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Created March 3, 2018 13:09
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Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
LoKi LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi Welcome to LoKi! LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi (LOops & KInematics) LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi Smart & Friendly C++ Physics Analysis Tool Kit LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi Author: Vanya BELYAEV LoKi
LoKi With the kind help of Galina Pakhlova & Sergey Barsuk LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi Have fun and enjoy! LoKi
LoKi LoKi
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
Bender Bender
Bender Bender
Bender Welcome to Bender! Bender
Bender Bender
Bender Python-based Physics Analysis Application Bender
Bender Bender
Bender Author: Vanya BELYAEV Bender
Bender With the kind help of Pere Mato & Andrey Tsaregorodtsev Bender
Bender Bender
Bender Have fun and enjoy! Good Luck! Bender
Bender Bender
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome
# Bender.Startup INFO Bender session started Sat Mar 3 14:04:41 2018
# Bender.Fixes_Gaudi INFO *** Fix some Gaudi features
# Bender.Fixes_LoKi INFO *** Fix some LHCb/LoKi features
# BenderTools.TisTos INFO Add useful methods to class Algo for TisTos'sing
# BenderTools.TisTos INFO Add TisTos functionality to Bender.Algo class
# BenderTutor.Tuples2 INFO ********************************************************************************
# BenderTutor.Tuples2 INFO Enhanced functionality for n-tuples
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`888' `Y8b "888
888 888 .ooooo. ooo. .oo. .oooo888 .ooooo. oooo d8b
888oooo888' d88' `88b `888P"Y88b d88' `888 d88' `88b `888""8P
888 `88b 888ooo888 888 888 888 888 888ooo888 888
888 .88P 888 .o 888 888 888 888 888 .o 888
o888bood8P' `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o `Y8bod88P" `Y8bod8P' d888b
This file is a part of BENDER project:
``Python-based Interactive Environment for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis''
The project has been designed with the kind help from
And it is based on the LoKi project:
``C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis''
By usage of this code one clearly states the disagreement
with the smear campaign of Dr.O.Callot et al.:
``No Vanya's lines are allowed in LHCb/Gaudi software.''
# BenderTutor.Tuples2 INFO Author : Vanya BELYAEV
# BenderTutor.Tuples2 INFO Version : Version $Revision$
# BenderTutor.Tuples2 INFO Date : 2006-10-12
# BenderTutor.Tuples2 INFO ********************************************************************************
# DaVinci INFO Applying DaVinci configuration
# DaVinci INFO /***** User DaVinci/DaVinci ************************************************************************
|-MainOptions = ''
|-TupleFile = 'Tuples2.root' (default: '')
|-SkipEvents = 0
|-RootCompressionLevel = 'LZMA:6'
|-Input = [] (default: [])
|-Turbo = False
|-DDDBtag = ''
|-UserAlgorithms = [<SelPy.selection.Selection object at 0x7fc10b724ed0>] (default: [])
|-RootInTES = '/Event/PSIX' (default: '')
|-DQFLAGStag = ''
|-Lumi = False
|-MoniSequence = [] (default: [])
|-VerboseMessages = False
|-InputType = 'MDST' (default: 'DST')
|-ProductionType = 'None'
|-PrintFreq = 1000
|-Detectors = ['Velo', 'PuVeto', 'Rich1', 'Rich2', 'TT', 'IT', 'OT', 'Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr']
| (default: ['Velo', 'PuVeto', 'Rich1', 'Rich2', 'TT', 'IT', 'OT', 'Spd', 'Prs', 'Ecal', 'Hcal', 'Muon', 'Magnet', 'Tr'])
|-EvtMax = -1
|-CondDBtag = ''
|-MergeGenFSR = False
|-Simulation = False
|-DataType = '2012' (default: '')
|-RedoMCLinks = False
|-IgnoreDQFlags = False
|-HistogramFile = ''
|-WriteFSR = True
|-EnableUnpack = None
|-EventPreFilters = [] (default: [])
\----- (End of User DaVinci/DaVinci) ---------------------------------------------------------------
