This is a compiled collection of common Japanese SFXs (sound effects or onomatopoeia).
This collection uses mostly Romaji transliterations. Some SFXs can be used in combination with other SFXs; some of them, or combinations thereof, can be written separately for emphasis within the same panel (example: do-ki-, ドッ キッ ), but can be considered part of the same action; some use repeated sub-elements or prolongation characters (ー) within them. All interjections can be written differently, usually to indicate particularly strong or repeated stimulation. For example, a cho in isolation is almost certainly a truncated version of chotto, where the speaker was distracted from finishing the word. A prolongation of a character, on the other hand, often implies lazy, harsh, or sloppy pronunciation, or possibly even a scream. Because of this, many SFXs can have multiple meanings, depending on the action drawn, as well as one's interpretation of that action.
a: general interjection and versatile component of moans and surprise: Oh, Uh, Ah.
a- aー: yawn
- exclamation of surprise, alarm, amazement, relief, frustration, fury: Oh! Ack! Agh! Ah! Argh!
- inarticulate sound of pain or passion: Ah! Oh!
aaaa!: same as above, but more so.
aa: Agree!, I see! Yes, Yeah, Okay, Sure. Used when you agree with something/someone.
aaan, aa(aaa)(h)n: opening the mouth wide, as in "Say aah!" Used when feeding or being fed by someone.
aan, an, an an: Ahn; cry of passion (see a!)
acha: remorse, as if to say "Now I've done it"
achi, achiiii: Huh?
acho-: Chinese action movie kick sound.
afu: yawn, sigh, haa
aga: another exclamation of surprise or alarm: Agh! Aah!
agi agi: bite bite, gnaw, sink your cute little fangs into (see also agu agu, kaji)
agu: SFX for a grunt
agu agu: bite bite (see also agi agi, kaji)
- normal laughter variation;
- nervous laugh.
aha-n, ahha-n: a single, seductive moan (can be comical)
aka, akaa: blush, red. Blushing from embarrassment
akkanbe-: suck it~!
aku seku: toil, drudge, restless
anguri: open-mouth, stunned, dumbfounded
appu appu: gasp, struggle
arayo, arayotto, hoisatto: hup, up we get, off we go, here we go. Note: These are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time.
aree: Huh?, Wha-?, What the...?
ari ari: sees clearly, to clearly see in one's mind's eye.
arya: Huh?, Eh?, Ouch.
ase, aset- ( あせっ ): Note: [ase] comes from the word that literally means "sweat" (あせ).
- sweat, perspire;
- bewildered, upset, flappable, flustered.
- light, plain, delicate;
- without thinking, simply, frankly, quickly;
- plain appearance, light appearance, delicate appearance.
- panic panic;
- hastily, omg omg.
atozusawa ( あとずさわ ):
- looking ahead to be left behind;
- flinch;
- inch backwards, impatiently approaches; it can also mean to inch backwards, the opposite of jiri jiri (when someone is growing impatient with stubbornness and is approaching).
awa, awa awa: awawa; panicky, flustered
- sudden impact; English equivalents would be: bam, bang, crash, ka-boom, thump, thud, wham, whomp, etc. (see also bagu, baki, ban, bashi, bata, batan, bokan, bun, dan, doka, don, doshin, dote, ga, ka, kon, paka, pan, pashi, patan, poka, pon, to, ton, among others).
- unmask, reveal, show, appear (perhaps from the word "bakenokawawohagu": to unmask).
ba, baba:
- very sudden, abrupt, unexpected movement:
a) jolt, startle, aback;
b) also used when quickly grabbing something. - sudden realization (stronger action than ha).
bacha: splat, a wet impact sound. Impact [ba] + "light, wet impact sound" [cha, chaku]
bachi: crackle (see also bari, biri)
bachin, bachu, bachun: a slapping sound.
bafu: bff, bahf. Thud [ba] + "the sound of deflation or air cushion" [fu]. The sound heard when plopping onto a bed or couch or something soft.
bagu: impact
bain, ba-in, baiiiiin:
- artist's variation of boin, perhaps to be less derogatory: suddenly or revealing [ba] + sway [in];
- breasts exploding out of a brassiere, being displayed suddenly/profoundly; sort of like a trumpet fanfare for them (see boin).
baki: impact (one of the most common impact sounds) or other very loud sound.
baku, bakubaku, bakun:
- (variation of wakuwaku);
- sudden movement [ba] + rumbling [ku];
- tremble, shake, nervous.
bamu: stronger effect than hamu:
- bite, chew, gum, gnaw, nibble, glomp;
- the sound one makes when glomping onto something.
- impact or combustive sound: Bang! Bam!
- sometimes added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened (see also don);
- stronger action than pan.
bara, barabara:
- rattle rattle (see also chara chara, gara gara);
- scattered, dispersed, loose, disconnected, in pieces, in drops, rustling.
bari, bari bari:
- crunch, as in eating, mostly for chips (see also kori, pari, pori);
- scratch scratch (see also giri giri, kiri kiri);
- rip rip (see also biri biri);
- crackle, crackles of energy or electricity, just like biri biri. Pari pari is a quieter crackle, just as pori is a quieter crunch than bari (see also bachi).
basa, basa basa:
- rustling, e.g. cloth sliding, paper moving (see also pasa);
- be dry;
- loose.
bashan: medium splash (see also zabun for a very big splash)
bashi, bashito: impact. SFX: Bash; see also nashi, pashi
bashi, bashi bashi:
- the sound of smacking someone (on the head, often repeatedly).
- (best guess; as an adjective):
a) hard hitting, constant hitting, successive hitting;
b) from the kun reading of 矼, meaning serious mind; in all seriousness, with seriousness, as in knocking some sense.
bashu: splashing sound
basshaa ( バッシャアア ): big splash, like from a big bucket of water being poured
basu, bassu ( ばす, ばっす ):
- (best guess) impact sound similar to dosu;
- impact [ba] + slipping sound [su].
basun ( ばすんっ ): thump, maybe. impact sound similar to dosun.
bata, batan:
- impact, often used for falling down;
- door slam (see also patan).
bata bata:
- flip-flap (sound of flapping wings);
- flail, waving arms;
- to bustle about;
- rattling, clattering;
- commotion, kerfuffle, making noise.
batchiri: precise, proper, accurate
becha, becha becha:
- chattering, prattling;
- gooey, messy (from mud, ink, etc).
becho: dropping something. Note: it means dropping something sticky (and see beto beto)
becho, bechoo: wet, licking, lapping (see also pecho)
bee, bee da: display of rudeness. What you say when you stick out your tongue and pull down your eyelid at someone. From "Bero bero akkan-bee (or akanbei)." Like the mocking Western "nya nya!"
beko beko:
- empty, hungry;
- lifeless, void.
ben ben:
- protuberant, paunchy;
- bend, arch. Note: used in a scene where someone is bending a (foam) bat back and forth in a fit of anger.
bero: peeling back
bero bero: licking over and over (stronger than pero)
besha: combination of smack and swipe, especially with something wet and sticky
betari: people or objects that stick together (physically or metaphorically)
beto beto: sticky, gummy
- tug, jerk;
- a quick movement.
bi, biiii: high-pitched sound: shriek, wail, beep (see also kiiii)
bicha bicha: small splash (see also bashan for medium splash, zabun for big splash)
bichi bichi: flopping, smacking
bika: ogle (from "bika" glorification; "bikan" fine view, beautiful sight, "bikachou" amorous man)
biki, bikiki:
- perhaps used as a "twitching" SFX, an alternative to biku: tug, jerk [bi] + squeak, creak [ki];
- crackling sound (as in splitting of a rock).
biku, bikun, bikkun:
- surprise, startle (see also piku);
- generally used as a "twitching" SFX, it expresses the hard and fast contraction of muscles when startled.
- afraid, timid, nervous, fearful. (Possible SFXs: twitch, jerk, spasm, jolt, shiver, tremble, shake, start, startle)
bikun: slower than biku where the muscles contract in a wider area (see also biku, hiku, hikun, piku, pikun)
- possibly from the word "binta", meaning "a slap in the face", representing the sharp sting or shock of such;
- disturb from On reading of 紊;
- equip, provision, preparation from Kun reading (nanori) of 備.
bin, bin bin: erect. Shortened from "binbinkuru", meaning to get an erection, a hard-on.
bira, bira bira:
- open, reveal. Used when unfolding, opening, or unsealing something (see also hira, pira).
- flutter (see also hira hira).
biri: electricity, energy
biri biri:
- tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a potato chip bag (see also bari, piri);
- like an electric shock: electrify, jolt, tingle, thrill, stir, charge;
- rattling.
biron: tongue hanging out
- splash;
- squidge;
- possibly an alternative to bashi, such as a smack or slam;
- a slight shiver or quiver (as in heebie jeebies).
- whip, slap, smack, depending on the degree of power.
- a relentless, adamant, forceful action.
bita, bitan: soft impact. Used when arms are pressed against a window.
biu biu:
- whooshing or wailing (like wind wailing);
- (guess) shooting (as in pew pew);
- slurping.
- flame, fire (see also gooo, guooo, po). Note: "bo" is like the "whoosh" of a gas range turned on (stronger action than po);
- blushing (as in a sudden rise or flash in body temperature);
- sluggish and exhausted (see also doyon);
- an impact sound (see also bogo).
bochan: kerplunk (see also pochan)
bochi bochi: something happening steadily, as in water dripping.
bogo: an impact or punching sound: impact [bo] + emphasis [go]. SFX: Sok! Bop!
bohu: impact [bo] + shake [huru]
boin, boin boin: breasts exploding out of a brassiere or being displayed suddenly and profoundly. Sort of like a trumpet's fanfare for them.
bokan: sudden impact
boketto: gazing vacantly
boko, boko boko:
- boiling, bubbling;
- any popping or bursting sound (see also buku);
- burbling, murmuring;
- hollow (sounding);
- holey, full of holes.
- strong puffs of steam, smoke, imagery, or thoughts rising;
- blush harder, deeper, redder (see bowamu).
- soft impact (but firmer and stronger than pon);
- a medium popping sound;
- sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also pon/pom, dororonpa).
boo, bo~:
- dumbfounded;
- absent-minded, dazed (see bou).
bori, bori bori:
- munching or crunching sound, mostly about food;
- scratching sound, especially when scratching the head.
boro, boro boro ( ボロボロ ):
- worn out, crumbling;
- raggedy, tattered (clothing), scrappy looking, unkempt, disheveled, sloppy, etc.;
- to fall or appear in beads, grains, or drops (as in tears).
bosa bosa: unkempt, also sitting around lazily
boso boso:
- whispering, muttering; speaking in a hushed, unclear voice. Note: all of them what muttered sulky Japanese sounds, like "bananas bananas" said through the nose; because you don't complain out loud (see also busu, guzu, gyaa, musu);
- subdued, softened, quietly, relaxed;
- dry and crumbling.
bota: dripping, possibly something thick dripping, like blood (compare to pi, picha, po, pota; for thick liquid dripping see also dara dara)
bote: falling
boto, boto boto: more falling
botsu: whoosh
bou, bouzen:
- dumbfounded;
- absent-minded, dazed.
- stronger puffs of steam, smoke, imagery, or thoughts rising;
- blush harder, deeper, redder (see bomu).
- impact sound;
- to stroke, pat, smoothen;
- an incomprehensible, oral blurt or spritz (spray of spit or other liquid ejected from the mouth), usually when taken by surprise;
- swollen (short from buyo or buku).
bu, buu, bubu:
- a buzzer sound, as used in game shows; usually made by one character when the other makes a wrong guess.
- used to show discontent over a situation, sometimes translated as "boo" (Example: Mother: "Eat your broccoli, Ana-chan. It's good for you." Ana-chan: "Bu.").
- a muffled vibrating sound;
- humming, buzzing (see also vuvuvu).
bubo: collide, strike (from butsukaru) [bu]+ sudden impact (from bokan or bogo) [bo]
bubyu, bubyu-: shiver [bu] + spurt, pump [byu] (a stronger action than bupyu)
bucha, bucha bucha:
- wet and squishy sound. SFX: squelch, slsh, slosh;
- the wet sound of something being smashed or splattered, splat, splut.
buchi, buchi buchi:
- snap. Can be used metaphorically, such as when someone snaps under the pressure of learning he's a father;
- ripping, tearing sound.
- kiss (see also chu, nchu, uchu);
- (see bucha);
- wet sucking sound;
- impact [bu] + suck sound [chu] (reverse action of chubu).
buku, buku buku:
- swelling, something swollen (see also puku);
- boiling, bubbling.
bui: alternative sound of fingers making the V/Y-sign (see vui)
bunchachacha: beats of music. Bun bun are slow beats and cha cha quick beats. (see also runtata)
bun, buun: swish
buo ( ブオ): roar
bupu- ( ブプッ): an impact sound
bupyu, bupyu-: shiver + spurt, pump
bura, bura bura: swing, sway, swagger. Example: the sound a drunken person makes as they swagger down the street.
buran: Note: [bu] means the object is heavy, [pu] means the object is light (see also puran).
- hanging, dangling;
- swinging, swaying.
- hanging, dangling flabbily;
- swinging, swaying slowly or with higher amplitude. sez: bu means the object is heavy, pu means the object is light. (see also puraan).
burororo: sound of a loud motor, as of an automobile (see also oooo)
buru, buru buru:
- shivering with cold or fear, shaking, trembling;
- a head being shaken violently in the negative.
burun- ( ぶるんっ ):
- something heavy (i.e. breasts) shaking, jiggling;
- also used for dramatic effect (i.e. when exposing large breasts; see also purun).
buryu: a smooth stroke [bu] + forceful [ryu] movement (see also muryu)
busha, bushaa: spraying sound, emphasis or strong burst [bu] + spray [sha].
bushu, bushu bushu: the sound of something steaming
busu busu: the sound of something smoldering or smoking. Used for the embers after fire attacks. (see also pusu pusu)
busu, busu busu, usuto, butsu: grumble, muttered complaining, sputtering (see boso, butsu, guzu, gyaa, musu)
butsu butsu:
- grumble, muttered complaining, sputtering (see boso, busu, guzu, gyaa, musu);
- grumble to oneself, in thought;
- spottily, intermittently, erratically, brokenly.
buun: buzz, whir (as of an insect)
- cry, bawl. SFX: Bwah;
- teary, tears welling up;
- an expansive, explosive sound; the force of air from an explosion or gust.
buwa buwa: spongy, to bloat
buyo buyo: squishy and swollen, waterlogged
buwahaha: bwahaha, evil laugh, same as fwahaha, gahaha, gwahaha
byo, byon:
- springy, twangy movement. SFX: Poing!;
- stretchy, rubbery, pliable.
byokon: sudden springing movement [byo] + impact or snap back [kon].
byokun: (best guess) hard, strong spaz (see buyo buyo, byu, pyokonto, pyonpyon)
- quick movement, such as the leaps someone makes (see also hyu, gyu, pyu);
- squirting fast.
byu, byuuu: sudden gust (see also byuo)
byuo, byuooo: sudden gust; quick [byu] + howling wind [o].
byuku- ( びゅくっ ): strong ejaculation, release + rumbling (see also pyuku).
byuru- ( びゅるっ ): strong ejaculation, release.
cha, cha cha:
- (door related guesses)
a) the sound of air wafting through after a door opens, or
b) the sound of a door knob mechanism (see also chon-); - light footsteps (see also ta);
- stroking movement (much stronger than sha; see also sha).
chaku: wet, smacking sound
chapon, chapu: plunk (water sound) (see also shapu)
chara chara: rattle, clatter, jingle (see also bara bara, gara gara)
chi, ch':
- Various translators:
- "I think of it as a tongue-clicking noise: Tch, Tsk."
- "It means 'Shit'."
- "I think it's better translated as 'Damn' since it's about the equivalent in vulgarity."
- "Probably a 'Mm', vocal referent, would you call it? 'To chikushou', another of the 'oh shit' words."
