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Last active October 29, 2016 12:24
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  • Save VassilisPallas/87c861e74e05e66983c02813dd9440dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save VassilisPallas/87c861e74e05e66983c02813dd9440dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converts rgb, rgba, hls, hlsa and color's name to hex
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Created by Vassilis Pallas on 8/26/16.
class ColorHelper {
static String getColor(String attr) {
String number = "(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)";
// rgb\(" + number + ",\\s*" + number + ",\\s*" + number + "\)
Pattern rgbPatter = Pattern.compile("rgb\\(" + number + ",\\s*" + number + ",\\s*" + number + "\\)");
Matcher rgbMatcher = rgbPatter.matcher(attr);
Pattern hexPattern = Pattern.compile("#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,6}");
Matcher hexMatcher = hexPattern.matcher(attr);
//rgba\(" + number + ",\\s*" + number + ",\\s*" + number + ",\\s*" + number + "\)
Pattern rgbaPatter = Pattern.compile("rgba\\(" + number + ",\\s*" + number + ",\\s*" + number + ",\\s*" + number + "\\)");
Matcher rgbaMatcher = rgbaPatter.matcher(attr);
// hsl\(\d{1,3}(?:,\s*\d{1,3}%){2}\)
Pattern hslPattern = Pattern.compile("hsl\\((\\d{1,3}),\\s*(\\d{1,3}%),\\s*(\\d{1,3}%)\\)");
Matcher hslMatcher = hslPattern.matcher(attr);
Pattern hslaPattern = Pattern.compile("hsla\\((\\d{1,3}),\\s*(\\d{1,3}%),\\s*(\\d{1,3}%),\\s*(\\d*\\.?\\d+)\\)");
Matcher hslaMatcher = hslaPattern.matcher(attr);
Pattern colorNamePattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]+");
Matcher colorNameMatcher = colorNamePattern.matcher(attr);
String hexColor = "#000000";
if (rgbaMatcher.find()) {
hexColor = RGBAToString(rgbaMatcher);
} else if (rgbMatcher.find()) {
hexColor = RGBToString(rgbMatcher);
} else if (hexMatcher.find()) {
hexColor =;
} else if (hslMatcher.find()) {
hexColor = HSLToRGB(hslMatcher);
} else if (hslaMatcher.find()) {
hexColor = HSLAToRGB(hslaMatcher);
} else if (colorNameMatcher.find()) {
hexColor = getColorByName(;
return hexColor;
private static String RGBToString(Matcher rgbMatcher) {
String r =;
String g =;
String b =;
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x", Integer.parseInt(r), Integer.parseInt(g), Integer.parseInt(b));
private static String RGBAToString(Matcher rgbaMatcher) {
String r =;
String g =;
String b =;
String a =;
String alpha;
if (a.contains(".")) {
if (Double.valueOf(a) < 1) {
alpha = Integer.toString((int) (255 * Double.valueOf(a)));
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", Integer.parseInt(alpha), Integer.parseInt(r), Integer.parseInt(g), Integer.parseInt(b));
} else {
if (Double.valueOf(a) > 255)
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", 255, Integer.parseInt(r), Integer.parseInt(g), Integer.parseInt(b));
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", Integer.parseInt(a), Integer.parseInt(r), Integer.parseInt(g), Integer.parseInt(b));
} else {
if (Integer.valueOf(a) == 1) {
alpha = Integer.toString((int) (255 * Double.valueOf(a)));
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", Integer.parseInt(alpha), Integer.parseInt(r), Integer.parseInt(g), Integer.parseInt(b));
} else
