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Last active November 23, 2020 12:25
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tic-tac-toe using minimax
Uros Ogrizovic
from time import sleep
empty_space_sign = 'E'
spaces = [[empty_space_sign, empty_space_sign, empty_space_sign],
[empty_space_sign, empty_space_sign, empty_space_sign],
[empty_space_sign, empty_space_sign, empty_space_sign]]
def check_vertical_termination():
checks for column-wise termination
:return: 0 (no termination), 1 (computer wins), -1 (player wins)
pairs = [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2)]
for i, j in pairs:
if spaces[i][j] == spaces[(i+1) % 3][j] == spaces[(i+2) % 3][j] != empty_space_sign:
player = -1 if spaces[i][j] == 'X' else 1
return player
return 0
def check_diagonal_termination():
checks for diagonal-wise termination
:return: 0 (no termination), 1 (computer wins), -1 (player wins)
if spaces[0][0] == spaces[1][1] == spaces[2][2] != empty_space_sign:
player = -1 if spaces[1][1] == 'X' else 1
return player
elif spaces[0][2] == spaces[1][1] == spaces[2][0] != empty_space_sign:
player = -1 if spaces[1][1] == 'X' else 1
return player
return 0
def check_horizontal_termination():
checks for row-wise termination
:return: 0 (no termination), 1 (computer wins), -1 (player wins)
pairs = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0)]
for i, j in pairs:
if spaces[i][j] == spaces[i][(j+1) % 3] == spaces[i][(j+2) % 3] != empty_space_sign:
player = -1 if spaces[i][j] == 'X' else 1
return player
return 0
def check_termination():
checks for three types of termination: column-wise, diagonal-wise and row-wise
:return: 0 (not over), 1 (computer wins) or -1 (human wins)
val = check_diagonal_termination()
if val != 0:
return val
val = check_vertical_termination()
if val != 0:
return val
val = check_horizontal_termination()
if val != 0:
return val
return 0
def place_sign(sign, row, col):
places 'X' or 'O' at [row][col] space on board.
Checks if space is already taken.
:param sign: 'X' or 'O'
:param row: row index
:param col: column index
:return: -1 if space is already taken
if spaces[row][col] == empty_space_sign:
spaces[row][col] = sign
print("Space already taken. Try again.")
return -1 # used if player tries to play on square that is taken
def get_possible_moves():
checks which spaces are empty, and
returns a list of those spaces/moves
:return: list of possible moves
possible_moves = []
for i in range(len(spaces)):
for j in range(len(spaces)):
if spaces[i][j] == empty_space_sign:
possible_moves.append((i, j))
return possible_moves
def minimax(player):
minimax algorithm. The computer is the maximizer,
whereas the human is the minimizer.
:param player: 1 (computer), -1 (human)
winner = check_termination()
if winner != 0: # if the game is over
return winner, -1, -1
possible_moves = get_possible_moves()
if len(possible_moves) == 0: # no possible moves, i.e. no empty spaces
return 0, -1, -1 # draw
# human minimizes, computer maximizes
sign, best_score = ('X', 10) if player == -1 else ('O', -10)
score, best_row, best_col = 0, 0, 0
for move in possible_moves:
place_sign(sign, move[0], move[1])
score, _, _ = minimax(player * -1) # change player when calling minimax
spaces[move[0]][move[1]] = 'E' # undo move
if player == 1 and score > best_score: # update best score and best move
best_score, best_row, best_col = score, move[0], move[1]
if player == -1 and score < best_score: # update best score and best move
best_score, best_row, best_col = score, move[0], move[1]
return best_score, best_row, best_col
def display_board():
displays board in console
for i in range(len(spaces)):
for j in range(len(spaces)):
print(spaces[i][j], end=' ')
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("NOTE: Upper-left corner has coordinates (1, 1), bottom-right corner has coordinates (3, 3)")
while True:
while True:
row = int(input('Which row do you want to place X on? ')) - 1
col = int(input('Which column do you want to place X on? ')) - 1
if place_sign('X', row, col) != -1:
if check_termination() == -1:
print("Human wins.")
print('Computer\'s turn. Please wait...')
score, row, col = minimax(1)
sleep(1) # better UX, couldn't resist :)
if score == 0 and len(get_possible_moves()) == 0:
print("The game is a draw.")
print('Computer chooses:', row + 1, col + 1)
place_sign('O', row, col)
if check_termination() == 1:
print("Computer wins.")
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