- The shortened from "chikusho", often defined as a swear words like shit or damn; "ku" can be treated much the same way.
chi, chi chi, chichichi:
- how you call a cat;
- high shrill noise.
chi, chiiin, chi---n: a high shrill noise, such as blowing one's nose hard
chibi: small sized, +[ko] if a girl
- sound of a sharp object appearing;
- (guess) sound of something protruding.
chiku, chiku chiku ( チクチク ):
- the sound of hand-sewing: the poking of a needle [chi] + dragging sound of thread running through fabric [ku];
- a small or slight smacking sound ("kuchi" written in reverse);
- simply, the sound of poking;
- used to emphasize an action or object as being little or slight, such as a headache or pain (compare to gan);
- a prickling pain.
chipa, chipa chipa ( ちぱ ): (guess) slurp or light suck
chippo, dippo ( ぢっぽ ): (guess) tight or hard suck, pucker
chira, chirari, chiron: glance, a quick sideways glance
chira chira: fluttering, flickering, intermittently
chiri ( チリ ): flickering, crackling or smoldering heat (of a cigarette burning)
chiri chiri:
- curly, frizzy, crinkle;
- tingle of heat, shiver of cold (see also zoku for shiver).
chirin, chiri chirin: chime, door chime, bell sound
chiro, chiru (guesses):
- to scatter, to disperse, to fall. Based on "chiro" ( 散る );
- fluttering, flickering, intermittently. Form of the word "chirachira". SFX: flick;
- high pitch smacking sound.
chita ( ちたっ ): drip (see also tata)
chiyahoya: fuss over, butter up
choki choki: cutting, as with knives or scissors
chokon: small and quiet
chon, chon- ( ちょんっ ), chon chon ( ちょんちょん ):
- the sound of wood clappers clapping;
- sound of a door opening (see also cha-);
- tinker, fiddle, toy; used when a girl poke, prod or press the side a guy's penis and commenting on its elasticity (soft but firm); Note: possibly from chokkai, meaning to dabble, meddle, make a pass at.
choro choro: leaky, trickling sound
chotto, cho (lit. "little"):
- as in "I haven't approved of this yet": Hey[, wait];
- as in "I demand your attention": Wait [a minute, a second, a moment];
- basically, it's impolite to refuse anything outright so it's often used for semi-politely saying "No" in daily life.
chu: kiss (see also nchu, uchu, puchu, buchu)
chu: suck (as through a straw)
chubu: [chu] suck + (best guess) deep kiss [bu]
chuku, chukku-: (guess) suck [chu] + short [ku]; in any case, another smacking sound, "kuchu" written in reverse.
chun chun: chirp chirp (see also pii pii for peep peep)
chupa, chupat ( ちゅぱっ ):
- suck [chu] + pop out [pa] (smacking/opening of mouth, like in letting out Chupa Chups candie);
- mwah, a smacking kiss.
chupo ( ちゅぽ ), chuppo- ( ちゅっぽっ ): mwop, suck [chu] + popping/smacking [po].
chupu ( ちゅぷ ), chuupu: mwph, suck up
churo, churu: sucking sound (like sucking a noodle in)
- pulling out sound:
a) normally, [chu] is a sucking sound; this SFX was used immediately after a butt-plug was pulled out of a butt; guess it's still a sucking sound [churu] + a quick stop [n], albeit a sucking outward rather than inward; SFX: shtopr.
b) another variation SFX: shlup. - (guess) closing or tightening of something.
da: quick movement: running, rushing, dashing, etc.
da da da, daaaaaaaa: running away (see also do do do, ta, ta ta ta)
da---( だ:---), daaaa: continuous flowing of liquid, like tears, nasal drip, etc.
daba, daba daba: sound of liquid pouring into a glass; sound of liquid pouring from a bottle.
-dai: postfix for counting mechanical objects
dame, dame desu, dame da, dame dayo, dame dame:
Notes: something along "I forbid you to do that", but the range on this one is extremely wide, including negative kind of approval. If written imposingly enough, can potentially equate to screaming "Rape!" in English-speaking culture, but when more relaxed, the meaning can go all the way down to "You're just being silly/cute" (lit.: "no good", "hopeless", "cannot", or "not allowed").
- not a good thing/person, hopeless, wasted: This is bad. I'm wasted. You're useless! You, stupid thing! You are silly! You fail!
- not serving a purpose, useless, in vain, pointless: It's hopeless. It's pointless. There is no point. It's no use. I feel hopeless.
- can not, must not, should not, not allowed, no: Not like that. Noo[, you cannot]! Not anymore! Absolutely not! You cannot[ do that, do it]! Over my dead body! Rape! Stop! Enough!
- Must do, Need to do, Have to do.
dan: bang, boom, sudden impact
dara, dara dara:
- continuous dripping of thick liquid, like blood, sweat, saliva drool, etc. (see also doro, jo, jururu, zururu);
- listless, dull, languid, slack, lazy, sluggish, spiritless.
datto [ だっと ]:
- dash, run fast;
- at high speed, from dattonogotoku ( 脱兎のごとく ).
dehe ( でへ ): flirtatious grin, beam at goofily
den ( でん ): (best guess) a dramatic impact sound, like ban, but not as heavy
dere dere:
- sloppy, loose;
- to go goofy/tender over someone, to fawn.
- big impact;
- heartbeat, the loudest kind! (see also doki doki, dokun, tokun);
- pumping action, such as the heart beating or a penis ejaculating.
do do do do:
- footsteps, especially heavy footsteps, running (see also da);
- quick punches.
doba: to gush, to surge, to well up (stronger action than toba)
dobi: missed kick
dobi, dobit: spurting action, but quicker, shorter. guess: Emphasis [do] + contraction or spasm [biku].
dobo: emphasis or impact [go] + whooshing or impact sound (of water) [bo].
dofu, do fu (do hu) ( ドフ ): kapow, kaboom, kafwoosh; [fu] is a gust of air, and [do] emphasizes it. Note: This SFX is kinda like the explosive, bursting sound of a tank of tightly compressed air.
doga, dogan: impact sound; also used for dramatic impact.
dogo-, dogon, dogoo- ( ドゴオッ ):
- big punch, (karate) chop or kick, big impact;
- quick punch, impact or emphasis [do] + hard impact [go];
- used as a dramatic impact. SFX: Kapow! Whomp! Wop! Chop!.
doguon: an impact sound. Note: Possibly emphasis [do] + impact [gu] + reverberation [o] + sudden finality [n]. Used when an extremely large chunk of rock from a cliff comes crashing down blocking a ravine.
doka: hard impact (but not as hard as doga), wham, thud, bam
dokkari ( どっかり ): heavy impact (as in flumping in a chair)
doki, doki doki: badump, thump thump, heartbeat, nervousness, excitement (see also: dokun, tokun)
dokii: heartbeat, emphasize; heart skipping a beat; usually used to express surprise, shock, panic, etc.
doku, doku doku:
- the sound of pouring, running liquid into a hole, barrel, bowl, etc. (see also dokun, dokut);
- gushingly, copiously, profusely, in a steady stream;
- a pumping action (as in a heavy heartbeat).
- a strong heartbeat, badump (see also doki, tokun);
- sound of thick, slimy liquid pouring strongly and slowly.
dokut: sound of thick, slimy liquid pouring
- BIG impact;
- big blast or explosion;
- strong special effect:
a) sometimes added to a scene for dramatic effect, to show that something astonishing or important has happened (see also ban);
b) dramatic tension, impact;
c) explosive action (think of those one or two-note dramatic fanfares, like "Tada!", but with a more serious tone).
dondon: continuous action
- a low rumbling sound;
- the slow flow of heavy liquid.
dopi, dopit:
- spurting action, but quicker, shorter; (guess) emphasis [do] + contraction or spasm [piku]; maybe a shortened form of dopyu (see also dobi);
- one of the seven dwarves, along with Happi and Surippi.
dopu, doput: strong outgoing action/movement, often used for ejaculation SFX
dopyu, dopiu: spurt, gush (this is about fluid) Note: The "pyu" is the spurting (quick action, just like [pyu] on its own), and the [do] emphasizes it, just as in "dosu".
doro, doro doro:
- syrupy, muddled, sticky, silty;
- a continuous flow of thick liquid, like semen, sweat, saliva, or drool. SFX: ooze (see also dara, jo, jururu, zururu).
dororororo: sound of a car engine.
doron, dororonpa: the sound of magical transformation (see also bon, pon, pom)
dorya: something to yell as you attack: a fighting taunt or war cry (see also ora, orya, sorya, uraa)
dosa, dosha: thud of something heavy (often a person or body) hitting the floor
doshin: impact
dosshu: a cut through something hard
dosu, dosu-:
- spurting. Note: The [su] is the spurting, and the [do] emphasizes it (just as in dopyu);
- a plop, thud, or thump sound (similar to dosa).
dosun: a plop, thud, or thump sound, but with more finality [n] (see dosa)
dota, dota- ( ドタッ ), dotadota: running (usually in panic or confusion)
- running around wildly, as in panic or confusion (compare to jitabata for flailing);
- commotion, slapstick, clutter, clamor.
dote: impact, falling. Note: This sound is often used in reference to the frequent, usually comical falls toddler are always taking. With adults it means a careless, slapstick fall.
dou, dou dou: a roaring sound.
doyon: sluggish and exhausted, depressed (as: In low spirits: blue, dejected, desolate, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, dull, dysphoric, gloomy, heavy-hearted, low, melancholic, melancholy, sad, spiritless, tristful, unhappy, wistful.) (see also bo)
doza: thud of something heavy (often a person or body) hitting the floor (a heavier sound than dosa)
du, du-, dyu-, dju- ( づッ ): possibly thud or clunk. Used when objects hit the ground.
e! e?: what! huh? oh? Inarticulate surprise, when used with prolongation expresses higher levels of shock or disbelief. Can be translated as "Eh?" although the Japanese "E?" is less colloquial and informal than the Western "Eh?"
e, eeee: cry, wail, uwu (see also hu-e, miiii)
ee: yep, yeah, yes, okay, sure
eeto: (if said by a character) um, umm, erm, em, emm, er, uh. Note: Stuff you say while thinking of what to say next.
ehen: translated as both 'ahem!' and 'haha!'
- an idiomatic expression or interjection, used to express effort; especially a final, spurt of effort;
- a shriek;
- ei, ey, eii, eyy.
ei ei o: an idiomatic expression, used as a sort of cheer and/or chant when giving effort, especially as a team, towards a task or a goal. (Examples: Think of tug of war, chanting "Heave, heave, ho!" or, a team rally, cheering "We are number one!")
eku, eku eku, ekku, ekku ekku:
- eck, egk;
- (guess) spurts of sobbing, weeping; cry [e] + gasp, guttural stop or pause, or hiccup [ku / kku].
egu, egu egu, eggu, eggu eggu: (a stronger action thank eku)
Note: Some words or SFXs beginning with F, such as Fa or Fu are often interchangeable with SFXs beginning with H, such as Ha or Hu, respectively. Many definitions listed under F may also be listed under H.
fa: downy, move like smoke, waft (see also huwa huwa, huwari)
fasa: downy, wafting [fa] + rustling [sa]; soft, rustling sound of clothes dropping to the floor (an original SFX).
fo ( フォ ): shine, sparkle, twinkle
fu (hu):
- a slight, sudden movement, sound, or waft of air (kinda like when someone blows in your ear);
- whoosh.
fua (hua), fuwa, fa: yawn
fua fua: soft, light and fluffy, plump, airy, pillowy, bubbly (see also mofu mofu)
fu, fuu (hu, huu): fuh, huff, sigh, blowing breath out (as in blowing out a candle)
fu fu fu (hu hu hu): a strange laugh (see also ku ku ku, pu pu pu)
Note: The chuckle in the back of the throat.
fugo fugo: hum hum, mm mm, hm hm
fui, fuit ( フイッ ): a sudden or abrupt movement (see also hui)
fuka: bowing to someone (same as buka)
fuka fuka: fluffy, squeezable, mushy, soft
fuki fuki: wiping
fumi: step, stomp
fumu (humu): hmmph, hum, hmm, uh-huh (see also humu, umu)
funi, funi funi:
- step, stomp, squish (with foot);
- grope, squeeze, squish (with hand).
funka funka: sniff sniff, inhale (see also nku, kunka, hunka)
fura: yawn (see also fua)
fura: drift, move aimlessly
fura, fura fura:
- dizziness (see also kura, hura);
- wobble, totter (see hura), move aimlessly;
- dawdle.
fura, furi, furu: tremble, quiver (see also puru)
- abundant, soft hair;
- the touch and feel of abundant, soft hair.
fuwa, fuwa fuwa:
- (variation of fua fua);
- float away;
- restless, unsettled or fickle.
fuwa, fuwato: gentle movement, lifting or floating
fuwari, funwara: even gentler, calmer movement than fuwato
fwahaha: evil laugh, same as bwahaha, gahaha, gwahaha
ga ( ガ ), ga- ( ガッ ):
- impact kind of word;
- any strong, firm movements:
a) grab (see also gashi, gu, gui, gya, gyu, ku, kyu);
b) chomp or bite.
ga ga ga ga: strong, firm, rapid movements, perhaps like shaking when firing a machine gun.
- grab (see also gashi, gu, gui, gya, gyu, ku, kyu).
- sudden strong movement:
a) strong movement [ga] + emphasis or impact [ba] or
b) emphasis [ga] + abrupt movement [ba]. - surprise, shock, sudden blow.
gaba, gaba gaba:
- gurgling;
- too big (as of clothes).
gabin, gabiiin: impact or emphasis [ga] + smack, sharp pain, shock [bin].
gacha, gachari: the click of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also kacha)
gachan ( ガチャン ):
- the click of something closing with finality ([n]-sound), such as hand cuffs (see also gacha);
- something shattering, like glass. (see also kachan).
gahaha: evil laugh, same as bwahaha, fwahaha, gwahaha.
gahu gahu: snarfing sound; sound of eating greedily, ravenously. (Used during a scene where a dog is ravenously chomping on a piece of meat.)
gain ( ガイン ): sound of something gleaming or shining.
gaji, gaji gaji ( ガジガジ ): bite, gnaw, chew (stronger action than kaji)
gakkuri ( がっくり ): disappointed, heartbroken, crushed
gakin: clash
gako, gakon, gakot- ( ガコッ ):
- impact sound, sound of hitting something soft;
- strong movement [ga] + quiet, soft impact [ko(n)];
- a loud impact, heavy shaking, rattling sound.
gaku, gaku gaku: shake, tremble, wobble, something coming loose (see also kaku, kakun)
gaku, gaku-, gakun, gakunto, gakuri: to collapse, fall, lurch, blunder, bumble, careen, dodge, duck, falter, flounder, heave, jerk, lean, list, move to the side, pitch, reel, rock, roll, seesaw, slide, slip, stagger, stumble, sway, swing, teeter, tilt, toss, totter, wallow, weave, wobble, yaw
gan, gan gan:
- revelation, usually big and serious;
- used to emphasize an action or object as being big or massive, such as a headache or pain (compare to chiku)
GAAA-N: BIG revelation, almost always horrible.
gan, gangan:
- strong or violent action;
- jolt;
- clang!
