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Last active May 23, 2021 16:42
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N+1 Queries, Batch Loading and Active Model Serializers
# ...
gem 'batch-loader'
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
posts = Post.all
render json: posts
class Post
belongs_to :author, class_name: 'User'
class PostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :title, :details
belongs_to :author
class Post < ApplicationRecord
# ...
def get_author_lazily
BatchLoader.for(self).batch do |posts, batch_loader|
User.where( => posts.pluck(:author_id)).each do |user|
# Modify the user through a given block, say, for serialization.
modified_user = block_given? ? yield(user) : user { |p| p.author_id == user._id.to_s }, modified_user)
# ...
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
# Can't do Post.includes(:author) beacuse the author (User object)
# is stored in an entirely different database: a MongoDB instance.
posts = Post.all
render json: posts
class PostSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :title, :details, :author
def author
object.get_author_lazily do |author|
# Serialize the author after it has been loaded.[:user]
# ...
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
# ...
class UserSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
# ....
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Nice implementation! Also, good post around the subject. The application of this with AMS is really useful, since most graphql new approaches are heavy influenced by the data loader technic.

I was playing a little with your code and it works, except for a drawback with AMS. This batch behaviour to postpone the attribute will not take advantage of include directive for choosing the JSON depth/attributes and response performance.

For exemple: If the post User has a list of User as friends and I don't want to load them, I would specify:

render json: posts, include: :user

And if I want it: render json: posts, include: [user: :friends]

But with batch loader its not possible maybe because[:user] will be constructed afterwards to apply the include? I'm thinking here what could be a solution but can't figured out if is a limitation of AMS or the BathLoader.

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UsamaAshraf commented Apr 19, 2018

@luccasmaso yes, include works only for ORM-defined database relations, not custom attributes, which is what user has become in our case.
We can pass custom parameters and access them with @instance_options to achieve our goal:

# PostSerializer.rb
attribute :user, if: -> { @instance_options.key?(:with_user) && @instance_options[:with_user] }
# ...
render json: posts, with_user: true

You can also stick with include, use @instance_options[:include] and check if user was specified. But I'd probably not do this because it sort of goes against what the include option is supposed to be for. Also, in a way our point was to avoid include since it forced the n+1 queries to run. Having said that, there's nothing essentially wrong with using @instance_options[:include].

As far as nested associations are concerned, you can pass them to the explicit call to AMS;, include: [some: :nested_stuff]).as_json[:user]

Sorry for replying late. Don't know why I didn't get an email!

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Bajena commented Jan 5, 2019

Hey, I digged in this topic a bit and created a plugin for ActiveModelSerializers -

It eliminates the problem that @lucasmaso mentioned in his comment :)

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