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Created September 16, 2018 20:16
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* Listener for 433MHz "HomeWizard" signals (on a Raspi).
* Created as did not work for me.
* License: GPLv3.
* _ _
* '0': | |_| |_____ (T,T,T,5T)
* _ _
* '1': | |_____| |_ (T,5T,T,T)
* - start pulse: 1T high, 10T low
* - 26 bit: Address
* - 1 bit: group bit
* - 1 bit: on/off/[dim]
* - 4 bit: unit
* - stop pulse: 1T high, 40T low
* /
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
const int PIN = 2;
static unsigned int nReceivedValue; // decoded val
/* //debug:
const int DUR_BUF_SIZE = 64;
static unsigned int DUR_BUF[DUR_BUF_SIZE];
static unsigned int DUR_BUF_POINT = 0;*/
void handleInterrupt() {
static unsigned long lastTime = 0;
static unsigned int recvBuff = 0;
static unsigned char state = 0;
static unsigned int pulse_len_short_max;
static unsigned int pulse_len_long_max;
static unsigned int pulse_len_sync_max;
const long time = micros();
const unsigned int duration = time - lastTime;
if (duration < 100) return; //jitter
if (1==digitalRead(PIN))
//rising -> delay is signal
if (duration < pulse_len_short_max) {
if (state==1)
state='0';//this was the fist pause of '0'
}else if (state=='1')
recvBuff = (recvBuff << 1) | 1;
state=1;//this was the second pause of '1'
}else state=0;
}else if (duration < pulse_len_long_max) {
if (state==1)
state='1';//this was the fist pause of '1'
}else if (state=='0')
recvBuff = recvBuff << 1;
state=1;//this was the second pause of '0'
}else state=0;
}else if (duration < pulse_len_sync_max) {
recvBuff = 0;
}else {
//longer than everything
if (state==1)
//also we had something in the past -> this must be the end
nReceivedValue = recvBuff;
state = 0;
/*if (state==1 || DUR_BUF_POINT > 0)
//falling -> delay is sync (HIGH is alway of duration T)
if (240 < duration && duration < 280)
unsigned int pulseD = duration;
pulse_len_short_max = pulseD * 3;
pulse_len_long_max = pulseD * 7.5;
pulse_len_sync_max = pulseD * 12;
lastTime = time;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// This pin is not the first pin on the RPi GPIO header!
// Consult
// for more information.
if(wiringPiSetup() == -1) {
printf("wiringPiSetup failed, exiting...");
return 0;
// Receiver on interrupt 0 => that is pin #2
nReceivedValue = 0;
wiringPiISR(PIN, INT_EDGE_BOTH, &handleInterrupt);
while(1) {
if (nReceivedValue != 0) {
printf("%u\n", nReceivedValue );
for(int i=0;i<DUR_BUF_SIZE;i++)
printf("%i\t", DUR_BUF[i] );
nReceivedValue = 0;
for(int i=1;i<DUR_BUF_SIZE;i+=2)
nReceivedValue = nReceivedValue << 1;
if (DUR_BUF[i]==49)
nReceivedValue |= 1;
printf("%i", DUR_BUF[i]-48 );
printf("\n%u\n", nReceivedValue );*/
nReceivedValue = 0;
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