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Created April 11, 2013 19:15
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Save Valodim/5366353 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
_openssl completion (unfinished)
#compdef openssl
_openssl_build_cache () {
local param=_openssl_${1//-/_}
typeset -gHa $param
if true || _cache_invalid openssl-$1 || ! _retrieve_cache openssl-$1; then
eval $param=$2
_store_cache openssl-$1 $param
_openssl_pass () {
# completing a source parameter?
if compset -P '(#b)(*):'; then
case $match[1] in
pass) _message 'password' ;;
env) _parameters -g '*export*' ;;
file) _files ;;
fd) _message 'file descriptor (number)' ;;
*) _message 'unknown password source' ;;
return 0
local expl
# complete password sources
_wanted -V pass-source expl 'password source' \
compadd -S: -- pass env file fd
_wanted -V pass-source expl 'password source' \
compadd -- stdin
return 0
_openssl_hostport () {
if compset -P '*:'; then
_message -e ports 'port number'
compset -S ':*'
_hosts -S : -r ' \t\n\-'
return 0
_openssl_algorithms () {
integer ret=1
local expl
_tags cipher-algorithms-aliases cipher-algorithms
while _tags; do
if _requested cipher-algorithms expl 'Cipher Algorithms'; then
_openssl_build_cache cipher-algorithms '( ${${(f)"$(_call_program openssl-$1 openssl list-$1)"}:#*=*} )'
compadd "$expl[@]" -P - -a _openssl_cipher_algorithms && ret=0
if _requested cipher-algorithms-aliases expl 'Cipher Algorithm Aliases'; then
_openssl_build_cache cipher-algorithms-aliases '( ${${(M)${(f)"$(_call_program openssl-$1 openssl list-cipher-algorithms)"}:#[A-Z0-9-]# =*}%% =*} )'
compadd "$expl[@]" -P - -a _openssl_cipher_algorithms_aliases && ret=0
(( ret )) || break
return ret
_openssl_x509_nameopt () {
# trivial support for negation - just ignore the minus
compset -P '-'
local -a formats
'compat:use old format'
'RFC2253:format compatible with RFC2253'
'oneline:oneline format, more readable than RFC2253'
'multiline:a multiline format'
_describe -t x509-formats 'Output Formats' formats
_wanted x509-nameopts expl 'Name Options' compadd -- \
esc_2253 esc_ctrl esc_msb use_quote utf8 no_type show_type \
dump_der dump_nostr dump_all dump_unknown \
sep_comma_plus sep_comma_plus_space sep_semi_plus_space sep_multiline \
dn_rev nofname sname lname oid align space_eq
_openssl_x509_textopt () {
_wanted x509-textopts expl 'Text Options' compadd -- \
compatible ca_default \
no_header no_version no_serial no_signame no_validity \
no_subject no_issuer no_pubkey no_sigdump no_aux no_extensions \
ext_default ext_error ext_parse ext_dump \
_openssl_c_ca () {
_arguments \
'-startdate[certificate validity notBefore]:date (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ)' \
'-enddate[certificate validity notAfter]:date (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ)' \
'-verbose[print extra information]' \
'-days[specify number of days to certify for]:certification time (days)' \
'-in[certificate request input file]:input filename (PEM):_files' \
'-out[output file]:output filename:_files' \
'-config[set config file]:config file:_files' \
'-name[specify config file section]:config section' \
'-md[message digest algorithm to use]:message digest algorithm:( md2 md5 sha sha1 )' \
'-policy[specify CA policy to support]:policy' \
'-keyfile[set private key file to sign requests with]' \
'-keyform[set private key file format]:file format:( PEM ENGINE )' \
'-key[private key decryption key]:key' \
'-cert[specify CA cert file]:CA cert:_files' \
'-selfsign[sign certificate with its own key]' \
'*-in[input PEM encoded certificate request]:cert request (PEM):_files -g "*.(pem|cer|crt)"' \
'*-out[output file]:output file:_files' \
'-outdir[set output dir]:output directory:_files -/' \
'-spkac[sign specified SPKAC formatted file]:SPKAC file:_files' \
'-ss_cert[sign specified self signed cert]:self signed cert:_files' \
'-preserveDN[do not reorder DN]' \