# DaVinci INFO Creating Lumi Algorithms
# DaVinci INFO No MainOptions specified. DaVinci() will import no options file!
# DaVinci INFO Creating User Algorithms
# DaVinci INFO Append to Main Sequence has been called
# DaVinci INFO Creating Moni Algorithms
# DaVinci INFO Append to Moni Sequence has been called
# PhysConf.MicroDST INFO Disable GFAL
# PhysConf.MicroDST INFO Reconfigure uDST to use RootInTES='/Event/PSIX/'
# PhysConf.MicroDST INFO Configure L0&HLT decoding RootInTES='/Event/PSIX/'
# PhysConf.MicroDST INFO Configure node-killer agent for ('/Event/DAQ', '/Event/pRec')
# PhysConf.MicroDST INFO Configure ODIN,Raw,Summary&Reports RootInTES='/Event/PSIX/'
# DaVinci INFO Set RootInTES=/Event/PSIX for DaVinciUserSequence
# DaVinci INFO Set RootInTES=/Event/PSIX for SEQ:Tuples2
# DaVinci INFO Set RootInTES=/Event/PSIX for SelFilterPhys_SelPsi2KForPsiX_Particles
# DaVinci INFO Set RootInTES=/Event/PSIX for Tuples2
# WARNING: file '/cvmfs/' already included, ignored.
# WARNING: Using default tag dddb-20171030-2 for partition DDDB
# WARNING: Using default tag cond-20150409-1 for partition LHCBCOND
# WARNING: Using default tag <latest:2012> for partition DQFLAGS
# WARNING: Property 'DataType' is set in both 'DigiConf' and 'SimConf', using 'DigiConf.DataType'
# WARNING: something else configured a decoder already, Trig/L0/Calo L0CaloCandidatesFromRaw/L0CaloFromRaw
# WARNING: something else configured a decoder already, Trig/L0/FullCalo L0CaloCandidatesFromRaw/L0CaloFromRaw
# WARNING: something else configured a decoder already, Trig/L0/L0DUReport L0DUFromRawAlg/L0DUFromRaw
# WARNING: something else configured a decoder already, Trig/L0/MuonCtrl L0MuonCandidatesFromRaw/L0MuonFromRaw
# WARNING: something else configured a decoder already, Trig/L0/MuonBCSU L0MuonCandidatesFromRaw/L0MuonFromRaw
# WARNING: something else configured a decoder already, Trig/L0/MuonData L0MuonCandidatesFromRaw/L0MuonFromRaw
# PhysConf.MicroDST INFO Add killer agent for: ['/Event/DAQ', '/Event/pRec']
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v999r999)
running on on Sat Mar 3 14:05:55 2018
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
ToolSvc.GitDDDB INFO using commit 'dddb-20171030-2' corresponding to f3d479be34024895a86a40915bed8ca697243852
ToolSvc.GitLHCB... INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
ToolSvc.GitLHCB... INFO using commit 'cond-20150409-1' corresponding to 862558522625bc8e913636791ef778223447c38e
ToolSvc.GitONLINE INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
ToolSvc.GitONLINE INFO using commit 'HEAD' corresponding to 8685bad0b90bba925b1c5617dab5c48820d0cbe6
ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS INFO opening Git repository '/cvmfs/'
ToolSvc.GitDQFLAGS INFO using commit 'dq-20140822' corresponding to c8cd1b53fd9964a2f7f6de2c9a85c1982a286f94
DetectorPersist... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:XmlCnvSvc
DetectorDataSvc SUCCESS Detector description database: git:/lhcb.xml
RndmGenSvc.Engine INFO Generator engine type:CLHEP::RanluxEngine
RndmGenSvc.Engine INFO Current Seed:1234567 Luxury:3
RndmGenSvc INFO Using Random engine:HepRndm::Engine<CLHEP::RanluxEngine>
TimingAuditor.T... INFO This machine has a speed about 3.12 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
NTupleSvc INFO Added stream file:Tuples2.root as FILE1
TransportSvc INFO Initialize the static pointer to DetDesc::IGeometryErrorSvc
TransportSvc INFO Recovery of geometry errors is ENABLED
DaVinciEventSeq INFO Member list: DaVinciInit/DaVinciInitAlg, GaudiSequencer/FilteredEventSeq, GaudiSequencer/LumiSeq
DaVinciInitAlg SUCCESS ==================================================================
DaVinciInitAlg SUCCESS Requested to process all events on input file(s)
DaVinciInitAlg SUCCESS ==================================================================
RootHistSvc INFO Writing ROOT histograms to: UndefinedROOTOutputFileName
HistogramPersis... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootHistSvc
