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Vanuan/coin.pyi Secret

Last active September 8, 2020 01:55
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Coin3D python stubs generator
class SbDict:
def applyToAll(self, rtn): ...
def applyToAll(self, rtn, data): ...
def clear(self): ...
def enter(self, key, value): ...
def find(self, key, value): ...
def makePList(self, keys, values): ...
def remove(self, key): ...
def setHashingFunction(self, func): ...
class SoType:
def fromName(name): ...
def getName(self): ...
def getParent(self): ...
def isDerivedFrom(self, type): ...
def getAllDerivedFrom(type, list): ...
def canCreateInstance(self): ...
def createInstance(self): ...
def getData(self): ...
def getKey(self): ...
def createType(parent, name, method, data): ...
def overrideType(originalType, method): ...
def removeType(name): ...
def init(): ...
def fromKey(key): ...
def badType(): ...
def isBad(self): ...
def makeInternal(self): ...
def isInternal(self): ...
def getNumTypes(): ...
def getInstantiationMethod(self): ...
class SbPList:
def copy(self, l): ...
def fit(self): ...
def append(self, item): ...
def find(self, item): ...
def insert(self, item, insertbefore): ...
def removeItem(self, item): ...
def remove(self, index): ...
def removeFast(self, index): ...
def getLength(self): ...
def truncate(self, length, fit): ...
def getArrayPtr(self, start): ...
def get(self, index): ...
def set(self, index, item): ...
class SoNotRec:
def setType(self, type): ...
def getBase(self): ...
def getType(self): ...
def getPrevious(self): ...
def setPrevious(self, prev): ...
def print(self, file): ...
def getOperationType(self): ...
def getIndex(self): ...
def getFieldNumIndices(self): ...
def getGroupChild(self): ...
def getGroupPrevChild(self): ...
def setOperationType(self, opType): ...
def setIndex(self, idx): ...
def setFieldNumIndices(self, fldnumind): ...
def setGroupChild(self, gc): ...
def setGroupPrevChild(self, pc): ...
class SoNotList:
def append(self, rec): ...
def append(self, rec, field): ...
def append(self, rec, engineout): ...
def setLastType(self, type): ...
def getFirstRec(self): ...
def getLastRec(self): ...
def getFirstRecAtNode(self): ...
def getLastField(self): ...
def getLastEngineOutput(self): ...
def getTimeStamp(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SoAuditorList(SbPList):
def append(self, auditor, type): ...
def set(self, index, auditor, type): ...
def getObject(self, index): ...
def getType(self, index): ...
def getLength(self): ...
def find(self, auditor, type): ...
def remove(self, index): ...
def remove(self, auditor, type): ...
def notify(self, l): ...
class SoBase:
def initClass(): ...
def ref(self): ...
def unref(self): ...
def unrefNoDelete(self): ...
def getRefCount(self): ...
def touch(self): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def isOfType(self, type): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getName(self): ...
def setName(self, newname): ...
def addName(base, name): ...
def removeName(base, name): ...
def startNotify(self): ...
def notify(self, l): ...
def addAuditor(self, auditor, type): ...
def removeAuditor(self, auditor, type): ...
def getAuditors(self): ...
def addWriteReference(self, out, isfromfield): ...
def shouldWrite(self): ...
def incrementCurrentWriteCounter(): ...
def decrementCurrentWriteCounter(): ...
def getNamedBase(name, type): ...
def getNamedBases(name, baselist, type): ...
def read(input, base, expectedtype): ...
def setInstancePrefix(c): ...
def setTraceRefs(trace): ...
def getTraceRefs(): ...
def connectRoute(input, fromnodename, fromfieldname, tonodename, tofieldname): ...
def assertAlive(self): ...
def readRoute(input): ...
class SoFieldContainer(SoBase):
def initClass(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def cleanupClass(): ...
def setToDefaults(self): ...
def hasDefaultValues(self): ...
def fieldsAreEqual(self, container): ...
def copyFieldValues(self, container, copyconnections): ...
def set(self, fielddata): ...
def get(self, fielddata): ...
def getFields(self, l): ...
def getAllFields(self, l): ...
def getField(self, name): ...
def getEventIn(self, name): ...
def getEventOut(self, name): ...
def getFieldName(self, field, name): ...
def enableNotify(self, flag): ...
def isNotifyEnabled(self): ...
def set(self, fielddata, input): ...
def get(self, fielddata, out): ...
def notify(self, l): ...
def validateNewFieldValue(self, field, newval): ...
def addWriteReference(self, out, isfromfield): ...
def writeInstance(self, out): ...
def getIsBuiltIn(self): ...
def getFieldData(self): ...
def copyContents(self, from, copyconnections): ...
def copyThroughConnection(self): ...
def initCopyDict(): ...
def addCopy(orig, copy): ...
def checkCopy(orig): ...
def findCopy(orig, copyconnections): ...
def copyDone(): ...
def getFieldsMemorySize(self, managed, unmanaged): ...
def setUserData(self, userdata): ...
def getUserData(self): ...
class SoNode(SoFieldContainer):
def setOverride(self, state): ...
def isOverride(self): ...
def getCompatibilityTypes(nodetype): ...
def setNodeType(self, type): ...
def getNodeType(self): ...
def copy(self, copyconnections): ...
def affectsState(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def GLRenderBelowPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderInPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderOffPath(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
Action method for SoGetMatrixAction.
Updates action by accumulating with the transformation matrix of
this node (if any).
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def write(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def grabEventsSetup(self): ...
def grabEventsCleanup(self): ...
def startNotify(self): ...
def notify(self, l): ...
def getNodeId(self): ...
def getChildren(self): ...
def writeInstance(self, out): ...
def addToCopyDict(self): ...
def copyContents(self, from, copyconnections): ...
def copyThroughConnection(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getByName(name): ...
def getByName(name, l): ...
def initClass(): ...
def initClasses(): ...
def getNextNodeId(): ...
def getActionMethodIndex(type): ...
def getBoundingBoxS(action, node): ...
def GLRenderS(action, node): ...
def callbackS(action, node): ...
def getMatrixS(action, node): ...
def handleEventS(action, node): ...
def pickS(action, node): ...
def rayPickS(action, node): ...
def searchS(action, node): ...
def writeS(action, node): ...
def audioRenderS(action, node): ...
def getPrimitiveCountS(action, node): ...
class SbIntList(SbPList):
def append(self, item): ...
def find(self, item): ...
def insert(self, item, addbefore): ...
class SoBaseList(SbPList):
def append(self, ptr): ...
def insert(self, ptr, addbefore): ...
def remove(self, index): ...
def removeItem(self, item): ...
def truncate(self, length): ...
def copy(self, l): ...
def set(self, i, ptr): ...
def addReferences(self, flag): ...
def isReferencing(self): ...
class SoDetailList(SbPList):
def append(self, detail): ...
def insert(self, detail, insertbefore): ...
def truncate(self, length, fit): ...
def copy(self, l): ...
def set(self, index, item): ...
class SoTypeList(SbPList):
def append(self, type): ...
def find(self, type): ...
def insert(self, type, insertbefore): ...
def set(self, index, item): ...
class SoEnabledElementsList:
def getElements(self): ...
def enable(self, elementtype, stackindex): ...
def merge(self, eel): ...
def getCounter(): ...
class SoEngineOutputList(SbPList):
def append(self, output): ...
def insert(self, output, insertbefore): ...
def set(self, idx, item): ...
class SoEngineList(SoBaseList):
def append(self, ptr): ...
class SoFieldList(SbPList):
def append(self, field): ...
def insert(self, field, insertbefore): ...
def set(self, idx, field): ...
def get(self, idx): ...
class SoNodeList(SoBaseList):
def append(self, ptr): ...
class SoPathList(SoBaseList):
def append(self, path): ...
def findPath(self, path): ...
def sort(self): ...
def uniquify(self): ...
class SoPickedPointList(SbPList):
def append(self, pp): ...
def insert(self, pp, insertbefore): ...
def truncate(self, start, fit): ...
def set(self, idx, pp): ...
class SbList:
def copy(self, l): ...
def fit(self): ...
def append(self, item): ...
def find(self, item): ...
def insert(self, item, insertbefore): ...
def removeItem(self, item): ...
def remove(self, index): ...
def removeFast(self, index): ...
def getLength(self): ...
def truncate(self, length, dofit): ...
def push(self, item): ...
def pop(self): ...
def getArrayPtr(self, start): ...
def ensureCapacity(self, size): ...
class SbString:
def hash(self): ...
def hash(s): ...
def getLength(self): ...
def makeEmpty(self, freeold): ...
def getString(self): ...
def getSubString(self, startidx, endidx): ...
def deleteSubString(self, startidx, endidx): ...
def addIntString(self, value): ...
def compareSubString(self, text, offset): ...
def sprintf(self, formatstr): ...
def vsprintf(self, formatstr, args): ...
def apply(self, func): ...
def find(self, s): ...
def findAll(self, s, found): ...
def lower(self): ...
def upper(self): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SbName:
def getString(self): ...
def getLength(self): ...
def isIdentStartChar(c): ...
def isIdentChar(c): ...
def isBaseNameStartChar(c): ...
def isBaseNameChar(c): ...
def empty(): ...
class SoSensorManager:
def insertDelaySensor(self, s): ...
def insertTimerSensor(self, s): ...
def removeDelaySensor(self, s): ...
def removeTimerSensor(self, s): ...
def setChangedCallback(self, sensorQueueChangedCB, data): ...
def rescheduleTimer(self, s): ...
def removeRescheduledTimer(self, s): ...
def processDelayQueue(self, isidle): ...
def processImmediateQueue(self): ...
def processTimerQueue(self): ...
def isDelaySensorPending(self): ...
def isTimerSensorPending(self, tm): ...
def setDelaySensorTimeout(self, t): ...
def getDelaySensorTimeout(self): ...
def doSelect(self, nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, userTimeOut): ...
class SoDB:
def init(): ...
def finish(): ...
def cleanup(): ...
def getVersion(): ...
def read(input, path): ...
def read(input, base): ...
def read(input, rootnode): ...
def readAll(input): ...
def readAllVRML(input): ...
def isValidHeader(teststring): ...
def registerHeader(headerstring, isbinary, ivversion, precallback, postcallback, userdata): ...
def getHeaderData(headerstring, isbinary, ivversion, precallback, postcallback, userdata, substringok): ...
def getNumHeaders(): ...
def getHeaderString(i): ...
def createGlobalField(name, type): ...
def getGlobalField(name): ...
def renameGlobalField(from, to): ...
def setRealTimeInterval(interval): ...
def getRealTimeInterval(): ...
def enableRealTimeSensor(on): ...
def getSensorManager(): ...
def setDelaySensorTimeout(t): ...
def getDelaySensorTimeout(): ...
