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Created December 12, 2023 08:51
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract BaccaratMultiTable {
address public admin;
struct Table {
uint256 NoOfGamers;
uint256 lossLimitPercentage;
bool tableClosed;
uint256 investmentSeats;
uint256 investmentCostPerSeat;
uint256 winnersReturnMultiplier;
HouseDetails house;
Gamer[] gamersList;
mapping(address => Gamer) gamerDetails;
Banker banker;
struct HouseDetails {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
struct Gamer {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
bool hasPlayed;
uint256 winMultiplier;
uint256 bet;
struct Banker {
uint256 totalBets;
uint256 totalInvestments;
Gamer[] gamersListMemory;
mapping(uint256 => Table) public tables;
uint256 public tableCount;
event TableCreated(
address indexed admin,
uint256 tableId,
uint256 NoOfGamers,
uint256 lossLimitPercentage
event TableClosed(uint256 tableId, bool tableClosed);
event HouseInvested(
uint256 tableId,
address indexed houseAccount,
uint256 houseInvestmentAmount
event SeatTaken(uint256 tableId, address indexed gamer, uint256 investment);
event GamerDetails(
uint256 tableId,
address indexed gamer,
uint256 investment,
uint256 profit,
uint256 loss
event SeatPurchased(
uint256 tableId,
address indexed investor,
uint256 seatsPurchased,
uint256 totalCost
event BetPlaced(uint256 tableId, address indexed gamer, uint256 betAmount);
event Payout(uint256 tableId, address indexed gamer, uint256 payout);
modifier onlyAdmin() {
require(msg.sender == admin, "Not authorized");
constructor() {
admin = msg.sender;
function createTable(
uint256 _NoOfGamers,
uint256 _lossLimitPercentage,
uint256 _investmentSeats,
uint256 _investmentCostPerSeat,
uint256 _winnersReturnMultiplier
) external onlyAdmin {
Table storage newTable = tables[tableCount];
newTable.NoOfGamers = _NoOfGamers;
newTable.lossLimitPercentage = _lossLimitPercentage;
newTable.tableClosed = false;
newTable.investmentSeats = _investmentSeats;
newTable.investmentCostPerSeat = _investmentCostPerSeat;
newTable.winnersReturnMultiplier = _winnersReturnMultiplier; = HouseDetails({
account: address(0),
investment: 0,
profit: 0,
loss: 0
// Initialize gamersList by pushing elements from the memory array to the storage array
for (uint256 i = 0; i < gamersListMemory.length; i++) {
// Note: You don't need to initialize gamerDetails mapping separately; it's created automatically
newTable.banker = Banker({totalBets: 0, totalInvestments: 0});
emit TableCreated(admin, tableCount, _NoOfGamers, _lossLimitPercentage);
function closeTable(uint256 tableId) external onlyAdmin {
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table already closed");
table.tableClosed = true;
emit TableClosed(tableId, true);
function manageHouseInvestment(
uint256 tableId,
address investor,
uint256 seatsToPurchase
) external onlyAdmin {
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table is closed");
seatsToPurchase > 0,
"Number of seats to purchase must be greater than zero"
uint256 totalCost = seatsToPurchase * table.investmentCostPerSeat;
totalCost <= table.NoOfGamers,
"Insufficient funds to purchase seats"
table.NoOfGamers -= totalCost;
emit SeatPurchased(tableId, investor, seatsToPurchase, totalCost);
function joinTable(
uint256 tableId,
address gamerAddress,
uint256 bet
) external {
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table is closed");
table.gamersList.length < table.NoOfGamers,
"All seats are taken"
table.gamerDetails[gamerAddress].account == address(0),
"Gamer already has a seat"
uint256 minInvestmentPerSeat = table.NoOfGamers / table.investmentSeats;
require(minInvestmentPerSeat > 0, "Invalid total funds or seats");
uint256 finalInvestment = bet > minInvestmentPerSeat
? bet
: minInvestmentPerSeat;
finalInvestment > minInvestmentPerSeat,
"Custom investment must be higher than the minimum preset"
Gamer memory newGamer = Gamer({
account: gamerAddress,
investment: finalInvestment,
profit: 0,
loss: 0,
hasPlayed: false,
winMultiplier: 0,
bet: finalInvestment