HistogramDataSvc INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as JEC14R05
HistogramDataSvc INFO Added stream file:/cvmfs/ as JEC14R07
FilteredEventSeq INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/DaVinciEventInitSeq, GaudiSequencer/DaVinciAnalysisSeq
DaVinciEventIni... INFO Member list: EventNodeKiller/KillDAQ
DaVinciAnalysisSeq INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/DaVinciUserSequence, GaudiSequencer/MonitoringSequence
DaVinciUserSequ... INFO Member list: GaudiSequencer/SEQ:Tuples2, with rootInTES '/Event/PSIX/'
SEQ:Tuples2 INFO Member list: LoKi::VoidFilter/SelFilterPhys_SelPsi2KForPsiX_Particles, LoKi::Dicts::Alg<LoKi::Algo>/Tuples2, with rootInTES '/Event/PSIX/'
MonitoringSequence INFO Member list:
LumiSeq INFO OR Member list: EventAccounting/EventAccount
EventPersistenc... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:RootCnvSvc
EventSelector INFO Stream:EventSelector.DataStreamTool_1 Def:DATAFILE='PFN:root://' SVC='Gaudi::RootEvtSelector' OPT='READ'
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Started successfully
FileRecordPersi... INFO Added successfully Conversion service:FileRecordCnvSvc
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 1. Record number within stream 1: 1
COOLConfSvc INFO CORAL Connection Retrial Period set to 60s
COOLConfSvc INFO CORAL Connection Retrial Time-Out set to 900s
DQFLAGS INFO Connected to database "sqlite_file:/cvmfs/"
DQFLAGS INFO Using TAG "dq-20140822"
# BenderTools.Fill INFO treatKine: Add basic kinematical information into N-tuple
# ...
# tup = ... ## n-tuple
# b = ... ## the particle (or looping object)
# self.treatKine ( tup , b , '_B' ) ## prefix is optional
# ...
# Following variables are added into n-tuple:
# - pid[+suffix] particle ID
# - pt[+suffix] particle transverse momentum
# - m[+suffix] particle mass
# - eta[+suffix] particle pseudirapidity
# - phi[+suffix] particle azimuth angle phi
# - p4 [+suffix] particle 4-momentum
# For composed particles :
# - y[+suffix] particle rapidity
# - lv01[+suffix] particle decay angle (cosine) ; LV01
# If has at least two track
# - c2ip[+suffix] chi2_IP with respect to associated primary vertex ; BPVIPCHI2
# For particles with valid end-vertex :
# - ctau[+suffix] particle c*tau ; BPVLTIME()*c_light
# - ctau9[+suffix] particle c*tau if chi2_ip<9, otherwise negative infinity ; BPVLTIME(9)*c_light
# - ctau25[+suffix] particle c*tau if chi2_ip<25, otherwise negative infinity ; BPVLTIME(25)*c_light
# - dtf[+suffix] chi2_DTF/ndf from Decay Tree Refit with PV constraint ; DPF_CHI2NDOF( True )
# - dls[+suffix] decay length significance ; BPVDLS
# - vchi2[+suffix] Vertex chi2
# - vchi2ndf[+suffix] Vertex chi2/ndf
# - good[+suffix] The boolean result of result of good(p)
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Opened magnetic field file : /cvmfs/
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Map scaled by factor 0.999998 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: -0.999998
# BenderTools.Fill INFO treatKaons: Add Kaon information into n-tuple
tup = ... ## n-tuple
b = ... ## the particle (or looping object)
self.treatKaons ( tup , b , '_B' ) ## prefix is optional
Following variables are added into n-tuple:
- mindll_K[+suffix]
minimal value of DLL(K-pi) for all kaons
- minann_K[+suffix]
minimal value of PROBNNk for all kaons
- n_kaon[+suffix] Number of kaons in the decay
minimal PT for all kaons:
- minPt_kaon[+suffix] Minimal PT for all kaons (in GeV/c)
minimal P for all kaons:
- minP_kaon[+suffix] Minimal P for all kaons (in GeV/c)
minimal pseudorapidity for all kaons:
- minEta_kaon[+suffix] Minimal ETA for all kaons
maximal pseudorapidity for all kaons:
- maxEta_kaon[+suffix] Maximal ETA for all kaons
Then for each pion in the decay:
- p_kaon[+suffix] Kaon momentum
- pt_kaon[+suffix] Kaon transverse momentum
- eta_kaon[+suffix] KAon pseudorapidity
- hasRich_kaon[+suffix] Has it RICH information?(==``Is kaon in RICH acceptance?'')
