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Last active December 8, 2022 08:57
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  • Save VanessaHenderson/9aa0823efdfc085f675d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VanessaHenderson/9aa0823efdfc085f675d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Another Twitter widget is rolling your way! This widget will scroll through the most recent tweets that mention the account associated with the keys! To get this widget up and running you only need to add your keys into this area of twitter.rb:

 config.consumer_key = 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY'
 config.consumer_secret = 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY'
 config.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
 config.access_token_secret = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'

If you haven't got your keys yet, head over to and grab them there.

To display the mentions, the comments widget provided with dashing was used. This is what you need in your dashboard .erb file to make them work. The widget also inserts the twitter bird logo behind the widget for astetics.

  <li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
      <div data-id="twitter_mentions" data-view="Comments" style="background-color:#00afd7;" data-moreinfo="Tweets @sourceclear" ></div>
      <i class="icon-twitter icon-background"></i>
require 'twitter'
#### Get your twitter keys & secrets:
twitter = do |config|
config.consumer_key = 'YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY'
config.consumer_secret = 'YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY'
config.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
config.access_token_secret = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'
SCHEDULER.every '15m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
user = twitter.user
if mentions
mentions = do |tweet|
{ name:, body: tweet.text, avatar: tweet.user.profile_image_url_https }
send_event('twitter_mentions', {comments: mentions})
rescue Twitter::Error
puts "\e[33mThere was an error with Twitter\e[0m"
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Nice widget! I have one question: how can I change the rotation speed of the tweets being displayed? it seems to be by default around 10 seconds.

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Despite hellogerard's instructions, i have the same problem as PeterBi87.
The dashboard works but the widget shows "undefined".

Can somebody help ?


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