table.gamerDetails[gamerAddress] = newGamer;
table.banker.totalBets += finalInvestment;
emit SeatTaken(tableId, gamerAddress, finalInvestment);
emit BetPlaced(tableId, gamerAddress, finalInvestment);
function manageGamerAction(
uint256 tableId,
address gamerAddress,
bool win
) external {
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table is closed");
table.gamerDetails[gamerAddress].account != address(0),
"Gamer not found"
"Gamer has already played"
Gamer storage gamer = table.gamerDetails[gamerAddress];
gamer.hasPlayed = true;
if (win) {
gamer.profit = gamer.investment;
gamer.loss = 0;
} else {
gamer.profit = 0;
gamer.loss = gamer.investment;
if (win) { += gamer.investment;
} else { += gamer.investment;
emit GamerDetails(
if (!win && gamer.loss >= calculateLossLimit(tableId)) {
uint256 houseWinAmount = calculateLossLimit(tableId); += houseWinAmount;
table.NoOfGamers -= houseWinAmount;
emit GamerDetails(
if (table.tableClosed || (win && shouldGamerWin(tableId))) {
gamer.winMultiplier = table.winnersReturnMultiplier;
uint256 payout = * gamer.winMultiplier;
table.banker.totalBets -=;
table.banker.totalInvestments += payout;
emit Payout(tableId, gamerAddress, payout);
function shouldGamerWin(uint256 tableId) public view returns (bool) {
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
return table.tableClosed;
function getTableDetails(uint256 tableId)
returns (
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
return (
function calculateLossLimit(uint256 tableId) public view returns (uint256) {
Table storage table = tables[tableId];
return (table.NoOfGamers * table.lossLimitPercentage) / 100;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract BaccaratPoolManager {
address public admin;
// Details for houseRoll
struct HouseDetails {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
// Details for gamers
struct Gamer {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
// Details for each table
struct TableDetails {
uint256 totalFunds;
uint256 seats;
uint256 lossLimitPercentage;
bool tableClosed;
HouseDetails house;
mapping(address => Gamer) gamers;
Gamer[] gamersArray;
// Mapping to store table details by table ID
mapping(uint256 => TableDetails) public tables;
uint256 public tableCount;
event TableCreated(
uint256 indexed tableId,
address indexed admin,
uint256 totalFunds,
uint256 seats,
uint256 lossLimitPercentage
event TableClosed(uint256 indexed tableId, bool tableClosed);
event HouseInvested(
uint256 indexed tableId,
address indexed houseAccount,
uint256 houseInvestmentAmount
event SeatTaken(uint256 indexed tableId, address indexed gamer, uint256 investment);
event GamerDetails(
uint256 indexed tableId,
address indexed gamer,
uint256 investment,
uint256 profit,
uint256 loss
modifier onlyAdmin() {
require(msg.sender == admin, "Not authorized");
constructor() {
admin = msg.sender;
function createTable(
uint256 _totalFunds,
uint256 _seats,
uint256 _lossLimitPercentage
) external onlyAdmin {
TableDetails storage newTable = tables[tableCount];
newTable.totalFunds = _totalFunds;
newTable.seats = _seats;
newTable.lossLimitPercentage = _lossLimitPercentage;
newTable.tableClosed = false; = HouseDetails({
account: address(0),
investment: 0,
profit: 0,
loss: 0
emit TableCreated(tableCount, admin, _totalFunds, _seats, _lossLimitPercentage);
function closeTable(uint256 tableId) external onlyAdmin {
TableDetails storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table already closed");
table.tableClosed = true;
emit TableClosed(tableId, table.tableClosed);
function manageHouseInvestment(
uint256 tableId,
address houseAccount,
uint256 investment
) external onlyAdmin {
TableDetails storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(investment > 0, "Investment must be greater than zero");
if (houseAccount == admin) { = HouseDetails({
account: houseAccount,
investment: investment,
profit: 0,
loss: 0
emit HouseInvested(tableId, houseAccount, investment);
} else {
revert("Invalid house account");
function manageGamerAction(
uint256 tableId,
address gamerAddress,
