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tracend / handlebars.localisation.js
Last active October 16, 2018 18:11
Handlebars Localisation Helper #cc
// Handlebars Localisation Helper
// Source:
Handlebars.registerHelper('l10n', function(keyword) {
var lang = (navigator.language) ? navigator.language : navigator.userLanguage;
// pick the right dictionary (if only one available assume it's the right one...)
var locale = window.locale[lang] || window.locale['en-US'] || window.locale || false;
// exit now if there's no data
if( !locale ) return target;
venkateshshukla / AndroidDevLinux
Last active September 19, 2023 04:20
Setting up your Linux for Android Application Development
Step 1. Preparation
First take care of the dependencies for Android Application Development.
Dependencies are -
1. Java
2. ant
3. Eclipse and Android Development tools (IDE)
4. Android SDK and NDK
5. adb