id": 5746},
{"quote": "<Auger> i stayed in a hospital when i was in second grade and i peed my bed cause i couldn't get up and i was too scared to call someone in", "score": -3, "id": 5747},
{"quote": "<sjelkjd> stop the room, please, i'd like to get off", "score": 322, "id": 5748},
{"quote": "<TeNcHi420> i went to this store to buy a pipe, and there was only one left, and hes all \"its unbreakable\" so i was like thats pretty cool, but then he starts bangin it on the tble, and im like ok stop, but he says, \"no look, you can hit it how ever many times and it wont break..\" on about the 7th or 8th smack on the table the thing shatters....i almost knoked his dumbass out", "score": 628, "id": 5750},
{"quote": "[bytraper ] dammit where can I grab porn movies :(\r\n[OpsuPup\u00a0 ] umm, try the internet\r\n[OpsuPup\u00a0 ] i hear there's lots of porn on there\r\n[Nemesite ] really?\r\n[OpsuPup\u00a0 ] apparently\r\n[Nemesite ] shit i would never have thought of that", "score": 318, "id": 5751},
{"quote": "<@zartik> i just banned someone from #freebsdhelp\r\n<@zartik> and he msg's me:\r\n<@zartik> -06:46- [\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 hegemon ] So I have nobody to turn to and must go back to Windows.\r\n<@madog> should be nice and unban him, thats evil to make him use windows =<", "score": 254, "id": 5755},
{"quote": "<bytraper> sheesh... I crashed the last company car I had :/\r\n<bytraper> I pulled the sun visor down and a spider with 15 legs dropped from it\r\n<girlie-> 15 legs.. lol\r\n<Dark_un> thats almost 2 spiders", "score": 1087, "id": 5757},
{"quote": "<razorjd1> But i know what's first person shoter better than any body here!!!! \r\n<razorjd1> why ppl think that 14 years old boy can't understand in computers??? \r\n<razorjd1> what the fuck is ur prob, son tof the bitches??? \r\n<razorjd1> i play UT all day and u say that i don't know what's first person shoter is??? \r\n<razorjd1> i overclock since i was 10 so don't call me stupid, i understand in computers better than any one here. \r\n<razorjd1> Beware, or else i will hack to ur computer... \r\n<razorjd1> Fuck u all!!!", "score": 1123, "id": 5760},
{"quote": "<Anton> I can see myself reinstalling windows\r\n<A|exander> wow, are you having an out of body experience?", "score": 423, "id": 5761},
{"quote": "<Urganite> THERE ARE NO BAGELS BUT ONION, AND MOHAMMED IS HIS PROPHET\r\n<Urganite> ...\r\n<OneiWilly> you are worshipping a false bagel", "score": 727, "id": 5763},
{"quote": "<Grizzly_Addams> So? I just want your Mac address.\r\n<AngryChicken> ...this is a PC ;-)", "score": 460, "id": 5764},
{"quote": "<JDigital> Kazz, I think they're pretty obvious going on your reputed dicksize.\r\n<JDigital> Kazz has a 183948192 inch dick.\r\n<dregan> Kazz - envy of every man, dog and skyscraper architect on the hemisphere.", "score": 322, "id": 5770},
{"quote": "<p> sux when u have a problem so u eat a cup of pudding and then u still\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 have problem", "score": 963, "id": 5774},
{"quote": "* ab is away - gone, if anyone talks in the next 25 minutes as me it's bm\r\n\u00a0 being an asshole -\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \r\n<ab> HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS", "score": 19882, "id": 5775},
{"quote": "<prym> little did i know later in my life id come to terms with things like\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 31337, 69, and 187", "score": 215, "id": 5777},
{"quote": "<guest> u kno what rules\r\n<guest> introducing girls to pot\r\n<yesue> no lie\r\n<guest> u smoke pot alone with a girl for the first time\r\n<guest> there is a 250% chance of getting laid", "score": 628, "id": 5778},
{"quote": "<Opcode> i was gonna call 911...but i was downloading a file", "score": 3296, "id": 5523},
{"quote": "<illz> i just got a text message on my phone\r\n<illz> \"Im playing w/ my clit hehe..\"", "score": 174, "id": 5525},
{"quote": "<slide-> hah, of course their site has popup ads\r\n<eevar> get opera.. - never seen a popup i don't want\r\n<slide-> iv never seen a popup i do want", "score": 258, "id": 5527},
{"quote": "<Yakface> that all, I need to send you some BD\r\n<Blackdog> nah im weird, dont go for porn\r\n<Blackdog> hands on only, me\r\n<Yakface> me niether, except for the really hard euro stuff", "score": 38, "id": 5528},
{"quote": "<Spooky> HOLY FUCK \r\n<Spooky> Send her my way when your done \r\n<Anton> will do\r\n<Spooky> I'll knock the mascara off that \r\n<Spooky> Two little black circles on the wall next to the bed", "score": 117, "id": 5530},
{"quote": "<Anton> my unhairy mates have better luck than me with women\r\n<Spooky> shitty \r\n<Spooky> I figure keep your spirits up and standards low", "score": 125, "id": 5531},
{"quote": "<gobi> djcrom: most guys would prolly jump on it and put a bag over her head if nothing else\r\n<djcrom> if anything you'd need like 15 condoms tho\r\n<gobi> djcrom: or a full body condom\r\n<djcrom> don't get herpes, get glad (tm)", "score": 321, "id": 5533},
{"quote": "*** Joins: meganpreg (\r\n<meganpreg> hi all\r\n<Ghaleon> hello\r\n<geoffh> meganpreg on #chatzone #chat #netsex #mindspring #CheeseBurger #gameart #gamedev #FSEntertainment #india +#pakistan #xxx \r\n<geoffh> hungry bored pregnant looking-for-sex-chat muslim woman (?) looking to develop interactive media in southern asia while troubleshooting problems with her ISP\r\n<MachinShi> lol", "score": 873, "id": 5536},
{"quote": "<memo> Brilliant astrophysicists from around the world rely exclusively on Semi for all their toilet-cleaning needs.", "score": 43, "id": 5537},
{"quote": "* icenine --train &\r\n<j0ker> luck with your new job\r\n<j0ker> :)\r\n<icenine> not going to my job\r\n<icenine> i'm going to go punch a recruiter in the face\r\n<icenine> but close enough", "score": 220, "id": 5541},
{"quote": "[guest27125] hi i am very good at irc, i can script and even hack people on irc,but this real good hacker keeps hacking into me and changing my nick, his name is NickServ", "score": 1808, "id": 5542},
{"quote": "<andy> moo spelled backwards is moo\r\n<andy> no wait", "score": 3824, "id": 5543},
{"quote": "<CoMBo> man i got 12 hrs of sleep about to come in a couple minutes\r\n<vermifuge> you sleep 12 hours everyday ?\r\n<CoMBo> yeah give or take an hour\r\n<vermifuge> i hope thats fucking canadian hours\r\n<CoMBo> main reason why i didn't do good in my grade 13\r\n<CoMBo> i think thats why i look so young, and skinny\r\n<CoMBo> cuz i get so much rest\r\n<|]resta> or it could be the HIV", "score": 253, "id": 5548},
{"quote": "<MrMoves> Adam, you see driving a car, is a bit like making love to a beautiful woman, take it easy at first, get comfortable, then rag the arse off her until she dies, then trade her in for a new model", "score": 306, "id": 5577},
{"quote": "<|argh|> I was caring for a woman from Kentucky and asked, \"So how's your breakfast this morning?\" \"It's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. I can't seem to get used to the taste,\" the patient replied. I then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foil packet labeled KY Jelly.", "score": 485, "id": 5579},
{"quote": "<Straylight> aw3some\r\n<Straylight> oops\r\n<Straylight> haha... i accidentally l33ted", "score": 816, "id": 5621},
{"quote": "<Veen> if someone said they were 50% gay, would that probably insinuate that they are bi?\r\n<quatoria> It would insinuate they want you to blow them.", "score": 295, "id": 5625},
{"quote": "*** jonathans changes topic to 'PLZ FWD ALL PACKAGES MARKED \"GAY\" TO PROPER DEPARTMENTS (IN REAR)'", "score": 199, "id": 5626},
{"quote": "<JibbleWork> I'd rather jiz in the can than shit on the seat\r\n<JibbleWork> holy god that came out wrong", "score": 267, "id": 5634},
{"quote": "<Krispy> you could double specialize\r\n<Krispy> GYN/PROCTOLOGY\r\n<Krispy> THEN YOU COULD DO THE SHOCKER\r\n<Krispy> AND IT WOULD BE ALL LEGAL", "score": 350, "id": 5638},
{"quote": "<anju> hell,not only do i not have brains. . . i have EXTRA BOOBS INSIDE MY HEAD instead", "score": 214, "id": 5643},
{"quote": "<+stray> Somehow, i cant get behind a prophet named JOE SMITH\r\n<+krispy> hahaha\r\n<+krispy> i can't get behind any\r\n<+stray> the catholic church spent many years getting behind ME (if you know what I mean *wink*)", "score": 94, "id": 5646},
{"quote": "<Plaid> We got the \"Share Minutes\" plan. Call it family bondage.", "score": 183, "id": 5647},
{"quote": "<@Plaid> this song is much better with long hair", "score": 375, "id": 5648},
{"quote": "<JibbleWork> no amount of work would be able to get my clenched cheeks open", "score": 163, "id": 5652},
{"quote": "<Sys> I hate maths.\u00a0 What do you reckon they'll do if I fail it?\r\n<0ut_Lore> you repeat it.\u00a0 fail it AGAIN, and you face the exclusion board.\u00a0 guess what they do?\u00a0 ;P\r\n<Sys> Exclude you from having to do it a third time? :D", "score": 352, "id": 5660},
{"quote": "<@Plaid> Somebody just came out of the bathroom across the hall.... and this undeniable STENCH OF DEATH FOLLOWED THEM OUT.", "score": 342, "id": 5661},
{"quote": "<Spooky> CUNT\u00a0 \r\n<Spooky> Variation on the game fuck (qv), where you have to say \"cunt\" and get louder and louder. \r\n<Spooky> Use \"fatty\" near to fat people for a softer version\r\n<Spooky> as it's not really offensive except to the fat person, and fat people can't really punch you because their fingers are like cushions.", "score": 353, "id": 5665},
{"quote": "<Hendrix> Is it a bad thing when you wank so much cum nothing but air?", "score": 61, "id": 5667},
{"quote": "<KeeperS> is Jedi Knight 2 more sexy than me? \r\n<Tsunamio> Yes \r\n<Sivako|Morrowind> especially if you have the nude patch", "score": 231, "id": 5671},
{"quote": "<Daidoji> speaking of old nes games, I recall carrying out clandestine operations in terms of game rentals\r\n<Daidoji> for example, renting a copy of dragon warrior 4, and swapping the chip with urban champion.\r\n<Daidoji> I bet there are 5 or 6 kids who think dragon warrior 4 is the worst vs fighting game ever made", "score": 549, "id": 5691},
{"quote": "<uglykaka> uhhh AF is making thongs for 6-10 yr olds\r\n<shaan> thongs?\r\n<pagan> ya i saw that on the news, pretty funny shit eh\r\n<_neil> jeez\r\n<uglykaka> thats just wrong\r\n<_neil> that's just wrong\r\n<shaan> shake your pre puebescent groove thing\r\n<shaan> they should market it as a \"training thong\"", "score": 382, "id": 5693},
{"quote": "[dj-fieX] why is everyone so scared of the y2k? isnt it a kind of jelly or something?", "score": 251, "id": 5921},
{"quote": "<dk> im trying out tantric peeing", "score": 232, "id": 5779},
{"quote": "<djm> irc's my anti-drug", "score": 155, "id": 5782},
{"quote": "<onTheReal> evb = fagget? \r\n<evb> onthereal: No, I'm just fabulous.", "score": 208, "id": 5784},
{"quote": "<scar_> what was the fastest vehicle in ww2?\r\n<Hatter> ?\r\n<Hatter> Jet\r\n<Hatter> ww2 saw the first jet engine\r\n<scar_> no, silly\r\n<scar_> a jew on a bicycle through berlin\r\n<Hatter> :\\", "score": 35, "id": 5785},
{"quote": "<OneiWilly> i hate games that are always go get the red key\r\n<OneiWilly> open the red door then get the blue key\r\n<delay> yea\r\n<Auger> yeah, i mean, what the fuck\r\n<delay> thats why i didnt play resident evil\r\n<delay> it was horrible like that\r\n<OneiWilly> yea but there were zombies\r\n<delay> I was like \"damn i'd hate to live here and have to go to the bathroom\"\r\n* delay runs down the hall, grabs the blue gem, opens door one, runs back to get SHIELD EMBLEM makes it to the bathroom door... wets himself\r\n<Auger> no you pee inside the emblem and it opens up a secret passage", "score": 711, "id": 5786},
{"quote": "(skankman) apparently i have tasty jizz\r\n(skankman) i heard paper crumpling in the hallway\r\n(skankman) and i went to check it out\r\n(skankman) and my dog was licking a piece of paper with my jizz on it", "score": 51, "id": 5791},
{"quote": "<]SpIkE[> HELP ME!!! my 120 chipset monitor 17 inch with Gforce 4 doesn't support the internet!", "score": 201, "id": 5793},
{"quote": "<+mirkin> does anybody know if it is possible using ms access to create a report which shows the records of a table \r\n<+mirkin> but shows 3 columns across the page \r\n<+mirkin> i.e \r\n<+mirkin> record 1\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 record 2\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 record 3 \r\n<+mirkin> record 4\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 record 5\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 record 6 \r\n<+GoodScrat> That is impossible \r\n<+GoodScrat> Computers are not that far advanced yet", "score": 657, "id": 5804},
{"quote": "<evenpar123> I am so going to be moderated for that last comment...\r\n<mightyflo> console wars are stupid. people that get involved with console wars are even stupidder\r\n<evenpar123> Console wars?\u00a0 I was just giving some information, and making fun of the fact that his parents don't love each other anymore", "score": 269, "id": 5805},
{"quote": "<GreetServ> [A|exander] l44t\r\n<notrino> laat ?\r\n<A|exander> yeah\r\n<A|exander> its one better than l33t\r\n<notrino> err..yeah better than\r\n<notrino> l33t :D\r\n<A|exander> you're getting it\r\n<notrino> than , why not 99 ?\r\n<A|exander> small steps man, small steps", "score": 425, "id": 5808},
{"quote": "<A|exander> i bet aguilera would be as dirty as fuck\r\n<DarthJesus> I dunno'\r\n<DarthJesus> I think she'd be too self involved to want to do anything for you\r\n<A|exander> not if i knocked her unconscious first.", "score": 344, "id": 5810},
{"quote": "[Synoptica] Just when you thought porn spam couldn't stoop any lower...\r\n[Synoptica] 'DOGFART SLUTS!'", "score": 291, "id": 5819},
{"quote": "<mendel> now that I think of it, O'Reilly is to a system administrator\r\n<mendel> as a shoulder length latex glove is to a vetinarian.", "score": 248, "id": 5823},
{"quote": "<PhantomOfTheRouter> never got another call from them till they bought a new accounting package that needed Win95\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> and Novell for the servers.. \r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> went in to upgrade the machines..\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> moved the first 2 workgroup servers to Novell 4.11\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> couldn't find the third\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> asked them where they moved it to...\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> umm, moved ?\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> yeah, where did you move WKG3SRV to ?\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> ummm...\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> we didn't change anything\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> You had to have moved it when you remodelled the office! The wiring closet in the hall is gone...\r\n<PhantomOfTheRouter> oh shit!", "score": 428, "id": 5836},
{"quote": "<Spooooky> Ever notice how straight guys, when making a \"Hell, I'd fuck him\" joke always say they'll do the fucking? \r\n<Spooooky> They don't say \"I'd take a shot in the eye from him\" \r\n<Spooooky> Like it's LESS gay to be the pitcher than the catcher", "score": 621, "id": 5853},
{"quote": "<charon> <danybear:#bearcave> danybear is a six one, 210 lb, hairy leatherbear in Toronto, 50 years old, 6 uncut\r\n<charon> whatever you do, don't join #bearcave asking for warez\r\n<FishBulb_> charon: uncut means 0-day you tard", "score": 166, "id": 5856},
{"quote": "<SDHawk> I tried to go to, but I can't spell it right.", "score": 472, "id": 5862},
{"quote": "<Luke> spammers probably love receiving spam. \"Grow your penis 150% overnight? Why didn't we think of that one!\"\r\n* delYsid has mortage, opportunity and penis in his score file.\r\n<delYsid> thats pretty effective against spam\r\n<Luke> aren't you worried about missing opportunities to mortgage your penis?", "score": 709, "id": 5694},
{"quote": "<Thrash|Zzz> YAY HARRY POTTER ON DVD\r\n<Khross{killme}> O_O\r\n<Khross{killme}> I WILL BE BACK SHORTLY\r\n<Khross{killme}> Oh wait I'm heterosexual.", "score": 444, "id": 5699},
{"quote": "<ssptg> fuck i deleted msn again\r\n<Straylight> good\r\n<Straylight> did you get all of it?", "score": 585, "id": 5701},
{"quote": "<DAL9000> VB is like fingerpainting.\r\n<Epitaph> except it's not fun.", "score": 478, "id": 5703},
{"quote": "<+Straylight> Victoria's Secret is probably that she's a man.\r\n<+gwenhyvar> I have a secret in my pants", "score": 235, "id": 5707},
{"quote": "<+Krispy> i talk about poo a lot\r\n<+gwenhyvar> Krispy: I had to poo really bad when the AT&T guy was installing our phone.. and I couldn't untill he was gone\r\n<+Straylight> why not? installing a phone in the bathroom?", "score": 71, "id": 5712},
{"quote": "* NovaScorp just taped his old 15\" monitor connected to his server sideways on a chair so he can IRC while in bed =-D", "score": 264, "id": 5715},
{"quote": "[OutLore\u00a0 ] OMFG\r\n[Lord-Data] OutLore: OYFG!", "score": 324, "id": 5718},
{"quote": "<BloodAngel> I was just trying to find something in my pants pocket- but I didn't know what.\r\n<BloodAngel> [don't start, don't _even_ start!]\r\n<BloodAngel> And then I realized what I was looking for...\r\n<BloodAngel> And proved I'm dumb. :)\r\n<BloodAngel> 'cuz I was trying to find the 2-Litre of Mountain Dew that I set down.", "score": 516, "id": 5727},
{"quote": "<Lord-Data> god damn faggot game\r\n<Lord-Data> why the fuck would i wanna pick up a corpse when im on 10% health, theres a minigun in front of me and im under fire\r\n<Lord-Data> when i push use i wanna use the god damn gun, not fuck the damn corpse", "score": 1093, "id": 5729},
{"quote": "<dan-zzzz> got some drab races to go to\r\n<Lord-Data> heh. that when it rains?", "score": 50, "id": 5731},
{"quote": "<TDragon`> MachinShi: COMMUNIST!\r\n<PitDroid> we take everything you have, divide it equally amongst ourselves, and then return to you a portion of what you originally had\r\n<gIbBeR> lol\r\n<geoffh> taxes?\r\n<PitDroid> taxes are dumb", "score": 40, "id": 5732},
{"quote": "<robin24> any girls in here?\r\n<cognac> does is really matter?\r\n<cognac> the only thing you're gonna see are letters and numbers anyway", "score": 787, "id": 5735},
{"quote": "<Anton> mainly becauseone day I'll have a car and drive to every single girl who ever said I was cute\r\n<Anton> so be warned and prepared\r\n<angelic> will do.\r\n<Anton> oh and by prepared I meant naked", "score": 586, "id": 5737},
{"quote": "<evenpar123> I think I'm losing it...\r\n<Slant> evenpar123: Losing what?\r\n<evenpar123> my ability to tell the difference between games and reality\r\n<evenpar123> Just today, I was driving down a street, and saw a building that had sunlight reflecting off it...\r\n<evenpar123> And I thought \"Damn....these are some nice graphics...\"\r\n<evenpar123> It was horrible...\r\n<evenpar123> ugh", "score": 1552, "id": 5740},
{"quote": "[idlez-] > trik: why doesn't anyone have your pic \r\n[idlez-] [Trik] idlez-, no scanner \r\n[idlez-] [Trik] faggot\r\n[idlez-] > no\r\n[idlez-] > when you scan it\r\n[idlez-] > your hard drive reports bad sectors", "score": 26, "id": 5922},
{"quote": "[mad] WHAT KINDA PRESIDENT DO WE GOT ANYWAYZ\r\n[mad] HE SMOKES WEED AND DONT INHALE\r\n[mad] GETS A BLOW JOB AND DONT CUM\r\n[mad] I MEAN CMON.", "score": 295, "id": 5923},
{"quote": "<k|aNk> everyone loves phillipino women\r\n<Acidfreak> i prefer tai or chinese women on philipinos\r\n<k|aNk> i heard somewhere philipino women can contort theyre bodies into all kids of positions for sex\r\n<k|aNk> especially when they wear those big hoop earings, theyre good for sticking their ankles through", "score": 27, "id": 5926},
{"quote": "<@wickedsun> I dont know the difference between games and reality anymore\r\n<@wickedsun> I jsut used a shotgun on my mother and she's not respawning", "score": 1072, "id": 5927},
{"quote": "<FutabaAoi> attractive girls like computers, i carry my case around town because it attracts chicks\r\n<R0SC0E> no, attractive girls think guys that think girls are attracted to guys with computers are cute in a hurt puppy kind of way\r\n<FutabaAoi> dont most people put down hurt puppies?\r\n<FutabaAoi> does that mean attractive girls shoot computer nerds?\r\n<R0SC0E> god i don't mean puppies with like missing limbs or exposed viscerals", "score": 616, "id": 5934},
{"quote": "<hypr> i rolled once when i saw oakenfold a year ago he played really gay house and 5 trance songs at the end and my e dident even work\r\n<matts> your e didn't work? did you read the manual", "score": 161, "id": 5937},
{"quote": "<DrWoody> Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'y' becomes silent.", "score": 631, "id": 5942},
{"quote": "<@Bojangle> My mom tells me I need to get laid", "score": 1094, "id": 5956},
{"quote": "<ToiletDuk> you're an idiot\r\n<Lucent-H> you have a job!\r\n<Lucent-H> okay, now you tell another lie", "score": 639, "id": 5967},
{"quote": "<Pseudonym> I got my mom addicted to GTA3 by accident ><", "score": 442, "id": 5971},
{"quote": "[10:11] <meiso> ok guys im loading up mozilla 0.9.1\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 <meiso> time how long before it crashes \r\n[10:18] <meiso> ok mozilla just crashed", "score": 260, "id": 5980},
{"quote": "<Foggi> french are good for 2 things\r\n<Foggi> art\r\n<Foggi> and surrendering", "score": 33, "id": 5985},
{"quote": "<c> remember the 3 most important letters in u'r education isn't abc, but rather ftp", "score": 55, "id": 5986},
{"quote": "<Foggie> i wish i could buy shares in hot women\r\n<Foggie> then i could go to ashley judd and be like \"you gotta sleep with me since i own 2% of you\"", "score": 187, "id": 5987},
{"quote": "<rmalink> are you feeling any better?\r\n<dep01> no... not really..\r\n<rmalink> you know what it is?\u00a0 allergies...\r\n<dep01> no, you know what it is?\u00a0 the crippling depression..", "score": 295, "id": 5988},
{"quote": "<zer0man> i wish someone told me that having a girlfriend was going to be difficult\r\n<zer0man> or if they told me that, I wish i listened", "score": 455, "id": 5990},
{"quote": "<Fntc> Has jetchan exploded yet?\r\n<JetSki> yes... thank goodness for duct tape\r\n<Fntc> Wow I never thought of using duct tape for masturbation", "score": 184, "id": 5995},
{"quote": "<mp> i am convinced i am a woman\r\n<Oreoboros> mp: Why's that?\r\n<mp> cuz i went to bed bath and beyond for a shower curtain and left with $700 worth of shit\r\n<mp> and i had to go back because i realized after i checked out that i forgot to buy a fucking shower curtain", "score": 2920, "id": 5863},
{"quote": "<Synoptica> holy fuck\r\n<Synoptica> i like\r\n<Synoptica> almost swallowed an aaa battery\r\n<Synoptica> (dont ask)", "score": 533, "id": 5869},
{"quote": "<Kuiburetsu> I feel betrayed\r\n<Kuiburetsu> denied\r\n<Kuiburetsu> and... and...\r\n<Kuiburetsu> erm...\r\n<Kuiburetsu> about to be kicked for flooding\r\n*** Kuiburetsu was kicked by Quiby (flood)", "score": 668, "id": 5872},
{"quote": "<Synoptica> having some major sound issues with gta\r\n<Synoptica> cant think of why either\r\n<bytraper> prolly because your gay\r\n<Synoptica> yeah that's right\r\n<Synoptica> gta has detected that i'm gay and adjusted it's performance accordingly", "score": 801, "id": 5874},
{"quote": "<straylight> Y'know, I just realized something... why the fuck are we\r\nsending in the NORMAL armed forces against Osama bin Laden? Isn't this\r\nright up GI JOE's alley?\r\n<straylight> I mean, what the hell are we paying THEM for?\r\n<straylight> Hell, the theme song even says \"GI JOE is there!\"", "score": 244, "id": 5876},
{"quote": "<illz> \"hypothetical ?: your best friend is seeing somebody. shes not around,\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 he wants to fuck you and comes on to you. do you fuck him?\"\r\n<defz> wait\r\n<defz> are you a guy?", "score": 466, "id": 5883},
{"quote": "<splurge> i wish i had amazing powers of telekinesis\r\n<splurge> i would be able to fondle boobies with my MIND!\r\n<purenergy> ya\r\n<purenergy> u can do that now\r\n<purenergy> use ur imagination\r\n<splurge> but i mean, imagine being able to stimulate a girl in a bar\r\n<splurge> just stick a finger of telekinetic force up her spatch\r\n<splurge> wiggle it around\r\n<splurge> vibrate\r\n<splurge> all sorts of crazy shit\r\n<splurge> then get a good grip and gently lead her over to a seat beside you\r\n<splurge> you'd get so much play it wouldn't even be funny", "score": 406, "id": 5885},
{"quote": "<DooD> my stalking skills have left me with her phone number to 100% accuracy.\r\n<DooD> along with her home address.\r\n<DooD> you should always pay the extra $2.00 to keep your phone number unlisted.\r\n<Wronski> maybe she is playing \"easy to stalk\"", "score": 745, "id": 5888},
{"quote": "<ackbar> marriage is like buying a car. Its better to lease them and get a new one next year", "score": 109, "id": 5895},
{"quote": "<madvirii> you gotta wake up with a certain \"attitude\" to face the day and lick some asshole\r\n<CoMBo> yeah or grow up eating some really shitty cooking to acquire a taste for anus\r\n<madvirii> yes anus would be an acquired taste\r\n<madvirii> not something you instinctively put to your mouth", "score": 207, "id": 5900},
{"quote": "<The_Roach> I hear you're pissed. \r\n<A|exander> who told you that\r\n<The_Roach> Anton said you went to the pub. \r\n<A|exander> does it necessarily follow that i'm pissed?\r\n<The_Roach> ... \r\n<The_Roach> Well, yes. \r\n<A|exander> well, it turns out you;'re right\r\n<A|exander> but don't be so presumptious in future", "score": 842, "id": 5902},
{"quote": "<Gir> Final Fantasy: The Bible Adventure Coming to DVD \r\n<Toen> what the hell is that?\r\n<Gir> hehe\r\n<Toen> \"Cecil, deliver baby Moses! Please do not throw him into the water!\"", "score": 182, "id": 5903},
{"quote": "<kriticall> i can fold the $20 to look like two naked chicks", "score": 173, "id": 5914},
{"quote": "<base2> linux people think of windows more times a day than I think of sex", "score": 461, "id": 5918},
{"quote": "[Wz0Ds] hello i want some root i got a lots of CCs (verified) and 2 or 3 virgins /msg me (I HAVE TO VER/RIP FIRST)", "score": 27, "id": 5920},
{"quote": "<#seattle/weezel> This End-User License is an agreement between Microsoft Corporation (hereafter referred to as \"Microsoft\") and you, the end-user (hereafter referred to as \"our bitch\").", "score": 1082, "id": 6107},
{"quote": "<bogue> you need a woman ;P\r\n<bogue> or maybe a very feminine sheep", "score": 389, "id": 5999},
{"quote": "<Milp> its the next hot thing\r\n<bogueWRC> if your ass was the next hot thing, do you think I'd want to get in and drive it?", "score": 160, "id": 6000},
{"quote": "<Kaje> my friend at camp brought his psx and gathered us all into his room to watch him beat it", "score": 399, "id": 6006},
{"quote": "<Milp> i've licked astroglide out of all sorts of orafices.. its not tasteless", "score": 195, "id": 6007},
{"quote": "<incarnate> hey cres, I know what you're thinking right now\r\n<incarnate> \" \"\r\n<cres> i dont get it", "score": 3731, "id": 6011},
{"quote": "<kubba> it's ok to blow a deadline inventing a time machine, because you can\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 always go back and invent it on budget", "score": 403, "id": 6019},
{"quote": "<kim-> pat youve had your share of irc fucks\r\n<ultrafunk> yeah like 3\r\n<ultrafunk> 2 i never saw again\r\n<thebigo> why, did you take them off /notify?", "score": 178, "id": 6026},
{"quote": "<bozo> !v\r\n<bozo> *damn*\r\n<fn> \"if you were in emacs, you'd be editing by now.\"", "score": 328, "id": 6027},
{"quote": "<DinoNeil> where the hell is Dan keeping himself these days?\r\n<homeslice> In a jar under the sink.\r\n<homeslice> He's saving it for marriage.", "score": 224, "id": 6033},
{"quote": "<The_Freak> Jon's job sounds too much like a gay porn plot. I mean, come on, can you picture it? Jon pulling up in his bangin Taurus with the Jay-Z all the way up, rolling up to the Rutgers gay frat house and lysping \"Hey boys, I brought the sausage!\"...then when he was done, he'd say with crusted lips \"Thanks for the tips!\"", "score": 31, "id": 6039},
{"quote": "<Ichiro51> LOL I remember picking up this chick at a bar several years ago .. we went back to her place, she asks me if I minded if she \"made herself at home\" .. I said no, so she took her teeth out and blew me.", "score": 210, "id": 6042},
{"quote": "<Corndog24> the corndog got dumped tonight \r\n<The_Freak> Don't worry Corn, you're still cousins, right?", "score": 607, "id": 6043},
{"quote": "red sets mode: +b *!*@*\r\n*** creepen12 was kicked by biohzrd (banned: (your 500 free hours will not be spent here./6.05.02))", "score": 930, "id": 6049},
{"quote": "<lud> who was he? someone you know or just someone you pumped into", "score": 281, "id": 6050},
{"quote": "<AccordionGuy> k%: SELECT * FROM People WHERE People.AttractedTo = 'me' ORDER BY People.HooterDimensions DESC\r\n<AccordionGuy> Now *that's* SQL.", "score": 354, "id": 6051},
{"quote": "<fo0bar> I once has a (poor attempt) at a pr0n site, and was working with iBill on a support issue, and this young woman on the other end asks for what the site is so she can test it and I say \"uhh,\" -- didn't even phase her", "score": 346, "id": 6052},
{"quote": "<pupok> i need ritalin to make the perl bearable.", "score": 243, "id": 6053},
{"quote": "<cheech> Ugh! Parents, who needs them?\r\n<guailo> retards.", "score": 208, "id": 6115},
{"quote": "<kegpin> I gotta go.\r\n<Krebstar> ok, get better soon, keg.\r\n<puppyfish> aww... is keg sick?\r\n<Krebstar> nope. I just think he could be better than he is.", "score": 1623, "id": 6116},
{"quote": "<khalek> sif irc isn't just different sorts of complaining from different people", "score": 68, "id": 6119},
{"quote": "* nailer goes to the city to acquire stuff\r\n<zeitgeist>\tlol\r\n<zeitgeist>\tstuff huh\r\n<ambr>\t$10 says he's acquiring bumsex", "score": 282, "id": 6120},
{"quote": "<lsd> argh\r\n<lsd> fucking cunty sql server\r\n<lsd> apparently my Distrubution Agent is 'suspect'\r\n<lsd> what? it's doing covert ops for the CIA?", "score": 242, "id": 6124},
{"quote": "<HrdwrBoB_> they are poo :)\r\n<HrdwrBoB_> but hten\r\n<HrdwrBoB_> they are not poo\r\n<HrdwrBoB_> so they are poo and not poo AT THE SAME TIME!!\r\n<Fryboy> quantum poo", "score": 437, "id": 6125},
{"quote": "* nailer/#lgl is a chocoholic. But for alchohol :)", "score": 118, "id": 6126},
{"quote": "<Fryboy> can't hardly wait, party of 5 etc\r\n<ambr> i thought you were taking about serial cable compression there... parity of 5", "score": 234, "id": 6127},
{"quote": "<ambrgone> the way i figure it, if the hard drives go at 7200rpm on 12V, on\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 240V, they should go.... EVEN FASTER!!!!!", "score": 562, "id": 6128},
{"quote": "<nail|away> Packaging systems are lame. Tarballs are lamer.\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 So is source. I install me software with personally magnetized\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 needles and a steady hand.", "score": 547, "id": 6130},
{"quote": "<nailer> Where in Hell is Carmen Sandiago's Luggage?", "score": 466, "id": 6131},
{"quote": "<HrdwrBoB> un.. what's rl?\r\n<un> isn't that what happens when you type brb?\r\n<HrdwrBoB> no that's when I get food", "score": 523, "id": 6132},
{"quote": "<BedBoB> ERR: scsi_wait_goat() no goat.\r\n<lsd> i'm sure i don't remember having any goats near my old all-SCSI amiga\r\n<Bruce> the mac II here doesnt need goats either\r\n<BedBoB> they have inbuilt goats\r\n<lsd> on-board goat controller", "score": 308, "id": 6133},
{"quote": "<lsd> my win2k box is being a bitch\r\n<HrdwrBoB> that's the default setting\r\n<HrdwrBoB> you have to edit the registry", "score": 884, "id": 6134},
{"quote": "<ambrness> DEVICE=eth0\r\n<ambrness> BOOTPROTO=static\r\n<ambrness> BOARDCAST=\r\n<ambrness> HAHAH... no wonder it had probs\r\n<ambrness> curse having an admin who speaks english as a second language", "score": 367, "id": 6136},
{"quote": "--> osx_newb has joined #cprogramming\r\n<osx_newb> helo?\r\n<Vulpyne> 250 Vulpyne", "score": 701, "id": 6138},
{"quote": "Clayton: man, i am so tired..but my bed is full of dog puke.", "score": 336, "id": 6139},
{"quote": "<kingmob> someone broke into our apartment once\r\n<kingmob> he didn't take anything\r\n<kingmob> he left a ten dollar bill\r\n<Guyver3> did he leave money?\r\n<Guyver3> hahahaha\r\n<kingmob> i am *so* not shitting\r\n<kingmob> that ruined my whole week\r\n<kingmob> plus, my dipshit roommate spent the ten bucks", "score": 396, "id": 6054},
{"quote": "<Guyver3> you know what the best part of being me is?\r\n<Guyver3> being me\r\n* Guyver3 gleams with an unholy glow\r\n<kingmob> now, see, that's the kind of attitude i like to hear\r\n<kingmob> the world needs more arrogant bastards\r\n<kingmob> i get lonely", "score": 541, "id": 6055},
{"quote": "<Guyver3> koolaid time\r\n<Guyver3> what today\r\n<Guyver3> strawberry kiwi\r\n<Guyver3> strawberry kiwi lemonade\r\n<Guyver3> mountain berry blast\r\n<Guyver3> or blood of the preacher's daughter?\r\n<kingmob> the blood one.\u00a0 definitely.", "score": 357, "id": 6056},
{"quote": "<kingmob> lisa is being very resistant to this whole \"dreadlock\" thing\r\n<kingmob> probably concerned about all the fly bitches i'll have", "score": 238, "id": 6057},
{"quote": "<Guyver3> ive found, that dreaming that you get shot in the chest, twice, by an assassin that looks like Odo, in the back of car, and\r\nfeeling your heart slow down to almost nothing, leaves a really acidic taste in your mouth when you wake up\r\n<a_0001> then don't dream that\r\n<Guyver3> i didnt say that i disliked the acidic taste", "score": 380, "id": 6058},
{"quote": "<Disciple> nice, local computer club uses kerberos for password based access to the clubroom instead of a key.\r\n<Disciple> if you give the wrong password, the door doesn't open. Instead the screen says \"Kerberos bites you, kerberos bites you. You die.\"", "score": 447, "id": 6060},
{"quote": "<continuum> being disconnected from IRC is like having your head dunked in a bucket of cold water.. it's disorientating and you know things have happened but you don't know what", "score": 308, "id": 6062},
{"quote": "<GaeMan> Chia: Be nice to CAgurl today.\r\n<chirpet> I am always nice to CAgurl. I resent the implication.\r\n<chirpet> I am nice to everyone.\r\n<chirpet> Always.\r\n<chirpet> So shut up.\r\n<chirpet> pigfucker.", "score": 2232, "id": 6068},
{"quote": "<psychicbug> ok, take the bible in a .txt document and open it in notepad. shift every first letter to the right 1, and save it as an .avi. turns out, its a cumshot vid", "score": 930, "id": 6070},
{"quote": "*** Kelly19_ ( joined #hack at 14:12\r\n[885420755] <#hack/Kelly19_> Hi, my name is Rachel.\u00a0 I'm gonne be a spam^H^H^H^Hporn model!\u00a0 wanna see my pictures?\u00a0 too bad!\u00a0 wanna click on cool banners?\u00a0 uhh. shit. i forgot my own webpage! TEEHEE!\r\n<#hack/Kelly19_> ok sorry guys, no porn for you today! bye now!\r\n*** Kelly19_ ( left #hack at 14:12", "score": 203, "id": 6084},
{"quote": "<#hack/t0c> [gothgrrl(] im not coming.\r\n<#hack/t0c> damn\r\n<#hack/t0c> i have lame netsex skillz", "score": 240, "id": 6085},
{"quote": "*** oghost kicked prym from #hack ( children must be at least this tall to ride #hack )", "score": 202, "id": 6088},
{"quote": "<#seattle/sisSoul> navy guys are fat ugly and squatty\r\n<#seattle/yoplait> girls just like the title 'able seaman'", "score": 67, "id": 6096},
{"quote": "<#seattle/ThisGirl> SONOFABITCH\r\n<#seattle/ThisGirl> i hate it when ppl ask me if im male or female", "score": 312, "id": 6098},
{"quote": "<#hack/|al|> if i wrote a perl program, i wouldnt go telling people about it", "score": 228, "id": 6103},
{"quote": "<Twister> vim is great, but I honestly need an editor that can delete lines.", "score": 294, "id": 6219},
{"quote": "<Quick1> ok, testing my quit message\r\n*** Quick1 (~Quick1@ has left #fark", "score": 24, "id": 6142},
{"quote": "<DeMaci> i was def taller than you at nats\r\n<BDavis> i was in a wheelchair", "score": 270, "id": 6146},
{"quote": "<bpshuler> it all comes down to what your goal is. and once again, because people don't want to figure out on their own what they want, they allow marketers to dictate it to them, then act on it. frustrates me to no end\r\n<Yawgatog> I want Super Mario World for Game Boy Advance. That'll rule!", "score": 314, "id": 6147},
{"quote": "<{x3n0}> my amplifier just went *WHUMP*\r\n<{x3n0}> and my speakers went *saUTENIaetiuBiudsiuZDXIUBGiuZZXT*", "score": 501, "id": 6149},
{"quote": "<Babydog> ew yeah butt hair is horrit\r\n<Akira_S> yeah, so shaving down there's a must\r\n<alisdair> that seems like a lot of work\r\n<Eulogy_> like hell i am going to shave my ass\r\n<Stifler> thats why they get their boyfriends to do it\r\n<Eulogy_> if i can't see it, i ain't putting a razor near it", "score": 202, "id": 6150},
{"quote": "<demalavor> do you want larger firmer breasts?\r\n<IceBurner> No, I prefer my broad, flat manboobs", "score": 368, "id": 6151},
{"quote": "<Total_Phreax0r> -LagServ- Your ping request will be considered and might be returned in January 2003", "score": 406, "id": 6152},
{"quote": "<Mooglez> the lack of intelligent and cultured converstaion bores me\r\n<Mooglez> laterz bitchez", "score": 820, "id": 6155},
{"quote": "<demalavor> w00t!\r\n<jdrolet> w00t!\r\n<Zhuzhen> w00t!\r\n<CecilPL> w00t!\r\n<Valvados> w00t!\r\n<demalavor> we need a new word", "score": 1119, "id": 6156},
{"quote": "<Seph][roth> Mike doesn't like it when I ban whole countries.\r\n<Seph][roth> Subnetmasks and ISPs are fine.", "score": 339, "id": 6159},
{"quote": "<Sabre> Anyone know what's going on X Files?\n<AtmaWeapon> if anyone spoils anything I'm gonna kickban them.\n<l0bster> Then, they get a tip, that some guy named AtmaWeapon's mom, was\n\u00a0 some kinda funky werewolf. So they drove to her house with 3metric tons\n\u00a0 of tranq, and shot her fat ass. Repeatedly, until she passed out. But\n\u00a0 the slobber from her mouth floods the room and kills everyone.", "score": 162, "id": 6167},
{"quote": "", "score": 372, "id": 6169},
{"quote": "<Hostile> when i woke up i found pictures of Salma Hayek, A turkish guy's\n\u00a0 page and my flip flop in my scanner", "score": 324, "id": 6176},
{"quote": "<effAce> man that one stank\r\n<mgriffin> No manual entry for that\r\n<mgriffin> No manual entry for one\r\n<mgriffin> No manual entry for stank", "score": 688, "id": 6180},
{"quote": "<Arctil> works now\n<Arctil> HolyFuck: did you flush your DNS cache or something?\n<HolyFuck> Arctil: i disabled SlowDownTheFaggots in the httpd.conf file", "score": 245, "id": 6185},
{"quote": "(hellp) yeah but i will fuck your hatch up with my zx 7r you fucker ne day\n\u00a0 \u00a0 your fuck hatch will fuckin cry\n(RicePWR) he prolly has an escort zx\n(RicePWR) 7r = the number of Type R stickers he has", "score": 39, "id": 6187},
{"quote": "<cyn> what the fuck do you need dual gf3's for\r\n<n2deep> cause i want dual monitors\r\n<cyn> how are you gunna fit two AGP cards in one box?\r\n<n2deep> uhm\r\n<n2deep> FUC\r\n<n2deep> FUCK FUCKF", "score": 696, "id": 6190},
{"quote": "<AffenJunge> I don't want to dominate women.. I just wish they'd be more eager to dominate me", "score": 226, "id": 6225},
{"quote": "<TotAffen> On a scale from 1 to 10, I'm so drunk.", "score": 1975, "id": 6228},
{"quote": "<aXo> What an amazing weekend I had! I ate thirteen TV dinners, jacked off sixteen times and consumed one alcoholic beverage all without moving from this chair. I'm about to watch Godfather Part 3, then eat a bag of Doritos and pass out in a pool of my own saliva.", "score": 653, "id": 6229},
{"quote": "* bago wants cex; \r\n<BreeBaby> havent had it in so long you forgot how to spell it", "score": 372, "id": 6232},
{"quote": "<BBKahuna> now I'm left with a barbie-sized crotch", "score": 27, "id": 6236},
{"quote": "<BBKSleep> I got busy on thursday, it reminded me of why I don't get busy.", "score": 199, "id": 6239},
{"quote": "<_Bliss_> god hates me so he gave me a vagina", "score": 250, "id": 6242},
{"quote": "<`Brianne> stop it...youre making me feel all warm inside... \r\n<`Brianne> oops wrong channel", "score": 347, "id": 6243},
{"quote": "* Cerebus laughs evilly under appropriately spooky lighting as lightning strikes and thunder explodes outside around the High Tower of jadecore on top of Elitist Bastard Mountain in the Kingdom of Fuck.", "score": 410, "id": 6246},
{"quote": "<chemical-burn> I just had a bowl of clam chowder explode all over my face and chest, now I know how a girl feels when she gives head.", "score": 432, "id": 6247},
{"quote": "<elroyk> i like to look at pictures of me then, because I get to think \"wow, I am really a lot hotter now\"", "score": 38, "id": 6248},
{"quote": "<HexRei> but i have had two shits and they frickin decimated me", "score": 36, "id": 6256},
{"quote": "<KaMeN> I just realized the only reason I would go to narcotics anonymous would be to get hookups for drugs", "score": 214, "id": 6259},
{"quote": "<Masharoni> after that i vowed to clench my ass when barfing", "score": 880, "id": 6266},
{"quote": "<nhoj> dont dis on aol\u00a0 \r\n<nhoj> they put the whole internet on a cd", "score": 713, "id": 6267},
{"quote": "<pipedream> one time i pee'd on the mcdonalds restroom floor \r\n<pipedream> but it was a \"statement\"", "score": 222, "id": 6270},
{"quote": "<lunar_sothis> and he was all amazed at \"how deep\" i could take it... tho i wasnt at all, he was just small", "score": 624, "id": 6274},
{"quote": "<felix:#916> i borked ditto\r\n<felix:#916> it might just need a power cycle.\r\n<p1nky:#916> I thought you had a masterswitch?\r\n<felix:#916> yeah.\u00a0 ditto's not on the masterswitch, because it's a rock-solid machine.\r\n<slap:#916> irony", "score": 184, "id": 6191},
{"quote": "<signine:#916> for a basketball team the kings sure have a lot of white guys.", "score": 144, "id": 6194},
{"quote": "<barkode:#916> i'm a fan of real time irc.\r\n<barkode:#916> not this playing-chess-via-postal-mail-to-uzbekistan irc strategy kubla has", "score": 263, "id": 6197},
{"quote": "<signine:#916> is that the one with the old people that have huge mouths that blow people the fuck up?", "score": 51, "id": 6198},
{"quote": "<barkode:#916> playing tribes for last 5 hours\r\n<Pesto:#916> wow, you're still at work?\r\n<barkode:#916> yeah.", "score": 699, "id": 6200},
{"quote": "<felix:#916> there is a DEAD FUCKING RAT in our server room\r\n<felix:#916> it's like, ROTTING\r\n<felix:#916> STUCK UNDER A CABINET AND NOBODY CAN GET TO IT\r\n<felix:#916> 8 or 9\" long, overall\r\n<asphyxia:#916> damn packet kiddies", "score": 351, "id": 6204},
{"quote": "<barkode> if redhat is ever running on a space shuttle, you can sleep well\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 knowing it's probably running imap2, and we can all go IRC from it.", "score": 190, "id": 6205},
{"quote": "<kadafi:#916> -----------------------------\r\n<kadafi:#916> Welcome to\r\n<kadafi:#916> -----------------------------\r\n<kadafi:#916> Connection from logged\r\n<kadafi:#916> You are user 201 of 200 available connections.\r\n<kadafi:#916> IM USER 201 BEYOTCH", "score": 385, "id": 6206},
{"quote": "<zhixel:#sgi> I'm not really one for long hair and women who aren't sleeping\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 with me, honestly.\r\n<HomeySan:#sgi> but she's hog-tied on a VAX and holding a Grant Continuity\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 card in her teeth", "score": 164, "id": 6207},
{"quote": "<skrike:#916> Ill prolly just go into work next week and kill everyone\r\n<pozer:#916> skrike: I do that all the time.\r\n<pozer:#916> We're hiring, by the way!", "score": 511, "id": 6208},
{"quote": "<felix:#916> slap: FUCKING BROKEN ASS STONEAGE BUGGY WORTHLESS 3COMs.\r\n<barkode:#916> felix: you left out \"stackable\"", "score": 316, "id": 6210},
{"quote": "<SaetheR:#916> why are stupid people my managers?\r\n<phear:#916> because they make horrible employees", "score": 451, "id": 6211},
{"quote": "[btab] she's got style she's got grace, takes a cumshot to the face, she's a lady", "score": 563, "id": 6214},
{"quote": "[giR`] WTF am i supposed to do with all of these TV's!!!! \r\n[zimm] ever heard of surround vision? \r\n[zimm] daisy chain them or something", "score": 187, "id": 6215},
{"quote": "<b[a]rt> hey guest1!\r\n<Guest1> hi\r\n<b[a]rt> what's up?\r\n<Guest1> male", "score": 559, "id": 6217},
{"quote": "<risca> how do you spell world?\r\n<risca> as in \"the whole world\"\r\n<mixie> world", "score": 524, "id": 6401},
{"quote": "<Speck> being able to type doesn't mean you're a computer nerd.\u00a0 It just means you have a higher intelligence than a turnip", "score": 475, "id": 6277},
{"quote": "<sylwia> Everything from this point on is dependant on you being able to relax your anus", "score": 439, "id": 6281},
{"quote": "<tertyl> and i've bent a spoon with the power of my mind...though when the drugs wore was back to normal...", "score": 558, "id": 6282},
{"quote": "<zi11z0rz> damn, the transsexual guy on silence of the lambs has nice abs", "score": 185, "id": 6291},
{"quote": "<stevil> man my hair is oily and nasty\r\n<stevil> fear my keyboard after i run my digits through my coiffure", "score": 42, "id": 6300},
{"quote": "<rewben> wh00t, i made online fax server yo\r\n<rewben> it even w0rkz\r\n<m0f73> @)!!!!!\r\n<m0f73> theres no h in w00t", "score": 307, "id": 6301},
{"quote": "<GRAYwolf> Because, you KNOW suburban Massachusetts is a key terrorist target.\r\n<GRAYwolf> We've got...\u00a0 Uhm...\u00a0 A bowling alley, out in Cambridge?\r\n<The_Freakazoid> in that case, they'll drop anthrax into your tornadoes.\r\n<GRAY|Myth3> Because if I don't play Myth 3 to completion...then the terrorists...they've already won.\r\n<The_Freakazoid> Yeah, I recently downloaded DW 1-4, because if I die, I want to die having played some great NES games.", "score": 131, "id": 6308},
{"quote": "* deVoca wonders how many American here know on what date the Civil War started and ended.\r\n<Bell_of_Ygg> deV, I can't remember when-I can only remember how, why and what.\r\n<The_Freakazoid> That means bell can remember it in the ass, for love, with a phone. But not who did it or when it happened.", "score": 286, "id": 6310},
{"quote": "<GnarlyBob> I mean how could *anyone* have been surprised when Rob Halford came out of the closet?\r\n<M0rph13> I was damnit :)\r\n<GnarlyBob> He could be a stunt double for one of the Village People", "score": 188, "id": 6314},
{"quote": "ted: woman plus invisible man = the perfect porn\r\ncraig: Actually, woman + visible woman is the perfect porn, but this is a close second.", "score": 357, "id": 6322},
{"quote": "[during the Olympics]\r\nted: everytime i load my yahoo it seems the US has three more medals \r\ncraig: Stop reloading then!!! Canada has to catch up", "score": 343, "id": 6326},
{"quote": "craig: I suddenly have the urge to rip someone's ear off... can you guess why?\r\nted: uh... you've been possessed by vincent van gogh?", "score": 489, "id": 6330},
{"quote": "<Anal> I was doing a copy/paste\r\n<Anal> but when I did my copy it must not of taken\r\n<Anal> so when I pasted it pasted in my old command\r\n<nothing`> uh oh. which was...?\r\n<Anal> whihc was 'rm -rf /usr' !!!!", "score": 108, "id": 6351},
{"quote": "<Eurotik> MSN is fucked up\r\n<Eurotik> I can't even get on IE", "score": 25, "id": 6353},
{"quote": "<_Hawkeye_> I don't bareback\r\n<_Hawkeye_> Fastest way to the grave\r\n<Mthbeylt> I'm not sure, but I have a feeling this isn't about the relative merits of riding horses without a saddle.", "score": 576, "id": 6354},
{"quote": "<UrMomsUnt>\u00a0\u00a0 U cant ban me .. I'm telnet irc\r\n<paisley> Alrighty.", "score": 194, "id": 6357},
{"quote": "<Skream> Anyone got an IDE controller I can borrow?\r\n<Skream> Mine just caught fire.", "score": 466, "id": 6360},
{"quote": "<cygnus> i need to go grocery shopping\u00a0 \r\n<avi-> nice\u00a0\u00a0 \r\n<cygnus> i don't have shit for food\u00a0 \r\n<avi-> that's a good thing, i've seen those shit eating videos and it doesn't look tasty", "score": 293, "id": 6403},
{"quote": "<wasabi> I wish catheters were comfortable and socially acceptible\r\n<wasabi> and that I had a minifridge under my desk", "score": 273, "id": 6405},
{"quote": "* Pixelz learnt everything he knows by playing pool", "score": 33, "id": 6409},
{"quote": "<Jason> What's NRE?\r\n<Scott> NRE - New Relationship Energy!\r\n<Scott> It's just like cocaine, only more expensive.", "score": 194, "id": 6416},
{"quote": "<suchness> my ear wax is pure black!?!?!?!?!\r\n<suchness> WTF", "score": -5, "id": 6418},
{"quote": "<extremist> strep?\r\n<extremist> that thing where girls take their clothes off?", "score": 193, "id": 6419},
{"quote": "--- [signoff!#windowmaker] NinjaCodr (wife getting naked)", "score": 381, "id": 6420},
{"quote": "<sp00t> the only trouble with watching dune is every time I see that guy I expect him to pull out a palm pilot like thing saying \"Ziggy says theres a 45.2 percent chance that you're here to save the whales\"", "score": 412, "id": 6422},
{"quote": "<BadlandZ> So, what's new, where are the bots?\r\n<Sprout> they are eating lunch\r\n<BadlandZ> heh.. together?\r\n<Sprout> do you ever see bots eating with people?", "score": 507, "id": 6426},