- firm movement of one's mouth or lips, open or close, (see also mogu); firm movement [ga] + pop [po];
- swoop, rush [ga] + pop in [po].
gapu: big bite, chomp (see also paku) gara gara, garan: clatter, rattle, rumble (see also bara bara, chara chara)
gara-n, garaaan ( がらーん ): empty, void, hollow, deserted
gari: big bite, chomp (see also paku)
garin, garrin: (guess) custom SFX for "firmly intense" (from "gasshiri" meaning firmly, and "rinrintaru" meaning intense, or "rinzentaru" meaning awe-inspiring, commanding; SFX: intense.)
gasa, goso: rustle, stealthy movement
gasha, gashan: crash, impact (see also gashin, gochin)
gashi: grab, usually very hard. (see also gaba, gyu)
gashin: crash, impact (see also gashan, gochin)
gasshiri: solid
gasu, gasu gasu:
- bend down, bow down, to lie prostrate;
- flatten, strike down, throw down;
- engulf, overcome, crush, overwhelm;
- strong movement [ga] + sliding (in and out) [su].
gata, gata gata, gatan:
- rattle, clatter;
- rumble sound (such as a train rolling on tracks, or a chair being pushed back when standing);
- to reel in shock from a revelation, shock, surprise;
- to fall or collapse;
- doom, gloom;
- a big (and often bad) revelation;
- murmur, whisper or mumble between two people.
gatari: with a bang, clash, bump, or thud
gatsu gatsu/gatu gatu: gobble food (see also hau hau, paku)
gaya: excited crowd sound
gebo: throwing up
gefu: belch, burp
geho: cough (see also goho, kehen, kon, koho)
gen: faint, dizzy
- exhausted, weary, sickly;
- dejectedly, disheartened, low-spirited, miserable, depressed.
geppu: belch, burp
gerin: (guess) squash, step?
geshi: kicking sound
geshi geshi: At times it seems to be a wiping sound like goshi; at others either a squashing or rustling sound. Maybe a general cloth sound?
geso ( ゲソ ): (guess) gloom; feeling down, low spirited
gi ( ギ ): tension, literally and figuratively:
a) the creaking sound of something taut or tight, such as a rope, drying leather, a door hinge, bed springs, etc.;
b) an uneasy or tense atmosphere, tension, uneasiness.
gi, gii, giit- ( ギいっ ): bed creak, or creaks in general
gi gi, giiee: sounds evil plants make (for other menacing sounds see go go go and uzo uzo)
gichi, gichi- ( ギチっ ):
- squelch, squishy wet sound?
- from gicchiri ( ぎっちり ), a creaking or squeezing sound, signifying the tightness of something (like the tautness of a rope).
giku, gikuri:
- surprise, scared, nervous, startle, shock (see also biku, piku);
- slightly irked, vexed, alarmed.
gin: glare, stare at (see also giro)
gin, gin gin:
- twitch or throb from tension;
- to throb or resound from pain or exertion.
gira: twinkle, shine, glint (see also kira, kiran)
giri: an expression of being bound tight
giri giri: scratching, grinding (more vigorous than kiri; see also bari bari)
giri giri: at the limit, to have no time or space to spare, barely
giro: glare, stare at (see also gin)
gishi: creaking, squeaking sound of wood or a bed (see also kishi)
gisu gisu:
- strained atmosphere;
- thin and bony.
gitai-go: not a sound effect, but the Japanese word for onomatopoeia, phonetic imitation of a sound
- an impact sound;
- rumble, roar. (see go go go go).
go go go go:
- general menace, a threatening atmosphere (for other menacing sounds see gi gi and uzo uzo);
- a rumbling sound, as in an earthquake (see goto).
gobu, gobugobu: the sound of watery depths; an underwater sound: glub, glup, gloop?
gochin: impact; another comical collision sound (see also gashan, gashin)
gochu: wet sucking sounds; impact [go] + suck sound [chu] (see also buchu)
gofu: cough
goho, gohon: a deep, wet cough, also vomiting up water (see also geho, gofu, kehen, kon, koho)
goki-, gokin, gokit (guesses):
- breaking a bone [gokit, gokin, bokin, pokin];
- crack (disjoint) knuckles [gokit, bokit];
- struck hard [gokit, gokin, goin];
- flash.
goku, gokun, gokuri: gulp, swallow (see also kokun)
gokyun: hard gulp or swallow; [goku] gulp + [kyun] squeeze.
gon, gon- ( ゴン ゴンッ ): thud, slam, bang, pound, bonk. (i.e. like pounding a fist on a table).
gonyo, gonyo gonyo: mumble, mutter, murmur, whisper
gopo, gopot, gopu, goput ( ごぷっ ):
- the sound of a container being filled up with thick liquid;
- the sound of air bubbles floating up and popping in the air (like a boiling scene in slow motion);
- glubbing, gurgling sound. SFX: Burble.
- a roar, can be a fire sound, had been often used for fire attacks (see also bo, guooo, po);
- a howl, as in wind;
- a drawn-out moaning or groaning sound.
gori, gori gori: ():
- crunch, scrape, or grind:
a) crunch, as in eating (stronger variation of kori; see also bari, pari, pori);
b) scraping, scratching. - kneading something elastic.
- stiffen, harden, swell (see kori).
goro goro:
- purr purr;
- rumble rumble (as in thunder).
goro, goron:
- rolling over, tumbling down. Note: Often used when something heavy is rolling, or when something is rolling heavily;
- purring.
gosha, gosha gosha ( ごしゃごしゃ ):
- jumbled;
- messy; disarray;
- stroking (as with a penis);
- (variation of goshi).
goshi, goshin:
- scrubbing, rubbing, wiping (see also koshi);
- used to indicate something reaching or exceeding beyond its limits.
goshu, goshut ( ごしゅ ごしゅっ ): rubbing, stroking (possible variation of goshi)
goso: rummage, rustle
goto, goto goto, goton: more rumbling, clatter, noise perhaps muffled (ex. used when inside a train)
goun, gou-n: the sound of a washing machine. The sound of a dryer, however, is guon (see the difference?). Note: the sound of a machine vibrating, humming, or moaning. This SFX is also used for other machine sounds, such as an elevator, copy machines, etc.
gowa gowa: stiff, rigid
- grabbing, pulling;
- (from the word guigui) doing something forcefully, continuously (i.e. pulling hard, gulping, drinking, humping; SFX: omf; see also gaba, gui, gyu);
- a forceful, zestful, spirited, or animated movement. Often used when giving a thumbs up sign;
- uneasiness, fear, anxiety, concern. Taken from the On reading of 虞 (asore).
- what you sound like when you're sleeping. Sounds [gu] and [ku] are similar to "Zzzzz". Supigu is peaceful sleep. Note: It's sort of a whistling sound (see also supigu, ku, suka, suya, gussuri);
- stomach growling (see also ku, kyururu).
gubi, gubi gubi:
- a strong twitch of flinch due to a mild surprise. Emphasis [gu] + twitch or contraction [bi(ku)].
- gulping sound:
a) swallowing a drink or food;
b) gulping due to a mild surprise. - The resonating sound that the throat makes while drinking liquor, etc.
gubu, gubu gubu:
- the sound rinsing one's mouth;
- impact sound: forceful movement [gu] + impact [bu].
gucha: smashing, crushing (see also gusha)
guchi guchi: wet sound? twisting sound?
gucho, gucho gucho: soppy, soaking (alternative to guchu); combination of gu [doing something forcefully] + choro or chu [soppy wet sucking sound].
guchu, guchu guchu:
- combination of [gu] (doing something forcefully) + [choro or chu] (soppy wet sucking sound);
- all wet, drenching;
- squashy, squash, squish.
gude, gude gude ( ぐでぐで ): seriously drunk (or same as guden)
guden guden guden ( ぐでんぐでん ): dead drunk, blind drunk, or really plastered
gugu, gugut ( ぐぐっ ):
- close fist tightly, clench fist. clench;
- shake, tremble;
- unsteady;
- reeling (from the word guratsuku ぐらつく ).
gui: (a forceful movement like):
- grab (see also gaba, gu, gyu);
- gulp;
- rub, press;
- stretch.
guiiiin: possibly a screeching, or loud squeaking sound, as with wheels of a heavy machine is making a forceful stop. Used when a crane or lift was moving a large mecha into place.
guju, gujuu:
- sobbing (possibly a stronger action than kusu);
- emphasis [gu] + tearing/welling [ju].
guko: gu [strong] + ko [soft impact sound]
gukun: (guess) original SFX: strong [gu] + twitch, jerk / pull, tug [kun]. Best guess from the action involved: strong [gu] + type of prickling pain [chikuchiku]; or strong [gu]+ pleasure & pain [kuraku]; or strong [gu] + suffering, pain, hardship etc. [ku].
gun: (guess) a forceful movement, like zoom
gun- ( ぐんっ ): tilting (as in a pelvis)
gun gun: steadily
guni, gunii ( ぐにいっ ):
- knead, rub or massage hard (stronger action than kuni);
- forceful movement (such as, press or push) [gu] + soft, squishy, repulsive sensation or insertion [ni].
gunya: sudden mental realization
gunya gunya:
- flabby, limp, soft, flexible;
- wavy, bending, warped, distorted.
gunu, gunu gunu:
- doing something forcefully [gu] + slimy, smooth insertion [nu];
- wipe, swab, mop. (see nugu).
gunyu, gunyuuu:
- plunging in deep;
- doing something forcefully [gu] + pressing or inserting [nyu];
- knead, rub, massage.
guon: the sound of a dryer (for the sound of a washing machine see goun)
- a roar;
- a fire sound, used for fire attacks (see also: bo, goooo, po).
gupo-, gupot, gupot! ( ぐぽっ!):
- plunge, jam, thrust, stick like gouging. SFX: Gapuk! Gupok!;
- also used, as far as I can tell, as a splattering, splashing sound; emphasis [gu] + wet splatter or drip [po].
- doing something forcefully [gu] + the soft, resistive sensation of flesh [pu];
- shove (compare kupu).
- stagger, move shakily or unsteadily (see also zuru).
- irregular movements, lolling, indecisiveness;
- to turn, look around.
guri, guri guri:
- to give noogies, rub hard, grind;
- rubbing, kneading, or grinding in circular motion;
- twist, turn, spin, wiggle, squirm. A variation of guru.
gurin: to rub in deep, drill
guru, guru guru, gururu, gurururu:
- roll and tumble, spin, turn, twirl;
- GRRRR. Growl, growling, the rolling of the tongue or throat when growling (see also wu).
gusha: squeeze, grab, crush (see also gucha)
gusshori ( ぐっしょり ):
- drenched, soaking wet;
- wringing;
- profusely.
gusu, gusu gusu, gusun: sob, sniff, sniffle, snuffle (stronger action than kusu or kussun)
gussuri: deep sleep (see also gu, ku, suka, supigu, suya)
gutta, guttari: droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also kuta)
gutto, guutto: extreme concentration, also strong emotion
guwa, gu wa ( グワ ):
- forceful, sudden movement;
- forceful movement of the subject (lift, grab) [gu] + reaction of the object (squirm, flinch, bustle, tremble, or [wa] as an emphasis of [gu]).
guwahaha, gwahaha: evil laugh, same as bwahaha, fwahaha, gahaha
guyuru, guyururu: a rumbling, gurgling sound (see gyuru)
guzu: whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, gyaa)
gya, gyan: (a stronger action than kya, kyan)
- shriek (see also kya);
- grab (see also gaba, gyu).
gyaa gyaa: whine, grumble (see also boso, busu, guzu)
gyo: shock, rattled, startled, scared, in consternation, surprise
gyu: (stronger action than kyu)
- grab, squeeze, twist, tug (see also gaba, gya, kyu);
- packed tightly;
- creak or squeak (leather, door, etc.);
- fast motion (see also byu, hyu, pyu).
gyumu, gyumu-: grab, squeeze, twist [gyu] (see also gaba, gya) + sound of groping [mu from munyu?]
gyun: a hard and fast motion
gyunyu: packed tightly [gyuu] + insertion [nyu]
gyupo, gyupu: packed tightly [gyuu] + popping [pu]; SFX: Jam, Pack
gyuru, gyururu:
- a rumbling, gurgling sound;
- a spinning, twirling, twisting sound.
gyuryun, kyuryun: hard, strongly [gu] + grinding [ryu]
Note: Some words or SFXs beginning with H, such as Ha or Hu are often interchangeable with SFXs beginning with F, such as Fa or Fu, respectively. Many definitions listed under H may also be listed under F.
ha!: sound of surprise or realization, can mean catching breath in shock or panic
ha, haa, haa haa: panting, exhalation, sighing
ha ha ha, ha-ha-ha: laughter (masculine laughter, as opposed to ho-ho-ho, which is refined feminine laughter) (see also ahaha)
hagu, hagu hagu: bite, chew, munch (see also hamu)
hakkiri: clear, unambiguous
- to lightly chew and hold in one's mouth;
- to increase.
hamu, amu:
- bite, chew, gum, gnaw, nibble, glomp as in a lively little girl glomping onto a spoon (see also hagu);
- the sound one makes when glomping onto something.
hapu: engulf or cover with mouth.
hara hara: to fall gently, like a flower petal...
- "To fall gently, like a flower petal...";
- from the word "harasu" (晴らす), meaning "to clear away, to dispel, to refresh oneself".
hata: soft, quiet landing noise. (for a louder rattle see gata)
hau hau: gobbling (see also gatsu, paku)
he, he--, heee: an expression of amazement, almost like "Wow!", but not as animated
he he he: heh heh heh (laugh)
hena, hena hena: worn out, exhausted, bending (see also heto heto)
henshin: heroic transformation (as from Tsukino Usagi to Sailor Moon)
hera hera:
- frivolous, carefree;
- an awkward smile; a flimsy smile.
hero hero: spineless, limp, or pliable (see also mero, pura, puran)
heta: collapsing, sitting down in despair or exhaustion
heto heto: worn out, exhausted (see also hena hena)
hichu: breath intake + suck
hiee: exclamation: eek, yikes
higi: stronger variation of hiki. cramping, spasm, convulsion, twitch.
higu: stronger variation of hiku.
- shaking unsteadily, with muscles contracting both slow [hiku] + fast [kun];
- generally used as a "shaking" SFX, it expresses the hard and fast contraction of muscles when provoked (see hiku).
hii, hiii, hiiie: shriek
hihin, hihiin: high-pitched whinny, as of a horse
hiki: cramping, spasm, convulsion, twitch
-hiki: postfix for counting small animals
hiku, hiku hiku: shaking, as with anger or sobs (compare to shiku)
hiku, hikku:
- hiccup;
- sniffling;
- crying.
hiku, hikuhiku, hikun:
- shaking unsteadily, with muscles contracting both slow [hiku] + fast [kun];
- generally used as a "shaking" SFX, it expresses the hard and fast contraction of muscles when provoked (see also bikun, biku, pikun, piku).
hira: open, reveal. Note: Used when unfolding, opening, or unsealing something (see also hira, pira)
hira, hira hira: flutter (see also bira bira)
hiri hiri:
- continuous pain or irritation, stinging pain;
- being smart.
hisa bisa: "A long time has passed."
hishi: a soft, impact sound (see/compare bishi)
hiso hiso:
- quietly;
- whisper.
hita hita:
- the sound of hitting water repeatedly; lapping (against, on, toward); the way water surges forward, gradually drawing near;
- adhering;
- prompt, smooth, speedy, immediately, quickly; hastily;
- precisely, exactly, neatly, sharp, just;
- steadily, gradually;
- lightly submerging something in water; pickling;
- waver, shake, to come in waves.
hiya hiya: fear, worry
hn: huh, hrumph, humph, hm
- moved (to tears), be touched, sentimental;
- smile.
ho ho ho: laughter, specifically, refined feminine laughter (see also ahahaha, ha ha ha for masculine laughter)
hoisatto, arayotto: Note: These are used when one is doing some physical task and finishing it easily. One uses either or both of them at a time.
hoka hoka:
- warmth, heat (internal or external);
- hot, steamy food.
-hon: postfix for counting long things
honobono: peaceful, harmonious, tranquil
hooo: wind blowing
hote hote: toddle toddle (see also tote)
howawaaan, howawa-n ( ホワワーン ): used for artificial respiration lesson, when giving mouth-to-mouth as an example. Blow/breath of air [ho] + puffing [wa] + longer puff or blow [waaa] + stop or cessation of action [n].
hu (fu): a slight, sudden movement, sound or waft of air; SFX: woosh.
hu, hua (fu, fua): sigh
hu hu hu: (or fu fu fu) a strange older woman's kind of laugh
hue, hu-e: cry, wail (see also e, miiii)
hui, huit ( フイッ ): a sudden or abrupt movement. (see also fui)
humu: hm, hrumph, humph. Note: Normally a gruff utterance of disappointment, anger, cautious curiosity, skepticism, suspicion, etc. (see also fumu, umu).