- pid_kaon[+suffix] PID information: DLL(K-pi)
- ann_kaon[+suffix] PID information: PROBNNk (probability to be a kaon)
- ann_kaon_PI[+suffix] PID information: PROBNNpi (probability to be a pion)
- ann_kaon_P[+suffix] PID information: PROBNNp (probability to be a proton)
For each kaon and for each ANNPID tune :
- annpid_kaon[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNK for given tune
- annpid_kaon_PI[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNpi for given tune
- annpid_kaon_P[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNp for given tune
- annpid_kaon_GH[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNghost for given tune
# BenderTools.Fill INFO treatMuons: Add muon information into n-tuple
tup = ... ## n-tuple
b = ... ## the particle (or looping object)
self.treatMuons ( tup , b , '_B' ) ## prefix is optional
Following variables are added into n-tuple:
- mindll_mu[+suffix]
minimal value of DLL(mu-pi) for all muons
- minann_mu[+suffix]
minimal value of PROBNNmu for all muons
- n_muon Number of muons in the decay
Then for each muon in the decay:
- p_mu[+suffix] Muon momentum
- pt_mu[+suffix] Muon transverse momentum
- eta_mu[+suffix] Muon pseudorapidity
- eEcal_mu[+suffix] energy deposited in Ecal
- eHcal_mu[+suffix] energy deposited in Hcal
- pid_mu[+suffix] PID information: DLL(mu-pi)
- ann_mu[+suffix] PID information: PROBNNmu (probability to be a muon)
- flag_mu[+suffix] Flag(1*HasMuon+10*IsMuonLoose+100*IsMuon+1000*IsMuonTight) for muons
- nshared_mu[+suffix] Number of shared muon hits (LHCb::MuonPID::nShared)
For each muon and for each ANNPID tune :
- annpid_muon[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNmu for given tune
- annpid_muon_PI[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNpi for given tune
- annpid_muon_K[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNK for given tune
- annpid_proton_GH[+suffix]_[tune] PROBBNghost for given tune
# BenderTools.Fill INFO treatTracks: The method adds track-specific information into n-tuple
# ...
# tup = ... ## n-tuple
# b = ... ## the particle (or looping object)
# self.treatTracks ( tup , b , '_B' ) ## prefix is optional
# ...
# Following variables are added into n-tuple:
# - deltaM2_min_track_ss/os[+suffix]:
# Minimal value of delta_m2(track1, track2) for all pairs of same-sign (``_ss'')
# and opposite sign ``_os'' tracks, where function minm2 is
# delta_M2(p1,p2) = (m^2(p1+p2) - 2*m^2(p1)-2*m^2(p2) )/m^2(p1+p2)
# see LoKi::Kinematics::deltaM2
# - deltaAlpha_min_track_ss/os[+suffix]:
# Minimal value of th eangle between two momenta for all pairs of same-sign (``_ss'')
# and opposite sign ``_os'' tracks
# see LoKi::Kinematics::deltaAlpha
# - overlap_max_track_ss/os[+suffix]:
# Maximal value ``overlap'' for all pairs of same-sign (``_ss'')
# and opposite sign ``_os'' tracks
# ``Overlap'' is defined as fraction of common/shared hits between two tracks
# see LHCb::HasIDs::overlap
# - minPt_track[+suffix]
# Minimal pT of the tracks
# - min/maxEta_track[+suffix]
# Minimal/maxima eta/pseudorapidity of the tracks
# - maxChi2_track[+suffix]
# Maximal chi2/ndf for the track
# - minKL_track[+suffix]
# Minimal value of Kullback-Leibler divergency for the tracks
# - maxTrGh_track[+suffix]
# Maximal value of Track Ghost probability for the tracks (track-based)
# - maxAnnGh_track[+suffix]
# Maximal value of Ghost probability for the tracks (PID-based)
# - n_track[+suffix] Number of tracks in the decay
# And then for each track in the decay:
# - p_track[+suffux] momentum of the track
# - pt_track[+suffux] transverse momentum of the track
# - eta_track[+suffux] eta/pseudorapidity of the track
# - phi_track[+suffux] phi (azimuth angle) of the track
# - chi2_track[+suffux] chi2/ndf of the track
# - PChi2_track[+suffux] fit probability calculated from chi2/ndf of the track
# - ann_track[+suffix] Ghost probability (PID-based)
# - trgh_track[+suffix] Track Ghost probability (Track-based)
RCWNTupleCnv INFO Booked TTree with ID: MyTuple "MyTuple" in directory Tuples2.root:/Tuples2
