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Last active June 18, 2020 20:35
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FanFiction Downloader v3 | Github Gist | Downloads and parses web pages and writes them to a file in the current working directory. Specially designed to parse fanfictions from Now comes with a GUI!
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
import requests # pip install requests
import bs4 # pip install beautifulsoup4
import pathlib
from time import sleep
import re
# import logging
# Set logging level
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
# Define functions that takes care of the ID and URL entries
after_ids = {}
def get_url(id_):
"""returns url from id."""
url = "{}/"
return url.format(id_.replace(" ", ""))
def get_id(url):
"""returns id from the url."""
l = url.split("/")
return l[4] if len(l) > 4 else ""
def autofill_entry(mode, delay=50):
"""Auto-fills Url/ID."""
for v in after_ids.values():
if mode == "url":
id_ = get_id(fanfic_url.get())
after_ids[0] = root.after(delay, lambda: fanfic_id.set(id_))
elif mode == "id":
url = get_url(fanfic_id.get())
after_ids[1] = root.after(delay, lambda: fanfic_url.set(url))
# Thanks @Saad at SO
# Define a function to have the user choose a directory and set the path accordingly
def get_directory():
global path
# Ask for directory
selected_directory = filedialog.askdirectory()
# Set selected directory if user did not cancel
if selected_directory:
path = pathlib.Path(selected_directory)
# Define a function to set the status
def set_status(string):
status.config(text = string + 100 * " ")
# Allows GUI to process and display events
# Define the function to download the fanfic
def download_fanfic():
num_chapter = 1
chapter = 0
base_url = fanfic_url.get()
progress_bar["value"] = 0
while not chapter == num_chapter:
# Set progress barmax value
progress_bar["maximum"] = 10 * num_chapter
chapter += 1
url = base_url + f"{chapter}/"
set_status(f"Downloading {url}...")
progress_bar["value"] = 1 * chapter
response = requests.get(url)
except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema:
set_status(f"Error downloading {url}...")
messagebox.showerror("FanFiction Downloader: ERROR",
"Uh oh, an error has occurred!\n"
"That does not seem to a be a valid URL!")
except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema:
set_status(f"Error downloading {url}...")
messagebox.showerror("FanFiction Downloader: ERROR",
"Uh oh, an error has occurred!\n"
"That does not seem to a be a valid URL!")
set_status(f"Status code is {response.status_code}")
if response.status_code == 200:
set_status("Parsing FanFiction...")
# Parse HTML with html5lib
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html5lib")
progress_bar["value"] = 2 * chapter
# Check if we actually got a real chapter not an error message
if response.text.find("FanFiction.Net Message Type ") == -1 and \
response.text.find("Story Not Found") == -1:
# Count the number of chapters we need to download
set_status("Counting chapters...")
# This gets the number between the words "Chapters: " and " - Words: ")
num_chapter = int(
soup.find("span", class_="xgray xcontrast_txt").text[
"span", class_="xgray xcontrast_txt"
).text.find("Chapters: ") + 10:soup.find(
"span", class_="xgray xcontrast_txt"
).text.find(" - Words: ")
progress_bar["value"] = 3 * chapter
# Add title
set_status("Finding title...")
text = soup.find("b", class_="xcontrast_txt").string + "\n"
progress_bar["value"] = 4 * chapter
# Find first link that looks like the author's name
set_status("Finding author...")
for author in soup.findAll("a", class_="xcontrast_txt"):
if == "div":
text += f"By: {author.string}\n\n"
# Break because we only want the first one
progress_bar["value"] = 5 * chapter
# Add the synopsis
set_status("Finding synopsis...")
text += f"Synopsis: {soup.find('div', class_='xcontrast_txt').string}\n\n"
progress_bar["value"] = 6 * chapter
# Add more information about fanfiction
set_status("Finding FanFiction information...")
text += soup.find("span", class_="xgray xcontrast_txt").text + "\n\n"
progress_bar["value"] = 7 * chapter
# Add fanfic iteself
set_status("Finding FanFiction content...")
for paragraph in soup.find_all("p"):
text += paragraph.text + "\n"
progress_bar["value"] = 8 * chapter
set_status("Signing FanFiction...")