{"quote": "<TwoEight> heh, i dont even know how to hack a system\r\n<TwoEight> i am always amazed when i hear such stories\r\n<TheBigZ> hell, half the time I can't get into my own damn box, much less someone elses", "score": 378, "id": 6430},
{"quote": "<PI^2> my first puter was c-64\r\n<PI^2> I had many nasty games on c-64 :D\r\n<PI^2> like 'fast masturbation' and such :)\r\n<PI^2> that game was soo weird :D\r\n<PI^2> though it had good graphics for a c-64 game :)", "score": 79, "id": 6432},
{"quote": "<Cheetah> heh, someone else who was on my box didn't like my lack of bitchx ...\r\n<sig11> heh?\r\n<Cheetah> bitchx\r\n<Cheetah> BitchX\r\n<Cheetah> for fucks..\r\n<Cheetah> (from .bash_history)\r\n<Cheetah> who actually types things like for fucks.. into their shell?", "score": 219, "id": 6434},
{"quote": "<tomed> hmm\r\n<MrBawb> uh oh!\r\n<MrBawb> tomed is thinking!", "score": 35, "id": 6436},
{"quote": "<shev> Efnet needs to get mIRC to include an air raid siren wav file, and play it when there's a server hack", "score": 188, "id": 6438},
{"quote": "<Zanthis(ALE)> AFK, tornado", "score": 9990, "id": 6441},
{"quote": "<redhook> <--- 22\r\n<redhook> and I got a 7 year old on my nuts, how pathetic\r\n<redhook> s/7/17/\r\n<redhook> that looked bad", "score": 228, "id": 6442},
{"quote": "<signine> \"PIPE YOUR OUTPUT THROUGH THAT, BITCH!\"\r\n<far_call> \"you can stick that in your pipe and awk it\"", "score": 232, "id": 6443},
{"quote": "<tbp> I never trusted James Earl Jones after that Vader shit.", "score": 382, "id": 6361},
{"quote": "<JelloMan> jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world...\r\n<JelloMan> white and white, white and white, they are precious in his sight.", "score": 40, "id": 6363},
{"quote": "<Dobbs> I went out on a date once with a women who said that, whatever the society was, it could not function unless women were the \"gatekeepers of sex\"...\r\n<Dobbs> I said, \"Well, not if women were private property.\"\r\n<Dobbs> That shut her up.", "score": 420, "id": 6367},
{"quote": "<Monk> All I have to say... is I'm so messed that when I turned off the blacklight downstairs\r\n<Monk> that I imagined I was defeating a agent of the negaverse sent by queen beryl who was using it to sap our lifeforce", "score": 260, "id": 6369},
{"quote": "*** Quits: Jenn|fer (If you are reading this, you wasted 3 seconds of your life.)\r\n<GE> actually, it only took me about 1.5 seconds to read\r\n<File13> if i only wasted 3 seconds of my life, i'd be happy. but according to the timer on mIRC, i have 2074 hours on this install so far.", "score": 469, "id": 6371},
{"quote": "<glasnost> i remember how DOS had no command for recursive removes\r\n<glasnost> until they added deltree\r\n<Logan> glasnost: deltree\r\n<glasnost> thanks logan.", "score": 142, "id": 6377},
{"quote": "<malp> this channel would be an argument for forced sterilization if there ever was a chance of any of you getting laid\r\n<RunMe> malp: you keep talking as if you're NOT ON this channel", "score": 732, "id": 6385},
{"quote": "<yabba> I fucked a homeless man today\r\n<xsneakerx> was he cute?\r\n<yabba> no.. but he had no shoes... and his feet were clean.\r\n<yabba> I think he may have been jesus.", "score": 550, "id": 6387},
{"quote": "<CitizenC> <k-statik> I love the smell of scat in the morning! <-- Shouldn't that be \"taste\"?", "score": 26, "id": 6389},
{"quote": "<octalpuss> that's right... i'm on my way back to being beautiful\r\n<octalpuss> fuck brains\u00a0 =o)\r\n<octalpuss> oh, and drinking adequate water really kicks ass\r\n<octalpuss> the extra skin on my tummy that i thought i was going to need a\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 tummy tuck for is now 85% gone\r\n<el_kab0ng> turn around, I think I found it", "score": 259, "id": 6390},
{"quote": "<NyseriA> i just read a book i got for xmas\r\n<NyseriA> its about a sea harrier pilot shot down in bosnia\r\n<NyseriA> he is collected by a troops of SAS FACs\r\n<NyseriA> and, let me recall, when they have to pull out he says...\r\n<NyseriA> He smacks his SA80 down on the tabke\r\n<NyseriA> and shouts\r\n<Sureshot^> 'who fucking TKed me last round?'", "score": 632, "id": 6393},
{"quote": "<st0w> I was just a tad intoxicated, man\r\n<botnation> you got a got shot at me with the ole dildo in the mouth trick\r\n<botnation> thank god she washes that shit", "score": 44, "id": 6395},
{"quote": "<Legend> When I think about you, I /ping myself.", "score": 406, "id": 6396},
{"quote": "<James> well i was walking down the street the other day\r\n<James> not paying attention to the 40 foot beast of a dong in my pants\r\n<James> when it slipped out and was laying across a 6 lane highway\r\n<James> thank god it was late out\r\n<James> i pulled it back in right as a car drove by\r\n<garorm> thank god, the car would have been totaled", "score": 18, "id": 6398},
{"quote": "<cygnus> speech recognition is only for people who don't jerk off enough to build up wrist strength and then get fucked up from using their keyboards", "score": 194, "id": 6400},
{"quote": "<xorg> you know how you hang up the phone after talking to an asshole\r\n<xorg> and you say \"Asshole\"\r\n<xorg> well\r\n<xorg> in my brain, that has superimposed \"goodbye\"\r\n<xorg> i talk to that many assholes", "score": 241, "id": 6512},
{"quote": "<markd2> kompressor is not dancing\r\n<evand> kompressor does not funk\r\n<markd2> kompressor needs therapy", "score": 25, "id": 6629},
{"quote": "<zhixel> I'd really like to meet a sane woman who doesn't have to\r\nconstantly rely on me for emotional support\r\n<far_call> and I'd really like to be able to drive my car to jupiter", "score": 1094, "id": 6444},
{"quote": "<gh5046> beep boop beep boop beep beep boop\r\n<skrike> thats right r2 we're going to cloud city", "score": 1624, "id": 6445},
{"quote": "<paper_bag> i have looked for so long for a channel that has x-dccs with white poeple music", "score": 101, "id": 6450},
{"quote": "<O_6> my helpful nature gets me into many a snag\r\n<MadMan37> so does your weakness for pic-a-nic baskets", "score": 647, "id": 6453},
{"quote": "<^cell^> one of these days, ill get my friends and family members and stuff to jump into the back of my truck, and all 277 of us will run over a bunch of french people", "score": 1, "id": 6455},
{"quote": "<^erica^> god, why dont you apear infront of me when i pray?\r\n<GodFu> because i like to watch", "score": 264, "id": 6458},
{"quote": "<Bobo> what's wrong with being a homosexual?\r\n<klong> it's gay", "score": 1458, "id": 6459},
{"quote": "<studdud> what the fuck is wtf", "score": 10663, "id": 6460},
{"quote": "<Flik> my friend gave up masturbation for lent, and lost in an hour", "score": 258, "id": 6461},
{"quote": "<chin|werk> msimn can kiss my fucking bloody ass\r\n<chin|werk> outlook express is a little fucking drama queen\r\n<chin|werk> \"OOoOHHHH, YOU UPGRADED TO IE 6\"\r\n<chin|werk> \"WELL IM NOT GONNA WORK ANYMORE\"", "score": 635, "id": 6464},
{"quote": "<MC_GREG> your hapkido will not save you when i am wiping your asshole with your tongue", "score": 93, "id": 6469},
{"quote": "<[werk]chin> (Bobo) \"With the sam's deal on a 100 gb drive, im able to download and store the porn of 10 regular men\"", "score": 292, "id": 6472},
{"quote": "<trance> ooo the heat is on in my house, my dad must have gotten a raise", "score": 566, "id": 6473},
{"quote": "<HevyD> yea, one time I got caught masturbating and I yelled at my dad telling him to go get help cause I had him caught and I needed backup, boy that was akward", "score": 238, "id": 6478},
{"quote": "<axel026> i need help please\r\n<^cell^> do you have an appointment?\r\n<axel026> im french\r\n<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder", "score": 1186, "id": 6480},
{"quote": "<whaQd|cybering> any porn with cheese curls is pretty elite", "score": 155, "id": 6481},
{"quote": "<funknut> I like my women like I like my coffee.\r\n<Dokterrock> What, tied up in a sack and thrown over the back of a burro?", "score": 968, "id": 6482},
{"quote": "<monami> hm, these girls sure are fat\r\n<QJ> where where?\r\n<monami> can you look at pictures of fat naked girls wherever you are?\r\n<QJ> yes\r\n<QJ> it's in my contract", "score": 247, "id": 6514},
{"quote": "<Debbie_UK> anyway bet you dont even know what Britain is you bigot arsehole\u00a0\u00a0 \r\n<alex> what's britain??? \r\n<xorg> its about 3 fags north of France", "score": -1, "id": 6515},
{"quote": "<bus> what can I help you with, xorg?\r\n<xorg> well\r\n<xorg> when uncle daddy touches my bathing suit\r\n<xorg> i get all tingly\r\n<xorg> but the bible says NO", "score": 825, "id": 6516},
{"quote": "<QJ> your grandma opened the shower door\r\n<QJ> while you were wanking?\r\n<knox> yep\r\n<knox> it was worse than that\r\n<QJ> she finished you off?", "score": 1758, "id": 6518},
{"quote": "<monami> my boss is okay except for the following scenario that we have to play out four or five times a year :\r\n<monami> Act I\r\n<monami> BOSS: Do A.\r\n<monami> ME: If we do A, B will occur.\r\n<monami> BOSS: I don't care, do it anyways.\r\n<monami> Act II\r\n<monami> BOSS: OH MY GOD, B HAS HAPPENED.\r\n<monami> ME: sigh", "score": 1993, "id": 6519},
{"quote": "<halos> here's the thing about fucking pamela anderson:\r\n<halos> it's been done", "score": 309, "id": 6520},
{"quote": "<CitizenC> The \"P\" in \"#P-Raves\" stands for \"get the fuck out of our channel, bitch!\"", "score": 145, "id": 6527},
{"quote": "<Zaph23> I am getting so sick of my underling\r\n<Zaph23> He sucks ass\r\n<Zaph23> Almost every time I come out of my office I catch him web surfing\r\n<biggles> any good sites?\r\n<biggles> i'd be pissed if he was only looking at fatchicksinpartyhats", "score": 209, "id": 6530},
{"quote": "<Grumman> I got windows 200pro today.\r\n<shithead1> windows 200? did marcus aurelius use that?", "score": 1055, "id": 6531},
{"quote": "<SD-Washu> ST. LOUIS - A former Southern Baptist Convention president stirred interfaith tumult when he described Muhammad, Islam's revered founder, as a \"demon-possessed pedophile.\"", "score": 255, "id": 6534},
{"quote": "<_404notfound> Best prank ever: while your male friend is sleeping, slip a condom on him, and get one of your female friends to lie next to him until he wakes up.\r\n<BobTheMilkman> 404: or better yet, a male friend", "score": 561, "id": 6538},
{"quote": "<Goodlookinguy17> if anyone wants to cyber with a hot 17 year old male, message me\r\n<Owaru> if anyone wants to hear desperate pleas of attention by a decrepit 17 year old weirdo, msg me!\r\n<Owaru> i'll make you sound like you're normal!", "score": 251, "id": 6545},
{"quote": "<pimpDT> you need a nice phrase to tell women when they mention babies\r\n<boXlor> \"stfu\" ?", "score": 489, "id": 6546},
{"quote": "<Soulphonat> My cat only speaks in analog\r\n<Soulphonat> it's cute", "score": 397, "id": 6547},
{"quote": "* Lemieux doesnt do the menage-a-trois thing\r\n<Lemieux> at least... not if there's 2 women involved\r\n<skidd> so you're a multiple input woman?\r\n* Lemieux is not a porn star\r\n<JayByrd> you don't have to be a porn star\r\n<JayByrd> dirties across the land are getting it at both ends, as we speak", "score": 176, "id": 6549},
{"quote": "* dagbrown *FINALLY* got licenses for his fucking Sun development environments. \r\n<dagbrown> Sun's licensing department must have the slogan \"WE HATE YOU AND WANT YOU TO DIE\"", "score": 290, "id": 6552},
{"quote": "<Yawgatog> If I were two I'd try to eat everything in sight, just in case it's a boob in disguise", "score": 341, "id": 6556},
{"quote": "<atl_jimbo> I wonder is Sara's still pissed at me....\r\n<atl_jimbo> being her friend and not being her friend, there's not much difference.", "score": 76, "id": 6630},
{"quote": "<Hawx> wtf is Scotty\r\n<Shinji> Hawx - ScottyFox, he's in here occasionaly, I used to live with him in Canada.\r\n<Hawx> scottyfox is one letter away from being scattyfox\r\n<Shinji> Hawx - and you're four letters away from being 'fuck'.\r\n<Hawx> :D", "score": 292, "id": 6631},
{"quote": "doubting: interesting\r\ndoubting: popup ad suggests I use to backup my critical data\r\ndoubting: strangely, I'm not wont to gamble with my backups", "score": 415, "id": 6633},
{"quote": "<Sonya> 14/f/nj\r\n <rewben> oh\r\n <rewben> im 54/n/netherlands\r\n <Silvana> what's n?\r\n <elph> i guess n is for nice ass", "score": 44, "id": 6645},
{"quote": "<rewben> we are not perverts ;p\r\n <akiron> speak for youself ;)", "score": 285, "id": 6646},
{"quote": "(talking about a guy that worked at the world trade center)\r\n<@PowrSlave> this poor fuck is getting divorced cuz of 9/11\r\n<@PowrSlave> lol\r\n<@PowrSlave> his wife filed\r\n<@PowrSlave> he didnt go into work that morning and went to his mistresses' house instead\r\n<@PowrSlave> had his phone off\r\n<nonzeRo> haha\r\n<nonzeRo> lucky guy\r\n<@PowrSlave> he turned it on at around 11:00 and his wife was like \"OMFG ARE YOU OKAY WHERE ARE YOUR?\"\r\n<@PowrSlave> hes like \"im at the office honey. whats the matter?\"\r\n<@PowrSlave> lol", "score": 2605, "id": 6649},
{"quote": "<Kron-Away> iam an accountant \r\n<Kron-Away> 1,2,3,5,6,9,10 \r\n<Mr_Squidgy> kron what comes after 10 :P \r\n<Kron-Away> my 15%", "score": 326, "id": 6651},
{"quote": "<LR|Midnight> this ice cream owns \r\n<[ice]> omfg \r\n<[ice]> this Midnight cream 0wns", "score": 471, "id": 6653},
{"quote": "<arfer> sticks and stones may break my bones but life contingencies and statistics are pure shit", "score": 210, "id": 6655},
{"quote": "(@TRCC|shot): directX 8.1 any good? \r\n(@landje): i havnet pld it \r\n(@ui|ICEMAN): dirext X isn't a game \r\n(@landje): what is it \r\n(@landje): if any;one puts that in their quit message i'll feckign kil ythe,", "score": 416, "id": 6656},
{"quote": "<o0o> i had 5 days of smoking the sickest shit\r\n<meiso> dog turds?", "score": 158, "id": 6658},
{"quote": "<enrol> PERISCOPE UP, BITCH DOWN\r\n<spikoh> thats a dilbert phrase isnt it ?", "score": 151, "id": 6660},
{"quote": "<enrol> pure fucking godfather of IDM\r\n<jj_> whats IDM\r\n<jj_> is it\r\n<jj_> INTENSIVE DICK MAINTENANCE\r\n<enrol> intelligent dance music\r\n<jj_> oh\r\n<jj_> close enough", "score": 299, "id": 6661},
{"quote": "<enrol> my new ircing technique is unstoppable\r\n<jj> do you think youre dalnet sword can defeat me!?\r\n<jj> en guard, ill let you try my efnet style", "score": 198, "id": 6662},
{"quote": "<qik> ur at school?\r\n<De-Gen> yer \r\n<qik> LOOK TEACHER IT SAYS CUNT ON THE SCREEN! \r\n*** De-Gen has quit IRC", "score": 1578, "id": 6664},
{"quote": "<Electric> Jester says he's gonna rub deep heat into my bollocks at 4AM\r\n<AdmV0rl0n> does he now....\r\n<Electric> But when he goes back to bed, he'll still smell the fart I did there earlier :)", "score": 35, "id": 6666},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #tZrhj26trDS4yurgrCNR4eyd\r\n*** Topic is 'The Only Channel With A Name Created By Head-Butting The Keyboard'", "score": 1100, "id": 6674},
{"quote": "<dj_ak> i just popped a zit on my shoulder\r\n<dj_ak> and it hit me in the eye\r\n<dj_ak> then i licked my eye\r\n<splifs> women must love you", "score": 357, "id": 6483},
{"quote": "<luna> okay okay, so it *probably* isn't going to snow, but i can\r\n<luna> imagine it!\r\n<roland> well, if we're imagining, i can imagine buxom women will fall\r\n<roland> from the sky like sexy hailstones.", "score": 163, "id": 6484},
{"quote": "<blazemore> DJing with vinyl is like people still making soap from their own pig fat", "score": 12, "id": 6485},
{"quote": "<wmf> AaronSw: what did I tell you about Stallman?\r\n<AaronSw> not to have sex with him?", "score": 276, "id": 6486},
{"quote": "<firebone> btw my fav jpop group is Goa Tse Ceex", "score": 130, "id": 6488},
{"quote": "<Ashen> fucking hell\r\n<Ashen> I just ate a paint chip I thought was a peanut \r\n<Ashen> shit how much l;ead do you think is in a sealant", "score": 256, "id": 6490},
{"quote": "<SwampFox> \"I'm sleeping with several local teens.\u00a0 Find out if your child is one of them at 11.\"", "score": 558, "id": 6491},
{"quote": "<Bobo> Hobo-Niff, will you be my partner in dance dance strangulation?", "score": 187, "id": 6492},
{"quote": "<[Shinji]> Arrrr... bend over laddie and I'll show ye a fishstick that makes it's OWN tatar sauce....#($*", "score": 461, "id": 6493},
{"quote": "[01:58] *** Loops|ao changes topic to '<Neep> what are you gonna do Bobo? || <Bobo> live in my parents' basement till i'm 47 and i die of autoerotic asphyxiation alone and a virgin'", "score": 192, "id": 6498},
{"quote": "", "score": 352, "id": 6500},
{"quote": "<chin|werk> its not video games fault that its a lot of fun to kill people", "score": 1101, "id": 6501},
{"quote": "<jeremiah> the other day, we were sitting there in class \r\nduring an awkward pause and the teacher was feeling all proud of himself [...] and I say: \"so mr critzer, when are you going \r\nto get a real job?\"", "score": 243, "id": 6505},
{"quote": "", "score": -35, "id": 6508},
{"quote": "<monami> this utility has a macro recording function but no loop command\r\n<monami> so i record a macro, and then put a stapler on the keyboard to hold the button down\r\n<monami> and go have coffee\r\n<monami> i note that the stapler, on the whole, is a more efficient and productive employee than i am", "score": 1386, "id": 6511},
{"quote": "<@helloraj> if ya rape a positute would u get arrested for stealing?", "score": 385, "id": 6743},
{"quote": "<barkode> firewire is the greatest thing since people started taking pictures of other people in thongs.", "score": 246, "id": 6557},
{"quote": "<zhixel> I'm starting to think I drive too fast. \r\n<felix> nothing wrong with 80mhz.\r\n<felix> unless a highway patrol officer tells you otherwise.\r\n<felix> like one did to me today.\r\n<zhixel> I'm sorry felix, my car isn't a 486. \r\n<barkode> got a ticket?\r\n<felix> i got a speeding ticket going work\r\n<barkode> \"sorry officer, i had my soda on the turbo button\"\r\n<felix> zhixel: fuck off.\u00a0 80mph, too", "score": 423, "id": 6558},
{"quote": "<mistress> no throw nice laptops against wall.\u00a0 p2-233, 192mb ram.\r\n<mistress> (thats his. mine's a p200 with 32mb of ram.\r\n<mistress> maybe his is a 266. i forget. but i remember what video chipset it uses.\r\n<mistress> i guess its up to a girl to know a man's hardware better than he does.", "score": 139, "id": 6560},
{"quote": "<skrike> I think the people above me are having sex\r\n<skrike> either that or they're sleeping restlessly and agreeing with each other a lot.", "score": 8868, "id": 6562},
{"quote": "<copernicu> Though it is the fourth largest city in the country, Houston's television market ranks 11th.\r\n<WonkoSane> how does a tv market rank 11th if they're 4th in population?\r\n<CubsWoo> Remember Houston is close to Mexico", "score": 22, "id": 6563},
{"quote": "<skrike> zhix: guess what Im doing\r\n<zhix> skrike - what?\r\n<skrike> zhix - Im doing the dishes, cuz sometimes thugs gotta tell the dishes whats up\r\n<zhix> skrike - damn straight\r\n<skrike> Im in the kitchen going \"bitch you betta get clean\"", "score": 636, "id": 6564},
{"quote": "<barkode> it's all about getting drunk at defcon, and waking up the next morning in a ditch, with a TRS-80, a wireless modem, a\r\n sombero, a pair of high heels, an angry midget and you're dressed like a mariachi.", "score": 296, "id": 6565},
{"quote": "<goatbustar> the church sex scandal: what would jesus do\r\n<goatbustar> turn the other cheek", "score": 87, "id": 6566},
{"quote": "(ubergash): i swear to jebus if one more fucking nigger uses the word jew or kyke or the, I'll shank you all", "score": -199, "id": 6567},
{"quote": "<skullY_> <-- Feels really bright now\r\n<barkode> did you get a new lamp?", "score": 243, "id": 6569},
{"quote": "<felix> eek\r\n<skrike> felix just screamed like a girl\r\n<felix> no, I said \"eek\"\r\n<skrike> girls say \"eek\"\r\n<skrike> YOU GIRL\r\n<oat`meal> guys say \"oh SHIT, what the FUCK, BITCH\"", "score": 509, "id": 6571},
{"quote": "(motardo): gay men are more likely to have homosexual sex than straight men", "score": 494, "id": 6572},
{"quote": "<@_uaioe> BITE THE PILLOW, KID... ITS GOIN' IN DRY!", "score": 253, "id": 6575},
{"quote": "<NMO> Instuructions to format: rip out hard drive, tie to back of car, drive on shit road, harddrive gone", "score": 37, "id": 6576},
{"quote": "<sE|PassePartouT`v> i can beat you like sgamer beats off \r\n<sE|PassePartouT`v> and that's a lot\r\n<sgamer> that is a lot, but i doubt you can", "score": 187, "id": 6578},
{"quote": "<continuum> is there anything sweeter than the first few downloads once you switch to adsl?\r\n<continuum> first sex, first drugs, first drink... don't think any compare to watching 12Mb d/l in like a second or two", "score": 416, "id": 6590},
{"quote": "<desaster> why get a gf when i have volvo\r\n<montz> yeah a volvo has enuf of holes", "score": 46, "id": 6592},
{"quote": "<cmw> ok how about this one\r\n<cmw> Dear Natalie,\r\n<cmw> How's it going studying at Harvard? I bet it's hard. I am sorry my sweet but sometimes life is hard. I love you. You are so beautiful and smart my darling. God made you so perfect. Will you marry me? We could be so happy together, forever. We have so much in common, you are in Star Wars and I like Star Wars. Can't you see we were made for each other.\r\n<cmw> Yours Always,\r\n<cmw> Cody Crenshaw\r\n<ShadowFang11> yea, thats good", "score": 1061, "id": 6849},
{"quote": "<coulson> Check this quote :) \"<n|ghtOUT> my gf can smoke cigarettes with her pussy\"\r\n<BiOHaZd> She must taste like an ashtray", "score": 222, "id": 6679},
{"quote": "<alex> well with the intel pentium III processor enhancing the web as it is, who knows", "score": 215, "id": 6683},
{"quote": "<alex> I have this great method of watching someone through the crook of my arm that I developed when I was in grade school so I could look at pretty girls with my head down on my desk", "score": 208, "id": 6685},
{"quote": "<alex> I'll beat you 'til you have your Native American vision", "score": 27, "id": 6687},
{"quote": "<kitten> Dan, you're my honey bunch sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-upmkin.\r\n<kitten> You're my sweetie pie.\r\n<Danelope> Oh yeah?\u00a0 Well, you're my cuppycake gumdrop snickums-snookums.\r\n<Danelope> You're the apple of my eye.\r\n<ry4n> fuck you guys.\r\n*** ry4n has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian (\r\n<Danelope> Hahaha.", "score": 347, "id": 6688},
{"quote": "<FatElvis> The only that comes from Texas are steers and...\r\n<josh> ... Jews?", "score": 20, "id": 6689},
{"quote": "<zork> man sun fsck scares me\r\n<zork> EVERYTHING IS IN CAPS AND TRUNCATED\r\n<zork> OR SALVAGED\r\n<zork> WRONG IN SUPERBLK\r\n<zork> etc etc\r\n<phrog> U R SKRWD\r\n<zork> BUY A NEW DRV NOW\r\n<shodan> WRNG FREE BLK CNT IN SPRBLK DOOD LOL\r\n<zork> L@@K R@RE ERROR, ROFL", "score": 109, "id": 6690},
{"quote": "* TT205 wants to build a SNOT-HIPPO!!!!\r\n<TT205> *blink*\r\n* TT205 wants to build a SNOW-HIPPO!!!!", "score": 1010, "id": 6692},
{"quote": "<BlznAzn> i find it kinky to use my cock as a probe tool to remove lint between the toes of a foot thats been inside a work boot all day\r\n<pagan> you must like to have Athlete's Cock", "score": 192, "id": 6695},
{"quote": "<Tre`> I've got to find away to earn some dough\r\n<bishoptl> sell some sperm. that's legal in the States, isn't it?\r\n<bishoptl> or plasma - that should free up some $$$\r\n<SHD> he's too young for selling sperm\r\n<Tre`> I need *a bunch*\r\n<bishoptl> sell your friends' sperm\r\n<Tre`> that's just disgusting\r\n<bishoptl> how badly do you want NWN\r\n<bishoptl> I'm not saying you have to go milk them yourself\r\n<bishoptl> just pass around the tupperware container", "score": 383, "id": 6697},
{"quote": "<Fiction> man, I LOVE Sigue Sigue Sputnik so MUCH!!!!\r\n<Fiction> they're almost as good as Catholic Discipline\r\n<MaCk> then why don't you marry it\r\n<Fiction> cause I want to marry you, Mack\r\n<MaCk> ewh\r\n<[enki]> I think you had that one coming, Mack.\r\n<[enki]> Besides, I told you he'd get the wrong impression if you sent him those chocolates.\r\n* Fiction makes moon eyes at mack\r\n* [enki] shakes his head.\r\n<[enki]> I knew this would happen.\r\n* Fiction writes bad poetry about his love for mack\r\n* [enki] preps the firehose.\r\n* Fiction buys a harley and a tshirt that says: \"if you can read this, Mack fell off\" on the back\r\n<Fiction> someday I'll buy you a cubic-zirconium ring and we can move to a trailer in Rock Springs Wyoming\r\n<Fiction> we'll be so happy!\r\n<[enki]> And you'll drive a 78 Camaro to work.\r\n<Fiction> YEAH!\r\n<Fiction> only \"work\" is hanging out at the local high school selling crank to teenagers\r\n<MaCk> SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH\r\n<MaCk> someone is going to die\r\n<Fiction> and mack can learn how to make casseroles with potato chips in them\r\n<[enki]> And get denim fringe jackets.\r\n<Fiction> and we'll drink coors\r\n<MaCk> I hate you guys\r\n<Fiction> cheer up, I'll get some real wood panelling to put up in our trailer\r\n<Fiction> or at least I'll tell you it's real\r\n<Fiction> and we'll live on food stamps but have 300 channels of DirectTV\r\n<MaCk> I hate you all\r\n<Fiction> c'mon baby, you're hot with a capital HO!\r\n<[enki]> LOL\r\n*** MaCk has quit IRC", "score": 1097, "id": 6698},
{"quote": "<dbaker> Whoever thinks rc5-64 will be cracked in 50 years is an idiot.\r\n<dbaker> It'll be cracked before the end of 1998.", "score": 271, "id": 6699},
{"quote": "Chargon[HorsebackArchery] is now known as Sir_Chargon\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 \r\n<Eric> Horseback Archery. \r\n<Eric> D00d, drive-by shooting. It's a sign of the times. \r\n<Kataclysm> Yes, but\u00a0 a ride-by shooting just doesn't have the same effect as a drive-by.\u00a0 \r\n<Eric> Good point. ANYONE can kill a horse, but a car doesn't stagger when it's down. \r\n<Kataclysm> That, and horses don't have tinted power windows either.", "score": 236, "id": 6701},
{"quote": "<Dynamo> [Destiny's Child - Say My Name.mp3]-[4.34mb/4m 30s]\r\n<Dynamo> [Pet Music - 04 - Warm Hugs.mp3]-[5.23mb/5m 26s] \r\n<Dynamo> No one saw Destiny's Child, or Pet Music, aight? \r\n<Dynamo> [Destiny's Child - Independent Woman Part 1.mp3]-[3.6mb/3m 44s] \r\n<Dynamo> [Pet Music - 08 - Chasing Clouds.mp3]-[4.4mb/4m 35s]\r\n<Dynamo> This PC must hate me.", "score": 669, "id": 6703},
{"quote": "<Expresso> I don't play alot of first persons hooters", "score": 618, "id": 6704},
{"quote": "<boomer> mount rushmore, contrary to popular opinion, did not grow that way", "score": 485, "id": 6706},
{"quote": "* Racked recalls the past: my teacher said, \"I have a 10-foot snake here\" which I replied, \"oh no you don't....snakes don't have feet!\"\r\n* GPF recalls saying something like that to a teacher and getting detention", "score": 318, "id": 6711},
{"quote": "<jc> I want photos!\r\n<succubus> jc, i want doesnt get\r\n<jc> I want photos PLEASE!", "score": 92, "id": 6747},
{"quote": "<josh> usually when guys shoow me their penises I try and fondle them\r\n<penney> whoa josh\r\n<penney> are you gay?\r\n<josh> no, I'm just friendly", "score": 500, "id": 6748},
{"quote": "<josh> I was on this conf one time and they were doing 3way calling to prank call grocery stores, and this chick would ask if they had keilbasa, then ask if it would be good for 'experimenting\" with\r\n<josh> this one guy was like \"yeah, it'd work good for that\"", "score": 233, "id": 6749},
{"quote": "<ding0> ahahahahaahahahahah i was just taking a huge piss and my mom says from behind me \"wow jack! your getting big\", i was like, OH MY GOD wtf, and then i finished and turned around and she was looking at the size on my shoes, whew!!", "score": 1041, "id": 6751},
{"quote": "<CyberPunkWanabe> I broke my new stereo that I got after christmas cause I broke the one I got for christmas..\r\n<CyberPunkWanabe> I shouldnt be allowed within 10 ft of electronics", "score": 155, "id": 6753},
{"quote": "<newkid99> Whats everyone reading today\r\n<Wed> The screen", "score": 528, "id": 6754},
{"quote": "<ODD> optimism is having a ups on a win95 box", "score": 550, "id": 6755},
{"quote": "* compupc1 really wants a new version of something\r\n<compupc1> anything...i just feel like upgrading\r\n<PetrDoubt>\u00a0 /dcc send compupc1 trojan4b38.tgz", "score": 278, "id": 6756},
{"quote": "<Belhade> my gf wanted to use Saran Wrap one night when we didn't have anything else\r\n<Belhade> I was like, uhm, no, it's a dick, not a turkey sandwich\r\n<Dipstick`> it's beef... but not that kind of beef\r\n<Belhade> caucasian...the other white meat", "score": 452, "id": 6757},
{"quote": "<Kilroy`> I had this blind date, her name was :. .:. : ... .:: -\r\n<Kilroy`> well, all I saw was the top of her head\r\n<Kilroy`> I wonder if I'll recognize her if I meet her again\r\n<Kilroy`> .....\r\n<dh> Kilroy`: I guess you'll just have to make every chick you meat give you head\r\n<dh> err meet\r\n<dh> but then, meat works too", "score": 287, "id": 6758},
{"quote": "<Superf0Rk> you're cute.. i'd do you :D\r\n<Superf0Rk> i'd do my bed if it had a hole in it too but anyways..", "score": 303, "id": 6759},
{"quote": "<Domino> what are you doing?\r\n<Elenkis> eating and drinking and being merry\r\n<Elenkis> well, eating and dirnking anyway\r\n<Elenkis> dirnking\r\n<Elenkis> ...\r\n<Elenkis> drinking\r\n<Elenkis> and typing too fast", "score": 200, "id": 6761},
{"quote": "<Elementl1> In all seriousness, I am currently looking for some warez at the moment.\r\n<Elementl1> I would like a Vigilante 8 ROM for the Nintendo 64.\r\n<Mulet> I'm usually not here this early. do we have an AOL hour?", "score": 375, "id": 6762},
{"quote": "<dbaker> pine4 came out recently, by the way.\r\n<dbaker> A customer called me a \"fucking unix admin nazi\" for not having pine4 installed the day it came out... :)", "score": 304, "id": 6764},
{"quote": "<Hickboy> i gotta piddle\r\n<Hickboy> doh did i say that out loud\r\n<wolvie> yes, now run to the little boy's room before anybody notices", "score": 170, "id": 6766},
{"quote": "<Romhog> anyone know what an (edict 75) repeating error is in 3wctf?\r\n<Superf0Rk> Romhog- yes\r\n<Superf0Rk> Romhog- but i'm not telling you\r\n<Superf0Rk> Romhog- until you comment on my nipples\r\n<Romhog> they look like little stereo knobs\u00a0 ;o", "score": 315, "id": 6770},
{"quote": "* Fox-20 is down with gcc (yeah you know me)", "score": 184, "id": 6771},
{"quote": "<Mr_Bandit> how come when ever i go in the sea it makes me scratch in my private bit", "score": 37, "id": 6596},
{"quote": "Fred> This computer deserves to go to hell\r\nMax>\u00a0 Dont you mean Siliconhell?\r\nFred> What ?\r\nMax> Its the place where all dead calculators go to\r\nFred> Really?", "score": 291, "id": 6601},
{"quote": "<Lewda> no oral pleasure for JOO\r\n<RB> ..\r\n<RB> I do not understand\r\n<Philgone> oh dear\r\n* Philgone motions leeda to the private window", "score": 126, "id": 6605},
{"quote": "<niff|n> why do you have so much porn Greebo?\r\n<Greebo> 'cos i like masturbating, niffin.", "score": 436, "id": 6607},
{"quote": "<@meiso> he was trying to secure his server and made the root filesystem un-writeable", "score": 175, "id": 6611},
{"quote": "<@meiso> ftp: 80921107 bytes received in 87.26Seconds 927.40Kbytes/sec.\r\n<@meiso> man this modem turbo booster really helps", "score": 87, "id": 6612},
{"quote": "<@arioch> the UT chicks looked too manly for my tastes\r\n<@arftron> serious\r\n<@meiso> wtf she is sexy\r\n<@meiso> her beard is pure ripe for stroking", "score": 302, "id": 6613},
{"quote": "<@amfeorgmloow> jon do chicks dig the C\r\n<@Jon> amfeorgmloow: they scream preprocessor directives when I take em from behind", "score": 394, "id": 6615},
{"quote": "<@Jon^D> I used to pop on IRC at 13:37 for the pure novelty of it\r\n<@Jon^D> and I'm not a loser", "score": 445, "id": 6616},
{"quote": "<Jon^D> I had to cat 8-9 seperate quote files, compare each line in each of them to make sure there weren't any duplicates then sort\r\n<Jon^D> I wrote a nasty perl script to get it donw\r\n<Jon^D> and it didn't work very well\r\n<skank> cat quote*.txt |sort |uniq", "score": 769, "id": 6618},
{"quote": "<Jon^D> if I was gay and in ireland I'd score with gav\r\n<Jon^D> he's my hero\r\n<Jon^D> he'd probably have to be gay too mind\r\n<arioch> those repressed homosexual tendencies are coming to the surface now\r\n<Jon^D> I wish I was gay", "score": 239, "id": 6619},
{"quote": "<ScottO> How was your interview, meta?\r\n<nietmeta> it's on monday \r\n<nietmeta> i gotta wait! \r\n<ScottO> How will it be, then?\r\n<nietmeta> it will be awsome \r\n<ScottO> Congrats, then.", "score": 593, "id": 6622},
{"quote": "<@Greg> how do i start apps automatically when i log into os x?\r\n<@desnarf> hit it with a hammer\r\n<@desnarf> but you need a robot arm for it to happen automatically", "score": 160, "id": 6625},
{"quote": "<BrantB> OMG!\r\n<CecilPL> what?\r\n<BrantB> I just used an acronym for Oh My God for the first time ever", "score": 454, "id": 6626},
{"quote": "<CecilPL> I have a life, I just don't do anything in it", "score": 361, "id": 6627},
{"quote": "<@unlord> yah I've gotten good at typing in the past few dasy", "score": 276, "id": 6850},
{"quote": "<greg> You know what's wrong with this channel, Nathan buys laptops and scotch, and you people ask him what kind of laptops.", "score": 944, "id": 6852},
{"quote": "* t watches win2k grind to a halt\r\n<greg> Give it some credit.\u00a0 It slows down quickly.", "score": 260, "id": 6853},
{"quote": "*** Jim Smith has quit IRC (Quit: MAH GAWD!\u00a0 New Mexico just hit Al Gore with that steel chair!\u00a0 DAMN YOU, NEW MEXICO!\u00a0 Why?\u00a0 Why?\u00a0 Why?!\u00a0 Tell me why, you sonsabitches!)", "score": 20, "id": 6854},
{"quote": "*** Sparks has quit IRC (Quit: You have never really, truly known the joys of riding on a public bus until you look around and realize that the people sitting next to you are the same ones who converse with cheese on a regular basis...)\r\nSeraph: Nothing wrong with talking to cheese.\u00a0 :)", "score": 164, "id": 6857},
{"quote": "Abyss: Matt -- you ain't got nothing i can't subpoena, army-boy.\r\nMatt Nute: From what we hear, it's a rather small subpoena.", "score": 103, "id": 6858},
{"quote": "* Alan wasn't aware Rap was an action figure.\r\nRapunzel452: Oh, yeah.\u00a0 Everyone wants a small plastic me adorning their shelf.\r\nAlecWire: Or a large plastic blow-up you...", "score": 158, "id": 6860},
{"quote": "* AlecWire fires a crossbow dart through the arrow, landing it in Foe's crotch.\r\nFoenix: HA!\u00a0 Joke's on you!\u00a0 I had no plans to use that for years!", "score": 464, "id": 6862},
{"quote": "* araignee doesn't care for DiCaprio.\u00a0 He's not to her taste.\r\nRapunzel452: He used to be able to act.\u00a0 Then he decided he didn't need to anymore.\u00a0 I have little respect for an actor who lets himself get upstaged by a ship.\r\nhetros: I believe his enormous head, while an religious object in New Guinea, scares some folk.", "score": 189, "id": 6864},
{"quote": "Brooke: If I don't get a manicure, I'm going to stick my hands in the garbage disposal.\r\nLynxie: YOU CANNOT WRITE WITH NO HANDS!\u00a0 I DON'T WANT TO WAIT 'TIL YOU LEARN TO TYPE WITH YOUR NOSE!!!!", "score": 28, "id": 6867},
{"quote": "* Brooke just adores the way you people try to worm out of stuff.\u00a0 <G>\u00a0 \"Could you explain it to Brooke?\"\u00a0 \"I'd love to, but I'm right in the middle of chewing my hand off.\"", "score": 270, "id": 6868},
{"quote": "* BrooKiki is NOT a bad person.\r\nBrooKiki: I'm not even a mean person.\u00a0 In fact, if people like that were drowned at birth like they SHOULD be, I'd be Miss Freaking Congeniality, dammit!", "score": 202, "id": 6869},
{"quote": "Brucha: I've heard a Kirk/Spock/Scotty slash done similarily.\u00a0 It haunts my nightmares, I don't need a wrestling equivalent added.\u00a0 :)\u00a0 \"The Vulcan emotion is strong and powerful...I, I can't contain it all...\"\u00a0 \"You get that thing away from him!\"\r\nJim Smith: So, Kirk and Spock had an orgy and didn't invite Bones?\u00a0 I mean, who's gonna give you more gay sex satisfaction?\u00a0 A Scotsman?\u00a0 Or a guy named \"Bones\"?\r\nBrucha: Something like that...\u00a0 Scotty stumbles upon them, tries to break it up, and then falls to the passion...\r\nJim Smith: He's such a slut...\r\nTangleToy: *wipes off screen*\u00a0 I swear.\u00a0 Why I bother trying to drink anything while in here is beyond me.", "score": 528, "id": 6870},
{"quote": "Abyss: i deeply resent the use of the term 'purity' in any context with 'The Brothers Drunk.'\u00a0 :)\r\nPhil: Oh I dunno.\u00a0 The purity of the alcohol is an important concept...\r\nDex: Yup, anything filtered through that many kidneys is going to have to be pure.", "score": 143, "id": 6871},
{"quote": "*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nova_Zion\r\n*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Nova_Zion\r\nTwistedSlinky: See.\u00a0 Channy *really* likes you.\u00a0 But watch out.\u00a0 Now that's he's opped you twice, he's gonna expect you to put out.", "score": 345, "id": 6872},
{"quote": "<Guest11734> Hello! I can redirect all your bot op request, even BETWEEN\n\u00a0 \u00a0 networks. Just type /msg Guest11734 op [botnick] [channel] [password],\n\u00a0 \u00a0 and I'll fix it for you!", "score": 178, "id": 6875},
{"quote": "<Spectra> hrm.\u00a0 Optus are going to start charging me >= $10 more per month, because \"we listened to feedback from our customers\".\r\n<Spectra> I'm fascinated which customers said \"we want to pay more for your service\".", "score": 742, "id": 6876},
{"quote": "<glasnost> 1040 ez e\r\n<glasnost> peace to all my bruvas at the iRS", "score": 38, "id": 6948},
{"quote": "<Targaff> MUD = fighting and stuff, MUSH = sitting around getting collectively high ovr a net connection", "score": 221, "id": 6713},
{"quote": "<_git_> hey folks, what does @ mean in front of someones nick?\r\n<thorn``> The @ symbol identify's the channel operators.. Chops have extra commands for control of the room\r\n<_git_> does it mean that persons is a sad wanker who spends his life on irc, has no real friends, and prefers to chat on here than in a pub?", "score": 623, "id": 6714},
{"quote": "<Tajador>\u00a0 I'm a pseudomasochist, pretend to spank me", "score": 665, "id": 6715},
{"quote": "*** Foxers has quit IRC (If idiots could fly,Dalnet would be an airport.)", "score": 372, "id": 6716},
{"quote": "<WinTek> whats a good efnet server?\r\n<Julie2> thats an oxymoron\r\n<ToidyMan> WinTek, good and efnet don't belong in the same sentence\r\n<F`Nar> they don't belong on the same internet", "score": 245, "id": 6717},
{"quote": "<Snoopen_Man> who wants to be nuked?\r\n<jeffx> me!\r\n<dedsmurf> i have already been nuked, my microwave is one of the first models made, it's leaking i think", "score": 222, "id": 6719},
{"quote": "<PUTZINGoff> Does a kid wake up one day and say Mommy/Daddy I want to grow up to be a PROCTOLOGIST!!!!!", "score": 245, "id": 6721},
{"quote": "<Goldenstimme1> 46 M lonely, self-employed, employed myself earlier this evening", "score": 224, "id": 6724},
{"quote": "<k8_fan> I have this nightmare that I die suddenly...and everyone I know starts looking through my browser cache.\r\n* Hogie-One has that same dream!", "score": 570, "id": 6727},
{"quote": "<mynx> hahaha i had a construction worker holler at me today\r\n<Wurzle> he said \"YOU FUCKING HOMO GET AWAY FROM MY BUIDING SITE!\"", "score": 250, "id": 6731},
{"quote": "<pms> Three Baby Boomers are still missing following Friday's collapse of a massive Jenga tower in this Atlanta suburb.", "score": 199, "id": 6733},
{"quote": "<pms> If you spot a minority in your gated community who is not holding a leafblower or other lawn-care device, call your local police immediately.", "score": 150, "id": 6734},
{"quote": "<dav^> uncola: man im in big fuckin trouble\r\n<dav^> uncola: help\r\n<uncola> dav^: what did you do?\r\n<dav^> i haxed my schools web page and i accidentally used my friends login/pass\r\n<dav^> and they fucking looked at the log, bastards\r\n<uncola> haha", "score": 32, "id": 6737},
{"quote": "<Trog> I pity the english\r\n* Yarn smacks trog\r\n<Trog> they go to all the trouble inventing all these sports.. and then they turn out to SUCK ASS at them", "score": 438, "id": 6738},
{"quote": "<ProFessional_Widow> i have back stage asses\r\n<ProFessional_Widow> passes", "score": 268, "id": 6742},
{"quote": "<Kash> I'd donate sperm to the helpless supermodels \r\n<Kash> THEY ARE STRAVING YOU KNOW \r\n<Kash> ..STARVING \r\n<Maugan> SPERM....Its whats for dinner", "score": 91, "id": 7034},
{"quote": "<jabroni77> ANY FEMALES NOT BLOND 120 POUNDS AND MODEL LIKE??? ON THE NET?", "score": 177, "id": 6773},
{"quote": "<didas>\u00a0\u00a0 ok when anyone sees nirvanas_owner i need them to tel me to mail me \r\n<AnnoyN_Princess> u want him to tell u to mail urself?", "score": 79, "id": 6774},
{"quote": "<RadiX> I had a thought\r\n<Isando> Wow it must have come as a surprise to you.\r\n<RadiX> at first I thought it was a headache.. I wasn't sure what it was.", "score": 682, "id": 6775},
{"quote": "<FindUrFire> how old are you rad,alone?\r\n<SUPER--RAD> i'm 22 years old alone & with others i'm still 22", "score": 828, "id": 6777},
{"quote": "<Dr-Arcane> so the profile is black trenchcoa wearing doom players who listen to industrial and make explosives.. Well.. looks like we should just start arresting CS students randomly", "score": 325, "id": 6778},
{"quote": "<DaScott> I want to be in the @home commercials, when they interview the dorks that use it \"I can sure download a ton of porn!\"", "score": 208, "id": 6780},
{"quote": "<^o-o^> somebody told me once never to use the words \"I\", \"myself\" or \"me\" in a resume\r\n<^o-o^> anybody here follow this rule ?\r\n<DeLorean> No.\r\n<DeLorean> It sounds wishy-washy.\r\n<cafuego> I myself have never applied that rule to me.", "score": 478, "id": 6781},
{"quote": "<^o-o^> the development version of Xemacs has a warning file in it\r\n<^o-o^> \"People with epilepsy, persons with a history of heart problems and users of Viagra should not use this version of Xemacs\"\r\n<drwiii> i bet bob dole is sitting home pissed because he can't use that version of Xemacs", "score": 227, "id": 6782},
{"quote": "<DeLorean> fuckin' idiot.\r\n<DeLorean> My boss has me checking his AOL mail ever 30 fuckin' seconds.\r\n<DeLorean> I hate when he's in the office.\r\n<DeLorean> He's never here.\r\n<DeLorean> He's here maybe one day a month.\r\n<`Sean> DeL:\u00a0 Hey, those life and death decisions are made on AOL!", "score": 47, "id": 6784},
{"quote": "<LordSuggs> and i got a new 19\" monitor at work\r\n<DeLorean> I can just imagine THAT interview; \"...and how big was the monitor at your last job?\"\r\n<LordSuggs> heh\r\n<LordSuggs> well my monitor isnt the only thing about me thats massive ;)\r\n<DeLorean> heh\r\n<DeLorean> ego", "score": 190, "id": 6785},
{"quote": "<nwa_> someone sniff me and send me a copy of all the info you collect, i am most interested\r\n<beeMind> nwa_: I've been sniffing you and I have some info. You smell funny.", "score": 404, "id": 6786},
{"quote": "<drdink> hey\r\n<drdink> who's good at graphics and logos and crap?\r\n<xanatos> drdink; I'm pretty good at crap (I make my own)", "score": 683, "id": 6788},
{"quote": "<astyanax>\u00a0 /topic Yes, slashdot is down, please remain seated and oxygen masks will drop frmo the overhead compartment", "score": 303, "id": 6789},
{"quote": "<Kelly> i know a guy who was so facinated w/ tits he take two condoms, fills them w/ water, ties them together, slings them over his shoulders and wears them in a bra\r\n<crazym> Kelly: you need to get out less.\r\n<Kelly> heh!", "score": 375, "id": 6791},
{"quote": "<shawn> refurbished is when something is defective and the manufacturer finds it to be a simple repair and then resells them to cheap bastards like myself", "score": 224, "id": 6794},
{"quote": "<drdink> WaL-_-MarT: I used to know how to do an overhead page in your store\r\n<WaL-_-MarT> cool, drdink..\r\n<drdink> actually what you do\r\n<drdink> is you take walmart's employee phone off the pole\r\n<drdink> and go get a portable phone from the electronics department\r\n<drdink> and plug it in to the pole\r\n<drdink> and you can walk around the store\r\n<drdink> and they can't catch you\r\n<drdink> just don't leave, or its stealing", "score": 336, "id": 6797},
{"quote": "<bos> whats that goatse\u00a0 website again ? I need it", "score": 288, "id": 6798},
{"quote": "<Bad-Co> Next time your having a bad day, think of this... Your a siamese twin, your brother is gay and your not. But you only got one arsehole.", "score": 260, "id": 6879},
{"quote": "(Pills) \"You've got a low IQ\" (new signon to AOL sound)", "score": 166, "id": 6883},
{"quote": "<rick_rizzy> dude how's this for a horror story\r\n<rick_rizzy> i just ate a hershey's kiss\r\n<rick_rizzy> but sort of half choked on it\r\n<rick_rizzy> some of it got caught in my throat\r\n<rick_rizzy> so i was all snorting and trying to cough it up\r\n<rick_rizzy> and now it's all up in my upper throat and nasal passage\r\n<rick_rizzy> I'M IN HELL", "score": 370, "id": 6885},
{"quote": "[Topic\u00a0 \u00a0 ] Synoptica changes topic to '[ madwoota != sober ]'\r\n[madwoota ] since i have only to quote 2 lines from a .log file to change all your opinions, wonder hwat i couljd get insteae", "score": 25, "id": 6886},
{"quote": "<_Tenchi_> jwzrd-: are you a pole smoker too ?\r\n<jwzrd-> _Tenchi_: why, you want your pole smoked ?", "score": 165, "id": 6889},
{"quote": "<sal> how to best explain the need for distributed systems to management? redundancy?\r\n<Morbus> bodies.\r\n<Morbus> think about it: if you bury a single body in one place, when the police find it, you're screwed.\r\n<Morbus> but cut a body up and bury it all over the place, and you're maximizing your potential.\r\n<sal> yeah im sure that'll hit close enough to home", "score": 552, "id": 6890},
{"quote": "<RazorX> tired of hearing my 200 pound upstairs neighbor walk \r\n<chemdog> hey, I'm 200 lbs! \r\n<RazorX> so is she \r\n<chemdog> doh! \r\n<FS_Falcon_GA> Raxoz you haven't tried to hit it yet? \r\n<RazorX> no ive heard it getting hit.... i think it hits back \r\n<FS_Falcon_GA> Man we didn't get you drunk enough yet. I'll have to work on that \r\n<RazorX> not enough beer in the world my man", "score": 210, "id": 6891},
{"quote": "<fagg0t> I need no ignore list...I'm quite capable of ignoring people with my BRAIN", "score": 292, "id": 6892},
{"quote": "<dawgs> I got virgins who got a pimp? /msg me", "score": 17, "id": 6893},
{"quote": "<NalezWork> aaw fuck\r\n<NalezWork> I just did a rm -rf blah * instead of a rm -rf blah &", "score": 193, "id": 6899},
{"quote": "<sbp> oh, I just remembered something\r\n<Morbus> no, i already dropped your underwear in the mail.", "score": 173, "id": 6905},
{"quote": "<Toen> OH NO! A steamroller comes barreling down on brentai! He must roll 1d20! Less than 6 escapes death!\r\n<Toen> unless he wants to use up his luck charm and make it a 1d10!\r\n<Brentai> I use my raping skill to rape the steamroller.\r\n<Toen> your rape is ineffective against the cold, solid steel!\r\n<Brentai> Well, crud.\r\n<Brentai> 1d10\r\n<Dildice> Brentai: 9\r\n<Brentai> Er, 1d20.\r\n<Brentai> 1d20\r\n<Dildice> Brentai: 14\r\n<Brentai> Crap, and crap.\r\n<Toen> squish\r\n<Brentai> Well, I went out trying to rape a steamroller.\u00a0 It's a man's death.", "score": 1818, "id": 6908},
{"quote": "<AaronSw> To prevent this day from getting worse, I'll just read ERROR as GOOD THING", "score": 596, "id": 6909},
{"quote": "<CapnKev> btw, chicks really dig a man with a palmpilot.\r\n<goosedaemon> really?\r\n<piman> Yeah. Do they politely excuse themselves rather than blatently run away?", "score": 243, "id": 6911},
{"quote": "<pvx> why do these psycho's always msg my bot?\r\n<xf> Because that is what psychos do.\r\n<MenTaLguY> more to the point, why do a majority of them seem to be from Brazil?\r\n<xf> Because that is where psychos live.", "score": 381, "id": 6912},
{"quote": "<pvx> alright, ive come up with a good description.. it looks like snot that was soaked in cum, rolled around in encheladas, and put in a freezer for an hour.", "score": 40, "id": 6914},
{"quote": "<aer> I don't like pamela anderson type breasts\r\n<xf> Their remote controls are annoying and not well documented.", "score": 235, "id": 6918},
{"quote": "<dh> man irc is a waste of time...i should go play quake or something...", "score": 387, "id": 6949},
{"quote": "<glasnost> i didn't have a life.\r\n<glasnost> i had a BBS.", "score": 196, "id": 6951},
{"quote": "<glasnost> i just talked to some girls on this hall.\r\n<glasnost> they're like, female and stuff.", "score": 472, "id": 6954},
{"quote": "<null> glasnost: what version of the internet did you install?/\r\n<glasnost> null: 5.0", "score": 231, "id": 6955},
{"quote": "<friction> hey hey.\r\n<Turbovec> yo yo yo flapjack\r\n<friction> i... don't know what that means.\r\n<Turbovec> its raper talk, you're not supposed to understand dawg ;-)\r\n<FlipTopBox> Turbovec: i believe you either mean \"rapper\" or \"rapist\".\u00a0 considering the context, i'm supposing the first.", "score": 456, "id": 6956},
{"quote": "<ZXTPKNNOBBBSSCS> rosy palm pilots?", "score": 3, "id": 6958},
{"quote": "<greg> I like bush, but i dont like Busch or Bush.", "score": 218, "id": 6959},
