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Mod 4 Mentorship checklist

Section I: Calendar

Build a routine:

What would a typical week look like for you? Mondays are usually a quite busy day for me between SAB meeting during lunch, project kicks/checkins/etc as well as some outside of school obligations. Realistically, I don’t expect this to be a heavy job hunt day but I don’t want to be completely disconnected so I will probably set up a quick reference for preferred job boards and check through that to see if there any new postings. After that, I would check my Huntr or whatever tool I decide to use to know if there are any email/phone follow-ups or replies I need to get to and do that.

The rest of the week, I’d like to incorporate the above ideas but also give some extra time to do at least one solid-sounding job application as well as, when possible, allocating time to go to a coding-related meetup, both to practice interacting with other coders/recruiters and also to become more engaged with a meet-up or two. My hope is to appear

VPAbraham /
Last active October 19, 2019 21:59

React Router quick start

Install into React project by running

npm install react-router-dom

in App, import:

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, Route} from 'react-router-dom'

you can rename longer import by the example of 'BrowserRouter' above.

VPAbraham /
Created September 10, 2019 05:28
Outreach & Networking Plan

Outreach & Networking Plan

As we've discussed, meeting people, forming relationships, and having conversations are the key pieces to getting your foot in the door at any company. It's important to be proactive in your approach to outreach and networking, so it's necessary to make a plan for what you'll try to further your networking.

Identify a contact you will reach out to by the end of this module. This could be a mentor, alum, or anyone from your current network. Describe:

  1. Who your contact is, why you want to connect with them, and what you want to talk about **My contact is Grant Nessler. He was a graduate of the 1608 Front-End program. I am interested int speaking with him for a few reasons; he lives in the Austin area which is a place I have considered looking for jobs after Turing but is also a place I have never been to. I'd like to hear his perspective on the general feel of the city and what sort of opportunities he thinks there are for Junior FE devs out there. Also, he works for a script
VPAbraham /
Created September 9, 2019 03:17
Chai Spies

What we have learned about testing so far:

  • input & outputs
  • methods on classes
  • data manipulation
  • test environment is the terminal

What we have not been able to test so far:

  • DOM manipulation
  • interactions that rely on the browser
VPAbraham /
Created August 29, 2019 17:35
Iterator Methods Cheat Sheet
VPAbraham /
Last active August 27, 2019 18:12

WAI ARIA (the Accessible Rich Internet Applications suite of web standards)


  • Accessibility Broadly, creating an experience that is available to anyone and everyone
  • ARIA Accessible Rich Internet Applications
  • Role The function an element serves on the page
  • State The state of an element on a page (e.g., expanded, disabled)
  • Property Additional information about an element or other elements its related to
VPAbraham /
Last active August 26, 2019 16:49
jQuery Jigsaw Research

jQuery Jigsaw

Getting and Setting Content Values Using jQuery methods:

  • How do you get the text from an element (say a paragraph element)?
  • How do you set the text from an element (say a paragraph element)?

Victor Abraham

I’ve always found that whatever I am passionate about I will dive right into, but I wasn’t always what sure what career I would be passionate about. So when I left college, I jumped on many seemingly unrelated opportunities; I spent a year as a political campaign manager, a summer working as a new station intern, even moved halfway across the country and managed a budding tech repair business. It was in this last role that I realized maybe my natural draw to tech was meant to be more than a hobby but I was working there in the wrong capacity.

From then on, I looked for avenues to get into the IT industry; I worked for and earned numerous certifications and found myself getting better and better offers. But I still ultimately felt like my job was more reactive than proactive; I was maintaining and working on systems that others had put in place or created. My final stop in the IT world was at a large investment company and I found myself working alongside developers who were creating m

VPAbraham /
Created July 26, 2019 05:42
Agile & Feedback Reflection

Agile & Feedback Reflection Guidelines

In interviews, you'll be asked about how you approach working in projects, and being able to describe how you utilize agile processes is a great way to help you stand out as a junior developer candidate. This reflection is meant to help you develop this skill.

With that in mind, please answer the following questions in your own gist about your group project:

  1. What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects? It is dificult to implement these tactics if the group is not on board. Myself and another member were hoping to implement it but found it was nearly impossible when our third member had no interest.

  2. How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)? We used Github project boards, whiteboarding, and a calendar to pace out our sprints.