uint256 investment,
bool win
) external {
TableDetails storage table = tables[tableId];
require(!table.tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(investment > 0, "Investment must be greater than zero");
require(table.gamersArray.length < table.seats, "All seats are taken");
require(table.gamers[gamerAddress].account == address(0), "Gamer already has a seat");
// Store gamer details
Gamer memory newGamer = Gamer({
account: gamerAddress,
investment: investment,
profit: win ? investment : 0,
loss: win ? 0 : investment
// Store gamer details by address
table.gamers[gamerAddress] = newGamer;
// Store gamer address and investment together
emit SeatTaken(tableId, gamerAddress, investment);
emit GamerDetails(tableId, gamerAddress, investment, newGamer.profit, newGamer.loss);
// Update house roll
if (win) { += investment;
} else { += investment;
function getTableDetails(uint256 tableId)
returns (
TableDetails storage table = tables[tableId];
return (
function calculateLossLimit(uint256 tableId) public view returns (uint256) {
TableDetails storage table = tables[tableId];
return (table.totalFunds * table.lossLimitPercentage) / 100;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract BaccaratPoolTable {
address public admin;
uint256 public NoOfGamers;
uint256 public lossLimitPercentage;
bool public tableClosed;
uint256 public investmentSeats;
uint256 public investmentCostPerSeat;
uint256 public winnersReturnMultiplier;
// Details for houseRoll
struct HouseDetails {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
HouseDetails public house;
// Details for gamers
struct Gamer {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
bool hasPlayed; // Flag to track whether the gamer has played or not
uint256 winMultiplier; // Multiplier for the gamer's win
uint256 bet; // Gamer's bet on the table
Gamer[] public gamersList;
mapping(address => Gamer) public gamerDetails; // Mapping to store gamer details by address
// Banker to manage bets and payouts
struct Banker {
uint256 totalBets;
uint256 totalInvestments;
Banker public banker;
event TableCreated(
address indexed admin,
uint256 NoOfGamers,
uint256 lossLimitPercentage
event TableClosed(bool tableClosed);
event HouseInvested(
address indexed houseAccount,
uint256 houseInvestmentAmount
event SeatTaken(address indexed gamer, uint256 investment);
event GamerDetails(
address indexed gamer,
uint256 investment,
uint256 profit,
uint256 loss
event SeatPurchased(address indexed investor, uint256 seatsPurchased, uint256 totalCost);
event BetPlaced(address indexed gamer, uint256 betAmount);
event Payout(address indexed gamer, uint256 payout);
modifier onlyAdmin() {
require(msg.sender == admin, "Not authorized");
uint256 _NoOfGamers,
uint256 _lossLimitPercentage,
uint256 _investmentSeats,
uint256 _investmentCostPerSeat,
uint256 _winnersReturnMultiplier
) {
admin = msg.sender;
NoOfGamers = _NoOfGamers;
lossLimitPercentage = _lossLimitPercentage;
tableClosed = false;
investmentSeats = _investmentSeats;
investmentCostPerSeat = _investmentCostPerSeat;
winnersReturnMultiplier = _winnersReturnMultiplier;
emit TableCreated(admin, _NoOfGamers, _lossLimitPercentage);
function closeTable() external onlyAdmin {
require(!tableClosed, "Table already closed");
tableClosed = true;
emit TableClosed(tableClosed);
function manageHouseInvestment(address investor, uint256 seatsToPurchase) external onlyAdmin {
require(!tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(seatsToPurchase > 0, "Number of seats to purchase must be greater than zero");
// Calculate the total cost for the investor to purchase seats
uint256 totalCost = seatsToPurchase * investmentCostPerSeat;
// Ensure the investor has enough funds
require(totalCost <= NoOfGamers, "Insufficient funds to purchase seats");
// Update total funds
NoOfGamers -= totalCost;
// Emit event for seat purchase
emit SeatPurchased(investor, seatsToPurchase, totalCost);
function joinTable(address gamerAddress, uint256 bet) external {
require(!tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(gamersList.length < NoOfGamers, "All seats are taken");