def doSelect(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, usertimeout): ...
def addConverter(from, to, converter): ...
def getConverter(from, to): ...
def isInitialized(): ...
def startNotify(): ...
def isNotifying(): ...
def endNotify(): ...
def addProgressCallback(func, userdata): ...
def removeProgressCallback(func, userdata): ...
def isMultiThread(): ...
def readlock(): ...
def readunlock(): ...
def writelock(): ...
def writeunlock(): ...
def createRoute(from, eventout, to, eventin): ...
def removeRoute(from, eventout, to, eventin): ...
class SoInput:
def findProto(self, name): ...
def addProto(self, proto): ...
def pushProto(self, proto): ...
def getCurrentProto(self): ...
def popProto(self): ...
def addRoute(self, fromnode, fromfield, tonode, tofield): ...
def checkISReference(self, container, fieldname, readok): ...
def setFilePointer(self, newFP): ...
def openFile(self, fileName, okIfNotFound): ...
def pushFile(self, fileName): ...
def closeFile(self): ...
def isValidFile(self): ...
def isValidBuffer(self): ...
def getCurFile(self): ...
def getCurFileName(self): ...
def setBuffer(self, bufpointer, bufsize): ...
def setStringArray(self, strings): ...
def getNumBytesRead(self): ...
def getHeader(self): ...
def getIVVersion(self): ...
def isBinary(self): ...
def get(self, c): ...
def getASCIIBuffer(self, c): ...
def getASCIIFile(self, c): ...
def readHex(self, l): ...
def read(self, c): ...
def read(self, c, skip): ...
def read(self, s): ...
def read(self, n, validIdent): ...
def read(self, i): ...
def read(self, i): ...
def read(self, s): ...
def read(self, s): ...
def read(self, f): ...
def read(self, d): ...
def readByte(self, b): ...
def readByte(self, b): ...
def readBinaryArray(self, c, length): ...
def readBinaryArray(self, l, length): ...
def readBinaryArray(self, f, length): ...
def readBinaryArray(self, d, length): ...
def eof(self): ...
def isFileVRML1(self): ...
def isFileVRML2(self): ...
def resetFilePointer(self, fptr): ...
def getLocationString(self, string): ...
def putBack(self, c): ...
def putBack(self, str): ...
def addReference(self, name, base, addToGlobalDict): ...
def removeReference(self, name): ...
def findReference(self, name): ...
def addDirectoryFirst(dirName): ...
def addDirectoryLast(dirName): ...
def addEnvDirectoriesFirst(envVarName, separator): ...
def addEnvDirectoriesLast(envVarName, separator): ...
def removeDirectory(dirName): ...
def clearDirectories(): ...
def getDirectories(): ...
def init(): ...
def getPathname(filename): ...
def getPathname(s): ...
def getBasename(filename): ...
def getBasename(s): ...
def searchForFile(basename, directories, subdirectories): ...
class SoOutput:
def setFilePointer(self, newFP): ...
def getFilePointer(self): ...
def openFile(self, fileName): ...
def closeFile(self): ...
def setCompression(self, compmethod, level): ...
def getAvailableCompressionMethods(num): ...
def setBuffer(self, bufPointer, initSize, reallocFunc, offset): ...
def getBuffer(self, bufPointer, nBytes): ...
def getBufferSize(self): ...
def resetBuffer(self): ...
def setBinary(self, flag): ...
def isBinary(self): ...
def setHeaderString(self, str): ...
def resetHeaderString(self): ...
def setFloatPrecision(self, precision): ...
def setStage(self, stage): ...
def getStage(self): ...
def incrementIndent(self, levels): ...
def decrementIndent(self, levels): ...
def write(self, c): ...
def write(self, s): ...
def write(self, s): ...
def write(self, n): ...
def write(self, i): ...
def write(self, i): ...
def write(self, s): ...
def write(self, s): ...
def write(self, f): ...
def write(self, d): ...
def writeBinaryArray(self, c, length): ...
def writeBinaryArray(self, l, length): ...
def writeBinaryArray(self, f, length): ...
def writeBinaryArray(self, d, length): ...
def indent(self): ...
def reset(self): ...
def setCompact(self, flag): ...
def isCompact(self): ...
def setAnnotation(self, bits): ...
def getAnnotation(self): ...
def getDefaultASCIIHeader(): ...
def getDefaultBinaryHeader(): ...
def addReference(self, base): ...
def findReference(self, base): ...
def setReference(self, base, refid): ...
def addDEFNode(self, name): ...
def lookupDEFNode(self, name): ...
def removeDEFNode(self, name): ...
def pushProto(self, proto): ...
def getCurrentProto(self): ...
def popProto(self): ...
def addRoute(self, from, fromfield, to, tofield): ...
def resolveRoutes(self): ...
class SoPath(SoBase):
def initClass(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def setHead(self, head): ...
def getHead(self): ...
def append(self, childindex): ...
def append(self, node): ...
def append(self, frompath): ...
def push(self, childindex): ...
def pop(self): ...
def getTail(self): ...
def getNode(self, index): ...
def getNodeFromTail(self, index): ...
def getIndex(self, index): ...
def getIndexFromTail(self, index): ...
def getLength(self): ...
def truncate(self, length): ...
def findFork(self, path): ...
def findNode(self, node): ...
def containsNode(self, node): ...
def containsPath(self, path): ...
def copy(self, startfromnodeindex, numnodes): ...
def getByName(name): ...
def getByName(name, l): ...
def insertIndex(self, parent, newindex): ...
def removeIndex(self, parent, oldindex): ...
def replaceIndex(self, parent, index, newchild): ...
def isRelevantNotification(self, l): ...
def write(self, action): ...
class SoLightPath:
def setHead(self, node): ...
def append(self, childindex): ...
def push(self, childindex): ...
def pop(self): ...
def setTail(self, childindex): ...
def getTail(self): ...
def getHead(self): ...
def getNode(self, index): ...
def getIndex(self, index): ...
def getFullLength(self): ...
def truncate(self, startindex): ...
def makeTempPath(self, path): ...
class SoFullPath(SoPath):
def pop(self): ...
def getTail(self): ...
def getNodeFromTail(self, index): ...
def getIndexFromTail(self, index): ...
def getLength(self): ...
class SoTempPath(SoFullPath):
def simpleAppend(self, node, index): ...
def replaceTail(self, node, index): ...
class SbPimplPtr:
def set(self, value): ...
def get(self): ...
class SoActionMethodList(SbPList):
def addMethod(self, node, method): ...
def setUp(self): ...
class SoAction:
def initClass(): ...
def initClasses(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def isOfType(self, type): ...
def apply(self, root): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
def apply(self, beingApplied): ...
def invalidateState(self): ...
def nullAction(action, node): ...
def getWhatAppliedTo(self): ...
def getNodeAppliedTo(self): ...
def getPathAppliedTo(self): ...
def getPathListAppliedTo(self): ...
def getOriginalPathListAppliedTo(self): ...
def isLastPathListAppliedTo(self): ...
def getPathCode(self, numindices, indices): ...
def traverse(self, node): ...
def hasTerminated(self): ...
def getCurPath(self): ...
def getState(self): ...
def getCurPathCode(self): ...
def getCurPathTail(self): ...
def usePathCode(self, numindices, indices): ...
def pushCurPath(self, childindex, node): ...
def popCurPath(self, prevpathcode): ...
def pushCurPath(self): ...
def popPushCurPath(self, childindex, node): ...
def popCurPath(self): ...
def switchToPathTraversal(self, path): ...
def switchToNodeTraversal(self, node): ...
class SoState:
def getAction(self): ...
def getElement(self, stackindex): ...
def getConstElement(self, stackindex): ...
def push(self): ...
def pop(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
def isElementEnabled(self, stackindex): ...
def getDepth(self): ...
def setCacheOpen(self, flag): ...
def isCacheOpen(self): ...
def getElementNoPush(self, stackindex): ...
class SoElement:
def initClass(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getStackIndex(self): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def pop(self, state, prevTopElement): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def initElements(): ...
def getNumStackIndices(): ...
def getIdFromStackIndex(stackIndex): ...
def setDepth(self, depth): ...
def getDepth(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SoInt32Element(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
def set(index, state, node, value): ...
def set(index, state, value): ...
def get(index, state): ...
def setElt(self, value): ...
class SoDecimationTypeElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, type): ...
def set(state, node, type): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoFieldData:
def addField(self, base, name, field): ...
def overlay(self, to, from, copyconnections): ...
def getNumFields(self): ...
def getFieldName(self, index): ...
def getField(self, object, index): ...
def getIndex(self, fc, field): ...
def addEnumValue(self, enumname, valuename, value): ...
def getEnumData(self, enumname, num, values, names): ...
def read(self, input, object, erroronunknownfield, notbuiltin): ...
def read(self, input, object, fieldname, foundname): ...
def write(self, out, object): ...
def copy(self, src): ...
def isSame(self, c1, c2): ...
def readFieldDescriptions(self, input, object, numdescriptionsexpected, readfieldvalues): ...
def writeFieldDescriptions(self, out, object): ...
class SoField:
def initClass(): ...
def initClasses(): ...
def cleanupClass(): ...
def setIgnored(self, ignore): ...
def isIgnored(self): ...
def setDefault(self, defaultVal): ...
def isDefault(self): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def isOfType(self, type): ...
def enableConnection(self, flag): ...
def isConnectionEnabled(self): ...
def connectFrom(self, master, notnotify, append): ...
def appendConnection(self, master, notnotify): ...
def disconnect(self, engineoutput): ...
def isConnectedFromEngine(self): ...
def getConnectedEngine(self, master): ...
def connectFrom(self, master, notnotify, append): ...
def appendConnection(self, master, notnotify): ...
def disconnect(self, field): ...
def isConnectedFromField(self): ...
def getConnectedField(self, master): ...
def getNumConnections(self): ...
def getForwardConnections(self, slavelist): ...
def getConnections(self, masterlist): ...
def disconnect(self): ...
def isConnected(self): ...
def setContainer(self, cont): ...
def getContainer(self): ...
def set(self, valuestring): ...
def get(self, valuestring): ...
def shouldWrite(self): ...
def touch(self): ...
def startNotify(self): ...
def notify(self, nlist): ...
def enableNotify(self, on): ...
def isNotifyEnabled(self): ...
def addAuditor(self, f, type): ...
def removeAuditor(self, f, type): ...
def connectionStatusChanged(self, numconnections): ...
def isReadOnly(self): ...
def isSame(self, f): ...
def copyFrom(self, f): ...
def fixCopy(self, copyconnections): ...
def referencesCopy(self): ...
def copyConnection(self, fromfield): ...
def read(self, input, name): ...
def write(self, out, name): ...
def countWriteRefs(self, out): ...
def setFieldType(self, type): ...