'-noemailDN[omit email field in certificate subject]' \
'-batch[process non-interactively, do not ask before signing certificates]' \
'-msie_hack[enable hack for old msie certenr3 format]' \
'-subj[override request subject]:subject' \
'-utf8[use utf8 for input instead of ASCII]' \
'-multivalue-rdn[support multivalued RDNs]' \
'-extensions[specify extension section]:extension section' \
'-extfile[config file with X509v3 extensions]:config file:_files' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
'-status[show certificate status for specified serial number]:serial number' \
'-updatedb[update db for expired certificates]' \
'-gencrl[Generate a new CRL]' \
'-crldays[set days until next CRL]:days' \
'-crlhours[set hours until next CRL]:hours' \
'-crlexts[specify CRL extension section]:CRL extension section' \
'-crl_reason[set CRL revocation reason]:recovation reason' \
'-crl_hold[set CRL hold instruction]:instruction:( holdInstructionNone holdInstructionCallIssuer holdInstructionReject )' \
'-crl_compromise[use keyCompromise as revocation reason with specified compromise time]:date (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ)' \
'-crl_CA_compromise[use CACompromise as revocation reason with specified compromise time]:date (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ)' \
'-revoke[revoke specified certificate]:cert file:_files' \
'-infiles[requests to process]:*CA request:_files' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_dsa () {
_arguments \
'-inform[specify input format]:input format:(DER PEM)' \
'-outform[specify output format]:output format:(DER PEM)' \
'-in[input filename]:input filename:_files' \
'-passin[input file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'-passout[output file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-sgckey[use modified NET algorithm (for Microsoft IIS and SGC keys)]' \
'(-des3 -idea)-des[encrypt private key with DES]' \
'(-des -idea)-des3[encrypt private key with triple DES]' \
'(-des -des3)-idea[encrypt private key with IDEA]' \
'-text[print key components in addition to the encoded version]' \
'-noout[do not output encoded key]' \
'-modulus[print modulus of the key]' \
'-check[check consistency of RSA private key]' \
'-pubin[read public key instead of private]' \
'-pubout[write public key only]' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_dsaparam () {
integer ret=1
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
declare -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
'-inform[specify input format]:input format:(DER PEM)' \
'-outform[specify output format]:output format:(DER PEM)' \
'-in[specify input filename]:file:_files' \
'-out[specify output filename]:file:_files' \
'-text[print the certificate in text form]' \
'-C[print the certificate in C code form]' \
'-noout[do not output encoded key]' \
'-genkey[generate dsa key]' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
': :->bits' && ret=0
# this is kind of a hack, but _arguments screws up with unspecified numeric arguments :\
case $state in
[[ $words[$CURRENT] == '' || -prefix [0-9] ]] && _message -e dsaparam-bits 'number of bits' && ret=0
return ret
_openssl_c_dgst () {
if (( CURRENT == 2 )) && [[ $words[1] == dgst ]]; then
local expl
_openssl_build_cache message-digest-algorithms '( ${${(f)"$(_call_program openssl-$1 openssl list-$1)"}:#*=*} )'
_wanted digest-algorithm expl 'Digest Algorithm' \
compadd -P - -a _openssl_message_digest_algorithms && return 0
_arguments \
'-c[print digest in two digit groups separated by colons]' \
'-d[print out BIO debugging information]' \
'-hex[output digest as a hex dump]' \
'-binary[output the digest or signature in binary form]' \
'-hmac[specify HMAC key]:hmac key' \
'-non-fips-allow[allow use of non FIPS digest]' \
'-passin[input file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-sign[digitally sign the digest using the private key in "filename"]:private key file:_files' \
