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Last active August 1, 2022 22:01
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Ansible Action Plugin Template (modified from
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
# Load the display handler to send logging to CLI or relevant display mechanism
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
# Create a plugin based off of `ActionBase` from `ansible.plugins.action`.
# The plugin class must be named "ActionModule"
# At a minimum, an ActionModule must have a defined `run` method.
# An action plugin must always have an associated Ansible module of the same name, even if the
# module will not be doing any work. It is common practice for the module to at least contain a
# documentation fragment, even if it doesn't actually do anything. If a module has an associated
# action plugin, the action plugin will always override the module and be run instead of the module.
# If both the module and action must run, the action plugin must explicitly execute the module.
# Useful methods inherited from ActionBase:
# - `_execute_module`: Instance method used to find and execute another Ansible module.
# - `_remote_expand_user`: Expand a tilde in a file PATH.
# Useful instance properties inherited from ActionBase:
# - `self._connection`:
# An `ansible.plugins.connection.ConnectionBase` subclass instance.
# Useful methods are `exec_command`, `fetch_file`, and `put_file`.
# - `self._loader`:
# An `ansible.parsing.dataloader.DataLoader` instance used to parse JSON/YAML files or
# strings.
# Supports Ansible Vault encryption.
# - `self._play_context`:
# An `ansible.playbook.play_context.PlayContext` instance that encapsulates a connection
# instance and play details.
# - `self._shared_loader_obj`:
# An `ansible.plugins.loader.PluginLoader` subclass instance which loads plugins from
# configured plugin directories.
# The `ansible.plugins.loader` module contains instances of `PluginLoader` specialized in
# finding different types of plugins.
# - `self._task`:
# An `ansible.playbook.task.Task` instance for the current task.
# Contains `action`, `args`, `parent`, `role` and other task properties.
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
# Some plugins may use class constants to control behavior.
# In the case of `TRANSFERS_FILES`, it is used by ActionBase to determine at which point in
# execution temporary directories need to be available if the Action Plugin is using modules
# to transfer files.
# The `run` method is the main Action Plugin driver. All work is done from within this method.
# tmp:
# Temporary directory.
# Sometimes an action plugin sets up a temporary directory and then calls another module.
# This parameter allows reusing the same directory for both.
# task_vars:
# The variables (host vars, group vars, config vars, etc) associated with this task.
# Note that while this will contain Ansible facts from the host, they should be used
# with caution as a user running Ansible can disable their collection. If you want to make
# sure that your Action Plugin always has access to the ones it needs, you may want to
# consider running the setup module directly in the run the method and getting Ansible facts
# that way.
# The strategy plugin which manages running tasks on instances uses an
# `ansible.vars.manager.VariableManager` instance to retrieve this context specific
# dictionary of variables.
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
# Initialize the parent. The returned result is normally an empty dict, unless the plugin
# inherits from another ActionBase subclass that also performs tasks in its `run` method.
# Otherwise, all that the `run` call will do is parameter validation.
# For a list of common properties included in a result,
# see `ansible/utils/module_docs_fragments/`.
result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
# Initialize the result object with some `return_common` values.
# Define support for check mode and the `async` parameter.
self._supports_check_mode = True
self._supports_async = False
# Execute another module - the "setup" module - to collect facts.
# Parameters:
# - `module_name`:
# The name of the Ansible module to run.
# - `module_args`:
# A dict of arguments to provide to the Ansible module.
# - `persist_files`:
# A boolean that determines whether to keep temporary files.
# - `task_vars`:
# The task variables for the current play context.
# - `tmp`:
# The path to the temporary directory.
# - `delete_remote_tmp`:
# A boolean that determines whether the remote tmp directory and files are deleted.
# - `wrap_async`:
# A boolean that controls whether the task is run asynchronously.
setup_result = self._execute_module(
wrap_async=getattr(self._task, 'async')
return result
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