require(gamerDetails[gamerAddress].account == address(0), "Gamer already has a seat");
// Calculate minimum investment per seat
uint256 minInvestmentPerSeat = NoOfGamers / investmentSeats;
require(minInvestmentPerSeat > 0, "Invalid total funds or seats");
// Set the gamer's investment to the higher of the preset minimum or the custom investment
uint256 finalInvestment = bet > minInvestmentPerSeat ? bet : minInvestmentPerSeat;
// Ensure the custom investment is higher than the minimum preset
require(finalInvestment > minInvestmentPerSeat, "Custom investment must be higher than the minimum preset");
// Store gamer details
Gamer memory newGamer = Gamer({
account: gamerAddress,
investment: finalInvestment,
profit: 0,
loss: 0,
hasPlayed: false,
winMultiplier: 0,
bet: finalInvestment // Initialize the gamer's bet on the table
// Store gamer details by address
gamerDetails[gamerAddress] = newGamer;
// Update banker's total bets
banker.totalBets += finalInvestment;
// Store gamer address and investment together
emit SeatTaken(gamerAddress, finalInvestment);
emit BetPlaced(gamerAddress, finalInvestment);
function manageGamerAction(address gamerAddress, bool win) external {
require(!tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(gamerDetails[gamerAddress].account != address(0), "Gamer not found");
require(!gamerDetails[gamerAddress].hasPlayed, "Gamer has already played");
// Update gamer details
Gamer storage gamer = gamerDetails[gamerAddress];
gamer.hasPlayed = true;
// Set win and loss based on the provided parameter
if (win) {
gamer.profit = gamer.investment;
gamer.loss = 0;
} else {
gamer.profit = 0;
gamer.loss = gamer.investment;
// Update house roll
if (win) {
house.loss += gamer.investment;
} else {
house.profit += gamer.investment;
emit GamerDetails(gamerAddress, gamer.investment, gamer.profit, gamer.loss);
// Check if the gamer's loss triggers the house investor win
if (!win && gamer.loss >= calculateLossLimit()) {
uint256 houseWinAmount = calculateLossLimit();
house.loss += houseWinAmount;
NoOfGamers -= houseWinAmount;
emit GamerDetails(house.account, house.investment, house.profit, house.loss);
// Check if the table is closed or the gamer wins
if (tableClosed || (win && shouldGamerWin())) {
// If the table is closed or the gamer wins, update the win boolean
gamer.winMultiplier = winnersReturnMultiplier;
// Calculate payout for the gamer
uint256 payout = * gamer.winMultiplier;
// Update gamer's profit and banker's total investments
gamer.profit += payout;
banker.totalInvestments += payout;
// Emit payout event
emit Payout(gamerAddress, payout);
function shouldGamerWin() public view returns (bool) {
// Implement your logic to determine if the gamer should win based on your game rules
// For now, let's assume the gamer always wins if the table is closed
return tableClosed;
function getTableDetails() external view returns (
uint256, // NoOfGamers
uint256, // lossLimitPercentage
uint256, // investmentSeats
uint256, // investmentCostPerSeat
bool, // tableClosed
uint256, // house.investment
uint256, // house.profit
uint256, // house.loss
uint256, // gamersList.length
uint256, // winnersReturnMultiplier
uint256, // banker.totalBets
uint256 // banker.totalInvestments
) {
return (
function calculateLossLimit() public view returns (uint256) {
return (NoOfGamers * lossLimitPercentage) / 100;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract BaccaratPoolTable {
address public admin;
uint256 public totalFunds;
uint256 public maxGamers;
uint256 public lossLimitPercentage;
bool public tableClosed;
uint256 public winnersReturnMultiplier;
// Details for houseRoll
struct HouseDetails {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
HouseDetails public house;
// Details for gamers
struct Gamer {
address account;
uint256 investment;
uint256 profit;
uint256 loss;
bool hasPlayed; // Flag to track whether the gamer has played or not
uint256 winningNumber; // Number associated with the win
mapping(address => Gamer) public gamerDetails; // Mapping to store gamer details by address
