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Created August 4, 2020 17:29
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// Version 0.5, 15.02.2020, AK-Homberger
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <NMEA2000_CAN.h> // This will automatically choose right CAN library and create suitable NMEA2000 object
#include <memory>
#include <N2kMessages.h>
#include <esp32-hal-adc.h>
#define ENABLE_DEBUG_LOG 0 // Debug log
#define ADC_Calibration_Value1 250.0 // For resistor measure 5 Volt and 180 Ohm equals 100% plus 1K resistor.
#define ADC_Calibration_Value2 34.3 // The real value depends on the true resistor values for the ADC input (100K / 27 K).
#include <driver/adc.h>
#include <esp_adc_cal.h>
// Set the information for other bus devices, which messages we support
const unsigned long TransmitMessages[] PROGMEM = {127505L, // Fluid Level
130311L, // Temperature (or alternatively 130312L or 130316L)
127488L, // Engine Rapid / RPM
127508L, // Battery Status
// RPM data. Generator RPM is measured on connector "W"
#define RPM_Calibration_Value 1.0 // Translates Generator RPM to Engine RPM
#define Eingine_RPM_Pin 23 // Engine RPM is measured as interrupt on pin 23
volatile uint64_t StartValue; // First interrupt value
volatile uint64_t PeriodCount; // period in counts of 0.000001 of a second
unsigned long Last_int_time = 0;
hw_timer_t * timer = NULL; // pointer to a variable of type hw_timer_t
portMUX_TYPE mux = portMUX_INITIALIZER_UNLOCKED; // synchs between maon cose and interrupt?
// Send time offsets
#define TempSendOffset 0
#define TankSendOffset 40
#define RPM_SendOffset 80
#define BatterySendOffset 100
#define SlowDataUpdatePeriod 1000 // Time between CAN Messages sent
// Voltage measure is connected GPIO 35 (Analog ADC1_CH7)
const int ADCpin2 = 35;
// Tank fluid level measure is connected GPIO 34 (Analog ADC1_CH6)
const int ADCpin1 = 34;
// Global Data
float FuelLevel = 0;
float ExhaustTemp = 0;
double EngineRPM = 0;
float BatteryVolt =0;
// Task handle for OneWire read (Core 0 on ESP32)
TaskHandle_t Task1;
// Serial port 2 config (GPIO 16)
const int baudrate = 38400;
const int rs_config = SERIAL_8N1;
void debug_log(char* str) {
// RPM Event Interrupt
// Enters on falling edge
volatile unsigned long rpmVals[1024] = {0};
volatile unsigned long rpmIdx = 0;
const int RPM_VALS = 512;
void IRAM_ATTR handleInterrupt()
volatile uint64_t TempVal = timerRead(timer); // value of timer at interrupt 1000 1000000 / 1000
if (TempVal - StartValue > 0) {
PeriodCount = TempVal - StartValue; // period count between rising edges in 0.000001 of a second
StartValue = TempVal; // puts latest reading as start for next calculation
rpmVals[(rpmIdx++) % RPM_VALS] = PeriodCount;
Last_int_time = millis();
void setup() {
uint8_t chipid[6];
uint32_t id =0;
int i=0;
// Init USB serial port
// Init RPM measure
pinMode(Eingine_RPM_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP); // sets pin high
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(Eingine_RPM_Pin), handleInterrupt, FALLING); // attaches pin to interrupt on Falling Edge
timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); // this returns a pointer to the hw_timer_t global variable
// 0 = first timer
// 80 is prescaler so 80MHZ divided by 80 = 1MHZ signal ie 0.000001 of a second
// true - counts up
timerStart(timer); // starts the timer
// Valle attenuation
adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_6, ADC_ATTEN_DB_11);
// Reserve enough buffer for sending all messages. This does not work on small memory devices like Uno or Mega
for (i=0;i<6;i++) id += (chipid[i]<<(7*i));
// Set product information
NMEA2000.SetProductInformation("1", // Manufacturer's Model serial code
100, // Manufacturer's product code
"My Sensor Module", // Manufacturer's Model ID
" (2019-07-07)", // Manufacturer's Software version code
" (2019-07-07)" // Manufacturer's Model version
// Set device information
NMEA2000.SetDeviceInformation(id, // Unique number. Use e.g. Serial number.
132, // Device function=Analog to NMEA 2000 Gateway. See codes on
25, // Device class=Inter/Intranetwork Device. See codes on
2046 // Just choosen free from code list on
// If you also want to see all traffic on the bus use N2km_ListenAndNode instead of N2km_NodeOnly below
NMEA2000.SetForwardType(tNMEA2000::fwdt_Text); // Show in clear text. Leave uncommented for default Actisense format.