'-keyform[specify key format to sign digest with]:key format:( PEM ENGINE )' \
'-sigopt[pass algorithm specific options]:algorithm option (key\:string)' \
'-verify[verify the signature using specified public key]:public key file:_files' \
'-prverify[verify the signature using specified private key]:private key file:_files' \
'-signature[specify signature to verify]:signature file:_files' \
'-hmac[create a hashed MAC using specified key]:hmac key' \
'-mac[create MAC]:MAC algorithm:( HMAC ghost-mac )' \
'-macopt[pass mac specific options]:MAC option (key\:string)' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:random file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'*:input files:_files' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_enc () {
if (( CURRENT == 2 )) && [[ $words[1] == enc ]]; then
_openssl_algorithms && return 0
_arguments \
'-in[specify input filename]:file:_files' \
'-out[specify output filename]:file:_files' \
'-pass[the password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-e[encrypt input data (default)]' \
'-d[decrypt input data]' \
'(-base64 -a)'{-base64,-a}'[base64 process the data]' \
'-A[process on one line if base64 processing is enabled]' \
'-k[the password to derive the key from (deprecated)]:password' \
'-kfile[read the password to derive the key from the first line of filename (deprecated)]:password file:_files' \
'-nosalt[do not use a salt]' \
'-salt[use salt when encrypting (default)]' \
'-S[specify actual salt to use]:salt (hex digits)' \
'-K[specify the actual key to use]:key (hex digits)' \
'-iv[specify the actual IV to use]:iv (hex digits)' \
'-p[print out the key and IV]' \
'-P[print out the key and IV and exit]' \
'-bufsize[specify buffer size for I/O]:buffer size (bytes)' \
'-nopad[disable standard block padding]' \
'-debug[debug the BIOs used for I/O]' \
'-z[compress or decompress clear text using zlib before encryption or after decryption]' \
'-none[use NULL cipher]' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_errstr () {
_arguments \
':Error Code: ' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_gendsa () {
_arguments \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'(-des3 -idea)-des[encrypt private key with DES]' \
'(-des -idea)-des3[encrypt private key with triple DES]' \
'(-des -des3)-idea[encrypt private key with IDEA]' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
':DSA parameter file:_files'\
&& return 0
_openssl_c_genrsa () {
integer ret=1
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
declare -A opt_args
_arguments \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'-passout[output file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'(-des3 -idea)-des[encrypt private key with DES]' \
'(-des -idea)-des3[encrypt private key with triple DES]' \
'(-des -des3)-idea[encrypt private key with IDEA]' \
'(-F4 -3)'{-F4,-3}'[public exponent to use]:exponent:(65537 3)' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
': :->rsa-key-size' \
&& ret=0
# this is kind of a hack, but _arguments screws up with unspecified numeric arguments :\
case $state in
[[ $words[$CURRENT] == '' || -prefix [0-9] ]] && _message -e rsa-key-size 'rsa key size (bits)' && ret=0
return ret
_openssl_c_passwd () {
integer ret=1
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
declare -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
'-crypt[use standard Unix password algorithm (default)]' \
'-1[use MD5-based password algorithm]' \
'-apr1[use MD5-based password algorithm, Apache variant]' \
'-salt[use provided salt]:salt' \
'-in[read passwords from file]:input file:_files' \
'-stdin[read passwords from stdin]' \
'-noverify[never verify when reading password from terminal]' \
'-quiet[disable warnings]' \
'-table[format output as table]' \
'-reverse[switch table columns]' \
'*:password:->password' && ret=0
