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Created July 16, 2017 11:53
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#pragma once
#include <math.h>
#include <array>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/ext.hpp>
namespace rt {
typedef glm::dvec2 Vec2;
typedef glm::dvec3 Vec3;
typedef glm::dvec4 Vec4;
template <int n>
static double Pow(double v) {
static_assert(n > 0, "Power can’t be negative");
double n2 = Pow<n / 2>(v);
return n2 * n2 * Pow<n & 1>(v);
template <> double Pow<1>(double v) { return v; }
template <> double Pow<0>(double v) { return 1.0; }
inline double Sqr(double x) {
return x * x;
inline double SafeASin(double x) {
if ((x >= -1.0001 && x <= 1.0001) == false) {
printf("SafeASin warning x: %.10f\n", x);
return std::asin(glm::clamp(x, -1.0, 1.0));
inline double SafeSqrt(double x) {
if (x < -1e-4) {
printf("SafeSqrt warning x: %.10f\n", x);
return std::sqrt(std::max(double(0.0), x));
enum {
pMax = 3
inline double I0(double x, int n = 10) {
double sum = 0.0;
double fact_m = 1.0;
double x_over_2_pow_2m = 1.0;
const double x_over_2 = x * 0.5;
for (int m = 0; m < n; ++m) {
if (m != 0) {
fact_m *= m;
sum += 1.0 / (fact_m * fact_m) * x_over_2_pow_2m;
x_over_2_pow_2m *= x_over_2 * x_over_2;
return sum;
inline double LogI0(double x) {
if (x > 12.0) {
return x + 0.5 * (-std::log(2.0 * glm::pi<double>()) + std::log(1.0 / x) + 1.0 / (8.0 * x));
return std::log(I0(x));
inline double Mp(double sinThetaI, double cosThetaI, double sinThetaO, double cosThetaO, double v) {
double a = cosThetaI * cosThetaO / v;
double b = sinThetaI * sinThetaO / v;
double mp = (v <= 0.1) ?
(glm::exp(LogI0(a) - b - 1.0 / v + 0.6931 + glm::log(1.0 / (2.0 * v)))) :
(glm::exp(-b) * I0(a)) / (glm::sinh(1.0 / v) * 2.0 * v);
return mp;
inline double FrDielectric(double cosThetaI, double etaI, double etaT) {
cosThetaI = glm::clamp(cosThetaI, -1.0, 1.0);
bool entering = cosThetaI > 0.f;
if (!entering) {
std::swap(etaI, etaT);
cosThetaI = std::abs(cosThetaI);
// Compute _cosThetaT_ using Snell's law
double sinThetaI = std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - cosThetaI * cosThetaI));
double sinThetaT = etaI / etaT * sinThetaI;
// Handle total internal reflection
if (sinThetaT >= 1.0) return 1;
double cosThetaT = std::sqrt(std::max(0.0, 1.0 - sinThetaT * sinThetaT));
double Rparl = ((etaT * cosThetaI) - (etaI * cosThetaT)) / ((etaT * cosThetaI) + (etaI * cosThetaT));
double Rperp = ((etaI * cosThetaI) - (etaT * cosThetaT)) / ((etaI * cosThetaI) + (etaT * cosThetaT));
return (Rparl * Rparl + Rperp * Rperp) * 0.5;
inline std::array<Vec3, pMax + 1> Ap(double cosThetaO, double eta, double h, const Vec3 &T) {
std::array<Vec3, pMax + 1> ap;
double cosGammaO = SafeSqrt(1.0 - h * h);
double cosTheta = cosThetaO * cosGammaO;
double f = FrDielectric(cosTheta, 1.0, eta);
ap[0] = Vec3(f);
ap[1] = Sqr(1 - f) * T;
// ap[2] = ap[1] * T * f;
for (int p = 2; p < pMax; ++p) {
ap[p] = ap[p - 1] * T * f;
ap[pMax] = ap[pMax - 1] * f * T / (Vec3(1.0) - T * f);
return ap;
inline std::array<double, pMax + 1> betam_to_v(double bm) {
std::array<double, pMax + 1> vs;
vs[0] = Sqr(0.726 * bm + 0.812 * Sqr(bm) + 3.7 * Pow<20>(bm));
vs[1] = 0.25 * vs[0];
vs[2] = 4.0 * vs[0];
for (int p = 3; p <= pMax; ++p)
vs[p] = vs[2];
return vs;
inline double Phi(int p, double gammaO, double gammaT) {