- huh, hrumph, humph (see hn);
- snort; strong, nasal exhalation.
huni, huni huni:
- grope, squeeze, squish, cop a feel;
- firm movement (see also funi, puni).
hunka hunka: sniff sniff, inhale (see also nku, kunka, funka)
hunya, hunya hunya:
- soft, limp, flabby;
- mumbling, speaking with food in your mouth;
- smoosh? squoosh? The word is also interjected when someone is poking someone else, especially in a squishy area of their body.
hura, hura hura:
- dizziness (see also kura);
- wobble, totter;
- dawdle, move aimlessly, whiffle (see fura).
huru huru:
- shake, tremble, shiver, quake, vibrate;
- shake head slowly (as in gesturing "No").
huwa, huwat:
- friction, discord, trouble, dissension, disagreement;
- disturbed, bothered, troubled, annoyed.
huwa-huwa, huwari: fluffy, airy, lightness, downy, move like smoke, waft (see also fa)
- sigh;
- eep, hyeek;
- maybe contentment (see also uhya).
- pop up, pop in, or appear suddenly;
- quick movement such as reaching.
hyoko, hyoko hyoko:
- unsteady steps, stagger, stumble, wobble;
- pop up, pop in, or appear suddenly.
hyu, hyun: quick movement, such as the leaps, or whip moving (see also byu, gyu, pyu)
hyuuuuu: cold or lonely wind
icha icha, ichakura ichakura: displaying affection in public. Note: touching and carrying on; acting spoony.
iji iji: hesitantly, reserved, timidly, servile, unable to be honest, perverse.
ira ira:
- fume, irritated, miffed, exasperated;
- (guess) the sound of clenched or grinding teeth;
- nervous.
iso iso: moving blithely, happily, delightedly
iya, iyaa: No[, dummy]. I don't want this. You're horrible. Note: You will often see some version of this followed by n or ♡, which implies conciliatory undertone of a thrill or moan mixed with nominal or "merely conscious" dissent: I feel so naughty. (lit. disagreeable, unpleasant)
ja, jaaaa: water/liquid flowing or rushing, or any other hissing sound (see also jo, ju, zu)
ja ja ja: hiss hiss hiss (such as the sound of frying something)
jaba: splash (see also shapu, zabu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes)
jabon: big splash (see also shapu, zabu, and bashan, picha, pisha for smaller splashes)
jaki: glint of something sharp
jan, ja jan, jan jan: tada-m!
jara: Note: taken from the word "jarakasu" (to call for jokes), this is perhaps another fanfare of sorts, like "Tada!" (see jan), when a sight gag is introduced. Used when bringing out the collar and leash.
ji: scorch, burn
ji, jiii, ji--: the sound of cicadas or other such insects chirping
ji, jiiiiii, jiiiin, jiiiito, jiiiton: the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/motionless. Often used in doujinshi to indicate that a character is moved beyond words, stunned beyond words, or just generally beyond words. (see also shiiiin)
Note: As a word, jitto emphasizes being motionless, jiitto emphasizes the duration of being still.
jiku jiku: feel of numbness.
jin, jin jin: tingle, tingling.
jiro, jiro-jiro-to, jirori: a hard look ("jiro-jiro-to" means "in a fixed, staring manner")
jiri, jiri jiri:
- something scraping on the ground;
- used for a character inching forward or backward;
- indication of growing impatience, running out of patience;
- scorching sun;
- sound of an alarm bell.
- flail one's arms and legs (or one's tail; compare to dotabata for running around in confusion);
- (kick and) struggle (in vain);
- wriggle.
- stare, stare down at;
- skeptical, to look at with skepticism.
jiwa, jiwa jiwa:
- slowly but steadily;
- liquid appearing or slowly, steadily coming out, such as tears welling up or pre-cum appearing.
jo, jobo, joro: water/liquid flowing or pouring (see also dara dara, jobo, jururu, zururu)
jobo jobo, jubobobo: water/liquid flowing or pouring (see also dara dara, jobo jobo, joro joro, jururu, zururu)
jori jori: apparently hard shaving or scraping sounds. (compare jiri, zori, zari)
joro joro: water/liquid flowing or pouring (see also dara dara, jururu, zururu)
jowa, jowaa, jowawa, joawawawa: a spraying, or liquid gushing, action (a stronger action than showa; see also showa)
ju: fluid, liquid, juice, sap, secretion
jubo: sloppy sound, akin to walking in quagmire or melting snow.
jubu: another sloppy sound. (see jubo, jupu)
jugo, jugogo: (possibly an original SFX)
- juicy, squashy [ju] + forceful movement [go]; or
- forceful movement out [ju] + forceful movement in [go].
juku juku:
- ooze;
- wet, damp.
jupo, jupot: juicy, squashy [ju] + pop in or out [po]. SFXs: jupok! joop!
jupu, juput: juicy fucking/shoving sound
juru, jururu:
- slurp with a lot of drool, drool. SFX: shlurrp (see also dara dara, jo, zururu);
- very wet, sopping wet, gushing, drooling. SFX: joosy;
- dragging sound; as in cloth or material being pulled away from the body.
- slurp (the SFX for slurping back up excess saliva; e.g. as when stimulated for the desire for food);
- drool.
- very wet, immense wetness. Possibly from a combination of Kun reading of 濡 meaning "get wet, damp, make love" + Kun reading of 夥 meaning "immense, tremendous".
- juicy, flowing liquid. Such as when you pop a gyoza in your mouth and the juices from the broth (and saliva) start to flow.
jyowa: (see jowa)
- light (see also pa, po), such as sunshine or a sunbeam;
- lighten up (as in mood);
- shine, appear, or go through, as a ray of light through clouds; and opening.
ka, kan: heels going click, footsteps
ka, kat- ( カッ ):
- get angry suddenly;
- blush;
- sound of footsteps;
- sun baked;
- click, clack, or other rattling sound.
kaa: face turning red, blushing (see also po)
- the click or clack of something opening, such as a latch, a door, or even a belt (see also gacha);
- a cracking or clinking sound.
kachan ( カヽチャン ): something shattering, like glass (see also gachan)
kachi, kachi kachi:
- tick-tock;
- knocking (stones together);
- frozen solid, set rock hard;
- obstinate, scared stiff.
kachin ( カチン ): used for a comic (funny), visual effect as someone conks on a head with a hammer; possibly impact [ka] + rock (stone), metallic or ringing sound [chin].
kachi kochi ( カチコチ ): frozen solid, scared stiff, frightened (combination of kachi and kochi)
kacho, kacho kacho: a shaking, rattling sound of a heavy objects, i.e. the sound of books rustling/shaking in a backpack when running
kaji: bite, gnaw, sink your little fangs into (see also agi, agu, kari)
- scratching;
- running a hand through hair;
- paddling a hand in water.
kaku, kakun: shaking, wobbling, losing balance (see also gaku)
- clench (with teeth);
- chew, bite, gnaw.
kan kan: a loud, clanging bell sound (like the one used at a train crossing)
kapa-: opening (compare to batan, patan for closing; see kapan, paka)
kapan: rattle, opening (compare to batan, patan for closing)
- open and closing of mouth over something, wrapping lips around something;
- putting something in the mouth;
- bite.
kara: empty
kara, kara kara:
- bone dry;
- a cracking, rattling, clacking sound, i.e. small rocks falling down a side of a cliff or knuckles cracking.
karan: rattle, open
kari kari: something scratching on something else, e.g. a pen on paper, somebody's little fangs on the head
kasa, kasa kasa, kase: rustle; commonly used for a quiet footstep in the grass, but also can be paper, cloth, or other material rustling
kasha, kacha:
- click (as a camera shutter);
- snap (as a cassette into a tape player).
kata, kata kata:
- tapping sound; sound from typing on a keyboard;
- rattling sound, like glass or cups on a tray.
katsu katsu: clomp clomp.
kehen: ehem, cough (see also geho, gofu, goho, keho, kon, koho)
keho: cough (see also geho, gofu, goho, kehen, kon, koho)
keri: kick
kero, kerori: unaffected, casual, unimpressed
ki: glare, the glint of a dagger eye
ki ki, ki ki ki ki:
- dramatic tension, emphasizing a crisis or danger;
- a screeching sound.
kii: squeak, high-pitched sound, as in a door squeaking
kiiiii!: long high-pitched sound: brakes squealing, hysterical scream (see also biiii for shrieking)
kichi kichi: full, jam-packed
kichin, kichinto: meticulously, carefully
kin, kin- ( キンッ ): the sharp, high pitch sound or resonant tone of metal, especially of a blade or sword (see also shakin)
kin kon, kan kon, kin koun, kin ku--un, and other variations: ding dong, as of a (school) bell ringing (see also pin pon, din don)
kippari: flatly, definitely, clearly (to say something this way)
kira, kiran, kirari: twinkle, shine, glint (see also gira)
kiri kiri: scratching or scraping (less vigorous than giri)
kiri kiri: business, haste
kisha, kishaaa: hissing sound (as with a snake)
kishi: creaking (see also gishi)
kite: so great, going crazy, going nuts
ko: quiet impact, such as knocking at a door (see also kon)
-ko: when counting small objects
kochi, kochi kochi: dry, hard, puritanical, frightened
kochoku: frozen, paralyzed
koho: cough (see also goho, kehen, kon)
- cough;
- clearing one's throat (like ahem).
koi: come on (as a fighting phrase)
koi koi: come, come here, beckoning
koku, koku koku:
- nod, nod-nod;
- embarrassed, ashamed, shy (variation of joku, On reading);
- flush, blush (variation of kouchou).
- swallow (see also goku, gokun);
- nod.
kokuri, kokkun: nod
kon: quiet impact, such as knocking at a door
kon: soft cough (see also goho, kehen, koho)
kone kone: knead; Note: as in "Make dough for bread by kneading it well." From the word "to knead" (捏ねる)
konyo konyo:
- whisper, speaking softly;
- mumbling, unintelligible speak.
koooo: (softer than goooo)
- a roar, groan, moan;
- a howl, as in wind, such as at a cliff or as in anger, such attacking retaliation.
kopo: pouring, flowing
kori, kori kori:
- crunch, scrape, or grind:
a) crunch, as in eating, mostly for broccoli and asparagus (softer action than gori; see also bari, pari, pori).
b) scraping, scratching. - kneading something elastic.
- stiffen, harden, swell (see also gori).
koro, koron: dropping something, something rolling or tumbling (see also poro)
koshi koshi: rub, wipe, stroke (see also goshi, geshi, shiko)
kosho, kosho kosho: unintelligible whisper; chatter [ko] + whisper [sho].
koshu, koshu koshu:
- rub (hard), scrub, stroke;
- cling, adhere, grip.
koso koso: secretly; sneaky; stealthily
koso, kossori: sneaky, doing something stealthily
kosu, kosu kosu: rub (hard), scrub.
koto, koto koto, kotsun:
- clink (like the sound of a glass being put down or a tear gem falling);
- rap; rattle (like the sound of a boiling pot cover);
- clatter.
kotsu kotsu:
- slowly but surely, unflaggingly;
- clicking, drumming, tapping.
- sleeping (see also gu, supigu, suka, suya);
- grabbing, pulling, squeezing action softer, slower than gu. (see also gu);
- agony.
ku, ku ku, ku ku ku:
- giggle in the throat;
- choke, choking sound; gagging.
ku, kukyururu, kyururu: stomach rumbling, tummy growling
kubu, kubuu ( くぶう ): (much stronger action than kupu)
- swollen, swell, expand (see kupu, puku);
- spread open, stretch.
kucha, kucha kucha: the sound like chewing gum; artists sometimes use this for expressing the sound of a cock sticking against a pussy/ass
kuchi, kuchi kuchi: high pitched smacking sound (similar to kuchu)
kuchu, kuchut-: another smacking, chewing gum sound, but with slurping or sucking (see kucha kucha).
kudo kudo: repetitive
kuha: yawn (see also fua, fa)
- softer version of gui (a motion that is not as vigorous);
- hold gently, caress;
- tug, pull, yank.
kukaa: sleepy breathing
kuki, kukyu: (guess) tug [ku] + grip [ki, kyu]. Used during a scene where girl is stroking a guy's dick.
kuku, kukut- (guesses):
- vexation, anger;
- growling (in anger).
kukuri: distinct, clear
kukuru: to wrap a cord, rope, etc. around something and tighten it
kun, kun kun:
- smelling, sniff sniff;
- forceful yet gentle movement; like gun but not as strong.
kune kune: wiggling like a snake, bending loosely back and forth (see also nyoro nyoro)
kuni, kuni kuni:
- wiggle like a finger;
- to bother, pester, toy, fiddle with;
- knead, rub, stretch.
kunka kunka: sniff sniff (as of smelling). (see also funka, hunka, nku)
kunya: stretch easily, lose shape
kunyu, kunyun:
- stretch easily;
- lose shape;
- rub, stroke, knead, massage.
kupa ( くぱっ ):
- swollen, swell, expand (see kupu, puku);
- spread open, stretch; tug [ku] + expanse or open [pa] (compare to paku).
kupo-, kupot ( くぽっ ):
- bury, shove;
- swollen, swell, expand;
- possibly used as a suckling, puckering sound (see also kupu).
kupu ( クプ ):
- swollen, swell, expand (see puku);
- open;
- bury, shove, engulf;
- pull, drag out or in, stretch;
- possibly used as a suckling, puckering sound (see also puku).
kura, kura kura: dizziness, giddiness (see also fura)
kuri, kuri kuri:
- repeated movements (such as: wind, reel, spin, turn);
- a pulling motion, like drawing a thread (through a needle, etc.);
- rubbing, kneading, wiggling (hips, fingers, etc.) in circular motion (see also guri).
kurin: curling (as in the movement of tentacles or an unhappy dog's tail)
kuru: turn, spin, wind
kusa, kusa-, kusaaaa ( くさー ): depressed feeling, gloom
kusha, kushu, kushun: sneeze like "Ker-choo!"
- clench; squeeze;
- grip, usually something soft.
kusu, kusu kusu:
- little laugh, giggle;
- sob, sniffle, whimper.
kusun: sniffle, whimper, sob
kuta, kutari: droopy, wilted, limp. Used to describe people or plants. (see also guttari).
kuta, kutakuta:
- exhausted, limp from exhaustion, worn out, withered;
- lax, relaxed, flaccid, limp.
kute: exhaustion (see kuta)
kuun: snuggle.
- big explosion;
- also used to indicate perhaps explosive dramatic action or impact, such as anger;
- possibly the opposite of waku.
kya, kyaa, kyan: eek, shriek of a girl losing control of herself over some hottie, star or a sudden shock (see also gya)
kyapi kyapi: blah-blah, happy noisy girlish chattering
kyoro kyoro: looking this way and that, searching for something with the eyes, staring or looking about.
kyu: (less intense action than gyu)
- grab;
- grip, tight, squeeze;
- squeak (see also gyu).
kyubu: (best guess) squishy grip
- perhaps an original SFX based on "kyuumu", meaning an ancient dream;
- fleeting thing: a far off, dreamy look; fantasizing.
kyun, kyuuun:
- (as an adjective) describes the joy, ecstasy, delight, rapture, pleasure, happiness, giddiness one feels. Note: Often used as a cute expression of enamor or fancy (as in heart tightening);
- describes a female's vaginal pleasure, squeezing, or tightening in hentai;
- a cute animal cry.
kyunyu, gyunyu: grab, squish
kyupu: (guess) squishy grip
kyururu, ku, kukyururu: stomach rumbling, tummy growling
Note: see R.
maji maji: taken from the phrase "majimaji miru" ( まじまじ見る ), meaning to to take a long, hard look at something; to look at something in seriousness (possible synonyms: eye, examine, scrutinize, gaze, stare).
mebu: (guess) perhaps a variation of nubu: slimy in and out
meki meki: quick progress; conspicuously
mera mera: flaring up, bursting into flames
mero mero: limp, floppy (see also hero, pura, puran)
meri, me'ri:
0. メ + (◌゚) + リ : Note: this mark (◌゚) is called handakuten (=half-voicing mark). Lately Japanese manga artists began to use this SFX to expresses the unknown voices or sounds. Mostly they are used with groan or moan, shout etc. to make voices throaty (or hoarse, gruff) and to make their meanings stronger and harder. So they can't be changed to other meanings;
- modulation in voice;
- modulation in movement;
- moving or wiggling back and forth;
- ripping sound.
meso meso: whimper, sniffle
michi ( ミチ ): sound of something tight (see mishi)
mi--, miii:
- cry, wail (see also e, hu-e);
- high pitched buzzing sound (like a mosquito or a small vibrator).
miin miin ( ミーンミーン ): the sound of cicadas in the summer
miri, miri- ( ミリッ ):
- used when the head of a dick is appearing (from inside the anus).
