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Created November 27, 2023 10:15
ChatGPT and C++ ostream duplicating data to Windows Event Log
I've recently needed to modify a program using c++ std::ostream to write info to a text log file.
The modification reauirement was: Add logging to Windows Event log to simplify remote monitoring.
The straightforward way to do it was of course ta add a call to WIN32 ReportEvent API in evry place where something
was written to the log file.
Of course given the fact that there was hundreds places the joub would be very tedious and error prone.
So i decided to simply develop std::ostream like class which duplicates data written to it to the Windows Event log.
To accelerate the developement i turned to ChatGPT with following prompt:
You are expert windows and linux c++ developper.
I need to develop a c++ class which which present the same interface as std::ostream however in addition
to writing data to a file it also writes it to Windows eventlog
The result was:
Creating a C++ class that mimics the behavior of std::ostream and also writes data to both a file and the Windows Event Log is a multi-step process. This involves inheriting from std::streambuf to create a custom stream buffer that handles the dual output, and then using this custom buffer in a class that behaves like std::ostream.
Here's a basic outline of how you might implement this. This example does not cover all the edge cases and error handling you would need for a production environment, but it should give you a good starting point:
1. Include Necessary Headers
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#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <windows.h>
2. Define the Custom Stream Buffer
You need a custom stream buffer that overrides overflow() and sync() methods to write to both a file and the Windows Event Log.
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class DualOutputBuffer : public std::streambuf {
DualOutputBuffer(const std::string& logFileName) {, std::ios::out);
if (!fileStream) {
// Handle file opening error
~DualOutputBuffer() {
virtual int_type overflow(int_type c) override {
if (c != EOF) {
writeToEventLog(std::string(1, char(c)));
return c;
virtual int sync() override {
// Flush any data to the event log if necessary
return 0; // return 0 on success, -1 on failure
std::ofstream fileStream;
void writeToEventLog(const std::string& message) {
// Implement Windows Event Log writing here
// Example: ReportEvent(...)
3. Create a Class that Mimics std::ostream
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class DualOutputStream : public std::ostream {
DualOutputStream(const std::string& logFileName)
: std::ostream(&buffer), buffer(logFileName) {
DualOutputBuffer buffer;
My next prompt was:
Please provide a version which is suitable for multihreaded environment.
Add ad a method to intitialise Windows event logging
It also should minimise calls to writeToEvenLog method by bufferizing output
The result was:
To adapt the previous implementation for a multithreaded environment and to bufferize the output to minimize calls to the writeToEventLog method, you can introduce a string buffer to accumulate the output and a method to initialize Windows event logging. Additionally, you can use mutexes for thread safety.
Here's an enhanced version of the previous implementation:
1. Include Necessary Headers
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#include <ostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
2. Define the Custom Stream Buffer
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class DualOutputBuffer : public std::streambuf {
DualOutputBuffer(const std::string& logFileName) {, std::ios::out);
if (!fileStream) {
// Handle file opening error
eventLogBuffer.reserve(1024); // Reserve 1KB initially to reduce allocations
~DualOutputBuffer() {
virtual int_type overflow(int_type c) override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (c != EOF) {
return c;
virtual int sync() override {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
return 0; // return 0 on success, -1 on failure
void initEventLog(const std::string& sourceName) {
// Initialize Windows Event Log here
// Example: RegisterEventSource(...)
std::ofstream fileStream;
std::string eventLogBuffer;
std::mutex mutex;
void writeToEventLog(const std::string& message) {
// Implement Windows Event Log writing here
// Example: ReportEvent(...)
3. Update the DualOutputStream Class
The DualOutputStream class remains mostly unchanged, but you can add a method to initialize event logging.
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class DualOutputStream : public std::ostream {
DualOutputStream(const std::string& logFileName)
: std::ostream(&buffer), buffer(logFileName) {
void initEventLog(const std::string& sourceName) {
DualOutputBuffer buffer;
4. Usage Example
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int main() {
DualOutputStream out("log.txt");
out << "This is a test message" << std::endl;
// The message is written to both log.txt and the Windows Event Log
// Remember that actual writing to the Event Log happens when the buffer is flushed/synchronized
return 0;
Thread Safety: The use of std::mutex ensures that writing to the file and buffering for the event log are thread-safe.
Buffering: This version accumulates messages in a buffer (eventLogBuffer) and writes them to the event log when sync() is called. This reduces the number of calls to writeToEventLog. You might want to call sync() manually at certain points to ensure timely logging.
Event Log Initialization: You can initialize event logging with initEventLog, which is a placeholder for actual event log initialization code.
Performance Considerations: Buffering and mutex locking/unlocking have overheads. It's important to find a balance between the size of the buffer and the frequency of flushes to optimize performance.
And finaly my last prompt:
Please provide full body of writeToEventLog and InitEeventLog methods
And the result:
To provide full implementations for the writeToEventLog and initEventLog methods in the C++ class, we'll utilize the Windows API. The ReportEvent function is used to write messages to the event log, and the RegisterEventSource function to register an event source.
First, ensure you have the necessary includes:
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#include <windows.h>
Implementation of initEventLog
The initEventLog method should register an event source. You may need administrative privileges to successfully create a new event source.
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void initEventLog(const std::string& sourceName) {
// sourceName should be the name of your application or the component
// that's writing to the event log
hEventLog = RegisterEventSource(NULL, sourceName.c_str());
if (hEventLog == NULL) {
// Handle error
// You can use GetLastError() to get more details about the failure
In this method, hEventLog is a handle to the event log, declared as a member of DualOutputBuffer:
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HANDLE hEventLog;
Implementation of writeToEventLog
The writeToEventLog method writes a message to the Windows Event Log. Here's how you might implement it:
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void writeToEventLog(const std::string& message) {
if (hEventLog == NULL) {
// The event log hasn't been initialized or there was an error
const char* strings[1];
strings[0] = message.c_str();
if (!ReportEvent(hEventLog, // Event log handle
0, // No category
0, // Event identifier
NULL, // No user security identifier
1, // Number of substitution strings
0, // No data
strings, // Pointer to strings
NULL)) { // No data
// Handle error here
Finalizing and Cleanup
In the destructor of DualOutputBuffer, you should close the event log handle:
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~DualOutputBuffer() {
if (hEventLog != NULL) {
hEventLog = NULL;
Complete DualOutputBuffer Class
Integrate these methods into your DualOutputBuffer class. Ensure that all member variables are declared (like HANDLE hEventLog) and properly initialized.
Additional Considerations
Error Handling: Proper error handling is crucial, especially when working with system resources like the event log.
Permissions: Writing to the event log and creating new event sources might require administrative privileges.
Resource Management: Ensure that the event log handle is closed properly to avoid resource leaks.
Registry Configuration: For a new event source, you might need to add registry entries under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application. This typically requires administrative privileges and should be done during application setup, not at runtime.
Event Log Overhead: Writing to the event log can be slow. Consider the performance implications for your application.
Buffer Size and Flushing: Adjust the buffer size and flushing behavior based on the expected volume of log messages and the desired latency.
Pretty cool, isn't it.
Here is the link to this ChatGPT session:
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