{"quote": "<ZXPKNOBB> I invented this incredible cough drop medicine!\u00a0 The side effects include mild coughing.", "score": 305, "id": 6960},
{"quote": "<zhixel:#916> <matrix> woah. I know perl. </matrix>\r\n<junk:#916> you forgot the trailing dude", "score": 201, "id": 6961},
{"quote": "<SlapAyoda:#916> felix, do these girls names end in jpg or gif?\r\n<felix:#916> slap: names are insignificant", "score": 278, "id": 6962},
{"quote": "<felix:#slackware> ne1 isn't here.\u00a0 try AOL", "score": 328, "id": 6963},
{"quote": "<lokia:#916> you obvioously havent been modeming long", "score": 36, "id": 6964},
{"quote": "<glasnost> kkf: we should get married, so you can be kkk.\r\n<kkf> hmm...\u00a0 wow, another reason not to marry you :)\r\n<glasnost> ouch, that backfired", "score": 336, "id": 6965},
{"quote": "<kate> you MALE.\u00a0 always wanting to talk about football instead of my menstrual cycle.", "score": 885, "id": 6967},
{"quote": "<glas_paper> my paper has the word count of the beast", "score": 268, "id": 6969},
{"quote": "<RunMe> I saw people fucking in the NRV parking lot once back in high school\r\n<RunMe> it was pretty fucking disgusting\r\n<glasnost> thats an appropriate type of disgusting.", "score": 302, "id": 6970},
{"quote": "<vampyr> i didn't lose it in the sense of i can't find it\r\n<vampyr> i lost it networkically", "score": 184, "id": 6975},
{"quote": "<Grant|BnW> Have you seen what happens if you give the mariners a sheep?\r\n<CrashCat> lots of uses \r\n<Grant|BnW> \"A sheep. Lovely! Sheep have many uses, and the voyage is long.\"\r\n<CrashCat> try giving them a woman \r\n<Grant|BnW> What do they say? \r\n<Grant|BnW> I'm trying to be nice now, so I don't want to if they'll rape or eat her.\r\n<Grant|BnW> I wouldn't put anything past fucking accordian players.", "score": 202, "id": 7134},
{"quote": "<Brellium> Hey where is everyone in Ao? \r\n<Rattran> Stuck in a wall", "score": 173, "id": 7036},
{"quote": "<casss> divX runs slightly jittery on comp\r\n<casss> is that cause of vid card?\r\n<JtHMx> it's cuz you're gy\r\n<sirg> but how does the codec know that?\r\n<JtHMx> it's magic\r\n<sirg> very cool!\r\n* sirg is way impressed", "score": 191, "id": 7038},
{"quote": "<DocWebstr> *cough*BULLSHIT*cough*\r\n<Lazarus> Doc, you really gotta quit inhaling all that bullshit; it's not good for you.", "score": 725, "id": 7039},
{"quote": "<Maugan> How did Mako get the 8 year old boy to cry twice? \r\n<Mako> Maugan: I forget, how? \r\n<Maugan> He wiped his bloody dick on its teddy bear \r\n<Kash> He wiped the blood on \r\n<Kash> fucker", "score": -53, "id": 7041},
{"quote": "<LizziBayb> hey, narcissism ain't a bad thing.\u00a0 sometimes it's the only unconditional love you can get", "score": 278, "id": 7048},
{"quote": "<Necron> man, can't even start an op war in here anymore. \r\n<Necron> :( \r\n*** Necron was kicked by Conskill (Conskill) \r\n<Conskill> Op war won.", "score": 342, "id": 7050},
{"quote": "<anarch> do you get to beat your pets like in dungeon keeper? \r\n<Twinkcide> You can beat them and throw things at them! \r\n<anarch> sweet \r\n* Twinkcide throws anarch into the side of a mountain", "score": 75, "id": 7053},
{"quote": "<Dracleath> You know, its disturbing how much the frosting for dominos cinnamon sticks looks like semen", "score": 215, "id": 7056},
{"quote": "<Lazarus> Anyone care to guess my sign?\r\n<DocWebstr> \"Keep Off\"?\r\n<Lazarus> Wrong Way.\r\n<Beki> this end up? :)\r\n<K`shandra> \"Thank You - Come Again.\" ;-)", "score": 609, "id": 7057},
{"quote": "<Staberinde> The worst of the bunch was this \r\n* Staberinde points at his crotch \r\n<Staberinde> \"Ya know this thing isn't going to blow itself!\" \r\n<CrashCat> it will if you wire it with explosives \r\n<Staberinde> Well yes, but that's only when the zombies are near", "score": 196, "id": 7064},
{"quote": "<skatoni> will some one please help\r\n<shev> ya?\r\n<skatoni> there is a guy hacking into my computer\r\n<shev> unplug your modem\r\n<skatoni> how?\r\n<shev> see those wires behind your computer?\r\n<shev> rip'em all out\r\n*** skatoni has quit IRC (Read error to skatoni[]: Connection reset by peer)", "score": 678, "id": 7065},
{"quote": "<Ein|sk00l> Goddammit. \r\n<Ein|sk00l> Is it too much to ask for ONE hot shower a week? \r\n<Staberinde> Yes \r\n<Staberinde> But then I live in California \r\n<Staberinde> Where its too much to ask for electricity at least once a week", "score": 289, "id": 7066},
{"quote": "<Naivete> the Christian Culture Club scheduled Jesus Day \r\n<Naivete> and the Gay Culture Club scheduled Gay Day on the same day \r\n*** Naivete was kicked by Kash (...) \r\n<Naivete> and harassed the christians.", "score": 5, "id": 7067},
{"quote": "<anarch> i should put some pants on and go check my mail \r\n<Burimpu> or you could do it without pants", "score": 174, "id": 7069},
{"quote": "<Joe_> The word \"gun\" has been replaced with \"Poppinfresh Poke\" in all of the history books. Didn't they cover that on the news? \r\n<Joe_> Lemme get my book \r\n<Joe_> The M-1A, the standar issue Poppinfresh Poke up until the Korean Thumbwrestle. \r\n<Joe_> Then, at the advent of the Vietman Squardance, the new standard issue Poppinfresh Poke was a modified version of the old, named the M16a, or as the soldiers called it: \"Hoo hoo!\"", "score": 187, "id": 7070},
{"quote": "<Staberinde> What I'm wondering is why the ACLU isn't bringing lawsuits against these schools that suspend kids for drawings or writings. I mean if that's not depriving someone of their freedom of speech I don't know what is. \r\n<Joe_> Because the Supreme Court ruled that the constitution doesn't extend to schools. \r\n<Staberinde> That means my old high school can secede from the union then, right? \r\n<Joe_> It could work..", "score": 445, "id": 7072},
{"quote": "<Joe_> I got arrested by a school poice officer. \r\n<Joe_> Up until I was sitting in Juvi for a couple hours, I was being illegaly detained. \r\n<Joe_> Heh.. last time I try to ditch school to take a shit. \r\n<Joe_> From now on, I'm shitting in my locker. Let them find THAT the next time they do a random search. \r\n<Joe_> I can see it now. A stare down. Me, with my pants down. The cop, nose covered, gun drawn.", "score": 295, "id": 7073},
{"quote": "<fuckin`eh> If you think your cool CLICK HERE!\r\n<JtHM> fuckin`eh: nothing happened when I clicked :(", "score": 307, "id": 6800},
{"quote": "<YyzKnicks> what is anal sex anyway, when you think about it too much and get neurotic?\u00a0\u00a0 Ohh, you mean butt sex", "score": 241, "id": 6802},
{"quote": "<drdink> what are c31487-a and cc31487-a?\r\n<drwiii> they are numbers, accompanied by letters and dashes.", "score": 518, "id": 6803},
{"quote": "<justin> i had a guy claim sending ctcp fuckyou's was a DOS attack and try to get my account deleted\r\n<justin> 'cain' on efnet.. fuckwit\r\n<cafuego> '*!*@*' on efnet.. fuckwit", "score": 122, "id": 6804},
{"quote": "<Funicide> oh oui oui merci oui oh oui merci\r\n<Funicide> awwwww oui\r\n<Unill> french?\r\n<Funicide> thats the sound of 2 gay dude humping in paris", "score": 13, "id": 6810},
{"quote": "(user1) whio'\r\n(user1) is awke?!?2\r\n(user1) aggha\r\n(user1) aned to think i oepratd a motr vejcal", "score": 839, "id": 6812},
{"quote": "<@Logan> I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident.\r\n<@Logan> I was thinking \"What the hell is this guy doing?\"", "score": 5994, "id": 6824},
{"quote": "<tweet> does n e one else's gf ever told them they wanna fuck you with a strapon?\r\n<Nekorin> Good news, Tweet, you have a girlfriend.\r\n<Nekorin> Bad news, she's thinks you're gay.", "score": 665, "id": 6828},
{"quote": "* Logan learns how to say no to requests of programming assistance.\r\n<loop> uh oh\r\n<loop> that sounds bad for everybody like me", "score": 214, "id": 6833},
{"quote": "<angst> someone off campus was looking at my penis.\r\n<angst> i think i spend too much time analyzing people's actions in my webserver's logs", "score": 264, "id": 6834},
{"quote": "<angst> i want a relationship with more depth.\r\n<angst> and no, i don't mean a deeper asshole.\r\n<angst> i mean someone who can deep-throat.", "score": 475, "id": 6836},
{"quote": "<q[torg]> joel is a cox high speed member.\r\n<bliant> so he gets high speed cox?\r\n<japov> nah it's my uncles high speed cox", "score": 290, "id": 6838},
{"quote": "<{Work}Logan> It feels like quitting time, and one should trust one's feelings.", "score": 75, "id": 6842},
{"quote": "<Logan> What kind of router takes 30 minutes to \"cycle.\"\r\n<glasnost> i think we all know the answer to that\r\n<Logan> I don't think they're using an NT box for routing.", "score": 252, "id": 6843},
{"quote": "<Iggz> i had a touching experience on the subway today\r\n<Iggz> i sat beside a priest\r\n<spoon> kinky\r\n<Iggz> ......", "score": 767, "id": 6848},
{"quote": "<Uriel> crackhead is driving at 60 MPH and talking to the seats. A stoner is driving at 6 MPH and munching on the seats\r\n<piman> How fast will they be going in 2 hours when they hit?\r\n<pvx> 0 mph. Dammed elephant crossings..", "score": 341, "id": 6919},
{"quote": "<Satrina> and no, that's my friend Marissa The Nympho Elf :P\r\n<Satrina> we put the Ho in Nympho", "score": 228, "id": 6921},
{"quote": "<piman> RVD: Whereas the amount of people watching wrestling grows, oddly enough, at the same rate as the people who are 3rd generation welfare recipients.", "score": 249, "id": 6922},
{"quote": "<piman> Lindz: Does Ricky Martin scare you too?\r\n<piman> Based on the way he dances, I think he's Steve Ballmer's long lost twin...", "score": 163, "id": 6923},
{"quote": "<MenTaLguY> You know, the trouble with cocaine is that the \"...but I didn't inhale\" excuse doesn't work", "score": 188, "id": 6927},
{"quote": "<piman> DAMMIT NETSCAPE!\r\n<piman> DO NOT FREEZE WHEN MY MOTHER WALKS IN AND I AM LOOKING AT PORN!", "score": 1136, "id": 6928},
{"quote": "<psichan> nipple rings remind me of giant castle doors\r\n<psichan> whenever I see someone showing off nipple rings, I want to reach out and yank on them, screaming \"SANCTUARY!\"", "score": 1004, "id": 6930},
{"quote": "<Ibrahim> mike should work for tech support\r\n<Ibrahim> not any company in particular, just tech support in genreal\r\n<michael> Ibrahim, That seems like a good idea in theory. But take into account my acute lack of patience.\r\n<Ibrahim> that's the point.\r\n<Ibrahim> we record all calls, video tape you, and sell it as comedy things.\r\n<michael>\r\n<Ibrahim> you'd make plenty of money.\r\n<michael>\r\n<Ibrahim> Free Donuts.\r\n<michael>\r\n<Ibrahim> how about your choice of 20 nude women at your beck and call carrying large tropical drinks.\r\n<Ibrahim> actually, we could make more money with said 20 women and the video.\r\n<michael> How about we combine all of them?\r\n<Ibrahim> a comedy about 20 nude women with donuts and large tropical drinks?\r\n<LdySaphyre> I want the video of Ib trying to talk twenty women into being michael's nude servants.\r\n<michael> Ibrahim, No. A comedy about 20 nude women seducing me and offering me large tropical drinks while I try to perform my duties as a tech support person :P\r\n<Ibrahim> now THERE is a video!", "score": 490, "id": 6931},
{"quote": "<Nelson> duh; try not to make getting blown the entire meaning of your existance", "score": 25, "id": 6932},
{"quote": "<CapnKev> Nothing's illegal when you're dead.\r\n<Satrina> \"dead girls don't say no\"", "score": 192, "id": 6934},
{"quote": "<rayena> Oh great.. I'm covered with salad again\r\n<michael> Lesbian salad wrestling, on the next Jerry Springer", "score": 227, "id": 6935},
{"quote": "<eric> ...whered #goatsex go?\r\n<PyroP> hell.\r\n<eric> mommy, where do cheerleaders come from?\r\n<PyroP> hell.\r\n<eric> ...whats lleh backwards?\r\n<LdySaphyre> cheerleader.", "score": 135, "id": 6938},
{"quote": "<Dominitus> I meant what i said, you need a diagram giving you the proper strategy\r\n<Mr_Fish> ON HOW TO MASTURBATE/\r\n<Mr_Fish> ...\r\n<[SA]mr_box> yes\r\n<[SA]mr_box> lol\r\n<Mr_Fish> i've already looked for instructions on the net.", "score": 78, "id": 6942},
{"quote": "<skynxnex> let's call it \"Glasnosat's and Skynxnex's Rockingly good Web Broswer with a Cool name\"\r\n<skynxnex> or Gasrgwbwacn for short.", "score": 283, "id": 6945},
{"quote": "<Prophet_Tenebrae> i am to porn what pot noodle is to snacks.\r\n<Wesley> an insult?", "score": 414, "id": 7227},
{"quote": "* vampyr giggles in a sinister manner\r\n<vampyr> hmm..that didn't come out right\r\n* vampyr chortles in a sinister manner", "score": 451, "id": 6976},
{"quote": "<ZXPKNOBB> I should make a cereal, where it is potato chips.\r\n<ZXPKNOBB> And you must eat it in water, not in milk.\r\n<ZXPKNOBB> It'll be called Gross Flakes.", "score": 472, "id": 6977},
{"quote": "<pkt> if i was giving some one cpr, and i heard my ups beeping, i would stop the cpr, and make sure my computer got plugged in somewhere else", "score": 177, "id": 6978},
{"quote": "<glasnost> shiva: the zoo is where are the hardcore niggas hang out\r\n<shiva> we chill next to the lions\r\n<shiva> with our gats\r\n<shiva> lickin' our snow cones", "score": 308, "id": 6979},
{"quote": "<chococat44> you just cant keep a good man down\r\n<greg> Conversly, you can't keep a bad man up.", "score": 144, "id": 6980},
{"quote": "<zoner> anyone know the content-type for a .exe \r\n<ZXPKNOBB> It's content-type is \"fun\".", "score": 159, "id": 6982},
{"quote": "<unlord> you are now talking to a man who owns a piece of furniture for the express purpose of sleeping on it\r\n<Animix> oooooooooooh\r\n<Animix> can I have your autograph", "score": 297, "id": 6983},
{"quote": "<vamp_work> some guy named Debian hacked my box and made it unstable\r\n<vamp_work> it tells me every time I log in", "score": 358, "id": 6986},
{"quote": "<@vampyr> clearly Trent Reznor is a debian user", "score": 165, "id": 6987},
{"quote": "<mantid> outlander, it's a simple analog controller\r\n<warptail> like my wang.", "score": 215, "id": 6992},
{"quote": "<mgod> weights 300 or something\u00a0 \r\n<mgod> she sez she has a thyroid problem\r\n<bats> um i didn't know nabisco made thyroids", "score": 624, "id": 6994},
{"quote": "<Javi> a gijoe game would suck\r\n<Javi> cause nobody ever dies", "score": 214, "id": 6996},
{"quote": "<enojy> im gonna tell my parents im a father so i get a present on sunday", "score": 215, "id": 6998},
{"quote": "<evenpar123> Radioactive rain would be pretty freaky\r\n<evenpar123> You'd need a pretty strong umbrella...\r\n<Slant> evenpar123: Umbrella wouldn't help.\r\n<evenpar123> Lead bubble?\r\n<Slant> Shit, living inside of a motorized lead bubble would be cool.\r\n<evenpar123> Where would you get gas?\r\n<Slant> You could use the rain.\r\n<evenpar123> But, how would you use the internet?\r\n<mightyflo> use aol", "score": 205, "id": 7000},
{"quote": "<LizziBabe> Kiri!\u00a0 I got something you just *gotta* have!\r\n<Lazarus> Lizzi: Sex?", "score": 265, "id": 7001},
{"quote": "<@Logan> I think my roommate has a strong aversion to taking out the trash.\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n<@drini> kill him\r\n<@drini> ok maybe not a good idea\r\n<@drini> you'll have to take out garbagetwice\r\n<@drini> as often", "score": 146, "id": 7004},
{"quote": "<Rikhei> I am *not* a pricktease\r\n<K`shandra> oh - you follow through.\u00a0 Okay. ;-)", "score": 221, "id": 7005},
{"quote": "* Rasputin found a student's share open on the network of 2.35 gigs of PR0n\r\n<Rasputin> plus various movies and other crap \r\n<Neep> Are you going to admin his ass or download it all? \r\n<Rasputin> both, Neep. Both. :) \r\n<Prior_Tuck> yes...but it could be illegal. \r\n<Rasputin> What's illegal? I'm archving for possible er...administrative purposes", "score": 387, "id": 7136},
{"quote": "<Prior_Tuck> I got a guy busted during my year at eaton. he had 6 gigs of \"illegal\" pron, as wel as 15 gigs of legal pron. I turned his PC to my boss..where my boss called the police. \r\n<CrashCat> so did he have the pr0n put into two directories, 'legal' and 'illegal'? :P \r\n<Prior_Tuck> yes he did actually \r\n<Prior_Tuck> he had his word docs folder and his powerpoint folder", "score": 243, "id": 7137},
{"quote": "<Prior_Tuck> We had a real Pron king at eaton though. He wad a 30 gig HD full of pron. He requests a new Hard Drive. We suspected he was downloading. He refused to give us his PC, but we insisted to take install the new drive. I took his ten times embedded folder and clicked delete. Put the harddrive in my PC and gave hi his PC back. I told him his cache was full. hes got plenty of room", "score": 129, "id": 7138},
{"quote": "<Neep> I'm still wondering what the exact definition of illegal pron is. \r\n<Rasputin> children \r\n<Sbot> children are VERY expensive", "score": 118, "id": 7139},
{"quote": "<Naivete> god, this shit is so much more efficient than windows \r\n<Naivete> linux kernel=1 file \r\n<Naivete> windows kernel=2/3 of your total ram, NO MATTER HOW MUCH OF THAT RAM THERE IS.", "score": 290, "id": 7141},
{"quote": "<DanSTC> Delusion, will you have my baby?\r\n<Delusion> Dan:\u00a0 Yes, if it's cooked well.", "score": 693, "id": 7143},
{"quote": "<megaHAL> CHESS IS A FUN SPORT, WHEN PLAYED WITH SHOT GUNS.", "score": 443, "id": 7145},
{"quote": "<_Rojo_> I want to compile her kernel\r\n<_Rojo_> christ\r\n<_Rojo_> computer-geek foreplay", "score": 298, "id": 7148},
{"quote": "<Fryboy> stormos sister aint that bad\r\n<stormo> please don't talk about my sister like that\r\n<ambrness> go back to insulting me and my taste, Fryboy .. safer ground\r\n<stormo> she has more integrity than to go out with some loser who spends all his life on IRC\r\n<Fryboy> ahahahah\r\n-ambrness- thats why incest is out of the question for him", "score": 288, "id": 7152},
{"quote": "<bumr> maybe he makes mad love to the penguin \r\n<dys> Perhaps Cathy wears a Tux the Penguin suit for him.\r\n<dys> And then he \"debugs her code\" all night long.\r\n<bumr> cunnilinux", "score": 1122, "id": 7153},
{"quote": "<KINGofEXTREME> alligators are male crocdiles", "score": 120, "id": 7155},
{"quote": "<vas> my dad recons i dont look up porn \r\n<vas> cuase i tell him it would come up on the bill if i do so", "score": 328, "id": 7156},
{"quote": "<DeF`> hehe... The Man in the Iron Mask made me cry... for real\r\n<cuzzzin> debbie does dallas made me jack off", "score": 368, "id": 7157},
{"quote": "<Chambered> my hair is halfway down my back\r\n<tize> thats too long\r\n<Chambered> but when your taking a shit and run out of paper, its alright", "score": 146, "id": 7158},
{"quote": "<b|aze> i wanked my dog once\r\n<b|aze> haha\r\n<b|aze> i was so pissed", "score": 33, "id": 7159},
{"quote": "<dEaD_fAiRy> plus the guy has to look a certian way to turn me on\r\n<Mousey> does he have to look desperate", "score": 348, "id": 7160},
{"quote": "<KINGofEXTREME> i forgot cars come in manual man\r\n<KINGofEXTREME> my friend starts changing gears\r\n<KINGofEXTREME> im like what are you doing\r\n<KINGofEXTREME> didnt know what was going on", "score": 297, "id": 7161},
{"quote": "<gegi> same reason people look down on you if you're into BDSM but prefer the man to be the dom \r\n<Naivete> people look down on that? \r\n<Naivete> why? \r\n<Nicademus> cause the girl is tied to the floor duh \r\n<Nicademus> kinda hard to look up at her", "score": 331, "id": 7074},
{"quote": "<Einer> Charging for porn is like caging a beautiful unicorn in a deep, dark dungeon.", "score": 630, "id": 7077},
{"quote": "<DocWebstr> Okay... a couple of things before I very literally go pass out....\r\n<Mycroft> If it's about Soylent Green, we already know. :)", "score": 290, "id": 7079},
{"quote": "<slog> Is Susan Sarandon too old to be considered \"dooable\"? \r\n<Joe_> Yes. \r\n<Kiler> I'd still do her \r\n<Rain|Joker> She's borderline \r\n<slog> that's 1 yes, 1 no, 1 maybe \r\n<Pander> Desperation is the key factor. \r\n<Kranrev> I'd say yes, but it would be creepy \r\n<Lum_> Ben Franklin said of older women: \"They know what they are doing, and they are eternally grateful\". \r\n<Lum_> in case you don't know your history Franklin was pretty much a slutpuppy", "score": 465, "id": 7083},
{"quote": "<JanetBabe> love is the answer\r\n<Weather> What was the question?\r\n<DulRiff> what is 6 times 9?\r\n<JanetBabe> how many angels can fuck on the head of a pin?", "score": 101, "id": 7086},
{"quote": "<Naivete> I wouldn't be surprised if xrg is down for good. \r\n<Soul|gone> it has been 24 hours. \r\n<Soul|gone> that is a pretty good indication that it went bye bye \r\n<Naivete> that would make me rather sad. \r\n<Naivete> not all that sad, mind you. \r\n<Naivete> but still pretty sad. \r\n<Damarr> Just sad enough to make you feel sad \r\n<Naivete> exactly", "score": 150, "id": 7088},
{"quote": "<Kash> Biee, my modem cost me 8 bucks \r\n<Bieeardo> Holy shit.\u00a0 That's... oy. \r\n<Kash> IT IS A CURCUIT BOARD AND A BELL \r\n<Kash> circuit \r\n<Kash> lol \r\n<Bieeardo> Oh, so it's a hard-coded version of EQ?", "score": 41, "id": 7089},
{"quote": "<CrashCat> I could never place a personal ad.\u00a0 I would live on p0rn and irc before I got that far.\u00a0 oh wait", "score": 269, "id": 7090},
{"quote": "<Madman> woohoo! \r\n<Madman> made it thru the 3rd level! \r\n<CrashCat> gratz \r\n<CrashCat> before you know it you'll be done and saying 'this game sux, it's too short' and taking it back to the store", "score": 162, "id": 7091},
{"quote": "<Kyle|> I AM THE MOST STRONGER PROGRAMMING MEN IN THE WORLD!!!!!", "score": 234, "id": 7094},
{"quote": "<Joe_> What is the idea behind Black % White? \r\n<Kash> Joe, it's CAtz with better AI, and villagers \r\n<Joe_> So, a gigapet with a surrounding town? \r\n<Kash> yea \r\n<Kash> pretty damn fun \r\n<Joe_> They scrapped UO2 for pokemon.", "score": 172, "id": 7098},
{"quote": "<Rain|BW> sbot jesus \r\n<Sbot> Jesus Saves! But Gretzky Rebounds, He Shoots, He Scores! \r\n<Rain|BW> tee-hee-hee \r\n<CrashCat> jesus saves souls and redeems them for valuable prizes at the ticket counter \r\n<gegi> Jesus saves, the rest of you take 5d20 damage.", "score": 1159, "id": 7103},
{"quote": "(Deathwing) I get to see a concert tomorrow, so there\r\n(Lanfear) what concert?\r\n(Deathwing) some guy who plays guitar for commercials\r\n(zed) Wow, some guy who plays guitar for commercials.\r\n(Deathwing) zed, he's one of the most famous guitarist in the world, actually\r\n(Deathwing) up there with Joe Satriani, among others\r\n(Lanfear) that's why you call him 'some guy'?", "score": 250, "id": 7106},
{"quote": "(goosedaemon) someone define \"talking out of [a] ass\"\r\n(Leper_Mess) goose; you know.. get a donkey, and speak without moving your lips so it looks like the donkey's talking.", "score": 191, "id": 7108},
{"quote": "(@sno) Emacs can mow down forests too. But it mows down forests with the passing of its fat, bloated ass.", "score": 247, "id": 7109},
{"quote": "<@Spider124> Gay ass homo, as opposed to \"Hetero Ass homo\"", "score": 249, "id": 7110},
{"quote": "<PyroP> My sister has freinds over. They're banging the piano.\r\n<piman> PyroP, Uh...\r\n<aer> I see..\r\n<PyroP> ^banging^banging on", "score": 478, "id": 7111},
{"quote": "asjk] !list\r\n[asjk] anyone know a good open ftp?\r\n[ck1]\r\n[asjk] need a userid/pw\r\n[ck1]anonymous\r\n[bluerose] oh come on give him the good account\r\n[ck1] :)\r\n[bluerose] l: hax0r\r\n[bluerose] p: 31337\r\n[asjk] thx", "score": 525, "id": 7229},
{"quote": "[ace_kevi] heh, i didn't know there was a programming language called\r\nbrainfuck.\r\n[buz-] goes by \"MIPS assembler\" also", "score": 304, "id": 7230},
{"quote": "<dietz> Computers, the internet, it's just a large scale version of Knott's Berry Farm.\r\n<dietz> Oh, and instead of Snoopy, there's porn. Yeah.", "score": 219, "id": 7231},
{"quote": "<OneEyedJack> Someone tell me why everyone lists one of their hobbies as either \"hanging out\" or \"partying\"?\r\n<Qtechie> I like to hang out while I party... but chicks are always grossed out by it, and guys tend to beat me up for it", "score": 551, "id": 7235},
{"quote": "<fo0bar> fuck, how do I contact the IRS?\r\n<egon> cheat on your taxes... they'll contact you.", "score": 546, "id": 7239},
{"quote": "<Grum_Trivia> shithead1 has won 50 in a row!! Total Points this WEEK: 22347 & this MONTH: 34899 \r\n<Shithead1> I am fucking tired of trivia \r\n<Grumman> imagine that", "score": 411, "id": 7244},
{"quote": "<Mike_3486> i wonder if i could smother somebody using the CO2 from a Coke can <Sock_Monkee> shrug \r\n<Mike_3486> nobody knows...if i asked how to make a bong from a wiffle ball, some duct tape, and a rubber band i'd get 10 different answers", "score": 376, "id": 7245},
{"quote": "<sylwia> I'm drawing black people \r\n<sylwia> for a poster for my english class \r\n<sylwia> I think I made tham too black\r\n<sylwia> you can't really see their faces", "score": 160, "id": 7247},
{"quote": "<BBKahuna> shae, my ejaculation was increased by 300%!!!!", "score": 25, "id": 7248},
{"quote": "<yunicus> god has so many stalkers", "score": 433, "id": 7250},
{"quote": "<sylwia> I was considering plugging a smiley sometime =( just for the sake of sticking good E up my ass", "score": 30, "id": 7252},
{"quote": "", "score": 127, "id": 7255},
{"quote": "<Jay> how do u spell nebour\r\n<nc> neighbour\r\n<nc> haha\r\n<Jay> kthx\r\n<Jay> how do u spell ritch\r\n<nc> rich u moron\r\n<DX> rofl\r\n<Jay> well\r\n<DX> u dum cunt jay\r\n<Jay> so what if i cant spell\r\n<Jay> i type it in spell check\r\n<Jay> and im still so wrong it goes what the fuck no suggestions\r\n<nc> MS never reckoned on Jay", "score": 559, "id": 7259},
{"quote": "<|nqbuss> i have no problem deciding what to do. if i'm hungry, i eat. if i'm tired, i sleep, if i need to user the bathroom, i use the bathroom, if none of the above, i sit in front of the computer", "score": 591, "id": 7263},
{"quote": "<Tigrrr> I cook food in my oven.\r\n<Tigrrr> i like food.\r\n<edoc> I gas puppies in mine\r\n<Tigrrr> mmmmmm puppies", "score": 356, "id": 7264},
{"quote": "<Daemon_> thak you for\u00a0 replying\u00a0\u00a0 I dont know\u00a0 what is daemon or who is daemon explain \r\n<Daemon_> to me\u00a0 who is or what is...sometimes Inotice you are the one who\u00a0 return the \r\n<Daemon_> mail for some reasons.....I want to know who or what daemon is..thak you", "score": 32, "id": 7265},
{"quote": "( `46and2\u00a0\u00a0 ) i've learnt alot about getting a woman off... it's not that hard. i even convinced my friend to show me where the effing g spot is... i tried it on my g/f and all this clear shit came out", "score": 40, "id": 7268},
{"quote": "<`Kd> in status..that ppl talking in there not knowing we see them or something?", "score": 35, "id": 7009},
{"quote": "<`Kd> theres another good spelling leason", "score": 37, "id": 7010},
{"quote": "<`Kd> iv finally mastered my keyboars", "score": 493, "id": 7013},
{"quote": "<Ac3d> i guess this isn't TOO bad..i mean it could be worse... \r\n<Ac3d> I only have to re-install my modem everytime i want to get on the net", "score": 223, "id": 7017},
{"quote": "Topic is 'God made drunks so ugly people could get laid.' Set by Ac3d \r\n<Ac3d> man..i think im getting drunk", "score": 105, "id": 7018},
{"quote": "<Ac3d> ima redneck now...Chevy sent a magazine to my house under the name Bob Jones", "score": 122, "id": 7021},
{"quote": "<Ac3d> uh oh, i think i just sent a nude pic of me to my friends mom", "score": 577, "id": 7022},
{"quote": "<Ac3d> think i should archive my pr0n acording to type (movie,picture,interactive,etc...), alphabetical (a-f,g-m,etc..), size, or genre?", "score": 205, "id": 7023},
{"quote": "<skychic> how do you exit channels?\r\n<anarch> use /quit\r\n*** skychic has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)\r\n<anarch> heheh\r\n*** skychic has joined #lummies\r\n<CrashCat> hmm, you must have missed a parameter\r\n<CrashCat> try /quit #lummies\r\n<skychic> cheers!\r\n*** skychic has quit IRC (Quit: #lummies)", "score": 271, "id": 7025},
{"quote": "<ori0n> why did you name yourself after a video file?\u00a0 \r\n<zorack> hehe\u00a0 \r\n<avi-> because i'm long hardcore and take forever to download", "score": 260, "id": 7026},
{"quote": "<rb> eminem vs a terrorist organization\r\n<rb> weird\r\n<JtHM> heh\r\n<JtHM> Eminem_Vs_Al_Qaeda-BattleRap_12\"-2002-RNS\r\n<rb> hahahaha", "score": 39, "id": 7027},
{"quote": "<Conskill> That kinda gun brings out the raving gun loving American in us all.\r\n<The_Tick> Over and under shotgun.\u00a0 Three throwing knives.\u00a0 The ability to hide.\u00a0 \r\n<Rain> yeah, seriously.\r\n<Rain> The_tick - Huh?\r\n<The_Tick> That's all you need.\r\n<The_Tick> And it's cheeeep.\r\n<Twinkcide> Rain: The bullets are embedded in cakes of propellant instead of casings.\u00a0 It was designed to overcome the problem of recoil pushing the barrel off target while firing in bursts\r\n<Twinkcide> Has an insane ROF while in 3-round burst mode, and no recoil until the third round has left the barrel\r\n<Pander> Tick:\u00a0 That won't kill a velociraptor.\r\n<The_Tick> On the other hand, I'd sleep with that thing if I had one.\r\n<Pander> I base all gun purchases on \"Will this kill a velociraptor?\"", "score": 718, "id": 7028},
{"quote": "<Adar> \"If you handle an envelope and some white powder spills out, you should _____________?\" \r\n<Boog|Happy> \"Sniff it?\"", "score": 280, "id": 7030},
{"quote": "<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> HATE\r\n<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> PAIN\r\n<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> LOATHING\r\n<Somebob> Can I have some?\r\n<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> no.\u00a0 this is my own personal stock.", "score": 437, "id": 7031},
{"quote": "<Paine> \"What body parts would you be willing to give away to play AO normally?\"\r\n<Paine> I mean, are you really using that little toe for anything important?\r\n<Rattran> Depends on how many are in the freezer, doesn't it? \r\n<Burimpu> I'd give my left vaginal wall to play AO properly!", "score": 164, "id": 7033},
{"quote": "<@Latino-Heat> when i was in school, during free periods i'd sit in the library cos i couldnt go home and i'd look up stds in encyclopedias \r\n<@Latino-Heat> cos i had rashes everywhere", "score": 129, "id": 7162},
{"quote": "<Descartes> A wanker is not a racial slur\r\n<GORE> it is\r\n<GORE> beleive me it is\r\n<GORE> to me", "score": 52, "id": 7163},
{"quote": "<^FiCtIoN^> get a tounge ring\r\n<CheeseCookies> lol, coz there good on chicks :D\r\n<Mousey> so is an apron", "score": 377, "id": 7165},
{"quote": "<[7^11^Dropout]> i will put you in a wheelchair witha shpinning, half-twist, lebanese heel kick mate\r\n<Mousey> if you were lebanese you would still be working at 7-11\r\n<Mousey> lying cunt", "score": 33, "id": 7167},
{"quote": "::Sathane.. I am wlasys sober\r\n::Sathane.. excpet when I dirnk", "score": 338, "id": 7171},
{"quote": "<Mr_BoGgLeS> she said you looked edible mosey..\r\n<Mousey> well boggles\r\n<Mousey> if she thinks im edible\r\n<Mousey> she probably is fat\r\n<Mousey> i have no fat on me\r\n<Mousey> eating me would be like going on a diet", "score": 135, "id": 7172},
{"quote": "<Ice|P> blow jobs r better\r\n<mk4> why because you get a load in the mouth\r\n<nim-zero> a load in the mouth is worth two in the hand", "score": 355, "id": 7173},
{"quote": "<Latino-Heat> my mum wants me to get a piercing or a tattoo to make me look meaner", "score": 369, "id": 7174},
{"quote": "<Punk-In-Drublic> ill look at my penis... and laugh... or will i cry??\r\n<Mousey> it deoends if you drew a happy face or a sad face on it ross", "score": 217, "id": 7175},
{"quote": "<Tyson> kegs rule\r\n<Tyson> im gonna marry one\r\n<Mousey> ill have an affair with it", "score": 125, "id": 7177},
{"quote": "<BeLLa`> does sperm die when it hits the air, msg me if u know\r\n<carcin0gen-> sounds like someone got a 3 pointer", "score": 810, "id": 7178},
{"quote": "<morientes> some fucker just played a trick on me.. i was sitting in the couch.. well all of a sudden my jocks feel like their going up my ass crack... i try to pull out the wedge.. most pain i've ever felt... someone put chewy in my jocks and my ass hairs are all stuck together.. stuck to my jocks.. i dont fucking believe this shit", "score": 265, "id": 7179},
{"quote": "(Jeopardy) hi I need someone to help me with compiling a small program\r\n(dgc) Jeopardy: What is gcc?", "score": 577, "id": 7183},
{"quote": "<solo> Think about a time in your life which you had the most fun, well....then picture work being the total opposite", "score": 120, "id": 7187},
{"quote": "<eff> the noblest of dogs is the hot dog, it feeds the hand that bites it.", "score": 1244, "id": 7190},
{"quote": "", "score": 32, "id": 7191},
{"quote": "<gedamo> Some of our customers used to call their computer boxes the \"brain\" and it led tothem calling up saying things like \"My brain isn'tworking\"", "score": 383, "id": 7192},
{"quote": "<@AgentAce> and I'm gonna get a pair of those new female shoes\r\n<@AgentAce> because they got soul\r\n<@AgentAce> err sole", "score": 5, "id": 7113},
{"quote": "* *@michael decides that given two evils, x and y, where x=cherry jolly ranchers and y=apple jolly ranchers, y<x", "score": 33, "id": 7116},
{"quote": "<HowLeTT> if my back seat smells like pussy tomorrow, im going to be furious\r\n<HowLeTT> seriously", "score": 55, "id": 7118},
{"quote": "<Philly_B> <--------->\r\n<Philly_B> hmm...\r\n<Philly_B> the set of all real numbers\r\n(*michael) The set of all real numbers, now only $99.99! Order now and get a complimentary imaginary number commemorative plate free with your order.", "score": 652, "id": 7119},
{"quote": "<AgentAce1> hmm\r\n<AgentAce1> well that's interesting\r\n<AgentAce1> actually...that's fuckin weird ass shit", "score": 50, "id": 7120},
{"quote": "<Spamizbad> minix is the baddass hardcore 16bit unix from the rough side of town", "score": 192, "id": 7121},
{"quote": "<Grant> Hey, you know what the biggest problem with all current MMOGs is? \r\n<Mako> insufficient boobage \r\n<Grant> That too.", "score": 319, "id": 7123},
{"quote": "<Chum> I told them I was a 16 year old female that would put out if given a beta account. \r\n<da_slog> NOOOOOOOOOOOO \r\n<Kash> yea, i'm going to be female to", "score": 158, "id": 7124},
{"quote": "<Dracleath> Dual wielding great swords with monkey grip \r\n<Staberinde> I have a monkeygrip \r\n<Staberinde> they won't let me use it in public though", "score": 194, "id": 7125},
{"quote": "<Kash> MY BUM IS ON YOUR FACE \r\n<Kash> MY BUM IS ON YOUR FACE \r\n<Kash> LOOK AT ME \r\n<Kash> MY BUM IS ON YOUR FACE \r\n*** Kash was kicked by da_slog (ITS NOT VERY PHUN) \r\n<CrashCat> MY FOOT IS ON YOUR BUM", "score": 260, "id": 7126},
{"quote": "*** Mezoth|work was kicked by Avie_work (the last guy that said, \"I think you know what I want\" to me ended up in the hospital. FOR SIX MONTHS.)", "score": 134, "id": 7127},
{"quote": "<Madman> Rodents Of Unusual Size....I don't think they exist \r\n<CrashCat> rodents? \r\n<CrashCat> size? \r\n<Sbot> size is irrelevent. It's a question of methodology. \r\n<Madman> haha \r\n<CrashCat> ...", "score": 133, "id": 7128},
{"quote": "<Kash> BW has eveyone catassing \r\n<CrashCat> that's leopardassing to you \r\n<Kranrev> tigerassing \r\n<Rasputin> I'm monkeyassing! :) \r\n<Mako> just one ass? it is of no use to me.", "score": 46, "id": 7129},
{"quote": "<Darkz> Can't get drunk, work soon\r\n<Delusion> Your priorities disgust me.", "score": 834, "id": 7132},
{"quote": "<Rasputin> eiiiiidle eidle eee \r\n<Rasputin> eiiiidle eidle eee \r\n<Rasputin> we won't be leavin' til we get some pus-sy sooooooo \r\n<CrashCat> i'm not complainin' but shut up or I'll beat your brain in", "score": 396, "id": 7133},
{"quote": "<ILLSKILLZ00> what would having a computer in my pool acomplish?\r\n<sKratch zEro> potential death to people swimming in it", "score": 363, "id": 7327},
{"quote": "<F|uke> I like to have sex with Enya playing in the background\r\n<F|uke> Enya doesnt mind it either.,....she just sits, watches and plays", "score": 538, "id": 7442},
{"quote": "<yunicus> sometimes i can't deal with you people in text format", "score": 323, "id": 7524},
{"quote": "<alien> someone in norway is probably like \"what de fuck? bork bork!\"", "score": 579, "id": 7612},
{"quote": "(bern) i have a feeling gf's gonna call during the game \r\n(bern) what do i do if that happens? \r\n(bern) bit busy darling, killing a sentry gun!", "score": 190, "id": 7269},
{"quote": "( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) i got to taste pre-mixed coca-cola concentrate from McDOnalds!\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) BEFORE THE WATER!\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) WEEEEEEEEEEEEE", "score": 619, "id": 7270},
{"quote": "( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) jBalls: go get all asian on them and start bargining\r\n( jBalls\u00a0 \u00a0 ) haha i lack that crucial gene\r\n( jBalls\u00a0 \u00a0 ) i cant bargain my way out of a cardboard box\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) but you ddr like a motherfucker", "score": 279, "id": 7272},
{"quote": "( CraNDaWG\u00a0 ) i just watched like 6 ddr videos and i must say\r\n( CraNDaWG\u00a0 ) that is the _gayest_ bullshit i have ever seen\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) you know, real men who rustle cows and weld stuff prolly think us playing computer games and giggling at each others gayness on irc is the _gayest_ bullshit", "score": 519, "id": 7273},
{"quote": "[Leviath] I have a funny tingle in my nose. At 3:30pm I ate some Kettle Chilli chips and went into this coughing/snorting fit and coughed a small piece of chilli chip up my nose and snorted it out. It burned like HELL and I in turn created a scene being the 27 year old crying gayboy with a bag of chips in one hand and some printer paper I used to blow my nose on in the other :(((", "score": 410, "id": 7275},
{"quote": "( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) like flicking through his images dir\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) oh i thought you said \"licking\"\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) how peculiar\r\n( Teddy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) Lev: is there something on your mind?\r\n( Teddy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) you seem a little pre-occupied...\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) wouldn't you lick to find out", "score": 660, "id": 7276},
{"quote": "( Loony-Stud) pretty ass?\r\n( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) possibly....everytime i check i get dizzy from turning and fall down", "score": 267, "id": 7278},
{"quote": "( Lev\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) have you SEEN the people who wear the I LOVE LINUX T-shirts....that does more damage to the OS than a billion microsoft blue-screens", "score": 553, "id": 7280},
{"quote": "( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) i love the internet\r\n( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) i just found a resturant, checked the menu, read two reviews, made a booking and found out exactly where it is\r\n( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) i'd confidently say that the internet is going to get me laid tonight\r\n( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) thoroughly laid\r\n( `46and2\u00a0\u00a0 ) wow... and here i was just using it for pr0n", "score": 604, "id": 7282},
{"quote": "( TheFlyingP) i've got a pronoucement : school is bad for your health\r\n( noip-work ) thats an ANnouncement, f00l :)\r\n( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) you need to pay more attention at school", "score": 365, "id": 7283},
{"quote": "( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) this one chick could type 80wpm at 95% acc\r\n( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) i'm watching her type going \"i bet she'd give nice hand jobs\"", "score": 408, "id": 7284},
{"quote": "( Judge`ZzzZ) fmita Khorne-\r\n( Khorne-\u00a0\u00a0 ) fmita?\r\n( Khorne-\u00a0\u00a0 ) whats fmita short for? =)\r\n( Khorne-\u00a0\u00a0 ) \"fuck me in the ass?\" .p\r\n( Judge`ZzzZ) looks like it\r\n( Fuzzy\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) you say it that often you need an acronym for it?", "score": 513, "id": 7285},
{"quote": "( Comatose\u00a0 ) play dough is the food of kings\r\n( Chino\u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 ) play dough is too salty\r\n( Comatose\u00a0 ) but its not as crunchy as crayons", "score": 254, "id": 7286},
{"quote": "<PovRayMan> that was a weird dream I had last night\r\n<PovRayMan> I was about to have sex with this hot chick\r\n<PovRayMan> and I started peeing all over her\r\n<PovRayMan> and she started gargling it too... damn weird\r\n<PovRayMan> I think I know what caused it too\r\n<PovRayMan> I went to the bathroom about 5 times last night ot pee\r\n<PovRayMan> and a friend of mine was showing me pics he took of this girl on his campus he wants to be with\r\n<Floach> and 3), you have a pee fetish\r\n<gridbug> Yep.\r\n<PovRayMan> I don't have a pee fetish.\r\n<PovRayMan> I was trying to fuck her damnit\r\n<PovRayMan> but I couldn't stop peeing on her", "score": 659, "id": 7288},
{"quote": "<Iced> the IDE cable from the COM2 to the port is fsked\r\n<Iced> it must be that\r\n<NepCHooN> ide cable?\r\n<NepCHooN> your com2 hooks into your hard drive?\r\n<NepCHooN> i ph33r your pc!!", "score": 308, "id": 7291},
{"quote": "<bytraper> man get a set of mags for your car\r\n<bytraper> dude.... steal a set if you have to \r\n<bytraper> they really make the car\r\n<bytraper> especially going a large 16\" rim and low profile tyres\r\n<Lord-Data> im too fat to do illegal stuff, i can't run away :)", "score": 218, "id": 7292},
{"quote": "<bytraper> being spoiled like I am you get sick of it and you get urges to go to the fridge to get your own beer... but then you sit a while longer\u00a0 and the urge goes away so you call her to bring you beer", "score": 173, "id": 7293},
{"quote": "<nit`zZz> I was lovin that pussy while she was lovin this dick, I was shovin it in her while she was yellin dont quit\r\n<NGN-_-> Then you realized you were dreamin that shit - in real life your a no-pussy gettin prick", "score": 826, "id": 7194},
{"quote": "<@Web> <Anastasia> fuck you \r\n<@Web> russian men get upset easily", "score": 128, "id": 7198},
{"quote": "<lilp00t> give me somin new to make fun of u for \r\n<death2all82> ummmm i came in today and idled and u went on for like 45mins. until i responde. then i left for a half an hour and u were still going on talking to no1 \r\n<death2all82> now the fruitcake is PMing me", "score": 80, "id": 7199},
{"quote": "<zhix> logicbox - sarenna lee rocks you.. she's just so.. bountiful!\r\n<zhix> I could literally get lost in her bosom.\r\n<zhix> I'd accidently drop my bagel in there and end up falling in..\r\n<barkode> barkode: JOSH, ARE YOU OKAY DOWN THERE? zhix: I'M FINE. GO AWAY. barkode: I'LL GET HELP. zhix: DON'T YOU DARE FUCKER. LEAVE ME HERE.", "score": 519, "id": 7200},
{"quote": "<@WatchDragon> dude, i am like -- that close to having my boating licence\r\n<@motardo> dude, you are like -- that close to having a mullet", "score": 390, "id": 7201},
{"quote": "<Bane> they PROMISED they'd call me\r\n<Xzibit-A> bunch of fucken users\r\n<Bane> that's what i say\r\n<Bane> i'm nothing but two holes and two hands to them\r\n<Bane> *sob*\r\n<Bane> just a cum receptacle", "score": 228, "id": 7206},
{"quote": "<Viper550esp> heh hell, you have no idea what hell is! Try standing inbetween two large fat women at a manson concert who decided just to wear the bare minimum to get it in concert.\u00a0 \u00a0 Oh thats nothing, they decided that it would be fun to start a mash pit. I kid you not those two women took out 7 people with one massive shove", "score": 192, "id": 7214},
{"quote": "<geekster> mossibly\r\n<geekster> that's most poccibly, but it went thru a horible translation from brain to fingers\r\n<geekster> ARSE!!", "score": 256, "id": 7215},
{"quote": "<eod> echo \"\\$cd pub\" >t-shirt\r\n<eod> echo \"\\$more beer\" >>t-shirt\r\n<eod> heh\r\n<weis> cat t-shirt | sed s/beer/whiskey/ >better_t-shirt", "score": 169, "id": 7216},
{"quote": "<Sundancer> DE: \"The truth is out there\" :)\r\n<DarkElf> sunny: yeah, thank god it's out there and not in here with us", "score": 341, "id": 7219},
{"quote": "*** DarkElf changes topic to \"Sundancer Kicked Hiro's butt at Pool!! :) that's Mr 'I have my own table at home' Gay Helicopter Pilot Hiro (in case you were wondering)\"\r\n<Hiro> *growl*\r\n*** Hiro changes topic to \"I lost ONE FUCKING GAME to her ok?\"\r\n*** DarkElf changes topic to \"yes, but to a WOMAN ?\"\r\n<Hiro> she isnt a women\r\n<Hiro> she is a beast from the pits of hell\r\n<Hiro> a demon possessed her\r\n<DarkElf> see - reading that bible thing may have helped you... and you laughed at the people in #alive\r\n*** DarkElf changes topic to \"Hiro converts to christianity\"\r\n<Hiro> de: even jesus would have lost that fucking game of pool\r\n<Hiro> I need a gun, so I can shoot myself\r\n<DarkElf> Hiro: why don't you just stab yoursefl in the eye with the pool cue.....\r\n<DarkElf> hang on though, going on sunny's description of you skill you'll probably miss *grin", "score": 355, "id": 7220},
{"quote": "*** mrBlond changes topic to \"The QuakeFEST is.....\"\r\n*** fern changes topic to \"The QuakeFEST was yesterday !!\"\r\n<mrBlond> wow I must be REALLY lagged then", "score": 338, "id": 7221},
{"quote": "<wabbit> ok ... we dont choose what cum tastes like ... otherwise it would taste a WHOLE LOT DIFFERENT!!!", "score": 205, "id": 7223},
{"quote": "***\u00a0 mrBlond changes topic to \"Open party at Minko's, All welcome. Place for 500\"\r\n<Minko> grrrr\r\n<Minko> You can all come, but I'm not gonna be there\r\n*** mrBlond changes topic to \"Open party at Minko's\u00a0 <Minko> You can all come\"\r\n<Minko> Stop it guys, I'm busy this weekend\r\n<Minko> I've got big things planned\r\n*** mrBlond changes topic to \"Open party at Minko's\u00a0 <Minko> You can all come <Minko> I've got big things planned\"\r\n<Minko> Aaargh", "score": 1760, "id": 7224},
{"quote": "<Stray> you're a winner. i'm a winner. we're all winners here.\r\n<KurtBatz> Everyone's a winner baby, that's the truth.\u00a0 o/~\r\n<Hawx> I have to go to fucking work tomorrow. I'm not a winner.\r\n<Hawx> I'm just a breadwinner.\r\n<Hawx> But who the fuck wants to work for bread?\r\n<KurtBatz> Ethiopians.\r\n<Hawx> True", "score": 412, "id": 7226},
{"quote": "<fiXie> me have black eye :(\r\n<ArioZ`> from whats?\r\n<heartz> hah, inept cocksucking of course", "score": 365, "id": 7329},
{"quote": "<Elenkis> so we're still at +3 huh?\r\n<Domino> guess so...\r\n<Elenkis> man, this is sadder than checking to see if my rating has gone up", "score": 385, "id": 7330},
{"quote": "*** Double0 has quit IRC (Penguins are Fat, Slow, and Dumb,... Windows are Rigid, Fragile, and Breakable .)\r\n<Pingu> Hey!\r\n<Pingu> Im a penguin!", "score": 288, "id": 7331},
{"quote": "<AshiFoo> I just need a life now\r\n<AshiFoo> and a faster 'net connection", "score": 242, "id": 7332},
{"quote": "<RoboGum> mmmm, porn\r\n<doublezero> i'd rather have a life than watch porn\r\n<RoboGum> all you need to do is shave, get a hair cut, and loose the gut\r\n<doublezero> shave? naah.. hair cut? never!\r\n<RoboGum> there's only one thing you can do then\r\n<RoboGum> dress all in rubber and goto an \"alternative\" party", "score": 158, "id": 7333},
{"quote": "<NihiMetal> I saw my first porno when I ws 11\r\n<NihiMetal> It had tons of lesbian sex and stuff\r\n<NihiMetal> I use to think that women did that shit with each other all the time\r\n<NihiMetal> You never look at your mother and the preachers wife the same after that", "score": 483, "id": 7334},
{"quote": "<NeSSa`> yeah but he isnt fucking him?\r\n<[ben]> not to my knowledge...jason was walkin a little funny tonight though", "score": 155, "id": 7339},
{"quote": "<skankuhz> I work my bung muscles every night, just in case i have to go to jail, I'll rip off a mans tip if he tries to ass fuck me!", "score": 310, "id": 7342},
{"quote": "<tenk> I added a turbo kit to my penis to increase my wrist torque and overall sack horsepower", "score": 136, "id": 7343},
{"quote": "<[werk]chin> i think its wrong for elderly people to be openly sexual at all \r\n<[werk]chin> they need to be these asexual funnels of christmas money and bad driving", "score": 444, "id": 7344},
{"quote": "<chin> i got a solution, lets shoot homeless at the missles \r\n<chin> that way the system pays for itself", "score": 36, "id": 7345},
{"quote": "<trance> pj eats little kids for breakfast\r\n<pUrPLe_jArGOn> I used to trance, but I cracked a tooth on a thighbone and the doctor told me I should move to more conventional foods", "score": 175, "id": 7348},
{"quote": "<@[ben]> youd be suprised how many pancakes that mouth has masticated\r\n<@[ben]> and yes, i spelt the last word right", "score": 167, "id": 7352},
{"quote": "<whyerhead> hrm. I couldn't get laid in a womens prison with a fist full of pardons", "score": 548, "id": 7355},
{"quote": "<zeitgeist> bobs car is now known as scomobile :)\r\n<lsd> hehehe\r\n<lsd> does that make bob 'scoman'?\r\n<lsd> nananananananana\r\n<lsd> SCOMAN!\r\n<zeitgeist> lol\r\n<lsd> quick scoman! into the scomobole!\r\n<zeitgeist> holy floating point exception errors scoman!", "score": 317, "id": 7356},
