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Last active May 26, 2023 22:19
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How to set up hologram plugin in lazyvim

setting up hologram plugin in lazyvim (vhyrro's branch, not merged)

add hologram plugin


return {
 config = function()
     auto_display = true,

now you need to install ImageMagick ImageMagick,ImageMagick-devel

(needed to install both, you will get error saying failed to load magickwand if you forget ImageMagick-devel )

you might need to setup luarocks too ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/luarocks.lua

return {
    event = "VeryLazy",
    build = "pip3 install --user hererocks && python3 -mhererocks . -j2.1.0-beta3 -r3.0.0 && cp nvim_rocks.lua lua",
    config = function()
      -- Add here the packages you want to make sure that they are installed

      local nvim_rocks = require("nvim_rocks")  -- and these 2 lines for image magick support
      nvim_rocks.ensure_installed({ "magick" })
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