def getFieldType(self): ...
def getDirty(self): ...
def setDirty(self, dirty): ...
def evaluate(self): ...
class SoMField(SoField):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def atexit_cleanup(): ...
def getNum(self): ...
def setNum(self, num): ...
def deleteValues(self, start, num): ...
def insertSpace(self, start, num): ...
def set1(self, index, valuestring): ...
def get1(self, index, valuestring): ...
def initClass(): ...
def enableDeleteValues(self): ...
def isDeleteValuesEnabled(self): ...
class SoSField(SoField):
def initClass(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def atexit_cleanup(): ...
class SoSFEnum(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, name): ...
def setEnums(self, num, vals, names): ...
def getNumEnums(self): ...
def getEnum(self, idx, name): ...
class SoSFFloat(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoComplexityTypeElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, type): ...
def set(state, type): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoComplexity(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
type: SoSFEnum = ...
value: SoSFFloat = ...
textureQuality: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoDrawStyleElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, style): ...
def set(state, style): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoSFUShort(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoSFInt32(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoDrawStyle(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
style: SoSFEnum = ...
pointSize: SoSFFloat = ...
lineWidth: SoSFFloat = ...
linePattern: SoSFUShort = ...
linePatternScaleFactor: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoError:
def setHandlerCallback(func, data): ...
def getHandlerCallback(): ...
def getHandlerData(): ...
def getDebugString(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def isOfType(self, type): ...
def post(format): ...
def getString(node): ...
def getString(path): ...
def getString(engine): ...
def initClass(): ...
def initClasses(): ...
class SoDebugError(SoError):
def setHandlerCallback(function, data): ...
def getHandlerCallback(): ...
def getHandlerData(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getSeverity(self): ...
def post(source, format): ...
def postWarning(source, format): ...
def postInfo(source, format): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SbVec3f:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, barycentric, v0, v1, v2): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def equals(self, v, tolerance): ...
def cross(self, v): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def getClosestAxis(self): ...
def length(self): ...
def sqrLength(self): ...
def normalize(self): ...
def negate(self): ...
def toString(self): ...
def fromString(self, str): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SbColor(SbVec3f):
def setHSVValue(self, h, s, v): ...
def setHSVValue(self, hsv): ...
def getHSVValue(self, h, s, v): ...
def getHSVValue(self, hsv): ...
def setPackedValue(self, rgba, transparency): ...
def getPackedValue(self, transparency): ...
class SoLazyElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def matches(self): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def setToDefault(state): ...
def setDiffuse(state, node, numcolors, colors, packer): ...
def setTransparency(state, node, numvalues, transparency, packer): ...
def setPacked(state, node, numcolors, colors, packedtransparency): ...
def setColorIndices(state, node, numindices, indices): ...
def setAmbient(state, color): ...
def setEmissive(state, color): ...
def setSpecular(state, color): ...
def setShininess(state, value): ...
def setColorMaterial(state, value): ...
def enableBlending(state, sfactor, dfactor): ...
def enableSeparateBlending(state, sfactor, dfactor, alpha_sfactor, alpha_dfactor): ...
def disableBlending(state): ...
def setLightModel(state, model): ...
def setVertexOrdering(state, ordering): ...
def setBackfaceCulling(state, onoff): ...
def setTwosideLighting(state, onoff): ...
def setShadeModel(state, flatshading): ...
def setAlphaTest(state, func, value): ...
def getDiffuse(state, index): ...
def getTransparency(, index): ...
def getPackedColors(): ...
def getColorIndices(): ...
def getColorIndex(, num): ...
def getAmbient(): ...
def getEmissive(): ...
def getSpecular(): ...
def getShininess(): ...
def getColorMaterial(): ...
def getBlending(, sfactor, dfactor): ...
def getAlphaBlending(, sfactor, dfactor): ...
def getLightModel(): ...
def getAlphaTest(state, value): ...
def getTwoSidedLighting(state): ...
def getNumDiffuse(self): ...
def getNumTransparencies(self): ...
def getNumColorIndices(self): ...
def isPacked(self): ...
def isTransparent(self): ...
def getInstance(state): ...
def getDefaultAmbientIntensity(): ...
def getDefaultDiffuse(): ...
def getDefaultAmbient(): ...
def getDefaultSpecular(): ...
def getDefaultEmissive(): ...
def getDefaultShininess(): ...
def getDefaultPacked(): ...
def getDefaultTransparency(): ...
def getDefaultLightModel(): ...
def getDefaultColorIndex(): ...
def setMaterials(state, node, bitmask, cPacker, diffuse, numdiffuse, transp, numtransp, ambient, emissive, specular, shininess, istransparent): ...
def getWInstance(state): ...
def getPackedPointer(self): ...
def getDiffusePointer(self): ...
def getColorIndexPointer(self): ...
def getTransparencyPointer(self): ...
def setTransparencyType(state, type): ...
class SoColorPacker:
def getPackedColors(self): ...
def diffuseMatch(self, nodeid): ...
def transpMatch(self, nodeid): ...
def setNodeIds(self, diffuse, transp): ...
def getSize(self): ...
def reallocate(self, size): ...
def getDiffuseId(self): ...
def getTranspId(self): ...
class SoLightModel(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
model: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoMaterialBindingElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, binding): ...
def set(state, binding): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoMaterialBinding(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
value: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoNormalBindingElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, binding): ...
def set(state, binding): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoNormalBinding(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
value: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoPickStyleElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, style): ...
def set(state, style): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoPickStyle(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
style: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoShapeHintsElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def pop(self, state, prevtopelement): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def set(state, node, vertexOrdering, shapeType, faceType): ...
def set(state, vertexOrdering, shapeType, faceType): ...
def get(state, vertexOrdering, shapeType, faceType): ...
def getVertexOrdering(state): ...
def getShapeType(state): ...
def getFaceType(state): ...
def getDefaultVertexOrdering(): ...
def getDefaultShapeType(): ...
def getDefaultFaceType(): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SoSFBool(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoShapeHints(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
vertexOrdering: SoSFEnum = ...
shapeType: SoSFEnum = ...
faceType: SoSFEnum = ...
windingType: SoSFEnum = ...
useVBO: SoSFBool = ...
creaseAngle: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoTexture(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def cleanupClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
class SbVec2s:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def negate(self): ...
def toString(self): ...
def fromString(self, str): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SoSFImage(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getValue(self, size, nc): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, size, nc, pixels, copypolicy): ...
def startEditing(self, size, nc): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setSubValue(self, dims, offset, pixels): ...
def setSubValues(self, dims, offsets, num, pixelblocks): ...
def getSubTexture(self, idx, dims, offset): ...
def hasSubTextures(self, numsubtextures): ...
def setNeverWrite(self, flag): ...
def isNeverWrite(self): ...
def hasTransparency(self): ...
class SoSFString(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, str): ...
class SoSFColor(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, vec): ...
def setValue(self, red, green, blue): ...
def setValue(self, rgb): ...
def setHSVValue(self, h, s, v): ...
def setHSVValue(self, hsv): ...
class SoReplacedElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def getNodeId(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SbVec3s:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def negate(self): ...
def toString(self): ...
def fromString(self, str): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SoMultiTextureImageElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def setDefault(state, node, unit): ...
def set(state, node, unit, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def set(state, node, unit, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def get(state, unit, size, numComponents, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def get(state, unit, size, numComponents, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def getImage(state, unit, size, numComponents): ...
def getImage(state, unit, size, numComponents): ...
def getBlendColor(state, unit): ...
def getModel(state, unit): ...
def getWrapS(state, unit): ...
def getWrapT(state, unit): ...
def getWrapR(state, unit): ...
def containsTransparency(state): ...
def getDefault(size, numComponents): ...
def getDefault(size, numComponents): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def matches(self, elem): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def setElt(self, unit, nodeid, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def setElt(self, unit, nodeid, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def hasTransparency(self, unit): ...
def set(state, node, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def set(state, node, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def set(state, node, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def set(state, node, size, numComponents, bytes, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def get(state, size, numComponents, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def get(state, size, numComponents, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def get(state, size, numComponents, wrapS, wrapT, model, blendColor): ...
def get(state, size, numComponents, wrapS, wrapT, wrapR, model, blendColor): ...
def getImage(state, size, numComponents): ...
def getImage(state, size, numComponents): ...
class SoTexture2(SoTexture):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def readImage(fname, w, h, nc, bytes): ...
filename: SoSFString = ...
image: SoSFImage = ...
wrapS: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapT: SoSFEnum = ...
model: SoSFEnum = ...
blendColor: SoSFColor = ...
enableCompressedTexture: SoSFBool = ...
class SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, binding): ...
def set(state, binding): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateBinding(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
value: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoTransformation(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoUnits(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
units: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoCallbackAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setViewportRegion(self, vp): ...
def addPreCallback(self, type, cb, userdata): ...
def addPostCallback(self, type, cb, userdata): ...
def addPreTailCallback(self, cb, userdata): ...
def addPostTailCallback(self, cb, userdata): ...
def addTriangleCallback(self, type, cb, userdata): ...
def addLineSegmentCallback(self, type, cb, userdata): ...
def addPointCallback(self, type, cb, userdata): ...
def getDecimationType(self): ...
def getDecimationPercentage(self): ...
def getComplexity(self): ...
def getComplexityType(self): ...
def getNumCoordinates(self): ...
def getCoordinate3(self, index): ...
def getCoordinate4(self, index): ...
def getDrawStyle(self): ...
def getLinePattern(self): ...
def getLineWidth(self): ...
def getPointSize(self): ...
def getFontName(self): ...
def getFontSize(self): ...
def getLightModel(self): ...
def getLightAttenuation(self): ...
def getMaterial(self, ambient, diffuse, specular, emission, shininess, transparency, index): ...
def getMaterialBinding(self): ...
def getNumNormals(self): ...
def getNormal(self, index): ...
def getNormalBinding(self): ...
def getNumProfileCoordinates(self): ...
def getProfileCoordinate2(self, index): ...
def getProfileCoordinate3(self, index): ...
def getProfile(self): ...
def getVertexOrdering(self): ...
def getShapeType(self): ...
def getFaceType(self): ...
def getCreaseAngle(self): ...
def getNumTextureCoordinates(self): ...
def getTextureCoordinate2(self, index): ...
def getTextureCoordinate3(self, index): ...
def getTextureCoordinate4(self, index): ...
def getTextureCoordinateBinding(self): ...
def getTextureBlendColor(self): ...
def getTextureImage(self, size, numcomps): ...
def getTextureImage(self, size, numcomps): ...
def getTextureMatrix(self): ...
def getTextureModel(self): ...
def getTextureWrapS(self): ...
def getTextureWrapT(self): ...
def getTextureWrapR(self): ...
def getModelMatrix(self): ...