{"quote": "<zeitgeist> or you could stick in some crap sendmail and root that\r\n<zeitgeist> so many ways to get a shell dude :)\r\n<lsd> hehe\r\n<zeitgeist> and they arent illegal if its your box :P\r\n<Fryboy> hehe\r\n<Fryboy> \"..and its not cheating cos its YOUR DOG\"\r\n<lsd> lol\r\n<zeitgeist> and its not homosexual incest cause its YOUR stepbrother\r\n<Fryboy> O_O\r\n<Fryboy> and its not trespass to property, cos it was running SCO\r\n<zeitgeist> lol", "score": 198, "id": 7357},
{"quote": "<HrdwrBoB> alchohol\r\n<HrdwrBoB> is \r\n<HrdwrBoB> teh drink of teh godz\r\n<Fryboy>\u00a0\u00a0 er\r\n<Fryboy>\u00a0\u00a0 thought that was necter\r\n<HrdwrBoB> nah\r\n<HrdwrBoB> nectar is for fags", "score": 225, "id": 7358},
{"quote": "<`]{rAzY]`> My penis is so big that when black men look at it, they say \"Hey man, you got a big penis\"\r\n<dubdope> krazy... why do you have black men looking at your penis?\r\n<dubdope> plus krazy.. how do they know what your penis looks like when they have you bent over?", "score": 550, "id": 7443},
{"quote": "<Paradox> So, guys, I have some news.\r\n<Paradox> I know I usually don't talk much about stuff unless it's solid, but this is interesting, and I think you should know.\r\n<Paradox> I just got an E-mail about an interesting proposition.\r\n* volsung_ perks up.\r\n<Paradox> Apparently, there are lesbians that want my 'hard cock.'\r\n* volsung_ flips Paradox the bird.\r\n<volsung_> :)\r\n<Paradox> They want it 'now,' apparently, so the timetable is somewhat limited.\r\n<volsung_> Are you going to just take their offer as presented, or is there an opportunity for negotiation?\r\n<Paradox> I'm not sure.\r\n<volsung_> I'm sure your hard cock is in great demand.\u00a0 An exclusive deal might not be in your best interest.\r\n<Paradox> Last time I got an offer like this, there were some catches.", "score": 6143, "id": 7444},
{"quote": "<iec|brb> k why are my shoes wet?\r\n<Lucid`> iec - cuz i missed yer cheek....", "score": 152, "id": 7449},
{"quote": "<@Bojangle> splurge: This one time, my friend called the cops for getting a threatning phone call. SO the cops come over to just see what my friend is like, to judge if he was BSing or not\r\n<@Bojangle> So they come over, and start chatting my friend up, they go, \"What do you do?\" and he's like, \"I'm a computer consultant\r\n<@Bojangle> \"Oh yeah, what are ya' working on?\" and he's like, \"Oh, some webserver\"\r\n<@Bojangle> So then these two cops start talking about how he should use another server, and how the server he's using sucks, and how he should set up a database for certain things, lmao\r\n<@splurge> HAHAHA\r\n<@Bojangle> And my friend's like, \"What are you, cops or computer programmers?\" and he's like, \"Oh, I just like to play around in my spare time\"\r\n<@Bojangle> It was like something outta Seinfeld\r\n<@splurge> id skullfuck them and leave their corpses in the backyard\r\n<@Bojangle> Me too", "score": 380, "id": 7450},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #-[TF]-\r\n*** Topic is '*** Denmark has quit Worldcup (Read error: Connection reset by England)'", "score": 415, "id": 7452},
{"quote": "<Kefka_> Rap is for people who need to be influenced by a culture of uneducated fools who have primary goals of \"ballin\" and becoming fly by having a dope ride.", "score": 394, "id": 7453},
{"quote": "<rwxr-xr-x> i used to have a g/f who turned out to be world writable\r\n<rwxr-xr-x> ridable", "score": 185, "id": 7454},
{"quote": "<Scire> Yeah well I haven't been IRCing much lately\r\n<E-vangelist> Scire: finally figured out you could masturbate with your other hand, eh?", "score": 134, "id": 7455},
{"quote": "Ahmed is now known as ahmed_TOP_GUN \r\n<ahmed_TOP_GUN> oh, hmm, i put in the wrong movie ---\r\nahmed_TOP_GUN is now known as ahmed_THOMAS_CROWN_AFFAIR", "score": 36, "id": 7456},
{"quote": "<mp> wanna invest in some mp love coupons?\r\n<dev0n> mp: no. i think my mutual fund will perform better :)", "score": 209, "id": 7457},
{"quote": "<loathe> CF 5 is way way better\r\n<dev0n> way way better than what? a hand job from your mom?", "score": 31, "id": 7458},
{"quote": "<trimp> indd: go smell your mom's panties\r\n<indd> i cant, she threw them at aerosmith.", "score": 764, "id": 7459},
{"quote": "<Poltergeist21>I want to fuck the olsen twins right in the ass!!\r\n<Poltergeist21>Dude, my balls goin smack smack smack against their teen asses..yum yum!1\r\n<Charlesowns>Dude, i said that ten years ago!", "score": 347, "id": 7461},
{"quote": "<tris> why did someone stick an altoid in your cd player?\r\n<furyoujin> tris, we were having phun and he got a lil overexcited", "score": 49, "id": 7463},
{"quote": "<Poltergeist21> I want to fuck the olsen twins right in the ass!!\r\n<Poltergeist21> Dude, my balls goin smack smack smack against their teen asses..yum yum!1\r\n<Charlesowns> Dude, i said that ten years ago!", "score": 233, "id": 7464},
{"quote": "<gage> i found a 4x scsi cdrom on the street just now\r\n<gage> i love how often i find hardware on the street\r\n<gage> this was from a mac that looked like it had been beaten with a\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 sledgehammer", "score": 308, "id": 7466},
{"quote": "<tris> all the tech contact email is signed \"MFN Corporate Communications\" now\r\n<tris> maybe they are the ones running the routers\r\n<neruaL> that would imply that a) they were running and b) someone had control \r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 over it", "score": 166, "id": 7467},
{"quote": "<psIRE> I had sex once, very tiring\r\n<Mulder> lol\r\n<Snipe> yeh me too.... oh wait no that was the time i installed linux", "score": 866, "id": 7755},
{"quote": "<Oberon-> So does anyone have any projection on how cheap Pentium III\r\nchips are going to get in the next few weeks?\r\n<TeeCee> Cheep enough to be able to use them for floor tiles.\u00a0 :)\r\n<Oberon-> TeeCee: Wow, cool thought!\u00a0 Massively parallel floor tiles -\r\na kitchen floor you can count on!", "score": 378, "id": 7831},
{"quote": "<DarkWarrior> I know... I'm Mainly reffering to t3ch. I have nothing against him but i'm just saying thats what gives us *nix people a bad reputations\r\n<t3ch> I dont try and do anything, If i'm going to spend the time doing it i'll do it right.\r\n<t3ch> and two we alwasy had a bad rep. FreeBSD was created by a bunch of college kids on LSD. i dont think you can have a worse rep.", "score": 161, "id": 7925},
{"quote": "<sothis> theres nothing quite like the feeling of a 60 year old woman shoving her cold, gloved, ky-jellied-up fingers up your vagina trying to touch your cervix", "score": 227, "id": 7525},
{"quote": "<Cerebus> when i go on a rampage killing all women on the planet, i'll spare you\r\n<yunicus> yer a dear heart\r\n<yunicus> really\r\n<yunicus> please leave me with a bunch of stinky men", "score": 246, "id": 7526},
{"quote": "<raelee> I wont take it in the ass until I am married.", "score": 304, "id": 7527},
{"quote": "<yunicus> i could fuckin crack your head like a walnut with my clit", "score": 64, "id": 7529},
{"quote": "<sortof> look, if i move mirc around real fast, its like a lightshow", "score": 129, "id": 7530},
{"quote": "<|rein|> Robitussin is like Jello man, there's always room for more", "score": 145, "id": 7532},
{"quote": "<yunicus> i like fat black women filled with syrup", "score": 27, "id": 7533},
{"quote": "<orb06> something red and semi-opaque\r\n<orb06> said it was \"stool softener\"\r\n<orb06> Im like wtf\r\n<orb06> I like my stool hard, ma'am\r\n<orb06> and left without it\r\n<orb06> no pain no gain\r\n<orb06> thats what I say", "score": 235, "id": 7535},
{"quote": "<BizaSmokedout> nah amng I can hold a inteligent convrsation if you want", "score": 51, "id": 7536},
{"quote": "< ryll > \"putting the 'fun' back into fundamentalism, and the 'laughter' back into sectarian slaughter\"", "score": 710, "id": 7539},
{"quote": "< Kayne > man, i should take this vibrating monkey out of my ass... it's starting to affect my typing", "score": 244, "id": 7540},
{"quote": "< FuzzyKaos > oh oh guess what i got today!!??\r\n< Zooz > Fuzzy - Herpes? :)", "score": 196, "id": 7541},
{"quote": "< Izazael > Why did they never make romantic warheads?\r\n< Izazael > I guess no one likes the taste of semen.\r\n< Izazael > What could be more romantic than the girls who gag on cum club at yahoo?", "score": 4, "id": 7542},
{"quote": "< anakin > bayls: no, i want to know WHAT IT DOES so i know WHETHER OR NOT to remove it\r\n< anakin > there's nothing more useful than to have an address bar on the bottom of ur screen at all times :)\r\n< Bayls > anakin - Ah right. Well, use the Force or something. :)", "score": 79, "id": 7543},
{"quote": "< telex > i love god\r\n< Bayls > Telex - except in your case \"god\" is your anus, and you \"worship\" it with a broom handle.", "score": 174, "id": 7544},
{"quote": "< Bayls > Sheesus. Was it this dead -before- I got here? :)\r\n< annie > yeah\r\n< Bayls > Hmmm, musta been. Weird, I didn't see any Star Trek marathons on tonight.", "score": 230, "id": 7545},
{"quote": "[Izazael] when ryll dies, we should cremate him and put his ashes in a coffee filter \r\n[Izazael] mmm nescafe goth blend", "score": 266, "id": 7547},
{"quote": "<mander_> if east timor can be a nation..\r\n<mander_> is there really any reason my bathroom can't be?", "score": 360, "id": 7619},
{"quote": "<shadok> CNN: Germany seals Nazi slave labor compensation deal\r\n<shadok> i think they should just invite all the remaining survivors to free\r\n\u00a0 \"compensation camps\"", "score": 467, "id": 7620},
{"quote": "<Beesta> it's clearly time to go home\r\n<Beesta> I just wrote \"getCumming\" insted of \"getCommunications\"\r\n<Beesta> *shudder*", "score": 231, "id": 7623},
{"quote": "<Ratty`> COME ON BRAZIL!!\r\n<Ratty`> COME ON BRAZIL!!\r\n<Ratty`> COME ON BRAZIL!!\r\n<Ratty`> COME ON BRAZIL!!\r\n* ToRMeNTeD comes on brazil\r\n<Ratty`> ergh\r\n<Ratty`> it's all sticky\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> you told me to", "score": 801, "id": 7627},
{"quote": "<XxChesterxX> who here uses a dildough\r\n<Solidus> only when i'm making some dilbread", "score": 1264, "id": 7630},
{"quote": "<zophar>I think you're taking their feelings in the wrong way. Some people just happen to like the game. Obviosuly you don't care that much, and thats cool. But it's your opinion, and some people would like to really play this game the way its meant to be played, full final product, without all the insane amount of cheating in it. O_o;\r\n<Galigmus_Ruune> who cares\r\n<Galigmus_Ruune> cheaters make the game more lifelike\r\n* com4 goes back to warcraft 3 so he can cheat and kill faster than those stupid orcs", "score": 51, "id": 7635},
{"quote": "<@Hah|> A lot of you are way too attached to RO. If the servers go down permanently, I wonder how all of you guys would react.\r\n<Dekar> I'm not that attached.\r\n<Dekar> I mean sure, I love the game.. but if It went down, I would move on.\r\n<com4> hah: i'd kill everyone.. in this room .. if the game went down.. and then i'd eat some yogurt\r\n<com4> cuz you know yogurt tastes good. the fruit on the bottom stuff.. rocks.. and then i'd kill people", "score": 356, "id": 7636},
{"quote": "<com4> PMMe: they're talking about archers retardo\r\n<PMMeWhenServerWorksPlease> i know!\r\n<PMMeWhenServerWorksPlease> and im not a retard com\r\n<com4> i didn't say that\r\n<com4> i said you were retardo.. protector of the weak.. and stupid .. and humper of legs", "score": 229, "id": 7638},
{"quote": "<Deth> dont drink open soda cans that are a week old\r\n<o|ooo|o|> not only was it flat, but it had a layer of dust", "score": 186, "id": 7639},
{"quote": "<@netzdamon> ok had her over here last nite\r\n<@netzdamon> right after dinner and my ass hole has been bugging me\r\n<@netzdamon> and we were going at it a little while later\r\n<@netzdamon> dumb beach went down and fucking licked a big glob of preperation h\r\n<@netzdamon> i started laughing so hard i almost pissed myself\r\n<@netzdamon> Preperation H Hemorrhoidal Ointment:\r\n<@netzdamon> Goverment Warning: Do not let gf or wife eat your ass with this ointment packed in it. May cause pucking/divorce.", "score": 172, "id": 7645},
{"quote": "* Clampy waits for the next line of home consoles which will vacuum, slice, dice, IRC, download porn, play games, play DVDs, play hopscotch, and play music CDs all in one package.\r\n<{{[o|O]}}> That would be Microsoft Home.", "score": 44, "id": 7652},
{"quote": "Dominion: Ill just throw it away and move on like the spoilt child that I am\r\nDominion: I mean, look at how I use my new pc\r\nDominion: I havent carressed it since the first day\r\nDominion: I havent complimented it on the perfect sheen of its aluminium", "score": 63, "id": 7654},
{"quote": "<xwred1> my friend on aim is annoying me I want to hack them\r\n<xwred1> I just want to get in and format his drive\r\n<xwred1> I asked him for his address ip and he said its\r\n<TheOnyx> heh\r\n<TheOnyx> Do you know what is?\r\n<xwred1> its an address\r\n<xwred1> loopback, or something, right?\r\n<xwred1> it loops to him, then back to me\r\n<xwred1> thats how I can hax0r him", "score": 745, "id": 7658},
{"quote": "<xwred1> hmm... do you recommend I replace windows me?\u00a0 I have lots of friends, I can wares lunix for free.\u00a0 thats what hackers use, isn't it? \r\n<TheOnyx> You want to warez linux?\r\n<xwred1> you have to, I hear that unix stuff is expensive.\u00a0 windows me came with my gateway, I tried to ask them for lunix but they told me not to get it because it was buggy and stuff", "score": 808, "id": 7659},
{"quote": "<Paran0id> Sectus: my A key is broken...", "score": 239, "id": 7661},
{"quote": "<Rustblade> I gotta add some new cooling if I'm going to accomodate this new scsi 3 drive \r\n<Rustblade> oh shit \r\n<Rustblade> you know what I realized \r\n<Rustblade> I need a fucking scsi 3 controler \r\n<Rustblade> I didn't think of that", "score": 196, "id": 7666},
{"quote": "(SC__AT): 79. What's a disk of gas orbiting a star of black hole called? \r\n(_uaioe): motardo's fart", "score": 33, "id": 7670},
{"quote": "<parox> man near killed myself carrying a 60kg UPS today!!!\r\n<parox> had to carry it up some steps, put the back out I think\r\n<bytraper> 60kg's?? I know how you feel dude... I once carried that weight in each arm once while I was running\r\n<parox> what the hell were you doing carring that sort of weight while you were running??? you in training or something?\r\n<bytraper> no I was stealing the stuff and somebody saw me...", "score": 839, "id": 7294},
{"quote": "<Lord-Data> even tho im a fat guy, i dont want a fat chick .. been there .. done that .. and no offence to her coz shes a great person .. but .. id rather not again :)\r\n<OutLore> hehe\r\n<OutLore> agreed\r\n<bytraper> hahahaha\r\n<bytraper> like rocking a car on the edge of a cliff\r\n<OutLore> 3 votes, the motion is hereby passed", "score": 21, "id": 7297},
{"quote": "<bytraper> hmm these persoals actually look ok\r\n<Lord-Data> lol\r\n<Lord-Data> till you find the penis", "score": 138, "id": 7299},
{"quote": "<bytraper> well.. you know what they say\r\n<bytraper> if you drink and drive your a bloody idiot, if you make it home, your a fuckin legend", "score": 269, "id": 7300},
{"quote": "<HA|MI-Edam> I read about this guy, and he was having sex with a girl, and his, you-know-what sorta like, spontaniously combusted\r\n<EvilMonkey> ...\r\n<DrWoody> Started on FIRE?\r\n<MI-Edam> no, exploded\r\n<MI-Edam> They say it was under so much pressure or something\r\n<DrWoody> AHHHHHHHHH\r\n<EvilMonkey> wt im never having sex!\r\n<Suzie> your missing out\r\n<EvilMonkey> missing out on having my mangina explode?\r\n<EvilMonkey> no thanks", "score": 227, "id": 7301},
{"quote": "<DarkEra> Tolkan, you must be the dumbest person on the planet\r\n<Tolkan> im smark... \r\n<Tolkan> smart.", "score": 409, "id": 7302},
{"quote": "<@Tezz[a]> My Daddy got a paper shredder for Father's Day\r\n<@Tezz[a]> Guess what's happening to all my school notes? >:D\r\n<@Giess> We got ours a barbecue.", "score": 144, "id": 7304},
{"quote": "<DarkImportGrey> god there's nothing greater than using people to your advantage\r\n<DarkImportGrey> well... bowel movements are quite rewarding...\r\n<DarkImportGrey> but it's close\r\n<DarkImportGrey> manipulation vs. dumping\r\n<DarkImportGrey> i guess i'd have to do both at once to see which would win", "score": 237, "id": 7308},
{"quote": "<RaVeNX> shut it you pig fucker :)\r\n<Knight> it's horses you twat.. horses", "score": 222, "id": 7309},
{"quote": "<aegis> my penis fits in electrical sockets!", "score": 302, "id": 7312},
{"quote": "<alisia> I'm fat\r\n<dave> you're not fat you fat ass", "score": 34, "id": 7316},
{"quote": "<dae> \"my dixie wrecked\" say it slowly now", "score": 39, "id": 7318},
{"quote": "<chris> Spit or Swallow?\r\n<holly> both, I spit and let you swallow", "score": 269, "id": 7322},
{"quote": "<Kisa> Don&#8217;t laugh, but every once in a while I try to check if I by any chance have superpowers.\u00a0 For some reason I always try telekinesis.\r\n<Kisa> I look at something for a while, and try to move it with my mind.\r\n<Kisa> and when I fail, I feel really stupid.\r\n<Kisa> I was just wondering if anyone else does something like that?\r\n<Kojedub> Yeah.\r\n<Kojedub> I feel really stupid too.\r\n* Kisa feels glad that he is not alone\r\n<Kojedub> Not in relation to telekinesis.\r\n<Kojedub> Just, you know.\r\n<Kojedub> Stupid.", "score": 488, "id": 7323},
{"quote": "<JtHM> chick + tat = filthy\r\n<JtHM> any girl who has a tat is a whore. if I've learnt anything from pron, that'd be it", "score": 143, "id": 7326},
{"quote": "* stormo is potentially cosplaying at manifest this year\r\n<DannyS> stormo: you'll still lose all respect\r\n<DannyS> i mean, it's like voluntarily going out in front of traffic and ramming a set of computer speakers up your arse\r\n<DannyS> except the latter gets you more friends and respect", "score": 197, "id": 7359},
{"quote": "<devilgrl> qwasz: im a rocket technician for the govt.\r\n<devilgrl> i used to be a unix admin\r\n<pagan> sure have alot of exp for being 21...\r\n<devilgrl> pagan: i dropped outta school and started working fulltime when I was 17\r\n<pagan> then the .gov picked you up to work on rockets?\r\n<devilgrl> my friend works for the company, he got me an interview\r\n<pagan> and they saw your stunning education record, and hired you right?\r\n<pagan> of course your full of shit, your a girl\r\n<devilgrl> exactly", "score": 226, "id": 7361},
{"quote": "<NaNaMagic> he is never too busy to answer our prayers\r\n<qux> satan or god? you're confusing me now?\r\n<NaNaMagic> he has extensions on his ears\r\n<qux> like Mr Spock?\r\n<NaNaMagic> yes\u00a0 jesus has ears for all", "score": 145, "id": 7369},
{"quote": "<[[tom]]> this game is damn addictive...\r\n<xcon6> minesweeper?\r\n<[[tom]]> final fantasy x\r\n<xcon6> same thing", "score": 507, "id": 7374},
{"quote": "<Philgone> also what is wrong with keeping your penis in a woman\r\n* Philgone strokes his cabbage patch doll\r\n<Philgone> toasty warm\r\n<BFG> is her name cynthia veronica picklesbury?\r\n<Philgone> no.. roland", "score": 247, "id": 7375},
{"quote": "<herman> its easy as abxc", "score": 1037, "id": 7376},
{"quote": "<Pho> the only fun Ive had with linux was formatting it", "score": 238, "id": 7383},
{"quote": "<Malicious> This NEC machine they're advertising... a 300 mhz P2 with 32 megs SDRAM and a 4.3 gig IDE harddrive\r\n<Kythorn> thats like the same as a ferrari with no seats and a v2\r\n<Malicious> Kyth: One that has a tendancy to overheat, mind you *P", "score": 135, "id": 7384},
{"quote": "<Markus_> I can't wait until I get something to fiddle with in my hands...", "score": 118, "id": 7386},
{"quote": "<Kaff> the biker from the Village People died.\r\n<Kaff> he died of lung cancer.\r\n<Kaff> which just proves that getting a coq up the date will kill you in mysterious ways.\r\n<Dane> kaff: no. you just misunderstood when the report said that he'd had too many fags.\r\n<Kaff> haha", "score": 481, "id": 7391},
{"quote": "<Dane> i picked ryk up one night when he was completely trashed\r\n<Dane> and he was looking like spewing\r\n<Dane> so i reminded him of my car spew rule\r\n<Tippytoes> which is?\r\n<Dane> \"if you hurl you pay me $150 and you have to clean it up\"\r\n<KKKBitch> heh\r\n<Dane> and he looked in his pocket\r\n<Dane> and goes\r\n<Dane> \"I can cover that\"\r\n<Dane> \"lets go get curry\"", "score": 816, "id": 7392},
{"quote": "<@BondAway> i better get to work\r\n<@IceWizard> heh\r\n<@BondAway> i need someone o administer me an hourly dose of cocaine at work, but i dont know any secretaries, and i dont know if my boss would buy 'its sinus medicine\r\n<@BondAway> and then drive me home", "score": 75, "id": 7395},
{"quote": "*** Radz has quit IRC (Quit: Pure | Bitches | No, Fuck You)\r\n* KeeperS tries to make sense of Radz's quit message", "score": 185, "id": 7408},
{"quote": "<cromicus> they're all like \"everytime you say the word 'sex', jesus cries and floods a town in a third-world country\"", "score": 354, "id": 7412},
{"quote": "<[KoG]^Deeshay> I'll beat you when I get a modem that isnt controlled by a rat in a wheel", "score": 406, "id": 7418},
{"quote": "<elite_chaR> butcher im sitting like right behind you at lanwar :D\r\n<elite_chaR> SO NO FUNNY BUSINESS\r\n<elite_chaR> NO WEIRD NOISES\r\n<elite_chaR> NO WEIRD SMELLS\r\n<elite_chaR> NO WEIRD SPELLING\r\n<butcher> dude, too late, I just f4rt3d\r\n<butcher> that's a wierd noise, a weird smell, and a weird spelling.", "score": 610, "id": 7419},
{"quote": "<firebrand> damn, i cannot spell today\r\n<A|exander> you just did.\r\n<firebrand> fuck you ;)", "score": 266, "id": 7420},
{"quote": "<gage> i drank a beer in the shower today\r\n<christ> dude, you drank a beer in the shower?\r\n<gage> i sho did\r\n<gage> cold beer + hot shower = good\r\n<christ> dude, this is what state OPs is in, we don't have time to drink a\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 beer like normal people anymore", "score": 214, "id": 7469},
{"quote": "<@straylight> ARGH\r\n<@straylight> how can the AIM name \"shotbybothsides\" be taken? WHO THE FUCK WOULD TAKE THAT?\r\n<@straylight> ...\r\n<@straylight> other than me?", "score": 468, "id": 7473},
{"quote": "<w3nis> this bread smells weird\r\n<w3nis> but tastes fine\r\n<Guilty> Much like a penis", "score": 288, "id": 7475},
{"quote": "* rax humps Arwen`\r\n<Arwen`> rax: down boy!\r\n* rax humps lower", "score": 924, "id": 7476},
{"quote": "* terra begins dousing people in gasoline\r\n<hngkong> Terra, why kill us?\r\n<terra> Shush\r\n<terra> it's perfume", "score": 557, "id": 7477},
{"quote": "[Demon5] ;p\r\n[far_call] what's that symbol supposed to mean?\u00a0 \"I have a scar on my cheek and I'm a mouth breather\"?", "score": 229, "id": 7478},
{"quote": "<rlorenzon> ...and that's when i knew she was the one\r\n<wolfnip> how did you know that?\r\n<rlorenzon> because...i lost all my friends.", "score": 307, "id": 7479},
{"quote": "<Chrizto> 6 irc channels, 7 mailing lists, and not a damn thing is going on", "score": 217, "id": 7483},
{"quote": "<Chrizto> this unix shit is never going to catch on at this rate.", "score": 226, "id": 7484},
{"quote": "<Chrizto> show me a chick worth worrying about after you're not the one fucking them anymore and I'll show you the value of the imaginary number i", "score": 328, "id": 7485},
{"quote": "<hopi> let's talk about my need for once\r\n<hopi> er wrong window", "score": 298, "id": 7486},
{"quote": "<sortof> i slept on a glowstick wrong", "score": 302, "id": 7490},
{"quote": "<Cerebus> being bi-polar must suck\r\n<Kender> well yes and no", "score": 1882, "id": 7493},
{"quote": "<Chrizto> I had too much of this hot sauce last night called \"scorned woman\"", "score": 143, "id": 7494},
{"quote": "<SkyCriesX> i drooled into my friends eyeball once by mistake while experiencing a strong nitrous hit", "score": 160, "id": 7495},
{"quote": "<Aura> oh my god\r\n<Aura> i just passed one of thos adult diaper commercials\r\n<Aura> they are trying to make it look sexy\r\n<Aura> they showed this sexy leg with polished nails\r\n<Aura> going into a diaper\r\n<SkyCriesX> thats canada for you", "score": 363, "id": 7496},
{"quote": "<mild7> its always real nice when you step out of bed and step into wetness", "score": 155, "id": 7497},
{"quote": "<FifthColumn> best place to pick up chicks is at the orphanage.\u00a0 those 18 year olds get sent out on their own with no place to go, usually\r\n<mogismog> they're usually crazy, too, fifth\r\n<mogismog> makes for a good time in bed", "score": 262, "id": 7758},
{"quote": "<HeXonXonX> I'm beginning to think the Playboy channel isn't based on reality. I don't see my neighbors running through sprinklers naked or inviting me over for orgies.", "score": 534, "id": 7760},
{"quote": "<booger> my two best friends laid off on the same day\r\n<faz`work> your left and right hand on the same day?!", "score": 140, "id": 7761},
{"quote": "<TFA|Swoop> I hate being on 14.4..\r\n<n> hah\r\n<chao[i]> ha\r\n<chao[i]> are u kidding\r\n<TFA|Swoop> I can't do anything but talk in irc..\r\n<TFA|Swoop> bored out of my fucking skull\r\n<chao[i]> lets quake swoop\r\n<chao[i]> yeah\r\n<chao[i]> TFA|Swoop was pummelet by chao[i]\r\n<TFA|Swoop> Ok\r\n<TFA|Swoop> I'll start a server.", "score": 223, "id": 7762},
{"quote": "<redial> read me the contents of your q3key file and i'll tell you if the upgrade will work\r\n<faz> my q3key says P00R 4773MP7", "score": 536, "id": 7764},
{"quote": "<n> i bet that game is gonna sell huge\r\n<n> just cause people will be like... ah well its only $20\r\n<faz__> well its fun, they deserve it\r\n<anathema> yeah\r\n<Stonefire[i]> now that n opened his mouth, it's gonna tank\r\n<faz__> haha\r\n<anathema> haha\r\n<koko> bahaha\r\n<Stonefire[i]> ya jinx'd it\r\n<faz__> sam sells 6 copies\r\n<n> oh yeah?\r\n<n> well in that case\r\n<n> i bet stonefire will get laid soon", "score": 382, "id": 7765},
{"quote": "*** booger is now known as BROADCAST\r\n* BROADCAST MESSAGE FROM ETG OPS: we all suck here tonight, so we are going to bounce chanserv a few times then disco and force a few netsplits on just because - vd whiz", "score": 199, "id": 7766},
{"quote": "<faustwork> the gf wants underwear for xmas\r\n<faustwork> i cant stand going shopping for em tho\r\n<faustwork> i feel like a goon\r\n<faustwork> maybe its because i rub them all on my face", "score": 708, "id": 7767},
{"quote": "<n> hi...okay, i know exactly what i want! should be older than myself...larger in stature than me...preferably going..gentle with a firm should just relish the the role of Top Daddy who takes what he wants! i am Totally shaved and smooth all over(everywhere!)..soft smooth tanned complexion..i LOVE wearing sexy little panties and being playfully~submissive to your advances in an almost femme manner\r\n<n> lol\r\n<booger> i wonder how she shaves around her own asshole\r\n<booger> thats gotta hurt\r\n<pat> nair?\r\n<booger> what if she gets nair up her ass?\r\n<pat> e-mail her and find out\r\n<n> uhm\r\n<n> thats a he\r\n<booger> OMG", "score": 660, "id": 7769},
{"quote": "<Hexis> you guys read about the easter egg in mirc?\r\n<Hexis> hold ALT and type \"fxfire\"\r\n<Destruct> ?\r\n*** Signoff: Destruct (Quit: )\r\n<booger> type /server fxfire instead\r\n<booger> that might work better\r\n*** Signoff: Destruct (Quit: )", "score": 255, "id": 7770},
{"quote": "<ph^pr0phet> i got kicked in the balls earlier in the summer\r\n<chaowork> ouch\r\n<Booger> hah\r\n<chaowork> by a chick?\r\n<Booger> try to NOT do that\r\n<ph^pr0phet> yea\r\n<ph^pr0phet> heh\r\n<Booger> or wear a nutcup\r\n<chaowork> u need to learn to stand sideways when u hit on em", "score": 224, "id": 7772},
{"quote": "<chaowork> dont singe the wenis\r\n<faustwork> yeah, nude bacon cooking is tricky\r\n<chaowork> i hear thats gonna be in the next olympics\r\n<faustwork> you should see how i flip it over", "score": 175, "id": 7774},
{"quote": "<n> the only thing that gets him away from eq is beer\r\n<Doza> at least he hasn't totally sold out\r\n<n> what we need is a helmet we can strap onto him... with tubes that go down his thoat... and you hook it up to the puter... and it dispenses beer every time he gets a frag\r\n<n> then he'll play q3", "score": 207, "id": 7775},
{"quote": "<u238|duhasst> right now if you put me in a round room and told me to piss in a corner.. my blader would explode", "score": 151, "id": 7776},
{"quote": "<eastwood[i]> get wasted ..come back and get some\r\n<Booger> mmm, some", "score": 235, "id": 7778},
{"quote": "<Booger> http, nntp, ftp. these are all non-cohesive with end-to-end viewing of good titty pics\r\n<Booger> the new standard:\r\n<u238|duhasst> hehe\r\n<Booger> NTTP: Nice Titty Transfer Protocol", "score": 190, "id": 7779},
{"quote": "<DarthN> so.. ana... did she touch your... \"railgun\"?\r\n<ana_class> dude\r\n<ana_class> seriously stfu\r\n<faustwork> lol\r\n<faustwork> did you shoot plasma?\r\n<DarthN> HAHAHAHA\r\n<DarthN> ROFL\r\n<chaoworky> haha\r\n<DarthN> omg hahaha\r\n<ana_class> are you all in second grade still?\r\n<chaoworky> i think he fisted her with his gauntlet\r\n<DarthN> omg", "score": 742, "id": 7780},
{"quote": "* rob` pokes richard.. do an ls `yes`.\u00a0 I dare you\r\n\r\n[five minutes pass]\r\n\r\n<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.\r\n<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.\r\n<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.\r\n<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.\r\n* rob` .. snickers madly\r\n<Zibblsnrt> Ooh, neat\r\n<phenyx> real funny.\r\n<rob`> I didn't think anyone'd actually _do_ it.\r\n<phenyx> I have enough money to drive to vancouver and kick your ass.", "score": 426, "id": 7832},
{"quote": "", "score": 171, "id": 7835},
{"quote": "<J-Rock> Thought For The Day: rm -rf customers.\r\n<Zulu> possibilities.\r\n<rob`> bitchslap-over-IP.\u00a0 Yes.", "score": 142, "id": 7837},
{"quote": "<rob`> wai, self-pity.\u00a0 is there anything more pathetic? :)\r\n<nev> *nod* whining about it on irc ;)", "score": 265, "id": 7838},
{"quote": "<rob`> I mean, who would have thought that blood congeals into a pudding? :9", "score": 138, "id": 7839},
{"quote": "", "score": 212, "id": 7840},
{"quote": "<Lizrdling> bunch other thatway doing swing.\r\n<Lizrdling> bunch of me and others having a picnic.\r\n<nebouxii> swinging? like having sex with each other?\r\n<rob`> nebo; Stanford, not Berkeley.", "score": 95, "id": 7841},
{"quote": "<Sandman> You know something? Burning hair reeks.\r\n<Zibblsnrt> I think that's nature's way of telling you, \"Don't set your hair on fire, dipshit!\"", "score": 1072, "id": 7842},
{"quote": "....\u00a0 I love the way Microsoft follows standards.\u00a0 In much the same manner \r\nthat fish follow migrating caribou.\r\n\u00a0 \t\t\t-- Paul Tomblin, alt.sysadmin.recovery", "score": 446, "id": 7845},
{"quote": "Damocles`: o/` we all live in a yellow double hulled boyancy controlled ship of war! o/`\r\nZibblsnrt smacks Damo for that ;)\r\nZibblsnrt: Damo: I and my comrades posess as our place of residence the interior of a mid-visible spectrum double-hulled buoyancy-controlled boat ofwar\r\nZibblsnrt: I can outobfuscate your sorry ass anyday >%)\r\nZibblsnrt dares someone to bloat that through another level. %)\r\nDamocles`: o/` i and my comrades posess as our place of residence the interior of a mid-visible spectrum double hulled boyancy controlled ship of war!\r\nE_of_C: The carbon-metabolizing physical presence that currently houses my conscious and those physical manefestations of my comrades all possess as our common residential abode the interior of a mid-visible spectrum double hulled buoyancy controlled ship of war!\r\n%", "score": 1511, "id": 7848},
{"quote": "<FadeJade> On the news tonight \"SHOULD AIRLINE PASSENGERS BE MADE TO BUY TWO TICKETS JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE OVERWEIGHT?!\"\r\n<FadeJade> Fuck yeah\r\n<Phuser> hell yes\r\n<FadeJade> Business, Economy or Fatty?\r\n<FadeJade> I'll fly Fatty today, thanks", "score": 551, "id": 7849},
{"quote": "<JoeCuervo> i miss my gfs vagina...\r\n<psychicbug> me too\r\n<JoeCuervo> shaddap", "score": 1060, "id": 7850},
{"quote": "<+HMetal> isn't it wierd how the obvious things trip you up and the complex things are easy? LOL\r\n<+_underdog> in other words girls are obvious and masturbating is complex", "score": 217, "id": 7852},
{"quote": "[Zaun] Zoid?\r\n[Zoid] Yes?\r\n[Zaun] Have you ever been to Vegas?\r\n[Zoid] No\r\n[Zaun] Let me rephrase that. Have you ever paid for sex?", "score": 417, "id": 7854},
{"quote": "<octo> no matter what anyone tells you, or how much you think it would be a good idea, never ever put aftershave on your balls\r\n<HeXeDeCiMaL> OMG 0 ... \r\n<Angelhair> curiosity will get you every time\r\n<Ninja_Bill> as far as i know curiosity didnt make a cat put aftershave on its nuts", "score": 794, "id": 7855},
{"quote": "[Hive] You know what really pisses me off? People who point at their wrist when asking for the time. Yeah, buddy, I know where my watch is. Where the fuck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask for the bathroom?", "score": 1164, "id": 7857},
{"quote": "<Kat> I just got an email from Horny Orgy Babes.\r\n<Kat> oh gee... I wonder what it's about\r\n<kmds> rhinocerous calves studying organic chemistry?", "score": 531, "id": 7859},
{"quote": "<SPACEBOY|GTA3> when the pain stops... thats when you know you've kicked the bucket\r\n<nuggetman> i just read the obituaries to make sure i'm not there", "score": 276, "id": 7931},
{"quote": "<@n909> this guy is traveling in oregon\r\n<@n909> and ran out of weed\r\n<@n909> so he comes to #oregon\r\n<@n909> and asks us for some", "score": 274, "id": 7932},
{"quote": "(CubsWoo): Hehe... all this talk about failed abortions\r\n(CubsWoo): is making me hungry", "score": 236, "id": 7935},
{"quote": "*** Quits: TITANIC (Excess Flood)", "score": 7899, "id": 7936},
{"quote": "<videogamenerd> a real hacker not a \"$kr!p7!3\"\r\n<kt> videogamenerd: your geek is showing", "score": 174, "id": 7940},
{"quote": "<Neptune^> ok you jackasses..just cause im drunk doesnt mean the discussion has to degrade to high schools", "score": 67, "id": 7943},
{"quote": "<fvdl> How can one fuck and wank and the same time?\r\n<cjs> It's a secret the English have kept for centuries.\r\n<mothra> tell fvdl: you're fucking her, but thinking of your hand.\r\n<d@n> \"oh, hand!\u00a0 i mean cindy!\"", "score": 523, "id": 7947},
{"quote": "<Paeyl> Sometimes I yearn for the peace and simplicity of a low-stress startup job", "score": 142, "id": 7949},
{"quote": "<sommerfeld> perl: what you get when you take a couple features from every known language and toss them in a blender.\r\n<sommerfeld> with 20g of crack and a dab of lsd\r\n<perry> sommerfeld: the LSD is purely for flavor.", "score": 247, "id": 7951},
{"quote": "<ZangTT> it's like a massive 300 story zombie john maynard keynes is wandering through california, tearing down buildings and breathing fire.", "score": 190, "id": 7952},
{"quote": "<gkm> mmm, me.\r\n<garandou> glen - when you say 'mmm me' i can't help but imagine you rubbing your nipples\r\n<gkm> mmm, nipples.\r\n<gkm> i'm as happy as a little girl.", "score": 248, "id": 7953},
{"quote": "<wisner> I walked past a protest on Market Street yesterday evening.\r\n<wisner> I didn't burst out laughing, but I really had to work for it.\r\n<wisner> It was JEWISH LESBIANS FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST.\r\n<wisner> There was singing.", "score": 1018, "id": 7954},
{"quote": "<weezyl> I figured I'd just fellate my students for the protein.", "score": 109, "id": 7955},
{"quote": "<dr.jd> whenever I think house is too cheesy, I just look towards dip and it makes me laugh happily\r\n<dr.numa> dip is a good dancer.\r\n<dr.jd> dip is, to my mind, the epitome of a disco house freak\r\n<heathen> i remember once at wiltis some girl asked jeremy to dance.\r\n<heathen> she was dancing all sexy on him and he was dancing like a spastic ninja mime on muscle relaxants.\r\n<heathen> he began by doing something that looked a lot like the cabage patch as interpreted by rhythmless nun trolls.", "score": 640, "id": 7956},
{"quote": "<sine> \"You couldn't get a stroke of genius if you were giving a handjob to Einstein.\"", "score": 593, "id": 7958},
{"quote": "<shoryu909> I wanna be the dell kid.\r\n<@pheer> why?\r\n<shoryu909> He's the most honest person I know.\r\n<zeratul> besides Jesus you mean\r\n<shoryu909> yeah, but jesus has an action figure. Sellout!", "score": 331, "id": 7959},
{"quote": "<Agent_grey> Scanner works! scanner wooooorrrkss!!\r\n<artforz> how did you make it work?\r\n<Agent_grey> its very very technical and scientific, involving the introduction of organic substance interfacing with its structural integrity\r\n<Agent_grey> i whacked it really really hard", "score": 1135, "id": 7960},
{"quote": "[blergh`] so i went to this fight and a damn hockey game broke out", "score": 1144, "id": 7549},
{"quote": "[spoob] oiled up black bint on Rage. oooer, they oil up nicely. I wish I was black. I'd be able to wear silver wrap around glasses and people would assume I had a big dick instead of me having to show them all the time", "score": 26, "id": 7552},
{"quote": "[Bayls] Gimp - that's right. I mean you know my name. Big woo. Either you're off adam, or your girlfriend talks in her sleep. Either way. Snoozes from me.", "score": 138, "id": 7553},
{"quote": "[spoob] I could almost have sex with myself if it didn't keep horning up and stabbing myself through the tonsils", "score": 5, "id": 7554},
{"quote": "[anakin] man i love microsoft visio \r\n[Bayls] yeah, and thanks for answering my question about it earlier. :) \r\n[anakin] what question did you have? \r\n[Bayls] how well does it sniff out your network and give you a diagram with Ipaddresses etc? \r\n[Bayls] is it visio enterprise? \r\n[anakin] not sure, i havent tried it yet \r\n[anakin] na i only have professional \r\n[Bayls] It should say it on the box. if it says \"enterprise\", it's the enterpr.... ooooh, there IS NO BOX, is there? :) \r\n[anakin] does error checking etc too for ERD, data flow, structure charts, etc too \r\n[Bayls] sensational! \r\n[annie] you have NO idea what he just said, do you bayls? ;) \r\n[anakin] even gives you an output box at the bottom telling you any errors as you go along ... like a compiler .. heh \r\n[Bayls] yeah, he said it's got a spell checker or something in it.", "score": 24, "id": 7555},
{"quote": "<mosey> for some reason porn never shows up in my \"my recent documents\" quick launch\r\n<mosey> i hate having to wait for explorer to come up", "score": 160, "id": 7556},
{"quote": "[NissanKin] I have my skyline for sale... \r\n[NissanKin] $20k \r\n[NissanKin] R30 \r\n[NissanKin] fastest in Oz \r\n[Bayls] Actually the 1994 Holden Apollo is the fastest production car ever produced in the unierse. \r\n[NissanKin] i have 323kw at the whels \r\n[Bayls] Yeah? I have a digital thermometer.", "score": 166, "id": 7557},
{"quote": "<FlagshipX> damn... i don't want to take a shower... i want to sleep\r\n<thine_cow|PHP|> Flag: then, sleep in the shower!\r\n<FlagshipX> hmm\r\n<thine_cow|PHP|> (i've done it... sure you're all wrinkly but damnnit, you're refreshed all over!)", "score": 175, "id": 7558},
{"quote": "foop> computers need to burst into flames more often", "score": 393, "id": 7559},
{"quote": "<foop> Nov 4 06:28:56 xanax syslogd: select: Bad file descriptor\r\n<foop> Nov 4 06:29:27 xanax last message repeated 707174 times\r\n<foop> that ain't good", "score": 324, "id": 7564},
{"quote": "<rbgrn> I HAVE ONE GOD DAMN THING TO SAY\r\n<rbgrn> The author put up $10,000 for anyone that could find any hole in qmail over the coarse of 2 years\r\n<rbgrn> no one did.\r\n<foop> because nobody cared", "score": 305, "id": 7565},
{"quote": "<foop> i've felt girl ejaculations\r\n<sneak> i'm talking about apache", "score": 202, "id": 7568},
{"quote": "<foop> i have explosive projectile weaponry in my pants", "score": 29, "id": 7569},
{"quote": "<foop> shower --hot --wet &", "score": 67, "id": 7570},
{"quote": "<foop> leif is having a party?\r\n<ross_> yeah\r\n<foop> does he know that he's having a party?\r\n<Chieze> of course not\r\n<ross_> he will when the donkeys and cocaine show up", "score": 552, "id": 7571},
{"quote": "<arch0n> And no one really runs Solaris either...\r\n<foop> like white people can tell the difference", "score": 27, "id": 7572},
{"quote": "<ricrob> my mom's got a nice ass dad and me are butt men", "score": 230, "id": 7576},
{"quote": "<@blodyholy> do you know the importance of mixing caramel and honey and whipping creme together and heating it up in the microwave for 2 minutes and pouring it on your cat?", "score": 380, "id": 7672},
{"quote": "<@WoNkS> omg it came up already\r\n<@motardo> your wang?", "score": 128, "id": 7675},
{"quote": "<motardo> i iron my curvy wang", "score": 36, "id": 7676},
{"quote": "<[BoB]spencer> LOL who has seen the capture the sperm game? \r\n<Sharp|DoD> i play it every day with my sock \r\n<Sharp|DoD> woops", "score": 359, "id": 7679},
{"quote": "* harbor21 explains to the channel subtle cheating.. an example from my life:\r\nonce went to my boyfriends house and we had sex... and he peed on me... and then the next time he came to my house i had sex with him but wouldn't pee on him(worried about my carpet)\r\n* harbor21 is a suble cheater", "score": 10, "id": 7681},
{"quote": "<landen:#math> It was started by Carl Sagan. For astronomers there is not a lot of difference between 10^9 and 10^12.\r\n<asphyxia:#math> yeah, only three zeros", "score": 130, "id": 7682},
{"quote": "<Spyder-> AOL also sucks\r\n*** Carnevil_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Carnevil_[])", "score": 187, "id": 7683},
{"quote": "<Phuser> Someone asked me if I knew what time it was today\r\n<Phuser> I said, Yes, but not right now.", "score": 292, "id": 7689},
{"quote": "*** OpsuPup has joined #Aussie-Warez\r\n<OpsuPup> fap fapping fap\r\n<OutLore> indeed\r\n<OutLore> howd you guess?\r\n<OutLore> i mean nothing.\r\n<OpsuPup> i can hear you from mornington dude\r\n<OpsuPup> the walls are shaking\r\n * OutLore blushes", "score": 154, "id": 7691},
{"quote": "<evilmarq> my fingers smell of garlic\r\n<Rawr> Where have you been sticking them?\r\n<evilmarq> up my arse\r\n<Rawr> Your arse smells of garlic?\r\n<evilmarq> yes\r\n<Rawr> Why?\r\n<evilmarq> i put garlic up my ass", "score": 1233, "id": 7692},
{"quote": "<Phuser> fuck me.\r\n<FadeJade> Why\r\n<Phuser> i have no good reason", "score": 401, "id": 7693},
{"quote": "<DrShah> anyone know what them things are called that will let me fit a hd into a 5 1/2 inch bay?\r\n<_8ight> yeah. screws.", "score": 330, "id": 7699},
{"quote": "<Ludwigvan> haha you can't kick me\r\n<bobthecow> oi someone op me\r\n<Felix1> bob type alt-f4\r\n<Ludwigvan> hehe\r\n*** bobthecow has quit IRC (Leaving)\r\n<Ludwigvan> HAHAHAHAHAHAH SHE FELL FOR IT!!!!!!!!\r\n<Ludwigvan> HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAA\r\n<Astro}> oh my god ...\r\n<Felix1> :D\r\n<Felix1> oops :p\r\n*** bobthecow has joined #buttermenthol\r\n<bobthecow> err\r\n<Ludwigvan> ahahahahahhahaha ---> bob\r\n<Astroy}> hahaha you idiot bob\r\n<Felix1> sorry bob :D\r\n<bobthecow> my dad was looking over my shoulder and even he laughed", "score": 1313, "id": 7701},
{"quote": "<Multus> Indeed. And, fear not, a sense of humor be not required for my employ, though a sense of direction helps, or perhaps a Yahoo! Map, for finding my land can be a chore in itself. \r\n<Jolieve> (( Multus... you have been warned about the out of genre commentary... please cease and desist now, this is your final warning. ))\r\n<Multus> Er... \r\n<Multus> Forgive, I did not mean Yahoo! Maps.\u00a0 What madness do I speak?\u00a0 I, um, believe they are called Huzzah! Maps in this land.\u00a0 Yes?", "score": 1022, "id": 7703},
{"quote": "* fingle sets mode +owned Maels \r\n* Maels sets mode -satisfaction fing's missus", "score": 141, "id": 7705},
{"quote": "archon > man, that was fun \r\narchon > hooray for hack tools and logs \r\nz0e > lumberjack blowjob?", "score": 269, "id": 7706},
{"quote": "<ShrikeX> YEAH\r\n<ShrikeX> DNS IS BACK\r\n<Damascus`> and it's better than ever.", "score": 200, "id": 7707},
{"quote": "<Pi> GMT is the best\r\n<Pi> coslike\r\n<Pi> everyone else is wrong", "score": 290, "id": 8016},
{"quote": "<WargasM> i like chocolate\r\n<WargasM> it makes me think of boobies\r\n<WargasM> i wonder if you could make a woman lactate chocolate milk, if the DNA was just right", "score": 201, "id": 7421},
{"quote": "<|VenoMtv|> my dad called me up to wish me a happy birthday\r\n<|VenoMtv|> he said, happy 22 birthday, and i replied, dad, i'm 23\r\n<|VenoMtv|> and he said, but i thought u started to drink last year\r\n<|VenoMtv|> i said, no, i started in high school =x", "score": 513, "id": 7422},
{"quote": "<Vada> is it bad when you are at work and someone that is being rude says something to you and you all of a sudden see YOU FRAGGED SOANDSO about their head?", "score": 307, "id": 7423},
{"quote": "<UllerSkewl> metric system is better anyways\r\n<stx-suicidal> werd\r\n<stx-suicidal> inches are gay\r\n<puto> your just mad cause you dont have many of them nick", "score": 316, "id": 7425},
{"quote": "<glasnost> i was pasting it for everyone else -[\r\n<glasnost> err\r\n<glasnost> =]\r\n<glasnost> fucking sad cyclops instead of happy 2-eyes", "score": 483, "id": 7426},
{"quote": "<xetlain> 376 lines of code so far I think\r\n<xetlain> and that took me like 3 hours, lots of yelling, two packets of cigs, 4 liters of coke, and three wanks to get done.", "score": 711, "id": 7427},
{"quote": "<Phuser> my fan club has a member\r\n<Phuser> my member has a fan club", "score": 425, "id": 7428},
{"quote": "<@a> i should get \"butt plug\" tattooed on my cock", "score": 242, "id": 7429},
{"quote": "*** MathAngel has left #vancouver\r\n<Phuser> math angel?\r\n<bv3> wtf is a math angel\r\n<Phuser> that is the worst nick i've ever seen\r\n*** Phuser is now known as SocialStudiesWizard\r\n<SocialStudiesWizard> i damn thee", "score": 1033, "id": 7431},
{"quote": "<Orz> How old are you jennjenn?\r\n<Orz> 12 right?\r\n<jennjenn> 12??\r\n<Orz> Yeah, comes after 13.\r\n<Orz> Idiot.", "score": 772, "id": 7432},
{"quote": "<Undine> To celebrate football fan twattishness, Birmingham will once again shut down.\r\n<Undine> Because of the fracas of the last match, twats climbing onto bus roofs as they waited in traffic.\r\n<Undine> The routes around the major bars will be shut.\r\n* Hawx imagines Birmingham \"shutting down\"...\r\n<Hawx> Like Christmas lights going off...\r\n<Hawx> \"It is now safe to turn off your Birmingham\"", "score": 401, "id": 7433},
{"quote": "<Owyn> I can't double click on a folder to open it.\r\n<Owyn> THat's not a good thing.\r\n<Phuser> keep the chat running man JUST KEEP THE CHAT RUNNING!\r\n*** Owyn has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)\r\n<Phuser> damn\r\n* Phuser throws his hands in the air\r\n<Phuser> WHY GOD, WHY?!", "score": 503, "id": 7435},
{"quote": "<DangerousBeauty> do u seeing me giving two fucks?\r\n<Phuser> i see you giving everyone fucks", "score": 307, "id": 7436},
{"quote": "<Loc-Dog> which is probably a good indication that he likes gaynal sex\r\n<SantaClaws> i'll stick with the bitches part, thanks\r\n<Loc-Dog> SantaClaws: sweet! ahmed's ass was getting loose anyway\r\n<Loc-Dog> a: you no longer have to play the bitches part.... SantaClaws volunteered\r\n*** SantaClaws curses not thinking before he speaks", "score": 143, "id": 7437},
{"quote": "<Alpino> why dont the little ray of sunshine come ova here\r\n<PuffTheMagickBongPipe> ova.. something Alpino's sperm will NEVER see", "score": 204, "id": 7439},
{"quote": "<sort> so would someone on dxm be called detarded?", "score": 40, "id": 7498},
{"quote": "<paat> I AM FEELING SOMETHING THAT NO EMOTICON CAN DESCRIBE", "score": 1401, "id": 7499},
{"quote": "<dirtynumbangelboy> SCREW HUMANITY LETS DO MORE NITROUS YAY", "score": 113, "id": 7501},
{"quote": "<miss_tekky_stylez> yeah\r\n<miss_tekky_stylez> asian shits are dope..\r\n<miss_tekky_stylez> like take for instance\r\n<miss_tekky_stylez> when a big log hits the water\r\n<miss_tekky_stylez> it doesn't make the \"bloop\" noise..\r\n<miss_tekky_stylez> it goes... \"You break you buy!\"\r\n<miss_tekky_stylez> or \"You have dishonord my family!\"", "score": 14, "id": 7502},
{"quote": "<djfisty> i woke up with samuel l jackson's hairstyle from 'unbreakable'", "score": 267, "id": 7503},
{"quote": "<Cerebus> ravers don't go to heaven or hell, they go to plurgatory\u00a0 :(", "score": 163, "id": 7508},
{"quote": "<SkyCriesX> tumors don't cuddle", "score": 45, "id": 7509},
{"quote": "<orb2k> raves are just an excuse\r\n<jovana> for what?\r\n<orb2k> for grinding my teeth and petting everything", "score": 273, "id": 7511},
{"quote": "<eth0_tulip> once, i stabbed a guy in LA, for not closing both eyes at the same time when he blinked", "score": 278, "id": 7513},
{"quote": "<LadyLegs> i'm anal about what goes into my body", "score": 391, "id": 7515},
{"quote": "<rawkus> fuckin women.\r\n<rawkus> i call for booty and get a lecture on racism\r\n<rawkus> wtf?", "score": 202, "id": 7517},
{"quote": "<Cerebus> death is the ++ at the end of life", "score": 195, "id": 7518},