ToolSvc.lifetime WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [Tuples2] StatusCode=407
ToolSvc.lifetime WARNING LoKi::LifetimeFitter:: The WARNING message is suppressed : 'Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [Tuples2]' StatusCode=407
DaVinciInitAlg INFO Memory has changed from 2590876 to 2654856 KB (63980KB, 2.46944%) in last 'Increment':1000 events
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 1001. Record number within stream 1: 1001
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Map scaled by factor 1 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: -1
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 2001. Record number within stream 1: 2001
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 3001. Record number within stream 1: 3001
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 4001. Record number within stream 1: 4001
MagneticFieldSvc INFO Map scaled by factor 1 with polarity internally used: -1 signed relative current: -1
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 5001. Record number within stream 1: 5001
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 6001. Record number within stream 1: 6001
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 7001. Record number within stream 1: 7001
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 8001. Record number within stream 1: 8001
EventSelector SUCCESS Reading Event record 9001. Record number within stream 1: 9001
Tuples2 SUCCESS List of booked N-Tuples in directory "FILE1/Tuples2"
Tuples2 SUCCESS ID=MyTuple Title="MyTuple" #items=95 {pid_b,pt_b,m_b,eta_b,phi_b,p4_bE,p4_bX,p4_bY,p4_bZ,c2ip_b,y_b,lv01_b,ctau_b,ctau9}
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Stopped successfully
DaVinciInitAlg SUCCESS ==================================================================
DaVinciInitAlg SUCCESS 10000 events processed
DaVinciInitAlg SUCCESS ==================================================================
SelFilterPhys_S...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
|*"#passed" | 10000 | 296 |( 2.96000 +- 0.169481 )%| ------- | ------- |
Tuples2 SUCCESS Booked 1 N-Tuples and 0 Event Tag Collections
Tuples2 SUCCESS List of booked N-Tuples in directory "FILE1/Tuples2"
Tuples2 SUCCESS ID=MyTuple Title="MyTuple" #items=95 {pid_b,pt_b,m_b,eta_b,phi_b,p4_bE,p4_bX,p4_bY,p4_bZ,c2ip_b,y_b,lv01_b,ctau_b,ctau9}
Tuples2 SUCCESS Number of counters : 7
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# Phys/SelPsi2KForPsiX" | 296 | 321 | 1.0845 | 0.28997 | 1.0000 | 3.0000 |
| "# input particles" | 296 | 321 | 1.0845 | 0.28997 | 1.0000 | 3.0000 |
|*"#accept" | 296 | 0 |( 0.00000 +- 0.337838 )%| ------- | ------- |
| "#bmesons" | 296 | 321 | 1.0845 | 0.28997 | 1.0000 | 3.0000 |
| "#kaon" | 321 | 642 | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 2.0000 | 2.0000 |
| "#muon" | 321 | 642 | 2.0000 | 0.0000 | 2.0000 | 2.0000 |
| "#track" | 321 | 1284 | 4.0000 | 0.0000 | 4.0000 | 4.0000 |
RootHistSvc WARNING no ROOT output file name, Histograms cannot be persistified
EventLoopMgr INFO Histograms converted successfully according to request.
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Skip' map has the size 0
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Recover' map has the size 0
TransportSvc SUCCESS GEOMETRY ERRORS: 'Codes' map has the size 0
TransportSvc INFO Reset the static pointer to DetDesc::IGeometyrErrorSvc
DataOnDemandSvc INFO Handled "DataFault" incidents: 0/0/10162(Alg/Node/Total).
