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Last active April 11, 2019 10:03
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Polkadot JS playground - Watch rewards on Controller account and print various diagnostics
// Run your polkadot node
// Copy and paste this snippet to
// update myStash with ID of the Stash account you'd like to watch
// You may leave this example running and it'll print updated balances of your RewardDestination.
const stash1 = '5GbphVim5aSCKVwPtruCKHfy4zmTMEUsm13hXcHn7n3y4geM';
const myStash = stash1;
//retrive AccountID the stash is bonded to, if any
const controllerAccID = await bondedTo(myStash);
if( controllerAccID === "" ){
console.log('Account : ' + myStash,' is not bonded to a Controller!');
console.log('Your Stash account: ' + util.stringShorten(myStash,6), ' :');
console.log('... is bonded to Controller: ' + util.stringShorten(controllerAccID,6) );
await printStakeInfo(controllerAccID);
console.log('Rewards for the stake will be paid to: ');
//retrieve accountID that'll receive rewards at the end of an Era
const payee = await api.query.staking.payee(myStash);
//staking.payee() returns Enum
let payeeType = payee.toString();
let rewardsDestAccID = myStash;
case 'Controller':
rewardsDestAccID = controllerAccID;
case 'Stash':
payeeType = 'Stash, and the stake will not be increased';
case 'Staked':
payeeType = 'Stash, and the stake will be increased with each reward';
console.error('Unknown payee destination returned: ' + payee.toString());
console.log('... ' + payeeType);
const isValidating = await isValidator(controllerAccID);
await watchBalanceOf(rewardsDestAccID);
} else {
console.log('Controller :',' associated with Stash: ',);
console.log('... is not an active Validator');
console.log('Session key for Controller is :');
const sessionKey = await api.query.session.nextKeyFor(controllerAccID);
console.log('... ' + (sessionKey.isSome ? sessionKey.value : "not set!"));
// --- helper functions ------------
async function watchBalanceOf(accountID){
// Retrieve the initial balance.
const startingBalance = await api.query.balances.freeBalance(accountID);
console.log('Started monitoring at: ' + (new Date()).toString() );
console.log('Account : ' + util.stringShorten(accountID,6),' had initial balance balance of: ' + util.formatBalance(startingBalance));
let prevBalance = startingBalance;
// Subscribe and listen to balance changes
api.query.balances.freeBalance(accountID, (balance) => {
// Calculate the delta
const change = balance.sub(prevBalance);
if(change != 0){
console.log('Updated at: ' + (new Date()).toString() );
console.log('new balance is: ' + util.formatBalance(balance),' delta is: ' + util.formatBalance(change));
prevBalance = balance;
// checks to see if accountID is currently an active Validator
async function isValidator(accountID){
const validators = await api.query.session.validators();
let accFound = false;
for (let acc of validators) {
if( acc.eq(accountID)){
accFound = true;
return accFound;
// print some info on stake, assumes that a bonded controller ID is provided
async function printStakeInfo(controllerID){
const stLedgerOpt = await api.query.staking.ledger(controllerID);
const ledger = stLedgerOpt.value;
const stashBalance = await api.query.balances.freeBalance(ledger.stash);
console.log('... has total balance of: ' + util.formatBalance(stashBalance));
console.log('... of which currently at stake are: ' + util.formatBalance(;
//checks whether accoundID is bonded to a Controller
async function bondedTo(accountID){
let controller = await api.query.staking.bonded(accountID);
//convert from Option & AccountId
return controller.isSome ? controller.value.toString() : "";
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