{"quote": "<[Matt]> the only thing about mullholland drive that didn't confuse me entirely was the lesbian sex scenes\r\n<[Matt]> other than that, i was lost", "score": 347, "id": 7519},
{"quote": "<g33kk0r3> anyone know what carpet bombing is?\r\n<vaportrail> umm...taking a crap on a vagina?", "score": 260, "id": 7520},
{"quote": "<orbZ> the fuckin taliban took our only good search engine", "score": 27, "id": 7523},
{"quote": "<n2d2> i didnt put bon jovi in the playlist\r\n<n2d2> oh my god\r\n<chaobacca> 11:36:54\r\n<chaobacca> Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine\r\n<n2d2> my bon jovi mp3s have become self-aware", "score": 384, "id": 7781},
{"quote": "<faustwork> she looks good\r\n<chaommm> is she hot?\r\n<faustwork> id bang her\r\n<chaommm> that doesnt mean shit\r\n<faustwork> id bang her with no beer\r\n<chaommm> WOAH", "score": 1548, "id": 7782},
{"quote": "<u238|duhasst> pdf's suck for reading on the toilet", "score": 278, "id": 7783},
{"quote": "<nakedpretzel>\u00a0 The pr()n industry uses interlaced .gif's to toy with my fragile emotions...", "score": 163, "id": 7786},
{"quote": "<@Avie_work> a word of advice for you guys\r\n<@Avie_work> unless you want to ruin a woman's orgasm, do NOT shout this just as she is ascending the heavenly mountain: \"GO SPEED, GO!\"", "score": 344, "id": 7787},
{"quote": "<slash> masturbation is like tekken 2: after a while your hand begins to FUCKING hurt, but you keep on going because you're enjoying yourself too much.", "score": 308, "id": 7788},
{"quote": "<zyrowan> when I have a fiance\r\n<zyrowan> I'm going to get \"Will you marry me?\" tatooed on the back of my balls\r\n<zyrowan> and talk her into a rim job\r\n<zyrowan> it'll be soo romantic", "score": 688, "id": 7790},
{"quote": "<RighteousSuicide> I was running around today like a retard\r\n<RighteousSuicide> and I hear a BANG\r\n<RighteousSuicide> i couldn't figure out what it was\r\n<RighteousSuicide> then I noticed I had run into a dumpster", "score": 800, "id": 7794},
{"quote": "<Daki> thanks i know\r\n<Azalyn> aww\r\n<Azalyn> *smack*\r\n<Azalyn> your so cute when you get smacked\r\n<Azalyn> *smack*smack*\r\n<Azalyn> awwwww!!!!\r\n<Azalyn> *smack*smack*smack!*smack!!-crack* err, oh shit.. o.o i think i killed him >.<\r\n*** Daki ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)\r\n<Azalyn> O_O", "score": 936, "id": 7796},
{"quote": "<Linguica> it would be funny if i got a serious death threat\r\n<Linguica> wtf\r\n<Linguica> wait a minute\r\n<Linguica> <Linguica> it would be funny if i got a serious death threat\r\n<Linguica> no it wouldnt", "score": 430, "id": 7797},
{"quote": "(PJ|) someone released a reencoding of it\r\n(PJ|) with alot better quality\r\n(Lan|Work) How do you re-encode something and get better quality?", "score": 106, "id": 7800},
{"quote": "(PJ) grrr\r\n(PJ) a car alarm is going off\r\n(PJ) OH FOR GOD SHAKES SOMEONE SHOOT THE DAMN CAR\r\n(PJ) fuck\r\n(PJ) its our car", "score": 985, "id": 7801},
{"quote": "<coma> wank carefully and do not destroy your penis :)\r\n<xetlain> wise words.\r\n<coma> for men with divine penises like us, yes", "score": 45, "id": 7802},
{"quote": "<Affe> haha my mom just got an email from adultcheck that was supposed to go to my stepdad\r\n<Ouroboros> Busted!\r\n<Affe> she's like \"adultcheck? i hate all this spam\" and she clicks on it to delete it, and up comes the preview \"dear william (my stepdad), on such and such a date you ordered....\"\r\n<Affe> haha\r\n<Affe> she's all like \"asshole\"", "score": 287, "id": 7804},
{"quote": "<Eukanuba> what time is it in the usa atm ?\r\n<BludClot> 8:40 - 12:40\r\n<FireFox12> wrong\r\n<FireFox12> its 5:45 in california\r\n<BludClot> oh, I wasn't sure which way the timezones went :P", "score": 21, "id": 7806},
{"quote": "<Goteku> i s'pose Sem is the kind to laugh at poor kids getting sodomized by 10-foot poles.. sideways -_-, \r\n<Sem[class]> \"Buah-hah-haaa! Sux0rz to be you!!!!\"", "score": 33, "id": 7863},
{"quote": "<Danzo> damn big txt file \r\n<Danzo> B I G <peaches> \r\n* peaches watches notepad crash \r\n<peaches> should've zipped it up \r\n<Danzo> heh..story of my life =]", "score": 348, "id": 7866},
{"quote": "=== Action: eltawater RAGES at easynet\r\n<eltawater> HOW DARE YOU DOUBLE DEBIT MY ACCOUNT, THEREBY SENDING ME 250 QUID INTO THE RED, AND THEN HAVE THE BALLS TO GIVE ME A COURTESY CALL ASKING ME WHETHER I AM GOING TO RENEW MY CONTRACT\r\n<MetalJoe> problem?\r\n<eltawater> you could say that\r\n<MetalJoe> heh\r\n<eltawater> it's a good thing I've got my credit card now, otherwise I wouldn't be able to pay for anything\r\n<genie_> damn those irc subscription fees", "score": 124, "id": 7870},
{"quote": "<damnyoure> where did you find that link\r\n<Spoof> google\r\n<damnyoure> and why would you believe something that some ass posted :/\r\n<Spoof> cause he is .edu :D", "score": 202, "id": 7871},
{"quote": "", "score": 334, "id": 7873},
{"quote": "<billa> lol\r\n<billa> sif\r\n<billa> talk to the hand\r\n<billa> cause the cock aint listening\r\n<JtHM> that'd make you the cock....\r\n<billa> yes\r\n<billa> damn.", "score": 672, "id": 7875},
{"quote": "<Syclopse> my god you again\r\n<gesus> dislexia?\r\n<gesus> i'm sure you meant to say \"you my god again\"", "score": 171, "id": 7876},
{"quote": "<craving> I had a great dream last night. I was a servant of Satan, and in return for my services he had given me this enormouse house on the side of a mountain. It had a big balcony and a great bookshelf. I was a little nervous, though, because He had eaten my predecessor alive.", "score": 463, "id": 7877},
{"quote": "<MafiaLeader> The MORE computers does not mean teh big wang\r\n<pk|notbusy> oh but it does, u knoew. Women go wild for a man with more than 5 obsolete Aplles\r\n<pk|notbusy> they think, like \"Cool, he must be a AUTHOR or publisher, maybve he'll make me a webasite for all my dog paintings....\"", "score": 191, "id": 7881},
{"quote": "<djrm> Q what is the penalty for exceeding your space quota? \r\n<Alaric> death by pineapple \r\n<djrm> ooo err", "score": 433, "id": 7883},
{"quote": "<Kamz> ur a freak chika - go pig hunting or something\r\n<cHIKa`> I do pig hunt\r\n<cHIKa`> Your mummas to fast these days", "score": 149, "id": 7884},
{"quote": "<Halcr0> If I had a knife, I'd shoot you", "score": 1563, "id": 7885},
{"quote": "<Grimace> I went to a goon party after drinking a bottle o vodka.\r\n<Grimace> I think I had goon and powerade ... ultra blue puke.\r\n<FiremanSam> fluro pukes own\r\n<FiremanSam> i did a bright green one after a cocktails\r\n<Veggie> i did a red spew once.. but that as cocktail related and not blood so I'm happy\r\n<zer0> I once had a mate drink piss from a gatorade bottle (By accident) and spew it back up.....thats like piss and spew in one!!!\r\n<Grimace> wtf............", "score": 89, "id": 7886},
{"quote": "<Cheese> I'm going t be a millionaire and buy a bus soon", "score": 39, "id": 7887},
{"quote": "<Bung-Eye> Its a sweet pickup line, and I even used it!\r\n<Bung-Eye> i was pissed as a cunt\r\n<Bung-Eye> it didn't work though\r\n<Bung-Eye> cos i ended up sayin it to a guy :/", "score": 186, "id": 7888},
{"quote": "<rabbit|hci>\u00a0 <- fodder :p\r\n<Fodz> welcome to being gay <- rabit\r\n<rabbit|hci> well, a welcome from an established member of a community always means something. :)\u00a0 Thanks fodder", "score": 282, "id": 7889},
{"quote": "<Fodz> I AM JUST NOT APPRECIATED AROUND HERE\r\n<rabbitfood> not for your brains fods, just your arse. :)", "score": 61, "id": 7890},
{"quote": "<ICIST> I get that warm and fuzzy feeling\r\n<@Deth> like when you pee your pants?\r\n<ICIST> kinda\r\n<ICIST> more like when i shit myself", "score": 180, "id": 7962},
{"quote": "<Vhata> #linux is one of those...\r\n<Vhata> things\r\n<Vhata> what do you call a project that is no longer being maintained?\r\n<Nimnod> a failure.\r\n<Vhata> heh", "score": 131, "id": 7963},
{"quote": "<akii> what happens when disney goes bankrupt?\r\n<akii> does walt get unfrozen?\r\n<nigd> haahha\r\n<nigd> how pissed would you be\r\n<nigd> \"IM ALIVE!\"\r\n<nigd> \"yes\"\r\n<nigd> \"Did you cure me?\"\r\n<nigd> \"no\"\r\n<nigd> \"Why unfreeze me then?\"\r\n<nigd> \"You're going broke\"\r\n<nigd> \"fuck.\"", "score": 748, "id": 7964},
{"quote": "(CitizenC): I spilled my ashtray all over my computer earlier today.\r\n(CitizenC): Son of a bitch.\r\n(CitizenC): Took forever to clean up.\r\n(CitizenC): At least I don't have to empty my ashtray now.", "score": 241, "id": 7966},
{"quote": "(CitizenC): Hey, here's a question for ya.. what if Jesus was gay?\r\n(CitizenC): You know what? I bet he was.\r\n(CitizenC): Walking around in that desert with his apostles forever?\r\n(CitizenC): They didn't have porn back then, which left only two options:\r\n(CitizenC): * Beat off behind a mountain somewhere to memories of Mary, or\r\n(CitizenC): * Say \"Yo!\u00a0 Deciples!\u00a0 Suck my cock!\u00a0 I'm the son of God!\"\r\n(CitizenC): Personally, I think that second one is much more likely.", "score": 31, "id": 7967},
{"quote": "<Second-Child> spring rolls? isn't ben vegetarian?\r\n<tef> maybe he doesn't count cat as meat?", "score": 156, "id": 7968},
{"quote": "<Ron`> My wife doesn't get paid for 2 years\r\n<HeroShot> What is she, a whore?\r\n<Ron`> Actually, one night I came home and I found 200 dollars on my dresser...\r\n<Phrak|t> Damn... she left $400 on mine", "score": 286, "id": 7969},
{"quote": "<ChuffyCow> I'm having a bagel with nutella\r\n<chrish> gnutella?!\u00a0 it'll take you all day to download that bagel!", "score": 317, "id": 7972},
{"quote": "<Pirificio> Anyone on here with a higher level of Estrogin than Testoterone?\r\n<mogismog> lemme guess, you don't have a girlfriend?", "score": 222, "id": 7974},
{"quote": "<SkoroWork> Xyverz: where is this coming from?\r\n<Beryllium> ...\r\n<SkoroWork> ahh\r\n<SkoroWork> ok\r\n<SkoroWork> thought he was in some lame IRC channel somewhere and thought we wanted to see the lame discussions going on there :-P", "score": 114, "id": 7975},
{"quote": "<ErikN|WORK> do you have sdl installed?\r\n<savepotatoes> think so\r\n<ErikN|WORK> hmmm\r\n<savepotatoes> probably\r\n<ErikN|WORK> are you sure?\r\n<savepotatoes> yea\r\n(time passes...)\r\n<savepotatoes> whats sdl?", "score": 282, "id": 7976},
{"quote": "<chrish> I'd like to know what sort of one-eyed crack whores do the QA testing at ATI.\r\n<AGoddess> the kind that like to shove anything in their pussy?\r\n<chrish> porcupines and cacti are available in the lounge", "score": 149, "id": 7978},
{"quote": "<VOLVORacr> hello\r\n<VOLVORacr> why are so many pepole here but nobody is chatting\r\n<sc1> i'm masturbating\r\n<sc1> leave me alone", "score": 550, "id": 7979},
{"quote": "<techzen> fuck lsd\r\n<techzen> i mean dsl", "score": 276, "id": 7980},
{"quote": "<@primig> why is duct tape like the force\r\n<@primig> it has a dark and a light side\r\n<@primig> and it holdes the universe together", "score": 20, "id": 7984},
{"quote": "Droogie1115: my grandma is coming dowm tommorrow and my mom is going to uconn on sunday\r\nDroogie1115: its going to fucking suck\r\nDroogie1115: i cant stand my grandma being here\r\nDroogie1115: because when she is here i cant sleep past 7 30\r\nnapalm 256: she wake u up\r\nDroogie1115: because she wakes up and takes the nastiest dump that smells up teh whole house and i just wanna kill myself", "score": 345, "id": 7985},
{"quote": "<CrazySpence> e-mail is just really lagged irc", "score": 211, "id": 7986},
{"quote": "<Ling-Food> myst: I am covered with pure vegetable oil and I am writing a best seller!", "score": 43, "id": 7577},
{"quote": "*** Covaro is now known as Cov-poopie\r\n<Cov-poopie> got shit to do", "score": 228, "id": 7578},
{"quote": "<_Pete_> my abs have never looked so good in my life after losing these 10 pounds fast :D soon they'll turn to flab through lack of use though :( \r\n<Avium> Pete you sound kind of gay \r\n<Avium> no offense you sack of shit", "score": 300, "id": 7586},
{"quote": "*** FAG has joined #us-opers\r\n<FAG> I'm gay. How do I get my O:Line?", "score": 34, "id": 7587},
{"quote": "<human> beethoven and mozart should have had a kid \r\n<human> then marry this kid to enya \r\n<human> then have their children play with a roland xp-30 \r\n<human> then you'll get some nice tunes", "score": 215, "id": 7588},
{"quote": "*** Signoff: iyeoh (Connection reset by peer)}\r\n*** ieyoh has joined #mpeg3c \r\n<iyeoh> WHO EVER PEER IS...YOU FUCKING LOW LIFE BASTARD MOTHERFUCKER OF A RTEENAGE WANKER, BEND OVER SO YOUR HALF FATHER CAN SCREW YOU IN THE ASS TILL YOUR BUTT OOZES FUCKING BLOOD", "score": 1218, "id": 7590},
{"quote": "<JtHMx> not overly keen on a film that makes #warez-nz fanboys cry\r\n<billa> you need to respect.\r\n<billa> to scared youll break down\r\n<JtHMx> no, too scared I'll waste a couple of hours of my life\r\n<JtHMx> says the man on irc at 1am", "score": 310, "id": 7591},
{"quote": "<Felix1> lud, as a 'gag' somebody set our air con on 44 degrees\r\n<Felix1> brother is on the critical list, We lost Mum on the operating table, Dad never regained consiousness and our dogs corneas melted down her face", "score": 82, "id": 7598},
{"quote": "<OpsuPup> i just got some imaginary donuts, and they are fucking nice\r\n<Xta-C> i just had imaginary sex, and it was disappointing\r\n<bytraper> i just got some imaginary sex, and it was fucking nice\r\n* Lord-Data thinks byt and xta just imaginarily slept together", "score": 631, "id": 7600},
{"quote": "<Felix1> i just got 2070 on ski\r\n<lud> I finished Minesweeper ... custom game, two mines I mean, out of 500 squares", "score": 66, "id": 7601},
{"quote": "<CellY> so yesterday the gay mailman who wears daisy dukes says to me\r\n<CellY> \"You get alot of packages, you must have discoverd ebay\"\r\n<CellY> I say no I discoverd state wide drug distribution rings\r\n<pagan> LOL\r\n<CellY> he just siad have a nice day", "score": 510, "id": 7604},
{"quote": "<oof> so did you get together with your family for easter?\r\n<_p> no, my family hates god.", "score": 354, "id": 7606},
{"quote": "<_p> my lack of morals has absolutely nothing to do with my loins.\r\n<_p> it just so happens that many immoral acts that are genuinely worth doing involve my dick.", "score": 264, "id": 7607},
{"quote": "<xorg> If I say \"Eject\" and you say \"What?\", you'll be talking to yourself.", "score": 152, "id": 7609},
{"quote": "<shadok> bo gritz shot himself and only inflicted a flesh wound\r\n<shadok> the quality of american fascism has declined notably in recent times\r\n<shadok> i blame flouride", "score": 212, "id": 7610},
{"quote": "<Logomancr> although I don't know how reliable plasma screens are\r\n<Logomancr> I wonder if I punched a whole in it when running if \"plasma\" would leak out, in a very star trek moment\r\n<Logomancr> ;P\r\n<Logomancr> \"hello fire department, I have a plasma leak in my reactor coils\"\r\n<lev|> \"on screen\"\r\n<Logomancr> \"no no, I'm talking about my TV\"\r\n<renholde_> maybe if we modify the deflector dish\r\n<Logomancr> that would be so l33t", "score": 527, "id": 7709},
{"quote": "<IlpaTYPER> would this have anything to do with banning Class316? heh\r\n<Fakester> no\r\n<Fakester> he should be banned at all times\r\n<Fakester> IMO\r\n<DN|PISSED> he should be klined from planet earth", "score": 57, "id": 7710},
{"quote": "<sc1> the video was compressed at 5fps\r\n<sc1> jesus this sucks\r\n<asmodius> Jesus can't help with sucky frame rates. Trust me on that one.\r\n<asmodius> He's pretty useless when it comes to video compression rates.", "score": 443, "id": 7711},
{"quote": "<[-tOrn-]> Know a good resource editor?\r\n<Jaykul> E-mail the authors.\r\n<[-tOrn-]> hmm\r\n<[-tOrn-]> That's a good resource editor ;)\r\n<Jaykul> ResHack\r\n* [-tOrn-] never thought of that one..\r\n<[-tOrn-]> yeah, have that.", "score": 15, "id": 7712},
{"quote": "<TonyD> you hatiater\r\n<DamianMor> What on earth is a hatiater?\r\n<TonyD> it's a word I just made up\r\n<TonyD> someone who radiates hate", "score": 413, "id": 7713},
{"quote": "<kez> Jaykul, nice, er, bottom\r\n<kez> er, I mean\r\n<kez> easter?", "score": 27, "id": 7714},
{"quote": "<cosmok> what is programming anymore, copy paste copy paste\r\n<cosmok> copy, reorganize, paste, rework, paste\r\n<kez> you missed a bit off the end\r\n<cosmok> ?\r\n<kez> </html>", "score": 346, "id": 7717},
{"quote": "<[-tOrn-]> And then today at work I almost cracked up\r\n<[-tOrn-]> \"Hey what are the system requirements on this?\"\r\n<[-tOrn-]> \"Uh, sir..that's a book.\"", "score": 786, "id": 7718},
{"quote": "* c6 is going to start a radio station\r\n<c6> although the kits are mighty expensive\r\n<Jaykul> lol\r\n<Jaykul> you even have a license?\r\n<[-tOrn-]> Jaykul: hell no\r\n<[-tOrn-]> ;)\r\n<c6> do i ever have a license for anything but driving?", "score": 31, "id": 7719},
{"quote": "<KidHype> i like my pr0n like i like my video story line needed, just cut to the fucking chase\r\n<KidHype> but i've been jax0ring since you where in diapers ;)", "score": 11, "id": 7723},
{"quote": "<ChRIs_84> what up people...i just got ps2 today, i wanna know how to make itthe same way as dc games?\r\n<Turing1> yuo hook up your PS 2 to a Car Battery with jumper cables, then pop in thegame turn the unit on and\u00a0 you'll have the game play evperience of your life...or death", "score": 102, "id": 7724},
{"quote": "<DaemoN_> NOOOOO!!! MY PENIS IS OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!", "score": 48, "id": 7734},
{"quote": "< nutbar> [root@linux!/usr/src/bind] grep \"{\" named.conf.newer | wc -l\r\n< nutbar>\u00a0\u00a0 19314\r\n< nutbar> [root@linux!/usr/src/bind] grep \"}\" named.conf.newer | wc -l\r\n< nutbar>\u00a0\u00a0 19313\r\n< nutbar> [root@linux!/usr/src/bind]\r\n< nutbar> great\r\n* nutbar fumes\r\n< nutbar> one fucking missing }", "score": 1024, "id": 7748},
{"quote": "<ViViD> Dude I'm still getting 20ms pings!\r\n<RTT> err thats normal\r\n<ViViD> Yeah but I just doubled my upload bandwidth!\r\n<RTT> Yes?\r\n<ViViD> Well why hasn't my ping halfed?\r\n<RTT> Dude doubling your upload bandwidth wont affect your ping\r\n<ViViD> Shutup you geek", "score": 408, "id": 7749},
{"quote": "<X3M`Dodo> |TazHoliO| : If your parents got divorced, would they still be cousins?", "score": 326, "id": 7751},
{"quote": "[20:52] <MrSnuffles> hello\r\n<MrSnuffles> anyone?\r\n<MrSnuffles> talk to me\r\n<MrSnuffles> ;(\r\n<Bug> hello MrSnuffles\r\n<MrSnuffles> no, not you", "score": 923, "id": 8118},
{"quote": "<EK> What if the war in Afghanistan was fought with midgets!\r\n<Jei> With midgets as infantry, or as ammunition?", "score": 934, "id": 8248},
{"quote": "<Hitokoei> Last year, I was at my friends and we were playing truth or dare in Boys vs. Girls style, and the girls dared all of us to jack of right there in front of them. \r\n<Hitokoei> And even worse than that, we did it... \r\n<Hitokoei> For $30 each.\r\n<Hitokoei> I got made fun of though...they said I jacked off funny.", "score": 759, "id": 8339},
{"quote": "<Antarius> Say 'silk' 5 times, now spell 'silk': What do cows Drink?\r\n<kruqnut> milk?", "score": 214, "id": 8017},
{"quote": "<syncretic> whats the best program for capping tv\r\n<JtHM> Handgun v2.4b", "score": 371, "id": 8018},
{"quote": "<kt> i need a job, badly.\r\n<kt> maybe i should hang out with some black people\r\n<kt> i mean go to the unemployment office.", "score": -4, "id": 8023},
{"quote": "<Antarius> Are you a dork if you can read and recognize people regularly?", "score": 116, "id": 8024},
{"quote": "<steveac> tough to do when you type with 1 finger on the keyboard and yoyur dick in your other hand", "score": 45, "id": 8025},
{"quote": "<iggypop> licking my own sweaty balls > quicktime", "score": 211, "id": 8031},
{"quote": "<Empathy> I wanna crap, but my mother's in bed and dropping logs'd wake her up", "score": 17, "id": 8032},
{"quote": "<cryterion> have you ever noticed that if you stretch your nutsack out, it looks like silk?", "score": 39, "id": 8042},
{"quote": "<norab> id fuck your leg to cryt but i havent read how to do actions yet", "score": 28, "id": 8046},
{"quote": "<sammy1812> try puting cocaine on a bullet and shoting yourself in the head, the ultimate high i tell you", "score": 133, "id": 8050},
{"quote": "<Opio-> theres a mexican restaurant around here.. after you're done eating they give you mints that are called \"Spi C mints\"", "score": 215, "id": 8051},
{"quote": "<CactusJac> The only good thing the French gave the world was syphilis.", "score": 12, "id": 8052},
{"quote": "<synnur> i think the koreans are on pcp\r\n<synnur> they run at the end of games like it's the begining\r\n<synnur> unlike the chinese, they don't use msg\r\n<synnur> they use pcp\r\n<[LW]Scoundrel> wc3 is better than pcp", "score": 33, "id": 8055},
{"quote": "<evilbob> then you must not be gay!\r\n<evilbob> because if you were, you'd be all over my ass like butter over hot rolls.\r\n<McGrue> Is your ass *that* hot?\r\n<evilbob> no, but it has its own atmosphere.", "score": 129, "id": 8056},
{"quote": "<Esk> Quit XP bashing! It's a better OS than you'll ever make! :D\r\n<evilbob> I doubt I could construct a gremlin, but I'm not about to start driving one.", "score": 529, "id": 8057},
{"quote": "<Praetor> bob: even so, if I don't have to write it and it works then what the hell do I care?\r\n<evilbob> you care because I opened my mouth and talked to you, bitch. and I didn't even get a thank you.", "score": 142, "id": 8058},
{"quote": "<Electroly> kurros has a l33t ass projector, I saw a picture of it just once\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 and I've been drooling ever since\r\n<T-ball> nice...\r\n<T-ball> I don't have room for a projector... :/\r\n<Brazilian> I have a monkey who draws on my wall really fast", "score": 666, "id": 8059},
{"quote": "*** ChanServ sets mode: +nto ChanServ\r\n<surfnazi> /msg chanserv addop #channel adminpass nick (or hostmask)\r\n<]MC[-Penumbriate> thanks for setting it up\r\n<surfnazi> np\r\n*** surfnazi has left #clanmc\r\n<]MC[-Penumbriate> ok whats adminpass?\r\n<]MC[-Impletudable> whats the password?\r\n<]MC[-Valipulent> what's the pass", "score": 322, "id": 7809},
{"quote": "<[SCSI]Zuph> i found it on some japanese site\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> maybe it will be in japanese\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> japanese writting looks cool\r\n<[SCSI]anon> doubt it\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> i'm thinking about going to babel fish, and translating \"Cute japanese girlfriend wanted\" then put that on a shirt\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> and no one will no what it means\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> unless their japanese\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> but they won't respond\r\n<[SCSI]Zuph> unless their cute, and a girl", "score": 177, "id": 7810},
{"quote": "<Allen> what about Hall? \r\n<CactusJac> he died \r\n<Mikey316> he was arrested \r\n<Allen> make up your mind.. \r\n<CactusJac> He was arrested for dying.", "score": 767, "id": 7812},
{"quote": "* TPEGrunge is away: -(be back in 12 years)- since -(01:54)- pager -(off)- \r\n* TPEGrunge is back: from -(be back in 12 years)- gone -(626wks 1day 6secs)-", "score": 478, "id": 7813},
{"quote": "<[atticus]> My parents think I'm nuts. I sit on my computer most evenings laughing at the monitor. :) \r\n<[atticus]> Then I turn it on and come here. :)", "score": 1005, "id": 7814},
{"quote": "<Worm|PHP> I downloaded a ton of albums .. all encoded in 128 ... later I will reencode to 192\r\n<Worm|PHP> bunch of AC/DC albums :)\r\n<clue1ess> reencode? :P\r\n<Worm|PHP> decode then encode again at 192\r\n<clue1ess> will the quality really improve?\r\n<Worm|PHP> yes it does\r\n<CDBuRnOuT> If anything, you lose quality.\r\n<Worm|PHP> I have done it before many times\r\n<Worm|PHP> I can send samples if you want\r\n<Worm|PHP> I have the same song at 128 .. decoded it .. then encoded it at 192 ... there is a big difference\r\n<CDBuRnOuT> You're attempting to defeat the basis of the format you're encoding in by trusting your ears. Lower bitrates sacrifice pitches, etc. to lower the mp3's size, decoding and reencoding will not get those sacrificed items back.\r\n<CDBuRnOuT> lots of people cannot tell the difference between 128/160/192, etc.\r\n<Worm|PHP> you can with this ... just check it then see\r\n<Worm|PHP> by what you say there shouldn't be a difference .. and if there is .. then it would sound worse\r\n<Worm|PHP> oh well .. sounds a 100% sharper and clearer .. the 128 sounds so muffled ... back to designing", "score": 568, "id": 7815},
{"quote": "<@Theme-4-a-Jakal> we oughta tie allison down and get her addicted to heroin so she'll become a prostitute", "score": 33, "id": 7816},
{"quote": "<Musashi> wait what the heck this isnt pong, it's two PMSing stick figures screwin around", "score": 78, "id": 7817},
{"quote": "<kt> collars are still ugly on people.\r\n<Adri784> What if you're roleplaying?\r\n<kt> then you'll be an ugly roleplayer.\r\n* Adri784 thinks about that\r\n<Adri784> I guess i'll keep that in mind if i ever enter a sex slave relationship", "score": 144, "id": 7819},
{"quote": "<pimplyass> my name is not ugly", "score": 216, "id": 7820},
{"quote": "* spacely sets mode: +o splurge\r\n<splurge> if only having ops helped me get chiqs\r\n<splurge> [sigh]\r\n<splurge> id have hoes fallin' out my ass!\r\n<splurge> (instead of the roaches I hide there so that my mom won't find them)\r\n<spacely> oh man thats why yer weed is always so shitty \r\n<splurge> you mean cheech and chong were wrong?\u00a0 rectal storage doesnt make weed \"good shit\"?", "score": 50, "id": 7822},
{"quote": "<alec_eso> however my balls remain dry and that makes me somewhat sad.", "score": 140, "id": 7823},
{"quote": "*** Now talking in #physics\r\n<Lud> \"To enable the plasmatic vortex in the neighbouring regions of an oscillating singularity, we would of course have to override the eternal protonic fields surrounding the various quantized eddies\"\r\n<TrixyDLuX> oh - of course", "score": 284, "id": 7825},
{"quote": "Session Start: Tue May 18 18:38:17 1999\r\n<Ludi> Hey unban me please! :)\r\n<miss> hey i didnt do it this time dickhead\r\n<Ludi> So, you're an op, you can unban me!\r\n<miss> do i want to though....\r\n<Ludi> Yes I think you do :)\r\n<miss> whinge to anaconda\r\n<Ludi> Oh yeah, that's the one\r\n<Ludi> Thanks!\r\n<Ludi> So ... doing anything this Friday?\r\n<miss> wtf!?!?\r\n<Ludi> uhh nothing.\r\n<Ludi> BYE\r\nSession Close: Tue May 18 18:56:31 1999", "score": 15, "id": 7827},
{"quote": "<civicsi> flappy: they have rubber in em now\r\n<spazzer> HI JASON PRESTON\r\n<spazzer> AKA\r\n<spazzer> CIVICSI\r\n<civicsi> HTF DID YOU GET MY NAME?\r\n<spazzer> hahaha\r\n<civicsi> spazzer: your IP will be forwarded to the FBI\r\n<aNuBiS-> roflmfao\r\n<aNuBiS-> JASON PRESTON\r\n<spazzer> go right ahead Mr. Preston\r\n<KK> the people at work are ricers..\r\n<aNuBiS-> i just comprimised your computer\r\n<aNuBiS-> and am reading your files right now\r\n<aNuBiS-> theyre pretty lame mostly\r\n<civicsi> YOU ALL NEED TO STAY OUT OF MY COMPUTER\r\n<LennyNero> hahaha\r\n<JPres> civicsi sounds like a real moron\r\n<civicsi> uhhh, no\r\n<civicsi> I am MCSE asshole\r\n<Darn> haha\r\n<pHatBUDDa> haha\r\n<KK> civicsi.. I have access to government computers.. Jason Preston.. I can see your home address\r\n<civicsi> I have experience\r\n<KK> I have experience jerking off but that doesnt mean I am a jerkoff extroidinaire\r\n<spazzer> So Jason, how have things been?\r\n<aNuBiS-> err, ya it does KK\r\n<KK> aNuBiS-.. hmm.. you are right\r\n<civicsi> spaz: do I even know you?\r\n<spazzer> Jason Preston:", "score": 377, "id": 7828},
{"quote": "", "score": 179, "id": 7829},
{"quote": "<Nebu|sR> least you've got yourself a \"real\" women\r\n<Fodz> indeed\r\n<Fodz> back to your doll eh nebs? :P\r\n<Nebu|sR> hey im comfortable being alone\r\n<Fodz> pffft\r\n<Fodz> a plastic friend is hardly alone :D\r\n<rabbit> especially when you call it \"darryl\" like nebs does", "score": 148, "id": 7891},
{"quote": "", "score": 51, "id": 7892},
{"quote": "<+iNzpekth|buzy> where can i get some ftp programs??\r\n<@pain> try\r\n<+iNzpekth|buzy> <<--Thx pain-->>\r\n<@pain> lol, nice script\r\n<+iNzpekth|buzy> <<--Thx pain-->>\r\n<+iNzpekth|buzy> hey pain, i didnt find ftp from, which link is it?\r\n* pain cries", "score": 418, "id": 7893},
{"quote": "<aSSMAGGOT> [badpeon_] all humans have to die\r\n<paniq> i dont have to\r\n<paniq> i have won in a lottery for immortality\r\n<wayfinder> i thought you've won a key fob?\r\n<jco> an immortal key fob", "score": 223, "id": 7898},
{"quote": "<@LoneWo|f> once the divorce is final...i'm getting snipped...and if spermicide didn't taste so bad...i'd kiss condoms goodbye!", "score": 100, "id": 7900},
{"quote": "* Argent- changes topic to '<beth> IRN has visions of me on my knees, cock in hand, looking up with huge brown eyes, saying \"m-mister.. are you sure this is right?\"'", "score": 254, "id": 7901},
{"quote": "<Affe> dude why isa alcohol legal and weed not?\r\n<Ouro[420]> I know\r\n<Affe> i can type and drive stoned off my ass no proeblem\r\n<Ouro[420]> Yeah\r\n<Affe> but drunk i can't'ed do to jack shit\r\n<Ouro[420]> Like type\r\n<Ouro[420]> And think\r\n<Affe> exvatcyL!", "score": 451, "id": 7902},
{"quote": "<S|Foo2rama> Don't make me go GTA III on your ass", "score": 18, "id": 7903},
{"quote": "<@dum|work> he's actually quite likeable in RL\r\n<@dum|work> its just when he gets behind an irc session he becomes Bitter-man\r\n<@dum|work> a strange visitor from another planet, zapping the denizens of IRC with his Bittero rays\r\n<@acme> he's got a Bitter-man cape and tights and everything\r\n<@dum|work> the tights are just a recreational thing", "score": 257, "id": 7908},
{"quote": "<cain> farting in bed\r\n<cain> with your gf next to you\r\n<cain> then holding her head under the covers\r\n<cain> yah baby yah!", "score": -46, "id": 7909},
{"quote": "<HeadSoft> hehe amazing what a kinda catchy tune and a ridiculous plot and some photoshop edited pics and too many chat room addicts with nothing better to do... can do to make something like a pop culture fad out of \"all your base\"", "score": 164, "id": 7912},
{"quote": "", "score": 290, "id": 7913},
{"quote": "<Zaph23> I wanna go to one of those h00ker golf tourneys\r\n<Zaph23> I can't play for crap but who cares\r\n<DJ_Dave> heh\r\n<DJ_Dave> gotta pay extra to play that hole", "score": 160, "id": 7917},
{"quote": "<Thru^Me^Cool> you don't know cool until you've played the tuba!!", "score": 304, "id": 7918},
{"quote": "<VaeShir> i admit to it.. you caught me red handed looking for sex", "score": 44, "id": 7923},
{"quote": "<br4dh4x0r> if you r 1337, show me your gibson\r\n<br4dh4x0r> wait, that sounds wrong", "score": 276, "id": 7989},
{"quote": "<Diamond> There's about 800 people tied up in my basement.\r\n<Prophet> Oh my\r\n<Prophet> What do you use them for?\r\n<mordac> They really bring the room together, you know?", "score": 354, "id": 7990},
{"quote": "<someone>: how good does txt compress?\r\n<overmind>: rather good, they often can be compressed to 10% of their original volume\r\n<someone>: no, i meant which one compresses better doc-files or txt, because I want to export my icq-history and in word it has 600 pages, so which one should i take?\r\n<overmind>: take word and set the font size to 1, so you get the best compression", "score": 455, "id": 7991},
{"quote": "< BigBadGangsta> I swear, I need to write a book called \"Stupid shit for stupid fucks\"\r\n<@mewse> by a retard, for retards", "score": 430, "id": 7994},
{"quote": "<@mewse> contrary to popular belief there are periods where i dont feel like drinking\r\n<@mewse> these periods, i call \"hangovers\"", "score": 373, "id": 7996},
{"quote": "<@mewse> man i had this new jacket for like 3 days before i got puke on it\r\n<@mewse> that must be some sort of record", "score": 134, "id": 7997},
{"quote": "<mewse> i bet she was really hot in preschool", "score": 222, "id": 7998},
{"quote": "<mewse> i got moderated as a troll on slashdot for defending the mummy returns", "score": 429, "id": 7999},
{"quote": "<mewse> oh my fuck this is so cool\r\n<mewse> a time-lapse movie of an aquarium of magic mushrooms growing", "score": 109, "id": 8001},
{"quote": "<Jon-> tom\r\n<Jon-> imagine if your ISP pulled cable\r\n<Jon-> what would you do?\r\n<mewse> quit irc?\r\n<mewse> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA\r\n<mewse> hah.", "score": 114, "id": 8003},
{"quote": "<Linguica> I was on the phone\r\n<Linguica> with a girl who i am pretty sure likes me\r\n<Linguica> and i saw this\r\n<mewse_> heh\r\n<Linguica> and i was like \"i have to go now\"\r\n<mewse_> haha\r\n<mewse_> batman dons his cowl", "score": 6, "id": 8004},
{"quote": "<quacky> if you get carpal tunnel from giving handjobs, can you still get L&I from work?\r\n<Captain_Tenille> Depends if it's job related, I guess.\r\n<Buggy> hmmm... if the handjobs are for managers, maybe\r\n<geekie> just have to give the handjob at work.\r\n<geekie> and then management is responisble for said handjob\r\n<Buggy> well, it's not really in my job description.. but maybe it's in yours\r\n<geekie> no..if the accident occurs in the workplace, they are liable.\r\n<Buggy> right, so if it's an accidental handjob...\r\n<quacky> that's what I'm talking about.\r\n<Buggy> or an accident occurs while doing the handjob\r\n<quacky> only we're talking about handjob-related injuries\r\n<geekie> right.", "score": 368, "id": 8007},
{"quote": "<space> got any good tunes to spare?\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> tons\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> what kind\r\n<space> whatever\r\n<space> im easy\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> thas what Im listening to now\r\n<space> lol shit i got no speakers yet brb\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> askin fer music wif no speakas\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> sprocket what are we gonna do wif you\r\n<PsyHawk> like a blind man asking for magnifying glass\r\n<ToRMeNTeD> classic\r\n<space> heheh lame award\r\n<space> im like that fucker sent me blank tracks", "score": 34, "id": 8008},
{"quote": "<@fragility> why is my modems \"activity\" lite flashing like crazy??\r\n*** fragility ( Quit (Ping timeout)", "score": 412, "id": 8009},
{"quote": "<BCow> Often I see the first year students strut past in their skin tight white outfits and I just drop my dacks and say, \"Over here girls!\"", "score": 38, "id": 8015},
{"quote": "<arturo> so i shouldn't knock watching gay sex in a fish tank till ive tried it?", "score": 186, "id": 8119},
{"quote": "<DisposableHero> is semen conductive?\r\n<Iceman> DisposableHero: yes\r\n<DisposableHero> (Iceman): fuck", "score": 495, "id": 8120},
{"quote": "<arturo-pain-afk> what makes you think it is?\r\n* Sphinx45 points to the door.\r\n<Sphinx45> the sign says so!\r\n<arturo-pain-afk> what sign?\r\n<arturo-pain-afk> theres no sign\r\n* Nelyx adjusts the \"Number of Days without having to deal with an Idiot!\" sign, so that it now reads 0", "score": 340, "id": 8123},
{"quote": "<korben> i have a very rich and satisfying sex/personal life!\r\n<Iceman> self satisifying? :P\r\n<korben> hell no\r\n<korben> its a very varied sex life\r\n<korben> sometimes i swap hands", "score": 355, "id": 8124},
{"quote": "<Avatar> who are you\r\n<harold> oh fuck off avatar. i see you've found another channel to ban n00bs in :)\r\n<Avatar> oh good, we've met", "score": 505, "id": 8125},
{"quote": "<Avatar> teenyboppers rule\r\n*** Avatar was kicked by ChanOP ([Sphinx45] britney says hi)\r\n<Tamgerine> Martin, I've seen you car-dance to Britney ... case closed.\r\n<Sphinx45> i can like britney and not be a teenybopper!", "score": 64, "id": 8126},
{"quote": "<Szyslak> HAHAHAHA those wacky spanish: \"Our download server can only support 300 simultaneous discharges\"", "score": 410, "id": 8127},
{"quote": "* Beryllium probably should go back to coding PHP\r\n<Beryllium> I hope my site doesn't have any wide-open gaping back doors ...\r\n<Beryllium> ... you know, like ... \r\n* Beryllium runs VERY FAR AWAY\r\n<spacefem> Beryllium: awe, that's fun though...\r\n<Beryllium> spacefem: Which part?\r\n<spacefem> making unsuspecting people go to!\r\n<Beryllium> I did that for my GF once ... \r\n<Beryllium> (Ex-gf ;-)", "score": 249, "id": 8130},
{"quote": "*** Starlet is now known as StarBBS\r\n<Jerub> BBS?\r\n<Jerub> as in dialup?\r\n<Jerub> whats the number?\r\n<Jerub> is it subscription?\r\n<Jerub> got a large file section?\r\n<Jerub> is it on fidonet?\r\n<StarBBS> bbs as in be back soon", "score": 375, "id": 8134},
{"quote": "<Starlet> <--- law student. future lawyer.\r\n<Jerub> <-- computer programmer. future defendant.", "score": 961, "id": 8135},
{"quote": "<Iceman> [TnT PING reply]: 1min 7secs\r\n<TnT> ?\r\n<TnT> Shiet\r\n* TnT stops downloading Pron", "score": 251, "id": 8136},
{"quote": "<Bieeardo> GURPS! \r\n<Bieeardo> It's not just for bodily noise jokes, anymore!", "score": 121, "id": 8143},
{"quote": "<Naivete> damnit whenever I see the word 'mount' in linux documentation I think UNF \r\n<Vertinox> \"...Take hard drive, lube it with proper amounts of kY...\"", "score": 190, "id": 8144},
{"quote": "<Kiler> Watching Jerry Springer makes me so glad I'm not poor white trash \r\n*** Kiler was kicked by Joe_ (What? You're rich white trash now?)", "score": 170, "id": 8148},
{"quote": "<Vertinox> idiocy is relative \r\n<Vertinox> in fact your an idiot next to some one else \r\n<Vertinox> everyone has some one superior \r\n<Vertinox> in some way \r\n<Joe_> What about the guy who is the best? \r\n<Joe_> Who is his superior? \r\n<PyroRaven> That would be me", "score": 375, "id": 8150},
{"quote": "<Naivete> hey joe, if you suck at UO pvp, SAY ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. \r\n<Kiler> rofl \r\n*** Joe_ is now known as Imkillingyou \r\n*** Imkillingyou is now known as nexttimeiseeyou", "score": 369, "id": 8153},
{"quote": "<Savant> heh you guys read halfrobo's post on lums boards? \r\n<Kiler> I like his posts backing liet up on her \"DAOC IS SEXIST CAUSE THE WOMEN SIT LIKE WOMEN AND IT\"S A STEREOTYPE!!!\" \r\n<CrashCat> daoc is sexist because you can fist zombies! \r\n<Kiler> that's not sexist...both sexes can do the zombie fisting \r\n<CrashCat> oh yeah", "score": 172, "id": 8154},
{"quote": "* IllIIIllI (yujnfr@ has joined #suicide\r\n<IllIIIllI> any slut attention whores here need a man to make themselves feel important let me know i can be that guy if you aren't ugly/fat\r\n* IllIIIllI (yujnfr@ has left #suicide", "score": 385, "id": 8249},
{"quote": "<Amenace> so your a fifteen year old girl that thinks my wife is hot, hang on while i have a wank", "score": 637, "id": 8250},
{"quote": "<AnneRobinson^> Do Canadians really like fart jokes for entertainment???\r\n<shagman> fart jokes rock\r\n<shagman> take this classic canadian joke for example\r\n* shagman farts on IEatChildren", "score": 367, "id": 8251},
{"quote": "<HomerHendelBergenHeinzel> ur so mean :L\r\n<q> is that the frowning face of a stroke victim?", "score": 649, "id": 8252},
{"quote": "<Hamsters> is there any tips that i can pass my writen test?\r\n<shagman> hamsters, learn english", "score": 310, "id": 8253},
{"quote": "<Hamsters> i'm trying to get me self one at downtown BUT they got those stickers on the glasses and said that i need to be 19 older\r\n<shagman> only for tobacco\r\n<shagman> not pipes and papers and crap\r\n* Owyn blinks\r\n<Owyn> Shag: smaller sentences\r\n<Owyn> You'll break his brain.", "score": 130, "id": 8254},
{"quote": "<shagman> k, keep words like cock and fuck out of here\r\n* Runnigan fucks shagman with his cock", "score": 302, "id": 8255},
{"quote": "<BounceWithMe> Shagman... 8==o\u00a0 suck it.\r\n <@shagman> BounceWithMe... ())========D choke on it.", "score": 276, "id": 8256},
{"quote": "<+Incantation> shag's 100% let you cry on his shoulder and make you think he cares so that he can manipulate you into sucking his cock\r\n<+Julie42> HOLY SHIT! Good. Because here I was thinking I had to think of things to cry about, just so I could suck on his cock.", "score": 456, "id": 8257},
{"quote": "<akumapan> yous ound like poopoo\r\n<andy> You type like poop.\r\n<andy> and your mother was suspicious that it took her nine whole months to take a crap, so she named it just in case.", "score": 342, "id": 8259},
{"quote": "<JBB> I'm looking for a laptop that I can just use on the net. Something below $300.\r\n<BondOO7> You'd have better luck shoving your cock into a telephone jack for the internet.", "score": 198, "id": 8260},
{"quote": "<jeer> I have to move to mississippi soon..I wish I had a sister or cousin there.\r\n<jeer> who am I going to date?", "score": 347, "id": 8262},
{"quote": "* fo0bar has silverware now\r\n<jk> is that a new kind of heatsink?\r\n<jk> :D\r\n<fo0bar> no, it's a metal-based bio-nutritional transport system\r\n<jk> the thing... you use to... dig... food.\r\n<jwz> it's more of a food shim.\r\n<fo0bar> appearantly the technology has been around for awhile, but I haven't been able to afford the genuine metal equipment...\u00a0 I've had to use the plastic replicas\r\n<fo0bar> though proper transport systems are appearantly a requirement when an xx chromosome pair is introduced into xy's atmosphere", "score": 1096, "id": 8264},
{"quote": "* The_Paco went to the GE appliance store today, crouch-walked up to one of the large black super-fridges, ran my hand over it while humming the theme to 2001, stood up, and smacked my bud... they threw us out shortly thereafter.", "score": 631, "id": 8265},
{"quote": "<Grinderwald> my dick is hard \r\n<moo|cow> always a bowl of wisdom grinder\r\n<Grinderwald> :D", "score": 179, "id": 8268},
{"quote": "<xTaVx> im bored\r\n<EvilChatOp> you're aways bored \r\n<EvilChatOp> go masterbate or somethign \r\n<xTaVx> brb", "score": 446, "id": 8269},
{"quote": "*** Haggis has quit IRC (Quit: Sometimes I try to masturbate long words into a conversation. Even if I dont know what they mean.)", "score": 1173, "id": 8271},
{"quote": "Valvados (~Draco@ is now known as Valv|Nekkid \r\n<Valv|Nekkid> My roommate is giving me the strangest look.", "score": 313, "id": 8343},
{"quote": "<squall999991> hey so is the psx beter than the playstation", "score": 149, "id": 8347},
{"quote": "<Hito> This girl at school asked me a really wierd question today.\r\n<Hito> \"What's the best ecperience you've ever had while masturbating? Explain why. After, tell me what the worst experience you've had masturbating is, and explain why.\"\r\n<Jin|Cool> I got that once as an essay question on my SAT.\r\n<Jin|Cool> Mostly why I got a 1200.", "score": 354, "id": 8349},
{"quote": "<Chubbzilla|UC> AVATARS \r\n<Chubbzilla|UC> OMG NO \r\n<Chubbzilla|UC> THEY WILL USE UP MY UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH \r\n<Boko> ok \r\n<Boko> i'll turn them off then", "score": 219, "id": 8350},
{"quote": "<LULU-LION> yea i finsd hy school and im going to choleg dome ass", "score": 382, "id": 8351},
{"quote": "<Seren> I've seen so many penises, but I swear, the minute some guy you don't know takes his pants off in a classroom environment and is all happy about it ... you almost shit yourself. \r\n<melusine> Happy happy? O_o As in \"Teacher, my still life is moving!\" happy? O_o", "score": 199, "id": 8353},
{"quote": "<Neris|triggermehappy> Well, if you count the number of times ive been cyber-uNFed , half the population of ffo would be in jail =P \r\n<Locke> Telling you to fuck off doesn't count as uNFing.", "score": 157, "id": 8354},
{"quote": "<Nev|Away> When did I pick on you, you ugly little horrible turd? \r\n<Nev|Away> Give me your lunch money.", "score": 128, "id": 8356},
{"quote": "<Allen_Schezar> Poptarts is kinda like Popstars but with much more punch, flavor and, oh yeah, sex appeal and intelligence :D", "score": 172, "id": 8357},
{"quote": "<Tantalus|RO> No one can resist hot monkey sex \r\n<Tovart> Except hot monkey females with a headache.", "score": 548, "id": 8359},
{"quote": "Quits: The_Rinoa (Local kill by Wilko (one big fat chanwhore sitting on #ffonline, one big fat chanwhore sitting on #ffonline, and if the big fat chanwhore, was accidentally anally brutalised by a /kill, there'd be 0 fat chanwhores sitting on #ffonline. BOOYA!))", "score": 14, "id": 8361},
{"quote": "<TTX> How do I change my name in here?...\r\n<Naoki> type /nick yournick\r\n*** TTX is now known as yournick", "score": 798, "id": 8362},
{"quote": "<JinBOT2000> beware \r\n<JinBOT2000> or I will reveal my BIGGEST CREATION \r\n<JinBOT2000> <\")3 \r\n<JinBOT2000> A CHICKEN \r\n<JinBOT2000> IN ASCII \r\n<JinBOT2000> Dare you test me, boy?", "score": 582, "id": 8363},
{"quote": "<dn> i'm not sure i could ever endure a d&d session, i'd fall asleep \r\n<Valvados> Not if its a DnD orgy \r\n<Valvados> WHOOHOO, I ROLLED A NATURAL 20! THE PALADIN HAS TO TAKE OFF HIS LOINCLOTH", "score": 449, "id": 8364},
{"quote": "<AsylumXKP> WTF?\r\n<AsylumXKP> is no longer the most mentioned URL in this channel", "score": 126, "id": 8367},
{"quote": "* Valvados pulls out a random Indiana joke \r\n<Valvados> HEY \r\n<Valvados> Why doesn't Kentucky slide into Tennessee? \r\n<Valvados> BECAUSE INDIANA SUCKS", "score": 367, "id": 8368},
{"quote": "<Shuichi> but i'm an optimist \r\n<Slick_Wil> so glass half full then? \r\n<Shuichi> are you implying i have a drinking problem Slick_Wil?", "score": 454, "id": 8369},
{"quote": "<Floach> It's pretty well known that your brain continues to function for quite a bit after decapitation\r\n<Bitstorm> the mame board is proof of that", "score": 182, "id": 8060},
{"quote": "<HotelManager> plz com in avatar \r\n<Avatar> no \r\n<HotelManager> fine then youtr baned but when you want to get on the channell come and get me and i will unban you", "score": 37, "id": 8063},
{"quote": "<Embercide> i'm just waiting to hear someone say \"omg minkus was trying to chat this chick up at a party and he told her that he's a GM Sexpert\" \r\n<minkus> Embercide i don't think so :) i'd be more witty and go \"I have GM animal Taming and I allways wanted a babe like you\"", "score": 86, "id": 8064},
{"quote": "<biatch> who the hell are you gnostic \r\n<gnostic> i am your god damn nemesis \r\n<gnostic> any other questions? \r\n<Madeleine> what are you wearing?", "score": 917, "id": 8065},
{"quote": "<ItaLiaNStaLLioN> hey i deleted internet explorer by accident and now i need a browser asap, could some1 send me it plz", "score": 134, "id": 8066},
{"quote": "<Embercide> i was doing 3 things at once, went to take the smoke out and it must have stuck to my lip and flipped up \r\n<Embercide> i must have just closed my eye in time cause the eye itself isnt damaged \r\n<Avatar> who'd've thought a cigarette could be so dangerous? \r\n<Scourge> Not only do they cause numerous cancers and other lung problems but they can also burn your eyes.", "score": 305, "id": 8067},
{"quote": "<FaNtAcIgYrL> ello \r\n<jeff> Do you realise that you have spelt both the words \"fantasy\" and \"girl\" incorrectly ? By doing this, are you displaying a vain attempt at what some may refer to as \"coolness\" ? Or is it that you can not spell ? If the former, I suggest you rethink your stance on social status and its implications. The later, perhaps you should start attending school.", "score": 963, "id": 8069},
{"quote": "<whippy-X> Max Payne (the game) looks cool, but Max Payne (the character) looks like he's taking a perpetual shit \r\n<whippy-X> and it's a bit of a ghey name too eh? Max Payne. get it? Max PAIN. very lame. how about he just calls himself Action Man.", "score": 263, "id": 8070},
{"quote": "*** LiL^EbBiE was kicked by Avatar (it's rude to not reply when someone's talking to you) \r\n<Avatar> i'm gonna be a great father \r\n<arturo> sif \r\n<arturo> you'll just gaffer tape them up when they say rude words and kick them out of the room every time they play up", "score": 189, "id": 8072},
{"quote": "<Avatar> how much do dishwashers cost \r\n<krissle> haha \r\n<krissle> you dont buy a dishwasher \r\n<krissle> you marry one", "score": 852, "id": 8073},
{"quote": "<Q-Ball> Average Ejaculatory Speed \r\n<Q-Ball> 28 miles per hour (45 km/hr). \r\n<Q-Ball> you could kill a small mammal with that", "score": 342, "id": 8074},
{"quote": "<minkus> ohh my god these pies taste great \r\n<minkus> if only i could fuck them \r\n<minkus> WAIT! I CAN", "score": 477, "id": 8075},
{"quote": "<Embercide> lol i just tried to RP for the first time \r\n<Embercide> some guy was like \"greetings\" so i said \"hail\" \r\n<Embercide> he asked \"how art thee\" \r\n<Embercide> and i didnt know wtf to say so i made it look like i logged out", "score": 444, "id": 8076},
{"quote": "<z_evil1> does _anyone_ on IRC update the topic field of a channel to suit the actual topic of conversation? \r\n*** Madeleine changes topic to 'fuck all, as usual' \r\n<Madeleine> set that to keeptopic, forever", "score": 261, "id": 8077},
{"quote": "<z_evil1> what would be the good of a 3m dong? apart from the fact that you could only use the tip of it, not even that if it was in proportion, it would be reeeeal easy to get damaged, you'd have lag problems with sensations along it's length, and it would make you pass out upon erection :P\r\n<z_evil1> mind you, you might be able to hang yourself with a 3m dong \r\n<z_evil1> imagine that for a front page headline \r\n<Bug> tie it round.. get an erection.. it'll do all the work.. \r\n<z_evil1> \"IRC addicted freak hangs self with genitals\"", "score": 399, "id": 8080},
