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definition hudl/user {}
definition hudl/team {
relation member: hudl/user
permission read = member
definition gsl/package {
pub fn add_types(module: Module) -> String {
for module_item in &module.body {
let declaration = module_item.as_stmt().and_then(|st| st.as_decl());
match declaration {
Some(Decl::Fn(function)) => {
_ => println!("not a statement"),
detox[22651] INFO: instances > with default timeline: add an instance to an existing playlist [FAIL]
detox[22651] INFO: instances > with default timeline: remove an instance from a playlist
detox[22651] TRACE: [DETOX_BEFORE_EACH] running test: "instances with default timeline remove an instance from a playlist"
detox[22651] TRACE: [ARTIFACTS_LIFECYCLE] artifactsManager.onTestStart({
title: 'remove an instance from a playlist',
fullName: 'instances with default timeline remove an instance from a playlist',
status: 'running',
invocations: 1
detox[22651] TRACE: [ARTIFACT_START] starting SimulatorLogRecording
Processing received element in thread 16
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 16
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 11
Processing received element in thread 11
Vannevelj /
Created August 20, 2015 02:35
Reddit json response POJO
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class JsonModel<T> {
private Data<T> data;
private String kind;
public Data<T> getData() {
return data;
Vannevelj / program.cs
Created March 28, 2019 21:18
Mongo filtering
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="Mongo2Go" Version="2.2.9" />
<PackageReference Include="MongoDB.Driver" Version="2.8.0" />
Severity Code Description Detail Description
Warning CS8032 An instance of analyzer VSDiagnostics.Diagnostics.Exceptions.ExceptionThrownFromProhibitedContext.ExceptionThrownFromProhibitedContextAnalyzer cannot be created from C:\Users\jeroen.vannevel\Documents\Github\VSDiagnostics\VSDiagnostics\packages\VSDiagnostics.1.9.4\analyzers\dotnet\cs\VSDiagnostics.dll: Could not load type 'VSDiagnostics.Diagnostics.Exceptions.ExceptionThrownFromProhibitedContext.ExceptionThrownFromProhibitedContextAnalyzer' from assembly 'VSDiagnostics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.. System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'VSDiagnostics.Diagnostics.Exceptions.ExceptionThrownFromProhibitedContext.ExceptionThrownFromProhibitedContextAnalyzer' from assembly 'VSDiagnostics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.GetType(RuntimeAssembly assembly, String name, Boolean throwOnError, Boolean ignoreCase, ObjectHandleOnStack type)
at System.Reflection.
Konijn met pruimen:
bak de konijnebillen aan in een goede brok boter langs beide kanten.
Doe ook wat peper en zout er op.
Als je ze langs beide kanten wat aangebakken hebt, voeg dan een paar glazen zoet bruin bier toe.
Laat de pot met deksel op bij een zacht vuurtje stoven.
Voeg na ongeveer drie kwartier wat gedroogde pruimen en rozijnen toe.
Laat verder stoven tot het vlees zacht aan voelt (kan gemakkelijk anderhalf uur duren, hangt af van de grootte van de billen).
Er op letten dat niet al het vocht verdampt, want anders zal het aanbakken.
Dus eventueel een beetje water toevoegen naar t eind toe.
async Task Main()
var t = Do();
await t;
async Task Do()
async Task Main()
var t = Do();
await t;
async Task Do()