# this is kind of a hack, but _arguments screws up with unspecified numeric arguments :\
case $state in
[[ $words[$CURRENT] == '' || -prefix [^-] ]] && _message -e password 'password(s)' && ret=0
return ret
_openssl_c_rand () {
integer ret=1
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
declare -A opt_args
_arguments \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'-base64[encode output in base64]' \
'-hex[print output as hex string]' \
'*: :->rand-bytes' \
&& ret=0
# this is kind of a hack, but _arguments screws up with unspecified numeric arguments :\
case $state in
[[ $words[$CURRENT] == '' || -prefix [0-9] ]] && _message -e rand-bytes 'number of random bytes'&& ret=0
return ret
_openssl_c_rsa () {
_arguments \
'-inform[specify input format]:input format:(DER NET PEM)' \
'-outform[specify output format]:output format:(DER NET PEM)' \
'-in[input filename]:input filename:_files' \
'-passin[input file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'-passout[output file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-sgckey[use modified NET algorithm (for Microsoft IIS and SGC keys)]' \
'(-des3 -idea)-des[encrypt private key with DES]' \
'(-des -idea)-des3[encrypt private key with triple DES]' \
'(-des -des3)-idea[encrypt private key with IDEA]' \
'-text[print key components in addition to the encoded version]' \
'-noout[do not output encoded key]' \
'-modulus[print modulus of the key]' \
'-check[check consistency of RSA private key]' \
'-pubin[read public key instead of private]' \
'-pubout[write public key only]' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_s_client () {
_arguments \
'-connect[specify the host and optional port to connect to]:host\:port:_openssl_hostport' \
'-cert[certificate to use, if one is requested by the server]:certname:_files' \
'-certform[specify certificate format to use]:format:( DER PEM )' \
'-key[specify private key to use]:keyfile:_files' \
'-keyform[private format to use]:format:( DER PEM )' \
'-pass[the private key password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-verify[specify verification depth]:depth' \
'-CApath[directory to use for server certificate verification]:directory:_files -/' \
'-CAfile[file containing trusted certificates to use during server authentication]:file:_files' \
'-reconnect[reconnect 5 times using the same session ID]' \
'-pause[pauses 1 second between each read and write call]' \
'-showcerts[display whole server certificate chain]' \
'-prexit[print session information at exit]' \
'-state[prints out the SSL session states]' \
'-debug[print extensive debugging information including a hex dump of all traffic]' \
'-msg[show all protocol messages with hex dump]' \
'-nbio_test[tests non-blocking I/O]' \
'-nbio[turns on non-blocking I/O]' \
'-crlf[translate line feeds from the terminal into CR+LF]' \
'(-quiet)-ign_eof[do not shut down at eof]' \
'-quiet[do not print session and certificate information]' \
'-psk_identity[use specified identity when using a PSK cipher suite]:identity' \
'-psk[specify psk key]:key (hexadecimal)' \
'-bugs[enable workarounds for a number of known bugs in ssl implementations]' \
'-cipher[set accepted cipher list]:cipherlist' \
'-starttls[use starttls protocol]:protocol:( smtp pop3 imap ftp )' \
'-tlsextdebug[print out a hex dump of any TLS extensions received from the server]' \
'-no_ticket[disable RFC4507bis session ticket support]' \
'-sess_out[output SSL session to filename]:session file (pem):_files -g "*.pem"' \
'-sess_in[load SSL session from filename to resume from]:session file (pem):_files -g "*.pem"' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'-purpose[verify for given purpose]:purpose:( sslclient sslserver nssslserver smimesign smimeencrypt )' \
'-issuer_checks[print diagnostics related to issuer certificate searches]' \
'*-policy[enable policy processing with given user-initial-policy-set]:policy' \
'-policy_check[enable certificate policy processing]' \
