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Created January 28, 2021 13:05
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* A fast exponentiation.
* The algo has O(log(m)) time complexity, additionally it gets a boost because of compile time.
template <int n, int mod, int debug_info, int m>
struct fast_exp {
static constexpr int value = (m % 2 == 0) ? fast_exp<(n * n) % mod, mod, debug_info, m / 2>::value : (n * fast_exp<(n * n) % mod, mod, debug_info, (m - 1) / 2>::value) % mod;
static constexpr void run_debug() {
static_assert(value == debug_info, "failed");
template <int n, int mod, int debug_info>
struct fast_exp<n, mod, debug_info, 0> {
static constexpr int value = 1;
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