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Last active April 29, 2021 23:56
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# This is a notably edited copy of STARKWare's code for generating MDS.
# New Fields, optimized MDS matrix generation for low state size,
# Poseidon parameterization, and generating Cpp/Rust code has been added here.
# Copying their license here
# Copyright 2019 StarkWare Industries Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# language enum
cpp = 0
rust = 1
# Prime fields.
F61 = GF(2**61 + 20 * 2**32 + 1)
F81 = GF(2**81 + 80 * 2**64 + 1)
F91 = GF(2**91 + 5 * 2**64 + 1)
F125 = GF(2**125 + 266 * 2**64 + 1)
F161 = GF(2**161 + 23 * 2**128 + 1)
F253 = GF(2**253 + 2**199 + 1)
AltBn = GF(21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617)
bw6 = GF(258664426012969094010652733694893533536393512754914660539884262666720468348340822774968888139573360124440321458177)
# Binary fields.
X = GF(2)['X'].gen()
Bin63 = GF(2**63, name='a', modulus=X**63 + X + 1)
Bin81 = GF(2**81, name='a', modulus=X**81 + X**4 + 1)
Bin91 = GF(2**91, name='a', modulus=X**91 + X**8 + X**5 + X + 1)
Bin127 = GF(2**127, name='a', modulus=X**127 + X + 1)
Bin161 = GF(2**161, name='a', modulus=X**161 + X**18 + 1)
Bin255 = GF(2**255, name='a', modulus=X**255 + X**5 + X**3 + X**2 + 1)
def sponge(permutation_func, inputs, params):
Applies the sponge construction to permutation_func.
inputs should be a vector of field elements whose size is divisible by
permutation_func should be a function which gets (state, params) where state
is a vector of params.m field elements, and returns a vector of params.m
field elements.
assert parent(inputs) == VectorSpace(params.field, len(inputs)), \
'inputs must be a vector of field elements. Found: %r' % parent(inputs)
assert len(inputs) % params.r == 0, \
'Number of field elements must be divisible by %s. Found: %s' % (
params.r, len(inputs))
state = vector([params.field(0)] * params.m)
for i in xrange(0, len(inputs), params.r):
state[:params.r] += inputs[i:i+params.r]
state = permutation_func(state, params)
# We do not support more than r output elements, since this requires
# additional invocations of permutation_func.
assert params.output_size <= params.r
return state[:params.output_size]
def generate_round_constant(fn_name, field, idx):
Returns a field element based on the result of sha256.
The input to sha256 is the concatenation of the name of the hash function
and an index.
For example, the first element for MiMC will be computed using the value
of sha256('MiMC0').
from hashlib import sha256
val = int(sha256('%s%d' % (fn_name, idx)).hexdigest(), 16)
if field.is_prime_field():
return field(val)
return int2field(field, val % field.order())
def int2field(field, val):
Converts val to an element of a binary field according to the binary
representation of val.
For example, 11=0b1011 is converted to 1*a^3 + 0*a^2 + 1*a + 1.
assert field.characteristic() == 2
assert 0 <= val < field.order(), \
'Value %d out of range. Expected 0 <= val < %d.' % (val, field.order())
res = field(map(int, bin(val)[2:][::-1]))
assert res.integer_representation() == val
return res
def binary_vector(field, values):
Converts a list of integers to field elements using int2field.
return vector(field, [int2field(field, val) for val in values])
def binary_matrix(field, values):
Converts a list of lists of integers to field elements using int2field.
return matrix(field, [[int2field(field, val) for val in row]
for row in values])
def generate_mds_matrix(name, field, m, optimize_mds=True):
Generates an MDS matrix of size m x m over the given field, with no
eigenvalues in the field.
