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Created July 12, 2011 19:56
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  • Save Util/1078826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Util/1078826 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Niecza: Error when re-compilng Niecza a "Ubuntu Natty" Linux box
Niecza: Error when re-compilng Niecza a "Ubuntu Natty" Linux box
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ uname -a
Linux farmer 2.6.38-8-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 05:17:09 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ make clean
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ git clean -dfx
Removing .fetch-stamp
Removing boot/
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 9ba8284 Implement term:<proceed>, Any.{isa,can,does}, we now pass given.t
HEAD is now at 9ba8284 Implement term:<proceed>, Any.{isa,can,does}, we now pass given.t
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ git pull --rebase
Current branch master is up to date.
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ git stash apply
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: lib/CORE.setting
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
bruce@farmer:~/Git/Niecza/niecza$ make
rm -rf boot/
mkdir boot
wget --no-check-certificate -Oboot/ $(cat FETCH_URL)
--2011-07-12 14:36:01--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2011-07-12 14:36:02--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 999363 (976K) [.zip]
Saving to: `boot/'
100%[===================================================================================>] 999,363 1.49M/s in 0.6s
2011-07-12 14:36:03 (1.49 MB/s) - `boot/' saved [999363/999363]
cd boot && unzip
creating: docs/
inflating: docs/announce.v1
inflating: docs/announce.v2
inflating: docs/announce.v3
inflating: docs/announce.v4
inflating: docs/announce.v5
inflating: docs/announce.v6
inflating: docs/announce.v7
inflating: docs/announce.initial
inflating: docs/overview.pod
inflating: docs/compiler.pod
inflating: docs/nam.pod
inflating: docs/DIRECTIONS
inflating: docs/tracing.pod
creating: lib/
inflating: lib/Test.pm6
inflating: lib/CORE.setting
extracting: lib/CORN.setting
inflating: lib/Threads.pm6
inflating: lib/JSYNC.pm6
inflating: lib/CORP.setting
inflating: LICENSE
inflating: Makefile
creating: obj/
inflating: obj/Kernel.dll
inflating: obj/CLRBackend.exe
inflating: obj/CrossDomainReceiver.dll
inflating: README.pod
creating: run/
inflating: run/Niecza.exe
inflating: run/NieczaGrammar.dll
inflating: run/NieczaBackendClisp.dll
inflating: run/CORE.dll
inflating: run/OpHelpers.dll
inflating: run/RxOp.dll
inflating: run/Op.dll
inflating: run/Kernel.dll
inflating: run/NieczaCompiler.dll
inflating: run/STD.dll
inflating: run/NieczaFrontendSTD.dll
inflating: run/CClass.dll
inflating: run/OptRxSimple.dll
inflating: run/NieczaPathSearch.dll
inflating: run/Operator.dll
inflating: run/NAMOutput.dll
inflating: run/Metamodel.dll
inflating: run/NieczaBackendHoopl.dll
inflating: run/JSYNC.dll
inflating: run/CgOp.dll
inflating: run/Sig.dll
inflating: run/NieczaBackendDotnet.dll
inflating: run/NieczaBackendNAM.dll
inflating: run/NieczaActions.dll
inflating: run/NieczaPassSimplifier.dll
inflating: run/OptBeta.dll
inflating: run/GetOptLong.dll
inflating: run/CrossDomainReceiver.dll
mono boot/run/Niecza.exe -C CORE JSYNC
touch .fetch-stamp
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C CClass
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj CClass.nam CClass.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C CgOp
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj CgOp.nam CgOp.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C Op
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj Op.nam Op.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C OpHelpers
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj OpHelpers.nam OpHelpers.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C Sig
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj Sig.nam Sig.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C RxOp
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj RxOp.nam RxOp.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C STD
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj STD.nam STD.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaGrammar
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaGrammar.nam NieczaGrammar.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C Metamodel
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj Metamodel.nam Metamodel.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C OptRxSimple
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj OptRxSimple.nam OptRxSimple.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NAMOutput
Potential difficulties:
&parm_from_nam is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NAMOutput.pm6 line 294:
------> sub parm_from_nam⏏(@block) {