{"quote": "<Nelyx> DilleMMa: thomas edison went through 3000 experiments before he perfected the light bulb \r\n<DilleMMa> wow \r\n<DilleMMa> another geek prevails \r\n<Nelyx> show me someone successful who ISNT a geek \r\n<DilleMMa> britney spears? \r\n<DilleMMa> christina agerlia \r\n<DilleMMa> mandy moore \r\n<Nelyx> whore <> successful", "score": 348, "id": 8081},
{"quote": "<DilleMMa> im off to maccas now \r\n<DilleMMa> any requests?:) \r\n<Nelyx> some motivation with a side order of dignity \r\n<DilleMMa> and a large compassion \r\n<Nelyx> and no, i would not like fries with that \r\n<DilleMMa> i should get myself a \"medium why do i even bother\" \r\n<DilleMMa> toodles \r\n<Nelyx> they stopped serving those last year", "score": 247, "id": 8083},
{"quote": "<Naivete> HE HAS NO FEELINGS \r\n<Naivete> HE IS JUST A GIANT ROBOT WITH A PULSING 8\" COCK \r\n<Sky> TRANSFORMER PORN!!! NOW WE\"RE TALKING!", "score": 351, "id": 8159},
{"quote": "<Kash> I have a large bulge in my pants. \r\n*** Kash was kicked by Kiler (let the gerbil out)", "score": 580, "id": 8165},
{"quote": "* Red gets on the phone, \"$90 for a strap on and I get no balls!\u00a0 I ordered the model with balls, and I received the one without balls!\u00a0 I want a refund and balls~\"\r\nSimplicity> They're actually attachments...\r\nSimplicity> Sold seperately...ya know...\r\nNatasha> What MIME type?", "score": 183, "id": 8169},
{"quote": "<Damarr> Theres a topic on my TV newsgroup entitled \"I can't get it up\". Do I dare enter? \r\n<Naivete> NO \r\n<r0gue> go for it \r\n<Damarr> Phew, he was talking about a satellite dish", "score": 378, "id": 8170},
{"quote": "<CrashCat> downloading lineage: 10 hours. patching lineage: 3 hours. uninstalling lineage: priceless.", "score": 230, "id": 8187},
{"quote": "<Joe_> how do you downgrade to IE5.5? \r\n<Soulflame> fdisk", "score": 249, "id": 8189},
{"quote": "<Joe_> gheybot, life? \r\n<gheyBot> life is all about lounging in front of the fireplace w/ a wyse terminal", "score": 126, "id": 8192},
{"quote": "<er0s> you know, i've only ever been wrong once in my life, and that's when i thought i was wrong but was actually right.", "score": 589, "id": 8197},
{"quote": "<baietas> hey ppl.. quick question.. just downloaded every KDE3.0.1 RPM for my distro (mandrake) but when i try to install it it asks for some other files taht i dont have.. what do i do?\r\n<Epesh> get those files", "score": 396, "id": 8202},
{"quote": "<vas-assignment> i dare anyone to watch the excorcist and ay midnight and take a walk around the blok\r\n<KINGofEXTREME> its not even scary man\r\n<vas-assignment> bullshit\r\n<vas-assignment> everyone tells me its scary\r\n<KINGofEXTREME> the first hour is arabs digging in a desert\r\n<KINGofEXTREME> that shit scared teh fuck out of me", "score": 190, "id": 8205},
{"quote": "<Kyuss> how big should disk 1 of neverwinter be?\r\n<JtHM> |<----------------------------->|\r\n<JtHM> (not to scale)", "score": 5953, "id": 8209},
{"quote": "<vino> when we first got our chickens\r\n<vino> we got all these differant ones\r\n<vino> and some of them fighted\r\n<vino> and no jokes\r\n<vino> one of them\r\n<vino> bashed the fuck out of another one\r\n<vino> and did a victory dance\r\n<nim-zero> serious man\r\n<nim-zero> go to narcotics anonymous", "score": 480, "id": 8210},
{"quote": "<IMP-Scott> Transferred: rzr-wc3.017 15,000,000 bytes in 1.60 (9,143.84 KB/Sec)\r\n<IMP-Scott> my local Box\r\n<IMP-Scott> whooohoooo\r\n<IMP-Scott> 100Mbit\r\n<JtHM> WOW! YOU MUST HAVE A GIGANTIC PENIS !\r\n<IMP-Scott> errrr?\r\n<dt|BadAss> lol", "score": 317, "id": 8211},
{"quote": "<gamma8> well i hope you enjoy it then!\r\n<c0c0nutz> thanks G8, I hope so too cause honestly.. I rather be on bed right now\r\n* gamma8 feels like an important summit of industrialised nations\r\n<gamma8> that's the sort of thing that gives you a nice warm and fuzzy feeling inside... :)", "score": 138, "id": 8213},
{"quote": "<DotSPF> man, my mate is a complete div.\r\n<DotSPF> he asked for my help coz he'd forgotten his hotmail password - I go round to see if he's put in a secret question so I can resurrect his account.\r\n<DotSPF> what a prick\r\n<DotSPF> his secret question was 'what is my password'\r\n<DotSPF> i'm gonna go out and see if I can find him a cheap iMac", "score": 937, "id": 8215},
{"quote": "<noskill> I was banned from my junior highs network for having every printer in the school print 5000 pages of \"FEED ME PAPER!\" simultaneously", "score": 1804, "id": 8217},
{"quote": "<DotSPF> just got myself a shitload more lesbo porn\r\n<killck> good?\r\n<DotSPF> damn they have so much more fun when we're not around", "score": 451, "id": 8218},
{"quote": "<Excession> I'm getting seven figures. \"FUCK ALL\"", "score": 141, "id": 8440},
{"quote": "(caraKATT): great, i found ready whip in the fridge and I wanted to put it in my coffee, but I think my roomate huffed it, cause it won't foam", "score": 187, "id": 8273},
{"quote": "(Moose_): what's your language of choice ?\r\n(rich): english?", "score": 47, "id": 8277},
{"quote": "<the__man> does anyone know if any brothel is open at this hour? i need some action right away\r\n<+Octane> the__man: you've been blessed with two hands and ten fingers. go figure it out.", "score": 256, "id": 8278},
{"quote": "<sum1tolded2medatvirtrghey> i thought you did music?\r\n<baygledawg> oh i wish\r\n<baygledawg> that would be my second dream job\r\n<sum1tolded2medatvirtrghey> what's your first? professional sperm producer?\r\n<baygledawg> ok, writing music would be my third dream job", "score": 565, "id": 8282},
{"quote": "<Silent|Study> These Christian rock ads on tv are so pathetic\r\n<Silent|Study> Its like they assume people are going to suddenly think \"OMG! JESUS! I never knew!", "score": 417, "id": 8283},
{"quote": "marmor: Mutru: i am trying to compile an an simple example .. that works fine, but all i get when i run the program is a window that is all black ..\r\nAprogas: is your monitor on ?", "score": 153, "id": 8284},
{"quote": "<Weirdo_God_of_Insanity> Communism is like Spandex. Good idea, but then real people started using it. Things got real ugly from there.", "score": 916, "id": 8285},
{"quote": "<Adiemus-Away> [GleebAway] Adiemus has returned from doing the dishes (Away for 1day 15hrs 23mins 39secs)\r\n*** Adiemus-Away is now known as Adiemus\r\n<Adiemus> damn that's a lot of dishes =", "score": 459, "id": 8287},
{"quote": "<Vegeta> I would go through anything for you\r\n<Vegeta> Lets start with your bank account", "score": 205, "id": 8289},
{"quote": "<Vegeta> I would go to the end of the earth for you\r\n<Girl> Yes, but would you stay there?", "score": 805, "id": 8290},
{"quote": "<darkness> anyone heard about the new startrek movie yet?\r\n<freddy66> YAH INCHERECTION IS SUPPOSTED TO BE GOOD I SAW IT LAST WEEK AND ENJOYED IT\r\n<darkness> ...did he just say what I think he said?\r\n<questie> I believe he just admitted to being russian, but I'm not quite sure...", "score": 579, "id": 8291},
{"quote": "<sarahlee> got hooked on those stupid video chatrooms\r\n<deepcut> the kind where you see old guys jacking off into a sock and stuff ? :\\", "score": 128, "id": 8293},
{"quote": "<tytyt> the--kav if you were not a man I'd hug you\r\n<deepcut> but as it is, he's too afraid of his own latent homosexuality to dare\r\n<tytyt> there are support group for that\r\n<deepcut> tytyt: I was referring to you", "score": 214, "id": 8294},
{"quote": "Under the fence: if your mom were a farm animal, she'd be a sloth\r\nHobbes659: a sloth isn't a farm animal\r\nUnder the fence: damn it, theres gotta be a sloth farm somewhere around here", "score": 426, "id": 8296},
{"quote": "<BadAndy> leechers wanna stop leeching for a bit? \r\n<frankster|kickme> that's like asking them to stop breathing for a bit", "score": 177, "id": 8297},
{"quote": "<kat-moffobsessing> why do dongs always gain length when played live? \r\n<kat-moffobsessing> SONGS!", "score": 1273, "id": 8300},
{"quote": "<Saber> just when I manage to convince myself I'm a superior being, I walk into a door", "score": 1358, "id": 8305},
{"quote": "<Jin|ForSale> I HAVE NO USE FOR MONEY \r\n<Jin|ForSale> (unless it is a lot)", "score": 231, "id": 8371},
{"quote": "", "score": 232, "id": 8372},
{"quote": "<leena> has anyone heard of the lord of the rings \r\n<Serge_of_Aruni> NO, WHAT IS THAT? \r\n<Serge_of_Aruni> IS THAT SOME CARNIVAL GAME? \r\n<Serge_of_Aruni> WITH BOTTLES AND HOOPS?", "score": 796, "id": 8373},
{"quote": "<Valvados> Words cannot express just how much Joe Hisaishi ownz me \r\n<Vicious> how about \"Joe Hisaishi is gay\" ? \r\n<Valvados> YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU THUNDERING MORON \r\n<Vicious> MAKE ME YOU BLATHERING DOLT", "score": 223, "id": 8374},
{"quote": "<AsylumXKP> Yeah no advertising. (This message was brought to by ANALSEX.COM! ALL ANAL ALL THE TIME!)", "score": 229, "id": 8375},
{"quote": "<Rach|Dressing > i just had the yummiest shower \r\n<Rach|Dressing > it was nice and hot \r\n<Fentom > ....damn it people prove that your hands ARE ON THE KEYBOARD after that comment", "score": 558, "id": 8376},
{"quote": "<johnnY> ???????////// \r\n<johnnY> ?????/////////////////////////////////////////////////// \r\n<johnnY> ?////////////////////////////////////////////// \r\n<johnnY> ????////////////////////////////////////////// \r\n<johnnY> ????????????///////////////////////////////// \r\n<johnnY> ?????///////////////////////////// \r\n<johnnY> \\///\\/\\/\\///\\\\\\//\\/\\/\\///\\\\\\/\\/\\\\\\//\\//\\\\/\\///\\\\\\/\\/\\/ \r\n*** Sn00kie has joined #pk \r\n<johnnY> \\/\\////\\\\///\\\\///\\\\\\///\\\\///\\\\\\///\\\\\\///\\\\\\///\\\\\\///\\\\\\///\\\\\\\\///\\\\// \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<johnnY> dude \r\n<johnnY> it was my cat \r\n<johnnY> ... \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP\r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> dude thats my cat \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> sorry i went to take a piss \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> the cat comes in and types SHUT THE FUCK UP \r\n<pKfoster-ibx> i cant help it.. sorry dude", "score": 1039, "id": 8379},
{"quote": "<MiakaYuki> Chillicha- you'd be better off finding a nice girl to ride, wouldn't you?\r\n<chillicha> i am a girl\r\n<MiakaYuki> Exactly.", "score": 360, "id": 8385},
{"quote": "<Anarchos> my penis is 6.5\" long, so my long distance relationship must be no more than 5\" away.", "score": 276, "id": 8391},
{"quote": "<crazymaninvan> boobs on the life channel!\r\n<Spamalope> What species?", "score": 345, "id": 8394},
{"quote": "<glossolalia> oh well, the way I see it, the chances of me being smacked in the head by a meteor or accidentally being killed in a gang war are pretty slim, especially with my new-found love of drinking JD while chatting on IRC", "score": 141, "id": 8395},
{"quote": "<kipozo> motardo: Lindows is installing from my D: but it's looking under my A:.... looks like windows too much already", "score": 186, "id": 8396},
{"quote": "<iora> i steal no hearts.\r\n<iora> brains are more valuable on the black market.", "score": 209, "id": 8397},
{"quote": "<f48u10n7> this dude I know was sleeping with this girl, and she had really long hair. so he gets up in the middle of the night to take a crap, and he finishes his business, but when he stands up, he feels a tug--turns out his turd is attached to his rectum via a long hair. he had to hobble over to the sink to get scissors\r\n<taylah> what\r\n<taylah> okay\r\n<taylah> im confused\r\n<nimh> f48u10n7: that's happened to me before\r\n<f48u10n7> see, he must have swallowed some of her hair in the night\r\n<nimh> i've pulled one of my ex's long hair outta my ass before\r\n<taylah> haha oh\r\n<taylah> my\r\n<f48u10n7> i'm glad I only sleep with bald chicks\r\n<`Benny`> that's the most disgusting thing I've heard in a long time and I'm in here a fair amount of time\r\n<taylah> god\r\n<PunkRawk> like outta yer asshole nimh?\r\n<aem`key> f48u10n7 lol\r\n<aem`key> :)\r\n<nimh> right out\r\n<nimh> i felt it as i tugged it out\r\n<nimh> i even called her over to take a look at it\r\n<nimh> i was like, \"cait, this is your fault.\"\r\n<nimh> she was like, \"what, EWWEWWEWE!\"\r\n<nimh> and ran away screaming\r\n<f48u10n7> yikes\r\n<f48u10n7> anyway, my point was, that's kinda like spidey shooting webs from his ass", "score": 717, "id": 8398},
{"quote": "<jebs> haha i thought the dude on this ad said 'MORE OF THE WORLDS MOST TERRIFYING MULLETS' \r\n<jebs> but he said moments", "score": 344, "id": 8402},
{"quote": "<Falkonn> make the logical connection to this----> <Deciheximal> No household is complete without Jesus... He's on call to beat the wife when the husband is away.", "score": 17, "id": 8404},
{"quote": "<biatch> he tells me how he's cheated on two of his gfs \r\n<biatch> then when i email him telling him i'm back with luke \r\n<biatch> he's all disappointed \r\n<biatch> and he's like \r\n<biatch> \"i told you about the girls i cheated on because i wanted you to TRUST me\"", "score": 422, "id": 8085},
{"quote": "<DilleMMa> heyyyy eyyyy baby ouuu ahhh i wanna knowwww (oooowwww) if youll be my girl \r\n<Iceman> DilleMMa: sure, i'll be your girl \r\n<Iceman> DilleMMa: what do I have to do? \r\n<DilleMMa> wear a skirt, shave your legs, paint your nails and get your period everymonth", "score": 251, "id": 8086},
{"quote": "<Aussiedog> guess what?? i actually get a cd in my eye just now \r\n<Iceman> how? \r\n<Aussiedog> i am chewing a cd \r\n<Aussiedog> and iput it in my hand and it flicked into my eye \r\n<Iceman> Aussiedog: you know cd tops are toxic? :P \r\n<Aussiedog> HOLY SHIT \r\n<Aussiedog> ok i spat is otu \r\n<Aussiedog> how toxic? \r\n<Aussiedog> coz my mouth is burning a little", "score": 418, "id": 8087},
{"quote": "<Hazim> APPARENTLY I CANNOT CHARGE MALE ESCORTS TO MY LIBRARY CARD\r\n<LR|seksiwidow-> why the hell not? \r\n<Hazim> i dunno.. they thought i wouldn't return them on time?", "score": 410, "id": 8093},
{"quote": "<Perforatorzzz> my grandma was going thru my room today for some ungodly reason and found some of my gf's clothes she \"accidently\" left here.\r\n<Perforatorzzz> i'm all, \"i like to wear black panties, DAMNIT\"", "score": 607, "id": 8094},
{"quote": "<meta> blegh \r\n<meta> the internet is bad \r\n<meta> bad bad bad \r\n<meta> I tried to talk to a woman \r\n<meta> but she sent me nude pics instead \r\n<meta> I didn't want them \r\n<meta> but I took them out of courtesy", "score": 651, "id": 8100},
{"quote": "<Paeyl> why did i just have a sudden image of a penis with tentacles at the tip\r\n<alayna> cthulhuitis\r\n<Paeyl> is there an antibiotic for that?\r\n<Paeyl> \"doc, i have a problem.\" \"what?\" \"it's my.. penis.. it .. \" \"yes?\" \"it can.. write its own name.\"\r\n<geo> That's not a problem, son...that's a potential career.", "score": 641, "id": 8101},
{"quote": "<glome> Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?!\r\n<content> glome stole the cookie from the cookie jar!\r\n<glome> Who me?!\r\n<content> Yes you!\r\n<glome> Couldn't be!\r\n<content> Then WHO?!!\r\n<glome> Woody stole the cookie from the cookie jar!\r\n*** glome has been kicked by DrWoody (fuck you i didn't touch the motherfucking cookie, bitch)", "score": 10973, "id": 8102},
{"quote": "<mrfy> \"If you're a technology early adopter, but you're not in the first wave of 'bleeding edge' users, then you're on the scabby edge (where the bleeding edge has crusted over, but it's still raw).\"\r\n<Rascal> this is why johnny come latelies get picked on", "score": 236, "id": 8104},
{"quote": "<frail> there are places that should never be scraped\r\n<frail> \"get your hand out of my pants and use an emory board you son of a bitch!\r\n<flee> ok, if you want an emory board on your genitals, sure.\r\n<adric> i think id prefer nails to an emory board..\r\n<adric> granted id want them to be short, clean and smooth..\r\n<flee> I like my men short, clean and smooth.\r\n<adric> damn i have the short and clean down.. but i think im all corners..\r\n<flee> not that type of smooth\r\n<flee> smooth like a razor blade you don't notice in the shotglass of gin\r\n<bob> shaven, not stirred", "score": 181, "id": 8105},
{"quote": "<flee> for some reason it never occurred to me until now how odd it is for elmer fudd to be singing about his \"spear and magic helmet\" while bugs cross-dresses.\r\n<6> I know, it makes so much sense until the cross dressing\r\n<midi> you can say that about lots of things.", "score": 483, "id": 8106},
{"quote": "<@IS2> play it again, dugy\r\n<@Dugy> oooooooo ah ooooo da da de da dooo\r\n<@Dugy> oooooooo ah ooooo daaaaa da daaa\r\n<@Dugy> oooooooo ah ooooo da da de da dooo\r\n<@IS2> ahhh, what a classic\r\n* IS2 saves it to his mp3 collection\r\n<@Dugy> :(", "score": 212, "id": 8111},
{"quote": "<Palindrome80> (oh.\u00a0 my.\u00a0 god.\u00a0 josh just showed me pornographic harry potter fan fiction.)\r\n<thedreya> (I REFUSE to read the porno harry potter fanfic. I stick to gay A-team fanfic)", "score": 268, "id": 8112},
{"quote": "<q> well, not really. i don't like wearing clothes because i really just rather be baked. \r\n<q> and by baked, and mean, naked. \r\n<q> and by \"and mean\", i mean \"i mean\"", "score": 978, "id": 8113},
{"quote": "<egypt> bejeweled is hypnotic.\r\n<zebra> omg bejeweled is like crack.\r\n<egypt> i'm convinced this is an attempt at world domination.\r\n<egypt> i can't stop playing this.\r\n<egypt> MUST.. GET... JEWELS... INTO LINES OF THREEEEEEE.\r\n<egypt> NO MOVES LEFT? BASTARDS!\r\n<Allan> What's bejeweled?\r\n<egypt> its like, tetris for the mentally challenged.\r\n<zebra> omg I HATE that noise it makes when you lose.\r\n<egypt> omg i KNOW\r\n<egypt> it makes me feel like such a FAILURE\r\n<zebra> it makes the baby jesus cry.\r\n<egypt> \"you have no friends. please find a disease and crawl into bed with it, thanks.\"\r\n<zebra> That *GAME* makes me feel like a failure.\r\n* zebra falls over laughing", "score": 380, "id": 8116},
{"quote": "<spicyham> guess i will go to library to use encyclepedia tomorrow ... all my dictionary doesn't have the meaning of leet", "score": 192, "id": 8221},
{"quote": "<okoshun> The cat's have the right idea..lying on the cool tiles in the dark.\r\n<max> That\r\n<max> Of course they have the right idea.\u00a0 Cat's are perfect.\r\n<max> Or so they like to believe :)\r\n<okoshun> The *are* perfect.\u00a0 ;)\r\n<max> Then explain why the hell the cat fell off my desk yesterday?\r\n<max> You know how I have a corner desk?\r\n<okoshun> A gravitational flaw.\r\n<max> he was lying on his back, and rolled over to stand up\r\n<max> And managed to put his front paw in the empty space in the corner between the two segments\r\n<max> So he put his weight on it to get up, and fell down\r\n<okoshun> max: He did that on purpose.\r\n<max> It was funny as hell.\r\n<okoshun> max: He knew you needed a laugh.\r\n<max> he looked mortified.\u00a0 He left shortly after.\r\n<okoshun> You're just projecting your feelings onto the cat.\u00a0 ;)", "score": 803, "id": 8222},
{"quote": "<below> i'm going to kill my roommate.\r\n<Aven> Kill kill kill\r\n<below> he's going to die for this one\r\n<Aven> Wait, I'M YOUR ROOMMATE!\r\n<below> you are?\r\n<below> wtf?!\r\n<below> how many fingers am i holding up?\r\n<Aven> 2\r\n<Aven> But I don't think ones a... oh god.\r\n<below> yes.\r\n* Aven stabs himself in the eye with a pen.", "score": 821, "id": 8223},
{"quote": "(@T-56): anyone up for some drunken baseball fun next weekend?\r\n(+de-v1): baseball?\r\n(+de-v1): k before i just THOUGHT you were gay\r\n(+de-v1): now i know for sure\r\n(+de-v1): :P\r\n(@T-56): steph: ok, scratch baseball, how about water polo\r\n(+de-v1): you just want to be in a pool with 20 guys in speedos are trying to grab balls", "score": 245, "id": 8226},
{"quote": "*** Adee is now known as Elvis\r\n<Elvis> Ah huh huh..\r\n<Electric> Here, have a cheeseburger :)\r\n<Electric> Now go take some drugs and sit on the toilet...\r\n*** Elvis has quit IRC (Quit: )\r\n<Electric> It worked!", "score": 221, "id": 8227},
{"quote": "<alexei^se> I need a new hd\r\n<alexei^se> 10gb hd yah yah!\r\n<xK|servo> ya i have a 20 just got a 40\r\n<xK|servo> mfr at office max was like hey pal need some extra space for all them mpeg files\r\n<xK|servo> i was like shit you got me man\r\n<xK|servo> hes like hey dont worry we all do", "score": 255, "id": 8228},
{"quote": "<Ez> I'm having an orgy tonight\r\n<Ez> Right decided to invite left and her friend pillow", "score": 319, "id": 8234},
{"quote": "<DTOX> pmp:\u00a0 what's funny is that azn dudes are like 4' tall and look like ewoks\r\n<DTOX> it's just funny to see a band of these azns dressed like candy ravers walking around the mall speaking god only knows what language \"yap yap ching chang\"\r\n<DTOX> and then drive their integras back to the forests of Endor and worship C3PO", "score": 0, "id": 8235},
{"quote": "<Reaver_Reload> theres over 500 retards at my college\r\n<Reaver_Reload> its like david vs goliath, except golaith is a retard\r\n<Folken> So you kill retards with rocks?\r\n<Reaver_Reload> Yes.\r\n<Reaver_Reload> Yes we do.", "score": 984, "id": 8236},
{"quote": "* sabeel (~blackHoru@ has joined #winprog\r\n* delete[] sets mode: +v sabeel\r\n<+sabeel> is google working ...?\r\n<+O_6> !google sabeel is retarded\r\n<+logiclrd> O_6:\r\n<+O_6> ^^\r\n\r\n...\r\n\r\n<+sabeel> !google O_6 is also retarded\r\n<+logiclrd> sabeel: Sorry, the server did not return expected response headers. This probably means that there were no matches to your query.\r\n<@violus> huhuh\r\n<+O_6> sabeel, touche, retard\r\n<@violus> owned.", "score": 284, "id": 8238},
{"quote": "<DrShipman> i fuckin hate workin sundays man!!!\r\n<DrShipman> every asshole and his dog is out on a sunday\r\n<Jester> 'sup, spoilt for choice? :P", "score": 141, "id": 8239},
{"quote": "<justin> we found a burger king with internet access\r\n<slash> \"free with any purchase\"\r\n<slash> they make it sound like it's a fucking paper bag or something\r\n<justin> haha\r\n<slash> \"two large fries.\" \"would you like some internet with those?\"", "score": 354, "id": 8242},
{"quote": "<`Trivia`>\u00a0 kq1.169. Swans are the only birds with?\r\n<`Trivia`>\u00a0 1st Hint: *******\u00a0\u00a0 Question Value : 4 Points\r\n*** Joins: StupidFsh\r\n<oregvphf> attitude\r\n<JtHMx> Penises\r\n<oregvphf> ;)\r\n<`Trivia`>\u00a0 YES, JtHMx!!!\u00a0 got the answer ->\u00a0 Penises <-\u00a0 in\u00a0 11.697\u00a0 secs, and gets\u00a0 4\u00a0 Points\r\n<`Trivia`> JtHMx has won\u00a0 2\u00a0 in a row!! Total Points this WEEK:\u00a0 10\u00a0 & this MONTH:\u00a0 10\r\n<JtHMx> what?!?!\r\n<oregvphf> HAHAHA\r\n<JtHMx> I WAS FUCKING JOKING\r\n<JtHMx> TAKE THE POINTS OFF ME\r\n* oregvphf falls over", "score": 1307, "id": 8244},
{"quote": "cabbagehead227: so I came out of the closet today\r\ncabbagehead227: I was looking for my bowling ball, but all I found was a bunch of queers", "score": 280, "id": 8245},
{"quote": "<Ookey> now, I wonder what would be said if I said that all guys are bi.\r\n<JtHMx> *shrug* find out\r\n<BathTub>\u00a0 I think jthm is getting confused with 'all men want chicks to be bi'\r\n<JtHMx> see, bath is clearly just gay, rather than bi", "score": 103, "id": 8246},
{"quote": "<Doc> ok... kitchens clean, bathrooms clean\r\n<Doc> thats the two easiest to clean rooms of the house done...\r\n<cactoid> is that because you always eat out and you never shower?", "score": 349, "id": 8441},
{"quote": "<sisko> did you castrate jason for hiding the pron?\r\n<Kaff> no. that would defeat the purpose.\r\n<sisko> suppose so.\r\n<Kaff> i just shook my fist a lot and said \"grr\"\r\n<sisko> haha. and I suppose he was utterly intimidated\r\n<Kaff> like a good husband, he's suitably scared of me.\r\n<Kaff> he's seen me naked.", "score": 316, "id": 8443},
{"quote": "<Ryk> one of my favourite pastimes spotting boobjob scars.\r\n<Ryk> nothing sexual about it. just like to beat the airbrush.", "score": 175, "id": 8447},
{"quote": "<MMouse> finding me a CIO or CTO position is harder\r\n<undrewb> heh\r\n<jamesn> *laugh*\r\n<jamesn> your going for upper management jobs?\r\n<MMouse> of course ;)\r\n<jamesn> you cant even get a bill paid on time:)\r\n<MMouse> that actually makes me more suited for upper management", "score": 247, "id": 8448},
{"quote": "<undrewb> you know max, while the paralympics were very inspiring, you shouldnt let them delude you into thihnking all retards can achieve the impossible :)", "score": 227, "id": 8449},
{"quote": "<Tippytoes> i got a cute winnie the pooh keyring for my bike today\r\n<Tippytoes> he's cuddling piglet\r\n<undrewb> aww thats nice\r\n<undrewb> uh\r\n<undrewb> thats not cuddling\r\n<Tippytoes> or slipping him the pork sword\r\n<Tippytoes> oh well\r\n<undrewb> THATS ILLEGAL IN TASMANIA\r\n<Tippytoes> piglet's happy\r\n<Tippytoes> he's smiling\r\n<jamesn> piglet is a bitch\r\n<Tippytoes> or it could be a wince", "score": 306, "id": 8450},
{"quote": "<Tippytoes> somewhere in the world, there has to be some chicks that ride motorbikes who are tomboys who also do x-stitch\r\n<sisko> probably\r\n<sisko> that's what women's correctional facilities are for", "score": 169, "id": 8451},
{"quote": "<Mousey> haha quarter chicken from mcdonalds\r\n<mk4> whats quarter chicken ?\r\n<mk4> like a quater pounder ?\r\n<Punk-In-Drublic> well its not quiet a halfd of a chicken dave", "score": 10, "id": 8452},
{"quote": "<Dac> ok, what does 'LUG' on a rental property listing mean?\r\n<tm> Lots of Ugly Guys", "score": 9, "id": 8453},
{"quote": "<helminthes> throw caution to the wind and then piss right into it", "score": 182, "id": 8454},
{"quote": "<Pat> i had to go to hospital after because of complications\r\n<Bleve> Pat was very complicated, they removed his arsehole by mistake\r\n<Mandi> heh\r\n<Bru> what's that in the middle of his face then??", "score": 123, "id": 8455},
{"quote": "<thrase> i hate programming\r\n<thrase> why couldn't i be a rock star\r\n<undrewb> cause you have the charisma of a programmer\r\n* Mandi chortles\r\n<undrewb> and the programming skills of a rockstar :)", "score": 410, "id": 8457},
{"quote": "<Punk-In-Drublic> THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE SUCK COCK ...Mousey, Dave, Vas, Belindah..........YALL CAN GAT FUCKED COS IM DRUNK WOOOOOOOOO ......BOOBIES WOOOOOOOOOO' \r\n<Mousey> why am i first\r\n<Mousey> thats really insulting\r\n<vas-deferens> because your the best at iut\r\n<mk4> why am i second ?\r\n<vas-deferens> shit im third\r\n<vas-deferens> i better work on my technique\r\n<vas-deferens> at least im beating a chick\r\n<Mousey> hahahah", "score": 318, "id": 8458},
{"quote": "<Mandi> kaff still looking at dicks?\r\n<Kaff> nah sharks\r\n<Mandi> same diff\r\n<jamesn> cocks with teef\r\n<Kaff> yeah they all make you bleed in the end", "score": 167, "id": 8461},
{"quote": "<Rafeil> wimberly!\r\n<Rafeil> wesely wimberly. the joke was if kim married him her name would be kimberly wimberly", "score": 209, "id": 8462},
{"quote": "<Ryk> after the man has shot his wad is the perfect time for the woman to vacate the room and quietly catch up on a bit of beaver bashing in the privacy of the kitchen.\r\n<Tippytoes> shouldn't she have a satisfied afterglow?\r\n<Ryk> she can glow when my dinner's ready.", "score": 173, "id": 8463},
{"quote": "<jamesm> what's a java strategy?\r\n<undrewb> jamesm : its a paradigm shift to e-leverage your legacy OLTP system to implement pervasive business systems\r\n<jamesm> is it like a builder with a 'brick strategy' ?", "score": 208, "id": 8464},
{"quote": "<Saber> ow damnit \r\n<Saber> HA \r\n<Saber> That'll teach you\r\n<Saber> damn gummy bears \r\n<c_thur> Saber: i can relate...i think", "score": 271, "id": 8307},
{"quote": "<Xunil96> because i have a metric ass-ton of perl to write \r\n<Dr_V> would a metric ass have 10 cheeks?", "score": 384, "id": 8309},
{"quote": "<kat-write> disturb me and suffer castration \r\n<Doppelganger> that almost sounded interesting till I remembered what that meant", "score": 260, "id": 8310},
{"quote": "* Anderlan raises a cheek off the chair \r\n<Anderlan> farting is offensive, but raising a cheek in preparation is even more so \r\n<gears> it's a good way to show people \"I am not interested in what you have to say.\u00a0 Leave my cubicle at your soonest convenience.\"", "score": 425, "id": 8311},
{"quote": "<Offline> i still cant bleave people dont know what a fudgepacker is \r\n<Log> I do, Zack \r\n<Log> my friend's fiancee is a fudgepacker :o \r\n<`Zerp> they work at candy factoryies right log \r\n<Log> HE PACKS FUDGE AT THE COLORADO FUDGE THINGY \r\n* Offline pounds his head on his desk", "score": 360, "id": 8315},
{"quote": "<cov\\sick> Solitarie almost never crashes. They should employ the person who wrote it to head the WinNT team.", "score": 540, "id": 8317},
{"quote": "<K-Ecchi> SABER DATED A GUY \r\n<Saber> YOU HAVE NO PROOF \r\n<K-Ecchi> YOU TOLD ME \r\n<Saber> I HAVE NO PROOF EITHER", "score": 1258, "id": 8320},
{"quote": "<ac> just messaged this girl I use to know back home with \"Welcome back hottie\"\r\n<ac> The response was \"This is katie's mother\"\r\n<ac> ...\r\n<ac> not a good thing", "score": 270, "id": 8322},
{"quote": "<dt--> womb- im a big proponent of enviroment conditioning the youth\r\n<wombrood> dt: 'environment,' for future reference\r\n<djthrush> also, believing that something is true does not make you a\r\n\u00a0 'proponent'\r\n<djthrush> 'proponent' is closer in meaning to 'advocate'\r\n<dt--> im aware of its meaning\r\n<dt--> but thanks webster\r\n<djthrush> i don't think you are! since you used it wrong and all\r\n<dt--> how did i use it wrong?\r\n<djthrush> i just explained it to you\r\n<djthrush> are you some sort of illiterate fag?\r\n<djthrush> are you a homeless boozer who just wandered into an internet\r\n\u00a0 cafe? what?\r\n<djthrush> i mean, really", "score": 146, "id": 8323},
{"quote": "<Phettachu> cherry coke - letters at the end = herry cok\u00a0 LOL LOL LOL\r\n\u00a0 LOL\r\n<Phettachu> GET IT HERRY COK?!?\u00a0 HAIRY COCK?!?!\r\n<Phettachu> LOL\r\n<Phettachu> maybe only gays get it", "score": 22, "id": 8324},
{"quote": "knobsthebear: How the hell did Korea find time between StarCraft and Diablo II to make it this far into the World Cup?", "score": 861, "id": 8327},
{"quote": "<a> i wish i had some vr goggles or something\r\n<Loc-Dog> a: for porn?\r\n<a> so nobody could tell i was playing games\r\n<a> games being interactive porn\r\n<Loc-Dog> a: they'd be able to tell when you pulled out the \"joystick\" to manuever your \"character\" in the \"first person shooter\"\r\n<a> Loc-Dog: i use the keyboard.", "score": 349, "id": 8329},
{"quote": "<AgntBukk> I played grand theft auto 3 the other day.\r\n<spacetwin> how was it!\r\n<AgntBukk> I beat up some chick.\r\n<AgntBukk> and then I kicked her repeatedly in the head until she died.\r\n<spacetwin> haha\r\n<AgntBukk> so, all in all, I was happy with the experience.", "score": 325, "id": 8330},
{"quote": "<Gorilla> all the other kids got cool sutff like \"Air!\" \"Earth!\" \"Fire!\" and the poor little Indian kid kinda sheepishly whimpered at the end \"....heart....\" \r\n<neored13> They should've given him Metal. \r\n<GKSetzer> he could be like a glam rocker \r\n<Zephy> oh yeah. then he'd have been gary glitter. \r\n<Zephy> \"AIR\" \"FIRE\" EARTH\" \"PAEDOPHILE\"", "score": 394, "id": 8335},
{"quote": "<Sanji> I eat people.\r\n<Sanji> I'm a humanitarian", "score": 603, "id": 8336},
{"quote": "<Prison_Shank_Blues> i found a fuckin tampax in a public pool", "score": 18, "id": 8405},
{"quote": "<mindlace> i ate a pig that had probably been tortured its entire life before finally being put out of its misery in a festering pile of its screaming kin.\r\n<space> i mean, part of the fun of having a pet is being able to interact with it", "score": 242, "id": 8409},
{"quote": "", "score": 59, "id": 8410},
{"quote": "<Twisty> Fkn ETG banned me for 24 hours :/\r\n<Twisty> TOok me forever to get back on :(\r\n*** Twisty has quit IRC (Killed (AdminServ (Insecure Connection (Type Insecure HTTP Bounce - Port 3128) - for help to get your security fixed plz go here:", "score": 125, "id": 8412},
{"quote": "<ohio_ohio2> so what is the world coming to?\r\n<X-Chaos-X> orgasms.", "score": 245, "id": 8413},
{"quote": "<ChuffyCow> Norman Virus Defense -- a fat geek sits on your computer, and spills donuts and coke on your computer, \"disinfecting it\"", "score": 59, "id": 8417},
{"quote": "<SuperGayAllah> ok, who is the hairiest girl in here?\r\n<Phuser> you are dude", "score": 170, "id": 8423},
{"quote": "<[Phoenix]> My keyboard is gay?\r\n<Howdy> yes, but thats no reason to feel uncomfortable.. a gay keyboard can touch your digits and it not be sexual", "score": 199, "id": 8424},
{"quote": "<RaedonWolf> the shortest day of the year is the 8th of december, the longest day is xmas with your relatives", "score": 213, "id": 8425},
{"quote": "<Nex> Damn it I feel ill since I told that window cleaner bloke I didnt want to buy any cleaning fluid\r\n<Nex> I bet he was a gypo and now I am cursed", "score": 39, "id": 8427},
{"quote": "*** overloaded has quit IRC (Quit: i'm outta here like a dyke fleeing dick.)", "score": 53, "id": 8428},
{"quote": "<DjShoryu> one time my friend got so drunk he thought legos were candy\r\n<buttonsDIE> you mean like he ate them?\r\n<DjShoryu> no, hes an artist\r\n<DjShoryu> he built an apple , then ate it", "score": 708, "id": 8431},
{"quote": "<Ag3ntOrangE> I like that one song by Alice Deejay...\r\n<Ag3ntOrangE> except for the part that goes: \"Do you think your better off alone?\"", "score": 173, "id": 8434},
{"quote": "<Medrawt> I almost always get laid when I've given up looking for a root. Fact.\r\n<Medrawt> I think girls can smell desperation\r\n<drewb> no, they can smell your cheap aftershave\r\n<drewb> when you stop wearing the shit aftershave, they can tolerate you\r\n<Medrawt> No they can't, I wear none\r\n<thrase> If you weren't such an arrogant git drewb, you'd probably pass as funny\r\n* Medrawt relies on pheremones\r\n<drewb> if you werent such a fuck up thrase, youd probably pass as human", "score": 0, "id": 8437},
{"quote": "<cactoid> my god, the new lara croft has enormous gonzagas\r\n<cactoid> i wonder if she goes for overweight australian it professionals", "score": 290, "id": 8438},
{"quote": "<Tippytoes> i have kids in the room\r\n<Tippytoes> is it safe to look at?\r\n<bark> i don't think they mention any words like CUNT on that page, no\r\n<tm> just hide it behind your anal porn", "score": 236, "id": 8499},
{"quote": "<undrewb> I'm gonna make my thesis opensource so developers all round the world can work on it for me", "score": 518, "id": 8465},
{"quote": "<helminthes> hey i had a vision today of some fat old man with a dog sitting on campus and he goes, \"hey, pet my dog\" and i say, \"heh no thanks i gotta go to class.\" \"but the dog's cute, look at him.\" \"no man, see ya\" \"DOG HATER!!! DOG HATER!! HE JUST HIT MY DOG IN THE FACE\" {i run away}", "score": 171, "id": 8466},
{"quote": "* Tippytoes looks at kaff's box\r\n<Tippytoes> err\r\n<Tippytoes> that sounded bad", "score": 32, "id": 8468},
{"quote": "<helminthes> that's like one of those dennis miller jokes.. no one gets it, no one cares then everyone forgets about it and an afghan woman dies of heatstroke", "score": 189, "id": 8469},
{"quote": "<PsykoFaerie> everyone got into discussions about how i must have an eating disorder. :|\r\n<monk[e]> psyko, if you throw up right after eathing... intentionaly... you have an eating disorder\r\n<Aelhaeran> Pysko: and if your prone to sharp, stabbing pains in your eye after a meal, chances are you have a fork lodged in it.", "score": 319, "id": 8470},
{"quote": "<sisko> Q. What's the height of conceit?\r\n<sisko> A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.\r\n<mmm> i do that\r\n<mmm> \"oh god\"", "score": 1218, "id": 8471},
{"quote": "<helminthes> and the little basket at the counter says tips, so you hock a big loogie in it and then you realize what you did and say, \"oh shit i'm dyslexic\"", "score": 453, "id": 8472},
{"quote": "<sisko> I want to crawl up into the place I once was.\r\n<mandi> the end of your dad's cock?", "score": 205, "id": 8473},
{"quote": "[03:01]<monkey1> at least im not on IRC at 3 AM!", "score": 528, "id": 8474},
{"quote": "<tm> meetings, the alternative to work\r\n<Dane> meetings, the PRACTICAL alternative to work\r\n<Rushn> Masterbation, the FUN alternative to work", "score": 265, "id": 8476},
{"quote": "<helminthes> was the party cool?\r\n<helminthes> like did you fuck any hoes\r\n<rafeil> heh, no hoes\r\n<helminthes> not even one? i mean at least one right\r\n<rafeil> i just drank a little and talked\r\n<helminthes> fucked her right in the face right\r\n<rafeil> yeah\r\n<helminthes> she was gagging out all your children just like a bitch", "score": -1, "id": 8477},
{"quote": "<cactoid> you're all gay\r\n<cactoid> and those of you who are married, everyone knows it's a marriage of convenience", "score": 180, "id": 8478},
{"quote": "<Kaff> its saturday night. what are you doing here\r\n<Kaff> i thought you'd have too much of a social life.\r\n<spoob> Parts of me love interacting with other parts of me, but as a whole, I'm about as popular and loved as jamesm\r\n<Kaff> oh. so you're a dead shit.\r\n<spoob> Succinct, cruel, and accurate", "score": 174, "id": 8479},
{"quote": "<esthar> man this guy DEFINITELY ripped me off with beer the other night\r\n<esthar> he made me pay the same amount for a six pack that i could get a 12 pack for\r\n<helminthes> you better watch out.. next thing you know he'll wipe out your family and steal your identity", "score": 117, "id": 8480},
{"quote": "<Kaff> Pumpkin: The art of eating a girl out while she's on the shitter.\r\n<Kaff> how is that a pumpkin\r\n<mmm> gross\r\n<Kaff> how is that normal.\r\n<Kaff> who does that\r\n<Kaff> I WANT NAMES\r\n<Kaff> (and numbers)", "score": 193, "id": 8481},
{"quote": "<dr_rotcod> and you.. you'll be doing something stupid\r\n<dr_rotcod> like skateboarding", "score": 20, "id": 8482},
{"quote": "<tm> hmm, our call centre manager just asked how do i turn off capslock\r\n<Zaph0d> tm: Ctrl-Alt-DEl\r\n<tm> she's crying on her keyboard now", "score": 387, "id": 8483},
{"quote": "<Dane> i had a nice shave just then\r\n<Dane> it turned out really well for mew\r\n<Dane> purposely left just enough growth so that i still appear young and \"hip\" but still sufficiently mature and masculine\r\n<cactoid> in other words, gay", "score": 302, "id": 8500},
{"quote": "<cactoid> you love the Colonel\r\n<cactoid> I like KFC chippies\r\n<cactoid> and zinger burgers\r\n<cactoid> the rest tastes ok while you're eating it but it's just fucking gross greasy fried vermin\r\n<Bayls> Yeah, the chips are ace.\r\n<Bayls> The actual chicken pieces are shit.\r\n<Bayls> You may as well sculpt some lard into a shape the looks like a drumstick, then coat it with butter. Then roll it in lard, then melt fat onto it, then fry it in animal fat, dip it in lard then eat it.\r\n<Bayls> I think 10 out of the 11 secrec \"herbs and spices\" are \"lard\".\r\n<Bayls> Mmmm, making me hungry. Might go get a 21 piece bucket. :)\r\n*** Signoff: Bayls", "score": 301, "id": 8501},
{"quote": "<Doc> hmm.. AOL has this great new thing where you can chat with your friends online!\r\n<Bru> yeah I saw the ad on TV. that would be cool - then I wouldn't have to chat with this bunch of losers and social misfits", "score": 423, "id": 8502},
{"quote": "<dr_rotcod> my poo was white again. this cannot go on", "score": 569, "id": 8504},
{"quote": "<Doc> hmm.. IE crashed\r\n<Doc> but i suppose it was my fault... after all, i did press teh \"Back\" button\r\n<Doc> what was i thinking...\r\n<cactoid> you madman\r\n<Tippytoes> risktaker\r\n<Doc> i like to live on the edge", "score": 1510, "id": 8505},
{"quote": "<aversion> i was takin a dump today in the stalls\r\n<aversion> and someone stuck their dick through a hole\r\n<aversion> i didnt even get to finish", "score": 189, "id": 8506},
{"quote": "<helminthes> what girls have to realize is that every other guy is wrong and i am right", "score": 135, "id": 8507},
{"quote": "<dr_rotcod> i wonder if my life sucks cause i jerk off after i pray", "score": 370, "id": 8511},
{"quote": "<StoneCold> AND AFTER OL' STONE COLD IS DONE WITH THE ROCK, HE'S FIXIN TO WHIP HIS WIFE'S ASS!!", "score": -4, "id": 8522},
{"quote": "<helminthes> haikus are real gay\r\n<helminthes> cause they put limitations\r\n<helminthes> on syllables used", "score": 918, "id": 8526},
{"quote": "<dr_rotcod> you know its days like these when you say to yourself, 'If I don't become famous, how am I going to kill these people and get away with it?'", "score": 439, "id": 8527},
{"quote": "<aversion> i have an idea\r\n<aversion> how bout i show you my middle finger and you get offended\r\n<aversion> kthxbye", "score": -1, "id": 8528},
{"quote": "<teste_fly> \"um yes, i'd like to withdraw from life please\"\r\n<teste_fly> \"will that be checking or savings?\"\r\n<teste_fly> \"hmm, i think i just want to cancel my account\"", "score": 228, "id": 8529},
{"quote": "<[Bryan]> cams: Damn I'm ugly man.. how do you hang around me?\r\n<cams> i have no idea\r\n<cams> it might be my blindness", "score": 179, "id": 8530},
{"quote": "[invertiga] back\r\n[Lord-Data] we missed you\r\n[Lord-Data] wait.. no we didnt", "score": 31, "id": 8531},
{"quote": "<Ookey> it's the pop ups that I just want to rip out of the computer, and stomp on repeatedly\r\n<Ookey> especially when, like the one I just had, the only way to get rid of the 10 or so that you have + ones that are opening every 2-3 secs is to close down all of ie, and loose any pages etc that you have\r\n<JtHM> are you going to that 'YES, I AM LOOKING AT GAY PORN' page?", "score": 110, "id": 8534},
{"quote": "<BathTub> isn't that your homepage JtHM?\r\n<JtHM> no, mine is\r\n<BathTub> ah yeah that shrine site you made\r\n<JtHM> worshipping the gayest man alive", "score": 89, "id": 8535},
{"quote": "<Bobski> goconnect. the internet equivalent of the dole.\r\n<jamesm> what is it?\r\n<Bobski> a freebie internet service for those who blew their last 5 bucks on mcdonalds\r\n<jamesm> how do they make money?\r\n<Bobski> you install a wanky dialer and it spatters your screen with ads. mostly mcdonalds ads actually :)\r\n<jamesm> in case you find another fiver", "score": 255, "id": 8484},
{"quote": "<Kaff> how festy are we talking ?\r\n<tm> makes your armpits seem like surgical theatres", "score": 102, "id": 8485},
{"quote": "<hakan> mine is bent upwards but the base points down\r\n<hakan> its like a plant trying to grow to get more sunlight\r\n<helminthes> yeah except it's your weiner\r\n<hakan> but theres moss on it", "score": 213, "id": 8486},
{"quote": "<cactoid> pr0n is critical internet infrastructure\r\n<cactoid> if pron wasn't flowing freely, ISPs wouldn't need to upgrade their gear and networking vendors would go out of business", "score": 254, "id": 8487},
{"quote": "<dr_rotcod> he's an ex marine and i was drunk so i said, \"alright marine, kill me with one touch!\"\r\n<hakan> holy shit. wrong thing to say\r\n<dr_rotcod> and all the sudden i was in some weird hold having my shoulder ripped apart\r\n<dr_rotcod> and then i fell on the ground laughing/crying\r\n<hakan> did it break??\r\n<dr_rotcod> he looked at his hands and went, \"oh my god! the demons of the american military have shone through and i am hopeless!! HOPELESS\"", "score": 316, "id": 8488},
{"quote": "<helminthes> hey i have a good pick up line\r\n<helminthes> \"if you vomit i'm not fucking holding your hair back\"\r\n<helminthes> \"later\"", "score": 11, "id": 8489},
{"quote": "<aquacavi> well what if i told you i was pregnant\r\n<helminthes> IS IT MINE?!?!\r\n<aquacavi> yours or the dogs\r\n<helminthes> IT'S THE DOG'S\r\n<helminthes> IF HE DENIES IT TELL HIM HE CAN'T TALK", "score": 612, "id": 8490},
{"quote": "<rafeil> i had a dream i had 3 penis's of varying legnth and direction\r\n<rafeil> and 2 girls were sucking on them, but they were sucking on the numb ones. only one had feeling. it was like the head of the hydra myth\r\n<helminthes> no.. not the numb ones.. oh god no.. {wakes up violently in cold sweat}", "score": 270, "id": 8491},
{"quote": "<KKKBitch> im making jason take me out for dinner !!%^&*)\r\n<KKKBitch> i have my speech ready for when he walks in the door and all.\r\n<Bayls> KK - What's your speech?\r\n<KKKBitch> \"if you take me out for dinner, i won't give you any of my PMT shit - the end\"\r\n<KKKBitch> i used to say \"if you take me out for dinner, i'll suck your dick\" but he soon found that i was lying.", "score": 225, "id": 8492},
{"quote": "<jamesm> is ntpd 4.0.99k23 ok?\r\n<tm> yeah, giving remote root is now a documented feature\r\n<sisko> laff\r\n<jamesm> well, i know the answer now and i'm not telling you cunts", "score": 32, "id": 8493},
{"quote": "<helminthes> omg, i was about to walk into class today but it wasn't until right before i opened the door that i realized i wasn't wearing pants, but i didn't go home i went ahead and dealt with it and lo and behold, there was a test in that class that i hadn't studied for at all.\u00a0 so i jumped out the window and right when i hit the ground my cell phone went off\r\n<hakan> yipes\r\n<rafeil> yeh\r\n<helminthes> and that's how it all started\r\n<helminthes> how was your day", "score": 158, "id": 8494},
{"quote": "[arkZZZ\u00a0\u00a0 ] Hi! I`m having trouble playing a couple of divx-movies.. I only get \"No combination of filters could be found to render the stream\". Does anyone know what to do?\r\n[Synoptica] arkZZZ: download the fkn codec?\r\n[arkZZZ\u00a0\u00a0 ] fkn? where?", "score": 256, "id": 8495},
{"quote": "[dodgelap ] fuck\r\n[dodgelap ] work didnt put my pay into my account\r\n[dodgelap ] wtf is goin on ?\r\n* Synoptica thinks of 'Milton' from office space", "score": 342, "id": 8496},
{"quote": "<hakan> I hate it when the girl looks into the camera during a blow job. It totally destroys the fourth wall, which is so very important in a porno flick.", "score": 560, "id": 8497},
{"quote": "<Chris H> I'm going to marry someone with no eyes and no teeth.\r\n<CharlEnie> haha\r\n<Zilv3r> LmAo LoL!\r\n<Chris H> It isn't THAT funny... do u even know why she \r\n<Zilv3r> yeah!! so she doesn't bite you...\r\n<CharlEnie> Does that mean u dont know why she shouldn't have eyes?\r\n<Zilv3r> no.. wait.. i know i know!!! so she cant see you?\r\n<CharlEnie> LoL!", "score": -76, "id": 8498},
{"quote": "<zealot_> man, if aids made you not want to masterbate, it would be the most\r\nawful disease ever", "score": 25, "id": 8613},
{"quote": "<jackal-> someone guess what my cat will type when i drop it on my keyboard\r\n<jackal-> hello i'm a very intelligent cat, save me from my cruel master and free me from this prison\r\n<jackal-> omg\r\n<jackal-> bad cat", "score": 2217, "id": 8537},
{"quote": "<teste_fly> wish me luck on my date tonihgt guys\r\n* aquacavi crosses fingers\r\n* dr_rotcod crosses his penises\r\n<teste_fly> :0\r\n<aquacavi> the secret is out ladies and gentlemen", "score": 308, "id": 8539},
{"quote": "<helminthes> does anyone else ever notice when you're sex0ring a fat chic it seems like a good idea at the time, but when your done you feel an overwhelming emptiness?\r\n<helminthes> no one?\r\n<hakan> ...\r\n<helminthes> :p", "score": 129, "id": 8540},
{"quote": "<DeadsouL> poke\r\n<T-Broken\\w> *giggle*\r\n<T-Broken|w> *giggle*\r\n* DeadsouL boots T-Broken\\w in the snatch for giggling like a sissy\r\n* DeadsouL boots T-Broken|w in the snatch for giggling like a sissy", "score": 8, "id": 8543},
{"quote": "<timovgod> why is it that not 10 minutes after they put the straight-jacket on my nuts start to itch?", "score": 329, "id": 8544},
{"quote": "[@Gentleman_Junkie] Sure your ass will hurt, but its better than getting pregnant...", "score": 639, "id": 8545},
{"quote": "<JungleMason> There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you.\r\n<Gabealicious> Have you tried epoxy?\r\n<JungleMason> Yes, and the smell reminds me of you.\r\n<Gabealicious> Or... maybe some of that spray foam insulation...\r\n<JungleMason> I LOVE that shit.\r\n<Gabealicious> me too!\r\n<JungleMason> Tastes GREAT on a Triscuit.\r\n<Gabealicious> Yes ... some folks call it 'ez cheez'\r\n<JungleMason> Burger King calls it \"Ranch Dip.\"", "score": 456, "id": 8554},
{"quote": "<Gabealicious> Will you please yank all these goddamned hairs from my nose???\r\n<JungleMason> You need to go to Sharper Image or something and get a fancy nose-hair cutting gizmo.\r\n<Gabealicious> I think so.\r\n<JungleMason> Make sure you read the warning label though: \"Not safe for most rectums.\"\r\n<Gabealicious> It's a bit late for that.", "score": 186, "id": 8555},
{"quote": "<@xpro> sweet, just found 13$ in some dirty pants \r\n<@pimp> who was wearing them?", "score": 275, "id": 8560},
{"quote": "<Minstrel> OMG!\r\n<Minstrel> OMG!\r\n<Minstrel> OMG!\r\n<Minstrel> Tornado!\r\n<Guantlet> better get to the basement mins\r\n<Minstrel> bbl, Ima go get stoned and go outside.", "score": 484, "id": 8562},
{"quote": "<TF_Baxter> fucking plug and play my ass", "score": 1050, "id": 8565},
{"quote": "<BJKlein> so you download opera and use bsd on that?", "score": 103, "id": 8569},
{"quote": "## baguette is away since Mon Sep 10 12:31:41 2001 -- fuck\r\n<screampuff>\u00a0 gee, that's not a bad reason to be away...", "score": 250, "id": 8571},
