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Last active November 22, 2022 19:59
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FiveM - Compile a list of vehicles into a json file by reading their folders
Author: VIRUXE
This script compiles all the vehicles in the cwd onto a json file. To be used with my resource, that installs the vehicles into the game.
It will create a file called vehicles.json in the cwd (if it's not created already),
which will contain all the vehicles in the cwd, by their brands and models.
Folder format: brand-model(_name) - Can have multiple underscores, but only one dash, to separate the brand and model.
import os
import json
import sys
class Color:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
# Check if command line argument "fresh" is passed in order to start with a fresh vehicles.json file or just create the file if it doesn't exist
# You would want to start fresh if vehicles.json has vehicles that you don't want anymore
# This way the resource will not add those vehicle's info to the game for no reason
if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "fresh") or not os.path.exists("vehicles.json"):
with open("vehicles.json", "w") as f:
brands_compiled = 0
vehicles_compiled = 0
# Get all folders that contain a dash in the name
folders = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(f) and '-' in f]
# Split the folder name into two parts using a dash as the delimiter
# The first part is the vehicle brand
# The second part is the vehicle description
# Replace the underscore in the description with a space
vehicles = {}
for folder in folders:
print(Color.HEADER + 'Processing folder: ' + Color.BOLD + folder + Color.ENDC)
brand, description = folder.split('-', -1)
# Only replace if there is an underscore in the description
if '_' in description:
description = description.replace('_', ' ')
# Capitalize the first letter of the brand and all words in description
brand = brand.capitalize()
description = description.title()
print(Color.OKCYAN + '-> Brand: ' + Color.BOLD + brand + Color.ENDC)
print(Color.OKCYAN + '-> Generated Description: ' + Color.BOLD + description + Color.ENDC)
vehicles[folder] = {
'brand': brand,
'description': description
# Go into the folder and get the vehicles.meta file
# Open the vehicles.meta file as XML and get the modelName field
# Use modelName as a key in the dictionary and the brand and description as the value
for folder in folders:
if os.path.isfile(folder + '/vehicles.meta'):
with open(f'{folder}/vehicles.meta', 'r') as f:
found = False
# Read the file line by line and look for the modelName field in the XML document
for line in f:
if 'modelName' in line: # modelName field found
model_name = line.split('>', 1)[1].split('<', 1)[0] # Get the modelName value
# Only do something if there is a modelName field
if model_name:
print(Color.WARNING + '-> Model Name: ' + Color.BOLD + model_name + Color.ENDC)
vehicles[model_name] = vehicles[folder]
del vehicles[folder]
found = True
break # modelName field found, no need to continue reading the file
# Delete the folder from the dictionary if modelName is not found
if found == False:
del vehicles[folder]
print(Color.FAIL + '* Error: Did not find "modelName" field in "vehicles.meta"' + Color.ENDC)
# Delete the folder from the dictionary if vehicles.meta is not found
del vehicles[folder]
print(Color.FAIL + '* Error: Did not find "vehicles.meta"' + Color.ENDC)
# Compare the vehicles dictionary to the vehicles.json file using the brand as the key and the modelName and description as values
# If the modelName is not in the vehicles.json file, add it
# modelName is the first part of the value
# description is the second part of the value
with open('vehicles.json', 'r') as f:
vehicles_json = json.load(f)
print(Color.HEADER + '\nFinished gathering info. Comparing "vehicles.json" to vehicles dictionary...' + Color.ENDC)
print(Color.BOLD + '---------------------------' + Color.ENDC)
# Loop through the vehicles dictionary
for modelName, modelData in vehicles.items():
print(f"Comparing {Color.BOLD}{modelData['brand']} - {modelData['description']}") # Well this looks ugly, but not as ugly as the alternative
brand = modelData['brand'].lower()
# If modelData['brand'] is not in vehicles.json, add the brand and push modelData onto the array
if brand not in vehicles_json:
vehicles_json[brand] = []
vehicles_json[brand].append([modelName, modelData['description']])
brands_compiled += 1
vehicles_compiled += 1
print(Color.OKGREEN + '-> Added brand: ' + Color.BOLD + modelData['brand'] + Color.ENDC) # Print it capitalized to look nice
# If brand is in vehicles.json, check if the modelName is in the array
found = False
print(Color.OKBLUE + '-> Found brand: ' + Color.BOLD + brand.capitalize() + Color.ENDC) # Print it capitalized to look nice
# Loop through the array and check if the modelName is in the array, if not add modelName and description as values
for i in range(len(vehicles_json[brand])):
if modelName in vehicles_json[brand][i]:
found = True
print(Color.WARNING + '-> Not adding ' + Color.BOLD + modelName + Color.ENDC + Color.WARNING + ' as it already exists.' + Color.ENDC)
print('Would you like to update the description? (y/n)')
user_input = input()
if user_input == "y":
print(Color.OKGREEN + "Please enter the description: " + Color.ENDC)
new_description = input()
# Check if the input is valid
if len(new_description) > 1:
vehicles_json[brand][i][1] = new_description
print(Color.OKGREEN + "Description changed to: " + Color.BOLD + new_description + Color.ENDC)
break # modelName found, no need to continue looping
if found == False: # Model wasn't found in the array so let's add it
# Ask for user input to see if he wants the generated description or not
print(Color.OKGREEN + "Would you like to provide a different Description? (y/n)" + Color.ENDC) # Why is this not using the Color class?
user_input = input()
if user_input == "y":
print(Color.OKGREEN + Color.BOLD + "Please enter the description: " + Color.ENDC)
new_description = input() # Get the new description from the user
# Check if the input is valid
# Account for interruping the program
if new_description == "" or len(new_description) < 1 or new_description == "exit":
print(Color.WARNING + "Invalid description. Using the generated one." + Color.ENDC)
modelData['description'] = new_description.title() # Capitalize the first letter of the new description
print(Color.OKGREEN + "Description changed to: " + Color.BOLD + new_description.title() + Color.ENDC)
print(Color.OKGREEN + "Using the Generated one it is." + Color.ENDC)
# Add the modelName and description to the array
vehicles_json[brand].append([modelName, modelData['description']])
vehicles_compiled += 1
print(Color.OKGREEN + '-> Added model: ' + Color.BOLD + modelName + Color.ENDC)
print(Color.BOLD + '\nCompiled ' + str(brands_compiled) + ' brands and ' + str(vehicles_compiled) + ' vehicles' + Color.ENDC)
# Write the vehicles_json dictionary to the vehicles.json file
with open('vehicles.json', 'w') as f:
print('Writing vehicles.json')
json.dump(vehicles_json, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) # Dump the vehicles_json dictionary to the vehicles.json file
print('Wrote vehicles.json file')
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