def getUnits(self): ...
def getFocalDistance(self): ...
def getProjectionMatrix(self): ...
def getViewingMatrix(self): ...
def getViewVolume(self): ...
def getViewportRegion(self): ...
def getPickStyle(self): ...
def getSwitch(self): ...
def getCurrentResponse(self): ...
def invokePreCallbacks(self, node): ...
def invokePostCallbacks(self, node): ...
def invokeTriangleCallbacks(self, shape, v1, v2, v3): ...
def invokeLineSegmentCallbacks(self, shape, v1, v2): ...
def invokePointCallbacks(self, shape, v): ...
def shouldGeneratePrimitives(self, shape): ...
def getCurPathTail(self): ...
def setCurrentNode(self, node): ...
def setCallbackAll(self, callbackall): ...
def isCallbackAll(self): ...
class SbVec2f:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def equals(self, v, tolerance): ...
def length(self): ...
def sqrLength(self): ...
def negate(self): ...
def normalize(self): ...
def toString(self): ...
def fromString(self, str): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SbViewportRegion:
def setWindowSize(self, width, height): ...
def setWindowSize(self, winSize): ...
def setViewport(self, left, bottom, width, height): ...
def setViewport(self, origin, size): ...
def setViewportPixels(self, left, bottom, width, height): ...
def setViewportPixels(self, origin, size): ...
def getWindowSize(self): ...
def getViewportOrigin(self): ...
def getViewportOriginPixels(self): ...
def getViewportSize(self): ...
def getViewportSizePixels(self): ...
def getViewportAspectRatio(self): ...
def scaleWidth(self, ratio): ...
def scaleHeight(self, ratio): ...
def setPixelsPerInch(self, ppi): ...
def getPixelsPerInch(self): ...
def getPixelsPerPoint(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SoGLRenderAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setViewportRegion(self, newregion): ...
def getViewportRegion(self): ...
def setUpdateArea(self, origin, size): ...
def getUpdateArea(self, origin, size): ...
def setAbortCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def getAbortCallback(self, func_out, userdata_out): ...
def setTransparencyType(self, type): ...
def getTransparencyType(self): ...
def setTransparentDelayedObjectRenderType(self, type): ...
def getTransparentDelayedObjectRenderType(self): ...
def setSmoothing(self, smooth): ...
def isSmoothing(self): ...
def setNumPasses(self, num): ...
def getNumPasses(self): ...
def setPassUpdate(self, flag): ...
def isPassUpdate(self): ...
def setPassCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def setCacheContext(self, context): ...
def getCacheContext(self): ...
def addDelayedPath(self, path): ...
def isRenderingDelayedPaths(self): ...
def handleTransparency(self, istransparent): ...
def setCurPass(self, passnum, numpasses): ...
def getCurPass(self): ...
def abortNow(self): ...
def setRenderingIsRemote(self, isremote): ...
def getRenderingIsRemote(self): ...
def invalidateState(self): ...
def addPreRenderCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def removePreRenderCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def setSortedLayersNumPasses(self, num): ...
def getSortedLayersNumPasses(self): ...
def setSortedObjectOrderStrategy(self, strategy, cb, closure): ...
def setDelayedObjDepthWrite(self, write): ...
def getDelayedObjDepthWrite(self): ...
def isRenderingTranspPaths(self): ...
def isRenderingTranspBackfaces(self): ...
class SoBoxHighlightRenderAction(SoGLRenderAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def apply(self, node): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
def setVisible(self, visible): ...
def isVisible(self): ...
def setColor(self, color): ...
def getColor(self): ...
def setLinePattern(self, pattern): ...
def getLinePattern(self): ...
def setLineWidth(self, width): ...
def getLineWidth(self): ...
class SoLineHighlightRenderAction(SoGLRenderAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def apply(self, node): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
def setVisible(self, visible): ...
def isVisible(self): ...
def setColor(self, color): ...
def getColor(self): ...
def setLinePattern(self, pattern): ...
def getLinePattern(self): ...
def setLineWidth(self, width): ...
def getLineWidth(self): ...
class SbLazyPimplPtr:
def set(self, value): ...
def get(self): ...
class SbBox3f:
def setBounds(self, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax): ...
def setBounds(self, minpoint, maxpoint): ...
def setBounds(self, box): ...
def setBounds(self, box): ...
def setBounds(self, box): ...
def getBounds(self, xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax): ...
def getBounds(self, minpoint, maxpoint): ...
def getMin(self): ...
def getMin(self): ...
def getMax(self): ...
def getMax(self): ...
def extendBy(self, pt): ...
def extendBy(self, box): ...
def transform(self, matrix): ...
def makeEmpty(self): ...
def isEmpty(self): ...
def hasVolume(self): ...
def getVolume(self): ...
def intersect(self, pt): ...
def intersect(self, box): ...
def getClosestPoint(self, point): ...
def outside(self, mvp, cullbits): ...
def getCenter(self): ...
def getOrigin(self, originX, originY, originZ): ...
def getSize(self, sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ): ...
def getSize(self): ...
def getSpan(self, dir, dmin, dmax): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SbMatrix:
def setValue(self, m): ...
def setValue(self, m): ...
def setValue(self, pMat): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def makeIdentity(self): ...
def setRotate(self, q): ...
def inverse(self): ...
def det3(self, r1, r2, r3, c1, c2, c3): ...
def det3(self): ...
def det4(self): ...
def equals(self, m, tolerance): ...
def getValue(self, m): ...
def identity(): ...
def setScale(self, s): ...
def setScale(self, s): ...
def setTranslate(self, t): ...
def setTransform(self, t, r, s): ...
def setTransform(self, t, r, s, so): ...
def setTransform(self, translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation, center): ...
def getTransform(self, t, r, s, so): ...
def getTransform(self, translation, rotation, scaleFactor, scaleOrientation, center): ...
def factor(self, r, s, u, t, proj): ...
def LUDecomposition(self, index, d): ...
def LUBackSubstitution(self, index, b): ...
def transpose(self): ...
def multRight(self, m): ...
def multLeft(self, m): ...
def multMatrixVec(self, src, dst): ...
def multVecMatrix(self, src, dst): ...
def multDirMatrix(self, src, dst): ...
def multLineMatrix(self, src, dst): ...
def multVecMatrix(self, src, dst): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SbXfBox3f(SbBox3f):
def setTransform(self, m): ...
def getTransform(self): ...
def getInverse(self): ...
def getCenter(self): ...
def extendBy(self, pt): ...
def extendBy(self, bb): ...
def extendBy(self, bb): ...
def intersect(self, pt): ...
def intersect(self, bb): ...
def intersect(self, bb): ...
def getSpan(self, direction, dMin, dMax): ...
def project(self): ...
def transform(self, m): ...
def getVolume(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SoGetBoundingBoxAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setViewportRegion(self, newregion): ...
def getViewportRegion(self): ...
def getBoundingBox(self): ...
def getXfBoundingBox(self): ...
def getCenter(self): ...
def setInCameraSpace(self, flag): ...
def isInCameraSpace(self): ...
def setResetPath(self, path, resetbefore, what): ...
def getResetPath(self): ...
def isResetPath(self): ...
def isResetBefore(self): ...
def getWhatReset(self): ...
def checkResetBefore(self): ...
def checkResetAfter(self): ...
def extendBy(self, box): ...
def extendBy(self, box): ...
def setCenter(self, center, transformcenter): ...
def isCenterSet(self): ...
def resetCenter(self): ...
class SbVec4f:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def equals(self, v, tolerance): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def getReal(self, v): ...
def length(self): ...
def sqrLength(self): ...
def negate(self): ...
def normalize(self): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SbRotation:
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, q0, q1, q2, q3): ...
def setValue(self, q0, q1, q2, q3): ...
def getValue(self, axis, radians): ...
def getValue(self, matrix): ...
def invert(self): ...
def inverse(self): ...
def setValue(self, q): ...
def setValue(self, m): ...
def setValue(self, axis, radians): ...
def setValue(self, rotateFrom, rotateTo): ...
def equals(self, r, tolerance): ...
def multVec(self, src, dst): ...
def scaleAngle(self, scaleFactor): ...
def slerp(rot0, rot1, t): ...
def identity(): ...
def toString(self): ...
def fromString(self, str): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SoGetMatrixAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setViewportRegion(self, region): ...
def getViewportRegion(self): ...
def getMatrix(self): ...
def getInverse(self): ...
def getTextureMatrix(self): ...
def getTextureInverse(self): ...
class SoGetPrimitiveCountAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getTriangleCount(self): ...
def getLineCount(self): ...
def getPointCount(self): ...
def getTextCount(self): ...
def getImageCount(self): ...
def containsNoPrimitives(self): ...
def containsNonTriangleShapes(self): ...
def is3DTextCountedAsTriangles(self): ...
def setCount3DTextAsTriangles(self, flag): ...
def canApproximateCount(self): ...
def setCanApproximate(self, flag): ...
def setDecimationValue(self, type, percentage): ...
def getDecimationType(self): ...
def getDecimationPercentage(self): ...
def addNumTriangles(self, num): ...
def addNumLines(self, num): ...
def addNumPoints(self, num): ...
def addNumText(self, num): ...
def addNumImage(self, num): ...
def incNumTriangles(self): ...
def incNumLines(self): ...
def incNumPoints(self): ...
def incNumText(self): ...
def incNumImage(self): ...
class SoHandleEventAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setViewportRegion(self, newregion): ...
def getViewportRegion(self): ...
def setEvent(self, ev): ...
def getEvent(self): ...
def setHandled(self): ...
def isHandled(self): ...
def setGrabber(self, node): ...
def releaseGrabber(self): ...
def getGrabber(self): ...
def setPickRoot(self, node): ...
def getPickRoot(self): ...
def setPickRadius(self, radiusinpixels): ...
def getPickRadius(self): ...
def getPickedPoint(self): ...
def getPickedPointList(self): ...
class SoPickAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setViewportRegion(self, newregion): ...
def getViewportRegion(self): ...
def enableCulling(self, flag): ...
def isCullingEnabled(self): ...
class SoRayPickAction(SoPickAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setPoint(self, viewportPoint): ...
def setNormalizedPoint(self, normpoint): ...
def setRadius(self, radiusinpixels): ...
def getRadius(self): ...
def setRay(self, start, direction, neardistance, fardistance): ...
def setPickAll(self, flag): ...
def isPickAll(self): ...
def getPickedPointList(self): ...
def getPickedPoint(self, index): ...
def computeWorldSpaceRay(self): ...
def hasWorldSpaceRay(self): ...
def setObjectSpace(self): ...
def setObjectSpace(self, matrix): ...
def intersect(self, v0, v1, v2, intersection, barycentric, front): ...
def intersect(self, v0, v1, intersection): ...
def intersect(self, point): ...