- appearing, the appearance of something;
- tight fit (see mishi).
mishi, mishi mishi:
- creaking sounds;
- packing tight.
moa, moaaa: puffs of steam, smoke, fog, imagery, or thoughts arising. (see also mowa)
mo, moo, mou, nmoo: geez, sheesh, enough, mou, mo-o; Note: cow-like sound or an exclamation raised when angry or tired of something; [mo] with long [o]
mochi mochi: describes the "stretched out" feeling of the skin
mofu mofu: fluffy as in hairy/furry/fuzzy; often used for animals (see also fua fua)
mogu, mogu mogu:
- mumble, hum;
- munch, move one's gums.
moji, moji moji:
- wriggle, squirm, fidget (especially from embarrassment or shyness);
- shy, embarrassed;
- hesitant.
moku, moku moku:
- eating, munching (see also mugu);
- silent, tacit, mute;
- sitting silently.
mokyu mokyu: eating, munching (see also mugu)
momi, momu, momya, momyu:
- groping (comes up a lot);
- massage, rubbing, squishing or feeling something soft.
mon, mon mon:
- worry, anguish;
- stuffy, stifling, stale (variation of mun).
monya, monyu ( もにゅ ): The sound of groping-- usually a girl's chest
mori, mori mori:
- swell, rise;
- rouse, gusto, zest.
moso, moso moso:
- squirming, stirring restlessly, creeping about;
- groping or squirming [mo] + sliding movement [so]. (as in fumbling to get a hand down a girl's pants or panties).
mou: a general expression of frustration with coy concession undertones: Mou; Ok, I'll let you; Stop; Enough[ of this]; You keep ignoring what I say. (lit. "already")
mowa, mowan:
- puffs of steam, smoke, fog, imagery, or thoughts arising;
- fuzzy, foggy, steamy thoughts.
moya moya:
- smoke and steam filling ("Bathroom that is moya moya with steam.");
- person is not sure of their own memory or has a vague feeling ("Moya moya memory.");
- "I've got a lot on my mind.", "I don't feel right."
mozo, mozo mozo:
- squirm;
- grope clumsily;
- fumble.
mu: coming down to earth, so to speak, snapping out of it, becoming serious
mu, mu mu:
- confirmation;
- sulkiness, vexiness, irritation.
mua ( むあ ): (best guess) damp
muchi ( ムチッ ): something soft (i.e. breasts) when squeezed into something tight (i.e. tight-fitting maid outfit); perhaps an alternative to boin; Squish, Squishy. Also used in titty-fucking.
muchu ( ムチュ ): something soft [mu] + sucking in, sucking sound [chu]
mugu, muku: eating, munching with closed mouth (see also moku)
muka, muka muka:
- sick, nauseated;
- irked, irritated, offended.
muki: a screech or squeal, like that of a monkey or chimp
muki ( むき ):
- to peel, to skin, to pare. From the word muku ( 剥く );
- to show, bare, reveal. From the word mukidasu ( 剥き出す ).
muku, muku muku:
- getting up, sitting up;
- swell, get swollen.
mugyu ( ムギュ ): stronger action than mukyu; something soft [mu] + squeeze [gyu]
mukyu ( ムキュ ), mukya: something soft [mu] + squeeze [kyu]
musha ( むしゃ ), musha musha: chew-chew
mumuu, muun: grimace, anger, sulkiness, vexed, irritated. Note: The sound of [mu] is a sort of closed-mouth grunt, perhaps the sound of disapproval (see mu)
mun, mun mun ( ムンムン ):
- sultry, stuffy, humid, sticky, muggy;
- a woman's desire, sexual anticipation or excitement.
muni, munya, munyo, munyu:
- the sound of groping;
- the sound of squeezing or pressing something soft.
munzu-, munzut ( むんずっ ): grope [mun] + vigorously [zu]; squeeze
mura mura: sexual arousal
muri, muri-, murii ( ムリイ ):
- "I can't"; "No"; "No way";
- variation of muryu: something soft [mu] + being plowed, worked on [ryu]. Note: muri ( 無理 ) as an adjective means impossible, unreasonable, overdoing. Perhaps trying to describe something soft yet unbearably tight and restrictive.
muryu ( ムリュ ): something soft [mu] + forceful movement (being plowed, worked on, pressed, discharged) [ryu]; Note: used in anal sex scenes and during where a girl poops out a small bottle.
- grimace, anger, sulkiness, vexed, irritated (see mu);
- (see mun).
muwa, muwaa: the sound opening or spreading open something that is soft; sort of like "Ah", but more comical, in a way; literal English equivalent: Mwaah.
muzu, muzu muzu:
- itchy;
- impatient;
- jittery;
- tickled.
n?: Mm? Hm? Huh?
- a moan suppressed voluntarily or by some obstacle. SFX: Mm, Nn, Nh, Hn;
- a grunt of surprise, effort, sleepiness, pain, or passion. SFX: Hng, Ngh, Ng, Ung, Unh;
- also used to express approval (an abbreviated, slurred version of "Un").
nade nade, naderi naderi: stroke stroke, pet pet, pat pat
nami: waves, ripples, billows
nami nami: to the brim
nari: stretch
nashi: smack (see also bashi, pashi)
nchu: kiss, mkiss (see also buchu, chu, uchu)
neba, neba neba: sticky, stickiness, viscosity, greasy, glutinous
- from "nebukai" meaning "deep rooted, ingrained". SFX: deep;
- from "neburu" meaning "to lick". SFX: lick.
neto: (guess) slick, slimy
ni, ni-, nit- ( にっ ):
- smile;
- slimy sensation;
- in (and out) motion;
- insertion.
-nin: postfix for counting humans
nibu ( ニブッ ): entering in [ni] + deep or to the hilt (the point of impact) [bu]
nicha, nicha nicha: slimy
nichi, nichit- ( にちっ ): slimy [ni] + high pitch or small smacking sound or flicking [chi]; SFX: squelch, schwik, schlik
nicho ( にちょ ): another sticky, wet smacking sound
nichu, nichut-: wet insertion sound; insertion [ni] + sucking, smacking [chu]
niga: distress, worry, anxiety, trouble, anguish, pain, suffering, hardship
nigi, nigi nigi: hold, grip, grasp.
nigyu, nikyu: (guess) grip, hold [nigiru] + tightening [gyu]. SFX: tight grip, screw
nihe-, nihera~ ( にへらー ): smile, perhaps in a sly, coy, suggestive, and/or playful manner
niha: smile, grin (see also niko, nipa, nita)
niho: smile, grin (see also niko, nipa, nita)
nika, nika- ( にかっ ): smile upon; a fair, innocent, or sheepish grin (see also ni, niko, nipa, nita)
niko, nikori: smile, grin (see also niho, nipa, nita)
nima: smile, grin (see also niho, niko, nipa, nita)
nipa, nipaa:
- brilliant smile, grin (see also ni, nika, niko, nita);
- the soft, resistive or repulsive feeling, sensation of the inner vaginal or anal walls (see nupu);
- used to represent something pliable (like an anus or vagina) starting to relax or close.
nipu: the soft, resistive or repulsive feeling, such as sensation of the inner vaginal or anal walls when fucking (see nupu)
nisho: effort (see also nsho, nshotto, yoisho)
nita: sinister smile (see also ni, nika, niko, nipa)
nito: (guess) the tension of the flesh when something is being pulled out (as when a character pulls out a butt plug from a girl's anus); out [ni] + soft impact [to].
niugu, nugu: (guess) to wipe, mop, swab (from "nuguu")
niya, niyari, nyari:
- grin, especially an evil grin;
- leer;
- big smile, friendly smile, big grin.
nka: (guess) like nkyo this is another original SFX. Similar to character is surprised or shocked. In this case, this is like the male character's version of nkyo. [N?(=huh?, hmm?, oh?)] + [ka(=red faced, embarrassed)].
nku: sniff sniff, inhale (see also funka, hunka, kunka)
nkyo: this is the artist's original sfx or rare SFX. Probably a pretty/cute girl's version of [N?(=huh?, hmm?, oh?)] + [gyoh(=something scared),geh, Uwah]. K-sound sounds lighter than G-sounds. [Gyo] > [Kyo] So the author didn't want to use Gyo or Geh since the girl's cute, probably.
nomu: nom, nyam; the sound of starting to eat something
nonu, nuno: slow, deliberate insertion; [nu] slip + [noro] slowness
noro noro: slowly, sluggishly.
nori nori:
- gaining momentum;
- to ride;
- to be in a cool mood.
noso noso: slowly
noshi noshi: a sound effect for a cat walking on newspaper
nosshi nosshi:
- a sound effect for a large animal or person walking, trampling, lumbering;
- walk heavily, deliberately, lumber, trudge.
nsho, nshotto: an interjection, an expression of slight exertion in doing something or in struggling with something
nu, nuu, nunu, nunununu:
- menace. Note: nuu is often used when something unknown, mysterious, or big appears out of nowhere;
- ominous, foreboding (see also zumomomo);
- slimily, smoothly, easily;
- slip, slide, or insert smoothly;
- a sudden action or movement. Kun (nanori) reading of 忽 meaning "in a moment, instantly, all of a sudden, etc.";
- anger, temper. On reading of 怒 meaning "angry, be offended.";
- Kun reading of 濡 meaning "get wet, damp, make love".
nubo ( ヌ ボ ): slimy, smoothly, easily [nu] + put in, shove, shove in hard [bo]
nubu, nubut:
- slimy in and out;
- to push in, especially into something that is resistive (opposite of zuru).
- slip, slide, slipping or sliding something (clothing) off.
- a wet, sticky sound.
nuchi, nuchit-: (guess)
- slimy, slippery [nurunuru, nuranura] + to disperse [chiro]. SFX: spray, splash, spatter, splatter;
- slimy, slippery + high pitched smacking sound.
nucho ( ヌチョ ): (guess) slimy, slippery [nu] + smacking sound (lower tone than chi) [cho] (compare to nuchi)
nuchu, nuchu nuchu:
- wet, slimy and squelchy;
- (best guess) wet [nuru] + slurp [chu]. SFX: sliprysuk, shlup, squelch.
nugi, nugi nugi: unzips, reveals, undresses
nugu, nuguu:
- wipe, swab, mop (see gunu);
- forceful insertion.
nukenuke, nukenuketo: nonchalantly (to speak or act that way)
numo ( ぬもっ ): slippery, sliding [nu] + rubbing (especially something soft and squishy) [mo].
nuni ( ヌニッ ): slippery, sliding [nu] + in or out motion [ni]
nupa, nupapa: (guesses)
- [nupu] + sharp sound [pachi / pan];
- [nuru] + [pan]. SFX: sliprypop, shlap, shlop, shlip.
nupo: (guess) slimy [nuru] + pop [po]. SFX: sliprypop, slop, shtup
nupu, nupu nupu, nu pu:
- going in (and out) easily, smoothly;
- the soft, resistive or repulsive feeling, sensation of the inner vaginal or anal walls when fucking.
nupuu, nupuuu: going in deeply; going in and in and in... SFX: shuuuv!
nura, nura nura: slimy, slippery
nuri ( ぬり ), nuri nuri, nurin: smear, paint, plaster, daub, coat
nuro: greasing, soaping, making slippery, slimy, clammy
nuru, nuru nuru, nurun: greasing, soaping, making slippery, slimy, clammy
nurya ( ぬりゃ ): smear, paint, plaster, coat (with something slippery), daub (see nuri)
nuryu ( ぬりゅ ヌリュ ): vigorously smear, paint, plaster, daub, coat (see nuri)
nuto- ( ぬとっ ): (guesses)
- slip out, remove, pull out [nuku] + sudden [toppatsuteki] or instant [tot-sa];
- smear [nuritsukeru] + instant [tot-sa].
nuuuu: menace. Note: 'Nuu' is often used when something unknown, mysterious, or big appears out of nowhere.
nyari, niyari: leer
nyoro nyoro: Note: Something long and thin like a snake moving along with a wriggling motion. (see also kune kune)
nyu, nyuu:
- insertion. Kun reading of 入 meaning "enter, insert".
- On reading [nyu] of 濡 meaning "get wet, damp, make love" (see also nu).
- the softness or squishiness of something (breasts, vagina, anus) when squeezed or pressed upon or during insertion [from nyuu 柔 (On reading) ].
- besides "insertion", nyu seems to be used for when something is "just about to come out". SFX: *Appears*.
nyubo, nyubu: (guesses)
- insertion [nyu] + impact up to the base [bo];
- extraction to the tip.
nyucha: wet insertion sound: insertion [nyu] + slop or splash [chapu]
- squeeze [nyu] + high pitch smacking sound [chi];
- insertion [nyu] + sticky, wet sound [chi].
nyuchu: wet insertion sound: insertion [nyu] + sucking, smacking sound [chu]
- wet insertion sound: insertion [nyu] + wet, smacking sound [kuchu];
- spongy stroking feeling;
- stroking or gripping something soft or pliable.
nyumu: snaking or inserting into a soft, pliable hole (see also nyuru)
nyupa, nyupaa: (guess) insertion [nyu] + sharp sound [pachi / pan]
nyupo, nyupoo: (guess) insertion [nyu] + impact sound [poka]
nyupu, nyupuu: (guess) insertion [nyu] + popping sound [puchi]. SFX: Fop
nyuru, nyuru nyuru:
- (best guess) wetness. From the on reading of 濡 (ju, nyu): wet and slippery;
- snaking into a slimy hole like an eel or glistened snake, a wriggling sound;
- pressing or squeezing something pliable.
o: Ooh! Note: masculine kind of moan or roar of pleasure or assent; often repeated
oi: Oy! Oi! Hey!
oisho, yoisho, nsho, nshotto, nisho: things you say during an effort, strain. SFX: Oof! Umph!
oo!: approving exclamation: Ooh! Oh! Whoa!
oooo: wind howling
oooo: menacing roar, animal or mechanical (such as the roar of an engine; see also buroro)
ora ora: what you say when you rush somebody, also a taunt or war cry. Loosely translated as: Come on!, Take that!, Try this!, Try harder! (see also dorya, orya, sorya, uraa)
oro oro: shock, surprise, befuddlement, confusion (don't usually voiced, though)
orya: scream as you lunge forward, a fighting taunt or war cry (see also dorya, ora, sorya, uraa)
osoru osoru:
- timidly;
- fear, dread.
- cry, sob. SFX: Boohoo!, Waaah!;
- from the word yoyoto: "to sob convulsively", "to cry with heaving sobs" (see also yoyo).
ozu, ozu ozu: timidly, nervously, trembling with fear.
- surprise, realization;
- open, spread, separate (as with fingers; see paka);
- reveal, show.
pa, paa, paaa:
- light shining, sparkling (see also ka, po). Also used as a white sound when a TV screen or monitor is turned on.
- lighten up (as in mood).
pachi, pachin:
- can be click, crackle, clap, crack, snip, etc. Note: A sharp, snappy sound. Seen used for opening eyes, bursting veins, clapping, snipping and indeterminate ominous things happening.
