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Last active November 1, 2018 16:46
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Current Compilable code with the new CTFE engine
struct V3 {
int x;
int y;
int z;
int w = 30;
int fn(V3 v3) {
return v3.y;
int fn2(V3 v3) {
auto x = V3();
return x.w + v3.w;
static assert(fn(V3(1,20,3)) == 20);
static assert(fn2(V3()) == 60);
int fun(string s1, string s2, string s3) {
return cast(int)s2[2];
static assert( fun("_funny_","funny_","funny") == 'n');
bool fn(string s1, string s2)
return s1 == s2;
static assert(!fn("LLVM","HHVM"));
static assert(fn("LLVM","LLVM"));
int func(char _c) {
foreach(_;0 .. 16) {}
// char _c = s[1];
int acc;
switch(_c) {
// a = 22 + 44; // unreachable code;
case 'a' : return 5;
default : return acc; break;
case 'd' : goto case 'b';
case 'b' : return 2; /*+ func(s[1 .. $]);*/
case 'c' : {
{ goto default; }
case 'f' : {
goto case 'b';
case 'e' : break;
return 16;
static assert(func('c') == 1);
static assert(func('f') == 2);
static assert(func('e') == 16);
static assert((int _){int a = 1; int b = a++; return a + b;}(1) == 3);
static assert((int b){int a = b; if(a==2) a++; b += a++; return a + b;}(4) == 13);
static assert((int b){int a = b; if(a==2) a++; b += a++; return a + b;}(2) == 9);
static assert((int a){int a4 = a*4; int result; while(a4--) { result++; } return result;}(4) == 16);
uint Sum3Arrays (uint[] a1, uint[] a2, uint[] a3)
uint result;
for(int i; i != a1.length; i++)
result += a1[i];
for(int i; i < a2.length; i++)
result += a2[i];
for(int i; i != a3.length; i++)
result += a3[i];
return result;
static assert(Sum3Arrays([2,3],[],[]) == 5);
static assert(Sum3Arrays([2],[],[3]) == 5);
static assert(Sum3Arrays([3],[1],[1]) == 5);
uint ArrayLength(uint[] a)
return cast(uint)a.length;
static assert(ArrayLength([1,2,3,4]) == 4);
static assert(ArrayLength(['H','e','l','l','o']) == 5);
uint SecondElement(uint[] a)
return a[1];
static assert(SecondElement([1,2,3,4]) == 2);
static assert(SecondElement(['H','e','l','l','o']) == 'e');
uint AddLenghts(uint[] a, uint[] b)
return cast(uint)(a.length + b.length);
static assert(AddLenghts([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[1,2]) == 12);
struct S
uint u1;
uint u2;
S makeTenTen()
return S(10, 10);
S makeS(uint a, uint b)
return S(a, b);
uint getu2(S s)
return s.u2;
static assert(getu2(S(10, 14)) == 14);
static assert(makeTenTen() == makeS(10, 10));
uint[] itrspary(uint n)
return [1, n, 3];
static assert(itrspary(7).length == 3);
static assert(itrspary(7)[0] == 1);
static assert(itrspary(7)[1] == 7);
static assert(itrspary(7)[2] == 3);
int computeFib(int n)
int t = 1;
int result = 0;
result = t - result;
t = t + result;
return result;
static assert(computeFib(12) == 144);
uint testLabeledContinue()
uint result;
L: foreach (i; 0 .. 24)
if (i != 4)
continue L;
result += i;
return result;
static assert(testLabeledContinue() == 4);
uint[] arrayLiteralReturn()
return [1,2,3];
enum alr = arrayLiteralReturn();
static assert(alr == [1,2,3]);
uint staticArrayLiteralAssign()
uint[10] arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
return arr[7];
static assert(staticArrayLiteralAssign() == 8);
uint* testBasicPtrReturn(uint v)
return new uint(v + 6);
static assert(*testBasicPtrReturn(5) == 11);
uint echo (uint val)
return val;
const(uint) fastLog10(const uint val) pure nothrow @nogc {
return (val < 10) ? 0 :
(val < 100) ? 1 :
(val < 1000) ? 2 :
(val < 10000) ? 3 :
(val < 100000) ? 4 :
(val < 1000000) ? 5 :
(val < 10000000) ? 6 :
(val < 100000000) ? 7 :
(val < 1000000000) ? 8 : 9;
/*@unique*/ static immutable uint[10] fastPow10tbl = [
] ;
static assert(fastLog10(fastPow10tbl[2]) == 2);
static assert(fastLog10(fastPow10tbl[3]) == 3);
static assert(fastLog10(1000) == 3);
static assert(echo(fastPow10tbl[1]) == 10);
import core.time;
import core.sys.linux.time;
auto _posixClock(ClockType clockType)
with(ClockType) final switch(clockType)
case bootTime: return CLOCK_BOOTTIME;
case coarse: return CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE;
case normal: return CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
case precise: return CLOCK_MONOTONIC;
case processCPUTime: return CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID;
case raw: return CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW;