def intersect(self, box, usefullviewvolume): ...
def intersect(self, box, intersection, usefullviewvolume): ...
def getViewVolume(self): ...
def getLine(self): ...
def isBetweenPlanes(self, intersection): ...
def addIntersection(self, objectspacepoint, frontpick): ...
def reset(self): ...
class SoSearchAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setNode(self, node): ...
def getNode(self): ...
def setType(self, type, chkderived): ...
def getType(self, chkderived): ...
def setName(self, name): ...
def getName(self): ...
def setFind(self, what): ...
def getFind(self): ...
def setInterest(self, interest): ...
def getInterest(self): ...
def setSearchingAll(self, searchall): ...
def isSearchingAll(self): ...
def getPath(self): ...
def getPaths(self): ...
def reset(self): ...
def setFound(self): ...
def isFound(self): ...
def addPath(self, path): ...
class SoSimplifyAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def apply(self, root): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
class SoReorganizeAction(SoSimplifyAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getSimplifiedSceneGraph(self): ...
def generateNormals(self, onoff): ...
def areNormalGenerated(self): ...
def generateTriangleStrips(self, onoff): ...
def areTriangleStripGenerated(self): ...
def generateTexCoords(self, onoff): ...
def areTexCoordsGenerated(self): ...
def generateVPNodes(self, onoff): ...
def areVPNodesGenerated(self): ...
def matchIndexArrays(self, onoff): ...
def areIndexArraysMatched(self): ...
def getSimplifier(self): ...
def apply(self, root): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
def startReport(msg): ...
def finishReport(): ...
class SoWriteAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getOutput(self): ...
def continueToApply(self, node): ...
def continueToApply(self, path): ...
class SoAudioRenderAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def callDoAction(action, node): ...
def callAudioRender(action, node): ...
class SoIntersectingPrimitive:
path: SoPath * = ...
type: PrimitiveType = ...
vertex: SbVec3f = ...
xf_vertex: SbVec3f = ...
class SoIntersectionDetectionAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setIntersectionDetectionEpsilon(self, epsilon): ...
def getIntersectionDetectionEpsilon(self): ...
def setIntersectionEpsilon(epsilon): ...
def getIntersectionEpsilon(): ...
def setTypeEnabled(self, type, enable): ...
def isTypeEnabled(self, type, checkgroups): ...
def setManipsEnabled(self, enable): ...
def isManipsEnabled(self): ...
def setDraggersEnabled(self, enable): ...
def isDraggersEnabled(self): ...
def setShapeInternalsEnabled(self, enable): ...
def isShapeInternalsEnabled(self): ...
def addVisitationCallback(self, type, cb, closure): ...
def removeVisitationCallback(self, type, cb, closure): ...
def apply(self, node): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, paths, obeysRules): ...
def setFilterCallback(self, cb, closure): ...
def addIntersectionCallback(self, cb, closure): ...
def removeIntersectionCallback(self, cb, closure): ...
class SoToVRMLAction(SoAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def apply(self, node): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
def getVRMLSceneGraph(self): ...
def expandSoFile(self, flag): ...
def areSoFileExpanded(self): ...
def setUrlName(self, name): ...
def getUrlName(self): ...
def writeTexCoords(self, flag): ...
def areTexCoordWritten(self): ...
def expandTexture2Node(self, flag): ...
def areTexture2NodeExpanded(self): ...
def keepUnknownNodes(self, flag): ...
def areUnknownNodeKept(self): ...
def convertInlineNodes(self, flag): ...
def doConvertInlineNodes(self): ...
def conditionalConversion(self, flag): ...
def doConditionalConversion(self): ...
def setVerbosity(self, flag): ...
def isVerbose(self): ...
class SoToVRML2Action(SoToVRMLAction):
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def addMethod(type, method): ...
def enableElement(type, stackindex): ...
def initClass(): ...
def apply(self, node): ...
def apply(self, path): ...
def apply(self, pathlist, obeysrules): ...
def getVRML2SceneGraph(self): ...
def reuseAppearanceNodes(self, appearance): ...
def doReuseAppearanceNodes(self): ...
def reusePropertyNodes(self, property): ...
def doReusePropertyNodes(self): ...
def reuseGeometryNodes(self, geometry): ...
def doReuseGeometryNodes(self): ...
class SoCacheElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def pop(self, state, prevTopElement): ...
def set(state, cache): ...
def getCache(self): ...
def anyOpen(state): ...
def invalidate(state): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def getNextCacheElement(self): ...
def addElement(state, element): ...
def addCacheDependency(state, cache): ...
def setInvalid(newvalue): ...
def getCurrentCache(state): ...
class SoChildList(SoNodeList):
def append(self, node): ...
def insert(self, ptr, addbefore): ...
def remove(self, index): ...
def truncate(self, length): ...
def copy(self, cl): ...
def set(self, index, node): ...
def traverseInPath(self, action, numindices, indices): ...
def traverse(self, action): ...
def traverse(self, action, index): ...
def traverse(self, action, node): ...
def traverse(self, action, first, last): ...
def addPathAuditor(self, path): ...
def removePathAuditor(self, path): ...
class SoProto(SoNode):
def setFetchExternProtoCallback(cb, closure): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def findProto(name): ...
def initClass(): ...
def createProtoInstance(self): ...
def addISReference(self, container, fieldname, interfacename): ...
def findISReference(self, container, fieldname): ...
def addReference(self, name, base): ...
def removeReference(self, name): ...
def findReference(self, name): ...
def addRoute(self, fromnode, fromfield, tonode, tofield): ...
def getProtoName(self): ...
def readInstance(self, input, flags): ...
def write(self, action): ...
class SoProtoInstance(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def findProtoInstance(rootnode): ...
def setRootNode(self, root): ...
def getRootNode(self): ...
def getProtoDefinition(self): ...
def getProtoName(self): ...
def write(self, action): ...
class SbVec3d:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, barycentric, v0, v1, v2): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def cross(self, v): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def equals(self, v, tolerance): ...
def getClosestAxis(self): ...
def length(self): ...
def sqrLength(self): ...
def negate(self): ...
def normalize(self): ...
def toString(self): ...
def fromString(self, str): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SbDPViewVolume:
def getMatrices(self, affine, proj): ...
def getMatrix(self): ...
def getCameraSpaceMatrix(self): ...
def projectPointToLine(self, pt, line): ...
def projectPointToLine(self, pt, line0, line1): ...
def projectToScreen(self, src, dst): ...
def getPlane(self, distFromEye): ...
def getSightPoint(self, distFromEye): ...
def getPlanePoint(self, distFromEye, normPoint): ...
def getAlignRotation(self, rightAngleOnly): ...
def getWorldToScreenScale(self, worldCenter, normRadius): ...
def projectBox(self, box): ...
def narrow(self, left, bottom, right, top): ...
def narrow(self, box): ...
def ortho(self, left, right, bottom, top, nearval, farval): ...
def perspective(self, fovy, aspect, nearval, farval): ...
def frustum(self, left, right, bottom, top, nearval, farval): ...
def rotateCamera(self, q): ...
def translateCamera(self, v): ...
def zVector(self): ...
def zNarrow(self, nearval, farval): ...
def scale(self, factor): ...
def scaleWidth(self, ratio): ...
def scaleHeight(self, ratio): ...
def getProjectionType(self): ...
def getProjectionPoint(self): ...
def getProjectionDirection(self): ...
def getNearDist(self): ...
def getWidth(self): ...
def getHeight(self): ...
def getDepth(self): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
def getViewVolumePlanes(self, planes): ...
def transform(self, matrix): ...
def getViewUp(self): ...
def copyValues(self, vv): ...
class SbViewVolume:
def getMatrices(self, affine, proj): ...
def getMatrix(self): ...
def getCameraSpaceMatrix(self): ...
def projectPointToLine(self, pt, line): ...
def projectPointToLine(self, pt, line0, line1): ...
def projectToScreen(self, src, dst): ...
def getPlane(self, distFromEye): ...
def getSightPoint(self, distFromEye): ...
def getPlanePoint(self, distFromEye, normPoint): ...
def getAlignRotation(self, rightAngleOnly): ...
def getWorldToScreenScale(self, worldCenter, normRadius): ...
def projectBox(self, box): ...
def narrow(self, left, bottom, right, top): ...
def narrow(self, box): ...
def ortho(self, left, right, bottom, top, nearval, farval): ...
def perspective(self, fovy, aspect, nearval, farval): ...
def frustum(self, left, right, bottom, top, nearval, farval): ...
def rotateCamera(self, q): ...
def translateCamera(self, v): ...
def zVector(self): ...
def zNarrow(self, nearval, farval): ...
def scale(self, factor): ...
def scaleWidth(self, ratio): ...
def scaleHeight(self, ratio): ...
def getProjectionType(self): ...
def getProjectionPoint(self): ...
def getProjectionDirection(self): ...
def getNearDist(self): ...
def getWidth(self): ...
def getHeight(self): ...
def getDepth(self): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
def getViewVolumePlanes(self, planes): ...
def transform(self, matrix): ...
def getViewUp(self): ...
def intersect(self, p): ...
def intersect(self, p0, p1, closestpoint): ...
def intersect(self, box): ...
def intersectionBox(self, box): ...
def outsideTest(self, p, bmin, bmax): ...
def getDPViewVolume(self): ...
type: ProjectionType = ...
projPoint: SbVec3f = ...
projDir: SbVec3f = ...
nearDist: float = ...
nearToFar: float = ...
llf: SbVec3f = ...
lrf: SbVec3f = ...
ulf: SbVec3f = ...
class SoSFRotation(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getValue(self, axis, angle): ...
def setValue(self, q0, q1, q2, q3): ...
def setValue(self, q): ...
def setValue(self, axis, angle): ...
class SoSFVec3f(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, xyz): ...
class SoCamera(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getViewVolume(self, vp, resultvp, mm): ...
def pointAt(self, targetpoint): ...
def pointAt(self, targetpoint, upvector): ...
def scaleHeight(self, scalefactor): ...
def getViewVolume(self, useaspectratio): ...
def viewAll(self, sceneroot, vpregion, slack): ...
def viewAll(self, path, vpregion, slack): ...
def getViewportBounds(self, region): ...
def setStereoMode(self, mode): ...
def getStereoMode(self): ...
def setStereoAdjustment(self, adjustment): ...
def getStereoAdjustment(self): ...
def setBalanceAdjustment(self, adjustment): ...
def getBalanceAdjustment(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def viewBoundingBox(self, box, aspect, slack): ...
viewportMapping: SoSFEnum = ...
position: SoSFVec3f = ...
orientation: SoSFRotation = ...
aspectRatio: SoSFFloat = ...
nearDistance: SoSFFloat = ...
farDistance: SoSFFloat = ...
