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Last active November 24, 2023 07:57
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void main() {
int quantityModelX = 8;
double priceModelX = 50000.00;
int quantityModelZ = 10;
double priceModelZ = 60000.00;
String customerAccountNo = "1025496";
double customerAccountBalance = 80000.00;
String model = "Model-X";
int shippingDistance = 25;
if(customerAccountNo.length > 6 && customerAccountNo.startsWith("10")) {
if(model == "Model-X" || model == "Model-Z") {
int selectedQuantity = (model == "Model-X") ? quantityModelX : quantityModelX;
if(selectedQuantity > 0) {
double gstRate = 0.24;
double gstAmount = (model == "Model-X") ? priceModelX * gstRate : priceModelZ * gstRate;
double shipmentFee = 25.0;
if(shippingDistance > 50) {
shipmentFee = shipmentFee + (shippingDistance - 50) * 0.35;
double billAmount = (model == "Model-X") ? priceModelX + gstAmount + shipmentFee : priceModelZ + gstAmount + shipmentFee;
if(customerAccountBalance >= billAmount) {
(model == "Model-X") ? quantityModelX-- : quantityModelZ--;
customerAccountBalance = customerAccountBalance - billAmount;
print("Purchase is successful by Customer $customerAccountNo for Model $model at Price $billAmount");
print("Remaining quantity for $model: ${(model == "Model-X") ? quantityModelX : quantityModelZ}");
print("Remaining account balance for Customer $customerAccountNo is $customerAccountBalance");
} else {
print("Customer have insufficient amount");
} else {
print("No available cars for selected Model.");
} else {
print("Invalid Model Selection");
} else {
print("Customer number is Invalid.");
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