Given two disjoint sets of size m: {x_1, ..., x_m}, {y_1, ..., y_m} we set
A_{ij} = 1 / (x_i - y_j).
for attempt in xrange(100):
x_values = [generate_round_constant(name + 'x', field, attempt * m + i)
for i in xrange(m)]
y_values = [generate_round_constant(name + 'y', field, attempt * m + i)
for i in xrange(m)]
# Make sure the values are distinct.
assert len(set(x_values + y_values)) == 2 * m, \
'The values of x_values and y_values are not distinct'
mds_proto = ([[1 / (x_values[i] - y_values[j]) for j in xrange(m)]
for i in xrange(m)])
if optimize_mds:
# massive reduction in constraint complexity, and computation time
# These are near-MDS matrices
if m == 3:
# [[1, 0, 1],
# [1, 1, 0],
# [0, 1, 1]]
mds_proto = [[field(1), field(0), field(1)],
[field(1), field(1), field(0)],
[field(0), field(1), field(1)]]
elif m == 4:
mds_proto = [[field(1) if x != y else field(0) for x in range(m)] for y in range(m)]
raise RuntimeError
mds = matrix(mds_proto)
return mds
mds = matrix(mds_proto)
assert mds.determinant() != 0
if not optimize_mds:
# Sanity check: check the determinant of the matrix.
x_prod = product(
[x_values[i] - x_values[j] for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange(i)])
y_prod = product(
[y_values[i] - y_values[j] for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange(i)])
xy_prod = product(
[x_values[i] - y_values[j] for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange(m)])
expected_det = (1 if m % 4 < 2 else -1) * x_prod * y_prod / xy_prod
det = mds.determinant()
assert det != 0
assert det == expected_det, \
'Expected determinant %s. Found %s' % (expected_det, det)
if len(mds.characteristic_polynomial().roots()) == 0:
# There are no eigenvalues in the field.
return mds
raise Exception('No good MDS found')
def generate_mds_cpp(mds):
s = ["std::vector<std::vector<FieldT>> mds_matrix;"]
# bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>("1234")
for r in mds:
line = "mds_matrix.push_back(std::vector<FieldT>({"
for c in r:
line += "FieldT(bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>(\"" + str(c) + "\")),"
line = line[:-1]
line += "}));"
s += [line]
def generate_mds_rs(mds):
# let mds = vec![vec![F::one(), F::zero(), F::one()],
# vec![F::one(), F::one(), F::zero()],
# vec![F::zero(), F::one(), F::one()]];
# but F::from_str(\"" + str(c) + "\").map_err(|_| ()).unwrap()
s = ["let mds = vec!["]
for r in mds:
line = "vec!["
for c in r:
line += "F::from_str(\"" + str(c) + "\").map_err(|_| ()).unwrap(),"
line = line[:-1]
line += "],"
s += [line]
s[-1] += "];"
def generate_ark(hash_name, field, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_ark=False, R_p=0, mds=None):
ark = [vector(generate_round_constant('Hades', field, state_size * i + j)
for j in xrange(state_size))
for i in xrange(num_rounds)]
s = ["std::vector<std::vector<FieldT>> ark_matrix;"]
# bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>("1234")
for r in ark:
line = "ark_matrix.push_back(std::vector<FieldT>({"
for c in r:
line += "FieldT(bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>(\"" + str(c) + "\")),"
line = line[:-1]
line += "}));"
s += [line]
if optimize_ark:
# Remove Rf
ark = ark[4:-4]
# ark = ark[::-1]
mds_inv = mds.inverse()
mds_pow = mds_inv
linear_constants = ark[0]
linear_constants[0] = field(0)
non_linear_constants = [ark[0][0]]
for i in range(1, R_p):
cur = mds_pow * ark[i]
non_linear_constants = non_linear_constants + [cur[0]]
cur[0] = field(0)
linear_constants += cur
mds_pow *= mds_inv
s = "std::vector<FieldT> rp_linear_ark_constants = std::vector<FieldT>({"
for c in linear_constants:
s += "FieldT(bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>(\"" + str(c) + "\")),"
s += "});"
s = "std::vector<FieldT> rp_non-linear_ark_constants = std::vector<FieldT>({"
def generate_ark_rs(hash_name, field, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_ark=False, R_p=0, mds=None):
