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Created March 18, 2011 16:02
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read binary file on vb 6
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim lByteLen As Long
Dim bytData As Byte
Dim bytArray() As Byte
Dim sHex As String
'get an available file ID
iFile = FreeFile
'open the file for access
Open "C:\MyFile.ext" For Binary As iFile
'get current len of file
lByteLen = LOF(iFile)
If lByteLen >= 11 Then
Get iFile, 11, bytData
sHex = Hex(bytData)
'write over a byte
bytData = Asc("Z")
Put iFile, 9, bytData
'grab entire file contents
Redim bytArray(1 To lByteLen)
Get iFile, 1, bytArray
End If
'must close file when done
Close iFile
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