return String.format("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", Integer.parseInt(a), Integer.parseInt(r), Integer.parseInt(g), Integer.parseInt(b));
private static String HSLToRGB(Matcher hslMatcher) {
int color = hlsColors(hslMatcher);
return String.format("#%06X", (0xFFFFFF & color));
private static String HSLAToRGB(Matcher hslMatcher) {
int color = hlsColors(hslMatcher);
String a =;
String alpha;
int alphaValue;
if (a.contains(".")) {
if (Double.valueOf(a) < 1) {
alpha = Integer.toString((int) (255 * Double.valueOf(a)));
alphaValue = Integer.parseInt(alpha);
} else {
if (Double.valueOf(a) > 255)
alphaValue = 255;
alphaValue = Integer.parseInt(a);
} else {
if (Integer.valueOf(a) == 1) {
alpha = Integer.toString((int) (255 * Double.valueOf(a)));
alphaValue = Integer.parseInt(alpha);
} else
alphaValue = Integer.parseInt(a);
return String.format("#%02x%06X", alphaValue, (0xFFFFFF & color));
private static int hlsColors(Matcher hslMatcher) {
String h =;
String s =;
String l =;
float hue = Float.valueOf(h);
float saturation = Float.valueOf(s.replace("%", "")) / 100;
float lightness = Float.valueOf(l.replace("%", "")) / 100;
int color = ColorUtils.HSLToColor(new float[]{hue, saturation, lightness});
return (0xFFFFFF & color);
private static String getColorByName(String name) {
switch (name.trim()) {
case "AliceBlue":
return "#F0F8FF";
case "AntiqueWhite":
return "#FAEBD7";
case "Aqua":
return "#00FFFF";
case "Aquamarine ":
return "#7FFFD4";
case "Azure":
return "#F0FFFF";
case "Beige":
return "#F5F5DC";
case "Bisque":
return "#FFE4C4";
case "Black":
return "#000000";
case "BlanchedAlmond":
return "#FFEBCD";
case "Blue":
return "#0000FF";
case "BlueViolet":
return "#8A2BE2";
case "Brown":
return "#A52A2A";
case "BurlyWood":
return "#DEB887";
case "CadetBlue":
return "#5F9EA0";
case "Chartreuse":
return "#7FFF00";
case "Chocolate":
return "#D2691E";
case "Coral":
return "#FF7F50";
case "CornflowerBlue":
return "#6495ED";
case "Cornsilk":
return "#FFF8DC";
case "Crimson":
return "#DC143C";
case "Cyan":
return "#00FFFF";
case "DarkBlue":
return "#00008B";
case "DarkCyan":
return "#008B8B";
case "DarkGoldenRod":
return "#B8860B";
case "DarkGray":
return "#A9A9A9";
case "DarkGrey":
return "#A9A9A9";
case "DarkGreen":
return "#006400";
case "DarkKhaki":
return "#BDB76B";
case "DarkOliveGreen":
return "#556B2F";
case "DarkOrange":
return "#FF8C00";
case "DarkOrchid":
return "#9932CC";
case "DarkRed":
return "#8B0000";
case "DarkSalmon":
return "#E9967A";
case "DarkSeaGreen":
return "#8FBC8F";
case "DarkSlateBlue":
return "#483D8B";
case "DarkSlateGray":
return "#2F4F4F";
case "DarkSlateGrey":
return "#2F4F4F";
case "DarkTurquoise":
return "#00CED1";
case "DarkViolet":
return "#9400D3";
case "DeepPink":
return "#FF1493";
case "DeepSkyBlue":
return "#00BFFF";
case "DimGray":
case "DimGrey":
return "#696969";
case "DodgerBlue":
return "#1E90FF";
case "FireBrick":
return "#B22222";
case "FloralWhite":
return "#FFFAF0";
case "ForestGreen":
return "#228B22";
case "Fuchsia":
return "#FF00FF";
case "Gainsboro":
return "#DCDCDC";
case "GhostWhite":
return "#F8F8FF";
case "Gold":
return "#FFD700";
case "GoldenRod":
return "#DAA520";
case "Gray":
case "Grey":
return "#808080";
case "Green":
return "#008000";
case "GreenYellow":
return "#ADFF2F";