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NAMOutput.nam NAMOutput.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C Operator
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj Operator.nam Operator.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaActions
Potential difficulties:
$list is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaActions.pm6 line 1489:
------> d package_var($/, $slot, $name, $path, :⏏$list, :$hash) {
$hash is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaActions.pm6 line 1489:
------> e_var($/, $slot, $name, $path, :$list, :⏏$hash) {
%loose2tight is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaActions.pm6 line 1155:
------> my ⏏%loose2tight = (
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaActions.nam NieczaActions.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaFrontendSTD
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaFrontendSTD.nam NieczaFrontendSTD.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaPassSimplifier
Potential difficulties:
&is_simple_var is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaPassSimplifier.pm6 line 49:
------> sub is_simple_var⏏($op) {
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaPassSimplifier.nam NieczaPassSimplifier.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C OptBeta
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj OptBeta.nam OptBeta.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaPathSearch
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaPathSearch.nam NieczaPathSearch.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaBackendNAM
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaBackendNAM.nam NieczaBackendNAM.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaBackendDotnet
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaBackendDotnet.nam NieczaBackendDotnet.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaBackendClisp
Potential difficulties:
$name is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaBackendClisp.pm6 line 10:
------> method post_save(⏏$name, :$main) {
$main is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaBackendClisp.pm6 line 10:
------> method post_save($name, :⏏$main) {
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaBackendClisp.nam NieczaBackendClisp.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaBackendHoopl
Potential difficulties:
$name is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaBackendHoopl.pm6 line 10:
------> method post_save(⏏$name, :$main) {
$main is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaBackendHoopl.pm6 line 10:
------> method post_save($name, :⏏$main) {
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaBackendHoopl.nam NieczaBackendHoopl.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C NieczaCompiler
Potential difficulties:
&gettimeofday is declared but not used at /home/bruce/Git/Niecza/niecza/src/NieczaCompiler.pm6 line 15:
------> sub gettimeofday⏏() {[0] }
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj NieczaCompiler.nam NieczaCompiler.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -Bnam -C GetOptLong
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj GetOptLong.nam GetOptLong.dll 0
cd src && mono ../boot/run/Niecza.exe -c -Bnam niecza
mono boot/obj/CLRBackend.exe boot/obj MAIN.nam MAIN.exe 1
cp boot/obj/Kernel.dll boot/obj/CrossDomainReceiver.dll boot/obj/CORE.dll boot/obj/JSYNC.dll boot/obj/CClass.dll boot/obj/CgOp.dll boot/obj/Op.dll boot/obj/OpHelpers.dll boot/obj/Sig.dll boot/obj/RxOp.dll boot/obj/STD.dll boot/obj/NieczaGrammar.dll boot/obj/Metamodel.dll boot/obj/OptRxSimple.dll boot/obj/NAMOutput.dll boot/obj/Operator.dll boot/obj/NieczaActions.dll boot/obj/NieczaFrontendSTD.dll boot/obj/NieczaPassSimplifier.dll boot/obj/OptBeta.dll boot/obj/NieczaPathSearch.dll boot/obj/NieczaBackendNAM.dll boot/obj/NieczaBackendDotnet.dll boot/obj/NieczaBackendClisp.dll boot/obj/NieczaBackendHoopl.dll boot/obj/NieczaCompiler.dll boot/obj/GetOptLong.dll run/
cp boot/obj/MAIN.exe run/Niecza.exe
gmcs /target:library /out:obj/CrossDomainReceiver.dll \
gmcs /target:library /out:obj/Kernel.dll /r:CrossDomainReceiver.dll \
/lib:obj /unsafe+ lib/Kernel.cs lib/Builtins.cs lib/Cursor.cs lib/JSYNC.cs lib/NieczaCLR.cs lib/Utils.cs lib/ObjModel.cs lib/BigInteger.cs
lib/Builtins.cs(1349,18): warning CS0219: The variable `toks' is assigned but its value is never used
Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
gmcs /target:exe /lib:obj /out:obj/CLRBackend.exe /r:Kernel.dll \
/r:CrossDomainReceiver.dll lib/CLRBackend.cs
mono run/Niecza.exe -C CORE
Unhandled exception: System.TypeLoadException: A type load exception has occurred.
at Niecza.Kernel.RunCore (Niecza.Frame& cur) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at line 0 (boot-JSYNC @ 0)
at line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0)
at line 0 (boot-MAIN @ 0)
at line 0 (ExitRunloop @ 0)
make: *** [obj/CORE.nam] Error 1
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