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Last active January 8, 2021 10:44
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Preact FontAwesomeIcon
import { IconDefinition, icon, parse } from "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core";
import { h, Ref } from "preact";
export default function FontAwesomeIcon({
}: FontAwesomeIconProps) {
const {
icon: iconArgs,
mask: maskArgs,
} = props;
const iconLookup = normalizeIconArgs(iconArgs);
const classes = objectWithKey("classes", [
...className.split(" "),
const transform = objectWithKey(
typeof props.transform === "string"
? parse.transform(props.transform)
: props.transform
const mask = objectWithKey("mask", normalizeIconArgs(maskArgs));
const renderedIcon = icon(iconLookup, {
const { abstract } = renderedIcon;
const extraProps = { ref: forwardedRef };
Object.keys(props).forEach((key) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
if (!FontAwesomeIcon.defaultProps.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
extraProps[key] = props[key];
return convert(h, abstract[0], extraProps);
FontAwesomeIcon.defaultProps = {
border: false,
className: "",
mask: null,
fixedWidth: false,
inverse: false,
flip: null,
icon: null,
listItem: false,
pull: null,
pulse: false,
rotation: null,
size: null,
spin: false,
symbol: false,
title: "",
transform: null,
swapOpacity: false,
export type FontAwesomeIconProps = { icon: IconDefinition | string } & Partial<{
border: boolean;
className: string;
mask: IconDefinition | string;
fixedWidth: boolean;
inverse: boolean;
flip: "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both";
listItem: boolean;
pull: "right" | "left";
pulse: boolean;
rotation: 0 | 90 | 180 | 270;
| "lg"
| "xs"
| "sm"
| "1x"
| "2x"
| "3x"
| "4x"
| "5x"
| "6x"
| "7x"
| "8x"
| "9x"
| "10x";
spin: boolean;
symbol: boolean | string;
title: string;
transform: string | object;
swapOpacity: boolean;
forwardedRef: Ref<any>;
titleId: string;
function normalizeIconArgs(icon) {
// if the icon is null, there's nothing to do
if (icon === null) {
return null;
// if the icon is an object and has a prefix and an icon name, return it
if (typeof icon === "object" && icon.prefix && icon.iconName) {
return icon;
// if it's an array with length of two
if (Array.isArray(icon) && icon.length === 2) {
// use the first item as prefix, second as icon name
return { prefix: icon[0], iconName: icon[1] };
// if it's a string, use it as the icon name
if (typeof icon === "string") {
return { prefix: "fas", iconName: icon };
// creates an object with a key of key
// and a value of value
// if certain conditions are met
function objectWithKey(key, value) {
// if the value is a non-empty array
// or it's not an array but it is truthy
// then create the object with the key and the value
// if not, return an empty array
return (Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0) ||
(!Array.isArray(value) && value)
? { [key]: value }
: {};
// Get CSS class list from a props object
function classList(props) {
const {
} = props;
// map of CSS class names to properties
const classes = {
"fa-spin": spin,
"fa-pulse": pulse,
"fa-fw": fixedWidth,
"fa-inverse": inverse,
"fa-border": border,
"fa-li": listItem,
"fa-flip-horizontal": flip === "horizontal" || flip === "both",
"fa-flip-vertical": flip === "vertical" || flip === "both",
[`fa-${size}`]: typeof size !== "undefined" && size !== null,
typeof rotation !== "undefined" && rotation !== null && rotation !== 0,
[`fa-pull-${pull}`]: typeof pull !== "undefined" && pull !== null,
"fa-swap-opacity": props.swapOpacity,
// map over all the keys in the classes object
// return an array of the keys where the value for the key is not null
return Object.keys(classes)
.map((key) => (classes[key] ? key : null))
.filter((key) => key);
function capitalize(val) {
return val.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + val.slice(1);
function styleToObject(style) {
return style
.map((s) => s.trim())
.filter((s) => s)
.reduce((acc, pair) => {
const i = pair.indexOf(":");
const prop = camelize(pair.slice(0, i));
const value = pair.slice(i + 1).trim();
? (acc[capitalize(prop)] = value)
: (acc[prop] = value);
return acc;
}, {});
function convert(createElement, element, extraProps = {} as any) {
if (typeof element === "string") {
return element;
const children = (element.children || []).map((child) => {
return convert(createElement, child);
/* eslint-disable dot-notation */
const mixins = Object.keys(element.attributes || {}).reduce(
(acc, key) => {
const val = element.attributes[key];
switch (key) {
case "class":
acc.attrs["className"] = val;
delete element.attributes["class"];
case "style":
acc.attrs["style"] = styleToObject(val);
if (key.indexOf("aria-") === 0 || key.indexOf("data-") === 0) {
acc.attrs[key.toLowerCase()] = val;
} else {
acc.attrs[camelize(key)] = val;
return acc;
{ attrs: {} }
const { style: existingStyle = {}, ...remaining } = extraProps;
mixins.attrs["style"] = { ...mixins.attrs["style"], ...existingStyle };
/* eslint-enable */
return createElement(
{ ...mixins.attrs, ...remaining },
// Camelize taken from humps
// humps is copyright © 2012+ Dom Christie
// Released under the MIT license.
// Performant way to determine if object coerces to a number
function _isNumerical(obj) {
obj = obj - 0;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare
return obj === obj;
function camelize(string) {
if (_isNumerical(string)) {
return string;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
string = string.replace(/[\-_\s]+(.)?/g, function (match, chr) {
return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : "";
// Ensure 1st char is always lowercase
return string.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase() + string.substr(1);
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