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Last active March 18, 2024 11:49
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yaml predicated-prefix-sum
const std = @import("std");
export fn columnCountsVec(chunk: @Vector(16, u8)) @TypeOf(chunk) {
var mask = chunk != @as(@TypeOf(chunk), @splat('\n'));
var array_count = @select(u8, mask, @as(@TypeOf(chunk), @splat(1)), @as(@TypeOf(chunk), @splat(0)));
inline for (0..std.math.log2(@sizeOf(@TypeOf(chunk)))) |i| {
array_count = @select(u8, mask, array_count +% std.simd.shiftElementsRight(array_count, 1 << i, 0), array_count);
mask = @select(bool, mask, std.simd.shiftElementsRight(mask, 1 << i, false), @as(@TypeOf(mask), @splat(false)));
return std.simd.shiftElementsRight(array_count, 1, 0);
export fn columnCounts(chunk: @Vector(16, u8)) @Vector(16, u8) {
const newlines: u16 = @bitCast(@as(@Vector(16, u8), chunk) == @as(@Vector(16, u8), @splat('\n')));
const ones = 0x1111111111111111;
const ascending_indices = 0xFEDCBA9876543210;
const restart_nibbles_mask = pdep(newlines, ones ^ 1) *% 0xF;
const restart_nibbles_indices = pext(ascending_indices, restart_nibbles_mask);
const prefix_diff = restart_nibbles_indices -% (restart_nibbles_indices << 4);
const vec: @Vector(8, u8) = @bitCast(ascending_indices -% pdep(prefix_diff, restart_nibbles_mask) *% ones);
return std.simd.interlace(.{ vec, vec >> @splat(4) }) & @as(@Vector(16, u8), @splat(0xF));
//pub fn main() void {
// const chunk = [16]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c', '\n', 'e', 'f', '\n', 'h', 'i', '\n', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p' };
// std.debug.print("{}\n", .{columnCountsVec(chunk)});
// const result = columnCounts(chunk);
// std.debug.print("{}\n", .{result});
inline fn pdep(src: u64, mask: u64) u64 {
return asm ("pdep %[mask], %[src], %[ret]"
: [ret] "=r" (-> u64),
: [src] "r" (src),
[mask] "r" (mask),
inline fn pext(src: u64, mask: u64) u64 {
return asm ("pext %[mask], %[src], %[ret]"
: [ret] "=r" (-> u64),
: [src] "r" (src),
[mask] "r" (mask),
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