# Add signature
text += "\n\nThis fanfiction was downloaded with the fanfiction downloader v3\n"
text += "See the source code at\n"
# Add link to original fanfiction
text += f"Link to fanfiction (To read online): {url}\n"
progress_bar["value"] = 9 * chapter
# Make path to fanfiction
file_path = path / (
re.sub("[^\w\-_\. ]", "_", soup.title.string).replace(" ", "_") + ".txt"
set_status("Writing FanFiction to "
f"{str(file_path)[:80] + '...' if len(str(file_path)) > 80 else str(file_path)}")
# If a file with that name already exists
if file_path.exists():
if messagebox.askokcancel("FanFiction Downloader v3: Confirmation",
"It looks like this file already exists! Overwrite?"):
with"wt") as file:
set_status("Sucessfully written FanFiction to "
f"{str(file_path)[:68] + '...' if len(str(file_path)) > 68 else str(file_path)}")
set_status("Canceled writting FanFiction to "
f"{str(file_path)[:70] + '...' if len(str(file_path)) > 70 else str(file_path)}")
with"wt") as file:
set_status("Sucessfully written FanFiction to "
f"{str(file_path)[:68] + '...' if len(str(file_path)) > 68 else str(file_path)}")
progress_bar["value"] = 10 * chapter
# Chapter does not exist
if response.text.find("FanFiction.Net Message Type ") == -1:
messagebox.showerror("FanFiction Downloader: ERROR",
"Uh oh, an error has occurred!\n"
"Story Not Found\n"
"Story is unavailable for reading. (A)")
# Story does not exist
elif response.text.find("Story Not Found") == -1:
messagebox.showerror("FanFiction Downloader v3: ERROR",
"Uh oh, an error has occurred!\n"
"Chapter not found. Please check to see you are not using an outdated url.\n"
"New chapter/story can take up to 15 minutes to show up.")
# Raise an error
messagebox.showerror("FanFiction Downloader v3: ERROR",
"Uh oh, an error has occurred!\n"
f"Unexpected status code: {response.status_code}\n"
"No files have been written.")
# Define the path where to download the fanfics
path = pathlib.Path.cwd()
# Root window
root = tk.Tk()
# Set title of root window
root.title("FanFiction Downloader v3")
# Define the labeled frame where we input stuff
input_frame = tk.LabelFrame(master=root, text="Input")
input_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=1, pady=1, rowspan=2, sticky=tk.NS)
# Label for entering URL
ttk.Label(master=input_frame, text="URL of FanFiction:").grid(row=0, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
# Entry field for URL
fanfic_url = tk.StringVar()
fanfic_url.trace_variable("w", lambda *a: autofill_entry("url"))
url_entry = ttk.Entry(master=input_frame, textvariable=fanfic_url)
url_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
# Label for entering fanfic ID
ttk.Label(master=input_frame, text="ID of FanFiction:").grid(row=1, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
# Entry field for fanfic ID
fanfic_id = tk.StringVar()
fanfic_id.trace_variable("w", lambda *a: autofill_entry("id"))
id_entry = ttk.Entry(master=input_frame, textvariable=fanfic_id)
id_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
# Define the labeled frame where we output stuff
output_frame = tk.LabelFrame(master=root, text="Output")
output_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=1, pady=1, sticky=tk.NW)
# Label for entering directory of downloaded files
master=output_frame, text="Directory path of downloaded FanFictions:"
).grid(row=0, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
# Entry field for directory of downloaded files
directory = tk.StringVar()
directory_entry = ttk.Entry(master=output_frame, textvariable=directory)
directory_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=1, pady=1)
# Button to browse for directory of downloaded files
ttk.Button(master=output_frame, text="Browse", command=get_directory).grid(row=0, column=2, padx=1, pady=1)
# Button to start downloading fanfic
ttk.Button(master=root, text="Start", command=download_fanfic).grid(row=1, column=1, padx=1, pady=1, sticky=tk.NSEW)
# Define the labeled frame where we output status stuff
status_frame = tk.LabelFrame(master=root, text="Status")
status_frame.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=1, pady=1, columnspan=2, sticky=tk.NSEW)
# Progress bar for, well, progress
progress_bar = ttk.Progressbar(master=status_frame, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL, length=670, mode="determinate")
progress_bar.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=1, pady=1)
# Status bar for showing current operation
status = ttk.Label(master=status_frame, text="Idle", width=100)
status.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=1, pady=1, sticky=tk.NW)
# Start GUI event loop
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