ark = [vector(generate_round_constant('Hades', field, state_size * i + j)
for j in xrange(state_size))
for i in xrange(num_rounds)]
s = ["let ark = vec!["]
# bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>("1234")
for r in ark:
line = "vec!["
for c in r:
line += "F::from_str(\"" + str(c) + "\").map_err(|_| ()).unwrap(),"
line = line[:-1]
line += "],"
s += [line]
print('\n'.join(s) + '];')
# if optimize_ark:
# # Remove Rf
# ark = ark[4:-4]
# # ark = ark[::-1]
# mds_inv = mds.inverse()
# mds_pow = mds_inv
# linear_constants = ark[0]
# linear_constants[0] = field(0)
# non_linear_constants = [ark[0][0]]
# for i in range(1, R_p):
# cur = mds_pow * ark[i]
# non_linear_constants = non_linear_constants + [cur[0]]
# cur[0] = field(0)
# linear_constants += cur
# mds_pow *= mds_inv
# s = "std::vector<FieldT> rp_linear_ark_constants = std::vector<FieldT>({"
# for c in linear_constants:
# s += "FieldT(bigint<FieldT::num_limbs>(\"" + str(c) + "\")),"
# s += "});"
# print(s)
# s = "std::vector<FieldT> rp_non-linear_ark_constants = std::vector<FieldT>({"
def generate_mds_code(hash_name, field, state_size, optimize_mds, lang=cpp):
mds = generate_mds_matrix(hash_name + "MDS", field, state_size, optimize_mds)
if lang == cpp:
return mds
def generate_poseidon_param_code(hash_name, field, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_mds=True, optimize_ark=False, lang=cpp):
mds = generate_mds_code(hash_name, field, state_size, optimize_mds, lang)
R_f = 8
R_p = num_rounds - R_f
if lang == cpp:
generate_ark(hash_name, field, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_ark, R_p, mds)
generate_ark_rs(hash_name, field, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_ark, R_p, mds)
def generate_rescue_param_code(hash_name, field, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_mds=False, lang=cpp):
mds = generate_mds_code(hash_name, field, state_size, optimize_mds, lang)
num_steps = 2*num_rounds
# Poseidon params that we don't need
optimize_ark = False
R_p = 0
if lang == cpp:
generate_ark(hash_name, field, state_size, num_steps, optimize_ark, R_p, mds)
generate_ark_rs(hash_name, field, state_size, num_steps, optimize_ark, R_p, mds)
# This just calculates the minimum number rounds per the dominating constraint
# We do a full calculation against all relevant equations in the CPP logic, this is just for sanity checks.
# The dominating constraint is the defense against interpolation attack.
# TODO: Include analysis not in the paper of capacity > 1 improving num rounds
def calculate_num_poseidon_rounds(field, sec, alpha, num_capacity_elems, state_size):
assert num_capacity_elems * len(bin(field.order())[2:]) > sec
max_num_rounds = log(2, alpha) * sec + log(state_size, 2)
partial_rounds = max_num_rounds - 6
# apply security margin of the paper, 7.5%
partial_rounds = int(ceil(partial_rounds*1.075))
num_rounds = partial_rounds + 8
return num_rounds
poseidon_hash_name = "Hades"
rescue_hash_name = "Rescue"
# default = True
# if default:
# # alpha = 5
# generate_poseidon_param_code(poseidon_hash_name, AltBn, 17, 66, optimize_mds=False, lang=rust)
# generate_rescue_param_code(rescue_hash_name, AltBn, 17, 10, False, rust)
# Dev's recommended params for Fractal recursion / Marlin recursion
sec = 128
state_size = arity + capacity_size
num_rounds = calculate_num_poseidon_rounds(bw6, sec, alpha, capacity_size, state_size)
# You can set optimize_mds to True if you want to take a heuristic on using near-MDS matrices
# The paper authors were of the opinion that this worked (with an update to the differential analysis given)
# which will be satisfied for any large field
generate_poseidon_param_code(poseidon_hash_name, bw6, state_size, num_rounds, optimize_mds=False, lang=rust)
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