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Created April 25, 2018 09:13
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Parse nmap output to find POODLE vulnerabilities.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os, re, pandas
class Host:
def __init__(self, ip, ports=[]):
self.ip = ip
self.ports = []
def add_port(self, port):
class Port:
def __init__(self, number, service = '', script_output = ''):
self.number = number
self.service = service
self.script_output = script_output
def ImportNmapFromXML(xml_root):
file_hosts = []
for host in xml_root.findall("./host"):
h_ip = host.find("./address[@addrtype='ipv4']").attrib['addr']
new_host = Host(h_ip)
vulnerable = False
for port in host.findall("./ports/port"):
p_number = port.attrib['portid']
p_protocol = port.attrib['protocol']
if port.find('./script') is not None:
vulnerable = True
p_script_output = port.find('./script').attrib['output']
p_script_output = ''
if port.find('./service') is not None:
p_service = port.find('./service').attrib['name']
p_service =''
new_port = Port(p_number, p_service, p_script_output)
if vulnerable: file_hosts.append(new_host)
return file_hosts
def parseNmapFiles(folder):
hosts = []
for filename in os.listdir(folder):
if filename.endswith('xml'): #Parse XML files
tree = ET.parse(folder + '/' + filename)
print folder + '/' + filename
print "\nThere was an error with parsing XML file: %s \n" % folder + '/' + filename
hosts += ImportNmapFromXML(tree.getroot())
return hosts
def convertToDict(hosts):
results = []
for host in hosts:
for port in host.ports:
host_dict = {}
host_dict['IP'] = host.ip
host_dict['Port'] = port.number
host_dict['Vulnerability'] = port.script_output
host_dict['Service'] = port.service
return results
def saveToExcel(results):
result_xl = pandas.ExcelWriter('nmap_poodle.xls')
result_nmap = pandas.DataFrame(results)
result_nmap.to_excel(result_xl, "POODLE")
if __name__ == "__main__":
nmap_folder = './Sources'
hosts = parseNmapFiles(nmap_folder)
results = convertToDict(hosts)
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