'-ignore_critical[do not reject certificate if an unsupported critical extension is present]' \
'-x509_strict[strict X.509 compliance, disable non-compliant workarounds for broken certificates]' \
'-extended_crl[enable extended CRL features]' \
'-check_ss_sig[verify the signature on the self-signed root CA]' \
'-crl_check[Checks end entity certificate validity by attempting to look up a valid CRL]' \
'-crl_check_all[Checks the validity of all certificates in the chain by attempting to look up valid CRLs]' \
- exclusive \
'-ssl2' '-ssl3' '-tls1' \
- inclusive \
'-no_ssl2' '-no_ssl3' '-no_tls1' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_smime () {
integer ret=1
# we get extendedglob from _openssl
if (( ${#${(@M)words:#-[A-Z][A-Z0-9-]#}} == 0 )); then
_openssl_algorithms && ret=0
_arguments \
'(-decrypt -sign -verify -resign)-encrypt[encrypt message]' \
'(-encrypt -sign -verify -resign)-decrypt[decrypt encrypted message]' \
'(-encrypt -decrypt -verify -resign)-sign[sign message]' \
'(-encrypt -decrypt -sign -resign)-verify[verify signed message]' \
'(-encrypt -decrypt -sign -verify)-resign[add signers to existing message]' \
'-pk7out[output PKCS#7 structure]' \
'(-stream -indef)'{-stream,-indef}'[enable streaming I/O for encoding operations]' \
'-noindef[disable streaming I/O]' \
'-nointern[do not search certificates in message for signer]' \
'-nochain[do not use chained certification]' \
'-nosigs[do not verify message signature]' \
'-noverify[do not verify signers certificate]' \
'-nocerts[do not include signers certificate when signing]' \
'-nodetach[use opaque signing]' \
'-noattr[do not include any signed attributes]' \
'-binary[do not translate message to text]' \
'-certfile[other certificates file]:certificate file:_files' \
'-signer[signer certificate file]:certificate file:_files' \
'-recip[recipient certificate file]:certificate file:_files' \
'(-signer -recip)-inkey[input private key]:certificate file:_files' \
'-content[supply or override content for detached signature]:content file:_files' \
'-to[email to address]:to address:_email_address' \
'-from[email from address]:from address:_email_address' \
'-subject[email subject]:subject' \
'-text[add (or remove) text/plain MIME headers]' \
'-in[input filename]:input filename:_files' \
'-inform[specify input format]:input format:(SMIME DER PEM)' \
'-keyform[specify private key format]:key format:(PEM ENGINE)' \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'-outform[specify output format]:output format:(SMIME DER PEM)' \
'-CApath[directory to use for server certificate verification]:cert directory:_files -/' \
'-CAfile[file containing trusted certificates to use during server authentication]:trusted cert file:_files' \
'-crl_check[Checks end entity certificate validity by attempting to look up a valid CRL]' \
'-crl_check_all[Checks the validity of all certificates in the chain by attempting to look up valid CRLs]' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
'-passin[input file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
'-purpose[verify for given purpose]:purpose:( sslclient sslserver nssslserver smimesign smimeencrypt )' \
'-issuer_checks[print diagnostics related to issuer certificate searches]' \
'*-policy[enable policy processing with given user-initial-policy-set]:policy' \
'-policy_check[enable certificate policy processing]' \
'-ignore_critical[do not reject certificate if an unsupported critical extension is present]' \
'-x509_strict[strict X.509 compliance, disable non-compliant workarounds for broken certificates]' \
'-extended_crl[enable extended CRL features]' \
'-check_ss_sig[verify the signature on the self-signed root CA]' \
'-crl_check[Checks end entity certificate validity by attempting to look up a valid CRL]' \
'-crl_check_all[Checks the validity of all certificates in the chain by attempting to look up valid CRLs]' \
