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Created May 22, 2018 09:03
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pandas
#Open workbook with Shodan results
shodan_xl = pandas.ExcelFile('shodan.xls')
#Read dorks from workbook to DataFrame
second_df = pandas.read_excel('second_shodan.xls', encoding='utf=8')
results = [] #List with dicts of all results
i = 0
for second_index, second_row in second_df.iterrows():
i += 1
dup = False
result = {}
second_ip = second_row['IP']
second_port = second_row['Port']
for sheet in shodan_xl.sheet_names:
if sheet == 'Stats' or sheet == 'Vulns':
sheet_df = shodan_xl.parse(sheet, encoding='utf=8', na_values=['NaN'], keep_default_na=False)
for shodan_index,shodan_row in sheet_df.iterrows():
shodan_ip = shodan_row["IP"]
shodan_port = shodan_row["Port"]
if second_ip == shodan_ip and second_port == shodan_port:
print 'IP %s' % i, second_ip, ':', second_port,': DUPLICATED'
dup = True
if not dup:
print i, second_row["IP"], second_row["Port"]
result['IP'] = second_row["IP"]
result['Port'] = second_row["Port"]
result['Service'] = second_row["Service"]
result['Banner'] = second_row["Banner"]
writer = pandas.ExcelWriter('result.xls')
result_df = pandas.DataFrame(results)
result_df.to_excel(writer, 'Dorks finded')
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