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Created March 6, 2018 08:55
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
## @file
# Very simple manipulations with MC-truth events
# This file is a part of
# <a href="">Bender project</a>
# <b>``Python-based Interactive Environment for Smart and Friendly
# Physics Analysis''</b>
# The package has been designed with the kind help from
# And it is based on the
# <a href="">LoKi project:</a>
# ``C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis''
# By usage of this code one clearly states the disagreement
# with the smear campaign of Dr.O.Callot et al.:
# ``No Vanya's lines are allowed in LHCb/Gaudi software.''
# @author Vanya BELYAEV
# @date 2006-10-12
# =============================================================================
"""Very simple manipulations with MC-truth events
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This file is a part of BENDER project:
``Python-based Interactive Environment for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis''
The project has been designed with the kind help from
And it is based on the LoKi project:
``C++ ToolKit for Smart and Friendly Physics Analysis''
By usage of this code one clearly states the disagreement
with the smear campaign of Dr.O.Callot et al.:
``No Vanya's lines are allowed in LHCb/Gaudi software.''
# =============================================================================
__author__ = " Vanya BELYAEV "
__date__ = " 2006-10-12 "
__version__ = " Version $Revision$ "
# =============================================================================
import ROOT
from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import GeV
## import everything from bender
from Bender.MainMC import *
# =============================================================================
## optional logging
# =============================================================================
from Bender.Logger import getLogger
if '__main__' == __name__ : logger = getLogger ( 'BenderTutor.MCtruth' )
else : logger = getLogger ( __name__ )
# =============================================================================
## @class MCtruth
# Very simple manipulations with MC-truth events
# @author Vanya BELYAEV
class MCtruth(AlgoMC): ## <--- Note the base class here
"""Very simple manipulations with MC-truth events
## the main 'analysis' method
def analyse( self ) : ## IMPORTANT!
"""The main 'analysis' method
## get "all" decays
mybs = self.mcselect ( 'mybs' , '[ B_s0 ==> J/psi(1S) K+ K- pi+ pi-]CC' )
if mybs.empty() :
self.Warning('No true Bs-decays are found!')
allb = self.mcselect( 'allmcb' , BEAUTY )
print allb
return SUCCESS
## 1) get decays to K*K*
mybs1 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs1' , '[B_s0 => J/psi(1S) K*(892)0 K*(892)~0 ]CC' )
## 2) get decays to K* K pi
mybs2 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs2' , '[ [B_s0]cc => J/psi(1S) K*(892)0 K- pi+ ]CC' )
## 3) get decays to J/psi phi rho
mybs3 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs3' , '[B_s0 => J/psi(1S) ( phi(1020) => K+ K- ) rho(770)0 ]CC' )
## 4) get decays to J/psi phi pi pi
mybs4 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs4' , '[B_s0 => J/psi(1S) ( phi(1020) => K+ K- ) pi+ pi- ]CC' )
## 5) get decays to J/psi K K pi pi
mybs5 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs5' , '[B_s0 => J/psi(1S) K+ K- pi+ pi- ]CC' )
## 6) get decays to psi2S phi
mybs6 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs6' , '[B_s0 => ( psi(2S) ==> J/psi(1S) pi+ pi- ) ( phi(1020) => K+ K- ) ]CC' )
## 7) get decays to psi2S K K
mybs7 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs7' , '[B_s0 => ( psi(2S) ==> J/psi(1S) pi+ pi- ) K+ K- ]CC' )
## 8) get decays to X(3872) phi
mybs8 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs8' , '[B_s0 => ( X_1(3872) ==> J/psi(1S) pi+ pi- ) ( phi(1020) => K+ K- ) ]CC' )
## 9) get decays to X(3872) K K
mybs9 = self.mcselect ( 'mybs9' , '[B_s0 => ( X_1(3872) ==> J/psi(1S) pi+ pi- ) K+ K- ]CC' )
tup1 = self.nTuple ( 'MyTuple' )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs' , len ( mybs ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs1' , len ( mybs1 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs2' , len ( mybs2 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs3' , len ( mybs3 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs4' , len ( mybs4 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs5' , len ( mybs5 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs6' , len ( mybs6 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs7' , len ( mybs7 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs8' , len ( mybs8 ) )
tup1.column_int ( 'nBs9' , len ( mybs9 ) )
if len(mybs) != len(mybs1)+len(mybs2)+len(mybs3)+len(mybs4)+len(mybs5)+len(mybs6)+len(mybs7)+len(mybs8)+len(mybs9) :
self.Warning('Something wrong happens with decay descriptors!')
print len(mybs), len(mybs1), len(mybs2), len(mybs3) , len(mybs4), len(mybs5) , len(mybs6) , len(mybs7), len(mybs8),len(mybs9)
print mybs
tup = self.nTuple ( 'MyTuple2' )
psi_selector = LoKi.MCChild.Selector( 'J/psi(1S)' == MCID )
km_selector = LoKi.MCChild.Selector( 'K-' == MCID )
kp_selector = LoKi.MCChild.Selector( 'K+' == MCID )
for b in mybs :
psi = b.child ( psi_selector )
if not psi : continue
km = b.child ( km_selector )
if not km : continue
kp = b.child ( kp_selector )
if not kp : continue
tup.column ( 'psi' , psi.momentum() / GeV )
tup.column ( 'kp' , kp .momentum() / GeV )
tup.column ( 'km' , km .momentum() / GeV )
tup.write ()
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## The configuration of the job
def configure ( inputdata , ## the list of input files
catalogs = [] , ## xml-catalogs (filled by GRID)
castor = False , ## use the direct access to castor/EOS ?
params = {} ) :
## import DaVinci
from Configurables import DaVinci
## delegate the actual configuration to DaVinci
dv = DaVinci ( Simulation = True , ## IMPORTANT
DataType = '2012' ,
InputType = 'DST' ,
TupleFile = 'MCtruth.root' )
## add the name of Bender algorithm into User sequence sequence
my_sel = BenderMCSelection (
'MCtruth' , ## the name
[] , ## input required selections
PP2MCs = [] ) ## other properties
dv.UserAlgorithms.append ( my_sel )
## define the input data
setData ( inputdata , catalogs , castor , useDBtags = True )
## get/create application manager
gaudi = appMgr()
## (1) create the algorithm with given name
alg = MCtruth( my_sel )
return SUCCESS
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
## Job steering
if __name__ == '__main__' : ( 80*'*' ) ( __doc__ ) ( ' Author : %s ' % __author__ ) ( ' Version : %s ' % __version__ ) ( ' Date : %s ' % __date__ ) ( 80*'*' )
## job configuration
## BKQuery('/MC/2012/Beam4000GeV-2012-MagUp-Nu2.5-Pythia8/Sim08d/Digi13/Trig0x409f0045/Reco14a/Stripping20NoPrescalingFlagged/13246002/ALLSTREAMS.DST')
inputdata = [
configure( inputdata , castor = True )
## event loop
run(1000 )
# =============================================================================
# The END
# =============================================================================
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