case "HoneyDew":
return "#F0FFF0";
case "HotPink":
return "#FF69B4";
case "IndianRed":
return "#CD5C5C";
case "Indigo":
return "#4B0082";
case "Ivory":
return "#FFFFF0";
case "Khaki":
return "#F0E68C";
case "Lavender":
return "#E6E6FA";
case "LavenderBlush":
return "#FFF0F5";
case "LawnGreen":
return "#7CFC00";
case "LemonChiffon":
return "#FFFACD";
case "LightBlue":
return "#ADD8E6";
case "LightCoral":
return "#F08080";
case "LightCyan":
return "#E0FFFF";
case "LightGoldenRodYellow":
return "#FAFAD2";
case "LightGray":
case "LightGrey":
return "#D3D3D3";
case "LightGreen":
return "#90EE90";
case "LightPink":
return "#FFB6C1";
case "LightSalmon":
return "#FFA07A";
case "LightSeaGreen":
return "#20B2AA";
case "LightSkyBlue":
return "#87CEFA";
case "LightSlateGray":
case "LightSlateGrey":
return "#778899";
case "LightSteelBlue":
return "#B0C4DE";
case "LightYellow":
return "#FFFFE0";
case "Lime":
return "#00FF00";
case "LimeGreen":
return "#32CD32";
case "Linen":
return "#FAF0E6";
case "Magenta":
return "#FF00FF";
case "Maroon":
return "#800000";
case "MediumAquaMarine":
return "#66CDAA";
case "MediumBlue":
return "#0000CD";
case "MediumOrchid":
return "#BA55D3";
case "MediumPurple":
return "#9370DB";
case "MediumSeaGreen":
return "#3CB371";
case "MediumSlateBlue":
return "#7B68EE";
case "MediumSpringGreen":
return "#00FA9A";
case "MediumTurquoise":
return "#48D1CC";
case "MediumVioletRed":
return "#C71585";
case "MidnightBlue":
return "#191970";
case "MintCream":
return "#F5FFFA";
case "MistyRose":
return "#FFE4E1";
case "Moccasin":
return "#FFE4B5";
case "NavajoWhite":
return "#FFDEAD";
case "Navy":
return "#000080";
case "OldLace":
return "#FDF5E6";
case "Olive":
return "#808000";
case "OliveDrab":
return "#6B8E23";
case "Orange":
return "#FFA500";
case "OrangeRed":
return "#FF4500";
case "Orchid":
return "#DA70D6";
case "PaleGoldenRod":
return "#EEE8AA";
case "PaleGreen":
return "#98FB98";
case "PaleTurquoise":
return "#AFEEEE";
case "PaleVioletRed":
return "#DB7093";
case "PapayaWhip":
return "#FFEFD5";
case "PeachPuff":
return "#FFDAB9";
case "Peru":
return "#CD853F";
case "Pink":
return "#FFC0CB";
case "Plum":
return "#DDA0DD";
case "PowderBlue":
return "#B0E0E6";
case "Purple":
return "#800080";
case "RebeccaPurple":
return "#663399";
case "Red":
return "#FF0000";
case "RosyBrown":
return "#BC8F8F";
case "RoyalBlue":
return "#4169E1";
case "SaddleBrown":
return "#8B4513";
case "Salmon":
return "#FA8072";
case "SandyBrown":
return "#F4A460";
case "SeaGreen":
return "#2E8B57";
case "SeaShell":
return "#FFF5EE";
case "Sienna":
return "#A0522D";
case "Silver":
return "#C0C0C0";
case "SkyBlue":
return "#87CEEB";
case "SlateBlue":
return "#6A5ACD";
case "SlateGray":
case "SlateGrey":
return "#708090";
case "Snow":
return "#FFFAFA";
case "SpringGreen":
return "#00FF7F";
case "SteelBlue":
return "#4682B4";
case "Tan":
return "#D2B48C";
case "Teal":
return "#008080";
case "Thistle":
return "#D8BFD8";
case "Tomato":
return "#FF6347";
case "Turquoise":
return "#40E0D0";
case "Violet":
return "#EE82EE";
case "Wheat":
return "#F5DEB3";
case "White":
return "#FFFFFF";
case "WhiteSmoke":
return "#F5F5F5";
case "Yellow":
return "#FFFF00";
case "YellowGreen":
return "#9ACD32";
return "#000000";
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