focalDistance: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoPerspectiveCamera(SoCamera):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def scaleHeight(self, scalefactor): ...
def getViewVolume(self, useaspectratio): ...
def viewBoundingBox(self, box, aspect, slack): ...
heightAngle: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoReversePerspectiveCamera(SoPerspectiveCamera):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoOrthographicCamera(SoCamera):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def scaleHeight(self, scalefactor): ...
def getViewVolume(self, useaspectratio): ...
def viewBoundingBox(self, box, aspect, slack): ...
height: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoFrustumCamera(SoCamera):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def scaleHeight(self, scalefactor): ...
def getViewVolume(self, useaspectratio): ...
left: SoSFFloat = ...
right: SoSFFloat = ...
top: SoSFFloat = ...
bottom: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoMultiTextureCoordinateElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def setDefault(state, node, unit): ...
def setFunction(state, node, unit, func, userdata): ...
def set2(state, node, unit, numCoords, coords): ...
def set3(state, node, unit, numCoords, coords): ...
def set4(state, node, unit, numCoords, coords): ...
def getType(state, unit): ...
def getType(self, unit): ...
def getInstance(state): ...
def get(self, unit, point, normal): ...
def getNum(self, unit): ...
def is2D(self, unit): ...
def getDimension(self, unit): ...
def get2(self, unit, index): ...
def get3(self, unit, index): ...
def get4(self, unit, index): ...
def getArrayPtr2(self, unit): ...
def getArrayPtr3(self, unit): ...
def getArrayPtr4(self, unit): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def matches(self, elem): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def get(self, point, normal): ...
def setFunction(state, node, func, userdata): ...
def set2(state, node, numCoords, coords): ...
def set3(state, node, numCoords, coords): ...
def set4(state, node, numCoords, coords): ...
def get2(self, index): ...
def get3(self, index): ...
def get4(self, index): ...
class SoShape(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def affectsState(self): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def computeBBox(self, action, box, center): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def getScreenSize(state, boundingbox, rectsize): ...
def getDecimatedComplexity(state, complexity): ...
def getBoundingBoxCache(self): ...
class SoMFString(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, strings): ...
def setValue(self, string): ...
def deleteText(self, fromline, fromchar, toline, tochar): ...
class SoMFFloat(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoAsciiText(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
string: SoMFString = ...
spacing: SoSFFloat = ...
justification: SoSFEnum = ...
width: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoSFBitMask(SoSFEnum):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoCone(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def addPart(self, part): ...
def removePart(self, part): ...
def hasPart(self, part): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
parts: SoSFBitMask = ...
bottomRadius: SoSFFloat = ...
height: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoCube(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
width: SoSFFloat = ...
height: SoSFFloat = ...
depth: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoCylinder(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def addPart(self, part): ...
def removePart(self, part): ...
def hasPart(self, part): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
radius: SoSFFloat = ...
height: SoSFFloat = ...
parts: SoSFBitMask = ...
class SoSFNode(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def fixCopy(self, copyconnections): ...
def referencesCopy(self): ...
class SoMFUInt32(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoMFVec3f(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, xyz): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, x, y, z): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, xyz): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, xyz): ...
class SoMFVec2f(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, xy): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, x, y): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, xy): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, xy): ...
class SoMFInt32(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoVertexProperty(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
vertex: SoMFVec3f = ...
texCoord: SoMFVec2f = ...
texCoord3: SoMFVec3f = ...
normal: SoMFVec3f = ...
normalBinding: SoSFEnum = ...
orderedRGBA: SoMFUInt32 = ...
materialBinding: SoSFEnum = ...
textureUnit: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoVertexShape(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, bundle): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, cache): ...
def write(self, action): ...
vertexProperty: SoSFNode = ...
class SoNonIndexedShape(SoVertexShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
startIndex: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoFaceSet(SoNonIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, nb): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
numVertices: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoLineSet(SoNonIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
numVertices: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoPointSet(SoNonIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
numPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoMarkerSet(SoPointSet):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def getNumDefinedMarkers(): ...
def addMarker(idx, size, bytes, isLSBFirst, isUpToDown): ...
def getMarker(idx, size, bytes, isLSBFirst): ...
def removeMarker(idx): ...
def isMarkerBitSet(idx, bitNumber): ...
markerIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoQuadMesh(SoNonIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, nb): ...
verticesPerColumn: SoSFInt32 = ...
verticesPerRow: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoTriangleStripSet(SoNonIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, nb): ...
numVertices: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoIndexedShape(SoVertexShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
coordIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
materialIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
normalIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
textureCoordIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoIndexedFaceSet(SoIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, bundle): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, cache): ...
class SoIndexedLineSet(SoIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
class SoIndexedPointSet(SoIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def notify(self, list): ...
class SoIndexedMarkerSet(SoIndexedPointSet):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
markerIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoIndexedTriangleStripSet(SoIndexedShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def generateDefaultNormals(self, state, nb): ...
class SoImage(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
width: SoSFInt32 = ...
height: SoSFInt32 = ...
vertAlignment: SoSFEnum = ...
horAlignment: SoSFEnum = ...
image: SoSFImage = ...
filename: SoSFString = ...
class SoIndexedNurbsCurve(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def sendPrimitive(self, , ): ...
numControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
coordIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
knotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoIndexedNurbsSurface(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def sendPrimitive(self, , ): ...
numUControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
numVControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
coordIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
uKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
vKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
numSControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
numTControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
textureCoordIndex: SoMFInt32 = ...
sKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
tKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoNurbsCurve(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def sendPrimitive(self, , ): ...
numControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
knotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoNurbsSurface(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def sendPrimitive(self, , ): ...
numUControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
numVControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
numSControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
numTControlPoints: SoSFInt32 = ...
uKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
vKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
sKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
tKnotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoSphere(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
radius: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoText2(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
string: SoMFString = ...
spacing: SoSFFloat = ...
justification: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoText3(SoShape):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getCharacterBounds(self, state, stringindex, charindex): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
string: SoMFString = ...
spacing: SoSFFloat = ...
justification: SoSFEnum = ...
parts: SoSFBitMask = ...
class SoGroup(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def addChild(self, node): ...
def insertChild(self, child, newchildindex): ...
def getChild(self, index): ...
def findChild(self, node): ...
def getNumChildren(self): ...
def removeChild(self, childindex): ...
def removeChild(self, child): ...
def removeAllChildren(self): ...
def replaceChild(self, index, newchild): ...
def replaceChild(self, oldchild, newchild): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def write(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def getChildren(self): ...
def addWriteReference(self, out, isfromfield): ...
class SoSeparator(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def GLRenderBelowPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderInPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderOffPath(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
def setNumRenderCaches(howmany): ...
def getNumRenderCaches(): ...
def affectsState(self): ...
renderCaching: SoSFEnum = ...
boundingBoxCaching: SoSFEnum = ...
renderCulling: SoSFEnum = ...
pickCulling: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoAnnotation(SoSeparator):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def GLRenderBelowPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderInPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderOffPath(self, action): ...
class SoSelection(SoSeparator):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def select(self, path): ...
def select(self, node): ...
def deselect(self, path): ...
def deselect(self, which): ...
def deselect(self, node): ...
def toggle(self, path): ...
def toggle(self, node): ...
def isSelected(self, path): ...
def isSelected(self, node): ...
def deselectAll(self): ...
def getNumSelected(self): ...
def getList(self): ...
def getPath(self, index): ...
def addSelectionCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def removeSelectionCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def addDeselectionCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def removeDeselectionCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def addStartCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def removeStartCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def addFinishCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def removeFinishCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def setPickFilterCallback(self, f, userData, callOnlyIfSelectable): ...
def setPickMatching(self, pickMatching): ...
def isPickMatching(self): ...
def getPickMatching(self): ...
def addChangeCallback(self, f, userData): ...
def removeChangeCallback(self, f, userData): ...
policy: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoExtSelection(SoSelection):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def useOverlay(self, overlay): ...
def isUsingOverlay(self): ...
def getOverlaySceneGraph(self): ...
def setOverlayLassoColorIndex(self, index): ...
def getOverlayLassoColorIndex(self): ...
def setLassoColor(self, color): ...
def getLassoColor(self): ...
def setLassoWidth(self, width): ...
def getLassoWidth(self): ...
def setOverlayLassoPattern(self, pattern): ...
def getOverlayLassoPattern(self): ...
def animateOverlayLasso(self, animate): ...
def isOverlayLassoAnimated(self): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def GLRenderBelowPath(self, action): ...
def select(self, root, numcoords, lasso, vp, shiftpolicy): ...
def select(self, root, numcoords, lasso, vp, shiftkeypolicy): ...
def getLassoCoordsDC(self, numCoords): ...
def getLassoCoordsWC(self, numCoords): ...
def getSelectionPathList(self): ...
def setLassoFilterCallback(self, f, userdata, callonlyifselectable): ...
def setTriangleFilterCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def setLineSegmentFilterCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def setPointFilterCallback(self, func, userdata): ...
def wasShiftDown(self): ...
lassoType: SoSFEnum = ...
lassoPolicy: SoSFEnum = ...
lassoMode: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoLocateHighlight(SoSeparator):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def GLRenderBelowPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderInPath(self, action): ...
def turnOffCurrentHighlight(action): ...
color: SoSFColor = ...
style: SoSFEnum = ...
mode: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoWWWAnchor(SoLocateHighlight):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setFullURLName(self, url): ...
def getFullURLName(self): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def setFetchURLCallBack(f, userData): ...
def setHighlightURLCallBack(f, userData): ...
name: SoSFString = ...
description: SoSFString = ...
map: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoSFShort(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoArray(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def affectsState(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
origin: SoSFEnum = ...
numElements1: SoSFShort = ...
numElements2: SoSFShort = ...
numElements3: SoSFShort = ...
separation1: SoSFVec3f = ...
separation2: SoSFVec3f = ...
separation3: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoSwitch(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def affectsState(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def write(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
whichChild: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoBlinker(SoSwitch):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def write(self, action): ...
speed: SoSFFloat = ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
class SoLOD(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def GLRenderBelowPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderInPath(self, action): ...
def GLRenderOffPath(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
range: SoMFFloat = ...
center: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoLevelOfDetail(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
screenArea: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoMFMatrix(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34, a41, a42, a43, a44): ...
class SoMultipleCopy(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def affectsState(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
matrix: SoMFMatrix = ...
class SoSFPath(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def notify(self, l): ...
def fixCopy(self, copyconnections): ...
def referencesCopy(self): ...
class SoPathSwitch(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
path: SoSFPath = ...
class SoTransformSeparator(SoGroup):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
class SoAntiSquish(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def recalc(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
sizing: SoSFEnum = ...
recalcAlways: SoSFBool = ...