case threadCPUTime: return CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID;
case second: assert(0);
static assert(_posixClock(ClockType.bootTime) == CLOCK_BOOTTIME);
uint rfn(uint n)
if (n > 2) return n + rfn(n-1) + rfn(n-2);
return 1;
static assert(rfn(26) == 681961);
uint caller(uint n)
return callee(n, 2);
uint callee(uint a, uint b)
return a*b;
static assert(caller(3) == 6);
static assert(caller(24) == 48);
uint testPtrArg()
uint x = 7;
return x;
void testPtrParam(uint* x)
*x = 12;
return ; // actually needed right now
static assert(testPtrArg() == 12);
struct iota_range
int current;
int end;
int step;
uint front()
return current;
void popFront()
current += step;
return ;
bool empty()
return current > end;
this(uint end, uint begin = 0, uint step = 1) pure
assert(step != 0, "cannot have a step of 0");
this.step = step;
this.current = begin;
this.end = end;
auto Iota(int end)
return iota_range(end);
uint testThisCall(uint end)
uint result;
result += n;
return result;
static assert(testThisCall(12) == 78);
/// test order of evaluation
uint[4] tooe()
uint[4] array = [1,2,3,4];
uint i = 1;
array[i++] = array[i++] + i; // should be array[1] = array[2] + 3;
return array;
enum tooeArray = tooe();
static assert(tooeArray == [1,6,3,4]);
uint testSwitchNestedWhile(uint a)
final switch(a)
case 1 : {
while(a < 20)
if (a == 17) break;
return a;
case 2 : return 12;
return 1;
static assert(testSwitchNestedWhile(1) == 17);
static assert(testSwitchNestedWhile(2) == 12);
int[] testFnPtr_filterBy(int[] arr , bool function(int) fn)
int[] result;
uint resultLength;
result.length = arr.length;
foreach(i;0 .. arr.length)
auto e = arr[i];
bool r = true;
r = fn(e);
result[resultLength++] = e;
int[] filterResult;
filterResult.length = resultLength;
foreach(i; 0 .. resultLength)
filterResult[i] = result[i];
return filterResult;
bool isDiv2(int e)
bool result_;
result_ = (e % 2 == 0);
return result_;
bool isNotDiv2(int e)
bool result_;
result_ = (e % 2 != 0);
return result_;
int[] testFnPtr_run(int[] arr, bool div2)
return testFnPtr_filterBy(arr, div2 ? &isDiv2 : &isNotDiv2);
static assert(testFnPtr_run([3,4,5], true) == [4]);
static assert(testFnPtr_run([3,4,5], false) == [3,5]);
uint testRefCall(uint[] arr)
uint sum;
foreach(uint i;0 .. cast(uint)arr.length)
addToSum(sum, arr[i]);
return sum;
void addToSum(ref uint sum, uint element)
sum = sum + element; // works now as well
return ;
static assert([1,2,3,4,5].testRefCall == 15);
static immutable uint[] OneToTen = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
const(uint[]) SliceOf1to10(uint lwr, uint upr) {
return OneToTen[lwr .. upr];
static assert(SliceOf1to10(2,8) == [3u, 4u, 5u, 6u, 7u, 8u]);
string slice(string s, uint lwr, uint upr)
return s[lwr .. upr];
static assert(slice("Hello World", 6, 11) == "World");
uint sum(string s)
uint sum;
foreach(i, char c; s)
sum += c;
return sum;
static assert(sum("newCTFE") == 620);
const(uint)[] testConcat()
return SliceOf1to10(0,4) ~ SliceOf1to10(7,9);
static immutable testConcatResult = testConcat();
static assert(testConcatResult == [1,2,3,4,8,9]);
string strcat(string s1, string s2)
return s1 ~ s2;
static assert(strcat("hello","world") == "helloworld");
static assert(strcat(null, null) is null);
uint[3] testCommaExp(uint a)
uint b = 1;
uint r = (a++, a++, b++);
return [a, r, b];
static assert(testCommaExp(2) == [4, 1, 2]);
uint[] assignSlice(uint from, uint to, uint[] stuff)
uint[] slice;
slice.length = to + 4;
foreach (uint i; 0 .. to + 4)
slice[i] = i + 1;
slice[from .. to] = stuff[];
return slice;
static immutable as = assignSlice(1, 4, [9, 8, 7]);
static assert(as == [1, 9, 8, 7, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
float fmaddf(float a, float b, float c)
return b + a * c;
static assert(fmaddf(0x1.acccccp+2f, 0x1.166666p+3f, 0x1.4cccccp+0f) == 0x1.168f5cp+4f);
static assert(fmaddf(0x1.acccccp+2f, 0x1.166666p+3f, -0x1.4cccccp+0f) == -0x1.47a8p-7f);
struct S {
long l;
ulong u;
S makeSMin()
S s;
s.l = long.min;
s.u = ulong.min;
return s;
S makeSMax()
S s;
s.l = long.max;
s.u = ulong.max;
return s;
static assert(makeSMax.u == ulong.max);
static assert(makeSMax.l == long.max);
static assert(makeSMin.u == ulong.min);
static assert(makeSMin.l == long.min);
static if (is(typeof(__traits(newCTFEGaveUp))))
static assert(!__traits(newCTFEGaveUp));
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