Gamer[] public gamers;
event TableCreated(
address indexed admin,
uint256 totalFunds,
uint256 maxGamers,
uint256 lossLimitPercentage,
uint256 winnersReturnMultiplier
event TableClosed(bool tableClosed);
event HouseInvested(
address indexed houseAccount,
uint256 houseInvestmentAmount
event SeatTaken(address indexed gamer, uint256 investment);
event GamerDetails(
address indexed gamer,
uint256 investment,
uint256 profit,
uint256 loss
event WinnersReturnMultiplierSet(uint256 winnersReturnMultiplier);
modifier onlyAdmin() {
require(msg.sender == admin, "Not authorized");
uint256 _totalFunds,
uint256 _maxGamers,
uint256 _lossLimitPercentage,
uint256 _winnersReturnMultiplier
) {
admin = msg.sender;
totalFunds = _totalFunds;
maxGamers = _maxGamers;
lossLimitPercentage = _lossLimitPercentage;
tableClosed = false;
winnersReturnMultiplier = _winnersReturnMultiplier;
emit TableCreated(admin, _totalFunds, _maxGamers, _lossLimitPercentage, _winnersReturnMultiplier);
function closeTable() external onlyAdmin {
require(!tableClosed, "Table already closed");
tableClosed = true;
emit TableClosed(tableClosed);
function setWinnersReturnMultiplier(uint256 multiplier) external onlyAdmin {
require(multiplier > 0, "Multiplier must be greater than zero");
winnersReturnMultiplier = multiplier;
emit WinnersReturnMultiplierSet(multiplier);
function manageHouseInvestment(address houseAccount, uint256 investment) external onlyAdmin {
require(!tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(investment > 0, "Investment must be greater than zero");
if (houseAccount == admin) {
house = HouseDetails({
account: houseAccount,
investment: investment,
profit: 0,
loss: 0
emit HouseInvested(houseAccount, investment);
} else {
revert("Invalid house account");
function joinTable(address gamerAddress, uint256 bet) external {
require(!tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(gamers.length < maxGamers, "All gamers' seats are taken");
require(gamerDetails[gamerAddress].account == address(0), "Gamer already has a seat");
// Calculate minimum investment per gamer's seat
uint256 minInvestmentPerGamer = totalFunds / maxGamers;
require(minInvestmentPerGamer > 0, "Invalid total funds or maxGamers");
// Set the gamer's investment to the higher of the preset minimum or the custom bet
uint256 finalInvestment = bet > minInvestmentPerGamer ? bet : minInvestmentPerGamer;
// Ensure the custom bet is higher than the minimum preset
require(finalInvestment > minInvestmentPerGamer, "Custom bet must be higher than the minimum preset");
// Store gamer details
Gamer memory newGamer = Gamer({
account: gamerAddress,
investment: finalInvestment,
profit: 0,
loss: 0,
hasPlayed: false,
winningNumber: 0
// Store gamer details by address
gamerDetails[gamerAddress] = newGamer;
// Store gamer address and investment together
emit SeatTaken(gamerAddress, finalInvestment);
function manageGamerAction(address gamerAddress, uint256 winningNumber) external {
require(!tableClosed, "Table is closed");
require(gamerDetails[gamerAddress].account != address(0), "Gamer not found");
require(!gamerDetails[gamerAddress].hasPlayed, "Gamer has already played");
// Update gamer details
Gamer storage gamer = gamerDetails[gamerAddress];
gamer.hasPlayed = true;
gamer.winningNumber = winningNumber;
gamer.profit = winningNumber > 0 ? gamer.investment * winnersReturnMultiplier : 0;
gamer.loss = winningNumber > 0 ? 0 : gamer.investment;
// Update house roll
if (winningNumber > 0) {
house.loss += gamer.investment;
} else {
house.profit += gamer.investment;
emit GamerDetails(gamerAddress, gamer.investment, gamer.profit, gamer.loss);
function getTableDetails() external view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256) {
return (totalFunds, maxGamers, lossLimitPercentage, tableClosed, house.investment, house.profit, house.loss, gamers.length, winnersReturnMultiplier);
function calculateLossLimit() public view returns (uint256) {
return (totalFunds * lossLimitPercentage) / 100;
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