'*:recipient certificates:_files' \
&& ret=0
return ret
_openssl_c_speed () {
# can't properly parse this dynamically, since the values are given in a
# hardly specified format, and only as an error message in &2.
_arguments \
'-e[specify EVP]:EVP e' \
'-decrypt[time decryption rather than encryption (EVP only)]' \
'-mr[produce machine readable output]' \
'-multi[run multiple benchmarks]:threads' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
md4 md5 hmac sha1 sha256 sha512 whirlpoolrmd160 \
seed-cbc rc2-cbc bf-cbc \
des-cbc des-ede3 aes-128-cbc aes-192-cbc aes-256-cbc aes-128-ige aes-192-ige aes-256-ige \
camellia-128-cbc camellia-192-cbc camellia-256-cbc rc4 \
rsa512 rsa1024 rsa2048 rsa4096 \
dsa512 dsa1024 dsa2048 \
ecdsap160 ecdsap192 ecdsap224 ecdsap256 ecdsap384 ecdsap521 \
ecdsak163 ecdsak233 ecdsak283 ecdsak409 ecdsak571 \
ecdsab163 ecdsab233 ecdsab283 ecdsab409 ecdsab571 \
ecdsa \
ecdhp160 ecdhp192 ecdhp224 ecdhp256 ecdhp384 ecdhp521 \
ecdhk163 ecdhk233 ecdhk283 ecdhk409 ecdhk571 \
ecdhb163 ecdhb233 ecdhb283 ecdhb409 ecdhb571 \
ecdh \
seed rc2 des aes camellia rsa blowfish \
)' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_srp () {
integer ret=1
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
declare -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
'(-modify -delete -list)-add[add user and srp verifier]' \
'(-add -delete -list)-modify[modify srp verifier of an existing user]' \
'(-add -modify -list)-delete[delete user from verifier file]' \
'(-add -modify -delete)-list[list users]' \
'-verbose[print extra information]' \
'-config[set config file]:config file:_files' \
'-name[use specifed srp definition]:srp definition name' \
'-srpvfile[set srp verifier file]:srp verifier file:_files' \
'-gn[specify g and N values to be used for new verifier]' \
'-userinfo[set additional info for user]:additional info' \
'-passin[input file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-passout[output file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
'-rand[specify random seed files]:file(s):{compset -P "*\:"; _files -S \: -q}' \
':user:->srp-user' \
&& ret=0
# this is kind of a hack, but _arguments screws up with unspecified numeric arguments :\
case $state in
[[ $words[$CURRENT] == '' || -prefix [^-] ]] && _message -e srp-user 'user' && ret=0
return ret
_openssl_c_verify () {
_arguments \
'-CApath[directory to use for server certificate verification]:cert directory:_files -/' \
'-CAfile[file containing trusted certificates to use during server authentication]:trusted cert file:_files' \
'-untrusted[file containing untrusted certificates]:untrusted cert file:_files' \
'-purpose[verify for given purpose]:purpose:( sslclient sslserver nssslserver smimesign smimeencrypt )' \
'-issuer_checks[print diagnostics related to issuer certificate searches]' \
'*-policy[enable policy processing with given user-initial-policy-set]:policy' \
'-policy_check[enable certificate policy processing]' \
'-explicit_policy[set policy variable require-explicit-policy]' \
'-inhibit_any[set policy variable inhibit-any-policy]' \
'-inhibit_map[set policy variable inhibit-policy-mapping]' \
'-policy_print[print diagnostics related to policy processing]' \
'-crl_check[Checks end entity certificate validity by attempting to look up a valid CRL]' \
'-crl_check_all[Checks the validity of all certificates in the chain by attempting to look up valid CRLs]' \
'-ignore_critical[do not reject certificate if an unsupported critical extension is present]' \
'-x509_strict[strict X.509 compliance, disable non-compliant workarounds for broken certificates]' \
'-extended_crl[enable extended CRL features]' \
'-use_deltas[enable support for delta CRLs]' \
'-check_ss_sig[verify the signature on the self-signed root CA]' \
'-verbose[print extra information]' \
'(- *)-help[print out a usage message]' \
'*:certificate file:_files' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_version () {
_arguments \
'-a[print all]' \
'-v[print the current OpenSSL version]' \
'-b[print the date the current version of OpenSSL was built]' \
'-o[print option information: various options set when the library was built]' \
'-c[print compilation flags]' \
'-p[print platform setting]' \
'-d[print OPENSSLDIR setting]' \
&& return 0
_openssl_c_x509 () {
_arguments \
'-inform[specify input format]:input format:(DER PEM NET)' \
'-outform[specify output format]:output format:(DER PEM NET)' \
