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Created June 30, 2018 06:23
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proc newAddress*(key: string): string =
#ase58 encoded version of the first 80 characters, and append the checksum of the key.
var keyHash = $digest(sha512, key)
result = Base58.convert(Hex.revert(keyhash))
while result.len < 57:
result.insert("0", 0)
while result.len > 61:
result = result.substr(1, result.len)
result = "Emb" & result
import sequtils
proc verify*(value: openarray[char]) =
# NOTE: This might be better returning a bool. Exceptions are expensive.
const validRanges = mapLiterals([
48 .. 58,
64 .. 73,
73 .. 79,
79 .. 91,
96 .. 108,
108 .. 123,
], char)
for character in value:
var isBase58 = true
for charRange in validRanges:
isBase58 = character in charRange
if isBase58:
if not isBase58:
raise newException(Exception, "Invalid Base58 Number")
proc randbytes(quantity: int): seq[char] =
result = newSeq[char](quantity)
# Open the file, closing it at the end of the procedure
let urandom = open("/dev/urandom")
defer: close(urandom)
discard urandom.readChars(result, 0, quantity)
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