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Created December 22, 2020 09:24
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Arrange Windows (Borderless)
#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AutoIt Version:
Author: VADemon | GitHub+GitLab |
Version: 1.0
Script Function:
Arrange Windows on Desktop in borderless fashion. Monitor selection: at the mouse curser.
#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <Misc.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
#include <Constants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <MultiMon.au3> ;
_GetMonitors() ; Set Monitor List
Func bw_setWindowBorderless($WindowHandle, $currMon, $xPos = -1, $yPos = -1, $xSize = -1, $ySize = -1)
if $xPos == -1 then
$xPos = $__MonitorList[$currMon][1] ; these statements to define the default value in the args line only worked in beta. :Sad face:
if $yPos == -1 then
$yPos = $__MonitorList[$currMon][2]
if $xSize == -1 then
$xSize = Abs($__MonitorList[$currMon][1] - $__MonitorList[$currMon][3])
if $ySize == -1 then
$ySize = Abs($__MonitorList[$currMon][4] - $__MonitorList[$currMon][2])
_WinAPI_SetWindowLong($WindowHandle, $GWL_STYLE, BitOR($WS_VISIBLE, $WS_SYSMENU))
;_WinAPI_ShowWindow($WindowHandle, $WS_MAXIMIZE) ; doesn't work (in beta?)
;WinSetState("[active]", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
;_MaxOnMonitor("[active]") ; Maximize on moniter the mouse's on
;Local $WindowSize = WinGetPos($WindowHandle)
_WinAPI_SetWindowPos($WindowHandle, $HWND_TOP, $xPos, $yPos, $xSize, $ySize, $SWP_FRAMECHANGED)
Global $windowTitle = "Minecraft "
Global $windowTargetWidth = 480
Global $windowTargetHeight = 270
Global $SCREEN_H = 4
Global $SCREEN_V = 4
If $CmdLine[0] >= 5 Then
$windowTitle = $CmdLine[1]
$windowTargetWidth = $CmdLine[2]
$windowTargetHeight = $CmdLine[3]
$SCREEN_H = $CmdLine[4]
$SCREEN_V = $CmdLine[5]
ConsoleWrite("Not enough arguments provided! Running default arguments!")
ConsoleWrite("Usage (must provide all arguments):")
ConsoleWrite("script.exe [Custom Window Title>] [Width] [Height] [Horizontal Windows] [Vertical Windows] ")
Func calcScreenX($id)
Local $screenx = Abs(Mod(($id - 1), $SCREEN_H) + 1)
Return $screenx
Func calcScreenY($id)
Local $screeny = Ceiling($id / $SCREEN_H)
Return $screeny
;; Main
Global $DLLHandle = DLLOpen("user32.dll")
Dim $windowList[] = WinList($windowTitle)
Dim $windowCountMax = ($SCREEN_H * $SCREEN_V)
For $i = 1 To (UBound($windowList)-1)
Local $currMonitor = _GetMonitorFromPoint()
Local $monitorX = $__MonitorList[$currMonitor][1]
Local $monitorY = $__MonitorList[$currMonitor][2]
Local $screenx = calcScreenX($i)
Local $screeny = calcScreenY($i)
Local $xPos = ($windowTargetWidth * ($screenx-1)) + $monitorX
Local $yPos = ($windowTargetHeight * ($screeny-1)) + $monitorY
Local $hwnd = $windowList[$i][1]
bw_setWindowBorderless($hwnd, _GetMonitorFromPoint(), $xPos, $yPos, $windowTargetWidth, $windowTargetHeight)
Global $__MonitorList[1][5]
$__MonitorList[0][0] = 0
; Just for testing
; Function Name: _ShowMonitorInfo()
; Description:: Show the info in $__MonitorList in a msgbox (line 0 is entire screen)
; Parameter(s): n/a
; Return Value(s): n/a
; Author(s): xrxca (
Func _ShowMonitorInfo()
If $__MonitorList[0][0] == 0 Then
Local $Msg = ""
Local $i = 0
For $i = 0 To $__MonitorList[0][0]
$Msg &= $i & " - L:" & $__MonitorList[$i][1] & ", T:" & $__MonitorList[$i][2]
$Msg &= ", R:" & $__MonitorList[$i][3] & ", B:" & $__MonitorList[$i][4]
If $i < $__MonitorList[0][0] Then $Msg &= @CRLF
MsgBox(0, $__MonitorList[0][0] & " Monitors: ", $Msg)
EndFunc ;==>_ShowMonitorInfo
; Function Name: _MaxOnMonitor($Title[, $Text = ''[, $Monitor = -1]])
; Description:: Maximize a window on a specific monitor (or the monitor the mouse is on)
; Parameter(s): $Title The title of the window to Move/Maximize
; optional: $Text The text of the window to Move/Maximize
; optional: $Monitor The monitor to move to (1..NumMonitors) defaults to monitor mouse is on
; Note: Should probably have specified return/error codes but haven't put them in yet
; Author(s): xrxca (
Func _MaxOnMonitor($Title, $Text = '', $Monitor = -1)
_CenterOnMonitor($Title, $Text, $Monitor)
WinSetState($Title, $Text, @SW_MAXIMIZE)
EndFunc ;==>_MaxOnMonitor
; Function Name: _CenterOnMonitor($Title[, $Text = ''[, $Monitor = -1]])
; Description:: Center a window on a specific monitor (or the monitor the mouse is on)
; Parameter(s): $Title The title of the window to Move/Maximize
