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Created August 7, 2021 02:44
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Manages GetxControllers everywhere
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
/// [StatexWidget] helps to manage [GetxController]s lifecycle
/// according its [Widget]s in cases when [Getx] doesn't.
/// Examples:
/// 1. PageView.childs[Widget1(), Widget2(), ...]
/// 2. Get.bottomSheet(Widget())
/// These usecases aren't page routing cases, so Getx doesn't call
/// onInit, onReady, onDelete in GetxControllers.
/// Pros:
/// - auto creating/deleting controllers when widget is initialized/disposed;
/// - works alongside standard Getx binding, so one can mix these tools;
/// - works with tags;
/// - works with permanent;
/// - allows use lazyPut;
/// How does it work:
/// 1. Inherit SomeController from [StatexController]
/// 2. Inherit SomeWidget from [StatexWidget]
/// 3a. Call base constructor with simple SomeController factory
/// as a parameter or
/// 3.b Call base constructor [super.lazyAdjust] if there is Get.lazyPut
/// somewhere in the code
/// 4. Realize [StatexWidget.buildWidget] insted of []
/// ```
/// [1]
/// class _HomeSubPageController extends StatexController {}
/// [2]
/// class HomeSubPage extends StatexWidget<_HomeSubPageController> {
/// [3.a]
// HomeSubPage({Key? key}) : super(() => _HomeSubPageController(), key: key);
/// [3.b]
// HomeSubPage({Key? key}) : super.lazyAdjust( ... );
/// [4]
// @override
// Widget buildWidget(BuildContext context) => Container();
// }
/// ```
/// That's all. Now `onInit/onReady/onClose` of controller will been called
/// on time when widget will inserted in widget tree or destroyed with them.
/// If one need to catch points of [WidgetState.initState],
/// [WidgetState.disposed] one should override
/// [StatexController.onWidgetInitState] and [StatexController.onWidgetDisposed].
/// Tag and permanent.
/// Be free to pass [tag] and [permanent] as usual:
/// ```
/// /// Controller now is permanent:
/// class HomePage extends StatexWidget<_HomePageController> {
/// HomePage({Key? key})
/// : super(
/// () => _HomePageController(),
/// permanent: true,
/// key: key,
/// );
/// /// Controller now has tag
/// class BusinessPage extends StatexWidget<_BusinessPageController> {
// BusinessPage() : super(() => _BusinessPageController(), tag: '_\$myTag');
/// ```
abstract class StatexWidget<T extends StatexController>
extends StatelessWidget {
/// Base constructor.
/// Does calling Get.put(...) under the hood, passing parameters if needed.
/// ```
/// class BusinessPage extends StatexWidget<_BusinessPageControllerImpl> {
/// BusinessPage() : super(() => _BusinessPageControllerImpl(),
/// tag: 'TAG', permanent: true, args: {'key': value} );
/// ```
/// Simplifies things but doesn't support Dependency Inversion Principle
/// as one need to know the type right in this point.
const StatexWidget(
this.builder, {
this.permanent = false,
this.args = const <String, dynamic>{},
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key);
/// Named constructor for `Get.lazyPut<Some>(()=>SomeImpl())` concept.
/// Here is usecase:
/// ```
/// // Somewhere put factory with parameter `fenix = true`
/// Get.lazyPut<HomePageController>(
/// () => HomePageControllerImpl(),
/// fenix: true,
/// );
/// // Use [StatexWidget.lazyAdjust] instead of base constructor.
/// class HomePage extends StatexWidget<HomePageController> {
/// HomePage({Key? key}) : super.lazyAdjust(
/// markAsPermanent: true,
/// key: key,
/// );
/// ```
/// [tag] passing tag directly to Get.put when needed
/// [markAsPermanent] this constructor most likely will be called for
/// `Get.lazyPut` so no parameter `permanent` for that case.
/// `markAsPermanent` emulates `permanent` for that case.
/// [args] extra argument map
const StatexWidget.lazyAdjust({
String? tag,
bool markAsPermanent = false,
Map<String, dynamic> args = const <String, dynamic>{},
Key? key,
}) : this(null, tag: tag, permanent: markAsPermanent, args: args, key: key);
/// [builder] is required for base constructor but not for [lazyAdjust]
final InstanceBuilderCallback<T>? builder;
final String? tag;
final bool permanent;
final Map<String, dynamic> args;
T get controller => GetInstance().find<T>(tag: tag);
Widget buildWidget(BuildContext context);
/// Main goal is to inject [_StatexControllerManager] behind
/// main working widget tree and to design it as tiny as it can be.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Stack(
fit: StackFit.passthrough,
children: [
children: [
// Wrapping makes things tiny
tag: tag,
permanent: permanent,
args: args,
/// Manager that links lifecycles for both Widget and its controller.
class _StatexControllerManager<T extends StatexController> extends StatefulWidget {
InstanceBuilderCallback<T>? builder, {
this.permanent = false,
Map<String, dynamic> args = const <String, dynamic>{},
Key? key,
}) : super(key: key) {
final inst = GetInstance();
if (builder != null && !inst.isRegistered<T>(tag: tag)) {
// Injecting the instance right here if needed.
inst.put(builder(), tag: tag, permanent: permanent);
final c = inst.find<T>(tag: tag);
c.args = args;
final String? tag;
final bool permanent;
_StatexControllerManagerState<T> createState() =>
/// State for [_StatexControllerManager].
/// It manages [onWidgetDisposed], [onWidgetDisposed]
/// and deletes controller instance if needed.
class _StatexControllerManagerState<T extends StatexController>
extends State<_StatexControllerManager<T>> {
initState() {
final wc = GetInstance().find<T>(tag: widget.tag);
void dispose() {
final inst = GetInstance();
if (inst.isRegistered<T>(tag: widget.tag)) {
final wc = inst.find<T>(tag: widget.tag);
if (!widget.permanent) {
Get.delete<T>(tag: widget.tag);
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Container();
/// Specialized controller for [StatexWidget].
/// In a simplest case just inherit from it and nothing more.
/// It has useful events [onWidgetInitState], [onWidgetDisposed]
/// that are called at the right time.
abstract class StatexController extends GetxController {
final _args = <String, dynamic>{};
Map<String, dynamic> get args => _args;
set args(Map<String, dynamic> value) => _args.assignAll(value);
/// It is called at the [_StatexControllerManagerState.initState].
/// So one can catch entering View for example.
void onWidgetInitState() {}
/// It is called at the [_StatexControllerManagerState.dispose].
/// So one can catch leaving View for example.
void onWidgetDisposed() {}
//~ StatexWidget
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