'-keyform[specify private key format]:key format:(DER PEM)' \
'-CAform[specify CA format]:CA format:(DER PEM NET)' \
'-CAkeyform[specify CA key format]:CA key format:(DER PEM NET)' \
'-in[input filename]:input filename:_files' \
'-passin[input file password source]:password source:_openssl_pass' \
'-out[output filename]:output filename:_files' \
'-serial[print serial number value]' \
{-hash,-subject_hash}'[print subject hash value]' \
'-subject_hash_old[print old-style (MD5) subject hash value]' \
'-issuer_hash[print issuer hash value]' \
'-issuer_hash_old[print old-style (MD5) issuer hash value]' \
'-subject[print subject DN]' \
'-issuer[print issuer DN]' \
'-email[print email address(es)]' \
'-startdate[notBefore field]' \
'-enddate[notAfter field]' \
'-purpose[print out certificate purposes]' \
'-dates[both Before and After dates]' \
'-modulus[print the RSA key modulus]' \
'-pubkey[output the public key]' \
'-fingerprint[print the certificate fingerprint]' \
'-alias[output certificate alias]' \
'-noout[no certificate output]' \
'-ocspid[print OCSP hash values for the subject name and public key]' \
'-ocsp_uri[print OCSP Responder URL(s)]' \
'-trustout[output a "trusted" certificate]' \
'-clrtrust[clear all trusted purposes]' \
'-clrreject[clear all rejected purposes]' \
'-addtrust[trust certificate for a given purpose]:purpose:( clientAuth serverAuth emailProtection )' \
'-addreject[reject certificate for a given purpose]:purpose:( clientAuth serverAuth emailProtection )' \
'-setalias[set certificate alias]:alias' \
'-days[specify expiry date]:expiry time (days)' \
'-checkend[check whether the cert expires in specified number of seconds]:expiry time (seconds)' \
'-signkey[self sign cert with specified key]:key' \
'-x509toreq[output a certification request object]' \
'-req[input is a certificate request, sign and output]' \
'-CA[set CA certificate file]:CA certificate (pem):_files -g "*.pem"' \
'-CAkey[set CA certificate key file]:CA certificate key (pem):_files -g "*.pem"' \
'-CAcreateserial[create serial number file if it does not exist]' \
'-CAserial[set CA serial file]:CA serial file:_files' \
'-set_serial[set serial number to use]:serial number' \
'-text[print the certificate in text form]' \
'-C[print the certificate in C code form]' \
'-md2[use md2 digest]' \
'-md5[use md5 digest]' \
'-sha1[use sha1 digest]' \
'-mdc2[use mdc2 digest]' \
'-extfile[configuration file with X509V3 extensions to add]:configuration file:_files' \
'-extensions[specify section from config file with X509V3 extensions to add]:section' \
'-clrext[delete extensions before signing and input certificate]' \
'-engine[specify engine]:id:' \
'*-nameopt[set various certificate name options]:option:_openssl_x509_nameopt' \
'*-certopt[set various certificate text options]:option:_openssl_x509_textopt' \
&& return 0
_openssl_commands () {
local expl ret=1
_tags pseudo-commands standard-commands cipher-commands message-digest-commands
while _tags; do
_requested -V pseudo-commands expl 'Pseudo Commands' \
compadd list-standard-commands list-message-digest-commands \
list-cipher-commands list-cipher-algorithms list-message-digest-algorithms \
list-public-key-algorithms && ret=0
_requested -V standard-commands expl "Standard Commands" \
compadd -a _openssl_standard_commands && ret=0
_requested -V message-digest-commands expl "Message Digest Commands" \
compadd -a _openssl_message_digest_commands && ret=0
_requested -V cipher-commands expl "Cipher Commands" \
compadd -a _openssl_cipher_commands && ret=0
(( ret )) || break
return ret
_openssl () {
setopt localoptions extendedglob
# set up some cached data for later
local types
types=( standard-commands cipher-commands message-digest-commands )
for t in $types; _openssl_build_cache $t '( ${${(f)"$(_call_program openssl-$1 openssl list-$1)"}:#*=*} )'
integer ret=1
local curcontext="$curcontext" state line
declare -A opt_args
_arguments -C \
'(-): :->command' \
'(-)*:: :->option-or-argument' && ret=0
case $state in
_openssl_commands && ret=0
if (( $+functions[_openssl_c_$words[1]] )); then
_openssl_c_$words[1] && ret=0
elif (( $+_openssl_message_digest_commands[(r)${words[1]#-}] )); then
_openssl_c_dgst && ret=0
elif (( $+_openssl_cipher_commands[(r)${words[1]#-}] )); then
_openssl_c_enc && ret=0
_message "no completion for command ${words[1]#-}"
return ret
_openssl "$@"
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