return 2.0 * p * gammaT - 2.0 * gammaO + p * glm::pi<double>();
inline double Logistic(double x, double s) {
x = std::abs(x);
double exp_minus_x_over_s = std::exp(-x / s);
return exp_minus_x_over_s / (s * Sqr(1.0 + exp_minus_x_over_s));
inline double LogisticCDF(double x, double s) {
return 1.0 / (1.0 + std::exp(-x / s));
inline double TrimmedLogistic(double x, double s, double a, double b) {
return Logistic(x, s) / (LogisticCDF(b, s) - LogisticCDF(a, s));
inline double Np(double phi, int p, double s, double gammaO, double gammaT) {
double dphi = phi - Phi(p, gammaO, gammaT);
while (dphi > glm::pi<double>()) dphi -= 2.0 * glm::pi<double>();
while (dphi < -glm::pi<double>()) dphi += 2.0 * glm::pi<double>();
return TrimmedLogistic(dphi, s, -glm::pi<double>(), glm::pi<double>());
inline double beta_n_to_s(double beta_n) {
static const double SqrtPiOver8 = 0.626657069;
return SqrtPiOver8 * (0.265 * beta_n + 1.194 * Sqr(beta_n) + 5.372 * Pow<22>(beta_n));
inline double AbsCosThetaForHair(const Vec3 &w) {
return glm::sqrt(w.z * w.z + w.y * w.y);
inline glm::dvec3 bsdf(glm::dvec3 wi, glm::dvec3 wo, double h) {
// パラメータはひとまずハードコーディング
double eta = 1.55;
double beta_n = 0.9;
double beta_m = 0.9;
double alpha = 0.000;
Vec3 sigma_a(0.0);
// Vec3 sigma_a(1.0 - 179.0 / 255.0, 1.0 - 72.0 / 255.0, 1.0 - 29.0 / 255.0);
double sinThetaO = wo.x;
double cosThetaO = SafeSqrt(1.0 - Sqr(sinThetaO));
double phiO = std::atan2(wo.z, wo.y);
double sinThetaI = wi.x;
double cosThetaI = SafeSqrt(1.0 - Sqr(sinThetaI));
double phiI = std::atan2(wi.z, wi.y);
double s = beta_n_to_s(beta_n);
double sinThetaT = sinThetaO / eta;
double cosThetaT = SafeSqrt(1.0 - Sqr(sinThetaT));
double etap = glm::sqrt(eta * eta - Sqr(sinThetaO)) / cosThetaO;
double sinGammaT = h / etap;
double cosGammaT = SafeSqrt(1 - Sqr(sinGammaT));
double gammaT = SafeASin(sinGammaT);
double l = 2.0 * cosGammaT / cosThetaT;
Vec3 T = glm::exp(-sigma_a * l);
std::array<double, 3> sin2kAlpha;
std::array<double, 3> cos2kAlpha;
sin2kAlpha[0] = std::sin(alpha);
cos2kAlpha[0] = SafeSqrt(1 - Sqr(sin2kAlpha[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
sin2kAlpha[i] = 2 * cos2kAlpha[i - 1] * sin2kAlpha[i - 1];
cos2kAlpha[i] = Sqr(cos2kAlpha[i - 1]) - Sqr(sin2kAlpha[i - 1]);
double gammaO = SafeASin(h);
double phi = phiI - phiO;
std::array<Vec3, pMax + 1> ap = Ap(cosThetaO, eta, h, T);
std::array<double, pMax + 1> v = betam_to_v(beta_m);
Vec3 fsum(0.);
for (int p = 0; p < 3; ++p) {
double sinThetaIp, cosThetaIp;
if (p == 0) {
sinThetaIp = sinThetaI * cos2kAlpha[1] + cosThetaI * sin2kAlpha[1];
cosThetaIp = cosThetaI * cos2kAlpha[1] - sinThetaI * sin2kAlpha[1];
else if (p == 1) {
sinThetaIp = sinThetaI * cos2kAlpha[0] - cosThetaI * sin2kAlpha[0];
cosThetaIp = cosThetaI * cos2kAlpha[0] + sinThetaI * sin2kAlpha[0];
else if (p == 2) {
sinThetaIp = sinThetaI * cos2kAlpha[2] - cosThetaI * sin2kAlpha[2];
cosThetaIp = cosThetaI * cos2kAlpha[2] + sinThetaI * sin2kAlpha[2];
else {
sinThetaIp = sinThetaI;
cosThetaIp = cosThetaI;
cosThetaIp = std::abs(cosThetaIp);
fsum += Mp(sinThetaIp, cosThetaIp, sinThetaO, cosThetaO, v[p]) * ap[p] * Np(phi, p, s, gammaO, gammaT);
fsum += Mp(cosThetaI, cosThetaO, sinThetaI, sinThetaO, v[pMax]) * ap[pMax] / (2.0 * glm::pi<double>());
if (AbsCosThetaForHair(wi) > 0) {
fsum /= AbsCosThetaForHair(wi);
return fsum;
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