NMEA2000.SetMode(tNMEA2000::N2km_ListenAndNode, 32);
// Calculate engine RPM from number of interupts per time
double ReadRPM() {
double RPM=0;
unsigned long smoothRpm = 0.f;
for (int i = 0; i < RPM_VALS; i++) {
smoothRpm += rpmVals[i];
unsigned long periodSmooth = smoothRpm / RPM_VALS;
RPM = 1000000.00 / periodSmooth; // PeriodCount in 0.000001 of a second
if (millis() > Last_int_time + 200) RPM = 0; // No signals RPM=0;
return RPM * 60;
bool IsTimeToUpdate(unsigned long NextUpdate) {
return (NextUpdate < millis());
unsigned long InitNextUpdate(unsigned long Period, unsigned long Offset = 0) {
return millis() + Period + Offset;
void SetNextUpdate(unsigned long &NextUpdate, unsigned long Period) {
while ( NextUpdate < millis() ) NextUpdate += Period;
void SendN2kBattery(double BatteryVoltage) {
static unsigned long SlowDataUpdated = InitNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdatePeriod, BatterySendOffset);
tN2kMsg N2kMsg;
if ( IsTimeToUpdate(SlowDataUpdated) ) {
SetNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdated, SlowDataUpdatePeriod);
//Serial.printf("Voltage : %3.0f ", BatteryVoltage);
SetN2kDCBatStatus(N2kMsg, 0, BatteryVoltage, N2kDoubleNA, N2kDoubleNA, 1);
void SendN2kTankLevel(double level, double capacity) {
static unsigned long SlowDataUpdated = InitNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdatePeriod, TankSendOffset);
tN2kMsg N2kMsg;
if ( IsTimeToUpdate(SlowDataUpdated) ) {
SetNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdated, SlowDataUpdatePeriod);
Serial.printf("Fuel Level : %3.0f ", level);
SetN2kFluidLevel(N2kMsg, 0, N2kft_Fuel, level, capacity );
void SendN2kExhaustTemp(double temp) {
static unsigned long SlowDataUpdated = InitNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdatePeriod, TempSendOffset);
tN2kMsg N2kMsg;
if ( IsTimeToUpdate(SlowDataUpdated) ) {
SetNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdated, SlowDataUpdatePeriod);
//Serial.printf("Exhaust Temp: %3.0f °C \n", temp);
// Select the right PGN for your MFD and set the PGN value also in "TransmitMessages[]"
SetN2kEnvironmentalParameters(N2kMsg, 0, N2kts_ExhaustGasTemperature, CToKelvin(temp), // PGN130311, uncomment the PGN to be used
N2khs_Undef, N2kDoubleNA, N2kDoubleNA);
// SetN2kTemperature(N2kMsg, 0, 0, N2kts_ExhaustGasTemperature, CToKelvin(temp), N2kDoubleNA); // PGN130312, uncomment the PGN to be used
// SetN2kTemperatureExt(N2kMsg, 0, 0, N2kts_ExhaustGasTemperature,CToKelvin(temp), N2kDoubleNA); // PGN130316, uncomment the PGN to be used
void SendN2kEngineRPM(double RPM) {
static unsigned long SlowDataUpdated = InitNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdatePeriod, RPM_SendOffset);
tN2kMsg N2kMsg;
if ( IsTimeToUpdate(SlowDataUpdated) ) {
SetNextUpdate(SlowDataUpdated, SlowDataUpdatePeriod);
const double factorCalibrate = 14.85;
Serial.printf("Engine RPM :%f RPM \n", RPM / factorCalibrate);
SetN2kEngineParamRapid(N2kMsg, 0, RPM / factorCalibrate, N2kDoubleNA, N2kInt8NA);
// ReadVoltage is used to improve the linearity of the ESP32 ADC see:
double ReadVoltage(byte pin) {
double reading = analogRead(pin); // Reference voltage is 3v3 so maximum reading is 3v3 = 4095 in range 0 to 4095
if (reading < 1 || reading > 4095) return 0;
// return -0.000000000009824 * pow(reading,3) + 0.000000016557283 * pow(reading,2) + 0.000854596860691 * reading + 0.065440348345433;
return (-0.000000000000016 * pow(reading, 4) + 0.000000000118171 * pow(reading, 3) - 0.000000301211691 * pow(reading, 2) + 0.001109019271794 * reading + 0.034143524634089) * 1000;
} // Added an improved polynomial, use either, comment out as required
float fuelReadings[256] = {0};
float lastReading = 0;
unsigned char fuelReadingIdx = 0;
void loop() {
unsigned int size;
// Serial.printf("Voltage raw 1\t%3.0f\n", ReadVoltage(ADCpin2));
float reading = ReadVoltage(ADCpin1);
// x = (y-244.43)/4.101518
// float ohmRead = (lastReading - 244.43) / 4.101518;
// float batteryPercentage = ( ohmRead - 5.f ) / 175.f;
// Serial.printf("Raw:\t%3.0f\tSmooth:%3.0f\tPerc:%3.0f\n", reading, lastReading, ohmRead);
float fuelLevel = 0.08496117 * reading - 8.381138;
const char VALUES = 20;
fuelReadings[(fuelReadingIdx++) % VALUES] = fuelLevel;
float sum = 0;
for (unsigned char i = 0; i < VALUES; i++) {
sum += fuelReadings[i];
FuelLevel = sum / VALUES - 13.; // ((FuelLevel * 15) + (ReadVoltage(ADCpin1) * ADC_Calibration_Value1 / 4096)) / 16; // This implements a low pass filter to eliminate spike for ADC readings
BatteryVolt = ((BatteryVolt * 15) + (ReadVoltage(ADCpin2) * ADC_Calibration_Value2 / 4096)) / 16; // This implements a low pass filter to eliminate spike for ADC readings
EngineRPM = ReadRPM(); // This implements a low pass filter to eliminate spike for RPM measurements
// if (FuelLevel>100) FuelLevel=100;
SendN2kTankLevel(FuelLevel, 200); // Adjust max tank capacity. Is it 200 ???
SendN2kBattery (BatteryVolt);
// Dummy to empty input buffer to avoid board to stuck with e.g. NMEA Reader
if ( Serial.available() ) {;
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