- (guess) open [pa] + snapping, cracking sound [chi].
pachu, pachun: (best guess) slap or impact sound [pa] + sucking sound [chu]
- (softer sound than bahf);
- soft impact [pa] + the sound of deflation or air cushion [fu];
- the sound heard when lightly plopping onto a bed or couch or something soft.
paga: (guesses)
- quickly [pa] + strongly [ga];
- quick movement [pa] + impact sound [ga].
- snap;
- opening, separating. Note: A sound describing something opening in half. Like when Peachboy came out of his giant peach, the sound the peach made was "paka."
paki paki: crackle, as wood in a fire. (see also pachi)
pako pako: sound of two light objects barely colliding
paku: closing mouth on food, chomp (see also gapu)
paku paku: opening and closing mouth, eating, gobbling. Note: This is where Pacman came from! (see also hau, gatsu)
pakuri: stealing the ideas and expressions of others
pan, pan pan:
- sudden impact: slap, smack, whap;
- pat or smack (as of dusting hands or oneself off);
- flap or slap (as with clothes on a clothesline flapping in the wind);
- also used for dramatic, sudden movements.
paparapa--, paparapaaaa: memetic fanfare sound
para, para para:
- turn, flip;
- flipping/leafing through (a book's or otherwise) pages;
- falling in large drops, sprinkle, patter, clatter;
- pitter-patter.
pari, pari pari:
- crackle, as of energy or electricity (quieter than bari bari);
- crunch, as in eating (see also bari, kori, pori).
parin: crash, clash
pasa, pasari:
- rustling (e.g. cloth sliding, paper moving etc.);
- sound of light things, like hair, falling down.
- splashing, as with the hand (see also pisha; for a big splash, see zabun);
- sound of taking a photograph with a flash.
pashi: impact. SFX: Smack! Click! (see also bashi, nashi)
pashu: laser beam sound
pata pata:
- flap flap;
- wag wag.
patata: spatter
- closing sound (of a door or a book);
- used to represent a door slamming (but not as strong as with batan).
pecha, pecha pecha: lap, wet lick, lick. SFX: Lick, Lap
pechanko, peshanko: flattened, crushed
pechi, pechi pechi ( ペチペチ ): slap
pecho, pecho pecho: wet, slurps. SFX: slurp, shlurp
peko, peko peko:
- bow (sometimes repeatedly: peko peko);
- fawning, acting servile.
pekori: fawning, acting servile
pen ( ペン ): an impact echo (specifically the sound of hitting something with a metal object, such as a frying pan or an aluminum bat; SFX: Whap; Konk, Bonk.)
peppe (ペッペ) : cough
pera, pera pera:
- often used as nonsensical or foreign speech: blah, blah; yakety shmakety;
- fluent, fluency in some language;
- rustle or flipping of a page.
pero, pero pero: licking (see also bero, rero)
peron, peri: rolling up or down, flipping, peeling
peta, peta-, peta peta:
- to flop down on the floor (see also petan, petanto);
- dabbing;
- light footsteps (specifically the sound of the back end of slippers slapping against the heel/sole of the foot);
- the sound of something making firm contact with a flat surface.
petan, petanto: smooth, flat, like a washboard. Also, to flop down on the floor.
pi: beep, peep, any other short high-pitched sound
pi, picha, pichon: drip (see also po, pochan, pota)
picha: wet contact kind of sound:
- wet, smacking licks;
- lap, smack. SFX: Lap;
- splat, splash, slush, splush.
pichan: drip. SFX: Tinkle (see also po, pochan, pota)
- flap, bounce, snap (see also bichi);
- tug.
picho: (see picha)
pien: sob, cry
piiii: shrill sound, beeper, telephone, whistle
piii piii: chirp chirp.
pika, pika pika:
- glitter, sparkle, twinkle;
- flash, as in lightning.
piki ( ピキ ):
- twitch, spasm [piku]+ sharp stare, glare, squeak [ki];
- twinge, twitch;
- a twitch, spasm or vein popping, due to an annoyance;
- irk, irritate.
piko ( ピコ ):
- wiggle, jerk, squirm (variation of piku; used when someone is fiddling with a portable game console);
- jerk, twitch.
piku, pikuri:
- pique, perk, blink when noticing something;
- may be from pricking up the ears;
- flinch (also used as pikun).
- twitch (a sharp and small muscle contraction);
- jerk, wiggle, flinch, throb;
- squirm.
pin, pin pin:
- the vibration of something pulled tight, like a rope or a string. Note: Kinda like the twang of a guitar string, but not as audible or prominent. SFX: Poing, Twang;
- lively, peppy;
- erect, erection, esp. the female/clitoral variety (compare to bin, for male erection);
- ping! (as in an idea occurring or striking).
pin pon: ding dong, bell ringing (see also kin kon)
pira: open, reveal. Used when unfolding, opening, or unsealing something (see also bira, hira)
piri: tearing, as in ripping cloth, opening a potato chips bag (see also biri)
piri piri: sharp sensation, as of pain, electricity, spiciness. Can be the sharpness or electricity of a glare.
piro, piro piro:
- flap flap;
- wag wag.
pisha: splashing, as with the hand (see also pasha; for a big splash, see zabun)
- crack (of a whip), smack (see also bishi);
- also used as a dramatic effect to show someone's ire or irk on another;
- someone glaring in anger;
- crackling electricity or lightning: flash [pika] + continued watching [shiiin].
pita: stop, halt.
- gentle touch, hold;
- contact.
piyo: peep
po: flame, light; can also be used for blushing (for other fire sounds see bo, gooo, guooo; more light sounds include paa, kaa)
po, pochan, pota: drip, plunk
pochan: kerplunk! (see also pi, picha, pichon, pochi)
pochi pochi: something happening steadily (as in water dripping)
pofu, pohu: opposite to bafu, where air is released from impact, pofu is the entrapment of air from impact, as when one is trying to silence another by covering the mouth: soft impact [po] + air [fu] (see also pohu)
poi: throwing or tossing something
poka: impact
poka poka: comfortable warmth, warmth of the sun
pokan: with a whack (from "pokanto"), slowly and lazily, gaping, absentmindedly, flabbergasted
pom: sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also bon, dororonpa, pon).
- a fairly quiet or soft impact, such as a pat on the shoulder;
- a soft popping sound, such as popping a cap off a felt marker;
- sound of magical transformation or appearance, often seen with a puff of smoke (see also bon, dororonpa, pom).
pootto: dazed, obsessed
pori, pori pori:
- eating, crunching, mostly for cookies (softer than bari; see also bari, kori, pari);
- also used as a scratching + scrunching sound, as when scratching the head.
pori, porri: (guess)
- sob;
- to feel down (see poro).
posa: a soft impact sound (like when snowball hits the ground)
- eye watering, tearing; teardrops; tears rolling or streaming;
- sob.
pororon, pororo-n ( ポロローン ): a cellphone ring tone or buzz (softer sound than buroro or bororo)
porori: sound of something spilling
pota, pota pota: drip, trickle, splat
pote: plump, fat; from the word "potteri" ( ぽってり ).
poto: dropping something, something rolling (see also koro, koron).
potsun: aloneness, separation
powa, powan, powaaan:
- puffs, as in thoughts arising;
- puffy, soft, fluffy.
poyoyoyo-n: elastic, springy, cushiony SFX
pu, pu- ( プッ ):
- the action or sound of something going out, outgoing movement or flow;
- the soft, resistive or repulsive feeling, sensation of the inner vaginal or anal walls when fucking (see also nupu);
- car horn sound (i.e. sound issuing from a horn);
- pout, sound of discontent. SFX: Pooh!
- a sarcastic or contemptuous snort. SFX: Hmph, Pshaw, Pooh.
pua: a gasp for air (see also puha)
puaaaaa ( プアアアアア ): train horn sound (or its Doppler effect). Used in an outdoor scene as a train passes by.
puba-, pubu-:
- (guess) quiver [puru] + suddenly [ba];
- (guess) quiver [puru] + bubbling [buku];
- SFX: glop, spew.
puchi puchi: snap snap, crackle crackle, pop pop
puchu-, puchut:
- suck at, smack;
- spit, splatter, spew, splish, sput.
puha: a gasp for air (see also pua)
- (best guess) a sound of disgruntlement, disgust, etc. SFX: phooey, hmph, pshaw;
- to turn one's face away from someone;
- to turn one's face towards someone, especially when disgruntled.
puku, pukupuku: swelling, something swollen (see also buku, kupu)
pun, pun pun:
- bad-smelling;
- in an angry mood, in anger, angrily, in a huff;
- toss (see poi);
- flip or flick, especially angrily or in a huff.
puni, puni puni:
- puffy (especially used when describing soft boobs);
- stretchy;
- squishy also spongy or rubbery (the soft, yet resistive sensation when stroking or squeezing something; compare to nipu).
punyu: the softness, squishiness, or pliability of something (breasts, vagina, anus) when squeezed or pressed upon
pupu, pu pu:
- (see pu);
- car horn sound.
pupupu, upupupu, pu pu pu: yet another strange laugh (see also fu fu fu)
pupyu, pupyuru: (best guess) quiver [puru] + spurt [pyu] + repeat [ru]. SFX: Spurrttt
pura pura, puran: limp, floppy (see also hero, mero)
puran, puraan: Note: [bu] means the object is heavy, [pu] means the object is light. (see also buran)
- hanging, dangling flabbily.
- swinging, swaying slowly or with higher amplitude.
puri puri:
- to be angry, bad-tempered (see pun pun);
- elasticity, flexibility;
- squishy softness;
- shake, wiggle, sway.
puru, purupuru: shake; quiver (see also puri, furu)
purun: shake, quiver or jiggle once [pu], then stop [n]
pusha [ ぷしゃ ]:
- sound of something escaping (as in air from a deflating balloon; literally or figuratively, like a soul escaping a body);
- sound of spraying (as in female orgasm);
- sound of steam or heat arising.
pushi, pushi- [ ぷしッ ]: wet discharge: sound of peeing, spraying, splattering, splashing SFX: Psshh.
pushu, pushuuuuu [ プシュウウウウ ]: the sound of something smoldering, smoking, or steaming; puff [puu] + steam [shuuu] (see also pusu pusu).
pusu: puncturing, penetrating
pusu pusu: the sound of something smoldering or smoking; SFXs: smoke, fume, puff, simmer, burn (see also busu busu)
putsun: snap, the sound of something being suddenly and irreversibly broken
puu: puff
puuuu: anger (see also puri puri)
puutto: snort, honk, toot (from a horn or any bodily orifice)
puzo: (best guess) [puru] + [zoku]/[zotto] in any case, it seems like another "spaz" SFX.
pyoko, pyokonto: quickly, in a bouncing way (e.g. for a bow, jiggly breasts)
pyoku: quick, bob; from [pyokonto] + tremble [ku]. SFX: Spaz
pyon, pyon pyon: hopping, skipping, scampering.
pyu: fast motion (see also byu, gyu, hyu)
pyu: spurting; quick action, just like pyu on its own
pyuku: spurting [pyu] + tremble [ku]. SFX: Splurrrt
pyuru, pyururu: (guess) spurting [pyu] + repeating [ru]. SFX: Sputttt
pyupuru: spurting [pyu] + puru [quiver]. SFX: Pump
rame: slurred dame (see dame)
rero, rero rero:
- licking, lapping, flicking, lashing of tongue;
- (guess) screw, wrench, distort, twist [rei] + rub [rou] or "play with" [rou] (see also pero, bero)
rin: small bell sound; clink, tinkle, ting-a-ling.
runtata: music sounds. In this case, used for something like humming. "Run" is a slow beat and "tata" are quick beats (see also bunchacha)
ryu, ryut: (guess)
- outward flow, discharge;
- fluid, flowing.
- hump, high, noble, prosperity;
- current, a sink, flow, forfeit;
- detain, fasten, halt, stop;
- float, swim;
- plow;
- a clear sound;
- raindrops falling from eaves.
ryuuon: liquid sound. SFX: Ling
ryuunyuu: afflux, influx
ryuuryuu: prosperous, flourishing, thriving, muscular
sa, saa, saaaa:
- hissing, rain, water running (softer sound than zaa, which can also be rain);
- rustling wind, rustling in the wind;
- sound of silence, dead air, or an empty room;
- the hissing or smoldering sound of someone turning pale or white, as with fear or discomfort, especially knowing something bad is about to happen; ashen.
sa, sasa:
- quick motion;
- brushing lightly, smoothly, or quickly;
- swish.
sa, saku: step
saku, sakusaku:
- crunchy, crisp (not moist or juicy);
- the dry rustling wind, a dry, crisp rustling sound.
sara sara: smooth, light, dry
sara, sarat- ( さらっ ): without (any) hesitation or ado, say easily or freely, carefree, abandon, blithely
sasu sasu: rubbing
sasuri, sasuri sasuri: rub, stroke, pat, polish, grind, scrape, graze
-satsu: postfix for counting bounded objects like manga books
sawa, sawa sawa:
- touch, feel;
- when lightly brushing or sliding against something.
sawa, sawayaka: cool, refreshing, something that makes you feel refreshed (see also suka)
sesseto: working steadily
sha, sha sha: fap, stroking, masturbation. Note: Possibly short form of "shiko", or form of "shaaa." SFX: Woosh (see also shako, shaaa, shiko)
sha, shaa, shaaa:
- something slicing through air. SFX: Whishhh!
- spraying, pissing, or running water sound.
- hissing sound (like a snake or cat).
shaka shaka: scrape scrape
shaki shaki: crisp, precise, clipped
shakin, shakin- ( シャキンッ ):
- the sound of a blade slicing, or rubbing (as when sliding a sword or blade in a sheath) [sha] + the sharp, high pitch sound or resonant tone of the metal blade [kin] (see also kin);
- the sound of being motionless, still, stiff;
- as the metallic sound it's also used to represent anything sharp that can cut or slice, including when claws or fingernails that are drawn out or revealed, maybe threateningly.
shako, shako shako: stroking/masturbation or back [ko] and forth [sha] or to [sha] and fro [ko] movement or sound, as with a brush or masturbation.
Note: Possibly form of "shiko", or form of "shaaa." SFX: Woosh! (see also sha, sha sha)
shaku: spasms
shapu shapu: splash (see also zabun)
shichu: slip/slide [shi] + suck [chu] (see also nuchu)
shiiin: the sound of staring, of silence, or of remaining frozen/motionless. Often used in doujinshi to indicate that a character is moved beyond words, stunned beyond words, or just generally beyond words. (see also jiiiin)
shiko, shiko shiko: hump, rub, fap.
Note 1: from (shu- or shu) [sliding SFX] + (ko- ko-) [stopped at, bump lightly into, tap], used as an SFX for masturbation or jacking off.
Note 2: possibly based on the word shikoru ( 凝る ) meaning "to stiffen, to harden"; or from the word shiko ( 指呼 ) meaning "beckoning". SFXs: Shwik, Stroke.
shiku shiku:
- sobbing, whimpering;
- a soft pain or a prolonged dull pain.
shimatta: Now I did it!, Damn it!, Damn!, Oops!, Oh dear!, Oh no!
- earnestly, seriously, heartily, deeply, fully, keenly;
- calmly.
shire, shiretto: nonchalantly; as if nothing happened
shiru: juice
- moist;
- calm, soothing.
shizu: move solemnly
sho, shooo: pissing SFX: tinkle
shobo shobo, shobon: sadness, moping
showa, showaa, showawa, shoawawawa:
- pissing SFX: (best guess) piss [sho] + restless, (shivery) [sowasowa]? (from the word "shonbenwosuru" or "shonbenwotareru").