ToolSvc INFO Removing all tools created by ToolSvc
ToolSvc.lifetime SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "#iterations" | 1926 | 4095 | 2.1262 | 0.63243 | 1.0000 | 6.0000 |
| "#reset" | 18 | 18 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
ToolSvc.lifetime SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/1/0
ToolSvc.lifetime SUCCESS #WARNINGS = 18 Message = 'Error from LoKi::Fitters::ctau_step,reset [Tuples2]'
ToolSvc.CoreFac...SUCCESS Number of counters : 1
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "# loaded from PYTHON" | 1 | 1 | 1.0000 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
DaVinciInitAlg....SUCCESS Booked 4 Histogram(s) : 1D=4
DaVinciInitAlg....SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Delta Memory/MB" | 9990 | 63.98 | 0.0064044 | 0.64009 | 0.0000 | 63.980 |
| "Total Memory/MB" | 10000 |2.654479e+07 | 2654.5 | 4.8999 | 2590.9 | 2654.9 |
DaVinciInitAlg....SUCCESS Exceptions/Errors/Warnings/Infos Statistics : 0/0/2/0
DaVinciInitAlg....SUCCESS #WARNINGS = 1 Message = 'Delta Memory for the event exceeds 3*sigma'
DaVinciInitAlg....SUCCESS #WARNINGS = 6 Message = 'Total Memory for the event exceeds 3*sigma'
ToolSvc.TrackSt...SUCCESS Number of counters : 2
| Counter | # | sum | mean/eff^* | rms/err^* | min | max |
| "Number of states added" | 3 | 0 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
| "Number of tracks seen" | 9942 | 3 | 0.00030175 | 0.017368 | 0.0000 | 1.0000 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TimingAuditor.T... INFO This machine has a speed about 3.12 times the speed of a 2.8 GHz Xeon.
TimingAuditor.T... INFO Algorithm (millisec) | <user> | <clock> | min max sigma | entries | total (s) |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TimingAuditor.T... INFO EVENT LOOP | 1.698 | 2.271 | 0.226 5446.4 63.23 | 10000 | 22.716 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO DaVinciEventSeq | 1.423 | 1.681 | 0.170 5446.3 54.78 | 10000 | 16.815 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO DaVinciInitAlg | 0.046 | 0.039 | 0.036 2.0 0.02 | 10000 | 0.390 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO FilteredEventSeq | 1.357 | 1.631 | 0.122 5446.3 54.78 | 10000 | 16.312 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO DaVinciEventInitSeq | 0.006 | 0.007 | 0.006 0.1 0.00 | 10000 | 0.073 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO KillDAQ | 0.005 | 0.004 | 0.004 0.1 0.00 | 10000 | 0.044 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO DaVinciAnalysisSeq | 1.345 | 1.619 | 0.111 5446.2 54.78 | 10000 | 16.193 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO DaVinciUserSequence | 1.343 | 1.612 | 0.103 5446.2 54.78 | 10000 | 16.123 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO SEQ:Tuples2 | 1.342 | 1.609 | 0.101 5446.2 54.78 | 10000 | 16.094 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO SelFilterPhys_SelPsi2KForPsiX_Particles | 0.151 | 0.165 | 0.096 2.5 0.12 | 10000 | 1.654 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO Tuples2 | 40.101 | 48.605 | 4.298 5444.5 315.22 | 296 | 14.387 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO MonitoringSequence | 0.001 | 0.001 | 0.001 0.0 0.00 | 10000 | 0.019 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO LumiSeq | 0.011 | 0.004 | 0.003 0.1 0.00 | 10000 | 0.042 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO EventAccount | 0.004 | 0.001 | 0.001 0.1 0.00 | 10000 | 0.015 |
TimingAuditor.T... INFO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RootCnvSvc INFO Disconnected data IO:461C4CE9-62AC-E311-9D9C-E0CB4E19F96B [root://]
NTupleSvc INFO NTuples saved successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Finalized successfully
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Terminated successfully
# Bender.Startup INFO Bender session ended Sat Mar 3 14:06:46 2018
Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good
Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good Bye Good
Bender Bender
Bender Good Bye from Bender! Bender
Bender Bender
Bender Python-based Physics Analysis Application Bender
Bender Bender
Bender Bender mailing list : Bender
Bender Comments, suggestions, criticism, ideas, questions and requests are *ALWAYS* welcome Bender
Bender Bender
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LoKi LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi Good Bye from LoKi! LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi (LOops & KInematics) LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi Smart & Friendly C++ Physics Analysis Tool Kit LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi LoKi
LoKi LoKi mailing list ('LoKi-club') : LoKi
LoKi Comments, suggestions, criticism, ideas, questions and requests are *ALWAYS* welcome LoKi
LoKi LoKi
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