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Last active April 17, 2022 20:30
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OpenWeather Python data model/serializer
class OpenWeatherModel(object):
__slots__ = "_json", "cod", "message", "base", "weather", "main", "name", "wind", "sys", "cod", "temp", "feels_like", "temp_min", \
"temp_max", "pressure", "humidity", "speed", "deg", "gust", "sunrise", "sunset", "country", "timezone", \
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._json = kwargs
for key in kwargs:
if key in self.__slots__:
if key in ("main", "wind", "sys"):
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
for _key in kwargs[key]:
if _key in self.__slots__:
setattr(self, _key, kwargs[key][_key])
elif not isinstance(kwargs[key], list) or not isinstance(kwargs[key], dict):
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
elif key == "weather": = kwargs["weather"][0]
if hasattr(self, "__slots__"):
for _attr in self.__slots__:
if not hasattr(self, _attr):
setattr(self, _attr, None)
if self.sunrise:
self.sunrise = time.localtime(self.sunrise)
if self.sunset:
self.sunset = time.localtime(self.sunset)
if self.speed:
self.speed = round(self.speed * 2.23, 1)
if self.gust:
self.gust = round(self.gust * 2.23, 1)
# idk what i'm doing here
# edit: i know what i'm doing now!
# edit 2: nevermind
def _f_calc(_c=None, _k=None):
if _k:
_c = _k - 273.15
return round(_c * (9 / 5) + 32, 1)
def temp_c(self):
return self.temp - 273.15
def temp_f(self):
return self._f_calc(_c=self.temp_c)
def feels_like_c(self):
return self.feels_like - 273.15
def feels_like_f(self):
return self._f_calc(_c=self.feels_like_c)
def temp_min_c(self):
return self.temp_min - 273.15
def temp_min_f(self):
return self._f_calc(_c=self.temp_min_c)
def temp_max_c(self):
return self.temp_max - 273.15
def temp_max_f(self):
return self._f_calc(_c=self.temp_max_c)
def deg_alpha(self):
if self.deg >= 350 or self.deg <= 10:
return "N"
elif 281 <= self.deg <= 349:
return "NW"
elif 261 <= self.deg <= 280:
return "W"
elif 191 <= self.deg <= 260:
return "SW"
elif 171 <= self.deg <= 190:
return "S"
elif 101 <= self.deg <= 170:
return "SE"
elif 81 <= self.deg <= 100:
return "E"
elif 11 <= self.deg <= 80:
return "NE"
return None
def sunset_f(self, fmt: str = "%H:%M:%S"):
return time.strftime(fmt, self.sunset)
def sunrise_f(self, fmt: str = "%H:%M:%S"):
return time.strftime(fmt, self.sunrise)
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V3ntus commented Mar 7, 2022


openweather_data = OpenWeatherModel(**requests.get(OPEN_WEATHER_API_URL).json())
print(openweather_data.deg) # print the wind heading

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