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Last active August 25, 2018 17:27
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An automation script that will handle the full package on my laptop. Using Python 2.7 and Web Scraping technique to get the latest version. Make sure you already installed Python 2
import os
os.system('dnf update -y')
os.system('dnf install -y pip python2-lxml')
os.system('pip install pip --upgrade')
os.system('pip install BeautifulSoup4 lxml')
import urllib2
import subprocess
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
username = raw_input('Your username : ')
kernel_release = subprocess.check_output('uname -r', shell=True).split('.')
fedora_arch = kernel_release[len(kernel_release)-2]
fedora_version = subprocess.check_output('uname -p', shell=True)
page = urllib2.urlopen('')
bsoup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')
label_search = bsoup.find('div', {'class':'label-latest'}).find('div', {'class':'release-body'}).find('ul', {'class':'release-downloads'}).findAll('li')
atom = ''
for link in label_search :
download_link = link.find('a', {'rel':'nofollow'}).get('href')
if 'rpm' in download_link :
atom = '' % download_link
page = urllib2.urlopen('')
bsoup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')
sublime_text = bsoup.find('li', {'id':'dl_linux_64'}).findAll('a')[-1].get('href')
sublime_file = sublime_text.split('/')[len(sublime_text.split('/'))-1]
page = urllib2.urlopen('')
bsoup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')
xampp_download = bsoup.findAll('a', {'target':'_blank'})[1].get('href')
xampp_filename = xampp_download.split('/')[len(xampp_download.split('/'))-1]
page = urllib2.urlopen('')
bsoup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'lxml')
wpsoffice_dl = bsoup.findAll('li', {'class':'list-download'})[2].find('a').get('href')
wpsoffice_file = wpsoffice_dl.split('/')[len(wpsoffice_dl.split('/'))-1]
print('\n [-] Installing rpmfusion free and rpmfusion nonfree')
os.system('dnf install -y$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm')
print('\n [-] Installing PCSXR')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('git clone')
os.system('cd pcsxr/')
os.system('dnf install -y libtool automake intltool SDL2-devel gtk3-devel libXtst-devel libXv-devel')
os.system('sh && ./configure && make && make install')
print('\n [-] Installing PCSX2')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('dnf install -y pcsx2-1.4-1.fc23.i686.rpm')
print('\n [-] Installing VirtualBox')
os.system('cd /etc/yum.repos.d/')
os.system('dnf install -y binutils gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-devel dkms VirtualBox')
os.system('/usr/lib/virtualbox/ setup')
os.system('usermod -a -G vboxusers %s' % username)
print('\n [-] Installing Adobe Reader')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('dnf install -y AdbeRdr9.5.5-1_i486linux_enu.rpm')
os.system('cp /opt/Adobe/Reader9/Browser/intellinux/ /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/')
print('\n [-] Installing Fonts and Google Chrome')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('dnf install -y msttcorefonts-2.0-11.1.noarch.rpm google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm')
print('\n [-] Installing Adobe Flash Player')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('rpm -ivh')
os.system('rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux')
os.system('dnf install -y flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio libcurl')
print('\n [-] Installing Atom IDE')
os.system('dnf install nodejs npm')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('wget %s' % atom)
os.system('dnf install -y atom.x86_64.rpm')
os.system('apm install duotone-dark-syntax duotone-snow duotone-denim-syntax duotone-dusk-syntax duotone-light-syntax duotone-dark-red-syntax duotone-stark-sea-syntax duotone-light-blue-syntax duotone-dark-space-syntax duotone-dark-forest-syntax duotone-dark-earth-syntax duotone-dark-space-muted-syntax duotone-bright-sea-syntax duotone-dark-amethyst-syntax duotone-darksky duotone-blue-dark-syntax duotone-swordart-syntax duotone-carrots-syntax')
print('\n [-] Installing WPS Office')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('wget %s ' % wpsoffice_dl)
os.system('dnf install -y %s' % wpsoffice_file)
print('\n [-] Installing Sublime Text 3')
os.system('cd /opt/')
os.system('wget %s' % sublime_text)
os.system('wget --output-document "Sublime Text 3 - License.txt"')
os.system('tar -xvf %s' % sublime_file)
os.system('mv sublime_text_3 /opt/')
print('\n [-] Installing PyCharm Community Edition')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('dnf copr enable phracek/PyCharm -y ')
os.system('dnf install -y pycharm-community-*')
print('\n [-] Installing MEGASync and Nautilus Extension')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('wget$(rpm -E %fedora)/x86_64/megasync-Fedora_$(rpm -E %fedora).x86_64.rpm')
os.system('wget$(rpm -E %fedora)/x86_64/nautilus-megasync-Fedora_$(rpm -E %fedora).x86_64.rpm')
os.system('dnf install -y megasync-Fedora_$(rpm -E %fedora).x86_64.rpm nautilus-megasync-Fedora_$(rpm -E %fedora).x86_64.rpm')
print('\n [-] Installing XAMPP Package')
os.system('cd /home/%s/Downloads' % username)
os.system('wget %s' % xampp_download)
os.system('chmod u+x %s' % xampp_filename)
os.system('./%s' % xampp_filename)
print('\n [-] Installing Spotify Client')
os.system('dnf config-manager --add-repo=')
os.system('dnf update -y')
os.system('dnf install -y spotify-client')
print('\n [-] Installing Common Package')
os.system('dnf install -y audacious vlc gitg git python-pip python3-pip alacarte uget deluge')
os.system('dnf install -y gnome-shell-extension-places-menu guake prozilla pdfmod puddletag wine filezilla')
os.system('dnf install -y nano gstreamer1-{fc,libav,plugins-{good,ugly,bad-free}} monodevelop gnome-nettool')
os.system('dnf install -y dropbox nautilus-dropbox nautilus-sendto unetbootin qemu wireshark ethtool youtube-dl recordmydesktop')
os.system('dnf install -y gimp inkscape openshot gnome-shell-extension-gpaste gnome-shell-extension-alternate-tab gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro')
os.system('dnf install -y freetype-freeworld gnome-tweak-tool gnome-shell-extension-background-logo gnome-shell-extension-drive-menu gnome-shell-extension-fedmsg gnome-shell-extension-calc')
print ('\n [-] Removing Unneccesarry Package')
os.system('dnf remove rhythmbox shotwell totem ImageMagick -y')
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Hi there! There are a few minor things I have noted in the script. Have a look at them, so people don't get into trouble whilst using the script.

  1. last line (line # 95) - please replace "recordmyscreen" with "recordmydesktop".
  2. There is a rewriting of "gnome-shell-extension-places-menu". Please write it only once so that users may not get into errors.

Thank you,

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Thank you very much Abdullah Ayub for your correction. I already fix that one.
At this point, I already replace manual download link with latest download link using Web Scraping (using BeautifulSoup)
Some package added :: [New Package] WPS Office, Atom IDE, and Sublime Text IDE

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