; optional: $Text The text of the window to Move/Maximize
; optional: $Monitor The monitor to move to (1..NumMonitors) defaults to monitor mouse is on
; Note: Should probably have specified return/error codes but haven't put them in yet
; Author(s): xrxca (
Func _CenterOnMonitor($Title, $Text = '', $Monitor = -1)
$hWindow = WinGetHandle($Title, $Text)
If Not @error Then
If $Monitor == -1 Then
$Monitor = _GetMonitorFromPoint()
ElseIf $__MonitorList[0][0] == 0 Then
If ($Monitor > 0) And ($Monitor <= $__MonitorList[0][0]) Then
; Restore the window if necessary
Local $WinState = WinGetState($hWindow)
If BitAND($WinState, 16) Or BitAND($WinState, 32) Then
WinSetState($hWindow, '', @SW_RESTORE)
Local $WinSize = WinGetPos($hWindow)
Local $x = Int(($__MonitorList[$Monitor][3] - $__MonitorList[$Monitor][1] - $WinSize[2]) / 2) + $__MonitorList[$Monitor][1]
Local $y = Int(($__MonitorList[$Monitor][4] - $__MonitorList[$Monitor][2] - $WinSize[3]) / 2) + $__MonitorList[$Monitor][2]
WinMove($hWindow, '', $x, $y)
EndFunc ;==>_CenterOnMonitor
; Function Name: _GetMonitorFromPoint([$XorPoint = -654321[, $Y = 0]])
; Description:: Get a monitor number from an x/y pos or the current mouse position
; Parameter(s):
; optional: $XorPoint X Position or Array with X/Y as items 0,1 (ie from MouseGetPos())
; optional: $Y Y Position
; Note: Should probably have specified return/error codes but haven't put them in yet,
; and better checking should be done on passed variables.
; Used to use MonitorFromPoint DLL call, but it didn't seem to always work.
; Author(s): xrxca (
Func _GetMonitorFromPoint($XorPoint = 0, $y = 0)
If @NumParams = 0 then
local $MousePos = MouseGetPos()
Local $myX = $MousePos[0]
Local $myY = $MousePos[1]
Elseif ( @NumParams = 1 ) and IsArray($XorPoint) Then
Local $myX = $XorPoint[0]
Local $myY = $XorPoint[1]
Local $myX = $XorPoint
Local $myY = $y
If $__MonitorList[0][0] == 0 Then
Local $i = 0
Local $Monitor = 0
For $i = 1 To $__MonitorList[0][0]
If ($myX >= $__MonitorList[$i][1]) _
And ($myX < $__MonitorList[$i][3]) _
And ($myY >= $__MonitorList[$i][2]) _
And ($myY < $__MonitorList[$i][4]) Then $Monitor = $i
Return $Monitor
EndFunc ;==>_GetMonitorFromPoint
; Function Name: _GetMonitors()
; Description:: Load monitor positions
; Parameter(s): n/a
; Return Value(s): 2D Array of Monitors
; [0][0] = Number of Monitors
; [i][0] = HMONITOR handle of this monitor.
; [i][1] = Left Position of Monitor
; [i][2] = Top Position of Monitor
; [i][3] = Right Position of Monitor
; [i][4] = Bottom Position of Monitor
; Note: [0][1..4] are set to Left,Top,Right,Bottom of entire screen
; hMonitor is returned in [i][0], but no longer used by these routines.
; Also sets $__MonitorList global variable (for other subs to use)
; Author(s): xrxca (
Func _GetMonitors()
$__MonitorList[0][0] = 0 ; Added so that the global array is reset if this is called multiple times
Local $handle = DllCallbackRegister("_MonitorEnumProc", "int", "hwnd;hwnd;ptr;lparam")
DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "EnumDisplayMonitors", "hwnd", 0, "ptr", 0, "ptr", DllCallbackGetPtr($handle), "lparam", 0)
Local $i = 0
For $i = 1 To $__MonitorList[0][0]
If $__MonitorList[$i][1] < $__MonitorList[0][1] Then $__MonitorList[0][1] = $__MonitorList[$i][1]
If $__MonitorList[$i][2] < $__MonitorList[0][2] Then $__MonitorList[0][2] = $__MonitorList[$i][2]
If $__MonitorList[$i][3] > $__MonitorList[0][3] Then $__MonitorList[0][3] = $__MonitorList[$i][3]
If $__MonitorList[$i][4] > $__MonitorList[0][4] Then $__MonitorList[0][4] = $__MonitorList[$i][4]
Return $__MonitorList
EndFunc ;==>_GetMonitors
; Function Name: _MonitorEnumProc($hMonitor, $hDC, $lRect, $lParam)
; Description:: Enum Callback Function for EnumDisplayMonitors in _GetMonitors
; Author(s): xrxca (
Func _MonitorEnumProc($hMonitor, $hDC, $lRect, $lParam)
Local $Rect = DllStructCreate("int left;int top;int right;int bottom", $lRect)
$__MonitorList[0][0] += 1
ReDim $__MonitorList[$__MonitorList[0][0] + 1][5]
$__MonitorList[$__MonitorList[0][0]][0] = $hMonitor
$__MonitorList[$__MonitorList[0][0]][1] = DllStructGetData($Rect, "left")
$__MonitorList[$__MonitorList[0][0]][2] = DllStructGetData($Rect, "top")
$__MonitorList[$__MonitorList[0][0]][3] = DllStructGetData($Rect, "right")
$__MonitorList[$__MonitorList[0][0]][4] = DllStructGetData($Rect, "bottom")
Return 1 ; Return 1 to continue enumeration
EndFunc ;==>_MonitorEnumProc
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