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Last active February 20, 2024 22:52
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  • Save Varriount/8a29c2f4d5fcbb5e7903bb24f6287b0a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@findstr/v "^@f.*&" "%~f0" | powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass - & pause & goto:eof
# The above line allows running this file as a batch file, to overcome the
# need for execution policy changes.
# Note, when making changes to this script, testing needs to be done under the
# version of PowerShell that comes with Windows (PowerShell v5), as that is
# what most users will have access to.
# ## Constants ## #
$OUT_FILE_PATH = "${env:temp}\BG3 Installation Data.txt"
$OUT_FILE_WIDTH = ([int]::MaxValue - 1)
$BG3_GOG_DIRECTORY = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Baldurs Gate 3"
$BG3_STEAM_DIRECTORY = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3"
$BG3_STATE_DIRECTORY = "~\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3"
$SECTION_START_PREFIX = "Start Section: "
$SECTION_END_PREFIX = "End Section: "
# ## Defaults ## #
$dpv = $PSDefaultParameterValues
# Set defaults for the Out-File cmdlet.
$dpv.Add("Out-File:FilePath", $OUT_FILE_PATH)
$dpv.Add("Out-File:Encoding", $OUT_FILE_ENCODING)
$dpv.Add("Out-File:Width", $OUT_FILE_WIDTH)
$dpv.Add("Out-File:Append", $true)
# Out-String will pad output to `width` before stripping padding away, causing
# out-of-memory errors if [int]::MaxValue is used.
$dpv.Add("Out-String:Width", 2048)
# Specifying a "+" in front of the name for ErrorVariable will add the errors
# to the variable rather than replace them.
$dpv.Add("*:ErrorVariable", "+errors")
# ## Functions ## #
function Invoke-Section {
# Calculate the section names
$SectionStart = "${SECTION_START_PREFIX}${Name}"
$SectionEnd = "${SECTION_END_PREFIX}${Name}"
$SectionStartUnderline = $SECTION_UNDERLINE_CHAR * $SectionStart.Length
$SectionEndUnderline = $SECTION_UNDERLINE_CHAR * $SectionEnd.Length
# Encapsulate our main logic for the conditional Write-Output call.
$logic = {
Write-Output "$SectionStart"
Write-Output "$SectionStartUnderline"
Invoke-Command $ScriptBlock |
Out-String -Stream |
Foreach-Object {
$_ -replace "^","$SECTION_INDENT"
Write-Output "$SectionEndUnderline"
Write-Output "$SectionEnd"
Write-Output ""
Write-Output ""
# We only want to call Write-Output if we are the top-level section.
if ($SECTION_LEVEL -eq 0) {
Invoke-Command $logic | Out-File
} else {
Invoke-Command $logic
function Fit-ViewSize() {
# ## Clear/Create Output File ## #
Set-Content $OUT_FILE_PATH ""
# ## Get Basic System Information ## #
Invoke-Section "Basic System Information" {
$PSVersionTable | Format-Table
# ## Generate File Hashes ## #
Invoke-Section "File Hashes" {
$inputPaths = @(
$inputPaths | `
Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } | `
Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*.log" | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*.pak" | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*LevelCache*" | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*Savegames*" | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*DigitalDeluxe*" | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*Shaders*" | `
Where-Object FullName -notlike "*Stats*" | `
Foreach-Object {
Write-Host $_.FullName
Get-FileHash `
-Algorithm MD5 `
-LiteralPath $_.FullName
} | `
Sort-Object -Property Path | `
Format-Table -AutoSize
# ## Get modsettings.lsx contents ## #
Invoke-Section "Mod Settings Files" {
Get-ChildItem `
-File `
-Recurse `
-Filter modsettings.lsx | `
Foreach-Object {
Write-Host $_.FullName
Invoke-Section `
-Name $_.FullName `
-ScriptBlock {
Get-Content $_.FullName
# ## Log Errors ## #
# Since we can't make any assumptions about the current execution state here,
# we avoid using functions and logic defined elsewhere as much as possible.
$errors | Foreach-Object {
begin {
Write-Output "Errors"
Write-Output "======"
process {
Write-Output "$_"
end {
Write-Output "======"
Write-Output "Errors"
} | Out-File
# ## Finishing Up ## #
if (Test-Path $OUT_FILE_PATH) {
Start-Process explorer -ArgumentList "/select,`"$OUT_FILE_PATH`""
Write-Host "An output file should be present at `"$OUT_FILE_PATH`"."
Write-Host "If it not present, check that Baldur's Gate 3 is not currently running, and run this script again."
Write-Host "Otherwise, this window can be closed."
# For whatever strange reason, our method to run this file via cmd.exe
# requires exactly zero blank lines after this comment, otherwise execution
# of code near the end of the file is skipped.
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