- a shower SFX: water spraying or flowing from a shower head (see also jowa)
shu: quick movement, fabric rubbing, swish
shubo: the sound of a flame igniting, e.g. lighting a lighter (maybe quick movement/rubbing [shu] + light [bo])
shun: Note: This sound describes something wilting. It can be used for people, to describe being sad.
shuru, shururu, shurun, shurut-:
- a bit faster [shu] + roll up/down [ru];
- rustling, slipping of thread or fabric (being undone);
- snaking motion. Often used for rose whip or other vines or tendrils snaking around.
shuuuu: fog, mist, steam
so ( そっ ): generally, a smooth or sliding motion or movement; such as an arm going around someone, laying someone down, raising one's hand or leg, etc.
soro, soro soro: a slow, gradual, steady, and/or quiet movement
sorya: scream as you lunge forward; a fighting taunt or war cry (see also dorya, ora, orya, uraa)
sosokusa: sneaking or running away quickly, beating a hasty retreat
- excited, stirred, aroused, stimulated;
- graceful, neat;
- dejected.
sowa sowa: restless, fidgety (as in 'Don't get so fidgety!')
su, suu:
- breathe in (compare to fu, breathe out).
- movement:
a) slow or quick and/or smooth movement, e.g. clothes slowly, smoothly slipping off, someone gliding quickly smoothly;
b) the sound of material slipping off or against skin (as when slipping clothing off). - a strange occurrence:
a) the sound of something appearing out of nowhere or from the shadows, or something disappearing into thin air, similar to poof. SFX: fwish, fizzle;
b) an ominous glow. - sleeping breath. SFX: *Zzz*.
sube sube: smooth
subu: eyes (and only eyes) closing (see tsubu)
sucha: slow and smooth movement [su] + a mechanism sound [cha]
sui: smooth movement, as of a good skater
suka, suka suka:
- whooshy sound. Note: the sound of swinging a baseball bat and missing. Used it for missing punches.
- the sound of an object slipping by, passing by, or missing an intended target.
- something sparse. Note: When you get a big box which is light for its size, and you shake it, and the packing material makes rustling sounds, that's suka suka. Or when you put on a big pair of jeans, you say "These are suka suka (too big)."
suka, suya: sleeping (see also gu, ku, supigu, suya)
suka, sukari, sukkiri, sukato: feeling of refreshment. Note: for example, when you drink a carbonated drink on a hot day (see also sawa, sawayaka)
sukon: plunk, plonk
suku: getting up, standing up
sun, sun sun:
- smelling;
- sobbing;
- go smoothly, steadily (lighter version of zun; see aslo suton, zun zun).
sunari: slender, smooth, graceful (see also surari)
supa, supari: cutting or breaking something (see also zuba)
supigu: peaceful sleep, a whistling sound (see also gu, ku, suka, suya)
suppa suppa: puff puff
- pop. The sound of tight something being pulled off (or pulled out) from something else;
- slip, slide [su] + pop [po].
surari, surarito: long and straight, slim, slender (see also sunari)
suri, suri suri:
- slow movement, e.g. cloth slowly slipping off;
- rustling or sliding sound of thread or fabric or clothes being undone (see shuru);
- rub, gentle caresses.
suru, suru suru: (see suri suri)
suru, surutto: smoothly; to slide in a smooth, glassy manner
suta: landing (as in after someone has jumped)
suta suta:
- quickly, briskly;
- walking fast; walking briskly, hurriedly; running.
sutatata: running
suten: falling
sutetete: a little kid running fast
- sit;
- droop, drop, fall, collapse, slump (see also suten).
suya, suya suya: sleeping soundly (see also gu, ku, supigu, suka)
taaaaa: dashing, running (see also da, do do do, tatata)
tabu tabu:
- to fill (as a container of liquid);
- fill to the brim (see also nami nami);
- to be in surplus of everything;
- fully; ample; in plenty.
taji, taji taji, tajit- ( たじっ ): overwhelmed, recoil, cringe
tan: soft impact, like a rubber stamp
tapu tapu tapu: running fast
tapa, tapan:
- (best guess) quick movement [ta] + soft impact [pa]. Used when titty-fucking. A converse SFX to pata.
- splat, splash, splish.
tapu, tapu tapu:
- jiggle, wiggle, shake, tremble;
- squish, squish squish;
- from the word tappuri, or a softer version of tabu tabu: to fill up, to be full, stuffed;
- describes the adding layers of skin.
- jiggle (variation of tayun);
- (best guess) quick movement [ta] + firm bounce [pun].
tappuri: full, stuffed
tara-, taraaa: nervous sweat, fop sweat
tara, tara tara: drip, drip-drop.
tata, tatat-, ta-ta-, tattat: drips, dripping, drip lightly (see also chita, nita)
- running lightly;
- walk at a fast pace.
- jiggle;
- slacken, relaxed, loose.
techi techi: to flick, wag, flap, slap (such as a finger) back and forth on something (compare to pechi)
tehe: tee-hee, cute giggle
teka teka: gleaming, shiny, smooth surface
teku teku: walking (see also to to to, toko toko)
ten ten tenmari tentemari: traditional song to accompany bouncing a ball
tere: abashed. Note: embarrassed in a happy way. Like when you're asked out on a date by somebody you like, you go tere.
- quiet impact, e.g. a soft landing from a jump;
- step.
to to to: walking (see also teku, toko)
to, ton, tonde: jumping
toba: to gush, to surge, to well up.
tobo tobo:
- totteringly, trudgingly;
- trudge, plod;
- to walk mopingly, wearily, dejectedly.
- a cross between a laugh and a cry; used for those painful situations where:
a) one can't decide whether to laugh or cry;
b) one is in a sad state where they can t do anything but laugh. - haughty laughter: to-ho-ho.
- crying: boo-hoo-hoo.
toko toko: walking (see also teku teku)
toku toku, topu topu: light sounds of [doku] or [dopu], the sound of liquid filling up to the rim
tokun: harder heartbeat (see also dokun)
ton, toon: fairly quiet impact: tap, rap, thump, bump, thunk
ton ton, ton- ton- ( トンッ ): footsteps, light stomping, running
tontonton: chop-chop-chop (as of food) or any other light continuous action (see also dondondon)
toon: fairly quiet impact: tap, rap, thump, bump, thunk (see ton)
topopopo ( トポポポ ): puffing steam, as from a tea kettle
toppuri: night falling, the sun disappearing
topun ( トポン ): liquid pouring, as from a tea kettle spout. A lighter sound than dopun.
toro, torotoro, toron:
- dozing, drowsily, dazed, dreamily;
- liquid flowing, secreting, seeping (like doro but not as thick a liquid);
- enraptured, enchanted, blessed-out.
tote: toddle toddle (see also hote)
-tou: postfix for counting big animals
tsu ( っ ):
- Currently best solution is to take it as a slightly high-pitched "h" made by catching your breath in your throat.
- Notes: the small -tsu can be used four different ways:
a) as a guttural stop, represented by the letter h, as in "Ahh ( あっ)";
b) as a gasping, represented literally as *gasp* ;
c) at the end of a sentence, when someone is speaking loudly, strongly, or forcefully, can be treated as an exclamation point; especially in instances where there are double small tsus (っっ); Example: "Ahh! ( あっっ)";
d) when at the start of phrase or word in a nonsensical interjectional way, used to elongate the sound of a consonant; Example: "Kku! ( っく!)".
tsu, su: rain
tsu, tsuu: pain, hurt, damage, bruise. Taken from the On reading of 痛. (see also bin)
tsu, tsu tsu: wet, flowing liquid, the appearance of something wet. Taken from the On reading of "water" 水 [nanori]. Used for showing a teardrop, sweat, vaginal secretions, and other forms of flowing liquid.
tsu, tsuuuu: bzzzz (buzzing insect sound)
tsubu: eyes (and only eyes) closing
tsun, tsun tsun:
- bad-smelling, stinky (see also pun pun);
- poke or a light tap (with a finger); used as an expression of friendly or adorable feeling;
- aloof, morose, pointed;
- push, push out.
tsupu, tsupon: push against, push in to, or push out [tsun] of something soft and stretchy [pu / pon]
tsuru, tsurun: sliding, also used for something smooth or slick
tsutsutsu, sususu: sliding
tsuya tsuya: shining, glowing (like the way someone looks in the morning)
u: Ugh, Urgh, Ulp! A tense discomfort, grunt or growl of surprise, pain, or anger, but less assertive than "Eww". Repeated for crying kind of sounds.
uchu: kiss, uhkiss (see also buchu, chu, nchu)
ugogo: choking
uhya: sigh, especially of contentment (see also hya)
uin, ui~n: (guesses)
- like "tada" + "boing";
- taking the On reading of [u] + exclamation [in] + lewdness / sex organ / stop up [yin];
- taking the Kun reading of [ui] + outside (nanori) / first time, beginning [in] + sex organ [yin] (see also win);
- buzzing, vibrating sound.
ujuru: see juru
uka uka, ukkari: daydreaming, not paying attention
ukkun: swallow, gulp (see also gokun, kokun)
umu: uh, uh-huh, hmm, mhm (see also fumu)
umu, umu umu: pus, fester, discharge
uni, uni uni:
- the noise you make with your mouth when you're waking up;
- (guess) the soft, squishy, clammy, slimy, pliable feeling of vaginal walls.
unsho: effort (see also nsho, yoisho)
unyu, unyuuu: sound of an object being forced out a soft and squishy tube (such as through the anus, toothpaste tube, etc.); shit [unko] + outward motion [nyuu].
unzari: bored, fed up
- burp, belch;
- SFX: Ulp! (the quick action of a belch or burp and a gulp; see geppu).
uraaa, uryaaa: roar, war cry (see also dorya, ora, orya, sorya)
ura ura: swaying
uru, uru uru, ururu:
- glistening, wet, moist.
- lovely, beautiful, romantic, kind, or gentle feeling or look.
- noisy, fussy, irritating, unbearable, importunate;
- Be quiet! Shut up!
- absent-minded, dazed, oblivious, spacey, faraway;
- absorbed, in deep, removed, or preoccupied thought, lost in thought.
- disinterested, unhopeful.
uto: nodding or dozing off
utsura: half-asleep
uttori: enraptured by beauty
uu, uuu:
- sound of anger. SFX: Urrgh!
- sound of discontent. SFX: Ughh;
- moan of passion. SFX: Uuh;
- long sobbing. SFX: Uwuu.
uwa, uwaaaa!:
- exclamation. SFX: Whoa! Wow! Augh!
- bawling, crying. SFX: Sob! Uwaaah!
- shock. SFX: Ugh! Oh no! Yikes!
- disgust. SFX: Ew!
uwaaaan!: interjection [uwa-] + finality [n] (see uwaaaa!)
uzo uzo: menacing sound that evil creatures and nasty plants make (see also gi gi and go go go)
uzu uzu: sorely tempted, itching to do something
vui: peace sign; V as in Victory, and victory means peace (see bui)
vuvuvu: vibrating, whirring, buzzing, humming sound
wa!: (a character saying it) Wow! Ack!
waa, waaa waaa: (a crowd's) excited roar (see also wai wai, wara wara)
wafu, wafu wafu: woof, arf, bark
wai: (a character saying it) exclamation of delight, yay. Note: "wai" and "wai wai" both are kid's speak for delight, that's why it's perceived cute or feminine.
wai wai: (as a background effect) noise, excitement, lots of people talking (see also wa, wara wara)
waki waki:
- wiggle back and forth;
- twiddle;
- flicker.
waku, waku waku:
- hopefulness, excitement. Note: happy and cute kind.
- agitation, seething anger.
wan wan: bow-wow, woof-woof, bark-bark, ruff-ruff
wana, wana wana: tremble, shiver, shake.
wara wara: crowd noise (see also waa, wai wai)
wasa wasa: rustle rustle?
washi, washi washi: squirm, wiggle
wata, wata wata:
- flap flap, flapping;
- squirm squirm, squirming.
waza waza, waza: expressly, specially, doing something especially rather than incidentally.
win: (see uin)
wu, wuu, wuuu, wu~~: a low, softer growl, like when a dog is just about to bark, but sustains the initial syllable without following through. SFX: GRR~~ (see also gururu)
yaa, yada, yada yada: shortened from the phrase "iya da"; chiefly, an expression of unhappiness, discomfort, or distaste of or for something; such as: "No!", "No way!", "I don't like that!", "I don't want that!", "I don't want to!", "Stop it", "Oh no!". (see also: iya)
yaho, yahoi: Yoo-hoo!, Yoohoo!, Hey!, Hello! Hi!
yakimoki: fretting, worrying
yanwari: soft, gentle
- what you say when you're frustrated, exasperated, or giving up: "Oh, well", "What the heck", "Poor thing", "Good grief."
- an interjection of...
a) admiration, wonder: "Well well", "Good!", "Ooh!";
b) disappointment, dejection, discouragement, fatigue, weariness: "Oh no!", "How could you?!";
c) sympathy towards another: "My my!", "Oh dear!";
d) relief or resolution of difficulties or insecurities: "Well", "Thank heaven/god/goodness."
- verbal product of an effort (see also nsho, unsho).
- oopsy-daisy, heave-ho; shout of encouragement to oneself when doing something or making effort.
yoishotto: oopsy-daisy, heave-ho; shout of encouragement to oneself when moving, lifting something heavy, or when doing something or making overexert effort.
yoji: the sound a cockroach makes when crawling up your back. May be related to jiri jiri, which is inching.
yore, yore yore:
- worn out, shabby, seedy, wrinkled up;
- crumpled, twisted, kinked;
- stagger, waddle, walk or move shakily or unsteadily, waver (variation of yoro yoro).
yoro, yoro yoro: stagger, waddle, walk or move shakily or unsteadily, waver.
yota, yota yota: unsteady, stagger, waddle, totter.
yotto: perhaps a lighter (less effort) version of yoishotto or arayotto, used particularly when completing a task. Seen translated as "there you go".
yoyo, yoyoyo ( ヨヨ ):
- cry, sob. SFX: Boohoo, Waaah;
- from the word "yoyoto": to sob convulsively, to cry with heaving sobs;
- (see oyoyo).
yuuki, yuukishin:
- in high spirits, cheerful;
- brave, valiant, courageous, nervy.
yura, yura yura ( ユラユラ ): slow swaying, rolling from side to side, swing, wobble, shake, waver, roll, rock, tremble, vibrate, flicker.
yuru, yuru yuru: slowly, leisurely, very loose, lax.
yusa, yusa yusa:
- shaking (something);
- a large thing swaying.
za!: strong, energetic movement
za, zaa, za za, zaa zaa:
- sound of rushing water;
- sound of pouring rain (louder and heavier than sa or saa);
- a white noise sound;
- a rustling sound (of grass, leaves, paper, etc.);
- rustling footstep on grass, walking quickly or running through grass or bushes.
zaba, zabu, zabun: big splash (see also jabon, shapu; and for smaller splashes bashan, picha, pisha)
zaburi zaburi: the sound of animated, moving water
zaku!: cross between za and zoku?
zaku, zaku zaku:
- gravel, foliage, earth crunching sound when walking;
- crunch;
- the sound of gravel when walking, shoveling, mixing, etc.
zakku zakku:
- crunch crunch, thud thud, tramp tramp;
- zaku, emphasized.
zapa, zapu: small splash; small splashes or lapping sounds of a small waves (smaller, sometimes more quiet, than zaba or zabu. see zaba or zabu).
zappa-n, zappaaan: big splash.
zappushi ( ザップシ ): a splashing sound variation. SFX: Spulash! Spuloosh!
zapua ( ざぷあ ): splash
zari: apparently shaving, or scraping sounds (but not as hard as jori)
zashu: lash, slash zasu ( ザス ):
- a forceful, driving, abrupt movement/slash (see also zashu).
- stranding; running aground.
zawa, zawa zawa:
- crowd noises (Yada yada. Chatter chatter. Yammer yammer. Murmur murmur. Blah blah blah. Yakety shmakety.)
- rustle. May be specific to plants, but seen used for trees.
- tension or power building.
ze, zee, zei: wheeze, gasp, hard breathing
zoku, zoku zoku: chill or shiver which runs through the spine; spine tingle
zoo, zooon: rumbling, shaking
zori: shaving or scraping sound (not as hard as jori, and perhaps smoother than zari)
zoro, zoro zoro: moving as a group, moving in succession
zotto: chill or shiver (see also chiri)
zowa, zowat ( ぞわッ ): an original SFX representing a chilling or uncomfortable thought:
- used when someone imagines doing mouth to mouth resuscitation with the cute girl, and ends up with a mixed, perhaps chilling, feeling;
- also used when one realizes someone can see their bums through their sheer plug suits.
zoku: chilling thought, uncomfortable chill/thought, awkward chill, shiver the thought, nervous chill, shock, shocking revelation; chill or shiver [zo] + tremble, excitement [waku?]