class SoSFMatrix(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, a11, a12, a13, a14, a21, a22, a23, a24, a31, a32, a33, a34, a41, a42, a43, a44): ...
class SoMatrixTransform(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
matrix: SoSFMatrix = ...
class SoRotation(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
rotation: SoSFRotation = ...
class SoPendulum(SoRotation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def write(self, action): ...
rotation0: SoSFRotation = ...
rotation1: SoSFRotation = ...
speed: SoSFFloat = ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
class SbTime:
def getTimeOfDay(): ...
def setToTimeOfDay(self): ...
def zero(): ...
def max(): ...
def maxTime(): ...
def sleep(msec): ...
def setValue(self, sec): ...
def setValue(self, sec, usec): ...
def setValue(self, tv): ...
def setMsecValue(self, msec): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, sec, usec): ...
def getValue(self, tv): ...
def getMsecValue(self): ...
def format(self, fmt): ...
def formatDate(self, fmt): ...
def parsedate(self, date): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SoRotor(SoRotation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
speed: SoSFFloat = ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
class SoResetTransform(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
whatToReset: SoSFBitMask = ...
class SoRotationXYZ(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getRotation(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
axis: SoSFEnum = ...
angle: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoScale(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
scaleFactor: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoTranslation(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
translation: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoShuttle(SoTranslation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def write(self, action): ...
translation0: SoSFVec3f = ...
translation1: SoSFVec3f = ...
speed: SoSFFloat = ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
class SoSurroundScale(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def invalidate(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def setDoingTranslations(self, val): ...
def isDoingTranslations(self): ...
numNodesUpToContainer: SoSFInt32 = ...
numNodesUpToReset: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoTransform(SoTransformation):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def pointAt(self, frompoint, topoint): ...
def getScaleSpaceMatrix(self, mat, inv): ...
def getRotationSpaceMatrix(self, mat, inv): ...
def getTranslationSpaceMatrix(self, mat, inv): ...
def multLeft(self, mat): ...
def multRight(self, mat): ...
def combineLeft(self, nodeonright): ...
def combineRight(self, nodeonleft): ...
def setMatrix(self, mat): ...
def recenter(self, newcenter): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
translation: SoSFVec3f = ...
rotation: SoSFRotation = ...
scaleFactor: SoSFVec3f = ...
scaleOrientation: SoSFRotation = ...
center: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoMFColor(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, rgb): ...
def setHSVValues(self, start, num, hsv): ...
def setValue(self, vec): ...
def setValue(self, r, g, b): ...
def setValue(self, rgb): ...
def setHSVValue(self, h, s, v): ...
def setHSVValue(self, hsv): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, vec): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, r, g, b): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, rgb): ...
def set1HSVValue(self, idx, h, s, v): ...
def set1HSVValue(self, idx, hsv): ...
class SoBaseColor(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
rgb: SoMFColor = ...
class SoCallback(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setCallback(self, function, userdata): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def write(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
class SbPlane:
def offset(self, d): ...
def intersect(self, l, intersection): ...
def transform(self, matrix): ...
def isInHalfSpace(self, point): ...
def getDistance(self, point): ...
def getNormal(self): ...
def getDistanceFromOrigin(self): ...
def print(self, file): ...
def intersect(self, pl, line): ...
class SoSFPlane(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoClipPlane(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
plane: SoSFPlane = ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
class SoColorIndex(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
index: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoCoordinate3(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec3f = ...
class SoMFVec4f(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, xyzw): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, x, y, z, w): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, xyzw): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def setValue(self, xyzw): ...
class SoCoordinate4(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec4f = ...
class SoLight(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
intensity: SoSFFloat = ...
color: SoSFColor = ...
class SoDirectionalLight(SoLight):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
direction: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoSpotLight(SoLight):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
location: SoSFVec3f = ...
direction: SoSFVec3f = ...
dropOffRate: SoSFFloat = ...
cutOffAngle: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoPointLight(SoLight):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
location: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoEnvironmentElement(SoReplacedElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, ambientIntensity, ambientColor, attenuation, fogType, fogColor, fogVisibility, fogStart): ...
def get(state, ambientIntensity, ambientColor, attenuation, fogType, fogColor, fogVisibility, fogStart): ...
def getAmbientIntensity(state): ...
def getFogVisibility(state): ...
def getLightAttenuation(state): ...
def getAmbientColor(state): ...
def getFogColor(state): ...
def getFogType(state): ...
def getDefault(ambientIntensity, ambientColor, attenuation, fogType, fogColor, fogVisibility, fogNear): ...
def print(self, file): ...
class SoEnvironment(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
ambientIntensity: SoSFFloat = ...
ambientColor: SoSFColor = ...
attenuation: SoSFVec3f = ...
fogType: SoSFEnum = ...
fogColor: SoSFColor = ...
fogVisibility: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoEventCallback(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setPath(self, path): ...
def getPath(self): ...
def addEventCallback(self, eventtype, f, userdata): ...
def removeEventCallback(self, eventtype, f, userdata): ...
def getAction(self): ...
def getEvent(self): ...
def getPickedPoint(self): ...
def setHandled(self): ...
def isHandled(self): ...
def grabEvents(self): ...
def releaseEvents(self): ...
class SoFile(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def copyChildren(self): ...
def getChildren(self): ...
def copyContents(self, from, copyconnections): ...
def getFullName(self): ...
def setSearchOK(dosearch): ...
def getSearchOK(): ...
name: SoSFString = ...
class SoSFName(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, name): ...
class SoFont(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
name: SoSFName = ...
size: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoFontStyle(SoFont):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getFontName(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
family: SoSFEnum = ...
style: SoSFBitMask = ...
class SoInfo(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
string: SoSFString = ...
class SoLabel(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
label: SoSFName = ...
class SoAccumulatedElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
class SoProfileElement(SoAccumulatedElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def add(state, profile): ...
def get(state): ...
class SoProfile(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def getTrimCurve(self, state, numpoints, points, floatspervec, numknots, knotvector): ...
def getVertices(self, state, numvertices, vertices): ...
index: SoMFInt32 = ...
linkage: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoLinearProfile(SoProfile):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getTrimCurve(self, state, numpoints, points, floatspervec, numknots, knotvector): ...
def getVertices(self, state, numvertices, vertices): ...
class SoNurbsProfile(SoProfile):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getTrimCurve(self, state, numpoints, points, floatspervec, numknots, knotvector): ...
def getVertices(self, state, numvertices, vertices): ...
knotVector: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoMaterial(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
ambientColor: SoMFColor = ...
diffuseColor: SoMFColor = ...
specularColor: SoMFColor = ...
emissiveColor: SoMFColor = ...
shininess: SoMFFloat = ...
transparency: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoVertexAttributeElement(SoAccumulatedElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def add(state, attribdata): ...
def getInstance(state): ...
def getNumAttributes(self): ...
def applyToAttributes(self, func, closure): ...
class SoVertexAttribute(SoNode):
def initClass(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def getValuesField(self): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def write(self, action): ...
def copyContents(self, from, copyconnections): ...
def notify(self, l): ...
name: SoSFName = ...
typeName: SoSFName = ...
class SoAnyVertexAttribute(SoVertexAttribute):
class SoVertexAttributeBindingElement(SoInt32Element):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, binding): ...
def set(state, binding): ...
def get(state): ...
def getDefault(): ...
class SoVertexAttributeBinding(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
value: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoNormal(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
vector: SoMFVec3f = ...
class SoPackedColor(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def isTransparent(self): ...
orderedRGBA: SoMFUInt32 = ...
class SoPolygonOffsetElement(SoReplacedElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, factor, units, styles, on): ...
def get(state, factor, units, styles, on): ...
def getDefault(factor, units, styles, on): ...
class SoPolygonOffset(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
factor: SoSFFloat = ...
units: SoSFFloat = ...
styles: SoSFBitMask = ...
on: SoSFBool = ...
class SoProfileCoordinate2(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec2f = ...
class SoProfileCoordinate3(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec3f = ...
class SoSFImage3(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def initClass(): ...
def getValue(self, size, nc): ...
def setValue(self, size, nc, bytes): ...
def startEditing(self, size, nc): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
class SoTexture3(SoTexture):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
filenames: SoMFString = ...
images: SoSFImage3 = ...
wrapR: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapS: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapT: SoSFEnum = ...
model: SoSFEnum = ...
blendColor: SoSFColor = ...
enableCompressedTexture: SoSFBool = ...
class SoSFVec2f(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, xy): ...
class SoTexture2Transform(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
translation: SoSFVec2f = ...
rotation: SoSFFloat = ...
scaleFactor: SoSFVec2f = ...
center: SoSFVec2f = ...
class SoTexture3Transform(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
translation: SoSFVec3f = ...
rotation: SoSFRotation = ...
scaleFactor: SoSFVec3f = ...
scaleOrientation: SoSFRotation = ...
center: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoTextureCoordinate2(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec2f = ...
class SoTextureCoordinate3(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec3f = ...
class SoTextureCoordinateFunction(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateDefault(SoTextureCoordinateFunction):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment(SoTextureCoordinateFunction):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCoordinatePlane(SoTextureCoordinateFunction):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
directionS: SoSFVec3f = ...
directionT: SoSFVec3f = ...
directionR: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoTextureMatrixTransform(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
matrix: SoSFMatrix = ...
class SoWWWInline(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setFullURLName(self, url): ...
def getFullURLName(self): ...
def copyChildren(self): ...
def requestURLData(self): ...
def isURLDataRequested(self): ...
def isURLDataHere(self): ...
def cancelURLDataRequest(self): ...
def setChildData(self, urldata): ...
def getChildData(self): ...
def getChildren(self): ...
def setFetchURLCallBack(f, userdata): ...
def setBoundingBoxVisibility(b): ...
def getBoundingBoxVisibility(): ...
def setBoundingBoxColor(c): ...
def getBoundingBoxColor(): ...
def setReadAsSoFile(onoff): ...
def getReadAsSoFile(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def doActionOnKidsOrBox(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def handleEvent(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getPrimitiveCount(self, action): ...
def audioRender(self, action): ...
name: SoSFString = ...
bboxCenter: SoSFVec3f = ...
bboxSize: SoSFVec3f = ...
alternateRep: SoSFNode = ...
class SoTransparencyType(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
value: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoListener(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
position: SoSFVec3f = ...
orientation: SoSFRotation = ...
gain: SoSFFloat = ...
dopplerVelocity: SoSFVec3f = ...
dopplerFactor: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoTextureCoordinateCube(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateSphere(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateCylinder(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCubeMap(SoTexture):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
def readImage(fname, w, h, nc, bytes): ...
filenames: SoMFString = ...
imagePosX: SoSFImage = ...
imageNegX: SoSFImage = ...
imagePosY: SoSFImage = ...
imageNegY: SoSFImage = ...
