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Last active February 14, 2024 09:14
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# to be executed on the device itself
# note that ~/xochitl-data is a symlink to avoid long path
quickNotesLayersToWiki(){ cd xochitl-data; curl -d "?n=PIMVRdata.ReMarkableQuicknotes&text=$(grep name UUID/*json | sed 's/.*: "\(.*\)"/%0a* \1/' | tr '\n' ' ')&action=edit&post=1&author=reMarkable2Ttest&authpw=edit_pw_to_change"; cd -; }
# note that you must replace UUID and edit_pw by the UUID of your quicknote document (you can use hashFromTitle() for that) and your PmWiki password respectively.
qrCodeLink () { qrencode http://`ip a | grep wlan0$ | sed "s/.* \(.*\)\/.*/\1/"`:3000/data/$1.pdf -o qr_ip.xpm -t XPM && convert qr_ip.xpm qr_ip.pdf && addPdfWithMetadata qr_ip.pdf; }
hashFromTitle () { cd ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/ && grep -l -i $1 *metadata | sed 's/.metadata//'; }
cp $1 ~/xochitl-data && echo "{'parent':'','type':'DocumentType','visibleName':'$1'}" | sed s/\'/\"/g > ~/xochitl-data/`echo $1 | sed "s/.pdf//"`.metadata;
# required since 2.6
echo '{ "fileType": "pdf" }' > ~/xochitl-data/`echo $1 | sed "s/.pdf//"`.content;
# use systemctl restart xochitl to get the new files detected
cp $1 ~/xochitl-data && echo "{'parent':'','type':'DocumentType','visibleName':'$1'}" | sed s/\'/\"/g > ~/xochitl-data/`echo $1 | sed "s/.epub//"`.metadata;
# required since 2.6
echo '{ "fileType": "epub" }' > ~/xochitl-data/`echo $1 | sed "s/.epub//"`.content;
findBookmarkedPages() {
hash=$(hashFromTitle $1)
cd xochitl-data;
for b in $(grep -l -o 'bkm\|bookmark' $hash/*.json | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)-metadata.*/\1/'); do
jq ".pages[] | test(\"$b\")" $hash.content | grep -n true | sed s/:.*//;
findBookmarks() {
rm bkm_$1.* xochitl-data/bkm_$1* -rf
findBookmarkedPages $1 > bkm_$1.txt
convert -size 1404x1872 -gravity east -fill black caption:@bkm_$1.txt bkm_$1.png
convert bkm_$1.png bkm_$1.pdf
addPdfWithMetadata bkm_$1.pdf
echo `cat bkm_$1.txt | wc -l` bookmarks found, open bkm_$1.pdf on the device to see page numbers
# to be executed remotely
lastReadDocument () { ssh $1 'cd ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/; LASTBOOK=`ls -rth *metadata | tail -1 | sed 's/.metadata//'`; grep visibleName $LASTBOOK.metadata; grep lastOpenedPage $LASTBOOK.content'; }
hashFromTitle () { ssh $1 "cd ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/; grep -l -i $2 *metadata | sed 's/.metadata//'"; }
lastPageFromTitle () { ssh $1 "cd ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/; grep lastOpenedPage `hashFromTitle $1 $2`.content | sed 's/.* \([0-9]\+\),.*/\1/';"; }
syncGreatest () {
RM1p=`lastPageFromTitle $RM1 $1`
RM2p=`lastPageFromTitle $RM2 $1`
HASH=`hashFromTitle $RM1 $1` # assumes the same hash! Should at least check
if [ $RM1p -gt $RM2p ];
echo rm1 greater;
ssh $RM2 "cd ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/; cat $HASH.content | sed 's/$RM2p/$RM1p/' > new; mv new $HASH.content; systemctl restart xochitl;";
echo rm2 greater;
ssh $RM1 "cd ~/.local/share/remarkable/xochitl/; cat $HASH.content | sed 's/$RM1p/$RM2p/' > new; mv new $HASH.content; systemctl restart xochitl;";
copyAccrossRms () { scp -3 -r $1:~/xochitl-data/`hashFromTitle $1 $3`* $2:~/xochitl-data/ && ssh $2 systemctl restart xochitl; }
if [ -f ~/xochitl-data/$1 ];
echo "File already added, skipping"
echo "File is new, adding"
echo $1 | grep .epub && addEpubWithMetadata $1
echo $1 | grep .pdf && addPdfWithMetadata $1
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