- a nervous shake;
- chill or shiver which runs through the spine, spine tingle (perhaps not as strong an action as zoku).
- drool or other liquid flowing;
- sip, slurp (see also su, zuzu).
zu, zu-, zun, zu(uu), zu(uu)n:
- a vigorous motion: plunge, ram, shove;
- a slow and steady motion: slide, slip, stroke, drag;
- surprise, shock;
- sudden appearance or entrance;
- slump, disappointment, sadness, depressed, feel down. Note: It often describes things sinking, even a sinking heart (see also sun).
- (guess) an original SFX; probably from "blossoms into more, a whole row of" [zura, zurari, zurat, zurarito] + wow [ua].
- surprise, shock [zu] + wow [ua]. SFX: Zowie!.
zuba, zubari, zuba zuba:
- to slice or cut with a single blow (see also supa).
- a decisive, firm movement or action. Note: taken from zubari or zubazuba meaning frankly, decisively, decidedly, unreservedly.
- can also be used as a dramatic effect to emphasize decisiveness, action, frankness.
zubishi, zubishu: strong whipping action; strong movement [zu] + whip, smack, etc. [bishi]
zubo, zubot- ( ずぼっ ):
- a swift/fast action [zu] + a strong popping sound or emphasis [bo];
- dig, shove deep and rough, fucking hard and fast.
zubon: shove, plunge [zubo] + bump into something [n]; shove, plunge [zu] + all the way, to the end, to the root [bo] and [n]. SFX: shuv, ram, plunge
zubou: sounds that the plunging act was done in a second, quickly (see also zubu)
- push, shove, plunge: strong movement [zu] + impact or emphasis [bu]. SFX: lunge (compare to zubu zubu, def. 2);
- used to show something being dragged in or pushed in slowly (compare to zubu zubu, def. 1).
zubu zubu:
- to stab, pierce, thrust many times into something soft and tender, as with a knife;
- to sink or settle in mud and water;
- to pass out drunk, dead drunk.
zubupu: plunge [zubu] + penetrate [pusu]
zucchi, zucchu: a wet sliding, smacking sound (see zuchi, zuchu)
zuchi, zuchu: a wet sliding, smacking sound. SFX: smuck, shmuk, shtup.
zudoun, zudou(uu)n: (guess)
- plunging, sinking feeling;
- sudden happenstance [zu] + dramatic, astonishing effect [don] + confusion [dou].
zugagaga, zugogogo: combination of vigorous action and menace? Anyway, loud drastic things happening.
zuki, zuki zuki: throbbing pain; heartbreak; tingling
zugi: shock. (as when one is taken aback by someone's death.)
zugo, zugooon-:
- a swift impact sound. SFX: Zug!;
- a shocking, stunning, surprising blow.
zui, zuit ( ずいッ ): the sound of something quick:
a) (best guess) surprise, quick [zu] + innocent, artless [ui]. SFX: cute zinger, zinger, zing;
b) SFX: swift, abrupt, shwing, zing, aback, startle, alarm.
zuki, zuki zuki:
- sharp pain, throbbing pain, heartbreakingly;
- tingling.
zuko, zukoo: a swift impact sound, but not as hard as zugo (see also zugo)
zukyu: (guess) vigirous motion [zu] + tight, squeak [kyu]
zumo, zumomomo: menacing, ominous, intimidating, apocalyptic, apocalyptical, portentous, grave.
zun, zun zun:
- slam, rapidly, steadily;
- vigorous, strong, powerful movements (antonym: yuru yuru);
- slide [zu] + bump into something [n];
- slide all the way to the hilt (see zubon).
zun, zuuun, zu--n:
- heavy, proudly, overpowering, overcoming, overbearing;
- rumbling (variation of zoo or zooon);
- slump, feel down, depressed, gloomy.
zunupu: slide [zu] + going in deep [nupu]: slide all the way to the hilt (see zubon)
- slide (perhaps out) [zu] + insertion (in) [nyu];
- slide [zu] + smooshy feeling [nyu].
zunguri: dumpy
zupa, zupan: (guess) sliding, whisking [zu] + slap [pa(n)]. SFX: sslap, shlap, shwap
zupo zupo: move deeply, putting something in/out of a hole
zupo, zupot-, zupon: shove, ram, stick deep and roughly
- (guess) slide [zu] + penetrating [pusu] or shaking [puru]. SFX: zup, zuup, zoop;
- prick, stick, stab, thrust, lunge, etc.
zura, zura--, zuraaaaa:
- an SFX representing enormity, hugeness, vastness, immenseness, sheerness in numbers and quantity;
- Countless, myriad, multitudinous, populous; rows and rows.
zuri: rub, fold, print; from the Kun, nanori reading of 摺 (suri)
zuri, zuriri, zuru: stagger when walking, or fall back in shock (see also gura, zuru)
- sip, slurp (see also zuzu);
- strong movement (more vigorous than suru);
- stagger, fall back in shock (see zuri);
- fall down, drop, collapse; on the brink of collapsing.
zuru, zuru zuru:
- something heavy dragging or being pulled;
- to drag out, especially out of something that is resistive (opposite of nubu).
zurunyu: strong, vigorous movement [zuru] + insertion [nyu]
zururu: slurp (see jururu, zuroo, churo, churu)
zuroo: slurp [zuru] + slowly (as in from the base to the head of a cock) [ro]
- rub, fold, print. From the Kun, nanori reading of 摺 "suri";
- smooth, quick, strong motion;
- a screwing action or motion.
zuryun: all the way in one stroke: smooth, quick, strong motion [zuryu] + stop or bump [n]. SFX: Stroke
zusasa: vigorous [zu] + quick motion [sasa]; Note: seen used for quick scuttling recoil
zusha, zushaa- ( ズシャアッ ):
- strong movement [zu] + sliding or skidding [sha];
- skid, skidding;
- the sound of a landslide.
zushi- ( ズシッ ), zushin ( ズシン ):
- a heavy impact sound. SFX: thud, wump;
- also used to indicate heavy footsteps: stomp, tromp, clomp.
- (guess) vigorous [zu] + quick motion [so], a quick recoiling motion (like zusasa);
- shake, tremble, flinch.
zuvuvu ( ズヴヴ ): (guess) strong movement [zu] + rippling/vibrating effect of mud [vuvu], used when stomping on it. SFX: Smoosh
zuza: (guesses)
- a quick, vigorous movement, rush;
- slide [zu] + impact [zakku];
- slide [zu] + strong movement (emphasis) [za];
- Zzz-s (as in taking a nap).
zuzaaa: (guess)
- strong silence, strong hush;
- strong startle;
- strong movement, emphasis, surprise, or shock [zu] + white noise [zaaa]. Note: Used for example when someone enters the dressing room and surprises the half-naked girls.
- sip (see also zu, zuru);
- sliding, slipping, or stroking in and out or back and forth;
- a quick and vigorous motion, rush.
zuzuzuzu ( ずずずず ):
- a quick and vigorous motion, rush;
- used figuratively to imply the speaker's bluntness, frankness, impudence, or rudeness.
Also thanks to these useful sites:
ア (a) | イ (i) | ウ (u) | エ (e) | オ (o) |
カ (ka) | キ (ki) | ク (ku) | ケ (ke) | コ (ko) |
ガ (ga) | ギ (gi) | グ (gu) | ゲ (ge) | ゴ (go) |
サ (sa) | シ (shi) | ス (su) | セ (se) | ソ (so) |
ザ (za) | ジ (ji) | ズ (zu) | ゼ (ze) | ゾ (zo) |
タ (ta) | チ (chi) | ツ (tsu) | テ (te) | ト (to) |
ダ (da) | ヂ (ji) | ヅ (zu) | デ (de) | ド (do) |
ナ (na) | ニ (ni) | ヌ (nu) | ネ (ne) | ノ (no) |
ハ (ha) | ヒ (hi) | フ (fu) | ヘ (he) | ホ (ho) |
バ (ba) | ビ (bi) | ブ (bu) | ベ (be) | ボ (bo) |
パ (pa) | ピ (pi) | プ (pu) | ペ (pe) | ポ (po) |
マ (ma) | ミ (mi) | ム (mu) | メ (me) | モ (mo) |
ヤ (ya) | ユ (yu) | ヨ (yo) | ||
ラ (ra) | リ (ri) | ル (ru) | レ (re) | ロ (ro) |
ワ (wa) | ヲ (wo) | ン (n/m) |
キャ (kya) | キュ (kyu) | キョ (kyo) |
ギャ (gya) | ギュ (gyu) | ギョ (gyo) |
シャ (sha) | シュ (shu) | ショ (sho) |
ジャ (ja) | ジュ (ju) | ジョ (jo) |
チャ (cha) | チュ (chu) | チョ (cho) |
ニャ (nya) | ニュ (nyu) | ニョ (nyo) |
ヒャ (hya) | ヒュ (hyu) | ヒョ (hyo) |
ビャ (bya) | ビュ (byu) | ビョ (byo) |
ピャ (pya) | ピュ (pyu) | ピョ (pyo) |
ミャ (mya) | ミュ (myu) | ミョ (myo) |
リャ (rya) | リュ (ryu) | リョ (ryo) |
あ (a) | い (i) | う (u) | え (e) | お (o) |
か (ka) | き (ki) | く (ku) | け (ke) | こ (ko) |
が (ga) | ぎ (gi) | ぐ (gu) | げ (ge) | ご (go) |
さ (sa) | し (shi) | す (su) | せ (se) | そ (so) |
ざ (za) | じ (ji) | ず (zu) | ぜ (ze) | ぞ (zo) |
た (ta) | ち (chi) | つ (tsu) | て (te) | と (to) |
だ (da) | ぢ (ji) | づ (zu) | で (de) | ど (do) |
な (na) | に (ni) | ぬ (nu) | ね (ne) | の (no) |
は (ha) | ひ (hi) | ふ (fu) | へ (he) | ほ (ho) |
ば (ba) | び (bi) | ぶ (bu) | べ (be) | ぼ (bo) |
ぱ (pa) | ぴ (pi) | ぷ (pu) | ぺ (pe) | ぽ (po) |
ま (ma) | み (mi) | む (mu) | め (me) | も (mo) |
や (ya) | ゆ (yu) | よ (yo) | ||
ら (ra) | り (ri) | る (ru) | れ (re) | ろ (ro) |
わ (wa) | を (wo) | ん (n/m) |
きゃ (kya) | きゅ (kyu) | きょ (kyo) |
ぎゃ (gya) | ぎゅ (gyu) | ぎょ (gyo) |
しゃ (sha) | しゅ (shu) | しょ (sho) |
じゃ (ja) | じゅ (ju) | じょ (jo) |
ちゃ (cha) | ちゅ (chu) | ちょ (cho) |
にゃ (nya) | にゅ (nyu) | にょ (nyo) |
ひゃ (hya) | ひゅ (hyu) | ひょ (hyo) |
びゃ (bya) | びゅ (byu) | びょ (byo) |
ぴゃ (pya) | ぴゅ (pyu) | ぴょ (pyo) |
みゃ (mya) | みゅ (myu) | みょ (myo) |
りゃ (rya) | りゅ (ryu) | りょ (ryo) |
Vowels accompanied by two diagonal scratches (diacritic mark, dakuten/ten-ten: ゛) are a relatively new way to indicate a particularly loud, groaning or husky sound, a feature English can't replicate fully, except maybe with occasional capital letters.
Any sound extended with 〜 is wavering.
A syllable extended with more of the same vowel, only smaller (like in はぁ) trails off.
A small hiragana っ, or katakana ッ (tsu) after anything can indicate an abrupt finish, and can also be inserted right into words where it isn't normally found, usually showing difficulty speaking while gasping. Can be substituted with "h" containing sounds.
In some works you may see the word まって (matte, lit. "wait"), which is translated nowadays since it's usually used quite simply and literally.
Finally, a concluding よ (yo) adds emphasis with attempted authority.
Kurikaeshi (くりかえし):
ヽ repetition mark in katakana;
ヾ voiced repetition mark in katakana;
ゝ repetition mark in hiragana;
ゞ voiced repetition mark in hiragana; repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced);
々 repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced);
# | Sino-Japanese number | Romaji | Kanji | Native Japanese number | Romaji | Kanji |
1 | いち | ichi | 一 | ひとつ | hitotsu | 一つ |
2 | に | ni | 二 | ふたつ | futatsu | 二つ |
3 | さん | san | 三 | みっつ | mittsu | 三つ |
4 | し、よん | shi, yon | 四 | よっつ | yottsu | 四つ |
5 | ご | go | 五 | いつつ | itsutsu | 五つ |
6 | ろく | roku | 六 | むっつ | muttsu | 六つ |
7 | しち、なな | shichi, nana | 七 | ななつ | nanatsu | 七つ |
8 | はち | hachi | 八 | やっつ | yattsu | 八つ |
9 | く、きゅう | ku, kyuu | 九 | ここのつ | kokonotsu | 九つ |
10 | じゅう | juu | 十 | とう | tou | 十 |
0 | れい、ゼロ、マル | rei, zero, maru | 零 |
# | Kanji | Kana | Romaji |
10 | 十 | じゅう | juu |
100 | 百 | ひゃく | hyaku |
1,000 | 千 | せん | sen |
10,000 | 万 | まん | man |
100,000 | 十万 | じゅうまん | juuman |
1,000,000 | 百万 | ひゃくまん | hyakuman |
10,000,000 | 千万 | せんまん | senman |
100,000,000 | 一億 | いちおく | ichioku |
1,000,000,000 | 十億 | じゅうおく | juuoku |
1,000,000,000,000 | 一兆 | いっちょう | icchou |
Day | Kanji | Romaji |
1st | ついたち | tsuitachi |
2nd | ふつか | futsuka |
3rd | みっか | mikka |
4th | よっか | yokka |
5th | いつか | itsuka |
6th | むいか | muika |
7th | なのか | nanoka |
8th | ようか | youka |
9th | ここのか | kokonoka |
10th | とおか | tooka |
14th | じゅうよっか | juuyokka |
20th | はつか | hatsuka |
24th | にじゅうよっか | nijuuyokka |
English | Japanese | Romaji |
Damn it! | 畜生! | Chikushou! |
You idiot! | 馬鹿め!/馬鹿やろう!/愚か者め! | Baka me!/Baka yarou!/Orokamono me! |
Go to hell! | くたばれ!/くたばっちまえ! | Kutabare!/Kutabacchimae! |
Shut up! | うるせえ!/やかましい!/だまれ! | Urusee!/Yakamashii!/Damare! |
Are you kidding me! | ふざけんじゃねえよ! | Fuzaken janee yo! |
Outta my way! | どけ!/邪魔だ! | Doke!/Jama da! |
You coward! | 不甲斐ない!/腰抜けめ!/卑怯者! | Fugainai!/Koshinuke me!/Hikyoumono! |
Gross! | きもちわるい!/きもい! | Kimochi warui!/Kimoi! |
What a pain! | めんどくせえ! | Mendokusee! |
Damn you! | おのれえ! | Onoree! |
Shut the hell up! | ガタガタぬかすな! | Gatagata nukasu na! |
You bastard! | このくそやろう! | Kono kuso yarou! |
Have you gone mad? | 血迷ったか! | Chi mayotta ka. |
You liar! | うそつけ! | Usotsuke! |
Bullshit! | くだらねえ! | Kudaranee! |
Die! | 死ね! | Shi nee! |
None of your business! | てめえは関係ねえだろ! | Temee wa kankei nee daro! |
Shit! | くそ! | Kuso! |
Oh crap. | まいったな./こまったな. | Maitta na./Komatta na. |
You're dead! | お前もうおしまい! | Omae mou oshimai! |
You're ugly! | ぶす! | Busu! |