{"quote": "<baguette> dude, my grandmother's sexier than your grandmother", "score": 223, "id": 8573},
{"quote": "<baguette> hey, anyone know how to find a hamster?\r\n<is> set a cat loose\r\n<is> the location of the hamster and the location of the cat will converge quickly\r\n<is> though it may be difficult to separate them again...", "score": 577, "id": 8576},
{"quote": "<sugar> nm, i cant reason with yall. but im right\r\n<sprinkles> s/right/wrong/", "score": 30, "id": 8577},
{"quote": "<cheesecake> differential equations sedate me.\r\n<kg> strange... i usually get turned on by differential equations..", "score": 184, "id": 8578},
{"quote": "<shwartz> anyone know about text interface ftp browsers?\r\n<inflex> \"text interface ftp browsers\"\r\n<inflex> are you referring to ftp(1)?\r\n<Deviate> Like the kind where you have to do all that typing?!\r\n<Deviate> Those are so 80's!", "score": 128, "id": 8614},
{"quote": "<inflex> the best way would be to be a lesbian stuck in a chicks body\r\n<inflex> that way when you couldn't get any, you would still enjoy fucking\r\nyourself\r\n<inflex> wheras whenever i want to fuck myself i've gotta touch some dick\r\n<inflex> and any situation where i have to touch a dick is undesirable", "score": 206, "id": 8617},
{"quote": "<Inflex> Oh my lord\r\n<Inflex> This is so wierd.\r\n<Inflex> In fact, it's wack.\r\n<Noonan> what is\r\n<Inflex> Non engineering classes.\r\n<Inflex> They're like 40% chicks.\r\n<Noonan> heheh\r\n<Noonan> sometimes more\r\n<Inflex> It's so fucked up.\r\n<Inflex> When I walked in, I thought I was in a bar.\r\n<Noonan> hahah\r\n<Noonan> Welcome to the real world\r\n<Inflex> This new world scares me.", "score": 944, "id": 8618},
{"quote": "<Cyride> the other day i was in the mall with my wife and we pass by a pictuer of two girls that are in the playboy bunny\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 suits and my wife says i bet you wished i look like that... what is someone supposed to say to that? is \"duh\" the\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 proper response to that?", "score": 600, "id": 8620},
{"quote": "<FactsOfLife> wasn't linux a peanuts character?\r\n<FactsOfLife> yeah linux, the kid who carried a blankie to keep the bad guys away...\r\n<FactsOfLife> yeah yeah, linux, short kid, charlie brown's friend...", "score": 120, "id": 8628},
{"quote": "<@Lum_> 128 mb is enough\r\n<@Lum_> it's fucking enough for microsoft dev studio\r\n<@da_slog> NO IT ISNT STFU NEWB\r\n<@Lum_> I think it's enough for my TANK GAME", "score": 97, "id": 8632},
{"quote": "<gord> i dont like you\r\n<gord> and if i met your mom i probly woudlnt like her either", "score": 71, "id": 8634},
{"quote": "<teste_fly> i talk shit, and none of it's true and i'm a skinny pussy who wouldn't harm a turd\r\n<teste_fly> but i will give it a stern talking to", "score": 276, "id": 8636},
{"quote": "<NiTro> i gonna go test for hiv\r\n<NiTro> bbl\r\n<Impolite> think positive", "score": 1428, "id": 8637},
{"quote": "<mewse> we all gotta satisfy our irc addiction in one way or another\r\n<mewse> if that means using aol, so be it", "score": 138, "id": 8643},
{"quote": "<Wehrwolf> From CNN: \"Sci Tech / Featured Sections : Is VHS obsolete?\"\r\n<SD-Crono> this is a followup to thier Future of Gaming E3 2002 report with a Dreamcast picture ... nice ^^\r\n<Wehrwolf> Maybe their sci-tech guy is some 90 year old who lives in the woods", "score": 243, "id": 8644},
{"quote": "<dr_rotcod> if my computer were human it'd be a limbless retard", "score": 404, "id": 8645},
{"quote": "<helminthes> I WAS RUDELY AWAKENED\r\n<helminthes> the pest control people showed up\r\n<helminthes> and obviously this guy had a sense of humor and sprayed by face with pesticide\r\n<helminthes> oh he's so funny\r\n<helminthes> i'm never sleeping in the den again", "score": 219, "id": 8647},
{"quote": "<hakan> i asked this hot girl out, she said she just wanted to be pen pals\r\n<hakan> and she dropped our class\r\n<dr_rotcod> haha\r\n<hakan> is that a good thing?", "score": 254, "id": 8648},
{"quote": "<snoggerT11> fuck you\r\n<helminthes> obvious immature retort:\r\n<helminthes> \"OH I JUST LOOOVE WHEN YOU TALK DIRTY\"", "score": 38, "id": 8649},
{"quote": "<gallagher> why the fuck do my fingers smell like something i have never smelled before\r\n<gallagher> and it smells horrible", "score": 30, "id": 8650},
{"quote": "", "score": 463, "id": 8653},
{"quote": "<sugar> if superman and batman got into a fight, who would win?\r\n<muffins> well, superman wears his undies on the outside...batman wears his on his head\r\n<muffins> tough call", "score": 900, "id": 8583},
{"quote": "<rg> my f key got fucked once\r\n<rg> i tried to tell people to use the shift key and all hell broke loose", "score": 346, "id": 8586},
{"quote": "<baguette> and it's a pain in the ass\r\n<baguette> guys, that is\r\n<waffles> You're probably doing it wrong then....", "score": 337, "id": 8588},
{"quote": "<mrempire> humm\r\n<mrempire> -7% burning an iso here\r\n<mathew2> now we know why you work for PC World.", "score": 186, "id": 8590},
{"quote": "<halos> i went to lunch with a couple co-workers and before we left they both\r\n+went to the bathroom\r\n<halos> when they came back out I asked, \"Who won?\"", "score": 112, "id": 8592},
{"quote": "(nathan) weird.\u00a0 my dsl works better as long as i'm constantly pinging the server\r\n(nathan) as soon as i stop pinging one direction or the other, it blocks up\r\n(nathan) like a bad bowel movement", "score": 92, "id": 8593},
{"quote": "<vkeks05> you blow\r\n<pies> rather in than out\r\n<vkeks05> you'd rather stick a dick in your ass?", "score": 7, "id": 8595},
{"quote": "<[T]ANGo> I fear that Tech Knight would not pass through a metal detector unnoticed.\r\n<Crashie_> and he has no hobbies :)\r\n<Filly-O-F> apart from masturbating furiously into fistfuls of his own feces", "score": 5, "id": 8598},
{"quote": "<Wickedstar> so i saw bastard mcfuckhead today\r\n<Wickedstar> i decided it wasn't really worth getting into it\r\n<Wickedstar> and it will make it so much better when she eats his soul\r\n<Wickedstar> on that note, i have to go eat dinner", "score": 3, "id": 8600},
{"quote": "<sleepswithangels> quiet in here\r\n<sleepswithangels> HII!!!\r\n<sleepswithangels> oh fuck this", "score": -68, "id": 8603},
{"quote": "<Atg[M]> Their latest album was going to be called \" You are gay\" and the cover was going to be a mirror.", "score": 329, "id": 8604},
{"quote": "<Primal[Djedi]> rent: am i in wife wants to know NOW\r\n<tiepilot> I told you Primal, you should fuck the wife inbetween rounds", "score": 93, "id": 8605},
{"quote": "<Meridian`> Fancy is going to find me and rape my sister. \r\n<Meridian`> And I will be like \"be quiet, I'm playing tf.\"", "score": 123, "id": 8606},
{"quote": "<Xmit> And I wont be on irc ever again\r\n<coaxial> Why not?!\r\n<Xmit> Because it is a waste of time\r\n<Xmit> I am declaring that I will never waste time like this again\r\n<coaxial> but we lub u\r\n<Xmit> I hate you you stupid bitch", "score": 285, "id": 8610},
{"quote": "<zealot_> gopher is the protocol of the future", "score": 117, "id": 8612},
{"quote": "<Sull> what is this obsession with trading pics?\r\n<lostsoul1> it is kind of like gota collect them all", "score": 179, "id": 8702},
{"quote": "<Roga> wats the dirtiest thing clare has sed to u while ur goin at it?\r\n<grinners> dunno jake... can i shit on your face maybe?\r\n<grinners> she a nice girl\r\n<joker2> \"got a hand free? 'cause i forgot to wipe\"", "score": 28, "id": 8655},
{"quote": "<Pottsy> <- heh\r\n<JtHM> whats funny about that jpg?\r\n<Pottsy> look at what hes pointing at\r\n<JtHM> ah\r\n<JtHM> yes well.. kids are 'tards\r\n<JtHM> as are people who make webheaders for large corporations it seems", "score": 37, "id": 8656},
{"quote": "<imsuxok> Maybe there'll be some breakthrough in internet technology\r\n<imsuxok> I hear the powerline stuff is close to being released commercially\r\n<imsuxok> I'm just worried that it'll overload the outlets in my old house. I don't feel like burning to death just so I can download porn faster.", "score": 243, "id": 8658},
{"quote": "<cryt> germans can't speak straight.\r\n<tyree> cryt, ever been over here?\r\n<cryt> unfortunately.\r\n<cryt> found meself shitting on the park benches. no public toilets.\r\n<cryt> \"YOU THERE, STOP! I NEED TO USE YOUR SHIRT TO WIPE ME BUM!\"", "score": 10, "id": 8659},
{"quote": "<CactusJac> masturbating is like pringles\r\n<ori0n> once you pop, you can't stop!", "score": 223, "id": 8660},
{"quote": "<iggypop> i told my gf some shit when i was drunk, and now she's like \"you weren't just saying that because you were drunk, were you?\"\r\n<iggypop> and i don't have a fucking clue what i said", "score": 882, "id": 8662},
{"quote": "<Renegad3> Cannibal Corpse is good just cause of the lyrics\r\n<Renegad3> i cut her from her neck down to her anus. then i cut out her vagina. then i ate it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "score": 35, "id": 8663},
{"quote": "<litigator> alcohol always helps the cause\r\n<litigator> roofies only as a last resort", "score": 25, "id": 8664},
{"quote": "<iggypop> if i dont get on tomorrow, i'm probably burnt up\r\n<iggypop> i took the battery out of my smoke alarm for my digicam", "score": 290, "id": 8665},
{"quote": "<bbl-away> sheeesh sickjay, ease up on the #eos spam\r\n<CactusJac> don't talk to him that way\r\n<CactusJac> he's my boyfriend\r\n<bbl-away> well, take him and get a room\r\n<CactusJac> we're exhibitionists", "score": 168, "id": 8666},
{"quote": "<cryterion> that the girl had a nickname.\r\n<cryterion> \"mouse\"\r\n<cryterion> have you ever stepped on a mouse's tail?\r\n<cryterion> and heard it squeak?\r\n<cryterion> this girl did that at the point of orgasm.\r\n<cryterion> \"EEEEEEEEEEEE!", "score": 305, "id": 8667},
{"quote": "<cryterion> hooker fucking is an art.\r\n<cryterion> you have to be able to do it with one arm up\r\n<cryterion> and shave her pubes\r\n<cryterion> while doing your business through shaving cream.", "score": 6, "id": 8668},
{"quote": "<SDGR406> I'll send you some of my worn panties\r\n<SDGR406> will that work?\r\n<|Spanky|> i need womens\r\n<|Spanky|> men dont get me off anymore\r\n<|Spanky|> i want hair though\r\n<|Spanky|> those are like finding a treasure\r\n<|Spanky|> finding a pube on a this week's stolen pair is like having a goose that lays the golden egg", "score": -2, "id": 8669},
{"quote": "<|Spanky|> peeing your pants it like happiness\r\n<|Spanky|> everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth", "score": 681, "id": 8670},
{"quote": "<DigDug> i'm so tired of reformatting quotes :/\r\n<c-rOCK> THEN DONT\r\n<c-rOCK> KILL THAT QDB\r\n<c-rOCK> LIKE YOU WERE ABRAHAM\r\n<c-rOCK> AND THAT SHIT IS YOUR SON", "score": 293, "id": 8671},
{"quote": "<Duck[STFUF]> you know ath, why did you change your name to avin...A, V, I and N are pretty much as farthest they can be from one another:<\r\n<Jumper|TMC> BECAUSE IT'S HIS NAME", "score": 178, "id": 8672},
{"quote": "<X-man> i had a comp sci teacher that named her dog scsi\r\n<X-man> i felt bad for it", "score": 259, "id": 8673},
{"quote": "<prower> check out what i put on e-bay\r\n<tom_> oh god\r\n<tom_> are you trying to sell your sister again\r\n<tom_> i keep telling you its illegal", "score": 676, "id": 8704},
{"quote": "<Jon-> doing some C coding ;)\r\n<Anselmo> pfft\r\n<Anselmo> Learn a real language\r\n<Anselmo> Like Amiga Basic", "score": 253, "id": 8705},
{"quote": "<tom_> i heard that if you walk into a fridge and close the door you cant get out again\r\n<tom_> im sure if i got stuck in a fridge i could get out\r\n<tom_> im gonna fuckin try it", "score": 881, "id": 8706},
{"quote": "<fraggle> get in trouble?\r\n<Afterglow> fraggle: getting in trouble because you look like elton john, of course\r\n<fraggle> yeah they're always disappointed when they find i cant play candle in the wind\r\n<fraggle> \"so.. we measure the voltage across.... wait is that elton john back there? can you play us a song?\"", "score": 303, "id": 8707},
{"quote": "<DW-Steve> i'm a hacker\r\n<mystican> no you're not\r\n<mystican> you're a farmer\r\n<mystican> theres a difference", "score": 351, "id": 8708},
{"quote": "* Quasar` waves a fist at\r\n*** Quasar` has quit IRC ( *", "score": 148, "id": 8710},
{"quote": "<JtHM> <- hrmmmm\r\n<shpongle> jt - shes going commando !\r\n<JtHM> she's going on an archeological dig!", "score": 14, "id": 8711},
{"quote": "<arioch> Mario 69: Toadstool Gets Reamed\r\n<fraggle> i'd love to give the princess a good bonin'\r\n<aur__> sorry fraggle, but the princess is in another castle", "score": 547, "id": 8713},
{"quote": "<relapse> what distribution are you running\r\n<aur__> windows", "score": 248, "id": 8716},
{"quote": "<tobester> woah FIRE\r\n<tobester> bbiab", "score": 113, "id": 8717},
{"quote": "<AndrewB> Lonely..\r\n<Linguica> aww\r\n<AndrewB> Come to bed and snuggle with me.\r\n<AndrewB> Er, wrong window.", "score": 275, "id": 8719},
{"quote": "<pritch> yeah well i do an english writing degree\r\n<Linguica> do have", "score": 337, "id": 8721},
{"quote": "<Cyb> I remember the first time I talked to my ex girlfriend on aim\r\n<Cyb> and I said 'heh'\r\n<Cyb> and she was like \"I hate when people say that!\"\r\n<Cyb> that was like the most traumatic moment of my life", "score": 333, "id": 8722},
{"quote": "<Linguica> whatever you say honey\r\n<Linguica> err homey", "score": 470, "id": 8723},
{"quote": "<mewse> i wonder what drinking rye in the shower feels like", "score": 68, "id": 8724},
{"quote": "< linguica_> remember +v = gay\r\n< Insomniak> +v me", "score": 57, "id": 8725},
{"quote": "<mewse> contrary to popular belief there are periods where i dont feel like drinking\r\n<mewse> these periods, i call \"hangovers\"", "score": 389, "id": 8726},
{"quote": "<jamesm> fear the day when the president sends an icq message to the loser saying 'eye fuxx0red j00!!'", "score": 181, "id": 8674},
{"quote": "<drewb> I still dont get how you can use linux when it doesnt have a control panel\r\n<jamesm> well duh, use xeyes", "score": 28, "id": 8677},
{"quote": "<toNe> Nall is like an xbox\r\n<Nall> thank you\r\n<toNe> big, heavy, not fun, and useless!\r\n<Soopa> good graphics though...\r\n<Soopa> and easy to develop for...\r\n<toNe> and you have to pay extra to get all the features\r\n<Soopa> and will be dead in a year\r\n<acetonic> and Bill Gates spends Billions on it\r\n<Nall> who will die", "score": 30, "id": 8679},
{"quote": "<jamesn> max: best become a sales guy\r\n<jamesn> those jobs are easy to get\r\n<jamesn> and you dont need skillz\r\n<undrewb> heh\r\n<MMouse> both. yeah i was thinking sales, but that's like a last resort\r\n<undrewb> but to get into sales, you need to be a superficial wanker with no clue...\r\n<undrewb> oh.. ok :)", "score": 121, "id": 8680},
{"quote": "<Ryk> you know the bottom half of an egg carton? I got me one of those, and cut holes where the eggs sit. I'm gonna take it home tonight, get nekkid, and have my own game of \"smack the weasel\".", "score": 208, "id": 8681},
{"quote": "<jamesm> what are you running on the alphas?\r\n<MMouse> tru64 at the moment\r\n<MMouse> with oracle\r\n<jamesm> no wonder so many dotcoms go under", "score": 83, "id": 8682},
{"quote": "<Pryk> I am so fucking h0nry today, I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like someone is licking the crotch of my voodoo doll.", "score": 883, "id": 8684},
{"quote": "<jamesm> geez, it's only 10:20am and i'm already completely e-bullshitted out", "score": 170, "id": 8685},
{"quote": "Ryk> \"let's be friends\" is what chicks say when they're feeling guilty about shafting someone.\r\n<Ryk> they don't mean it.\r\n<Ryk> they mean the kind of friends that never speak and never see each other.\r\n<Tippytoes> thats the best kind of friends", "score": 370, "id": 8687},
{"quote": "<MMouse> the dates I started and left positions \"dont give an accurate impression of how long you worked at that position\"\r\n<drewb> god, it almost sounds like you were deliberately vague about dates to hide the fact you didnt last long in a job..\r\n<Tippytoes> what format did you put the dates in, max?\r\n<SataniKKa> roman numerals\r\n<Sep> binary\r\n<SataniKKa> Monday is not a date.", "score": 350, "id": 8689},
{"quote": "<^_^Sasha^_^> im unzipping ma pant\r\n<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> wait a second\r\n<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> Does Allah know you are fucking an american?\r\n<^_^Sasha^_^> yeah he knows everything\r\n<^_^Sasha^_^> He\r\n<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> so is he cool with it?\r\n<^_^Sasha^_^> no:|\r\n<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> oh, so do u want 2 stop? allah might get mad\r\nNo such nick/channel\r\nSession Close: Sat Jun 08 02:05:24 2002", "score": 201, "id": 8691},
{"quote": "<mmm> i'm single and stuff\r\n<Bobski> mettas relationships have an idle timer", "score": 75, "id": 8693},
{"quote": "<spoob> MCSE is to computers as McDonalds Certified Chef is to fine cuisine", "score": 443, "id": 8695},
{"quote": "<Bleve> where an engineer says \"1/0 = infinity\"\r\n<Bleve> and a mathematician says \"1/0 is undefined\"\r\n<Bleve> and a SPARC designer gets root\r\n<Bru> which sparc designer is this?\r\n<Bru> oh\r\n<Bru> heh, I read that as 'and a SPARC designer gets A root'\r\n<Bru> hence my scepticism", "score": 211, "id": 8700},
{"quote": "*** jamesm sets mode: -snt\r\n<jamesm> dunno why people keep fucking up the channel modes, like, who gives a fuck\r\n<jamesm> oh my god, someone protect IRC!\r\n<jamesm> fucking choad munching morons\r\n*** cactoid sets mode: +k jamesmisgay", "score": 71, "id": 8701},
{"quote": "<Afterglow> I remember when i was leaving for university my brother told me, \"If you come back a goth I'll kill you\".\r\n<Jon_R> my brother just said \"If you come back I'll kill you\"\r\n<Linguica> my brother said \"come on my back or i'll kill you\"", "score": 967, "id": 8727},
{"quote": "<@Linguica> wooo\r\n<@Linguica> amy jo johnson naked\r\n<@arioch> whoa\r\n<@arioch> arcing hydra bow\r\n<@Linguica> and such is our difference", "score": 364, "id": 8728},
{"quote": "<tobester> i wish more people would conform to stereotypes so I could be more racist", "score": 451, "id": 8729},
{"quote": "<cams> i dont like risking it. you can never tell if that \"Lesbian House Party\" hardcore porn turns out to be \"Donky Anal Rape\"\r\n<Meat_PoPs> or vise versa", "score": 487, "id": 8731},
{"quote": "<LordBlink> i once made out with a picture of the sorceress\r\n<LordBlink> does that make me lame?", "score": 202, "id": 8732},
{"quote": "Walter39: I woke up in a ditch last night\r\nWalter39: Not sure why\r\nWalter39: Family left me, i cant afford pants\r\nWalter39: But on a plus note, I finally won master status at Everquest", "score": 458, "id": 8734},
{"quote": "<arfmcbarf> i'm gonna teach you a lesson you wont soon forget\r\n<arfmcbarf> i.e., how to integrate ln x from 0 to infinity\r\n<arfmcbarf> first you get the antiderivitive\r\n<arfmcbarf> of ln(x)\r\n<arfmcbarf> i.e., 1/x\r\n<arfmcbarf> then i forget the rest", "score": 595, "id": 8735},
{"quote": "<AndrewB> I've played the Expansion Pack for about an hour and a half, and I'm already boAGH GET AWAY FROM ME YOU MOTH", "score": 1562, "id": 8738},
{"quote": "<Doomaholic> my pad fell off, and i can play in an octave thats not supposted to exist", "score": 327, "id": 8741},
{"quote": "<Linguica> heh\r\n<Quasar`> bone thugs called the street they lived on the Double Glock because its East 99th\r\n<Linguica> has anyone noticed that quasar almost never talks about bone thugsFUCK", "score": 224, "id": 8743},
{"quote": "<fraggle> when i typed lesbian i almost typed debian", "score": 269, "id": 8745},
{"quote": "<Bayls> I'm downloading \"two girls in the woods stop to kiss and piss.mpg\".\r\n<Bayls> And it turns out it's an mpg of two chicks in thw woods who stop to kiss, and then piss.\r\n<Bayls> Dunno what I was expecting.", "score": 1177, "id": 8748},
{"quote": "<mantra> the other guitarist in my band owns my soul\r\n<mantra> i sold it to him in third grade for a peanut butter cup\r\n<mantra> he still has the little yellow paper", "score": 437, "id": 8750},
{"quote": "* Toke_ waits for pills to kick in\r\n<Linguica> toke have you been toking\r\n* Toke_ wonders why his desk is sticky\r\n<Linguica> toke have you been stroking", "score": 466, "id": 8751},
{"quote": "<Linguica> do you even know what facetious means\r\n<pickle_hammer> yeah I am facetious\r\n<pickle_hammer> all the way\r\n<pickle_hammer> I go to facetious parades and stuff", "score": 427, "id": 8752},
{"quote": "<Mat> what's a mac sysadmin?\r\n<Ryk> bru's a mac sysadmin.\r\n<Bru> someone who can remove shrinkwrap from macromedia and adobe packages and knows the difference between appleshare and appletalk", "score": 310, "id": 8753},
{"quote": "<radead> (number of slashdot posts x ultima online character level)^(number of dime sized zits on face)/(girlfriends had before + 1) = sizeOf(nerd)\r\n<radead> girlfriends had before + 1 so we don't get a divide by zero error", "score": 1046, "id": 8755},
{"quote": "<arioch> deathwarrior: you have guests over how do they feel about you masturbating in front of your computer?\r\n<deathwarrior> umm\r\n<deathwarrior> they like it", "score": 167, "id": 8756},
{"quote": "<Kurt> Good day prospective employer, I am both smarter than a hatful of periwinkles and prettier than two bags of smashed assholes.\u00a0 Fail to employ me at your own risk.", "score": 533, "id": 8757},
{"quote": "<tom_> do you agree that PI > 3\r\n<buz-> no", "score": 18, "id": 8758},
{"quote": "<jamesm> is it worth going to see Moulin Rouge?\r\n<Tippytoes> dont be a fag\r\n<MMouse> i saw it twice. it was excellent\r\n<Tippytoes> i rest my case.", "score": 333, "id": 8759},
{"quote": "<jamesm> good porn would be a chick taking it up the arse while configuring a dns server\r\n<jamesm> the guy could do a zone transfer to her secondary\r\n<jamesm> if you know what i mean", "score": 389, "id": 8761},
{"quote": "<Afterglow> tom what's the wallop command for mirc? you know?\r\n<relapse> slash onotice i am gay", "score": 94, "id": 8762},
{"quote": "<Finno> Elton Johns tribute toJohn Denver, he reworded Johns Classic, Annies song - \"You Fill Up My Cessna\"", "score": 59, "id": 8764},
{"quote": "<Bru> marriage is just a cover for individualised prostitution", "score": 253, "id": 8765},
{"quote": "<Ryk> one of my favourite passtimes spotting boobjob scars.\r\n<Ryk> nothing sexual about it. just like to beat the airbrush.", "score": 183, "id": 8766},
{"quote": "<undrewb> I keep telling you, you can come work for me\r\n<MMouse> what would i be doing?\r\n<Tippytoes> cleaning his house\r\n<undrewb> delphi programming :)\r\n<MMouse> urgh\r\n<MMouse> would i have to learn delphi?", "score": 195, "id": 8767},
{"quote": "<wokness|homework> Without the powers of Vi ---> (Me: \"Cute girl with you go out with me?\" Her: \"No.\")\u00a0 \r\n<wokness|homework> With the powers of Vi ---> (Me: Cute girl will you go out with me?!\" Her: \"Yes.\")", "score": -12, "id": 8768},
{"quote": "<Mat> all chicks are whores, they just charge differently\r\n<Tippytoes> mat do you have a girlfriend?\r\n<Mat> what do you think ;)\r\n<NuTCAsE> i havn't heard him use the word bitch recently\r\n<NuTCAsE> so i'm going with \"no\"", "score": 222, "id": 8769},
{"quote": "<bishun> dont get fresh with me\r\n<hydro-> but i'm using the all new summers eve douche\r\n<hydro-> it says i can be fresh whenever i want", "score": 317, "id": 8771},
{"quote": "<Ryk> the world would be a lot better place if more chicks were giving up the buttpussy.", "score": 15, "id": 8774},
{"quote": "<GC> i bought new disposable razors\r\n<GC> they have two blades each\r\n<GC> i am astounded\r\n<xen`> my mach 3 has 3 blades\r\n<GC> and it costs more\r\n<xen`> meh, it works good\r\n<xen`> i can shave my asshair and my face and not have to go through 5 razors", "score": 178, "id": 8775},
{"quote": "<Yurmaster> I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I can make your bed rock.", "score": 37, "id": 8776},
{"quote": "<maywood> Has a PC ever been known to start mysteriously working after it was thrown out a window?\r\n\r\n<kevin> Nope, I've never known throwing a PC out the window to help. However, what I did find while I was working at my last job was that intimidation *does* work. When I was having a particularly bad day, I used to take some old equipment that we wouldn't have been able to sell outside, and go Office Space on it. Then, I'd bring the carcass inside, and leave it in plain view, to serve as a warning for the other computers. It worked remarkably well.", "score": 721, "id": 8782},
{"quote": "<blazed> yeah, what do you guys do when nobody is watching you?\r\n<PMonk> roll my boogers into a ball and play with them, measure my dick with a tape ruler, chew my toenails.. \r\n<princealbert> try to suck my dick.. im making progress\r\n<heurist> clamp the area between my asshole and testicles with my fingers, the 'taint' as its often called, then i jerk off.. when im about to ejaculate, i can delay it for like 10 secs, then it flies across the room.", "score": 294, "id": 8784},
{"quote": "<Stain> when i was 8 i still thought girls were the enemy. Now, 12 years later, i'm fucking one.\r\n<HailBrak> stain: an 8 year old girl?\r\n<Idioteq> WITH A KNIFE", "score": 610, "id": 8789},
{"quote": "<Adrxelna> Besides, I can't go directly to sleep after playing a game. My heart beat goes WAY up when playing AO or AC or DAoC or EQ", "score": 16, "id": 8799},
{"quote": "<happy> i have problems cooking on the stove, because i run into my room to chat on irc or somehting, and it catches fire", "score": 260, "id": 8800},
{"quote": "<cognac> i've discovered some serious design flaws regarding the human body!\r\n<cognac> you see, we got two or more of almost all body parts..\r\n<cognac> like ears, eyes, arms, legs, fingers, toes ++\r\n<cognac> however, for the things that we REALLY like to do, like eating and fucking, we're only equipped with one tool\r\n<cognac> or perhaps my discovery is just the answer to why we like oral sex and why \"american pie\" was made?", "score": 231, "id": 8801},
{"quote": "<HailBrak> \"Oh shit! I got the shoe! I'm so invincible! Oh! Eat it, you bitch! You don't understand! I got the damn SHOE! It's the shoe! And look at how cute I am with my stupid plumber head poking out of the wind up sock! I am the cutest invincible shoe rider ever! Mario! Mario! He's in the ULTRA green SHOOEEE!\"", "score": 370, "id": 8805},
{"quote": "<moira> MY TEETH AR NUMB I BET I COULD BITE THROUH A CAR", "score": 350, "id": 8806},
{"quote": "[Chocolate_Jihad]\u00a0 ahh depth perception she is harsh mistress\r\n[Chocolate_Jihad]\u00a0 so much good but at such a great cost\r\n[Darkure]\u00a0 you mean to your dignity?\r\n[Chocolate_Jihad]\u00a0 unfortunately", "score": 190, "id": 8807},
{"quote": "<moira> Ibet\u00a0 I could play my lungs like a harp if they weren't stuck insdie my body", "score": 143, "id": 8809},
{"quote": "<Sarkazein> i was STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN drunk\r\n<Sarkazein> and she wanted me to rub her clit\r\n<Sarkazein> talk about fucking effort\r\n<Sarkazein> i was ready to pass out\r\n<Stu_pid> from rubbing her clit?", "score": 8, "id": 8810},
{"quote": "<+Sheri> *gasp* I neverrrrrr\r\n<@LabMonkey> the fuck you didn't, I videotaped that shit", "score": 328, "id": 8812},
{"quote": "<Night-hen-gayle> I gotta go.\u00a0 There's a dude next to me and he's watching me type, which is sort of starting to creep me out.\u00a0 Yes dude next to me, I mean you.", "score": 12821, "id": 8814},
{"quote": "<OhioJoe> Steempy, you mentioend an automatic swich box.. I have a chrome box that has a switch on it too, with coax connecters on eitehr side, with a switch on it.. that is a manual switch box?\r\n<God-Zilla> nah, thats a prostate stimulator\r\n<neogeoMAN>\u00a0 I have one of those wired to my tinfoil hat.\r\n<neogeoMAN> I can switch the aliens on or off.", "score": 206, "id": 8820},
{"quote": "<bytraper> im like midas... everything I touch turns to shit", "score": 179, "id": 8822},
{"quote": "<person> jezabel's perrrty hot..\r\n<Coolblunt> the reason obsie hates jez so much is cuz i think ralph said she was hot :)\r\n<steebis> obsie is a tubby bitch too\r\n<steebis> its called jealousy\r\n<Coolblunt> in baseball terms if jezebel is home plate obsie is out in the parking lot somewhere", "score": 31, "id": 8824},
{"quote": "*dpk* man, i need to start taking cocaine.\r\n*dpk* i keep getting winded waling up stairs\r\n*necroid* you should just start smoking\r\n*necroid* it'll make it worse, but at least you'll have an excuse", "score": 207, "id": 8825},
{"quote": "<TheTheory> I only have two exams left this semester\r\n<TheTheory> Math (easy) and English (WERY easy)", "score": 1020, "id": 8829},
{"quote": "<pr0k> I could do it when I was like 15, however, the pleasurable sensation of having a mouth on my penis was completely cancalled out by the sensation of having a penis in my mouth.", "score": 934, "id": 8830},
{"quote": "mike > What do they send you if you send those penis enlargement companies some money?\r\nmike > \"No pill, no pumps. Simple exercises you can do at home.\". I have a feeling I am probably already doing whatever it is.", "score": 433, "id": 8832},
{"quote": "mike_afe > I just watched Wild Wild West. What a turkey. I chose it over The Water Boy and The Thin Red Line. What a dick. This reminds me of the time that Moretom came back from the shop with an Atari ST under his arm...", "score": 67, "id": 8834},
{"quote": "mike_afe > [John's dad is sick of waiting. His son has been in 'that bloody bathroom' for nearly two hours. Finally, his temper snaps; he kicks down the door to discover his son knealing infront of the 68000 data manual.]\r\nmike_afe > \"Ah! Shut the door dad!\"", "score": 238, "id": 8835},
{"quote": "<D1> can't touch this.\r\n<var> thats because were not gay and have no desire to d1", "score": 62, "id": 8836},
{"quote": "<Ez> School books are fun to sell.\r\n<Ez> and will be forever\r\n<Vazagi> Isn't sort of like selling crack? Rots the mind and so on...", "score": 90, "id": 8837},
{"quote": "<marius_#acknak> Prosecutors, quoted by the Associated Press and Reuters, also said the man was carrying a CD-ROM in his baggage that contained a training programme for fighters wanting to wage \"holy war.\"\r\n<marius_#acknak> I wonder if this training program is based on the quake engine.", "score": 285, "id": 8844},
{"quote": "<Fetch#acknak> 19 apache processes\r\n<Fetch#acknak> I think maybe your mail server has a problem ;)\r\n<karlitoX#acknak> are those forked or threaded\r\n<Fetch#acknak> karlitoX: does it matter? its a mail server ;)\r\n<karlitoX#acknak> it's a mail server with aspirations!\u00a0 do not stifle it's creativity", "score": 387, "id": 8845},
{"quote": "<IH8Pants> I was too talented for the football team\r\n<IH8Pants> So I joined band", "score": 284, "id": 8846},
{"quote": "<Balli> I know a few sluts like that\r\n<BadMojo> yeah\r\n<BadMojo> welcome to germ city\r\n<BadMojo> \"hi, could I take your order please?\"\r\n<jaunty> this bitch needed her kneecaps reconstructed because she spent to long on them\r\n<BadMojo> \"Yeah, I'd like a lay with a side order of herpes and a super-sized case of the clap, please\"", "score": 7, "id": 8848},
{"quote": "<Balli> the kid in the middle of the pic is getting his ass fingered\r\n<Balli> look at his face\r\n<jaunty> balli.. thats me, cockmonger", "score": 320, "id": 8849},
{"quote": "<Grumbledook> my mum told me off for saying fuck in front of her\r\n<bodhi> hmmm\r\n<bodhi> my dad bollocks me for saying piss in the house\r\n<Grumbledook> :P\r\n<dave> my mum told me off for shitting on a plate and putting it in the fridge", "score": 524, "id": 8851},
{"quote": "<tom> did you hear about the magic tractor?\r\n<tom> it went down the hill and turned into a field!!!\r\n<ReAc> :/\r\n<dave> did you hear about the magic tom?\r\n<dave> he went down the hill and I stabbed him in the face", "score": 821, "id": 8853},
{"quote": "<Shrap> What is pubes?", "score": 1, "id": 8854},
{"quote": "<Anton> whooops\r\n<Anton> I was just talking to a girl on msn and she stopped replying so I said I wanted to fuck her in the ass to get her attention\r\n<Anton> then her little brother just said \"soow y anton i have stolen my putta zar is npot bein wude shell brb\"", "score": 113, "id": 8855},
{"quote": "", "score": 218, "id": 8857},
{"quote": "<Bikky> I've been staring at fserves so long I don't know whether I need a shit or a haircut", "score": 140, "id": 8863},
{"quote": "<+Sonikku> 10 PRINT \"_Bobbi_ is a PROGRAMER!\"\r\n<+Sonikku> 20 GOTO 10\r\n<@dixon> Sonikku: what is that ? assembly ?", "score": 287, "id": 8864},
{"quote": "<Rance> so... i'm driving to cedar rapids today\r\n<Rance> and i'm feeling a little frisky...\r\n<Rance> so i start cranking one off in the car\r\n<Rance> and it's really kind of funny when you... achieve your objective, and you wind up laying on the horn... and it's blaring for like 1/4 mile\r\n<Rance> so now the next time i hear someone going down the road with their horn going for no reason... i'll know", "score": 355, "id": 8866},
{"quote": "<Rance> i'm right next to a gateway country... i should walk in with my powerbook :)", "score": 31, "id": 8867},
{"quote": "* Crimson has joined #arsclan\r\n<stargurl> hello\r\n<Sinned> hello\r\n<Crimson> hello\r\n<Griz> hello.jpg", "score": 205, "id": 8873},
{"quote": "<GoodScrat> my gf is twice your age\r\n<db-x> goodscrat, twice is about the time i get her in a week\r\n<GoodScrat> to do what, change your diaper?", "score": 289, "id": 8875},
{"quote": "<fo0bar> man, do you know HOW FUCKING LONG a 15ft kvm cable is?\r\n<synec> 15ft?", "score": 884, "id": 8881},
{"quote": "<Ven> Fuck\r\n<Ven> This is a long shot, but\r\n<Ven> has anyone seen the pinout for the 4-player connector for the CPS2 arcade system?\r\n<Ven> Oh fuck!\r\n<Ven> I bet it's in my D&D Mystara manual", "score": 193, "id": 8886},
{"quote": "<GoodScrat> how's the humanoid with the wet crotch doing?\r\n<Zygote-> and hill billy slang\r\n<Zygote-> haha\r\n<Zygote-> you mean my wife?", "score": 38, "id": 8887},
{"quote": "<tirloni> drolp, I was going to get a XP1900+, then a bill suddenly got in my table. Then I moved to a XP1500. Another bill, Duron. By the end of the month Iwas looking at the prices of a p133mmx\r\n<aq> pharcyde: are you running a window manager?\r\n<tirloni> now I'm happy with my calculator", "score": 208, "id": 8888},
{"quote": ":TheDude: why are some Vhosts not traceable while some are traceable?\r\n:TheDude:\r\n:TheDude: is one from a whois", "score": 33, "id": 8891},
{"quote": "<Nutter> This is what our secretary just said on the phone \r\n<Nutter> \"Hi, got Anal Fire Brigade on the phone for you...\"", "score": 212, "id": 8893},
{"quote": "<StoneTear> damn i'm hot \r\n<StoneTear> i smell like barbequed eliteness", "score": 219, "id": 8896},
{"quote": "<Lazzay> PREPARE ALL ASSES FOR IMMEDIATE ENTRY", "score": 238, "id": 8899},
{"quote": "<DL|horses> Death to all who oppose me!\r\n* Warlord dies", "score": 267, "id": 8902},
{"quote": "<vidividividi> kristen dumped me\r\n<greggyhot> oh NO!\r\n<vidividividi> i cant believe it\r\n<vidividividi> i JUST bought her a 300 dollar necklace!!!\r\n<vidividividi> at least i can count on all of you for support\r\n*** vidividividi has been kicked by krassproduction (get the fuck out of here, you cheap jerk)", "score": 532, "id": 8906},
{"quote": "<spineshank> come to my city, everyone who isn't white smells, and no that isnt a racist comment either", "score": -40, "id": 8908},
{"quote": "<Sinatra> foam dancing is a way to spread chlamydia", "score": 27, "id": 8909},
{"quote": "* zebra does the menstrual blood dance\r\n<Slvrchair> zebra: your dances scare me.\r\n<zebra> You should see them in person.\r\n<zebra> It could be worse.\r\n<zebra> I could give you the menstrual blood lapdance :P\r\n<Slvrchair> ew, no :P", "score": 352, "id": 8919},
{"quote": "<Celery533> I have single handedly programmed applications which corporations have purchased from me.\r\n* LS * Maur prefers to type double-handedly :)", "score": 351, "id": 8923},
{"quote": "<un2> should i just settle for a bmw?\r\n<Gen`Aku> settle settle?!?!?1\r\n<Gen`Aku> don't use the word settle and bmw in the same sentance\r\n<Gen`Aku> unless it's about the dust settling\r\n<Gen`Aku> BITCH", "score": 135, "id": 8924},
{"quote": "<zita> hi im a 17 yers old girl from norway,i have birtday too day\r\n<meyou> 17 year old girl from norway? doesn't that mean you're a 43 year old man from the U.S. ?", "score": 336, "id": 8926},
{"quote": "<grey`> how much do cheek clenches help ass shape?\r\n<grey`> i need to firm up my ass\r\n<grey`> like i'm always clenching to tunes in winamp, i'd like to think its effective", "score": 228, "id": 8928},
{"quote": "<Delver> also it has been shown that the more woman are exposed to sex the higher their antibody count against disease\r\n<strung> so sex is good for fiting disease?\r\n<strung> ill use that excuse next time", "score": 169, "id": 8929},
{"quote": "<XvRickH> is an oc3 connection like...2 T3s combined?\r\n<Goetterdaemmerung> 3.\r\n<Goetterdaemmerung> hence oc-\"3\"\r\n<XvRickH> so could I combine like 2 DSL lines and make DSL2 or something?", "score": 41, "id": 8930},
{"quote": "<@kt> i'm going to put icey hot on my nipples again\r\n<@kt> bye", "score": 185, "id": 8934},
{"quote": "", "score": 143, "id": 8940},
{"quote": "<outRider> i bought MoH: AA today... boy, world war II was easy.", "score": 495, "id": 8942},
{"quote": "<Straylight> THIS JUST IN: Never trust your 9 year-old daughter with a babysitter named \"Penishead McMurphy\"\r\n<Straylight> you cant trust those Micks", "score": 237, "id": 8943},
{"quote": "<RyMon> You see the new heatsinks on thinkgeek?\r\n<Crash> I have one right here... it's so cold against my skin, I could just put them all over myself and stay cool anywhere!\r\n<RyMon> There's no sink that disipates stupid, man.", "score": 431, "id": 8955},
{"quote": "[KodiaK] my definition of back up is move all my porn to the E Drive", "score": 270, "id": 8960},
{"quote": "[T-Doo|art] when you think about evil, what pops up?\r\n[Rosewood] Daikatana", "score": 255, "id": 8961},
{"quote": "* hals masturbiert zu: Mudvayne - dig\r\n<shawnporn> is that german?\r\n<hals> it is\r\n<shawnporn> germans masturbate to some weird stuff", "score": 308, "id": 8962},
{"quote": "*** gamingsloop0r is now known as sloop\r\n<@sloop> parents\r\n<@sloop> fs\r\n<@sloop> when u leave home remember this important lesson\r\n<@sloop> on a sunday\r\n<@sloop> when ur not doing anything\r\n<@sloop> phone them\r\n<@sloop> or\r\n<@sloop> they will phone u when ur busy\r\n<@sloop> and expect a 1 hr conversation\r\n<@ronindm> well it is fathers' day\r\n<@sloop> oh shit\r\n<@sloop> brb making a call", "score": 448, "id": 8965},
{"quote": "* Rogue feeds CardO's ass a cracker so he'll stop talking outta it", "score": 202, "id": 8970},
{"quote": "<Fern> dag. some guy in NY hit 19 people with a buick regal. I wonder if there's some sort of bonus round for that.", "score": 661, "id": 8982},
{"quote": "<RPG> Grrr\r\n<RPG> Whenever I need someone, they are not to be found.\r\n<scar3crow> i must be around a lot", "score": 63, "id": 8983},
{"quote": "<than> the makers of m&ms used to claim they didn't melt in your hands\r\n<than> which was clearly bollocks\r\n<than> they also melted when I clenched them betwixt my buttocks", "score": 307, "id": 8984},
{"quote": "<czg> you're not gary larson\r\n<Nekroe> czg... how the fuck do you know?\r\n<czg> because I'm gary larson", "score": 617, "id": 8986},
{"quote": "<Mick> bolsh... you are my favourite guy on this channel!\r\n<bolsh> same.\r\n<Mick> HAHA..I MEANT FAVOURITE TO FANTASISE AND WANK OVER!\r\n<bolsh> same.", "score": 582, "id": 8987},
{"quote": "<Tron> damn non-geeks taking over the digital domain!", "score": 193, "id": 8993},
{"quote": "<ChibiLion> i think girls should have the right to show as much or as little of their own body as they want..\r\n<EnZeRuMei> so if there any girls in this nice yet weird chan PLEASE for men's sake DONT EVEN PUT CLOTHES ON ( thongs allowed ) ( Only pretty girls )\r\n<ChibiLion> thats not what i ment >.<", "score": 158, "id": 8997},
{"quote": "<midi> I wonder how hard it'd be to piece together clips from hogan's heroes into a mentos commercial.", "score": 295, "id": 9006},
{"quote": "<mrfy> hmm.\u00a0 my title choice was questioned\r\n<pembroke> what title did you ask for?\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \r\n<mrfy> software zymurgist\r\n<mrfy> \"I was curious, since 'zymurgist' usually has to do with the chemical fermentation process in the production of wine. Perhaps that's a term also used in software, and I apologize for having second guessed this if that is the case.\"", "score": 182, "id": 9008},
{"quote": "<ruumis> ahhh, nothing nurtures a productive workplace enviroment like fresh paint fumes.\r\n<ruumis> I am in flavor country.", "score": 291, "id": 9015},
{"quote": "<hobophobic> one of my biggest aims in life is to break a wog's cherry \r\n<hobophobic> cos that means i got there before her dirty wog dad did", "score": -84, "id": 9019},
{"quote": "<neurotik> huhuhu i think steamed chicken is disgusting but i wouldn't consider myself steamedchicken-o-phobic\r\n<neurotik> therefore i wouldn't consider myself homophobic either", "score": 15, "id": 9022},
{"quote": "<Mr_Ed> I need to get a dishwasher.... but where the fuck will I find a whore like that", "score": 154, "id": 9026},
{"quote": "<Syncope> kris's birth certificate was an apology letter from the abortion clinic", "score": 702, "id": 9027},
{"quote": "<DJTodd> My sister in law once asked me if it counted as sex if she fucked some guy but didn't kiss him.\r\n<DJTodd> She's a real brain.", "score": 553, "id": 9031},
{"quote": "<ggeyton_hewitt> <_git_> hey folks, what does @ mean in front of someones nick? \r\n<ggeyton_hewitt> <thorn``> The @ symbol identify's the channel operators.. Chops have extra commands for control of the room \r\n<ggeyton_hewitt> <_git_> does it mean that persons is a sad wanker who spends his life on irc, has no real friends, and prefers to chat on here than in a pub?\r\n<ggeyton_hewitt> it's funny cos it's true\r\n<Syncope> lol\r\n<Syncope> very true\r\n<Syncope> :/\r\n<ggeyton_hewitt> `deop\r\n<Syncope> `deop", "score": 338, "id": 9034},
{"quote": "<DJTodd> Which is gayer? Pokemon or Pro Wrestling?\r\n<LarsC> wrestling.\r\n<Amoeba> Wrestling.\r\n<jt`> wrestling.\r\n<[prone]> wrestling.", "score": 1356, "id": 9036},
{"quote": "ilsa: well i suppose calculus isn't rocket science and some people can't do that...\r\nMistrE: calc is nearly rocket science\r\nCuriosCat can do rocket science\r\n CuriosCat: it's easier than calculuc\r\nCuriosCat: caalculus", "score": 173, "id": 9038},
{"quote": "<phatmike> i want hard boiled eggs\r\n<phatmike> why is that?\r\n<Dayv> Your body is craving extra fat and protein.\r\n<Dayv> Obviously, you are preparing for mitosis.", "score": 1223, "id": 9041},
{"quote": "<Dayv> I was also raised by women.\r\n<Dayv> Soft mother and wire mother, to be specific.\r\n<Dayv> I chose wire mother.", "score": 300, "id": 9043},
{"quote": "<DogDiggity> I've worked here for 5 years.. might get laid off tommorow and have never jerked off in the bathroom here... BRB got a mission.", "score": 501, "id": 9045},
{"quote": "The-ill-man- *beat kicks in*\u00a0 yo yo\u00a0 you know i be somkein some grass, tappin some ass, while rippin on bowls, and hittin on hoes \r\n-cyanide- ur smoking weed while fucking girls while smoking weed while trying to pick up girls.. nice rap..", "score": 315, "id": 9057},
{"quote": "<piccchic4ever> oh boy\r\n<piccchic4ever> listen to some of the email's i got today\r\n<piccchic4ever> Lose weight with hypnosis!!\r\n<piccchic4ever> Get FREE Condoms, Lube, T-shirts and more!\r\n<piccchic4ever> why is tshirts in that sentence?\r\n<GoalMstr22> haha\r\n<GoalMstr22> to wipe yourself with", "score": 346, "id": 9070},
{"quote": "<+violus> fucking figures, the week the modem gives out is the week I can't spend time with the woman.\r\n<+Pavius> violus, just inflate another one", "score": 277, "id": 9076},
{"quote": "<Umbillical_ED>seems like there's a lot of out of work java developers\r\n<st0w> yeah\r\n<st0w> that's 'cause everybody is finally realizing....\r\n<st0w> JAVA SUCKS\r\n<Umbillical_ED>y u say dat?\r\n<st0w> because one day... I went to a farm, right?\r\n<st0w> and there was this horse\r\n<st0w> and he had this MASSIVE cock\r\n<st0w> and I looked underneath it\r\n<st0w> and I saw the little Java mascot with it's lips parted and the majority of the horse's unit inside it's mouth", "score": 253, "id": 9080},
{"quote": "Spin: arrrr, pirates of the south west \r\nSpin: thar be large pipes o'bandwith near ye'ol univarsety. \r\nPirate: yearg, ye may be an ta somethan thar. \r\nSpin: what say ye we pull yonder USB hard disk longside yonder NMSU puter and begin tha lutin and plunderin. \r\nPirate: yearg. The master done gaved me a testin machine with a grand ol CDR. \r\nPirate: Avast! \r\nPirate: MP3s off the starboard bow! \r\nSpin: stere clear of ye porn pop ups rollin in from tha east. \r\nPirate: I have mah trusty Opera browsa to help me fend em off. \r\nSpin: encrypt the data holds, batton down thar security patches, argh thar be spyware abound.", "score": 7039, "id": 9081},
{"quote": "<sprite> jorn, haven't you had a few drinks yet?>\r\n<sprite> sounded like you needed them three hours ago....\r\n<jorn> no drinks yet \r\n<jorn> :( \r\n<jorn> maybe if i drank more, i coudl tipe beddur", "score": 33, "id": 9082},
{"quote": "<[-FeC-]Ca53y> but me and my GF are going to buy a DVD pr0n\r\n<[-FeC-]Ca53y> :)\r\n<PasTe> nice\r\n<[-FeC-]sKratch> lol\r\n<[-FeC-]Ca53y> hell yeah\r\n<[-FeC-]sKratch> special features:\u00a0 see from the camera in the guy's urethra\r\n<PasTe> lol\r\n<[-FeC-]Ca53y> nice\r\n<[-FeC-]sKratch> and see from the camera in the other guy's ass", "score": 159, "id": 9083},
{"quote": "<pure_sin> oi!\r\n<pure_sin> i nearly had a heart attack this morning:/\r\n<pure_sin> i thought my computer died on me:~(\r\n<st0w> wow... I'd hate to see what happens when your vibrator batteries die", "score": 129, "id": 9085},
{"quote": "<Nomel> i'll have to bring it over later today...we can go for a ride...\r\n<Nomel> its funny stopping fast in front of people...cause there like..oh shit...its a pinto...its gunna blow....but that only works on old people...\r\n<Nomel> cause the young ones dont know what pintos look like...", "score": 144, "id": 9091},
{"quote": "<Cassius> erm\r\n<Cassius> why does the gurl in final fantasy look so much more real than the others?\r\n<JtHMx> so you can fap over her\r\n<bleetz> cause then she'll make little boys more aroused.\r\n<bleetz> and they'll buy the game\r\n<bleetz> or.. much better put.. by jt..\r\n* JtHMx bows", "score": 219, "id": 9092},
{"quote": "<cams> eewwww\r\n<cams> my mom got that easy squirt shit\r\n<cams> purple ketchup\r\n<nzc> now you can be flaming while you eat, too.", "score": 143, "id": 9095},
{"quote": "<UTF-Xanieth> damnit\r\n<UTF-Xanieth> im gonna have to lube up this space bar\r\n<UTF-Low_on_Life> :o\r\n<UTF-Xanieth> EmptyStare, you got some of that astrolube your bro uses?", "score": 30, "id": 9099},
{"quote": "* Ryo curses his swiss-cheese memory \r\n* Grue curses his fondue memory. It's all melty and stuff. o_o;", "score": 211, "id": 9100},
{"quote": "<Hiryuu> \"War, the musical!\" \r\n<Ten> \"With Sean Connery as Iraq!\"", "score": 525, "id": 9101},
{"quote": "* Gygaxis breaks a carrier pigeon in half and removes a cryptic message from inside, along with his lucky lotto numbers", "score": 236, "id": 9102},
{"quote": "<vmob_babe> french is a beautiful language.\r\n<agent_rot> i dont like it\r\n<vmob_babe> why is that?\r\n<agent_rot> cuz i dont like words like 'bourdoeux' or whatever are \"bordo\"\r\n<vmob_babe> hmm.\r\n<agent_rot> theyre just trying to cheat at scrabble i tell you!", "score": 753, "id": 9103},
{"quote": "<axial> Which are the best PDAs these days?\r\n<Chibby> when girls are kissing guys in the stairwell at school\r\n<Chibby> i think\r\n<Chibby> i have no clue\r\n<Chibby> why do you ask something like that?\r\n<Quinn> That was a really bad one.\r\n<Chibby> well whats a good PDA then?\r\n<axial> ..huh?\r\n<Chibby> you said: \"what's the best public display of affection?\"\r\n<Chibby> i attempted to answer it\r\n<Quinn> I think ax was meaning personal digital assistant.\r\n<Chibby> OMFG\r\n: Chibby slaps myself\r\n<Chibby> k bye~\r\n<Quinn> I thought you were joking, heh.\r\n<Chibby> persocon is the best PDA then", "score": 320, "id": 9106},
{"quote": "<ChuffyCow> pr0n heals all wounds\r\n<ChuffyCow> except cuts on the penis.", "score": 497, "id": 9111},
{"quote": "<ManC0W> Mikado : Mitsukake is an ass pirate\r\n<Mikado`> ManC0W: I believe so, yes.\r\n<Mikado`> ManC0W: can he see this?\r\n<Mikado`> ManC0W: if we prefix our sentences with our intended targets, the others can't see it, right?\r\n<ManC0W> Mikado : I think so Brain...\r\n<Mikado`> ManC0W: Cuz I'd really hate for Mitsukake to know how gay I think he is\r\n<Mitsukake> Why is this room so dead all of a sudden?\r\n<Mikado`> LOL\r\n<Mitsukake> What?\r\n<Mitsukake> What's so funny?", "score": 729, "id": 9112},
{"quote": "<Gekigangr> somewhere, out there on the net, is an HD full of lame quotes", "score": 637, "id": 9113},
