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Created May 15, 2020 09:59
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  • Save V-Wong/330d649c6fcc772559222f91b1087798 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save V-Wong/330d649c6fcc772559222f91b1087798 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My LaTeX resume template, as requested.
% James Davidson's resume template
% Section header designs not created by me, but I forget the source.
% --------------------- %
% ----> Preamble <----- %
% --------------------- %
\raggedbottom \raggedright
\renewcommand\familydefault{\sfdefault} % Use sans-serif
% ----------------------------------- %
% ----> Title bar configuration <---- %
% ----------------------------------- %
\setlength{\outerbordwidth}{3pt} % Width of outer title bar border
\definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.75} % Outer title bar colour
\definecolor{shadecolorB}{gray}{0.93} % Inner title bar colour
% ------------------- %
% ----> Margins <---- %
% ------------------- %
% -------------------------- %
% ----> Custom headers <---- %
% -------------------------- %
% Edit the label inside if you want something other than a diamond.
\item[\(\diamond\)] #1 \vspace{-2pt}
\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\framebox[\textwidth][l]{\setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}\fcolorbox{shadecolorB}{shadecolorB}{\textbf{\sffamily{\mbox{~}\makebox[6.762in][l]{\large #1} \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}}}
\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
\text{#3} & \text{#4} \\
\textbf{#1} & \url{#2} \\
% ------------------- %
% ----> Heading <---- %
% ------------------- %
\Large{\textbf{Your Name Here}}
\textbf{Phone:} Your Phone Here \(\|\) \textbf{Email:} \texttt{Your Email Here} \(\|\) \textbf{Website}: \texttt{Your Website Here}
% Here is a more traditional header design.
% \begin{tabular*}{7in}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
% \textbf{\Large Your Name Here} & \textbf{Ph:} Your Phone Number Here \\
% Address Line 1 & \textbf{Email:} \texttt{Your Email Here} \\
% Address Line 2 & \textbf{Website:} \texttt{Your Website Here} \\
% \end{tabular*} \\
% --------------------- %
% ----> Education <---- %
% --------------------- %
% Copy as many of these blocks as you need.
{Your University Name Here}{Start Date -- End Date}
{Your Degree Here}{}
\resitem{Put some stuff you want people to see here using \texttt{resitem} elements.}
\resitem{Kind of like this.}
% --------------------------- %
% ----> Work Experience <---- %
% --------------------------- %
\resheading{Work Experience}
% Copy as many of these blocks as you need.
{Job Title}{Start Date -- [End Date or Present]}
{Employer Name}{}
\resitem{Same deal as with the Education section.}
% -------------------- %
% ----> Projects <---- %
% -------------------- %
\resheading{Personal Projects}
% Copy as many of these blocks as you need.
\resprojheading{Project Name}{\texttt{Project Demo Link}}
\resitem{A description of your personal project.}
% ------------------ %
% ----> Skills <---- %
% ------------------ %
\textbf{Proficient} & Some skills you're good at \\
\textbf{Familiar} & Some skills you are okay at \\
% -------------------------------------- %
% ----> Extracurricular Activities <---- %
% -------------------------------------- %
\resheading{Extracurricular Activities}
{Organisation Name}{Start Date -- [End Date or Present]}
{Position or role}{}
\resitem{A short description of what you did.}
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