imagePosZ: SoSFImage = ...
imageNegZ: SoSFImage = ...
wrapS: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapT: SoSFEnum = ...
model: SoSFEnum = ...
blendColor: SoSFColor = ...
class SoMFNode(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def fixCopy(self, copyconnections): ...
def referencesCopy(self): ...
def addNode(self, node): ...
def insertNode(self, node, idx): ...
def getNode(self, idx): ...
def findNode(self, node): ...
def getNumNodes(self): ...
def removeNode(self, index): ...
def removeNode(self, node): ...
def removeAllNodes(self): ...
def replaceNode(self, idx, newnode): ...
def replaceNode(self, oldnode, newnode): ...
def deleteValues(self, start, num): ...
def insertSpace(self, start, num): ...
class SoShaderObject(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def updateParameters(self, state): ...
def getSourceType(self): ...
def getSourceProgram(self): ...
isActive: SoSFBool = ...
sourceType: SoSFEnum = ...
sourceProgram: SoSFString = ...
parameter: SoMFNode = ...
class SoSFVec4f(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def setValue(self, xyzw): ...
class SbVec2i32:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def negate(self): ...
def print(self, fp): ...
class SoSFVec2i32(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, xy): ...
class SbVec3i32:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def negate(self): ...
class SoSFVec3i32(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, xyz): ...
class SbVec4i32:
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def setValue(self, v): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def dot(self, v): ...
def negate(self): ...
class SoSFVec4i32(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def setValue(self, xyzw): ...
class SoMFVec2i32(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, xy): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, x, y): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, xy): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, xy): ...
class SoMFVec3i32(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, xyz): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, x, y, z): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, xyz): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z): ...
def setValue(self, xyz): ...
class SoMFVec4i32(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def setValuesPointer(self, num, userdata): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, xyzw): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, x, y, z, w): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, xyzw): ...
def setValue(self, x, y, z, w): ...
def setValue(self, xyzw): ...
class SoShaderParameter(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
name: SoSFString = ...
identifier: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoUniformShaderParameter(SoShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
class SoShaderParameter1f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoShaderParameter1i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFInt32 = ...
class SoShaderParameter2f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFVec2f = ...
class SoShaderParameter2i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFVec2i32 = ...
class SoShaderParameter3f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFVec3f = ...
class SoShaderParameter3i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFVec3i32 = ...
class SoShaderParameter4f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFVec4f = ...
class SoShaderParameter4i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFVec4i32 = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray1f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFFloat = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray1i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFInt32 = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray2f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFVec2f = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray2i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFVec2i32 = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray3f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFVec3f = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray3i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFVec3i32 = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray4f(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFVec4f = ...
class SoShaderParameterArray4i(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFVec4i32 = ...
class SoShaderParameterMatrix(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoSFMatrix = ...
class SoShaderParameterMatrixArray(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
value: SoMFMatrix = ...
class SoShaderStateMatrixParameter(SoUniformShaderParameter):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def updateParameter(self, shaderObject): ...
def updateValue(self, state): ...
matrixType: SoSFEnum = ...
matrixTransform: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoShaderProgram(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def setEnableCallback(self, cb, closure): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def search(self, action): ...
def initClass(): ...
shaderObject: SoMFNode = ...
class SoFragmentShader(SoShaderObject):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def isSupported(sourceType): ...
class SoVertexShader(SoShaderObject):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def isSupported(sourceType): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateNormalMap(SoTextureCoordinateFunction):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateReflectionMap(SoTextureCoordinateFunction):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
class SoTextureCoordinateObject(SoTextureCoordinateFunction):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
factorS: SoSFVec4f = ...
factorT: SoSFVec4f = ...
factorR: SoSFVec4f = ...
factorQ: SoSFVec4f = ...
class SoTextureScalePolicy(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
policy: SoSFEnum = ...
quality: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoTextureUnit(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def getMaxTextureUnit(): ...
unit: SoSFInt32 = ...
mappingMethod: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoMFEnum(SoMField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValues(self, start): ...
def find(self, value, addifnotfound): ...
def setValues(self, start, num, newvals): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, value): ...
def setValue(self, value): ...
def startEditing(self): ...
def finishEditing(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, name): ...
def set1Value(self, idx, name): ...
def setEnums(self, num, values, names): ...
def getNumEnums(self): ...
def getEnum(self, idx, name): ...
class SbColor4f(SbVec4f):
def setValue(self, r, g, b, a): ...
def setValue(self, col): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def getValue(self, r, g, b, a): ...
def setRGB(self, col): ...
def getRGB(self, color): ...
def setHSVValue(self, h, s, v, a): ...
def setHSVValue(self, hsv, alpha): ...
def getHSVValue(self, h, s, v): ...
def getHSVValue(self, hsv): ...
def setPackedValue(self, rgba): ...
def getPackedValue(self): ...
class SoTextureCombineElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def set(state, node, unit, rgboperation, alphaoperation, rgbsource, alphasource, rgboperand, alphaoperand, constantcolor, rgbscale, alphascale): ...
def isDefault(state, unit): ...
def get(state, unit, rgboperation, alphaoperation, rgbsource, alphasource, rgboperand, alphaoperand, constantcolor, rgbscale, alphascale): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def matches(self, elem): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def setElt(self, unit, nodeid, rgboperation, alphaoperation, rgbsource, alphasource, rgboperand, alphaoperand, constantcolor, rgbscale, alphascale): ...
def apply(state, unit): ...
class SoTextureCombine(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
rgbSource: SoMFEnum = ...
alphaSource: SoMFEnum = ...
rgbOperand: SoMFEnum = ...
alphaOperand: SoMFEnum = ...
rgbOperation: SoSFEnum = ...
alphaOperation: SoSFEnum = ...
rgbScale: SoSFFloat = ...
alphaScale: SoSFFloat = ...
constantColor: SoSFVec4f = ...
class SoBumpMap(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
filename: SoSFString = ...
image: SoSFImage = ...
wrapS: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapT: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoBumpMapCoordinate(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
point: SoMFVec2f = ...
class SoBumpMapTransform(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def getMatrix(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
translation: SoSFVec2f = ...
rotation: SoSFFloat = ...
scaleFactor: SoSFVec2f = ...
center: SoSFVec2f = ...
class SoSFVec2s(SoSField):
def createInstance(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def copyFrom(self, field): ...
def isSame(self, field): ...
def getValue(self): ...
def setValue(self, newvalue): ...
def initClass(): ...
def setValue(self, x, y): ...
def setValue(self, xy): ...
class SoSceneTexture2(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def notify(self, list): ...
def write(self, action): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
wrapS: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapT: SoSFEnum = ...
model: SoSFEnum = ...
blendColor: SoSFColor = ...
backgroundColor: SoSFVec4f = ...
size: SoSFVec2s = ...
scene: SoSFNode = ...
sceneTransparencyType: SoSFNode = ...
transparencyFunction: SoSFEnum = ...
type: SoSFEnum = ...
class SoSceneTextureCubeMap(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def rayPick(self, action): ...
size: SoSFVec2s = ...
scene: SoSFNode = ...
wrapS: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapT: SoSFEnum = ...
wrapR: SoSFEnum = ...
model: SoSFEnum = ...
backgroundColor: SoSFColor = ...
transparencyFunction: SoSFEnum = ...
blendColor: SoSFColor = ...
class SoCacheHintElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def pop(self, state, prevtopelement): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
def set(state, node, memvalue, gfxvalue): ...
def get(state, memvalue, gfxvalue): ...
class SoCacheHint(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def doAction(self, action): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
def callback(self, action): ...
def getBoundingBox(self, action): ...
def pick(self, action): ...
memValue: SoSFFloat = ...
gfxValue: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoDepthBufferElement(SoElement):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getClassStackIndex(): ...
def createInstance(): ...
def initClass(): ...
def set(state, test, write, function, range): ...
def get(state, test_out, write_out, function_out, range_out): ...
def getTestEnable(state): ...
def getWriteEnable(state): ...
def getFunction(state): ...
def getRange(state): ...
def init(self, state): ...
def push(self, state): ...
def pop(self, state, prevTopElement): ...
def matches(self, element): ...
def copyMatchInfo(self): ...
class SoDepthBuffer(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
test: SoSFBool = ...
write: SoSFBool = ...
function: SoSFEnum = ...
range: SoSFVec2f = ...
class SoAlphaTest(SoNode):
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def getTypeId(self): ...
def initClass(): ...
def GLRender(self, action): ...
function: SoSFEnum = ...
value: SoSFFloat = ...
class SoNodeEngine(SoNode):
def initClass(): ...
def getClassTypeId(): ...
def evaluateWrapper(self): ...
def getOutputs(self, l): ...
def getOutput(self, outputname): ...
def getOutputName(self, output, outputname): ...
def getOutputData(self): ...
def isNotifying(self): ...
def notify(self, nl): ...
def writeInstance(self, out): ...
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pprint
import sys
import re
from CppHeaderParser import CppHeader, CppParseError
def parse_doxygen(doc):
doc = doc.strip('\n')
doc = doc.lstrip('/*!')
doc = doc.rstrip('*/')
doc = doc.strip('\n')
doc = re.sub(r'\s\\.+?\s+', ' ', doc)
clean_doc = []
for line in doc.splitlines():
clean_doc += [line.lstrip(' ')]
return '\n'.join(clean_doc)
if __name__ == '__main__':
cpp_header = CppHeader("./coin_SoNode.h")
except CppParseError as e:
for class_name in cpp_header.classes.keys():
if not (class_name.startswith('Sb') or class_name.startswith('So')):
class_object = cpp_header.classes[class_name]
bare_name = class_object['bare_name']
if bare_name != class_name:
parent_class = class_object['inherits']
if len(parent_class) > 1:
raise Error('Multiple inheritance not supported')
if parent_class:
parent_name = parent_class[0]['class']
print('class %s(%s):' % (class_name, parent_name))
print('class %s:' % class_name)
methods = class_object['methods']['public']
props = class_object['properties']['public']
if len(methods) + len(props) == 0:
print(' ...')
for m in methods:
if m['name'].startswith('operator'):
if m['name'] == class_name:
# TODO __init__
if 'doxygen' in m:
is_static = bool(m['static'])
parameters = m['parameters']
if parameters:
parameters = ', '.join(map(lambda p: p['name'], parameters))
if is_static:
if parameters:
print(' @staticmethod\n def %s(%s): ...' % (m['name'], parameters))
print(' @staticmethod\n def %s(): ...' % m['name'])
if parameters:
print(' def %s(self, %s): ...' % (m['name'], parameters))
print(' def %s(self): ...' % m['name'])
for p in props:
is_static = bool(p['static'])
if not is_static:
print(' %s: %s = ...' % (p['name'], p['type']))
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