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Forked from ssokolow/
Created January 5, 2012 09:09
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Helpers for permanent modifications to the Windows environment
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Helpers for automating the process of setting up ported Linux/UNIX
applications which were designed with expectations like being in $PATH.
@note: Basic functionality requires only the Python standard library.
Some functions and methods also require the PyWin32 package.
@note: A much more verbose "sudo for Windows" implementation (BSD-licensed)
which requires only Python stdlib (uses ctypes) can be found in esky:
@todo: Wrap the Windows API for looking up an associated application so
elevate() without arguments can be made to work on non-frozen apps.
@todo: Decide if other things like C{DisableReflectionKey} are necessary.
__author__ = "Stephan Sokolow (deitarion/SSokolow)"
__version__ = "0.2"
__license__ = "MIT"
# Dodge the case-sensitivity issue
KEY_PATH = 'Path'
# Constants which seem to not be defined in PyWin32
import os, sys, _winreg as winreg
def elevate(argv=None, cwd=None, use_arguments=True, show=True):
"""Run a subprocess with elevated privileges.
(Should work with both UAC and Guest accounts)
@param argv: Command to run. C{None} for self.
@param cwd: Working directory or C{None} for C{os.getcwd()}
@param use_arguments: If False, PyWin32 is not required.
@param show: See bShow in C{win32api.ShellExecute} docs.
(Ignored if use_arguments = C{False})
@note: This assumes that sys.argv[0] is absolute or relative to cwd.
@todo: Get access to something newer than XP to test on.
argv = argv or sys.argv
cwd = cwd or os.getcwd()
if isinstance(argv, basestring):
argv = [argv]
cmd = os.path.normpath(argv[0])
if use_arguments:
from win32api import ShellExecute
from subprocess import list2cmdline
args = list2cmdline(argv[1:])
ShellExecute(0, 'runas', cmd, args, cwd, show)
os.startfile(os.path.normpath(cmd), 'runas')
def self_is_elevated():
"""Returns a boolean indicating whether the current process has full
administrator rights. (eg. whether a UAC elevation needs to be performed)
@note: Requires PyWin32.
@todo: Get access to something newer than XP to test on.
from win32security import (
sid = CreateWellKnownSid(WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid, None)
return CheckTokenMembership(None, sid)
class WinEnv(object):
Convenience class for permanently modifying Windows system environment
variables from within a Python program or script.
@note: This bypasses Python's C{os.environ} and directly modifies the
registry keys Windows uses to persistently store environment
@note: This only supports modern Windows (2K/XP/etc.) which store their
environment in the registry. C{AUTOEXEC.BAT} is unsupported.
@note: People writing batch files probably want the SetEnv tool instead.
(It's more featureful, but it's under a non-libre license so I
haven't touched it. Binaries, code, and instructions available at )
PATH_ENV = r"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\\"
DEFAULT_SEP = os.pathsep
DEFAULT_NORM = lambda x: os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(x))
def __init__(self):
self.env = winreg.OpenKey(
self.val_type_cache = {}
def _in_val_list(self, val_list, component, norm):
val_match_list = [norm(x) for x in val_list]
return norm(component) in val_match_list
def add(self, key, value, sep=DEFAULT_SEP, norm=DEFAULT_NORM):
"""Append a component to a variable like C{PATH}.
Wraps L{read_list} and L{write_list}.
@note: If C{value} is already present in C{key}, no
modification will take place.
@param norm: A normalization function for "x in y" checks.
val_list = self.read_list(key, sep=sep)
if not self._in_val_list(val_list, value, norm):
self.write_list(key, val_list, sep=sep)
def announce(self):
"""Attempt to update the environment for running applications.
@note: Requires PyWin32 (Unlike the rest of this class)
@todo: Confirm this actually does something
winreg.FlushKey(self.env) # TODO: Is this necessary?
import win32api
win32api.SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, None, 'Environment')
# (..., None, 'Environment') as specified at
def remove(self, key, value, sep=DEFAULT_SEP, norm=DEFAULT_NORM):
"""Remove a component from a variable like C{PATH}.
Wraps L{read_list} and L{write_list}.
@note: If multiple instances of C{value} are found, all will be removed.
@param norm: A normalization function for "x in y" checks.
val_list = self.read_list(key, sep=sep)
while self._in_val_list(val_list, value, norm):
self.write_list(key, val_list, sep=sep)
def read(self, key):
"""Read and return the given environment variable from the registry.
Caches the key's type for use with L{write}.
key_val, key_type = winreg.QueryValueEx(self.env, key)
self.val_type_cache[key] = key_type
return key_val
def read_list(self, key, sep=DEFAULT_SEP):
"""Call L{read} and process its output into a list.
Defaults to sep=C{os.pathsep}
@raises TypeError: Returned value is not C{REG_SZ} or C{REG_EXPAND_SZ}
key_val =
if self.val_type_cache[key] not in (winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ, winreg.REG_SZ):
raise TypeError("Environment variable not a string: %s" % key)
return key_val.split(sep)
def write(self, key, value, type=None):
"""Write the given value to the registry.
Will use the cached value type if not provided.
@raises KeyError: type=C{None} and key not in cache.
type = type or self.val_type_cache[key]
winreg.SetValueEx(self.env, key, 0, type, value)
def write_list(self, key, value, type=None, sep=DEFAULT_SEP):
"""Convenience wrapper for L{write} which mirrors L{read_list}."""
self.write(key, sep.join(value), type)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#NOTE: Example usage only. Command-line syntax will change.
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser(
usage="%prog <Path to add to %PATH%>",
version="%%prog v%s" % __version__)
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 1:
if not self_is_elevated():
except ImportError:
print("Unable to import PyWin32. Skipping privilege elevation.")
env = WinEnv()
env.add(KEY_PATH, args[0])
except ImportError:
print("Unable to import PyWin32. Skipping announce()")
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