{"quote": "<D`Amour> time to gogogadgetbacktoworkasquickasfuckbeforeigetfired", "score": 648, "id": 9114},
{"quote": "<^cell^> he was one of those people that had to make multiple objects.. like.. he makes 1 tree, so he says \"lets give him a little friend\" and at the end there is like 50 trees and like 3000 squirrels", "score": 275, "id": 9116},
{"quote": "<Mikado`> 128's were down to 70 1.5 months ago\r\n<JohnnyBra> 1.5 months???\r\n<JohnnyBra> when the hell did we start talking in decimals!\r\n<mankindJB> 2.3 minutes ago", "score": 732, "id": 9117},
{"quote": "<Mikado`> dammit\r\n<Mikado`> I misspelled a l33t w3rd\r\n<^cell^> u have brought shame to the l33t community", "score": 240, "id": 9119},
{"quote": "", "score": 181, "id": 9125},
{"quote": "Join: []{3V0R]{] []\r\n(]{3V0R]{): is it possible to register a channel on EfNet ??\r\nKick: []{3V0R]{] was kicked by [@BEF] [Your nick is excessively retarded.]", "score": 268, "id": 9127},
{"quote": "(Striker): 42 is the answer to the biggest question\r\n(Smoke): what question", "score": 311, "id": 9128},
{"quote": "<FairLighT> you know something's wrong when you have dreams about eating pudding and you wake up with a spoon in your ass", "score": 658, "id": 9130},
{"quote": "<FairLighT> we'd have to do something incredibly crazy to distract the wal-mart staff\r\n<V3nOm> lol yeah go take a shit in the front garden", "score": 115, "id": 9131},
{"quote": "<Odin_Tiger> Even those maps that the psychics show of the earth flooded (the ones where science says there isn't enough water on earth for it to be possible) would have me a good 4 or 5 hour drive from any beaches.", "score": 179, "id": 9136},
{"quote": "<Smoke> shoot me in face with a shotgun so i can't be identified", "score": 15, "id": 9137},
{"quote": "<waffle> <+SKubber> as if I'd remember all my one night stands. <+SKubber> hehehe maybe I COULD remember them by smell\r\n<waffle> #bearcave\r\n<Proz512> He remembers by the smell of one's colon", "score": 23, "id": 9143},
{"quote": "<midi> if you find some poor idiot with his tongue stuck to the rail\r\n<midi> with a train coming and decide that you really don't wanna see\r\n<midi> him splat, a convenient source of warm mostly-clean saltwater\r\n<midi> is indeed your bladder...\r\n<midi> (or so said one of my scoutmasters...)\r\n<Squeedle> midi: though they might just rip their tongue off trying to\r\n<Squeedle> get away from a scoutmaster pulling his pants down at them\r\n<midi> squee:\u00a0 either way, he gets his tongue off the track.\u00a0 and if\r\n<midi> you're lucky, you get to piss in an idiot's face.\r\n<midi> it's cathartic and good karma.\u00a0 how cool is that?\r\n<Squeedle> well hey, what more can you ask for\r\n<hoche> o/~ hey baby, if you'll be my dog, i'll be your tree, and you\r\n<hoche> can pee on me! o/~\r\n<Squeedle> schadenfreude: A malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of\r\n<Squeedle> others\r\n<midi> which is kinda neat.\u00a0 you get a choice between letting natural\r\n<midi> selection work or pissing in the idiot's face.\u00a0 it's win-win.", "score": 561, "id": 9148},
{"quote": "<Deke> i figure if I can eat in a country, I speak the language well enough", "score": 136, "id": 9151},
{"quote": "<Wampa> Screw the little children of the world \r\n<Falcon24> ok \r\n<ROFISH> he didn't mean that literally falc", "score": 472, "id": 9152},
{"quote": "<Skitzo> fuck my image, i get off on huge horse wangs inside of human female vaginas\r\n<Skitzo> esp when they fill with cum and it gushes out\r\n<Skitzo> yeah\r\n<Skitzo> bestiality :D\r\n<Skitzo> this is what happens when you go to church as a child and attend christian private schools, folks\r\n<Skitzo> <--------- end result", "score": 315, "id": 9154},
{"quote": "Moonli3756 :\u00a0 my butt looks 100 times better than your face \r\nShaboobooboo :\u00a0 and gets fucked over 10 million times more", "score": 350, "id": 9157},
{"quote": "(@Tu[Y]eN) Kaze: The 8ball Says: You have small penis", "score": 32, "id": 9160},
{"quote": "[Modnar] 3y3 0wnz j00\r\n [TMBG37] n0 j00 d0n7\r\n [Modnar] dude, i've got the inv0ice right here", "score": 882, "id": 9169},
{"quote": "<coldacid> someone poured cleaner into the toilet bowl\r\n<coldacid> now when i piss\r\n<coldacid> i get the smell of cleaner instead of urine\r\n<nover> damn that has to suck\r\n<coldacid> and the normal pee-bubbles look like cleaner bubbles\r\n<keerus> things must be rough for ou coldacid\r\n<coldacid> yes\r\n<coldacid> next thing you know, i'll be bathed and wearing fresh clothing", "score": 220, "id": 9172},
{"quote": "<lovemebaybee'> hey guys asl?\r\n<rafeil> she just wants to be loved, look at her screen name\r\n<helminthes> so stick it to her.. a sharp knife that is", "score": 26, "id": 9178},
{"quote": "<helminthes> i had a vision today of an infomercial where someone goes, \"only 29.99??!\" and shoots himself", "score": 670, "id": 9185},
{"quote": "* Hawx grins and wonders if Steve Jobs has ever been called Mac Daddy :D", "score": 325, "id": 9186},
{"quote": "<heyyohey> Im having a lot of lag here. i cant answer the questions in time\r\n<Damarr> Pressing Alt+F4 should help. It stops the client sending useless information to the server\r\n*** heyyohey has quit IRC (Quit: Client exited.)", "score": 548, "id": 9190},
{"quote": "<les_savy_fav> all i know is mr.Ed was really a mr, because he went on to have a distinguished career as a porno actor in denmark", "score": 130, "id": 9192},
{"quote": "<[empathy-playing]> irc didnt look feasible to cave men.. we fuckin showed them didnt we?", "score": 187, "id": 9201},
{"quote": "<crushed-out-girl> lucky that my breasts are small and humble \r\n<crushed-out-girl> so you dont confuse them with mountains \r\n<sod-off> what does that have to do with fisting?", "score": 341, "id": 9204},
{"quote": "<[empathy]> i found out the other day that i was in the local newspaper \r\n<[empathy]> under a title along the lines of 'new station security cameras paying off", "score": 469, "id": 9205},
{"quote": "<Disco`Stu> fat girls need loving too\r\n<kodos> someone has to take one for the team \r\n<kodos> i vote its luke \r\n<lukeiyo-e> damn you fuckers \r\n<lukeiyo-e> alright.. someone pass me a torch", "score": 348, "id": 9209},
{"quote": "<lukeiyo-e> my housemate alex used to deliver drugs on his bike\r\n<lukeiyo-e> .. from a chemist he says\r\n<kodos> speed on a bike\r\n<lukeiyo-e> peddling crack", "score": 674, "id": 9214},
{"quote": "<FatherShark> Does anyone know how to make real Sangria?\r\n<[empathy]> blood of retards \r\n<FatherShark> okay, find me a vein empathy.", "score": 198, "id": 9218},
{"quote": "<jre> A WHORE WAS HAVING A LIQUIDATION SALE", "score": 25, "id": 9220},
{"quote": "<Al> vasectomy is a foolish barbarism\r\n<Al> it would be completely unnecessary is men weren't so stupid to keep having sex with women\r\n<jre|away> It's not that.\u00a0 The odd sperm cell can cling to air particles and accidentally get sucked into a passing vagina\r\n<Vodex> like an extraction fan but in reverse\r\n<Al> damn those vaginas, is there no depravity they will not commit", "score": 478, "id": 9222},
{"quote": "<DJ> apparently, a friend of mine has split with his g/f \"for a couple of mouths\"\r\n<DJ> im assuming thats a typo", "score": 389, "id": 9227},
{"quote": "<louis> just by me being near him he nearly burst his vasectomy stitches", "score": 124, "id": 9231},
{"quote": "<blaky> be back, gotta clean a fan\r\n<chomp> did shit hit it?", "score": 604, "id": 9232},
{"quote": "<jixn|breakfast> BRB: Going to Europe.", "score": 427, "id": 9237},
{"quote": "<oneiros> Damn it.\r\n<oneiros> I do not understand this.\r\n<Kyle> Uh oh.\r\n<jwbozzy> ...\r\n<Kyle> Oneiros is reading \"The Roly Poly Puppy\" again.", "score": 531, "id": 9239},
{"quote": "<@SwiftEdge> when i get my new comp I can play network games\r\n<@SwiftEdge> but seeing as i have no friends i will have to run fast back and forth between the two", "score": 433, "id": 9241},
{"quote": "<BiG_GuY> did u know mother fucker what im gonna to do\r\n*** BiG_GuY Quit (Quit: Leaving)", "score": 19, "id": 9246},
{"quote": "<Burnquist__> : /msg IDENTIFY jillhanna \r\n<Burnquist__> fuck \r\n*** Burnquist__ ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost command used by ne14a69)))", "score": 240, "id": 9252},
{"quote": "centenarygirl: maybe someday, but not right now \r\nRKM 82: \"maybe someday\" do you mean that, or is that just thrown in there to comfort me \r\ncentenarygirl: no.........I really mean it \r\n<PizzaMind> maybe means \"when I'm 30, my pussy is floopy, no one else wants me and I've finally grown out of liking assholes\"", "score": 296, "id": 9253},
{"quote": "<Outhouse> my wife is cool but when she starts that shit like, hold me, talk to's like why?", "score": 231, "id": 9256},
{"quote": "<Murder-Is-Funny> I get this huge kick of trying to talk people I judge as worthless into suicide", "score": 49, "id": 9258},
{"quote": "Panny: I could sell my soul back to my ex for a computer. \r\nRebelPrincess: don't. \r\nPanny: I could sell my soul to Microsoft for a computer. \r\nRebelPrincess: don't!!!!", "score": 215, "id": 9262},
{"quote": "[02:21] * ekum is away, sleep [log:OFF] [page:OFF] \r\n[02:21] * ekum is away, work [log:OFF] [page:OFF]", "score": -2, "id": 9264},
{"quote": "<Brando457> wait NJ is east coast right\r\n<PizzaMind> ...\r\n<PizzaMind> dont you live in NJ?\r\n<BRando457> yea", "score": 574, "id": 9269},
{"quote": "<Brando457> is 1 KB bigger then a 700 MB disk ?", "score": 222, "id": 9270},
{"quote": "<Murder-Is-Funny> I know this girl who is supposedly kinda anti-social - so she says - and she's mentioned she doesnt go many places or have many friends.. - but when I call her, she's never home - whats that mean? \r\n<Byte^> she has caller-id", "score": 1504, "id": 9272},
{"quote": "<EVOLinc> hes like ok this comodor 64 is state of the art", "score": 63, "id": 9277},
{"quote": "<pork> gudrow: what about when you're driving and eating a sloppy meat pie and you sneeze really hard into the pie and squeeze it and the meat comes out and scalds your legs and you're doing 120 and can't do anything about it trying to wipe snot from your steering wheel and scalding hot pie\r\n<pork> cause i did that once and it sucked", "score": 501, "id": 9290},
{"quote": "<jre> I wouldn't eat dolphin.\u00a0 I refuse to eat anything smarter than me.\u00a0 Which is why I abstain from broccoli.\r\n<AmbushBug> I would love to only eat things smarter than me.\r\n<AmbushBug> ...\r\n<AmbushBug> I assume the silence is all of you standing agape at the opening i left for all of you.\r\n<jre> Ambush:\u00a0 It's too predictible.\u00a0 We want originality in our comedy.\r\n<jre> ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US", "score": 1012, "id": 9291},
{"quote": "<egg> i had beer for breakfast yesterday\r\n<Raz> egg: I had YOU for breakfast yesterday\r\n<Raz> BECAUSE YOUR NAME IS \"EGG.\" AND I HAD AN EGG I AM A COMEDY GENIUS\r\n<egg> Raz: If that were so, i'd be playing havoc with your colon\r\n<Raz> egg: You did :[", "score": 489, "id": 9293},
{"quote": "<[SZ]-Guest> hi\r\n<[SZ]-Guest> wher i canfound a programe to hacking emails\r\n<[SZ]-Guest> i need hacking program", "score": 0, "id": 9297},
{"quote": "<angryskul> So I think we should allocate a new struct and...\r\n<angryskul> Did someone just jump off the roof?", "score": 419, "id": 9299},
{"quote": "<jre> My underwear seems to be covered with a crusty white substance.\u00a0 Is it anthrax?\r\n<Zeluth> what does it smell like?\r\n<jre> Like semen\r\n<Zeluth> you have anthrax\r\n<jre> The carton of milk was filled with some sort of milky-white liquid.\u00a0 Is it anthrax?\r\n<Zeluth> How good at you are pancake making?\r\n<jre> Terrible.\r\n<Zeluth> its anthrax\r\n<jre> I opened my hole puncher to find a large collection of small white discs, about the size of a hole a hole-punch makes.\u00a0 Is it anthrax?\r\n<Zeluth> try inserting the paper disc in your urethra\r\n<jre> Done, but I can't get it out now.\r\n<Zeluth> congratulations yopu just gave yourself anthrax\r\n<jre> I just received a parcel in the mail filled with a white powder.\u00a0 An accompanying note informed me to \"take penacilin now\" and that \"Allah is great\".\u00a0 Is it anthrax?\r\n<^Vulpix^> jre: NOPE IT ISN'T, IT'S FREE COCAINE", "score": 1606, "id": 9304},
{"quote": "<tag> Ouroboros: lets play Pong\r\n<Ouroboros> Ok.\r\n<tag> |\u00a0 \u00a0 .\r\n<Ouroboros> .\u00a0 \u00a0 |\r\n<tag> |\u00a0 .\r\n<Ouroboros>\u00a0 \u00a0 . |\r\n<tag> | .\r\n<Ouroboros>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 | .\r\n<Ouroboros> Whoops", "score": 12774, "id": 9322},
{"quote": "<Scythe> caps lock is not your friend.\r\n<Scythe> In fact, it is your mortal enemy and it made very disparaging remarks about your mother.", "score": 722, "id": 9326},
{"quote": "<@PakiSpice> missy elliot bothers me\r\n<fromtheashes> that video where she wore a garbage bag scared the bejesus outta me\r\n<fromtheashes> im a supa fly, supa dupa fly\r\n<@PakiSpice> yea\r\n<@PakiSpice> i think it left me somewhat scarred\r\n<fromtheashes> why don't you supa dupa fly your fat ass out of a 4th story window\r\n<fromtheashes> and stop giving me nightmares", "score": 266, "id": 9329},
{"quote": "<heath> then wouldn't being vegetarian mess up the food chain doing the ecological system harm?\r\n<heath> just a thought...\r\n<hoemonkey> yeah.....cause then you let the cows think that they're better.. and then the cows will start eating us. good point, heath.", "score": 285, "id": 9330},
{"quote": "<@reflexive> does your book tell me how to get rid of a sore throat?\r\n<mattlesko> let me look\r\n<mattlesko> pg. 130\r\n<mattlesko> \"stop sucking cock\"", "score": 695, "id": 9331},
{"quote": "<go_die> brena how do you feel about jewish people\r\n<Brena> what kind of question is that?\r\n<go_die> im just making conversation\r\n<go_die> why are you getting all defensive, hitler", "score": 956, "id": 9335},
{"quote": "<Undertow-TOoL> You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is", "score": 1280, "id": 9336},
{"quote": "<reflexive> i hate how in the movies.. they still show catholic churches, where the priest places the communion on the tongue.\r\n<heath> he normally just puts his cock on there now.", "score": 223, "id": 9337},
{"quote": "<dream> five girls.\r\n<dream> and he's fucking all of them behind all of their backs.\r\n<@reflexive> that's a lot of poon.\r\n<@plutonium> and herpes.", "score": 105, "id": 9342},
{"quote": "<ShaneBe> i think i just realized what i have been doing wrong with my life. \r\n<ShaneBe> i make goals... but the goals are things like: \r\n<ShaneBe> \"I am going to eat this 10-pack of tacos if it kills me.\"", "score": 732, "id": 9343},
{"quote": "<bob> you're like \"i want something that uses gtk :(\" and redhat's like \"YOU MUST NOW INSTALL GNOME-CORE; GNOME-TOYS; GNOME-QUAKE; GNOME-PRETTY-CAT-THAT-DANCES-ON-YOUR-WINDOWZ\" \r\n<bob> \"Press Space Bar to install 1986 Space Shuttle Schematics\" \r\n<bob> \"Or Enter to install HAM RADIO to RealPlayer signal converter\" \r\n<bob> \"Or press nothing, and I will Reboot\"", "score": 491, "id": 9346},
{"quote": "[02:18:04] s7ank: i want to be one of those guys that types \r\n\"s/j&jd//.^$ueu*///djsls/sm.\" \r\nand it's a perl script that turns dog crap into gold.", "score": 660, "id": 9347},
{"quote": "<[DeViL]WaRzO> chufty decode this plz\r\n<[DeViL]WaRzO> cerom: (11:22 PM) I know but talking with who speak's English as a motherlanguage.\r\n<[DeViL]Chufty> it means \"add me to your ignore list\"", "score": 453, "id": 9349},
{"quote": "01:52PM <s7ank> i got a mailbox today!\r\n<s7ank> there was a magnet avertising quicken in it!\r\n<s7ank> it has my name on it! the mailbox i mean! not the magnet,\r\nthat'd be silly.\r\n<ShaneBe> not with the power of TODAYS direct marketing!", "score": 139, "id": 9353},
{"quote": "<BTox> wow... oi can see the reflection of my fingers on the monitor.. \r\nso i can watch myself type and it looks really weird. \"how do i do that?!\"\r\n<ShaneBe> it really is amazing\r\n<ShaneBe> to see peop;e ty[e", "score": 136, "id": 9355},
{"quote": "*** bad-_-girl has joined #devil\r\n<[DeViL]Man> hi bad girl\r\n<[DeViL]Man> just how bad are you?\r\n<bad-_-girl> vey bad\r\n<bad-_-girl> very bad\r\n<[DeViL]Man> bad at spelling? or something else?", "score": 666, "id": 9357},
{"quote": "<treph> when the topic is something that I care about? that's circular definition. sorry.\r\n<ShaneBe> what do you care about?\r\n<treph> I care when the argument considers present or imminent action.\r\n<treph> and also when it's mathematical - in the old sense of mathematical\r\n<ShaneBe> like whether or not to remove yourself from burning buildings?\r\n<treph> yeah.", "score": 100, "id": 9358},
{"quote": "<stank> but copying data to a floppy disk and back makes it lose integrity! like dubbing a tape!", "score": 107, "id": 9359},
{"quote": "<[DeViL]Hawk> dammit u sothern punk my mums rich i looked at the price list\r\n<FanBoy|Away> er? your mum is on a price list...figures", "score": 202, "id": 9360},
{"quote": "<[DeViL]PsYcHo> it'll be lonely this christmas, without you to hold\r\n<[DeViL]Chufty> psycho you getting circumsized for christmas?!", "score": 249, "id": 9363},
{"quote": "<stank> guys.. i went out tonight.\r\n<stank> i pretended to be a normal college student.\r\n<stank> and i stood uncomfortably on a porch with a bunch of people i don't know.\r\n<stank> but then i ran into bill and will, who were pretending in the same way.\r\n<stank> so we talked about networks and i felt better.", "score": 1765, "id": 9370},
{"quote": "<treph> I have my computer\r\n<treph> and\r\n<treph> no job.\r\n<treph> > i\r\n<treph> You are carrying:\r\n<treph> a computer\r\n<treph> no job", "score": 370, "id": 9372},
{"quote": "(gENERIC) who the hell came up with the word twat? \r\n(gENERIC) that's the suavest thing i've heard next to love-tunnel", "score": 220, "id": 9386},
{"quote": "<KooLLaiD> Your a fucking Morron", "score": 216, "id": 9388},
{"quote": "<Cienna> were you breast fed?\r\n<Ragnarok> yes \r\n<Ragnarok> recently in fact", "score": 407, "id": 9391},
{"quote": "<evad> speaking of fucking sheep..\r\n<Vod> what would you know about fucking sheep? I bet you don't even know about the making the right slits in your wellington boots to put their back legs down so they can't get away?", "score": 390, "id": 9396},
{"quote": "<Ragnarok> i kinda like that\r\n<Ragnarok> i dig the natural look\r\n<haole> then you'll be quite pleased with her crotch afro\r\n<haole> it looks like a 70s blaxploitation extra", "score": 203, "id": 9399},
{"quote": "<FOCK> god damn\r\n<FOCK> every fucking one of these clients\u00a0 blow\r\n<FOCK> ugh... unknown internal command (/me)\r\n<rude> hahah\r\n<CIA> ./action\r\n<rude> dude, throw that trash out\r\n<FOCK> i need to lay the smackdown on this fucker\r\n<rude> /ctcp #chan action :stuff\r\n<FOCK> no BitchX for BeOS\r\n<rude> maybe you don't need the :\r\n<FOCK> *ANGERRRRRR*\r\n<rude> what're you doin' on be?\r\n<FOCK> no wonder this os hasnt taken off, no decent irc clients", "score": 26, "id": 9403},
{"quote": "<vim> heh, no wonder i cant hear shit... trying to play this damn redhat cd.", "score": 341, "id": 9406},
{"quote": "<me> reeteth are thou who in the name of reetness and uber, shephards the unreet through the valley of vodness\r\n<me> for he is truly his fggt's brother, and the finder of lost danistanis, and i will strike down upon thee with great hax0rness and furious reetness, those who attempt to get root and pwn my brothers, and you will know my name is hp, when i lay my hax0r skillz upon thee, heh", "score": 15, "id": 9408},
{"quote": "(@Bean): rofl \r\n(@Bean): I asked my g/f too marry me, she took me seriously", "score": 714, "id": 9413},
{"quote": "(Psy`): Skins tell crespo when he comes back \r\n(@Skins): hopefully he has brains to read topic \r\n(@Skins): actually i best wait", "score": 135, "id": 9417},
{"quote": "(@Sin-away): have to ask Night about Trigger^ \r\n(@Sin-away): he doesn't talk \r\n(@Archon`): how come he doesnt say anything? \r\n(@fragge): dunno he's never told me", "score": 354, "id": 9418},
{"quote": "<daniel> Scoobi Doo == communist regime funded propaganda used to infiltrate capitalist pop-culture to instill a low rate change in american ideals, they always said they'd take us over without firing one gun", "score": 100, "id": 9427},
{"quote": "<phiber> advice: dont call a girl ugly when you have your manhood in her mouth ;/", "score": 499, "id": 9438},
{"quote": "<F|ashBoy> i want to be ur friend but u are makin fun of me", "score": -16, "id": 9452},
{"quote": "<F|ashboy> im on a cable so how do i packet them\r\n<F|ashboy> is cable a fast connection", "score": 29, "id": 9462},
{"quote": "<DogFu> what kernel u have rental\r\n<rental> slackware", "score": 24, "id": 9465},
{"quote": "<Undine> So he dumped her, \"Nothing about sex should remind you of a cauliflower\"", "score": 254, "id": 9474},
{"quote": "<Gothmog> bastard, foiled by my own stupidity\r\n<Gothmog> again", "score": 243, "id": 9478},
{"quote": "<Wynn> I put the 'asian' in 'caucasian'", "score": 251, "id": 9479},
{"quote": "<asvisn> there is no /leave\r\n*** asvisn has left #quickbasic", "score": 236, "id": 9484},
{"quote": "<avalach_> \"not even i\", that is so arrogant and deluded. \"look at me, i'm so pretty, it's a MIRACLE i've not been raped yet!\"", "score": 58, "id": 9490},
{"quote": "<normaliamnot> u ppl here about this building, i think it called, trade center, or big trade center or something?\r\n<normaliamnot> it broken", "score": 831, "id": 9494},
{"quote": "<@[DO]-Fury-SLeep> fuck yes\u00a0 \r\n<@[DO]-Fury-SLeep> my ace of base is done downloading", "score": 109, "id": 9496},
{"quote": "@eliaz`medal): i have broken two of my erm \r\n(@eliaz`medal): foot things \r\n(@eliaz`medal): extensions \r\n(@eliaz`medal): those little thigns on ur feet (@eliaz`medal): 5 on each :: (@eliaz`medal): :/ \r\n(@eliaz`medal): dunno name \r\n(@Ched): toes?", "score": 1047, "id": 9497},
{"quote": "<AgentSmith> It seems you have been leading two lives, Mr. Anderson. In one life, you are Robert Anderson, assistant cook at a Jack in the Box in the go by the chat alias \"Randerson\"...spreading homosexual propoganda, lying, and being a generally immature pest...\r\n<AgentSmith> One of these...has a future.\r\n<Randerson> LMAO OMFG where's the phone, I have to tell Dean about this\r\n<AgentSmith> How can you use the phone when you cannot...speak?\r\n*** AgentSmith sets mode: +m", "score": 12357, "id": 9501},
{"quote": "<BoShekk> hey\r\n<jstepka> hey\r\n<merkzu> hey\r\n<BoShekk> its fat albert", "score": 576, "id": 9511},
{"quote": "<MadMax> press the Alt key.\r\n<MadMax> Once.\r\n<MadMax> press the left arrow key\r\n<MadMax> Once\r\n<MadMax> press the down arrow key\r\n<MadMax> then you should get a list...\r\n<MadMax> ?\r\n<MadMax> that works for me at least..\r\n<Altariel> that takes me into the tools menu\r\n<MadMax> which left are you going 8p\r\n<Altariel> oh fuck", "score": 271, "id": 9526},
{"quote": "<lurtz_the_orc> i did not know how stupid someone can be that actullay read LOTR so right know i do not know", "score": -105, "id": 9528},
{"quote": "TheGimpiestBean: i hate people....\r\nEwwDontEatThat: heh\r\nEwwDontEatThat: i hate penis\r\nEwwDontEatThat: i mean people", "score": 20, "id": 9673},
{"quote": "<Sir Mordred> I was a real bad mo'fo in high school\r\n<lancelot> do you play chess Mordred?\r\n<Sir Mordred> Yeah I used to play a few times a week", "score": 338, "id": 9532},
{"quote": "<Alvie> we have too much fun in #ops\r\n<Gandalf> yes its a very professional environment\r\n<Gandalf> hmmm\r\n<Gandalf> there is a difference between #staff and #ops though\r\n<Gandalf> an example you ask?\r\n<Gandalf> no problem!\r\n<Gandalf> ops:\u00a0 <Alvie> concering my sack and his chin\r\n<Gandalf> staff: <Arathorn> I thought that ICMP message types offered a reasonably well thought out protocol for tracerouting", "score": 335, "id": 9534},
{"quote": "<Sco0ter> kelly osbourne is hot\r\n<Eficent> i would hit it\r\n<Carface> I would hit it\r\n<Carface> In the face with a sledgehammer", "score": 316, "id": 9544},
{"quote": "<InSaNe-CON> how do u put irc always on top ?\r\n<@arc|hw> ctrl alt del twice\r\n*** InSaNe-CON ( Quit (Ping timeout )\r\n*** InSaNe-CON ( has joined #r\r\n<InSaNe-CON> umm alt cntrl delete restarted my computer\r\n<@arc|hw> you must have pressed something wrong", "score": 438, "id": 9545},
{"quote": "<Tharivol> once I had to write something on the computer on paper..\r\n<Tharivol> i hit ctrl-c then...\r\n<Tharivol> my brain sorta got jammed in neutral", "score": 632, "id": 9547},
{"quote": "<^Amber^> LEAVE MY ILLETERATE ASS ALONE!\r\n<^Amber^> I didn't spell that right did I?", "score": 301, "id": 9555},
{"quote": "<PYRoTkNiX> i dont look at naked horses", "score": 299, "id": 9560},
{"quote": "<[S]evered> man, diego, how fast would a 2 60 gb hds ata raid setup be?\r\n<stoldark> rpm?\r\n<[S]evered> 7200\r\n<stoldark> what kind of raid setup?\r\n<[S]evered> yes\r\n<stoldark> mirroring or striping?\r\n<[S]evered> connected", "score": 169, "id": 9565},
{"quote": "<[S]evered> UT has shit framerate\r\n<[S]evered> how do I fix it?\r\n<stoldark> [S]evered: i believe UT has an uninstall option", "score": 177, "id": 9567},
{"quote": "<Parc[Cleaning]> I'm starting to worry about my memory :-(\r\n<Parc[Cleaning]> I was walking along, and it struck me that I had to go to the bathroom. So I went to the place, unzipped my pants, and then realized I was standing in front of the trashcan o_O", "score": 279, "id": 9575},
{"quote": "<Lloyddy> Can anyone tell me what sex feels like?\u00a0 My friend wants to know", "score": 893, "id": 9587},
{"quote": "<CMR> We're having a solar eclipse!\r\n<RJR> Oo! Where?", "score": 7, "id": 9589},
{"quote": "<Sunil> Theoretically, if I were to know your password, what would it be?", "score": 859, "id": 9595},
{"quote": "<@PikaChan> the four greatest numbers in existance: 13, 69, 666, 1337\r\n<@PikaChan> man, it'd be cool to have the phone number 1-337-666-1369\r\n<%ragna> pika, you thought long and hard about that didnt you?\r\n<@PikaChan> yes i did", "score": 403, "id": 9596},
{"quote": "<SaBaS> brb. food stuck in throat", "score": 450, "id": 9605},
{"quote": "<MrFreeze> !google turkey+baster\r\n<drug|THC>\r\n<djcrom> see, my bot rocks", "score": 200, "id": 9610},
{"quote": "<djglitch> my house is full of doctor's mask and water bottles\r\n<djcrom> house party?\r\n<djglitch> yea, hehe", "score": 95, "id": 9611},
{"quote": "<Brainded> can anyone help me with a ppp problem?\r\n<mustang> you have a stutter and you're trying to urinate ?", "score": 849, "id": 9683},
{"quote": "<darw> where did they drop the hiroshima bomb?", "score": 630, "id": 9684},
{"quote": "<clemmy> DarkFader: warning! reading of this line triggers a hidden routine in your brain and you will forget some of the information stored there\r\n<clemmy> DF: it worked, right?\r\n<Costis> cl, ahahahahahahahaha\r\n<DarkFader> what did work?\r\n<clemmy> DF: I knew it would\r\n<Costis> cl, ahahahaha! good joke :D\r\n<DarkFader> WHAT?", "score": 306, "id": 9900},
{"quote": "<trev-> but guys, he's pushing technology to its limits. hes revolutionizing the internet as we know it\r\n<trev-> you should all be thankful\r\n<spoon> trev- : you fucking consultant\r\n<spoon> stfu", "score": 49, "id": 9902},
{"quote": "<latexslut> i bet u are thinking of ur hard rod being teased my this wet slut don't u?\r\n<Godrod> No. I am thinking of filing a restraining order against you to protect my dick from your H.I.V. shit.", "score": 356, "id": 9905},
{"quote": "<rworks> But seriously, I wish Steve Jobs would accidentally drag himself to the trash can.", "score": 259, "id": 9906},
{"quote": "<carl> Best file compression around: 'DEL *.*' = 100% compression", "score": 134, "id": 9909},
{"quote": "<Jag> I think I'm going to print out the Kama Sutra and label it \"TFM\" so I can leave it laying around work.\r\n<Jag> Not really, but it would be terribly amusing\r\n<ender> Jag: ROFL!\r\n* ender ponders what the lotus position has to do with X tunneling, but honestly, after reading TFM for a couple minutes, all of a sudden I don't really care about X tunneling....\r\n<Jag> Ahh, here's the section on tunnels... oh my.....", "score": 353, "id": 9915},
{"quote": "<James> buy a Pentium 4 so you can reboot faster man.", "score": 177, "id": 9920},
{"quote": "<Noisedragon> hey chris\r\n<Noisedragon>\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 C\u00a0\u00a0 H\u00a0\u00a0 R\u00a0\u00a0 I\u00a0\u00a0 S\r\n<Noisedragon> bind h \"flickoff\"\r\n<Noisedragon> hhhhhhhh", "score": -27, "id": 9921},
{"quote": "<DrTrevorkian> i'm sick of this internet.\u00a0 i'm gonna make my own.", "score": 623, "id": 9923},
{"quote": "<SlemJack> diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie!'... till you can find a rock.", "score": 341, "id": 9928},
{"quote": "<DOGBALLZ> anyone know how to use warez", "score": 17, "id": 9930},
{"quote": "<bler> ronaldo should have been at the dentists and not at the wc final", "score": 102, "id": 9932},
{"quote": "* Beerbaron oils up the chainsaw and sharpens his axe\r\n*** ChanServ has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)\r\n*** [50disses]Zaccix has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)\r\n*** Pepha-ungh has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)\r\n[18:36] *** Slachter has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)\r\n*** [RSU]Stillborn has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)\r\n*** [RSU]8-4-7-2|mirc has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)\r\n*** QAPete|afk has quit IRC (Canada-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com Ky-Hub.EnterTheGame.Com)", "score": 216, "id": 9936},
{"quote": "<Kwyjibo> the vector keeps throwing an exception when using std::vector<Texture*>\r\n<Kwyjibo> when i insert ()\r\n<hanzwurst> throw it back ;)\r\n<Kwyjibo> hey\r\n<Kwyjibo> this would a add a new meaning to the word \"class struggle\" ;)", "score": 405, "id": 9943},
{"quote": "<MpTaNk> my mom was telling me to do a whole bunch of stuff at once and my first thought was to tell her to stop flooding me", "score": 467, "id": 9946},
{"quote": "<Vic> You there X? \r\n<X> no \r\n<X> fuck", "score": 1468, "id": 10075},
{"quote": "<issuez> im skinny for an irc girl", "score": 420, "id": 9613},
{"quote": "<@djcrom> she looks like shes about to giggle, then strip naked and wail away at her clit with a hammer in a sweaty, bloody session of demented masturbation\r\n<Insolence> damn that's what my mom looked like when she found a porno in my room", "score": 240, "id": 9616},
{"quote": "<caspah> I woke up\r\n<caspah> half on the couch\r\n<caspah> half off\r\n<caspah> with no clothes on\r\n<caspah> and a condom next to ther couch\r\n<djcrom> used?\r\n<caspah> yeah\r\n<caspah> BUT\r\n<caspah> my gf left last night\r\n <caspah> she went to a friends\r\n<caspah> my gf wasn't here\r\n<Vapno> was your ass sore?\r\n<caspah> actually yeash", "score": 404, "id": 9624},
{"quote": "<Giuslaien> hi!!\r\n<Giuslaien> I am dj of the brasil I have you vary music with Latin interferences.\r\n<Giuslaien> do I like to change music, some kindred dj of changing music?\r\n<Giuslaien> are you of where?\r\n<Giuslaien> which your name?", "score": 265, "id": 9625},
{"quote": "<orion> i'd rather pull their addresses and braid a friendship bracelet with their spines and intestines\r\n<jestuh> <wondering if pen would accept that quote>\r\n<orion> <wondering what the stomach lining looks like draped inside-out over someone's skull>", "score": 406, "id": 9635},
{"quote": "<Twid> ha ha, dsl is now available\r\n<Twid> living in parent's basement required", "score": 284, "id": 9638},
{"quote": "<tigerbot_hesh> \"Knuckles of Fury\" on amazon? heh heh\r\n<MikeyPain> I actually got mine in the mail from him\r\n\r\n<MikeyPain> some of the pages were stuck together though", "score": 113, "id": 9639},
{"quote": "<Saktoth> I hope blackthorn takes over brittania and institutes a new regime of laser lights and techno music", "score": 204, "id": 9642},
{"quote": "<reflexive> WHAT'S COOL ABOUT THIS JOB\r\n<reflexive> IS THAT I GET ALL THE COFFEE I WANT.\r\n<reflexive> ehehehehhehehe.\r\n<|reptile|> coffee blackens your teeth, taints your breath, and thrashes your nerves.\r\n<reflexive> ...where's the downside?", "score": 272, "id": 9645},
{"quote": "<Xellchiri> I crave RP in which guys do not get pregnant.\r\n<Xellchiri> Oh wow, the paper just got here\r\n<UndeadFromStone> Wha?\r\n<UndeadFromStone> We generally avoid that sort of thing. @_@\r\n<Xellchiri> what, the newspaper?", "score": 107, "id": 9649},
{"quote": "<nikki> can you tell me what a clitoris is because someone is asking me about mine and I don't know what the hell it is", "score": 1106, "id": 9659},
{"quote": "corpratewar: gah, why would somebody encode a song @ 28kbps \r\narkain88: Thats so small it could fit through a condom.", "score": 165, "id": 9662},
{"quote": "<d4d5d6>anyone interested in beta testing a virus that i just compiled?\r\n<|89|> hell yeah\r\nI Have Finished Sending File virus01.exe to |89|\r\n<d4d5d6> open it\r\n|89| has quit IRC (quit: computer - dead)\r\n<d4d5d6> haha what a tool", "score": 749, "id": 9665},
{"quote": "DiamondbacksNo1Fan : Heh.\r\n\tDiamondbacksNo1Fan : Theoretically, the human brain could act as quite the processor.\r\n\tEluorn : Theoretically.\r\n\tcan_of_mtdew : yeah, but a processor can't act like a human brain\r\n\tDiamondbacksNo1Fan : We're talking in the terahertz range.\r\n\tEluorn : You plug your brain into a computer then plug it into the wall, and try to run Unreal Tournament 2k3\r\n\tEldoran : Err I dunno...\r\n\tEluorn : Blam. Instant South American dinner.", "score": 149, "id": 9668},
{"quote": "<[ryan]> nah when i first saw porn of any kind i was like \"man, that must get boring after a while\"\r\n<[ryan]> then i went back to programming heh\r\n<shea_> when i first saw programming\r\n<shea_> i was like\r\n<shea_> \"man, that must get boring after a while\"\\\r\n<shea_> then i went back to porn", "score": 670, "id": 9670},
{"quote": "<paul> anyone know what a .ace file is\r\n<moneo> all i know is it beats a .kng", "score": 977, "id": 9949},
{"quote": "<darklugia> what kind of internet service do you have?<misty11> internet explorer", "score": 62, "id": 9952},
{"quote": "<mode> during cyber sex you quiz your partner to see how intelligent they are\r\n<HOTTIE_309> ok\r\n<HOTTIE_309> quiz me\r\n<HOTTIE_309> quiz me", "score": 24, "id": 9953},
{"quote": "<BiT`> I mastered most of ChanServ's basic commands in just two weeks", "score": 115, "id": 9955},
{"quote": "<Pr3tent1ous> hey\r\n<Pr3tent1ous> If I pretend I'm female\r\n<Pr3tent1ous> can I be an opper?", "score": 156, "id": 9957},
{"quote": "<CWO_LEADER_XPUNK> He wants to be klined, I dont wanna know if thats a sexual thing or what", "score": 38, "id": 9961},
{"quote": "(@MpTaNk) one time, I wanted to call someone and their number was on my computer, and my first reaction was to cut and paste it to the phone", "score": 428, "id": 9962},
{"quote": "mike_afe > Linux manuals should have a section at the end showing a linux geek what to do in the event of sex. Not a complete sex manual but just some basic instructions.\r\nNikki_afe > 'Leave computer, it is not required'", "score": 609, "id": 9973},
{"quote": "Brianetta_afe > There's this other girl, who says she \"values out friendship but...\"\r\nBrianetta_afe > and this continues:\r\nBrianetta_afe > \"... I wish it was more.\"\r\nJosh_afe > lol, she's talking about your co...oh, never mind.", "score": 279, "id": 9974},
{"quote": "<Spengler> you know what? \r\n<Spengler> the matrix would have made a really shit movie if he took the blue pill.", "score": 665, "id": 9975},
{"quote": "Nikki_afe > Russian biscuits are nice :)\r\nSnaar_afe > Nikki: hm, i can't remember anything special about them\r\nSnaar_afe > Nikki: i'm not sure if there is such thing as russian buscuits :-)\r\nSnaar_afe > maybe it's just a rebranded dry dogfood :-,\r\noPless_afe > \"russian biscuits\" = potatos", "score": 126, "id": 9976},
{"quote": "adam_afe > I just got a nice email from the most beautiful woman in the world :~)\r\nadam_afe >Laura!! :-)\r\nUrthworm_afe > what does she say?\r\nadam_afe > err..\r\nadam_afe > \"Fuck off and stop emailing me you stupid worthless gimp.\"", "score": 1097, "id": 9978},
{"quote": "<HankMcCoy> I am so fucking h0nry today, I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like someone is licking the crotch of my voodoo doll.", "score": 686, "id": 9985},
{"quote": "<Bearsy> hehehe... you dont really NEED pants.. they're just a nice to have\r\n<rik0> i only have them for the pockets", "score": 374, "id": 9989},
{"quote": "<Cuthalion> I figured out why I'm not getting mad chixorz.\r\n<majesty> ?\r\n<Cuthalion> My humours are off. I need more blood and vitriol and less bile and phlegm.", "score": 401, "id": 10000},
{"quote": "<X> come cover the desk so i can pizza, darrell :) \r\n<Zero> I need to wait for the landlord's dwarves to arrive and forge a new thermostat", "score": 296, "id": 10084},
{"quote": "*** [ED]znapz` ( has joined #dead-presidents\r\n<[ED]znapz`> but..\r\n<[ED]znapz`> I want @\r\n<[ED]znapz`> suck cock\r\n*** [ED]znapz` ( has left #dead-presidents", "score": -38, "id": 10101},
{"quote": "<kinijima> why do they keep programming labs so fucking cold?\r\n<aalti> so the computers don't get over heated?\r\n<kinijima> so what the fuck did\u00a0 the people do back when there was no air conditioning?\r\n<aalti> you're a fucking idiot.", "score": 2110, "id": 10110},
{"quote": "Greg um...: west is that way.. --->\r\njuggalett_chick: no thats north here\r\nGreg um...: not my fault your monitor is facing the wrong way...", "score": 825, "id": 10116},
{"quote": "<Guilty> I had lilo and stitch all along\r\n<Mass> you have it ?\r\n<Guilty> I just didnt realize its 1 fucking CD\r\n<Mass> ohh dood send\r\n<var> ill pretend both of you didnt just say that\r\n<var> and we can still be friends", "score": 354, "id": 10117},
{"quote": "<hh> have u ever fucked nickelodean gak?\r\n<hh> i have\r\n<hh> its awesome\r\n<hh> i call it masturbation goo", "score": 151, "id": 10128},
{"quote": "<!5_DeR> you didnt just read what one guy on a forum said\u00a0 and accepted it as truth\u00a0 \r\n<NoDamage> yes i have\u00a0 \r\n\r\n<NoDamage> i find the internet to be pretty reliable", "score": 290, "id": 10131},
{"quote": "<Starchild> !define PCMCIA\r\n<CCU-Bot> DEFINING... ONE MOMENT, PLEASE\r\n<CCU-Bot> 2 entries found for PCMCIA.\r\n<CCU-Bot> Entry 1/2:\r\n<CCU-Bot> PCMCIA\r\n<CCU-Bot>\u00a0 <body, standard> Personal Computer Memory Card International\r\n<CCU-Bot>\u00a0 Association. (Or People Can't Memorise Computer Industry\r\n<CCU-Bot>\u00a0 Acronyms).\r\n<CCU-Bot> DONE - PCMCIA (Entry 1/2)\r\n<Starchild> hey, fuck you", "score": 841, "id": 10135},
{"quote": "<Mr_CAD> let's try a different encoding..\r\n<Mr_CAD> hehe ANSI\r\n<Mr_CAD> !translate en_zh test\r\n<CCU-Bot> TRANSLATING... ONE MOMENT, PLEASE\r\n<CCU-Bot>\u00a0 BABEL&nbsp;FISH&nbsp;&nbsp; The Web is full of suprises. Questions? Check out our FAQs.\r\n<Mr_CAD> lol\r\n<Mr_CAD> well, obviously it doesn't take ANSI :)", "score": 41, "id": 10141},
{"quote": "<luczzid> kinda funny that the corporate facist assholes at disney are using commy \r\nsoftware like linux.\u00a0 fucking assholes", "score": 16, "id": 10145},
{"quote": "<vegetaandnappa> nothing, just pissed at my GAY mouse\r\n<shqua> Your mouth has a sexual preference?\r\n<shqua> Err...\r\n<shqua> Mouse.\r\nshqua ( is now known as DrFreud\r\n<DrFreud> Oh, my...", "score": 493, "id": 10158},
{"quote": "<etc> so tempting to release a product called 'nicotine' and wait for the patches.\r\n<etc> then i would have a reason to only apply one patch a day. otherwise, i'm going against medical advise.", "score": 174, "id": 10159},
{"quote": "<Gygaxis> hitler: NO FAIR!!! ENGLANDS WALLHACKING!!!!1", "score": 372, "id": 10162},
{"quote": "BeHeMoTh101 : dude, this one time in school i was looking at this advertisement to a christian club\r\nBeHeMoTh101 : and on the poster it said \"who carries your load? jesus does.\"\r\nBeHeMoTh101 : and i was like, wtf it's the scrotum", "score": 602, "id": 10165},
{"quote": "DeusXMac: sex?\r\nthemole: unzip;strip;touch;grep;grep;finger;mount;fsck;more;yes;fsck;fsck;fsck;umount;sleep (Core dumped) general protection fault... core dumped.", "score": 702, "id": 10171},
{"quote": "<Encapsulate> \"Sean, what's your department called?\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"I have a department now?\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"WE need to route these Skip books to you\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"I have a department?\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"Right, what is it called for the skip page?\"\"\r\n<Toast> heh\r\n<Encapsulate> \"A whole department?\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"Yes\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"You mean interconnect?\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"Yes! Ok, we'll put that down\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"I feel more important when I'm called 'Fixed Network'.\"\r\n<Toast> heh\r\n<Encapsulate> \"More important?\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"Yea.\"\r\n<Encapsulate> \"Ok, You can be fixed network\"", "score": 36, "id": 10409},
{"quote": "<rumorf> Any horny ladies from idia?\r\n<micah> Where in the %@!@% is idai?\r\n<dlphoto> It's where idiots are from.", "score": 323, "id": 10007},
{"quote": "<Cosmic_Bard> I've been caught masturbating before, by my mom. Dosen't sound quite as bad as that, but it was embarassing nontheless. Ysee, it was to those dancing girls in Duke Nukem 3d. The ones that'll only flash you if you hit the spacebar and duke goes \"Wanna Dance?\"\u00a0 and \"Shake it baby!\"\u00a0 I think that's what alerted my mother.\r\n<Cosmic_Bard> So now I always turn the speakers off when I masturbate.", "score": 341, "id": 10009},
{"quote": "* Shi-chan beats Tino down\r\n<Shi-chan> DIE\r\n<Tino> haha\r\n* Shi-chan takes out a spoonn\r\n<Shi-chan> DON'T MAKE ME USE THIS\r\n<ilifin> there is no spoon", "score": 226, "id": 10010},
{"quote": "<Cosmic_Bard> King-Bob: You're about as articulate as Johnny cochrane, born an epilleptic claustrophic retard, in a small room with a strobe light.", "score": 229, "id": 10012},
{"quote": "<RageATM> im allergic to porn it makes my dick swell", "score": 819, "id": 10015},
{"quote": "<Mormi> Fucked my girlfriend up the ass last night...\r\n<Sp[A]rK> no shit...\r\n<Mormi> Well... some..", "score": 911, "id": 10019},
{"quote": "<matts> I was on vacation and I saw this casino advertisement\u00a0 on the highway: \"LOOSEST $1 SLOTS\" and they had a picture of a woman on it and then I realized that this casino ad could be taken the wrong way :P", "score": 296, "id": 10021},
{"quote": "<DragonOnna> Roninjoey, Uses of an AOL disk, #68. Earmuffs (glue some fur on one side, then attach a U-shaped piece of bent coathanger to both disks).\r\n<Zibro> DragonOnna, Uses for a shitty script, #58. NOTHING. (ie: no use, so don't use it because it's fucking stupid)", "score": 41, "id": 10022},
{"quote": "<a_passerby> I want a :D drive instead of a D: drive", "score": 1342, "id": 10025},
{"quote": "*** wolex has joined #lockergnome\r\n|wolex| hi\r\n|wolex| Anyone active at this time?\r\n* nobody is\r\n|wolex| thanks\r\n|wolex| but I need some help\r\n* nobody can help you\r\n|wolex| thanks again\r\n* nobody wants to help you\r\n|wolex| have a great day then\r\n|wolex| oh thats better\r\n|wolex| and why is that\r\n|wolex| oh. nobody is a name!!!\r\n|nobody| hahaha", "score": 1721, "id": 10028},
{"quote": "<duckman> do you say gash?\r\n<A|exander> not in polite company\r\n<IonSurge> haha\r\n<IonSurge> who here is polite company?\r\n<A|exander> oops typo\r\n<A|exander> meant police custody", "score": 299, "id": 10034},
{"quote": "<g5r3> can anybody hack me with my whois?", "score": 44, "id": 10051},
{"quote": "<Kiz`> a semi decent looking girl can get laid whenever she wants\r\n<Kiz`> just go up to a guy\r\n<Kiz`> \"sex?\"\r\n<Kiz`> a guy can't do such things\r\n<Yuffie> Maybe you haven't gone up to the right guy?", "score": 1066, "id": 10052},
{"quote": "<eV`Zenoge> Isn't herpies food? \r\n<eV`Zenoge> like chocolate \r\n<eV`Zenoge> wait a minute\r\n<eV`Zenoge> thats hershes", "score": 364, "id": 10058},
{"quote": "<Eye_Candy> you're lucky I retain video game knowledge like Oprah retains water", "score": 191, "id": 10067},
{"quote": "<X> any windows machine i have is behind my FreeBSD router. \r\n<X> and that's tighter than a cows ass at fly time", "score": 141, "id": 10068},
{"quote": "<Zero> I had a totally hot chemistry teacher once. She used to always say \"Uh huh.\" and show her ass. Win XP is like that.", "score": 245, "id": 10071},
{"quote": "<@netwerk> the kill i sent to nickop lagged so much that it killed me instead\r\n<@p00mint> HAHAHA", "score": 63, "id": 10645},
{"quote": "<Mike_McCormick> how do you change your name? i tried /nick Mike but it won't work\r\n<Mike> that's because I have that one dingleberry", "score": 497, "id": 10185},
{"quote": "]-eX-[Mad^AfK is * nfwuor\r\n[]-eX-[Mad^AfK VERSION reply]: mIRC32 v6.0 + dEfCoN oNe v0.74.65 by Ecronika", "score": 259, "id": 10186},
{"quote": "<Trendarth> wb\r\n<Yamatto> ta\r\n<Trendarth> np\r\n<@antix> why does everyone talk in two letters these days...\r\n<Trendarth> dk\r\n<Trendarth> because our society promotes slothenly behaviour\r\n<@antix> ok", "score": 571, "id": 10197},
{"quote": "*** Vor sets mode: -b *!*f@*\r\n*** Vor ( Quit (\r\n<Yates> thats what you get for unbanning aol.", "score": 231, "id": 10199},
{"quote": "<DIguana> Canada: Home of the largest French population never to surrender to Germany.", "score": 896, "id": 10203},
{"quote": "<Mr_Grinch> i just burned my nose hair\r\n<Mr_Grinch> by trying to smell the flame of my lighter", "score": 377, "id": 10204},
{"quote": "<lo-d0gg> man.. these quotes are funny as!\r\n<Ho-Train> what server/channel are you on?\r\n<lo-d0gg> uhm, no channels..\r\n<Ho-Train> dammit! i can't connect..\r\n<Ho-Train> [12:03:15am] *** Connecting to (6667)\r\n<Ho-Train> [12:03:24am] *** Connection attempt timed out\r\n<Ho-Train> [12:03:27am] *** Connect retry #1 (6667)\r\n<Ho-Train> [12:03:36am] *** Connection attempt timed out", "score": 189, "id": 10208},
{"quote": "<Blaxthos> any fat bitches with inner beauty wanna chat ?", "score": 1144, "id": 10213},
{"quote": "<NK|Snipe>_____/\\_____\\o/_____\r\n<NK|Snipe>^Shark Attack :)", "score": 847, "id": 10217},
{"quote": "<luminosity> No wait... I can do better than that. they should develop a\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 neural connection so I can sit here and not even have to move.\r\n<martinb> sure. Can it write this requirements spec I'm working on, too?\r\n<luminosity> Why the hell not?\r\n<luminosity> While it's at it it can do my homework so I can concentrate on\r\n\u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0 \u00a0\u00a0 fun stuff.\r\n<martinb> so get working on it!\r\n<martinb> no, wait, recusion\r\n<martinb> damn", "score": 31, "id": 10223},
{"quote": "<True_Blue> You ever buy ribbed condoms?\r\n<True_Blue> I always turn them inside out, I'm selfish", "score": 596, "id": 10226},
{"quote": "<bin\\girl> im evolved from elephants\r\n<Pioenz> i can see that :-)", "score": 37, "id": 10229},
{"quote": "<etch:#unix> i don't like unix or any of you either", "score": 167, "id": 10236},
{"quote": "2(SilentSniper): I took my ps2 to florida, and the airport security bomb checker dude wouldnt stop asking me questions... \"Did you get it when it was $200 or $300? Should I get an XBox or a PS2? I heard that a Ps3 is coming out? What is the best game?\"\r\n14(OuT-4-BlooD): haha\r\n02(SilentSniper): SHUT UP AND LOOK FOR DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES AND QUESTIONABLE FOREIGNERS", "score": 770, "id": 10260},
{"quote": "<mindran> ok i'm going to be fired\r\n<mindran> i made some thing generate random passwords for this app i just made\r\n<mindran> and sent it out\r\n<mindran> and some of them are horrible :(\r\n<mindran> i dont want to be the person who's password is now \"hard14long\"\r\n<mindran> or \"like10come\"", "score": 374, "id": 10261},
{"quote": "<MoonFog> Accept my send!!\r\n<spark-> are you behind a firewall?\r\n<MoonFog> Yes. but i can send\r\n<spark-> Please consult your network administrator\r\n<MoonFog> I am, and i know it works\r\n<spark-> Please insult your network administrator", "score": 542, "id": 10262},
{"quote": "<lungfish> your job like involved relocation AND gay sex\r\n<Rottencrotch> wuts ur point\r\n<LuftWaffle-away> he didnt want to relocate", "score": 405, "id": 10264},
{"quote": "<nwinter> i am the king of EXCEL.\r\n<nwinter> kinda.\r\n<nwinter> i used staroffice to make an excel document.\r\n<nwinter> and learn how to make a spreadsheet in the process.\r\n<Lacroix> i bow to your mastery :)\r\n<nwinter> i am now THAT MUCH MORE of a marketable unix admin!\r\n<nwinter> what does all of this mean?\r\n<nwinter> my boss is a retard.", "score": 160, "id": 10422},
{"quote": "<nwinter> i think i could've made a better spreadsheet with graph paper\r\nand a crayon.\r\n<hep>\u00a0 hahaha\r\n<nwinter> i had to put an audit i did into a sp
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